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Writing a thesis is a daunting task, especially when it comes to complex and sensitive topics like

Ebola. Conducting thorough research, analyzing data, and presenting coherent arguments require
time, dedication, and expertise. For many students, the pressure of crafting a high-quality thesis
while juggling other academic and personal responsibilities can be overwhelming.

When it comes to tackling a subject as intricate as Ebola, it becomes even more challenging. This
infectious disease presents multifaceted dimensions, ranging from its epidemiology and transmission
to its socio-economic impacts and public health responses. Delving into these intricacies demands a
comprehensive understanding of medical science, public health policies, and societal dynamics.

Moreover, crafting a thesis on Ebola requires navigating through a vast array of scholarly literature,
ranging from academic journals to governmental reports and international health organization
publications. Synthesizing these diverse sources and synthesizing them into a coherent argument
requires critical thinking skills and academic rigor.

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But in 21 st century, people are afraid that death can come unto them by almost anything and
everything around them. The virus prevention strategies that should be used in eradication, control
and prevention of Ebola virus transmission includes; infection control precaution procedures,
environmental infection control strategies, monitoring and travel restriction policies and precautions
during convalescent period. This might lead to problems with blood clotting, for example. EVD
incubation period is 2 to 21 days with an infectious dose of 1-10 organisms in nonhuman primates
by aerosol transmission. Additionally, people involved in the burial of an infected person’s dead body
should properly dispose it. Lister, S. A. (2014). Ebola: basics about the disease. This virus doesn’t
leave quickly it lingers in breast milk,semen and spinal fluid for up to 7 weeks after being deemed
well. To stop the spread of Ebola, the WHO is coordinating the construction and staffing of
treatment centres across Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. You cannot get it from just riding on a
plane or a bus.”. The largest outbreak in the past was about 400 cases.”. Application of multiple
concurrent transmission preventing strategies should be put in place to avoid the spread of the Ebola
virus. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel
Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. T cells may account for some immune protection too.
Bleeding into the skin may cause petechiae, hematomas, ecchymoses, or purpura (especially around
needle injection sites). It feels sort of like wearing a bicycle helmet, but with a fan on top blowing in
filtered air. Bleeding into the whites of the eyes, seeping from the gums, and blood in stool may also
occur. Dr Bruce Aylward, WHO’s assistant director-general for emergency operations: “This far
outstrips any historic Ebola outbreak in numbers. Infection control strategies provide a detailed
review of the Ebola virus infection control measures in handling infected and suspected patients with
the Ebola virus. Norovirus is more stable because it's a “non-enveloped” virus. Vaccines Against
Ebola and Marburg Viruses Show Promise in Primates Studies. The ebola virus invades the body and
will remain unnoticed during the incubation period, which can be between 2 and 21 days. This can
be done through protective clothing such as gloves and head-to-toe gowns. Due to internal and
external bleeding, the patient’s eyes may become red, and they may vomit blood, have bloody
diarrhoea, and suffer cardiovascular, liver or kidney collapse and eventually leading to death. The
inflammation can bring about a condition resembling septic shock, involving a dangerous loss of
blood pressure. The first essay is a long essay on the Ebola of 400-500 words. Apron that is water
proof and covers the torso to the level of the mid-calf in case of vomiting and diarrhea.Visitors
should be restricted. The symptoms are harmful and severe but we don’t know if it’s curable.Ebola
then spreads through human-to-human transmission viadirect contact (through broken skin or mucus
membranes) with the blood, secretions, organs or other body fluids. Based on the 'Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention', the ebola virus was named after the 'Ebola River', in which the
ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention had some
specific recommendations related to infection prevention and control. Gatherer D. (2014). The 2014
Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa.
The Ebola outbreak in Africa is the world’s deadliest to date. We embrace this practice of applied
research, and support participants and alumni in furthering their work in improving humanitarian
conditions in the developing world. They screen people at airport to check the infected patients are
handled with care. However, community engagement, contact tracing, logistical support for the
susceptible and infected patients in risk areas and assistant training add value in the past, present and
the future outlook of the disease prevention and control. Full description Save Save Ebola Essay For
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Page You are on page 1 of 1 Search inside document. Even Doctors Without Borders in West Africa
are moving the fatality rate from 50 percent down to 30 percent. In human population, the Ebola
Virus disease is spread through human-to-human contact mechanism via direct contact with the
surfaces and materials contaminated with infected fluids (Greger, 2007). The better we educate the
less loss of life and chances for a deadly outbreak that could not only be an epidemic but aPandemic.
If exceptions are made the visitors need to be educated and know the risk, and a log book of all who
entered the room. Kuhn, 2010) Ebola Virus Disease, also called Ebola hemorrhagic fever and
defined as an acute usually fatal disease in humans. These are suitable for students and children in
class 6 and below. Considered like a non-living entity Needs a host to survive 2 types: DNA and
RNA virus Life cycle. Life cycle. This long essay about Ebola is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9
and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. This may cause vomiting blood, coughing up of
blood, or blood in stool. This can be done through protective clothing such as gloves and head-to-toe
gowns. Burial rituals that involve close contact with the body of a person who has died from the
disease also can result in the spread of Ebola. During July, the number of Ebola patients increased
steadily. The family consists of Ebola-like Viruses and Marburg-like viruses. The virus infects
immune cells such as dendritic cells and macrophages, leading to systemic inflammation, sometimes
called a “cytokine storm.” At the same time, it shuts down the interferon pathway, which is important
for antiviral responses. To deploy them effectively, the IOM must set standards and implement
policies to create a solid fleet management platform within the organization. The 2014-2016 West
Africa outbreaks was the largest and the most widespread EVD outbreak to date, contributing to
more than 21,000 cases and 8,000 deaths (WHO, 2014b). Ebola was named after Congo where it
was first found in 1976. The Ebola virus (filoviruses) were first identified in 1967 among the
Marburg Germany vaccine workers in Uganda who came into direct contact with animals during
preparation of primary cell cultures for polio vaccines designing the virus to be Marburg virus. One
of the more dangerous consequences of electrolyte imbalances can be irregular heart rhythms, even
cardiac arrest. Parenting across species Doing our Best News and kudos from Emory hospitals Mind
and body connections New findings on suicide, depression and heart disease, and living with PTSD.
Monitoring and traveling restrictions can be applied through close monitoring of the movement of
individuals suspected or treated with the Ebola virus as well as conducting a travel and transport
risk assessment in order to prevent the spread of the disease. It has been possible to do some of this
research on Ebola survivors in Africa, but to really probe the parts of the immune system responsible,
we need fresh cells. As a result, behaviors that contributed to the spread of the disease continued for
a long period. Massive campaigns through Ebola eradication, control and treatment can be done to
create community awareness of the Ebola virus transmission, causative agents and management
through heath education and advocacy. Several of these have been approved by FDA for emergency
use in the current crisis.
Sadly, nearly half of the cases of Ebola viral infection in West Africa have resulted in death. If
symptoms of Ebola are treated early enough they have a better chanceof survival the percent of
death is still 90% though. The cold, hard truth is that Ebola is a brutally efficient killer for which
there is no cure at the moment. This may cause vomiting blood, coughing up of blood, or blood in
stool. Despite the many positive capabilities of females in this discipline, there are major cultural
barriers agencies in employing females. There are more than a dozen Ebola drugs in development,
but none has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. These are then translated into
structural and non-structural proteins. To relieve suffering, RapidPro, a real-time app, calls for the
collaboration between international humanitarian agencies and the local Ministry of Health. EVD
epidemics as reported by the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS) and other
agencies such as the Red Cross had been significant been occurring in a remote area near tropical
rainforests in Central Africa. The symptoms may appear from anywhere from 2-21 days after being
in contact with the virus. Supportive care to an Ebola infected patient are designed to prevented the
infected patient from further complication such as treating severe hypovolemia, correcting electrolyte
imbalance caused by diarrhea and vomiting as well as preventing intravascular depletion of the
Ebola infected patient. It wasn't just the patients' lives at stake, it was everyone on the team. Ebola’s
family tree was thought to have been extinct for over 23 million years, much longer than previously
believed. It feels sort of like wearing a bicycle helmet, but with a fan on top blowing in filtered air.
There are five strains of the virus the most common one in humans is Zaire Ebola Virus. This is not
done everywhere only in certain areas and eating the tainted meat can cause the virus. The Ebola
virus (filoviruses) were first identified in 1967 among the Marburg Germany vaccine workers in
Uganda who came into direct contact with animals during preparation of primary cell cultures for
polio vaccines designing the virus to be Marburg virus. The case fatality ratio range from 41%-90%
in the epidemic area, latent and infectious period based on Bayesian model-based estimates is 9.4
and 5.7 days respectively. Incubation period is 2-21 days while the minimum and maximum serial
interval is 7 and 17 days respectively (Organization, 2014). Nevertheless, the virus isolation method
alone does not yield an etiological diagnosis. It also housed clinical trial volunteers who had been
given highly contagious diseases, like norovirus, for research purposes. Norovirus is more stable
because it's a “non-enveloped” virus. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Lastly a
conclusion and recommendation is given illustrating various adaptive mechanisms that can be done to
in the epidemic-prone area to be successful prepared in handling the EVD and communication before
it can widely spread (Lister, 2014). Healthcare workers caring for patients with suspected or
confirmed Ebola virus should apply extra infection control measures to prevent contact with the
patient’s blood and body fluids. Ebola virus is filamentous and elongated virus with uniform
diameter (20-30nm) ranging between 800-1000nm in length and 14000nm long (Greger, 2007). In
human population, the Ebola Virus disease is spread through human-to-human contact mechanism
via direct contact with the surfaces and materials contaminated with infected fluids (Greger, 2007).
Ebola is very strange of how the disease works the cures and just everything about it. Next, people
should make sure they thoroughly wash up and keep themselves clean at all times. This quote shows
the history of Ebola because it tells us how it started when it died and where. Survivors may also
face stigma as they reintegrate into their previous homes and communities.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention had some specific recommendations related to
infection prevention and control. Dr Bruce Aylward, WHO’s assistant director-general for emergency
operations: “This far outstrips any historic Ebola outbreak in numbers. CENTERS FOR DISEASE
CONTROL AND PREVENTION (U.S.). (2014). Interim guidance for specimen collection,
transport, testing and submission for patients with suspected infection with Ebola virus disease.
These are then translated into structural and non-structural proteins. If you want a unique paper,
order it from our professional writers. The exposure criteria to check include such symptoms as
headache, fever Ebola Virus Memo March 4th, Emergency Departments Center for Disease Control
and Prevention Effective management of patients, suspected with Ebola Virus Disease in the
emergency departments is based on the knowledge of the disease signs, symptoms, past history of
patients, isolation procedures. Public health response strategies can be initiated in providing effective
communication with the government authorities, health professions, and the community. In human
population, the Ebola Virus disease is spread through human-to-human contact mechanism via direct
contact with the surfaces and materials contaminated with infected fluids (Greger, 2007). To curb the
flow of fleeing youth, underlying causes must be addressed such as the leadership failure, corruption
and proxy wars. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. To relieve
suffering, RapidPro, a real-time app, calls for the collaboration between international humanitarian
agencies and the local Ministry of Health. Ebola was first discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in
what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. According to the study the outbreak of this
killer disease is fast spreading and numerous Conakry and districts have detected cases of it and
deaths caused by Ebola Virus Disease. Davood Yadegarinia Professor of Infectious Diseases and
Tropical Medicine Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Definition.
Ebola virus disease (formerly known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever) is. Laboratory findings include
low white blood cell and platelet counts, and elevated liver enzymes (EBV, 2016). We observed that
both patients experienced severe diarrhea and vomiting, which led to electrolyte abnormalities,
especially low potassium levels. Conversely, the EVD background can be traced back in the 1976
simultaneously in Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as an acute and fatal illness if
untreated. All disposable items were double-bagged and sterilized in an autoclave before being
incinerated—from disposable dining trays to Tyvek suits. Outside, media satellite trucks lined
Clifton Road, reporters were doing live feeds in front of the hospital, and television helicopters
hovered overhead. We decided to start at a higher level of precaution based on the condition of the
patients at the time. During July, the number of Ebola patients increased steadily. The symptoms may
appear from anywhere from 2-21 days after being in contact with the virus. The Ebolavirus structural
glycoprotein, known as GP1,2, is responsible for the virus’s ability to bind to and infect targeted
cells. However, since the Ebola Virus Disease transmission, symptoms and prevention and control is
of international public health emergency concern according to the World Health Organization
(WHO) community engagement and early supportive care are the most central points of controlling
the Ebola outbreaks. In addition, countries should be working together in building Ebola Virus
Disease surveillance and monitoring system that will help in determining the best treatment and
vaccination for the Ebola virus. There is currently no antiviral drug licensed by the US food and drug
Administration. They have detected the very reason of emergence for various diseases, yet there are
some that can be diagnosed but cannot be cured. Current knowledge on behavior change was not
made full use of, and psychosocial issues were not prioritized. Desperate youth risk their lives for a
chance for a better future. Even Doctors Without Borders in West Africa are moving the fatality rate
from 50 percent down to 30 percent.
They have detected the very reason of emergence for various diseases, yet there are some that can be
diagnosed but cannot be cured. EVD(Ebola Virus Disease) is a rare but severe and often deadly
disease recovery from EVD depends on good supperative clinical care and the patients immune
response. Amazing Deliveries Childbirth can be tough even in the best of circumstances, but these
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the 'Centers for Disease Control and Prevention', the ebola virus was named after the 'Ebola River',
in which the ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. There really is no cure for the EVD but there
are ways you can treat it like getting therapy to maintain oxygen levels, providing fluids and
electrolytes, using medicine to support the blood preasure and treat anyother infections. To deploy
them effectively, the IOM must set standards and implement policies to create a solid fleet
management platform within the organization. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you
to an academic expert. Newly synthesized structural proteins and genome replicas assemble near the
cellular membrane. The Ebola virus (filoviruses) were first identified in 1967 among the Marburg
Germany vaccine workers in Uganda who came into direct contact with animals during preparation
of primary cell cultures for polio vaccines designing the virus to be Marburg virus. There were two
possible outcomes—it went well, both patients survived, and no one was contaminated. This may
cause vomiting blood, coughing up of blood, or blood in stool. To curb the flow of fleeing youth,
underlying causes must be addressed such as the leadership failure, corruption and proxy wars.
Autism and tummy troubles Children with autism are more than four times as likely to experience
general gastrointestinal discomfort as their peers. The incidence of bleeding into the gastrointestinal
tract has decreased since previous epidemics and is now estimated to be around 10%, with improved
prevention of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Scientists do not know where the Ebola virus
comes from. But in 21 st century, people are afraid that death can come unto them by almost
anything and everything around them. As these could be symptoms of other diseases, it’s difficult to
diagnose Ebola in the initial stage. Practicing good hand hygein is an effective method in preventing
the spread of dangerous germs, like the Ebola virus. Bleeding into the whites of the eyes, seeping
from the gums, and blood in stool may also occur. Liberian families with sick relatives were driving
from clinic to clinic in search of open beds; others were dying in the streets. Several of these have
been approved by FDA for emergency use in the current crisis. Regaining balance Fecal transplants
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papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. You can use essay samples to find ideas and
inspiration for your paper. To relieve suffering, RapidPro, a real-time app, calls for the collaboration
between international humanitarian agencies and the local Ministry of Health. EVD incubation period
is 2 to 21 days with an infectious dose of 1-10 organisms in nonhuman primates by aerosol
transmission. For others, the instruments needed to fit inside a biosafety cabinet with a laminar flow
hood. Current knowledge on behavior change was not made full use of, and psychosocial issues
were not prioritized. What is Ebola?. Ebola is a virus that a filovirus (threadlike virus in family of
filoviridae, only 2 types Ebola and Magburg ) named after a river in Zaire, its first site of discovery.

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