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Insights and Lessons learnt for Conflict Resolution

Embarking on a transformative journey through the complexities of leadership and

conflict resolution, I found myself immersed in pivotal moments and profound concepts. To

begin with, the principles of humility and transparency struck a resonant chord, leading to a

commitment to embody these traits in navigating complex conflicts.

Dr. Page's 'cube' approach emerged as a guiding light, offering a practical tool to break

down conflicts into observations, thoughts, feelings, and wants. This systematic breakdown

proved invaluable, fostering an objective understanding, and steering me away from


As I progressed, the course illuminated that conflicts were not just clashes of personal

preferences; rather, they could stem from factors like role ambiguity, goal disagreements, or

resource scarcity (Hersey & Blanchard, 1977). Empowered with this knowledge, I felt equipped

to address conflicts at their roots, enhancing my effectiveness in navigating intricate team


The revelation of reciprocal interdependence (Schwarz, 2017) left an unforgettable mark

on our team's project approach. Shifting from a task division model to a collaborative one

underscored the delicate balance between individual contributions and group cohesion

(Northouse, 2021). This lesson emphasized the adaptability of strategies based on the situation,

with a keen understanding that learning was embedded in the process.

The highlight of my growth journey occurred during the canoeing activity—a powerful

metaphor for my leadership style and response to challenges. Confronting initial apprehension

and the fear of not knowing how to swim mirrored the uncertainties of team conflicts,
propelling me to overcome my fears in line with a personal growth mindset. The canoeing

activity also served as a canvas for the situational leadership model, revealing my fluid roles

between observer and follower (Hersey & Blanchard, 1977). This adaptability, harmonizing with

my collaborative nature, underscored the importance of adjusting leadership styles based on

the situation. Lastly, the marker activity further highlighted the significance of unity and


The 'cube' approach, coupled with insights from OMADA activities provided a profound

understanding of the interplay between my Birkman traits and behavior. Each task illuminated

different facets of my personality, influencing my engagement, and underscoring the

importance of self-awareness in team dynamics. These experiences evolved into steppingstones

for both personal and professional development.

Delving into leadership theories like Servant Leadership (Greenleaf, 1977), I gathered the

importance of prioritizing team well-being and fostering a culture of mutual support. This

philosophy seamlessly aligned with the lessons learned from the canoeing activity, where

support and encouragement fueled engagement and success.

In conclusion, the course equipped me with practical tools and profound insights for

effective conflict resolution and leadership. The sequential journey, enriched by theoretical

frameworks and experiential activities, not only deepened my understanding but also laid a

robust foundation for future team engagements. The canoeing activity, a memorable and

impactful experience, encapsulates the very essence of leadership—confronting challenges,

adapting to situations, and fostering collaboration for collective success.


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