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The chest-bone is called

2. Stapes 3. Sternum 4. Femur
1. Saccrum

90. Sahayadri ranges are made up of rock

1.basalt- igneous 2.marble - metamorphic,
3.basalt- sedimentary 4. Sandstone-sedimentary

91. The first man in space was

1. Rakesh Sharma 2.YuriGagarin 3. John Glenn 4.Neil Armstrong
92. disease outbreak is seen after floods in many regions ,which
spreads through rats or animal fluids
1) cholera 2) typhoid. 3) jaundice. 4) leptospirosis
93. Flooding occurred in all the following regions in Maharshtra except -
1. Indapur 2. Satara 3. Pune 4. Kolhapur

94. In which state in India is maximum nuclear power generated ?

1) Karnataka 2)Tamilnadu 3) Rajasthan 4) Maharashtra
95. NASA's Cassinispacecraft studied and crash landed on which planet?
1. Mars 2. Jupiter 3. Satun 4. Neptune
96. Which of the following statement is true for Chandrayaan-2?
1. Chandrayaan-2 is an indigenous mission.
2.Chandrayaan-2 moon mission launch date was delayed.
3. DuringChandrayaan-2 launching a technical snag was observed in launch
vehicle system at T-56 minutes.
4. All the above

97. According to ISRO, Chandrayaan-2 moon mission was supposed to explore

which area of the moon?
1. Moon's North Pole 2. Moon's South Pole
3. Moon's North-West part. 4. Far side of the Moon

98. Chandrayaan-2 Lunar mission comprised of :

1. An Obiter 2. Lander 3. Rover 4. Allthe above.

99. Which rocket launched Chandrayaan-2 into the space?

3. GSLV Mk-lI|

100. Farmers doing animal husbandry suffered huge losses during rearing of
Kadaknath. Kadaknath is atype of - 1.cow 2. Buffalo 3. Sheep 4. hen
80. The unit of kidncy (filtering unit) is called
1. Neuron 2. Axon 3. Alveoli 4. Nephron
81. Man has
1. 12 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars, 8 molars
2. 12 incisors, 8 canines, 8 premolars, 4 molars
3. 10 incisors, 10 canines, l0 premolars, 2 molars
4. 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars, 12 molars

82. Malfunctioning of thyroid gland may lead to

1. Anemia 2.Goitre 3.Diabetes 4. Beriberi

83. Study the table and answer the question-on what basis are the animals grouped into
group A and B? 1) outer covering 2) mode of reproduction 3) habitat 4) presence of
vertebral column

Group AGroup B
COW Turtle
rat jellyfish
whale shark
bat sparroW
kangaroo anteater

84. The shape of the Milky Way galaxy is

1. spiral 2, irregular 3, barred spiral 4. Elliptical
85. The correct reaction for photosynthesis is -
1. Starch toxygen= glucose + carbon dioxide
2. Carbon dioxide + water = starch + oxygen
3. Starch + oxygen + sunlight glucose + water
4. Carbon dioxide + water + sunlight starch + oxygen

86. Beri- beri disease is caused due to -

1.Vit B-1 deficiency 3. Plasmodium infection
2.Carbohydrate deficiency 4. Fungal infection
87. Cutting of a rose plant produces a new plant. This is
1. Asexual method of reproduction 3. Vegctative propagation
2. Sexual method of reproduction 4. Bothl and 3
88. Plastids
1. Give color to plant 3. Produce food for plant
2. Are absent in animal cells 4. All the above
66. Which of the following is an insectivorous plant?
1. venus fly trap 2.Cuscuta 3.Orchid 4.Euglena
67. Which of the following is hetcrotrophic?
1. Banyan 2.hemp 3. yeast 4. Algae

68.A person suffering from night-blindness should eat

1. Lemons 2. Soyabeans 3. Papaya 4. Amla

69. The largest artery in our body is -

1.Pulmonary artery 2.Carotid artery 3.Aorta 4. Coronary artery

70. Which of the following has an edible root?

1.Potato 2. Radish 3. Ginger 4. Onion
71.Which is the bone given in diagram
1. skull 2. vertebrae 3.humerus 4.stirrup

72. Betel -leaf plant gets support due to -

2. Stem tendrils 3. Leaf tendrils 4. Stilt roots
1.Climbing roots
73. Which group contains non-flowering plants
1. Mould, neem, fern 3.mushroom, lady finger, fern
2. Mushroom, moss, spirogyTa 4.cactus, algae, mushroom

74. Which cell-organelle is called the powerhouse of the cell?

1. nucleus 2. mitochondria 3.Chloroplast 4. Cell-membrane
75. Which of the following has parallel venation?
1.bengal gram 2.pea 3.wheat 4.sapodilla(chickoo)
76. Homno sapiens is a scientific name for
1. earthworms 2.human beings 3. snakes 4 .birds

77. Which organelle contains genetic material in the cell (DNA)?

1. Endoplasmic reticulum 2. Mitochondria 3. Chloroplasts 4. Nucleus
78. The disease filarial or elephantiasis is caused due to
1. Algae 2. Fungi 3. Bacteria 4. Invertebrates (worms)

79.Which statement is true for Spirogyra

I. It is unicellular 2. It is multicellular 3. It has spiral chloroplast 4.both 2 and 3
60. Peter grouped some plants together in a Venn diagram

Møning glory
Money plant


On what basis are the plants classsifed into the two groups?

1 Plants with weak Plants with edible
stems fruits
2 Plants with clinging Fruits with thick skin
3. Plants with weak Fruits with one seed
4. Plants with tendrils Inedible fruits
61. These organism belongs
to -
2. invertebrate

62. Which ingredient in Chinese food is considered bad for health of children?
1. Chillisauce 2.soya sauce 3. Monosodium glutamate (ajinomoto) 4. Vinegar
63. Which is the incorrect pair
1.mosquito-malaria 3. Lice-typhoid
2. Fleas-plague 4. Dog-rabies
64. HINI: virus malaria: ?
1.bacteria 2. virus 3.vitamins 4.protoZoa

65. Reducing blood glucose is the action of which hormone?

1. Insulin 2.adrenaline 3. thyroxine 4. Progesterone

47. the heaviest metal and is lightest metal
1)Osmium ,lithium 2)lithium ,Osmium 3) lithium, lead 4) lead, sodium
48. What is the name of instrument shown in the figure?
1. x-ray machine
2. stethescope
3. Thermometer
4. Test-tube

49.Gram flour turns violet when NaOH and CuSO, Solutions are added (Bi-urate test)
showing the presence of -
1)Starch 2) Proteins 3) Fats 4)Vitamins
50. Which is the mineral acid present in aqua regia ?
1)HSO 4 2) HCI 3) HNO , 4) 2 and 3
S1. Proteins are made up of
1) Mineral acids 2) Organic acids 3) amino acids 4) uric acid
52. Which non-metal is a good conductor of clectricity?
1) Sulphur 2) graphite 3) phosphorous 4) Chlorine
53. The color of ferrous sulphate crystals is
1) Black 2)blue 3)white 4) Green

54.Which of the following gases is combustible?

1)Neon 2) oxygen 3) nitrogen 4) Methane
55. A moist red litmus paper turns blue in
1) Vinegar 2) sugar 3)sea-water 4)slaked lime solution
56. Which of the following elements may be radioactive?
1)Sodium 2)Potassium 3) thorium 4) aluminium

57. Vulcanization means

1. Sulphur is added to rubber 3. Electroplating of silver on brass
2. Zinc is plated on iron 4.electroplating of silver on zinc
58. Heat resistant glass is produced by adding -
1.Barium 2. Boron 3. Iron 4. Sodium

59. Which is not a component of crude oil?

1) Petrol 2) LPG 3)kerosene 4) CFC

33. Which statement is not true
1. Aluminium is uscd for clectrical cables 2. Iron is used to make
3.dacron is a natural material 4.paper is made up of cellulose

34. Gypsum (POP) is

I. Zinc sulphate 2.Magnesium sulphatc 3.calcium sulphate 4. Copper sulphate
35. The acid used in food industry is
1. acetylsalicylic acid 2.methyl alcohol 3.acetic acid 4. Nitric acid

36. What is counted in reams?

1. sheets of cloth 2. sheets of paper 3.sheets oflinen 4. Sheets of plywood
37. Which metal is preserved under kerosene?
1. Se 2. Ca 3. Na 4. AI

38. Continued use of CFCs will result in -

of the above.
1. global warming 2. Hole in ozone layer 3. Greenhouse effect 4. All
39. Which metal is nota mixture of two or more different atoms?
1. Brass 2. Boron 3. Bronze 4. Steel

40. Which out of the following, is a poisonous gas?

1. carbon-monoxide 2. hydrogen 3.0xygen 4.nitrogen
41. How willyou get salt and saw-dust, from a mixture of saw-dust,salt and
l.evaporation,sedimentation 3. flration,evaporation
2.evaporation, filtration 4.sublimation, fitration

42. Which of the following is a metalloid 2?

1. copper 2. germanium 3. plastic 4. iron
43.Which element is liquid at room temperature'?
1. H 2. Hg 3. Br 4. 2 and 3

44. Which of the following is an indivisible material?

l.vitamins 2.iron 3.water 4. proteins

45. Dialysis is used for the treatment of

1)kidney failure 2)heart failure 3) brain diseases 4) Bone disorders
46. In the given diagram, which is the rencwable
energy resource that you can use in day to day work
at your level?
1)wind 2)Sun 3) Biomass 4) Tidal

20. Which of the following must be considered to measure WORK done
1. Force 3. Force and Displaccment
2. Displacement 4. Neither Force nor Displacement

21. Acar skids on a wet road because

1. Water incrcases the friction betwcen road and tyre.
2. It is notpossible to apply brakes on a wet road
3. The friction between the brake shoes and whcels is reduced
4. Water reduces the friction between road and tyres

22. Which of the following is not derived from a fossil fuel?

1.LPG 2. Diesel 3. Kerosene 4. Biogas

23. The ceilings of theatres are covered with special materials to

1. Increase the reflection ofsound 3. Decrease the loudness of sound
2. Minimise the reflection of sound 4.increase the loudness of sound.

24. Which of the statements about sound is true

1Sound does not require mnedium to propagate 3.decibel is the unit for frequency
2. Sound can be reflected back from the surface it strikes 4.Hertz is the unit for loudness

25. An overhcad tank having some water possesses

1. Kinetic energy 2. Potential energy 3.electrical energy 4.thermal energy

26.The CGS unit for measuringspeed is

1. m/s 2. cm/s 3. Km 4.gram

27. The SI unit of mass is

1. Newton 2. Newton/kg 3.kilogram 4. grams

28. When a substance is heated, its density

1. increases 2. Decreases 3.remains the samne 4.none of the above

29. A hydrometer is used tomeasure

1. Density 2. Mass 3.weight 4.none of these

30. Whenaglass rod is rubbed on silk, it will attract paper pieces due to
1.static charge 2. heat 3.temperature rise 4. both 2 and 3

31. Which is an element among the following

1. Uranus 2.Uranium 3.asbestos 4.Blue vitriol
32. The gas NH, is 1. Nitrogen halide 2.ammonia 3.nitrile 4. None of these

12. SONAR is used in
1. Ships 2. Cars 3.Televisions 4.Computers
13. In a violin, a highcr pitch can be produccd by
1. Loosening the string 3.striking it harder
2. Tightening the string 4. Both 2 and 3
14. Onc can burn a thin paper in sunlight by using which of the
1. Convex Lens 2. Concave Lens
3. Plain Glass 4. Convex Mirror
15. Which of the following is a third order lever
1. Crowbar 2. Nutcracker 3. Scissors 4. forceps
16. Ashadow of a ballis caught on a sereen using a torch. If the screen is moved
away from the ball, the shadow becomes
1. smaller than original 3. Remains same
2. bigger than original 4. Becomes darker

17. Which of the following possesses kinetic energy -

a. A stationary bus b. wind C. a raised object d. running water
1. only a 3.both b and d
2. both a and c 4.only d
18. A metal spoon was placed in a beaker of hot water as shown in the diagram and left
on a table.
What would be the most likely temperature of water and spoon after 10 minutes?
1. spoon-30° and water 80°C 3.spoon 80°C and water 30°C
2. Spoon 55°C and water 55°C 4.spoon 50°Cand water 40°C

19.A ray of light falls on a plane mirror. Which of the following diagrams shows
path taken by the ray?
2. 3. 4.
1. Toextinguish fire, we wrap a blanket around the body
which has caught fire
1. Blanket is a bad conductor of heat
2. Blankct is a good conductor of heat
3. To avoid contact with oxygen
4. We are told by our clders

2. Boiling point of liquid A is 150°C. If the pressure on liquid is increased, the

point will be boiling
1.Same 2. greater than 150°C 3. less than 150°C 4. cannot say

3. Density of water is lg/cc at

1.0° C 2. 4°C 3. -4°C 4. 25° C
4. If the force on a surface is doubled and area is reduced to half, pressure will be
1. same 2.reduced to half 3.doubled 4. four times

5. Characteristics of image in a plane mirror are -

1. Distance between object and mirror is equal todistance between image and miror
2. Image is virtual
3. Image is laterally opposite
4. All of the above

6. Major hydroelectric power plant in Maharashtra is located at -

1. Khadakvasla 2. Koyna 3. Koradi 4.Nashik

7. Following can be potential source for bio-fuels -

1. Karanja 2. Jathropha 3. Bothl and 2 4. None of the above

8. Laser is used for

1. Cutting metals 3. To mneasure distance from earth to moon
2. To perform eye surgery 4. All the above

9. We get the following things from Bio gas plant -

1. Gobar gas 2. Methane 3. Manure 4, All of the above

10. A solar cellis made from

1. Silicon 2. Carbon 3. Manganese 4. Allof the above

I1. Amoving bicycle shows the following motion

1. Translatory 2. Circular 3. Oscillatory 4. Both l and 2

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