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Concept Notes: Snapshot Review of Tacit & Explicit Knowledge & Wisdom in

the Farming Community

 Identifying dimensions for the study
 Literature Exploration & Referencing
 Briefs and Insights on Themes
 Identifying gaps to assess the subject area better
 Identify and decide the method or approach to take up the study
 Budget Estimate

Background and Context

The primary goals are to generate outcomes that can propel further research in specific
domains and produce technologies that stakeholders in farming and allied activities can
employ to enhance production, promote environmental conservation, and achieve other
similar objectives.1

Key Components

1. Tacit Knowledge in Farming:

- Definition: Tacit knowledge refers to the unwritten, experiential knowledge embedded in
the practices and routines of farmers.
- Exploration of Traditional Wisdom: Understanding how tacit knowledge, often rooted in
cultural traditions, influences farming decisions.
- Role in Decision-Making: Examining the role of tacit knowledge in critical areas such as
crop selection, pest management, and weather forecasting.

2. Explicit Knowledge in Farming:

- Definition: Explicit knowledge is formal, codified information that can be easily
communicated and shared.
- Integration of Modern Agricultural Practices: Analysing the assimilation of explicit
knowledge, including technological advancements, government schemes, and scientific
research, into traditional farming systems.
- Challenges in Adoption: Investigating barriers and challenges faced by farmers in
adopting explicit knowledge, including access to information and technological resources.

3. Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms:

- Traditional vs. Modern Modes: Evaluating the effectiveness of traditional methods of
knowledge transfer, such as oral traditions and apprenticeships, in comparison to modern
channels like extension services and digital platforms.
- Importance of Education: Understanding the role of formal education in bridging the gap
between tacit and explicit knowledge, empowering farmers with a holistic understanding of
agricultural practices.

Target Audience and Beneficiaries

Project Activities and Methodology

Expected Outcomes and Impact

 Identification of synergies and conflicts between tacit and explicit knowledge.
 Recommendations for effective knowledge transfer mechanisms.
 Insights into promoting sustainable agriculture through the integration of diverse
knowledge sources.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Budget and Resources

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