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Supplementary Material
(Student’s copy)
Verb + to infinitive OR -ing form

Verb + to infinitive OR -ing form with LITTLE or NO CHANGE in meaning

Model sentences Function/Meaning Form
Do you love to take in everything Infinitives and gerunds serve as Subject + verb + to infinitive
that is going on around you? nouns — as objects of the OR
sentence. Subject + verb + verb+ing
Do you like to be in control when
there is real danger? After some verbs, we use “to NOTE:
infinitive” or a gerund (verb-ing) We do not usually use two “-ing”
She started appreciating art after with little or no change in forms next to each other.
attending a painting class. meaning. e.g. I am starting to feel better
(instead of “I’m starting feeling
We like trying out new recipes on NOTE: The use of -ing form after better.”)
the weekends. verbs that express likes and
dislikes is more common.
begin to do/doing sth continue to do/doing sth love to do/doing sth
can’t stand to do/doing sth like to do/doing sth prefer to do/doing sth
attempt to do sth/doing sth* hate to do/doing sth start to do/doing sth
*attempt doing is rarely used
Verb + to infinitive OR -ing form with A CHANGE in meaning
Model sentences Function/Meaning Form
Do you really stop to look at the Some verbs can take “to stop + to + verb 1
nature around you even when you infinitive” or the ing form but with stop + verb+ing
are in a hurry? a clear difference in meaning:
stop to do sth: stop an activity to forget + to + verb 1
Do you stop looking at the do another activity forget + verb+ing
windows just because products stop doing sth: quit an activity, no
are too expensive? longer do an activity remember + to + verb 1
forget to do sth: fail to think remember + verb+ing
about a responsibility
I forgot to take extra batteries for
forget doing sth: have no memory try + to + verb 1
my camera on my trip.
of something you did try + verb+ing
remember to do sth: not forget to
I can never forget climbing the
do something, actually do what
snowy hills in that cold.
you have to do
remember doing sth: have a
At least I remembered to take my
memory of something you did
camera with me.
try to do sth: make an effort to do
I will always remember climbing
try doing sth: we use it to suggest
the snowy hills in that cold.
a possible solution to a problem.
I have been trying to do this
puzzle for two hours, but we
haven’t solved it yet.

A: I have a terrible headache.
B: Try taking a painkiller. You’ll
feel better soon.

Verb + gerund (verb+ing) only

Model sentences Function Form
In those years, few husbands We use a gerund (verb+ing) after Subject + verb+ verb+ing
would consider giving permission certain verbs.
for their wives to pursue such a We form the negative as follows:
profession. Gerunds serve as nouns. Subject + verb + not + verb+ing:
consider not verb+ing
These women enjoyed facing suggest not verb+ing
danger. recommend not verb+ing

Consider not applying for that job

as it is a very dangerous one.
admit doing sth deny doing sth recommend doing sth
avoid doing sth finish doing sth suggest doing sth
consider doing sth imagine doing sth enjoy doing sth
feel like doing sth practice doing sth doesn’t mind doing sth

 Use a gerund (verb+ing) after a preposition (about, at, before, in, of, on, to, without), not infinitive:
e.g., These women insisted on doing what they had planned. They were determined and skillful.
e.g., These women were interested in exploring new places.
They were good at solving problems they faced on their trips.
 “to” may also be a preposition and requires the use of a gerund.
e.g., We are looking forward to hearing from you.
 If you want to use a verb after the preposition “by”, add “-ing” to the verb:
e.g., You can broaden your horizons by reading a lot.

Additional point:
Gerunds may also serve as the subject of a sentence.
e.g., “Exploring unknown territories is very exciting.”

Verb + to infinitive only

Model sentences Function Form
They were also rich enough to We use to infinitive after some Subject + verb + to infinitive
afford to pay for their trips. verbs.
Infinitives serve as nouns (in some
They hoped not to turn into We form the negative as follows:
dependent women as they got Subject + verb + not + to
older. infinitive:
promise not to infinitive
decide not to infinitive
hope not to infinitive
choose/prefer not to infinitive

afford to do sth decide to do sth offer to do sth
agree to do sth demand to do sth plan to do sth
aim to do sth hope to do sth arrange to do sth
appear to do sth manage to do sth fail to do sth
seem to do sth choose to do sth promise to do sth

Some verbs that take “to infinitive” are or may be used with an object:
allow sb to do sth
expect (sb) to do sth
want (sb) to do sth
need (sb) to do sth

Infinitive of purpose
Model Sentences Function Form
Explorers travel to unknown to talk about the purpose of Subject + verb + to infinitive
areas to learn more about them. doing something To infinitive…, subject + verb

A: Why do you travel so often? NOTE: You can answer a “why”

B: To keep learning new things. question that asks for the
purpose of doing something.
A more formal version of purpose “to infinitive” is in order to or so as to .
e.g., Throughout history, many countries have funded explorers in order to/so as to find new trade partners
and goods.

GRAMMAR PRACTICE (Unit 3.1, 3.2 & 3.3)

I. Read the excerpt below and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Space exploration is the use of astronomy and space technology to explore outer space. Human beings have
always hoped 1)______________ (find) other planets that support life as we know it, so they have been
involved in space exploration since the 1950s. However, space exploration started as a field of competition
between the US and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) because each country insisted on
2)______________________ (keep) their space exploration programs an American and a Russian endeavor 1,
respectively, instead of global projects that concern all humanity.
The race between the two countries started when the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, was launched2 by the
USSR on October 4, 1957, during a period of political hostility –unfriendliness– between the Soviet Union and
the United States. The Soviet rocket designer Sergei Korolev had managed 3)____________ (develop) a rocket
to carry Sputnik, which would start the space race between the two countries. Both countries aimed
4)_____________ (be) the leading nation in space exploration, so they produced space projects one after
another. One month after Sputnik’s launch, the Soviets achieved an even more impressive space venture 3.
This was Sputnik II, a satellite that carried a living creature, a dog named Laika.
While the USSR was continuing 5)_____________ (advance) space technologies after the successful launch of
Sputnik, the US grew worried. Before the launch of Sputnik, the United States had its own program to launch
a satellite. They had failed 6)_______________ (launch) a satellite into space before they succeeded with a
rocket that carried a satellite called Explorer on January 31, 1958. The team that achieved this first
US satellite launch consisted largely of German rocket engineers who had once developed ballistic missiles for
Nazi Germany. Explorer carried several instruments into space 7)___________ (conduct) science experiments.
Meanwhile, the USSR was busy attempting 8) _____________ (send) a human to space. The Soviet cosmonaut
Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space. He made one orbit around Earth on April 12, 1961, on a flight
that lasted 108 minutes. In return, the US stopped 9)______________ (invest) in other space projects to
speed up its manned space travel. About three weeks later, NASA launched astronaut Alan
Shepard into space. Shepard’s suborbital flight lasted just over 15 minutes. Three weeks later, the then US
President John F. Kennedy offered 10)________________ (set) an ambitious goal for the American nation,
saying: “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal of landing a man on the moon and
returning him safely to Earth."

During the 1960s, NASA made progress toward President Kennedy’s goal of landing a human on the moon
with a program called Project Apollo. As part of this program, in 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human
to set foot on the moon. This was a big moment in history, not only for space scientists but also for ordinary
people, some of whom are still alive and remember 11)________________ (watch) that landing on their black
and white TV. During the lunar missions, the astronauts collected samples of rocks and lunar dust that
scientists still study 12)____________ (learn) about the moon.

Space stations marked the next phase of space exploration. The first space station in Earth orbit was the
Soviet Salyut 1 station, which was launched in 1971. Americans thought they needed 13)________ (catch up)
with the Russians, so they built Skylab space station. This was the first orbital laboratory in which scientists
studied Earth and the effects of spaceflight on the human body.

Since the Apollo lunar program ended in 1972, human space exploration has been limited to low-Earth orbit,
where many countries participate and conduct research on the International Space Station (ISS.) The US
appears 14)___________________ (be) willing to continue exploring the space since we can hear that US
presidents promise 15)______________ (cut) space funding. The US plans to continue its mission in the ISS for
at least for the next decade. Russia, on the other hand, is considering 16)_____________ (leave) the ISS in the
near future. It seems that the race in space exploration has reached a turning point.
1 endeavor: an attempt to achieve a goal
2 launch: to send out (especially into space)
3 venture: a risky action

Adapted from

II. Written production:

Write three sentences about your hopes, desires, and plans about your future. Use verb + to infinitive with
suitable verbs from the verb lists provided in this handout.

III. Spoken production:

Work in pairs. Talk about things you regularly do in your daily life and what you feel about them (like,
enjoy, hate, don’t mind, etc.) Use at least 3 verbs from the verb lists provided in this handout.

Tip: Have you tried recording your voice and listening to yourself? Now try recording
yourself several times to make your spoken production better each time you do it. After
each recording, correct your mistakes and try again until you are happy with your


Model sentences Function Form

I feel there should be more We use so and so + adj.

discussion on the question of such to
space exploration because it is emphasize what
so expensive and uses too things are like. so + adj + that + clause
many resources.

It is so expensive that many

countries cannot afford it.

This is such a strong argument such + a/an + adj. + countable singular noun (+ that…)
that many governments are
such + adj. + uncountable noun (+ that + clause)
happy to fund projects with
little short-term benefit. such + adj. + plural noun (+ that + clause)

It was such a problem! To express that such + a/an + noun

something is
That’s such a nuisance!
always good, bad,
etc., we use
“such” without an

I. Rewrite the following sentences using clues in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the sentence and
do not omit information.
1. Water is a very important element to the survival of human beings, so the missions to other planets include
the search for water on those celestial bodies.
__________________________________________________________________________ the missions to
other planets include the search for water on those celestial bodies.
2. Some people who see Earth from outer space find it very beautiful, so they cannot stop staring at it. (so…
II. Read the excerpt below and fill in the blanks with ONE WORD ONLY. Contractions such as can’t or
shouldn’t count as one word.

Nations around the world spent a total of $92 billion on the "space sector" in 2021, according to the strategy
consulting firm Euroconsult. This represents an 8% increase in spending from the year 2020. Not only the US
but also China is 1)_________________ keen on space exploration that they invest billions of dollars in it
every year. The United States Government spent approximately 54.6 billion US dollars on its space programs
in 2021, making it the country with 2)_____________ highest space expenditure (i.e., spending) in the world.
The US was followed by China, with government expenditure on space programs of almost 10.3 billion dollars.
Russia seems 3)_______________ abandon (i.e., quit) its leading position as it spent about 3.6 billion dollars.
It ranks fourth in the amount of investment in space exploration, coming after US, China, and France. Japan,
Germany, 4)___________ India follow Russia with 4.2, 2.4, and 2 billion dollar spending respectively. Overall
spending on spaceflight activities 5)______________ increased by nearly 50% since 2015, the report finds.
Total spending is expected to reach about $110 billion every year by 2030. This is such a big figure
6)_______________ we can expect this field to improve at a very fast rate.

Adapted from: &

III. Spoken production: Work in pairs. Describe a place that you find impressive for your partner by using
“so…that” or “such…that” at least once.

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