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Chapter 12 THE CLOUD

What is “the cloud”?

The cloud is the term used to describe the internet when it is used
to provide software or space for storing information, rather than relying
on local storage.

Cloud computing - A system in which all computer programs and data is

stored on a central server owned by a company (e.g. Google) and
accessed virtually

How the use of cloud-based services has impacted on the gap between
the information rich and information poor

How the use of cloud-based services has impacted on the gap

between the information rich and information poor

How the use of cloud-based services has impacted on the gap between
the information rich and information poor

How the use of cloud-based services has impacted on the gap between
the information rich and information poor
How the use of cloud-based services has impacted on the gap between
the information rich and information poor(8m)

Cloud based services can provide individuals with access to a variety of online
services like shopping and auction sites. So there will be more benefits for the users
who can access internet services rather than the people who has a lack in
technology uses and who live in a remote area. Cloud based services include hosted
application and online storage which can be accessed from anywhere with any
connected devices with an internet connection. Moreover, cloud-based services can
provide access to online communities such as online work spaces which can do
collaboration and user-generated content sites which knowledge can be shared and
accessed easily. Therefore users who can access this can get a range of knowledge
and many job opportunities. People who can’t access cloud-based services like VLE
may lost many chances to learn new skills. So people who have good access to
information improve their level of education and enhances their ability to make
decisions. On the other hand people who are the information poor reduces their
ability to make decisions. So the gap between information rich and poor has wider
due to the development of the internet as there are many people who can’t access
the internet and many digital devices. However, cloud-based services provide
hosted applications that use online storage which don’t take local storage space, this
saves the cost of storage devices and helps to reduce the digital divide and
information gap can be narrowed.

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