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1. Lead-in Do the quiz about languages.

1.Approximately how many languages are currently spoken in the world today?
A) Around 1,000
B) Around 7,000
C) Around 30,000

2.What does the word “polyglot” mean?

A) A language with more than 1 billion speakers
B) A country with more than three official languages
C) A person who can speak multiple languages

3.Which country has the highest linguistic diversity in the world with an
estimated 820 languages spoken?
A) India
B) Nigeria
C) Papua New Guinea

4.What is a possible reason why a language may disappear?

A) People choose to learn more superior languages which are inherently better
B) People choose to learn easier languages with simple grammar or pronunciation
C) People choose to learn languages with high prestige to get better opportunities

5.Which of the following used to be a dead language, but was then successfully
revived to become a living language today?
A) Hebrew
B) Sanskrit
C) Latin

6.Which term refers to special expressions or words used by a group or

profession that are difficult for others to understand?
A) Slang
B) Jargon
C) Dialect
2. Vocabulary: Complete the sentences with a word from the box. Then match
collocations the expressions to their definitions.

body language lingua plain mother

1. I was born and I grew up in Madrid, so my tongue is Spanish.

2. The international business community sees English as a franca.
3. The doctor's diagnosis was too technical; please tell us what he meant in
. English.
4. The most important body part involved in language is our face.
5. I didn't speak much Japanese, and I was worried that the
barrier might be a problem at work.

A) in clear, straightforward language:
B) a difficulty for people communicating because they speak different
C) gestures bodily movements, facial expressions, etc. which serve as
nonverbal communication:
D) the language which a person has grown up speaking from early
E) a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers
whose native languages are different:

3. Speaking Discuss the questions with a partner.

What is your mother tongue?

In which situations is English used as a lingua franca? Do you think that
will change in the future?
How can body language help to overcome the language barrier?
Why do you want to learn English?
Do you usually communicate with native or non-native English speakers?
Is it easier for you to understand native or non-native English speakers?
Why do you think that is?
You are going to watch a video
4. Listening "English as a lingua franca".
Watch the video and answer the questions below:
1.When you use English as a lingua franca:
you need:
you don't need:

2.Why does one of the speakers say that teaching towards perfect
British or American English is a waste of time?

3.What is and what is not the aim of English as a lingua franca?

4.What do the speakers say about native English speakers?

5. Post-listening

What do you think about the points made in the video?

Have you been in the situations mentioned in the video?
Do you think native speakers should make an effort to speak simpler
English in an international environment?

6. Vocabulary Discuss with a partner what the expressions in bold mean.

Then use them to talk about your language abilities.

He's studied in the US and has a good command of English.

I am fluent in English, Spanish and French.
I haven't spoken French in years so it's a bit rusty.
I need to brush up on my German before our trip to Berlin.
I spent a summer in Tenerife and picked up a bit of Spanish.
I can't speak a word of Japanese so it would be difficult to work in
My Italian is not amazing, but I can get by.
Improve your English - checklist.
Which of the tips from the list below have you already implemented
7. Speaking
in your life?
Complete the checklist. Then compare your answers with a partner.

Tips Yes No

1. Listen to English every day: find your favourite

podcasts, YouTube videos or audiobooks and listen
while walking your dog, commuting, working out etc.

2. Do what you do now… but in English! (e.g. if you need

to research something on the Internet, do it in English, if
you want to read or watch the news, do it in English) .

3. Change the language of your phone and computer to

English .

4. Develop a reading habit. Vocabulary building is easier

when you encounter words in context. Read a little bit
every day.

5. Instead of concentrating on individual words, focus

your attention on learning HOW the word behaves in a
sentence (common collocations, verb + prepositions or
fixed phrases) .

6. Revise the vocabulary you learn in class and try to use

new words and expressions in a conversation, again and
again, to help you remember them.

7. Make a ‘my typical mistakes’ page in your notebook.

Write down mistakes you often make and when you
speak, listen out for those mistakes.

8. Expand on the speaking activities you do in class: ask

additional questions to keep the conversation going,
give examples, and tell stories.

9. Expand on the topics seen in class: look for more

information, articles to read or videos to watch in order
to reinforce the new vocabulary.

10. Attend a language exchange.

What would you like to take from this lesson?
8. Reflection
Complete the table below. After that your teacher will give
and feedback
you some feedback.

A) New vocabulary: B) Pronunciation: C) Error correction:

write 5 (or more!) write the words from write the mistakes your
words or expressions this lesson that you teacher corrected
from this lesson you find difficult to (e.g. expressions you
would like to pronounce. translate from your
remember and use in language that are actually
the future. different in English;
prepositions etc.)

Research one of the topics below.

9. Homework
Report your findings to your teacher in the next class

1. What are the benefits of learning a language?

2. Successful language-learning strategies.
3. Why has English become a lingua franca?

10. Keep Keep learning outside of the classroom!

1. Pre-
learning! To reinforce and enrich the vocabulary from this class, check the
listening. "additional resources" section (videos and articles) here:


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