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ChatGPT for SEO: Complete prompts guide

(simply copy and paste to use for your SEO)

1. Keyword Generation
a. "Generate a list of relevant keywords for a website about [topic/industry]."
b. "What are the top 5 most important keywords for a [specific niche] website?"
c. "Suggest synonyms or variations for the keyword [specific keyword] to diversify
my content."
d. "Identify keyword opportunities for a [type of business] located in [city/region]."
e. "What are some common questions or search queries related to [topic/industry]?"
f. "How can I incorporate the keyword [specific keyword] naturally into my content?"
g. "Generate a list of LSI (latent semantic indexing) keywords related to [main
h. "What are some trending keywords in the [topic/industry] for the past [time
i. "How can I optimize my existing keywords for better search engine rankings?"
2. Long-tail keywords
a. "Find long-tail keywords related to [main keyword] for better SEO targeting."
b. "Generate a list of long-tail keywords related to [main keyword or topic]."
c. "Find low-competition, high-search volume long-tail keywords for [specific niche]."
d. "What are some location-specific long-tail keywords for a [type of business] in
e. "Identify long-tail keywords that address common questions or problems in the
f. "Generate long-tail keyword variations for [seed keyword] to target different
search intents."
g. "What are some trending long-tail keywords in the [topic/industry] for the past
[time period]?"
h. "Find long-tail keywords that incorporate synonyms or related terms for [main
i. "Identify long-tail keywords that target different stages of the customer journey in
the [industry/topic]."
j. "Generate long-tail keywords that combine [main keyword] with popular search
modifiers like 'how-to,' 'best,' 'top,' 'review,' or 'comparison.'"
k. "Suggest a list of long-tail keywords that can help improve the organic search
traffic for a website focused on [specific niche or topic]."
3. Brainstorming content ideas
a. "I am looking to create content on [topic]. Can you help me generate a list of
potential article ideas and titles?"
b. "I am trying to expand my content portfolio by writing about [industry/niche]. Can
you help me come up with a list of topics that would be of interest to my [target
c. "I want to create a series of blog posts that cover the basics of [topic]. Can you
help me generate a list of subtopics and titles for these posts?"
d. "I am looking to expand the content on my website, but I am struggling to come
up with new ideas. Can you help me generate a list of possible topics for my
[industry/niche] business?"
e. "I am a content creator and looking to come up with new ideas for my [YouTube
channel/ Instagram account]. Can you help me generate a list of potential
[video/post topics] that would be popular among my audience [audience type]?"
4. Writing content
a. "Write a blog post about the impact of [specific event/news] on [specific industry
or community]."
b. "Write a blog post of what are the key takeaways from [insert book/article] and
how can they be applied to [insert industry/field]?"
c. "Write a blog post about some common misconceptions about [insert topic] and
how can they be corrected?"
d. "Write an explanatory blog about the process of [specific task or project] and
include tips on how to do it efficiently."
e. "Write a blog about an overview of the advantages of [specific activity or hobby]
and see how to start with helpful tips and the equipment you need."
f. “Write an article about [topic] using these keywords [keywords]. Remember to
optimize the article for SEO.”
g. "Generate an outline for an engaging and SEO-friendly article on [topic]."
h. "Create an introduction paragraph that incorporates the keyword [specific
keyword] for a blog post about [subject]."
i. "Suggest ways to naturally include the keywords [list of keywords] in a piece of
content about [topic]."
j. "How can I improve the readability and structure of an article on [subject] for
better SEO performance?"
k. "Generate a conclusion paragraph that summarizes the main points of an article
on [topic] and encourages user engagement."
l. "Identify common content mistakes that can negatively impact SEO and suggest
ways to fix them."
m. "Create a list of subheadings that incorporate relevant keywords for an article
about [topic]."
n. "Suggest internal and external linking strategies to improve the SEO value of a
piece of content about [subject]."
o. "How can I use multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics to
enhance the SEO of an article on [topic]?"
p. "Provide tips for optimizing the content length, format, and style for different types
of content (e.g., blog posts, landing pages, product descriptions) in the [specific
niche] industry."
5. Optimize existing content SEO to rank #1
a. "Analyze the current SEO performance of my content on [topic] and suggest
areas for improvement."
b. "Identify the primary and secondary keywords I should target to improve the SEO
of my content about [subject]."
c. "Suggest ways to naturally incorporate the target keywords into the existing
content for better SEO performance."
d. "How can I optimize the meta title and meta description of my content on [topic]
to make it more appealing and SEO-friendly?"
e. "Generate engaging and keyword-rich subheadings for my content about
[subject] to improve its structure and readability."
f. "Provide recommendations for enhancing the introduction and conclusion
sections of my content on [topic] for better user engagement and SEO."
g. "Suggest internal and external linking strategies to improve the SEO value and
user experience of my content about [subject]."
h. "How can I use multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics to
enhance the SEO of my content on [topic]?"
i. "Analyze the content length, format, and style of my article about [subject] and
provide recommendations for optimization."
j. "Identify potential content gaps or additional topics that can be covered in my
existing content to improve its relevance and SEO performance."
6. Optimize Headlines & Subheadings
a. "Generate a compelling and SEO-optimized headline for an article about [topic]."
b. "Suggest ways to include the primary keyword [specific keyword] in a headline for
better SEO."
c. "Create a list of power words and emotional triggers that can improve the
click-through rate of headlines."
d. "How can I test different headline variations to determine which one performs
best for SEO?"
e. "Identify common headline mistakes that can negatively impact SEO
performance and user engagement."
f. "Generate multiple subheadings that incorporate relevant keywords for a piece of
content about [topic]."
g. "Suggest techniques for optimizing headlines and subheadings for both desktop
and mobile search users."
h. "How can I use numbers, questions, and curiosity gaps in headlines to make
them more enticing and SEO-friendly?"
i. "Create a headline that targets both primary and secondary keywords for an
article on [subject]."
j. "Provide examples of headlines that effectively combine SEO optimization with
emotional appeal for a [specific niche] website."
7. Meta tags & Meta descriptions
a. "I need help creating a meta description for my web page on [topic]. It should be
[length] characters long and include [keywords], which are related to [specific
aspect of topic]. Additionally, I want to highlight [unique value proposition] in the
meta description. Can you help me craft one that's both descriptive and
b. "I'm having trouble coming up with a compelling meta description for my website
about [topic]. Can you provide me with [number] options that are [length]
characters long and include [keywords], as well as [additional feature] that sets
my content apart? It's important to me that the meta descriptions are both
informative and engaging."
c. "I'm looking to write a meta description for my webpage about [topic], but I'm not
sure how to structure it for maximum impact. Can you help me create one that
incorporates [length] characters, the right [keywords] and a strong [call to
action/unique selling point] that will attract users to click through to my website?"
d. "Can you give me some guidance on best practices for writing effective meta
descriptions for my website? Specifically, I'm looking for [number] examples that
are related to my [topic], and that follow the most recent [SEO trends/guidelines].
I'd also like to know how to incorporate [unique aspect of content] in the meta
description for maximum effect."
e. "Generate an engaging and SEO-friendly meta title for a web page about [topic]."
f. "Craft a concise and keyword-rich meta description for an article on [subject]."
g. "Suggest the optimal length for a meta title and meta description for better SEO."
h. "Find the best primary and secondary keywords to include in the meta tags for a
page about [topic]."
i. "How can I create a meta title that stands out in search engine results pages
(SERPs) for a [specific niche] website?"
j. "Generate multiple variations of meta descriptions for a blog post about [topic] to
test their effectiveness."
k. "What are the essential elements to include in a meta description to make it more
clickable and SEO-friendly?"
l. "Identify common meta tag mistakes that can negatively impact SEO
m. "How can I use power words and emotional triggers in meta titles and
descriptions for better click-through rates?"
n. "Create a meta title and description that target both desktop and mobile search
users for a web page about [topic]."
o. "Generate an engaging and SEO-friendly meta title for a web page about [topic]."
p. "Craft a concise and keyword-rich meta description for an article on [subject]."
q. "Suggest the optimal length for a meta title and meta description for better SEO."
r. "Find the best primary and secondary keywords to include in the meta tags for a
page about [topic]."
s. "How can I create a meta title that stands out in search engine results pages
(SERPs) for a [specific niche] website?"
t. "Generate multiple variations of meta descriptions for a blog post about [topic] to
test their effectiveness."
u. "What are the essential elements to include in a meta description to make it more
clickable and SEO-friendly?"
v. "Identify common meta tag mistakes that can negatively impact SEO
w. "How can I use power words and emotional triggers in meta titles and
descriptions for better click-through rates?"
x. "Create a meta title and description that target both desktop and mobile search
users for a web page about [topic]."
8. Backlink Research
a. "Can you provide a list of [number] high authority websites in [niche/industry] that
allow guest blogging, and can you suggest specific [topic/angle] ideas for my
guest posts that could potentially result in backlinks to my website?"
b. “Generate a list of potential high-quality backlink opportunities for a website in the
c. "Provide guidelines for determining the value of a backlink from a specific
website or source in the [industry/topic]."
d. "Generate a list of relevant influencers, bloggers, or industry experts to target for
backlink opportunities in the [specific niche]."
e. "Create a scoring system to rank potential backlink sources based on factors like
domain authority, relevance, and audience engagement."
f. "How can I use ChatGPT to find broken link opportunities in the [industry/topic]
for potential backlink building?"
g. "Identify the most effective types of content (e.g., guest posts, infographics, case
studies) for earning high-quality backlinks in the [industry/topic]."
h. "Suggest strategies for building relationships with key influencers and experts in
the [specific niche] to increase the chances of earning valuable backlinks."
9. Analyzing competitor websites and content using ChatGPT for SEO
a. "Identify the top 5 competitors for a [specific niche or industry] website."
b. "Analyze the content strategy of [competitor's website] and suggest potential
areas of improvement for my own website."
c. "Find the primary and secondary keywords that [competitor's website] is targeting
in their content."
d. "Examine the backlink profile of [competitor's website] and suggest potential
link-building opportunities for my own site."
e. "What are the main content types and topics covered by [competitor's website],
and how can I differentiate my content?"
f. "Analyze the on-page SEO elements (meta tags, header tags, keyword usage) of
[competitor's website] and suggest ways to optimize my own website."
g. "Identify the most popular and high-performing content pieces on [competitor's
website] for potential content ideas."
h. "How does the website structure and internal linking strategy of [competitor's
website] compare to my own website?"
i. "Examine the social media presence and strategy of [competitor's website] and
suggest ways to improve my own social media marketing for SEO."
j. "Identify potential weaknesses or gaps in [competitor's website] content that I can
leverage to create unique and valuable content for my own site."

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