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Constantin Brancusi (February 19, 1876 - March 16,

1957]), was a Romanian sculptor, born in Hobia,
Gorj, near Trgu Jiu, where he placed his sculptural
ensemble with The Table of Silence, The Gate of the
Kiss and The Endless Column.
Brancusi studied art at the School of arts and crafts
in Craiova from 1894 to 1898 and at the National
school of fine arts in Bucharest from 1898 to 1901.
Wishing to further his education in Paris, he arrived
there in 1904 and enrolled in the cole des Beaux-
Arts in 1905.
As an art student he was influenced by Auguste
Rodin, but his style moved beyond naturalist
representation to stylized elegant forms. Brancusi
was one of the first sculptors to experiment with
abstract art (although never, in his own view, moving
into pure abstraction). His sculptures became
progressively smoother and less figurative, until only
the barest outline of the original subject was left,
venturing even further away from figurative sculpture
than his countryman and contemporary Dimitrie
The Table of Silence
The Gate of Kiss
The Endless Column
dam & Eva
King of Kings
The Prayer
eginning of the World
lle Pogany
Pogany I
Pogany II
#eclining Head
Constantin Brancusi lived and worked
from 1925 to 1957 in his workshop,
located in the impasse Ronsin, in the
15me arrondissement of Paris. The
original workshop has disappeared and
has been rebuilt near the Centre
Georges Pompidou.
Located in the Montparnasse Cemetery
are statues carved by Brancusi for a
few fellow artists who committed
suicide, the best-known of which is his
work, The Kiss.
Brancusi died on March 16, 1957 and
was buried in the Montparnasse
Cemetery, Paris, France.
rancusi useum - Paris
The Kiss I
ale Torso
Sleeping use I
Sleeping use II
Sleeping use III
Sleeping use IV
Study related to "The irst Step"
His works are housed in the New York Museum of
Modern Art and in the National Museum of Art of
Romania (in Bucharest), as well as in other major
museums around the world. The Philadelphia
Museum of Art currently has the largest collection of
Brancusi sculptures in the US.
Brancusi's onetime studio in Paris is open to the
public. It is very close to the Pompidou Centre, in
the rue Rambuteau. He donated part of his collection
to the French state on condition that his workshop
be rebuilt as it was on the day he died.
In 2004, a sculpture by Brancusi named Danaide
sold for $18.1 million, the highest that a sculpture
piece had ever sold for at auction. In May 2005, a
piece from the Bird in Space series broke that
record, selling for $27.5 million in a Christie's
ird in Space
The ird
The londe Negress
The Cock
Golden ird
The Newborn
The Kiss II, III
The people who call my work
'abstract' are imbeciles; what they
call 'abstract' is in fact the purest
realism, the reality of which is not
represented by external form but
by the idea behind it, the essence
of the work.
"Create like a god, command
like a king, work like a slave."
- Constantin rancusi
Women's head
The Prayer
Wisdom of the Earth
ust of a boy
Portret - arascu
Portret - General Carol avila
Portret - Vitellius
Torso of a Young an
Torso of a Young Woman
Sleeping Child
Two Penguins
menqe o( Pence
P4yic n((irm l4nl l4e mol iqey 4ne, l4nl nny qiven eemenl i qoinq lo lnqe, i
l4nl o( n 4ere.
Jn mnny o( rnncui' orq o( nrl, e o0erve eqq-iqe, 4ere-iqe ine, 4ne,
l4u l4e o0erver underlnnd l4nl 4i 4oe i(e' orq i l4nl o( n quel (or
er(eclion. ul er(eclion in'l l4nl eny lo renc4. Perevernnce i 4iq4y riced. Jl looq
4im lo yenr o( mnrc4inq lo qel lo Pnri (rom Romnnin. He looq l4i journey o(
eniq4leninq 4en 4e n no more o( n c4id. 84orly n(ler l4i 4e 0ecnme (nmou.
Pence cnn ony ul u roule 4ere n er(ecl ociely eil. w4nl rnncui i leinq
u i l4nl e 4oud erevere, li Jn(inily i( necenry, lo renc4 er(eclion, l4u lo
renc4 Pence.

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