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Coes ae cone: (© ONE ster's out in art much ahead of the next fellow and you will et cheod much faster if you! do not ry to ret on the foe thet your folks think you ore « Michelangelo of the 20th Century. Just he yourself and get pleasure ‘out of your drawing ond painting, Join en art class, evening or day, or stat one. The Imeeting of kindred souls is very goed, yes, « wonderful toni. Just getting away from the humarum of every day lie, from busines, housekeeping, toking care of chiron ‘°F going fo schoo! is something we all can enjoy. All you need is « pencil, poper ond raver, find @ quiet corner and blood pressure thon anything | know of and costs go few ™ ‘You may find ey more to your Inferes. Hs, ty painting TINGS CLOSELY. De not conducting? Rewont at aat “thr ot forme haven he tale Inge some fg. fx you conse by Rober ute’ pining ot led Morn | wonted Robert odo this entire bok and have the recon in French ‘md Enlh bu the languege boise fs have topped that de, even between ‘he two of us, 50 another beat eam become a copper so you wl find mony of my dewings eto In this book samed to write by tying once and saying, cant make an A" Sur, drawing and paint- After seeing 29 mony artists, as well at beginners, struggle along with poor or scratchy

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