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Dept. of B.E. November, 2013

Testing Office Time: 10 min.
Pop-Quiz 110

Class: _____________ Name: _________________

Read the text below carefully and fill each gap with the correct form of the verb given in
parentheses. (10 pts. each; 100 pts.)

My best sporting memory wasn't a game at all. It (1)__________________________ (happen)

three years ago when my favorite team got to the cup final. My dad and I

(2)__________________________ (go) to all our team's matches that year, so we decided to get

tickets for this important match . However, at the club, we found out that all the tickets

(3)__________________________ (already / sell). We were disappointed but we

(4)__________________________ (watch) the game on television. It finished 1-1, so the two

teams had to play a second match the following Wednesday. My dad suggested going to the ground

the next day and getting some tickets for the second match. We

(5)__________________________ (arrive) at the club at 7 a.m., but there was already a long

queue. In other words, a lot of people were waiting in line. Some people

(6)__________________________ (be) there since the evening before. Luckily, the sun

(7)__________________________ (shine) and everyone was happy. While we

(8)__________________________ (stand) there, someone gave me a scarf which I've still got. We

finally got the tickets and (9)__________________________ (go) to the match, but I still

(10)__________________________ (remember) buying the tickets much more clearly.

Dept. of B.E. November, 2013
Testing Office Time: 10 min.
Pop -Quiz 110


(10 pts. each; 100 pts.)

1. happened
2. had gone / had been / were going / went
3. had been sold
4. watched
5. arrived
6. had been
7. was shining
8. were standing
9. went
10. remember

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