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10 min IO

What to bring:
- Printed: 1 page with your Global Issue, and max 10 bullet points bullet points
- Printed: Your extracts (unannotated)

For this summative, you perform your 10 minute IOs on an extract of your choice.

Upload your annotated extract and 10 bullet points on Managebac before class.

Extracts should be 10-40 consecutive lines--hand in as Word of PDF.


● A non-annotated printed version of your extract to help you

● A piece of paper with 10 (no more!) bullet points to guide you through your IO (for example, listing
elements of style and structure you want to highlight).

How to prepare

● Give your exact line numbers!

● Start your IO with the sentence: "The Global Issue I will discuss today is …"
● Follow the rough structure:
○ Introduce global issue and texts
0.00-0.30 - Start with: “My global issue is…” I have chosen the
play/album/novel [insert title and author] as my literary text and a collection of
[insert text type] by [insert author] as my non-literary BOW.
The marker just wants to know what your global issue is and what texts you will
discuss. Keep this short and simple.

○ Position the literary extract in the literary work

0.30- 1.00 - Use your knowledge of plot terminology here. Comment that the
literary work and extract shows/reflects/explores ideas about a GI in the entire
literary work and the extract.
The marker wants to know why the author selected the specific text type to
communicate the global issue as well as why you chose the extract to
communicate this.

○ Discuss ideas about the global issue in the literary extract

1.00-3.00 Select two or three ideas that the author has about the global issue
and how literary elements (symbols setting, character), sentence level aspects of
style (tone, mood, diction, hyperbole) shape the audience’s interpretation of the
global issue. Make sure your examples are line or panel specific.
Here the marker wants to know that you have a basic, deep or critical
understanding of the global issue and a detailed understanding of how specific
aspects of style work together to shape an audience’s perspective of this.

○ Further explore how these ideas are developed in the literary work
3.00-5.00 Use specific quotations. The best orals will be able to handle multiple
aspects of style and structure while keeping their cool and interlinking each to
both other aspects of style and the global issue.
The marker wants to know if your knowledge of the extracts are at the same
level as your knowledge of the whole work or body of work. They will also pay
attention to how you manage transitions.

○ Position the non-literary extract in the non-literary body of work.

5.00- 5.30 Use your knowledge of the non-literary text type (interview, speech)
and some wider principles (such as ‘voice’ in journalism, or representation in
social justice). Comment that the literary work and extract
shows/reflects/explores ideas about a GI in the entire non-literary work and the

○ Discuss ideas about the global issue in the non-literary extract

5.30- 7.30 Select two or three ideas that the author has about the global issue
and show how non-literary elements (i.e: rhetoric, satire, irony) and
sentence-level aspects of style (tone, mood, diction, hyperbole) shape the
audience’s interpretation of the global issue. Make sure your examples are line-
or panel-specific.

○ Further explore how these ideas are developed in the non literary body
of work.
7.30-9.30 Discuss how these ideas are further developed in the body of work
by using specific quotations. The best orals will be able to handle multiple
aspects of style and structure while keeping their cool and interlinking each to
both other aspects of style and the global issue.
Students tend to lose a lot of marks when they don’t show an awareness of
other works within the non-lit body of work.

○ 9.30-10.00 - Conclude: Synthesise ideas in each text and the global issue.
Students tend to lose a lot of marks when they finish early or late. Keep within
30 seconds of the 10 minute mark.

Note that you can find the rubric for this task on the class website > Assessments > Individual Oral page.

The IO 'from planning to performance' doc might also help : IO Steps_ Planning to Performance

Everyone shows up punctually at the start of class. Only those with their IO scheduled that day
stay, the rest leave after they waved at me and I've marked them as present.
If you are more than 5 minutes late, you cannot enter the classroom– I will mark you as absent.
I am sorry, I don’t want those doing the orals to be interrupted.

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