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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — ⦘

The Mar­tial God Who Re­gressed

Back To Level 2

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — ⦘

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — ⦘

Source: https://1stkiss­­tial-god-who-re­gressed-back-
Gen­er­ated by Light­novel Crawler

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — ⦘

The Mar­tial God Who Re­gressed Back To Level 2

Chap­ter 201-240
1. Vol­ume 3
1. Chap­ter 201
2. Chap­ter 202
3. Chap­ter 203
4. Chap­ter 204
5. Chap­ter 205
6. Chap­ter 206
7. Chap­ter 207
8. Chap­ter 208
9. Chap­ter 209
10. Chap­ter 210
11. Chap­ter 211
12. Chap­ter 212
13. Chap­ter 213
14. Chap­ter 214
15. Chap­ter 215
16. Chap­ter 216
17. Chap­ter 217
18. Chap­ter 218
19. Chap­ter 219
20. Chap­ter 220
21. Chap­ter 221
22. Chap­ter 222
23. Chap­ter 223
24. Chap­ter 224
25. Chap­ter 225
26. Chap­ter 226
27. Chap­ter 227
28. Chap­ter 228
29. Chap­ter 229
30. Chap­ter 230
31. Chap­ter 231

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — ⦘

32. Chap­ter 232

33. Chap­ter 233
34. Chap­ter 234
35. Chap­ter 235
36. Chap­ter 236
37. Chap­ter 237
38. Chap­ter 238
39. Chap­ter 239
40. Chap­ter 240

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Volume 3 ⦘

Vol­ume 3

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 201

Chap­ter 201


"Un­cle, why are we sud­denly de­stroy­ing the hill?"

"That's what I was talk­ing about ear­lier."

"Ah, a pre­mo­ni­tion?"

"Yeah. Let's go to­gether, ev­ery­one."

"Yes, I un­der­stand!"

Fol­low­ing Seong Ji­han's story, the TOP 100 were con­vinced and fol­lowed
Seong Ji­han's lead.

With their arms crossed, they watched the un­dead tear up the ground.

With swords, spears and other weapons, the Death Knight troops crum­bled
the hill.

"Even with swords... the ground is torn apart...."

"They're also us­ing dark sword en­ergy. Those Death Knights seem quite

"Just by look­ing at them, Block­ing the first wave wouldn't have been easy."

While peo­ple were im­pressed by the strength of the Death Knights, Seong
Ji­han, who was giv­ing them or­ders, had a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive.

'It shouldn't been dif­fi­cult for the first wave...'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 201

No mat­ter how strong the Space League was sup­posed to be, mon­sters ap­‐
pear­ing for the first time in this pro­mo­tion match weren't usu­ally this
strong. Bal­anc­ing to en­able ap­pro­pri­ate coun­ter­mea­sures was com­mon in
the game, but the Death Knights now ap­pear­ing ex­ceeded those stan­dards
by far.

'Is it be­cause of the power of death?'

Not only per­fectly com­mand­ing these count­less un­dead, but even strength­‐
en­ing them on top of that.

The power given by The Con­stel­la­tion of Dead Star was clearly tremen­‐
dously ef­fec­tive.

If you han­dle un­dead then you're a necro­mancer, it was an abil­ity any­one

would want to ob­tain no mat­ter what.

'It's pretty good, but not to my taste.'

How­ever, Seong Ji­han, who was ac­tu­ally us­ing this, was non­cha­lant.

He pre­ferred fight­ing di­rectly rather than han­dling un­dead.

Even though the Death Knights had been enor­mously en­hanced, he wasn't
sat­is­fied and stud­ied whether he could ap­ply this to him­self.

'Let's try ap­ply­ing it to my body first.'


As a crim­son light spread across Seong Ji­hans' body and his fig­ure be­came
half­way ob­scured.

His body felt as light as if he had re­ceived a pow­er­ful bless­ing spell.

'The buff works huh.'

A hint of sur­prise floated in Seong Ji­han's eyes.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 201

'Af­ter get­ting Mar­tial Soul, the bless­ing ef­fects were use­less to me...'

Hav­ing brought out all the po­ten­tial of Mar­i­tal Soul, even re­ceiv­ing buffs
was the same as noth­ing to Seong Ji­han.

But the ad­di­tional abil­ity given by the power of death, he could clearly feel
its ef­fect.

Of course, com­pared to the Death Knights be­com­ing two or three times

stronger, it was only around a 20 per­cent ef­fect.

'Where is this...'

The ex­pres­sion of Seong Ji­han, who had been bored just be­fore, clearly

A 20 per­cent in­crease in strength, he had to some­how take it with him.

As Seong Ji­han tried to take in more of the death aura into his body.

[You are a liv­ing be­ing.]

[It is im­pos­si­ble to com­pletely fuse with the power of death.]

Warn­ing mes­sages popped up from the sys­tem.

'If I want to see more ef­fects, do I have to be­come like those un­dead?'

Even in the state of a reaper, it seemed that be­ing alive was a lim­i­ta­tion.
While Seong Ji­han was deeply re­search­ing the power of death, Yoon Seah
ur­gently called him.

"Un­cle! Over there! Some­thing came out!"

The place she pointed at was the hill the un­dead had been tire­lessly dig­ging


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 201

A daz­zling white smoke burst out from be­tween the swords dig­ging into the
hill in an in­stant.


"The Death Knights dis­ap­peared?!"

The Death Knight units that were dig­ging into the ground were buried in an

And, the hill, which had been dug up by the un­dead for a while, dis­ap­peared
into the smoke in an in­stant.


One by one, some­thing be­gan to emerge in the area filled with white smoke.

"What...what is that...?"

"A... skull?"

What floated up from within the smoke were the skulls of var­i­ous be­ings.

In­clud­ing that of the Death Knights who had just been ab­sorbed, up to the
skulls of gi­gan­tic mon­sters.

The skulls of all sizes and col­ors glared sharply with ghostly lights in their
empty eye sock­ets.

And looked to­wards Seong Ji­han's group all at once.

[How dare you des­ec­ rate our rest­ing place...]

[Stop... Let us rest.]

[Or... will you come too?]

Eerie voices erupted from the thou­sands of skulls.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 201

The voices were so in­tense that even play­ers who had reached Di­am
­ ond
rank were be­wil­dered.


"My body won't... move... Please cast pro­tec­tion magic...!"

"Di­vine Shield!"

It was only af­ter the sup­ports' di­vine power was ap­plied that the sounds be­‐
came barely bear­able.



As thou­sands of skulls si­mul­ta­ne­ously burst into laugh­ter, cracks be­gan to

ap­pear even in the di­vine pro­tec­tive shield.

The over­whelm­ing, eerie laugh­ter was dif­fi­cult to en­dure, even for those
who were con­sid­ered elite play­ers.

=Uh! It sud­denly feels like we met the fi­nal boss!

=Seong Ji­han! Was it the right choice to dig into the ground?! All the Death
Knights you com­manded got com­pletely swal­lowed!

=How can you not trust in his judge­ment?! His choices have al­ways been
right so far! Doesn't he have pre­mo­ni­tions?!

=If he can pull it off this time as well, I'll def­i­nitely be­come a be­liever!

=Just what kind of hint did he get in that dream?

The view­ers all watched the screen ex­pec­tantly, wait­ing for what so­lu­tion
Seong Ji­han had pre­pared to face such a mon­ster.

Thump! Thump!

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 201

Hav­ing taken in half of the death aura, Seong Ji­han ap­proached the horde of

He reached out his hand and re­leased his strength.


The thou­sands of skulls looked to­ward Seong Ji­han si­mul­ta­ne­ously.

[This is... the power of death?]

[How does a liv­ing be­ing...]

And so the skull col­lec­tive ghost hes­i­tated for a mo­ment.

=Oh...! Does the power that con­trolled the Death Knights work here too?!

=As ex­pected of Seong Ji­han, he had an­other card up his sleeve!

The an­nounc­ers acted as if the sit­u­at­ion had al­ready been re­solved as they
watched, but [Ha­haha...! To think you'd try to con­trol us...!]

[You will be­come one of us too...!]

Far from yield­ing to the power of death, the skulls showed clear en­mity to­‐
wards Seong Ji­han in­stead.


As the skulls opened their mouths wide, a daz­zling white smoke burst out

And con­cen­trated to­wards Seong Ji­han.

"Di-Di­vine Shield!"

The play­ers who had been watch­ing this from be­hind hur­riedly tried to pro­‐
tect him, how­ever Seong Ji­han him­self re­mained com­posed.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 201

'These guys are out of my league.'

It was too much to try and con­trol the hid­den boss with the 1st wave un­dead

Then there's no need to stub­bornly hold onto con­trol that doesn't suit me.

'The Con­stel­la­tion quest is just to make use of the power of death some­how
any­way, right?'

Ping! Ping!

Crim­son lights wrapped around Seong Ji­han's two fists, sym­bol­iz­ing the
power of death.

"I'll be back in a bit."

And his fig­ure in­stantly dis­ap­peared into the smoke.

[Haha, so you've come to be­come one your­self...!]

[I'll drink his blood first!]

[And I'll have the flesh...]

At first mock­ing Seong Ji­han's charge, the skull col­lec­tive.

Soon had be­wil­dered ex­pres­sions.

[What... he's not get­ting eaten?]

[Why isn't he be­ing as­sim­i­lated?!]

In­stead of Seong Ji­han get­ting swal­lowed, skulls ex­ploded in all di­rec­tions.

At first it was just one or two skulls shat­ter­ing.

"Well, this is noth­ing much."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 201

But as Seong Ji­han started mov­ing more ag­gres­sively, they burst dozens at a
time in an in­stant.


=Is this the method Seong Ji­han came up with!

=In­deed, a Player speaks with his fist! He's show­ing the text­book style of a

Seong Ji­han, who had been called the strong­est player of hu­man­ity through
the Chaos Bat­tle­field de­spite be­ing Plat­inum.

Once again, solved the game with a Player's method this time as well.

Hav­ing semi-fused with the power of death, he wasn't dam­aged by the spec­‐
tral col­lec­tive's at­tacks at all.

He quickly shat­tered the skulls.

Af­ter a con­sid­er­able amount of time,


The smoke com­pletely oc­cu­py­ing the hill no­tice­ably thinned.

And Seong Ji­han popped out from within.


He reached out his hand and emit­ted the power of death once again.

"Now, how about this?"

Show­ing the dif­fer­ence in strength, Seong Ji­han used the power of death

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 201

[Dare... to try to dom­i­nate us...!]

[We won't yield...! I'm al­ready dead, why would I fear de­struc­tion?!]

"Weren't you afraid? You des­per­ately tried to run away so your head
wouldn't break."

[Don't in­sult us!]

"All right. Then let's go again."

[Wa-wait a mo­ment...]

As Seong Ji­han went back in­side with­out hes­i­ta­tion, The sound of things
smash­ing was heard for a while and the smoke oc­cu­py­ing the hill re­duced
to 1/4th.

And he came back out again.


Once again, a crim­son aura shone from Seong Ji­han's hand.


[We can't... en­dure this any­more...]

[We pledge loy­alty to the Reaper.]

[Please give us... your com­mand.]

Their ini­tial de­fi­ant spirit com­pletely dis­ap­peared.

The skulls, now re­duced to 1/4th, low­ered their heads to­wards Seong Ji­han
all at once and swore their al­le­giance.

['The Fallen King's Spirit' has been placed un­der con­trol.]

[The power of death has been greatly en­hanced.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 201

And thus, the power of death­be­came even stronger.

But Seong Ji­han paid more at­ten­tion to the name of the spec­tral col­lec­tive
that ap­peared in the sys­tem mes­sage.

'Fallen King...'

A Fallen King, with only skulls left of the en­emy.

It re­minded him of the skull-blath­er­ing Con­stel­la­tion Of The Dead Star for

some rea­son.

De­cid­ing to look into this later, he or­dered, "Guide us to your os­suary."

He im­me­di­ately moved on to tackle the map's spe­cial point.

[This place...]

As the ethe­real form of the Fallen King's Spirit dimmed, the re­main­ing hill
that had not been ex­ca­vated dis­ap­peared in an in­stant.

And what was re­vealed there was a gi­ant tri­an­gu­lar struc­ture.

At the bot­tom, a gi­ant skull sup­ported it, and above it, a pyra­mid of re­‐
versed flesh and blood, cre­at­ing a bizarre ap­pear­ance.

At reg­u­lar in­ter­vals, it emit­ted dense aura around it.


And each time, un­dead be­ings were fully gen­er­ated in the smoke, sim­i­lar to
the Death Knights that Seong Ji­han had dom­i­nated ear­lier.

'An os­suary that spawns un­dead...'

[TL/N: Os­suary means a con­tainer or room in which the bones of dead peo­‐
ple are placed.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 201

On Gi­ant Grave­yard maps, an os­suary to spawn the un­dead mon­sters to be

used for the mon­ster waves.

Since all the 1st wave un­dead had been de­voured by the Fallen King's
Spirit, pro­duc­tion had stopped for a while.

And once the Death Knights were cre­ated to a cer­tain de­gree.

Flash! Flash!

Por­tals were gen­er­ated to the east, west, south and north of the in­verted

And the skull hold­ing up the very bot­tom turned its head west.


As a red light emit­ted from the eyes of the bot­tom skull, an un­dead le­gion
headed to­wards the west­ern por­tal.

'Our por­tal is the west one.'

An os­suary cre­at­ing mon­sters and send­ing them out.

The de­fault por­tal po­si­tion marked by the bot­tom skull was ex­actly where
the cur­rent TOP 100 were sta­tioned, the gi­ant grave­yard.

'The elves oc­cu­pied the os­suary and turned that head.'

In the com­pe­ti­tion shown dur­ing the broad­cast, it was sub­tly re­vealed what
the op­pos­ing team was do­ing.

In the pre­vi­ous life, hu­man­ity un­der­stood why the el­ven planet con­sis­tently
ranked first by watch­ing this.

The elves dug up the hill with the earth spir­its, threw a spe­cial sa­cred item
at the Fallen King's Soul, and then, as the soul weak­ened and the os­suary
was re­vealed, they en­tered from here, turn­ing the head of the bot­tom skull.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 201

'We can't tell where the east, south and north por­tals lead, so it's com­pletely
ran­dom, but...

We'd pre­fer it if it sent mon­sters to the elves as much as pos­si­ble.'

In this com­pe­ti­tion, the most sig­nif­i­cant op­po­nent to re­strain was un­doubt­‐

edly the elves.

Orc was a weak race that fought Hu­man­ity for the bot­tom rank even in the
pre­vi­ous life, and Mec­can, al­though it con­sis­tently main­tained a mid-tier
po­si­tion, had less pres­ence than the elves.

If pos­si­ble, it was nec­es­sary to bring down the elves from the first place.

"Wait a mo­ment."

Seong Ji­han, who im­me­di­ately dom­i­nated the sum­moned un­dead le­gion,

en­tered the north­ern por­tal to find the elves.

And then...

"What the, why are the elves here the mo­ment I leave the por­tal...?!"

For­tu­nately, right there, he found the elves.


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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 202

Chap­ter 202


Be­yond the north­ern por­tal.

That place was the os­suary Seong Ji­han had crossed over to, and from the
por­tal to the cen­ter, it was com­pletely iden­ti­cal.

And in the mid­dle, the in­verted pyra­mid.


An elf who had been dili­gently turn­ing the head was star­tled to see Seong

"What, what is this? Why from the por­tal..."


Seong Ji­han charged at the elf with­out hes­i­ta­tion or ex­cuses.

The dis­tance be­tween them nar­rowed in an in­stant.

"Great Lich..."

The elf hur­riedly took his hands off the head and tried to re­spond to Seong
Ji­han, but "In the face of death, all things are equal. I, Seong Ji­han, will pre­‐
side over this in the name of the Reaper."


As Seong Ji­han used the skill 'Death Sen­tence' af­ter get­ting right in front of

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 202


The elf's body melted away with­out even man­i­fest­ing its re­gen­er­at­ion, dis­‐
ap­pear­ing in an in­stant.

It's a pretty good skill if you take out the long in­can­ta­tion.

While Seong Ji­han was think­ing that.

[A race that does not fall un­der the rule of death. Can­not be turned into an


The sys­tem mes­sage floated over his eyes be­lat­edly.

'Elves can­not be­come un­dead?'

Seong Ji­han frowned.

I saw that the drag­ons were also called bone drag­ons. What do you mean
elves can't be­come un­dead?

'I guess I have to com­pletely crush them.'

Seong Ji­han looked to­wards the lo­ca­tion of the os­suary's head.

The head that had been fac­ing north.

The north­ern por­tal in the hu­mans' Gi­ant Grave­yard was also the place lead­‐
ing to the elves' area.

If the north­ern por­tal here also leads to the elves' area...

'Are the por­tal lo­ca­tions the same no mat­ter where they lead?'

The West is hu­man­ity.

North is elves.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 202

Are the po­si­tions all shared?

Seong Ji­han went into the west­ern por­tal to check.

Then un­dead le­gions he had kept on standby ear­lier ap­peared on the other
side of the por­tal.

'The por­tal lo­ca­tions seem fixed no mat­ter where you go.'

If it's not ran­dom, it'll be eas­ier to gather them all in one place.

Seong Ji­han smiled sin­is­terly and en­tered the other two por­tals in turn.

'It's buried un­der the hill.'

Un­like hu­man­ity and the elves who at­tacked the hid­den point, It seemed the
other races hadn't dug into the hill.

It was struc­tured like an un­der­ground os­suary cham­ber.

'Let's just turn the head and go.'

Af­ter turn­ing the heads in those two spa­ces all north, Seong Ji­han en­tered
the por­tal on the elves' side again.

=Player Seong Ji­han..

=Re­ally skilled move­ments, It's as if he knows ev­ery­thing!

=He re­ally is the elves' neme­sis! Oblit­er­at­ing them in one strike!

=But what is he do­ing right now... seems to be gath­er­ing ev­ery­thing to the


=Yes. The north­ern por­tal must some­how lead to where the elves are!

A man whole­heart­edly send­ing four waves of un­dead to swarm the elves.

The view­ers watched this with re­lief.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 202

-Did Seong Ji­han have a feud with the elves lol -He's mob­bing them LOL

-Of course he should, right? Gotta drag the 1st plac­ers down.

-Those World Tree elves re­ally need to be con­tained. There's al­ready two
teams from the World Tree se­ries in the same league right?

-Yeah... there can't be an­other one right?

-Oh no, hope­fully not...

Flash! Flash!

While peo­ple were ex­press­ing cau­tious opin­ions about the elves, a horde of
un­dead be­gan pour­ing out of the por­tal.

'Looks like I've gath­ered all the waves.'

The death knights fill­ing up the space of the os­suary.

Com­pared to when they were first sum­moned, It seemed they had be­come
even more en­hanced af­ter re­ceiv­ing the death aura.

If you send these to at­tack through the north­ern por­tal, they'll charge at the
elves as wave mon­sters.

'Shall we go see.'

Seong Ji­han lead­ing the un­dead horde, was about to launch a full-scale in­‐
va­sion, how­ever...

"Emer­gency sit­u­at­ion has oc­curred!"

"We need to sup­press the un­dead in­vaders."

"That per­son is lead­ing the un­dead horde. Con­cen­trate fire­power on him!"

Even the top 100 elves weren't just idling around.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 202

They quickly formed an en­cir­clement to­wards the os­suary.

"It's not an or­di­nary op­po­nent..."

"30 sac­ri­fices. Pre­pare for the Great Lich!"


See­ing the highly en­hanced un­dead horde led by Seong Ji­han, the elves
promptly made a strate­gic judg­ment.

They or­ga­nized them­selves into a de­fense line against the ap­proach­ing un­‐
dead forces.

'The Great Lich... that's quite tricky.'

Hear­ing the elves' prepa­ra­tions from afar, Seong Ji­han was about to launch
a pre­emp­tive at­tack be­fore they fin­ished, but.

'I need to show the elves' true na­ture to peo­ple once more.'

Since there was still lee­way, he only stretched out a fin­ger and slowly
marched the un­dead le­gions for­ward.

Thump! Thump!

As the death aura en­hanced un­dead le­gions charged for­ward fly­ing.

"De­fend un­til the Great Lich is ready!"

"These un­dead are re­in­forced... don't let your guard down!"

The elves also be­gan a fierce bat­tle against the en­hanced un­dead horde.

De­spite gath­er­ing all four waves and hav­ing a highly en­hanced Death
Knight, the elves weren't an easy op­po­nent.

-Elves are pretty good at fight­ing, Even against the en­hanced Death Knights
they can hold their own -About five elves died un­til now, right? Their re­‐

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 202

gen­er­at­ion is se­ri­ously crazy LOL.

-Wow, did you just see that? Even though his leg was cut off, a new one
sprouted out in an in­stant LOL. They are re­ally wor­thy of be­ing ranked first
in the league.

-No way, are they real play­ers? Why are they so strong? Even though about
30 of them are just stand­ing there with­out fight­ing.

-But why is Seong Ji­han just stand­ing there with his arms crossed? I feel
like the game would be over if Seong Ji­han stepped in since elves are strong
but Seong Ji­han is on an­other level.

-He must have his own plans. Let's leave it to him!

As peo­ple were star­tled again at their strength while watch­ing the bat­tle be­‐
tween elves and un­dead le­gions.


"Great Lich, I sum­mon you!"

The 30 elves who had fin­ished the in­can­ta­tion si­mul­ta­ne­ously put their
hands on their chests.


The elves who smashed their own bod­ies and pulled out their hearts.

'It's started.'

Seong Ji­han, who had been qui­etly watch­ing this, low­ered his crossed arms
and slowly walked for­ward.


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 202

As the 30 hearts burst si­mul­ta­ne­ously, Si­mul­ta­ne­ously, the en­tire body of

the elves ex­ploded in mid-air.

Blood and flesh scat­ter­ing in all di­rec­tions.

It grad­u­ally gath­ered in one area, start­ing to con­struct an enor­mous form.

And then.

Swoosh! Swoosh...

The frag­ments of the body that couldn't co­al­esce into one place rapidly re­‐
gen­er­ated into their orig­i­nal form as elves.

"I sum­mon the Great Lich!"

The re­gen­er­ated elves once again ex­tracted and burst their own hearts.

As they did, the gi­gan­tic fig­ure grad­u­ally took shape, adding flesh and

An elf break­ing his own heart with an ex­pres­sion­less face, and a Great Lich
cre­ated through it.

-Whoa, this is in­sane...

-Ugh... so creepy...

-Tak­ing down all elf pic­tures in my room rn

-Whoa, it feels like it's go­ing to come out in my dreams.

Hu­man­ity, who had al­most lost to the elves in the pre­lim­i­nar­ies, even peo­‐
ple who had a pos­i­tive view due to their oth­er­worldly beauty turned away at
this sight.


Af­ter sac­ri­fic­ing them­selves and ex­plod­ing their hearts for the 10th time.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 202

The elves no longer re­gen­er­ated.

In­stead, the Great Lich had com­pletely taken form.

A gi­ant of light, com­posed of ra­di­ance like the sun.

Just by ex­ist­ing, it emit­ted tremen­dous di­vine power.

-It sucked elf hearts while be­ing born and now it's sparkling like crazy lol -
Were we sup­posed to wait for that...?

-Yeah... feels like the vil­lain waited for the trans­for­ma­tion scene in a show
to fin­ish right...?

-Wait­ing for the trans­for­ma­tion is a rule, LOL.

Flash! Flash!

As lights flashed from the Great Lich.


The un­dead le­gions who had been bat­tling fiercely in­stantly burned away

De­spite be­ing en­hanced by the power of death, The death knights couldn't
with­stand even a sin­gle strike.

That was how pow­er­ful the un­leashed might of the Great Lich was, on a
dif­fer­ent di­men­sion.

-... Wait­ing was the right choice, huh?

-Whoa, but... it's too much...

-Are elves re­ally crazy? What if some­thing like that was in the Bronze
League ㅠㅠ

As the Great Lich be­gan to ex­ert its power, peo­ple be­came tense.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 202

No, that power went way be­yond the limit, didn't it?

-Ah, Seong Ji­han prob­ab­ ly pre­dicted ev­ery­thing, LOL...

-Right. Doesn't he have pre­mo­ni­tion abil­i­ties?

-He sees ev­ery­thing be­fore­hand!

If it was Seong Ji­han with pre­mo­ni­tion abil­i­ties that's fine but.

If it wasn't, why would he fool­ishly stand there and wait to fight that thing?
He'd only get cursed out.

'Still strong as ever.'

See­ing the Great Lich, Seong Ji­han re­called mem­o­ries about it.

The Great Lich the elves had sac­ri­ficed them­selves to sum­mon.

It had a set sum­mon du­ra­tion.

'5 min­utes.'

If you en­dure for 5 min­utes,

The Great Lich wouldn't be able to main­tain that gi­ant form and dis­ap­pear
as light.

So nor­mally, hu­man­ity's way of deal­ing with the Great Lich was to buy

Run away and strictly main­tain a de­fen­sive pos­ture.

They sim­ply waited un­til the sum­mon­ing time of the Great Lich was over.

Seong Ji­han, in his past life, also fol­lowed this pro­to­col.


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 202

'Now I need to find a dif­fer­ent strat­egy.'

He couldn't al­ways be afraid and tram­pled by the elves and the Great Lich.

Aside from the 5 minute time limit, He had to find means to deal with the
Great Lichs.

"Hey you over there! That guy messed things up...!"

"Quickly elim­i­nate him! And we'll go past the por­tal and kill the play­ers!"

The leader of the elves said this while grit­ting his teeth and gave or­ders to
the Great Lich.

Then, a flash of light em­anated from the Great Lich's body.

A pow­er­ful di­vine force con­cen­trated on Seong Ji­han.

It seemed like it could pu­rify and burn him away in an in­stant.



De­spite fac­ing tremen­dous lights head-on.

The death aura sur­round­ing Seong Ji­han's body didn't dis­ap­pear at all.

"What, this can't pierce through ei­ther?"

"W, what...! The dark aura is block­ing the Great Lich's light...!"

To Seong Ji­han's sur­prise as well,

The Great Lich's light had no ef­fect what­so­ever on the power of death.


Why is it like this?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 202

With a tilted head, Seong Ji­han ap­proached the con­tin­u­ously shin­ing Great

Flash! Flash!

As if to block that ap­proach, the Great Lich spat out lights sev­eral times

Hav­ing semi-fused with the power of death, Seong Ji­han lightly blocked

Rather, the parts that hadn't fused stung from the heat of the light.

'I need to spread it wider across my whole body.'

He re­ar­ranged the gath­ered power of death across his en­tire skin.


"Block his ap­proach!"

As the elves were sur­prised at Seong Ji­han's power and tried to ob­struct his
ap­proach from the Great Lich.

"In the face of death, all things are equal. I, Seong Ji­han, will pre­side over
this in the name of the Reaper."

Fac­ing them, Seong Ji­han in­stantly fin­ished his chant as if rap­ping this

Then the elves, un­able to with­stand Death Sen­tence, col­lapsed while bleed­‐
ing out.

As over 30 elves died in an in­stant.


The el­ven leader quickly pulled back his body.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 202

"...At this rate we'll get last place. We head to the east­ern por­tal!"

Then en­ter­ing in a scat­tered man­ner, the elves charged into the east­ern por­‐

It seemed they judged that if the game ended here, their score would be last
place. So they tried to drag down other races to rock bot­tom as well.

'Quite quick judge­ment.'

Chas­ing down all the elves wouldn't have felt cathar­tic any­way, So for now,
the Great Lich took pri­or­ity.

For­tu­nately the east­ern por­tal didn't lead to hu­man­ity's por­tal, So he de­cided

to go later while think­ing that.

Seong Ji­han ap­proached the con­tin­u­ously shin­ing Great Lich.

'The Great Lich's ba­sis is the power of life but...'

The power of life, com­pletely op­po­site to the power of death.

He didn't un­der­stand why this power didn't pierce through the power of
death ei­ther.

The two were ex­treme op­po­sites.

Nor­mally they would col­lide in­tensely with life or death on the line, Yet
har­bor­ing these doubts, as Seong Ji­han ap­proached the in­te­rior of the Great

When he reached a cer­tain spot, his eyes flashed.

"Oh ho."

In­side the gi­ant spirit of light.

Filled to the brim with the power of life,

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 202

An in­com­pat­i­ble power was nested in­side that shouldn't be there.

If he hadn't gained the power of death be­fore­hand.

And also, if he didn't have past ex­pe­ri­ence us­ing the power of life.

He wouldn't have no­ticed the stealth­ily hid­den in­com­pat­i­ble lo­ca­tion.

Its po­si­tion was be­low the gi­ant's torso.

"Come out."

When Seong Ji­han blew the power of death in there.


Frag­ments of the elves that had dis­ap­peared floated out from there.

Just like ear­lier in the os­suary.

El­ven frag­ments hav­ing a struc­ture sim­i­lar

To a pyra­mid of corpses.

See­ing that, Seong Ji­han's eyes lit up.

'So this is the weak point.'

When he smashed that with his fist.

The form of the Great Lich crum­bled in an in­stant.


['Con­stel­la­tion Yg­gdrasil' re­quests in­for­ma­tion dis­clo­sure about the player.]

[The spon­sor­ing con­stel­la­tions, 'Brahma' and 'Con­stel­la­tion of the Dead

Star' op­pose this and have ex­er­cised veto power.]

[The in­for­ma­tion dis­clo­sure re­quest is re­jected.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 202

Mes­sages quickly floated up over Seong Ji­han's eyes.


[Note:- Yg­gdrasil is an im­por­tant fea­ture of Norse mythol­ogy. It is the

Norse tree of life, en­com­pass­ing all nine worlds that are part of the an­cient
Norse view of the cos­mos. It is an ash tree in which all of the worlds, in­‐
clud­ing the world of hu­mans and the world of the gods, nes­tle among the
branches and roots.]



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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 203

Chap­ter 203



Seong Ji­han looked at the sys­tem mes­sages with in­ter­est.


The World Tree that ap­pears in Norse mythol­ogy, so mas­sive that it reached
the uni­verse, hence the nick­name Uni­verse Tree.

It's prob­ab­ ly the most fa­mous World Tree known to hu­man­ity.

'At this mo­ment when the Great Spirit's weak­ness has been dis­cov­ered...
Does this name have some­thing to do with the World Tree Al­liance?'

[Note:- Chang­ing 'Great Lich' to 'Great Spirit' for bet­ter con­sis­tency.]

In his pre­vi­ous life, Yg­gdrasil had not been re­vealed un­til the ex­tinc­tion of

But it seems that due to Seong Ji­han's many un­pre­dictable ac­tions to­ward
the elves, a high-rank­ing con­stel­la­tion of the World Tree Al­liance had
stepped in.

[Your spon­sor­ing con­stel­la­tion, 'Brahma,' warns you to never get in­volved

with Yg­gdrasil.]

[They in­sist that If you must get in­volved, it is strongly rec­om­mended to

just ex­change in­for­ma­tion and then leave.]

'Brahma' dis­played a strong wari­ness to­wards Yg­gdrasil.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 203

In ad­di­tion:

[Your spon­sor­ing con­stel­la­tion, 'Con­stel­la­tion of Dead Star,' sends an ur­gent


[The spon­sor con­stel­la­tion is blocked. Would you like to un­block?]

Un­til now, if 'Con­stel­la­tion of Dead Star' sent any use­less mes­sages, a win­‐
dow to un­block them would not pop up, but this time it seems that the sys­‐
tem asked for Seong Ji­han's con­sent be­cause it was an emer­gency.

'I might as well lis­ten to what this is about.'

When Seong Ji­han lifted the block:

[Your spon­sor­ing con­stel­la­tion, 'Con­stel­la­tion of Dead Star,' em­pha­sizes

that you should nei­ther lis­ten to nor look at the World Tree Al­liance's pro­‐

[They no­tify you that many who have fallen for the sweet words of the old
woman have ended up be­com­ing trees.]

An old woman, is this re­fer­ring to Yg­gdrasil?

'But isn't the dis­clo­sure of in­for­ma­tion re­jected any­way? Can a pro­posal

even come through?'

As Seong Ji­han pon­dered this doubt:

[The 'Uni­verse Tree Yg­gdrasil' makes an of­fer to the player in hide­out sta­‐

[We want to spon­sor you who have shown great po­ten­tial. Please dis­close
your in­for­ma­tion. Just re­veal your in­for­ma­tion and I will give you 100 tril­‐
lion GP.]

100 tril­lion GP?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 203

Last time, dur­ing the elf ex­ec­ u­tion, they called for 1,000 tril­lion GP to an­nul

Does the World Tree Al­liance print GP, or is their sense of money com­‐
pletely par­al­yzed?

Per­plexed, the Seong Ji­han didn't re­spond.

[Oh, we missed adding a zero. It's 1000 tril­lion GP.]

Once again, a re­spect­ful mes­sage from the Uni­verse Tree Yg­gdrasil's side

A tri­umphant scale, in­creas­ing the GP ten­fold in a flash.

Seong Ji­han seemed to un­der­stand why his spon­sor­ing con­stel­la­tions

warned so strongly against their pro­posal.

Even Seong Ji­han, who har­bors ha­tred for the World Tree Al­liance, flinched
mo­men­tar­ily be­cause of their over­whelm­ing fi­nan­cial on­slaught.

'It's not per­ma­nently hid­den, it's just for six months...'

They prob­ab­ ly didn't know it was lim­ited to 6 months, so they called an ex­‐
or­bi­tant amount.

Six months of hide­out sta­tus or 1000 tril­lion GP.

If it were an or­di­nary player, they would have cho­sen the lat­ter with­out hes­‐
i­ta­tion, but the Seong Ji­han thought dif­fer­ently.

"I'll re­ject it."

The sit­u­at­ion was fi­nan­cially sta­ble for now.

Rather than ac­cept­ing that and fall­ing un­der the in­flu­ence of the World Tree

It was bet­ter to buy more time, even if only for 6 months.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 203

Upon that,

[To re­ject this pro­posal so cat­eg­ or­i­cally... we must pay more at­ten­tion to
you. We will wait for the day when your in­for­ma­tion is dis­closed.]

The Uni­verse Tree Yg­gdrasil ended the mes­sage po­litely.

'But the con­text is, "just you wait un­til dis­clo­sure"...'

Hav­ing be­come an ad­ver­sary to the World Tree Al­liance, it was in­evitable.

It seemed he had gained the at­ten­tion of a trou­ble­some op­po­nent.

'I need to grow as much as pos­si­ble in the re­main­ing six months.'

And that meant dom­i­nat­ing this game first.

Turn­ing off the mes­sage from Yg­gdrasil, Seong Ji­han looked to­wards the
east por­tal where the elves had fled.

The elves, who couldn't af­ford to be last, in­vaded the ter­ri­tory of an­other

'If I wipe both of them out from there, it should work.'

Seong Ji­han's form quickly headed to­wards the east­ern por­tal.

=The game sit­u­at­ion is com­pletely bizarre!

=Wasn't this orig­i­nally a de­fense map? The mon­sters are con­trolled by the
Seong Ji­han, and the elves are slaugh­ter­ing orcs while avoid­ing him!

=The Orc tribe... seems to con­sist only of war­riors. They're ex­tremely vul­‐
ner­ab­ le to long-range at­tacks!

Be­cause of Seong Ji­han, what was sup­posed to be a de­fen­sive game turned

into a full-blown in­va­sion.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 203

On the hu­mans' chan­nel 0, the fight was now more about alien races than

=Elves are strong. Re­ally strong! The orcs have now fallen to the low­est
rank, over­whelmed by the elves.

=It hasn't even been 10 min­utes since the fight started and there are only 30
orcs left alive! Bru­tally tram­pled by the nu­mer­i­cally in­fe­rior elves!

The elves, us­ing their el­em

­ en­tal magic, bom­barded from the air.

The orcs tried to re­spond to the aerial as­sault, ei­ther by fly­ing or throw­ing
axes, but.

The dif­fer­ence in the racial specs was too se­vere.

-Elves are a cheat race, aren't they? Spirit magic is just in­sane!

-Wow, did you see that? The elf got hit in the fore­head with an axe, but it
re­gen­er­ated in­stantly. What kind of mon­sters are they?

-What about Seong Ji­han who dealt with them?

-Seong Ji­han is just an OP ex­is­tence LOL

While one side was en­gaged in a fierce strug­gle among races.

"Ah, it's bor­ing..."

"Mon­sters are on our side, so there's noth­ing to do."

"I was so ner­vous dur­ing the Di­am

­ ond Pro­mo­tion Match. It turns out it
wasn't nec­es­sary."

Aside from Seong Ji­han, the hu­man side just sat down, idly scratch­ing the

=Hu­mans look re­mark­ably peace­ful!

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 203

=The cam­eras as­signed to hu­mans have noth­ing to do. It seems like we only
need to fo­cus on Seong Ji­han!

=True. Aren't we re­ly­ing too much only on one player?

=Where else do we have a player to rely on? With­out him, we'd be in the
same sit­u­at­ion as orcs.

With noth­ing to com­ment on, hu­man com­men­ta­tors had to change the


The only per­son left to watch was Seong Ji­han.

=Seong Ji­han... en­ters the east­ern gate and ex­its the un­der­ground cham­ber!

=The un­dead le­gion from all four Os­suar­ies are fol­low­ing him. Poor orcs,
it's a bolt from the blue!

As the com­men­ta­tor said, the map as­signed to the orcs was now in full

Elves, un­dead, and one hu­man, all mixed up.

Magic bursts ev­ery­where, and col­li­sions oc­curred ev­ery­where.

Among them, suf­fer­ing the great­est dam­age were the orcs.

"K-krk... What the hell is this!"

"Why the hell are other races here!"

The orcs, who had pre­pared only for the un­dead, think­ing it was a nor­mal
de­fense map, suf­fered sub­stan­tial losses from the sud­den ap­pear­ance of

We're both go­ing up to di­am

­ ond, how can there be such a gap in the power?

The orcs trem­bled as they looked at the elves reign­ing from the sky like

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 203

"We're last, the last!"

"These crazy pointy-eared guys were orig­i­nally last...!"

Bang! Bang!

As pow­er­ful magic rained down from the sky again.

"Is this the end...?"

The orcs were brac­ing for an­ni­hi­la­tion.



Seong Ji­han rose into the sky above the orcs and then, from his hands, a
crim­son light ex­tended.

It spread widely, pro­tect­ing both him and the orcs.

Boom! Boom!

Then, magic ex­ploded si­mul­ta­ne­ously in the air.

When the fa­tal blow to oblit­er­ate the orcs was blocked, the elves gnashed
their teeth.

"It's him!"

"He fol­lowed us all the way here. It's an­noy­ing...!"

"...Or­ders have been given from above. Col­lect his flesh or blood!"

"Pre­pare for the Great Spirit trans­for­ma­tion again!"

In that short time, what­ever or­ders had been re­ceived.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 203

Elves, who had es­caped Seong Ji­han and at­tempted to make a get­away,
once again tried to use the Great Spirit Trans­for­ma­tion.


In the process of pulling out their hearts to cre­ate a gi­ant, Great Spirit

All elves ex­cept the leader im­me­di­ately ded­i­cated them­selves to this.

"Ku­rurr... what are they do­ing?"

"Now's the time. Throw the axes!"

The orcs, who had no in­ten­tion of wait­ing for the trans­for­ma­tion time,
threw axes at the elves in uni­son.

"Sylph. Knock them down."

But their in­ter­cep­tion was en­tirely blocked by the re­main­ing elf leader.

The orcs nat­u­rally looked to­wards Seong Ji­han.

"...What's he do­ing?"

"Why is he wait­ing?"

"Is this race... hu­man­ity? Strong, but seems like a race with a dull mind."

Hu­mans were ridiculed for their in­tel­lect by the orcs. Seong Ji­han, hear­ing
this from above, couldn't help but feel awk­ward.

'I need to test the iden­ti­fied weak point.'

Hav­ing iden­ti­fied a po­ten­tial weak point in the Great Spirit, he merely

crossed his arms and watched the trans­for­ma­tion.

And Soon,

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 203

A gi­ant light gi­ant, gen­er­ated from the sky, touched the ground with its legs.

"Hu­mans! Such fool­ish­ness! Why did you just stand there wait­ing for such
a mon­ster to ap­pear?!"

"That, that mon­ster... It's enor­mous. We're done..."

The orcs de­spaired at the sight of the light gi­ant, blam­ing Seong Ji­han.

Why would you wait for such a thing?

Mean­while, the elf leader clearly in­structed the gi­ant, "Great Spirit. Just in­‐
flict a scratch on him! I'll make sure to get his blood and flesh... and es­‐

The elf leader pri­or­i­tized the com­mand from above. The Great Spirit moved
ac­cord­ing to the elf leader's re­quest.

Flash! Flash!

Bright light cas­caded down to­wards Seong Ji­han.

When some orcs in­ad­ver­tently closed their eyes due to the in­tense light,

The widely spread power of death eas­ily re­pelled the light of the Great

"It couldn't be... that at­tack..."

They thought it was the end.

In­stead, the as­sault van­ished, leav­ing the orcs look­ing at Seong Ji­han with

How could such an over­whelm­ing at­tack be blocked?

"Hu­man­ity... how strong can it be?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 203

As the orcs un­wit­tingly said this,


Seong Ji­han looked to­wards the orcs and asked, "Hey, do you have any sup­‐

The voice of the hu­man came through the Bat­tleNet's au­to­matic trans­la­tion.

De­spite his over­whelm­ing strength, his voice wasn't as in­tense com­pared to

the orcs.

He looked frail on the out­side, but was he hid­ing im­mense strength in­side?

The orc leader, think­ing this, an­swered Seong Ji­han's ques­tion, "A sup­‐
porter? We've a shaman. Yes."

"Come with me. Oh, does your shaman have a magic at­tack with di­vine
power? Ranged."

"...Yes, they do."

"Pre­pare that."

"Ah, un­der­stood. Ushon, go."

The orc shaman pre­pared a magic im­bued with holy power, as dic­tated by
Seong Ji­han, an alien race. They seemed to be en­chanted by his or­ders.

"At­tack the lower part of that Great Spirit."

"That thing... you mean?"


Fol­low­ing Seong Ji­han's di­rec­tion, the orc shaman pre­pared magic with di­‐
vine power.

Flash! Flash!

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 203

In the mean­time, the Great Spirit ex­pended a lot of en­ergy try­ing to break
Seong Ji­han's bar­rier.

None of his at­tacks man­aged to pen­et­rate.

"What kind of power is this...!"

The elf leader anx­iously looked back and forth be­tween the Great Spirit and
Seong Ji­han when, "At­tack­ing with the power of light against that light?"


"It should be use­less... Are hu­mans stupid?"

"Just do as you're told."

"Ah, got it. Ash­palaka!"


Shaman Ushon waved the staff, and a white wolf's head burst forth, fly­ing
to­ward the light gi­ant.

Con­sid­er­ing its size and the light emit­ted, it seemed likely to dis­ap­pear mid­‐
way com­pared to the Great Spirit.



The wolf's head, aim­ing for the des­ig­nated po­si­tion, cracked the body of the
gi­ant of light upon im­pact.

"What, what's go­ing on?! The Great Spirit..."

"Huh? Me?"

The elf leader, be­wil­dered, and the sup­porter Ushon, who couldn't be­lieve
he suc­ceeded, saw the gi­ant's body re­cover slightly.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 203


How­ever, it was no­tice­ably weaker than be­fore.

Seong Ji­han be­came sure of some­thing as he watched.

'Clearly, the weak­ness from ear­lier is the weak point. It's vul­ner­ab­ le to Di­‐
vine power.'

The dead elves hid­den in the belly but­ton area of the Great Spirit.

Tar­get­ing that spot with di­vine power surely gave a sig­nif­i­cant blow.

If a Di­am ­ ond-level or higher player were to strike, it might show even more
sig­nif­i­cant ef­fects.

Now that he knew the weak­ness was clear, Seong Ji­han made a de­ci­sive

"Let's fin­ish this."

Seong Ji­han swiftly ap­proached the ra­di­ant gi­ant, break­ing its weak point.


The light dis­persed, and the gi­ant van­ished.

The elf leader, from above, watched it with va­cant eyes.

"It's... it doesn't make sense..."

"You are the last one. Now go to the bot­tom."


As the fi­nal sur­vivor's body ex­ploded,

"The Elves are dead!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 203

"They can't re­gen­er­ate!"

"Hu­mans. They're strong! They saved us! They're our friends!"

The orcs on the ground cheered.

Sud­denly ap­pear­ing and sweep­ing away the for­mi­da­ble elves, they even
called Seong Ji­han a friend.

But that 'friend'.

"You guys. Why are you happy?"


"It's your turn next."

He had no in­ten­tion of be­com­ing friends with them.

And then...

Thud! Thud!

Un­dead forces swarmed in from all di­rec­tions.

"Oh, no...!"

The faces of the orcs turned pale.

Above them, the blades of the Death Knights de­scended.

=Seong Ji­han. He sweeps through the Mechan with the un­dead!

=In the league com­pe­ti­tion, all the op­po­nents have dis­ap­peared!

"What will hap­pen now...?"

"Ah, ah...! The game is end­ing!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 203

With no op­po­nents left in the league com­pe­ti­tion, it au­to­mat­i­cally ended.

While the other teams were com­pet­ing fiercely in de­fense, elim­in­ at­ing each
other, this side seemed to have the op­po­nents com­pletely wiped out, re­sult­‐
ing in an au­to­matic first place.

Per­haps it was be­cause they ended the game in such a unique way, Seong
Ji­han re­ceived a del­uge of re­ward mes­sages.

[You have cleared the con­stel­la­tion quest.]

Among all, he fo­cused on one line.

'Fi­nally, I'll ob­tain it. The Void.'


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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 204

Chap­ter 204


En­ter­ing the Space League, the Di­am

­ ond Pro­mo­tion Match turned into a
League Com­pe­ti­tion. The win­ner of this com­pe­ti­tion, di­vided into five
groups, was none other than hu­man­ity. The groups com­prised hu­mans,
elves, mechan, and orcs.

Be­fore the Gi­ant Grave­yard map changed, they suc­cess­fully con­cluded the

=Since the game was cleared be­fore the map change, hu­man­ity's 1st place is

=The 1st place re­ward has al­ready been re­vealed... Oh, this is!

=The num­ber of TOs that can be earned in the pro­mo­tion match has in­‐
creased by 10%!

=And that's across all leagues' pro­mo­tion matches! It's for a lim­ited one-
year only, but it's a huge num­ber...!

Hu­man­ity's vic­tory in the league com­pe­ti­tion yielded bet­ter re­wards than


The chance to pro­mote in all leagues' pro­mo­tion matches in­creased by 10%.

-TO (To­tal Out­comes) in­creased? Wow, awe­some.

-Isn't it 50% now? So doesn't this mean 60% of the play­ers will ad­vance if
they en­ter pro­mo­tion matches?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 204

-Yeah Yeah Yeah. My brother al­ways fails to get to plat­inum, but he might
now LOL

-Aren't we just go­ing to pro­duce a bunch of weak Di­am

­ onds this way?

-Even if they're weak, more Di­am­ onds are bet­ter. It means the num­ber of
strong play­ers is in­creas­ing.

-Seong Ji­han did an­other big thing!

Even af­ter dis­cussing the im­pact of this re­ward for a while, the com­men­ta­‐
tors showed the score­boards of the league com­pe­ti­tion.

=It seems that the games on the other side are still in progress. The scores
of the ?? species are still chang­ing!

=It would be nice to show the games in other groups as well. Oh, but the
World Tree Elves we met in the open­ing match are over­whelm­ingly lead­ing
in Group 1.

=The World Tree Elves... are cer­tainly pow­er­ful. Al­though he seems weak
against Seong Ji­han, the power of the race it­self is un­doubt­edly ex­cep­tional.

=Don't tell me some of those ?? races in­clude more of the elves?

=Ah, come on!

The World Tree Elves were over­whelm­ingly lead­ing in Group 1 with a

score of 71. The 1st place in Groups 2, 4, and 5 marked as ?? was also
nearly iden­ti­cal, with a sim­i­lar score, equally se­cur­ing the 1st place.

-- All the first places have sim­i­lar scores.

-- Don't tell me they're all World Tree elves? LOL

-Well, surely not...

-Don't say un­for­tu­nate things.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 204

As peo­ple de­bated whether this co­in­ci­dence in other games' score­boards

was by chance or not, Seong Ji­han logged out to his pent­house to re­view his
per­sonal game re­wards.

[You've achieved the spe­cial ac­com­plish­ment, 'League Com­pe­ti­tion Vic­‐


[You've gained 500,000 achieve­ment points.]

[You've achieved the spe­cial ac­com­plish­ment, 'League Com­pe­ti­tion MVP'.]

[You've gained 500,000 achieve­ment points.]

[You've achieved the spe­cial ac­com­plish­ment, 'Gi­ant Grave­yard Dis­so­lu­‐


[You've gained 1,000,000 achieve­ment points.]

[You've achieved the spe­cial ac­com­plish­ment, 'Of­fense Over De­fense'.]

[You've gained 1,000,000 achieve­ment points.]

Per­haps be­cause he fin­ished the game with of­fense on a de­fense map.

Seong Ji­han achieved sev­eral com­men­da­tions in to­tal, gain­ing 3 mil­lion


[Your level has in­creased by 10.]

[You're re­warded with 100 mil­lion GP.]

In ad­di­tion to be­com­ing the MVP of the pro­mo­tion match, his level in­‐
creased, and the GP re­ward amount jumped sig­nif­i­cantly, re­ceiv­ing 1 bil­lion

'Per­haps be­cause I de­clined 1,000 tril­lion, 1 bil­lion seems too small.'

Com­pared to the GP of­fered by the Uni­verse Tree Yg­gdrasil, the GP re­ward

had a dif­fer­ence sim­i­lar to that be­tween the sun and a fire­fly. It was barely

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 204

worth notic­ing. In­stead, his fo­cus shifted to the last line.

[You have cleared the con­stel­la­tion quest.]

His fo­cus was con­cen­trated on the last sen­tence.

[The 'Con­stel­la­tion of the Dead Star' at­tempts to sum­mon the player to the
'Void Swamp' to dis­pense the quest re­ward.]

[Will you re­spond to the sum­mon?]

The Void Swamp.

Al­though it sounded sus­pi­cious and omi­nous, Seong Ji­han couldn't di­vert

his gaze from the last line.

[Ac­tiv­i­ties re­lated to the 'Void' stat will be safely con­ducted un­der the su­‐
per­vi­sion of the Bat­tleNet sys­tem.]

When the Bat­tleNet sys­tem un­ex­pect­edly as­sured safety, he made up his


"All right."

Seong Ji­han ac­cepted the sum­mon­ing.

'Is this the Void Swamp?'

Seong Ji­han, who re­sponded to the sum­mon­ing, looked around. A world

tainted with crim­son and black. Faint light de­scended from the sky, and a
mas­sive whirlpoo slowly ro­tated on the ground.

'The en­ergy from the whirlpoo feels tremen­dous.'

It didn't suck in Seong Ji­han, but

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 204

A tremen­dous force was felt in the slowly turn­ing whirlpool, its limit im­‐

As he fo­cused on the whirlpool, won­der­ing what might be hap­pen­ing in­‐

side, a fa­mil­iar, ca­sual voice reached his ears.

"Silly head! You've ar­rived!"

From be­hind him, a fa­mil­iar friv­o­lous voice sounded.

Seong Ji­han turned his head slightly, widen­ing his eyes.

"This time it's not a skele­ton."

"If I'm to give you Void, I need to come in per­son."

Kar­lein, The Con­stel­la­tion of Dead Star, who usu­ally ap­peared as an un­‐

dead, was dif­fer­ent this time. Clad in a black robe, a white-haired man
stood, grin­ning and speak­ing in a some­what light­hearted man­ner. His red
eyes were dim and hazy, but his ex­posed ap­pear­ance was sur­pris­ingly beau­‐
ti­ful, com­pa­ra­ble to an elf.

"Are you hu­man?"

"Hu­man... that frail kind? I was sev­eral or­ders of mag­ni­tude above. Hmm.
Right. In your terms... di­vine, no, demigod?"


"Yes. Once upon a time, I was quite splen­did. Look at this."

Kar­lein pointed un­der his eye.

A dis­tinct sign that stretched down to his jaw­line was writ­ten.

Though it seemed un­in­ter­pretable since it was an ex­trater­res­trial lan­guage,


When light emerged from the script, it was au­to­mat­i­cally trans­lated.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 204

[This item be­longs to the So­lar King]

[Only he shall pos­sess it]

[Those who covet will be de­stroyed, through three gen­er­at­ions.]

"What's this?"

"The So­lar King, who fa­vored me, branded me with this. Kiki."

"Can't you, a con­stel­la­tion, get rid of that?"

"Well, var­i­ous cir­cum­stances... but if our heads get to­gether, ev­ery­thing

seems solv­able!"

Kar­lein stretched both arms to­wards Seong Ji­han.

The hem of the robe slipped slightly, ex­pos­ing his fore­arm be­neath the

Un­like the face or hand, there was only bone in Kar­lein's arm.

'The neck is also just bones.'

Was it a mix of an un­dead and a demigod? It did seem more com­pli­cated

than when he was a mere skull, but.

'Well, it's none of my con­cern.'

He came here only to ob­tain the abil­ity of the Void.

Seong Ji­han waved his hands at Kar­lein, who was try­ing to ap­proach.

"Enough with that. Give me the Void quickly."

"Aw. Got it. Hey. But, is it okay if I don't delve too deeply?"


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 204

"If you get too en­tan­gled with Void, you won't live long. I can't have you as
my head."

"...Why won't one live long?"

Seong Ji­han asked Kar­lein with a stiff face.

Even be­ing as­so­ci­ated with the Void was some­what un­com­fort­able for him,
on one hand.

And now the star's words made it im­pos­si­ble not to worry.

"Void it­self doesn't al­low for longevity. It en­sures you can't out­last your nat­‐
u­ral life­spans."

"What does that mean, ex­actly?"

"You're hu­man, right? How long do you live?"

"Uh...on av­er­age 70 years?"

"Re­ally? That's all you can live?"

Kar­lein shrugged and placed his palm on the ground.



From the whirlpool on the ground came a pur­ple en­ergy.

"With your abil­i­ties, pass­ing 70 should be sim­ple. Hun­dreds of years? That

would be too eas­ily ex­ceeded, I reckon. In­clud­ing Bat­tleNet's var­i­ous sup­‐
port ef­fects, you might see over a thou­sand years."

"I have no plans to live that long. But ac­cord­ing to what you said, I can live
up to 70, right?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 204

"Yes. You can en­joy the life­spans given to your kind. But no more than

"Then that's fine."

"Ha... even though you say so now, when death comes, ev­ery­one changes
their mind. I, who over­sees the power of death, can guar­an­tee that at 70
you'll be des­per­ate to live longer."

Seong Ji­han pon­dered over these words.

Now, in his twen­ties, he couldn't see him­self liv­ing a thou­sand more years.

But, if he re­ally did live much longer, his thoughts might change.

What crea­ture likes dy­ing?

Es­pe­cially some­one like Seong Ji­han, with longevity that tran­scends race,
would likely pre­fer to live a long and healthy life.

They wouldn't wel­come death.

"What about you? You have the Void abil­ity your­self. From what you're
say­ing, Void doesn't seem to suit the un­dead?"

"I haven't delved too deeply be­cause I need to roam across the cos­mos to
an­ni­hi­late all kings."

Pat! Pat!

Point­ing to his cheek, the 'Prop­erty of the So­lar King' and smirk­ing, was
Kar­lein Dis­play­ing this, he spread his palms com­pletely.

"That's why I only have 10 in the Void stat."

"10? That's it?"

"Yeah. If you de­cide to take it, I'll lose 5."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 204


"What do you think? You still want it?"

"Yeah, give it."

De­spite lis­ten­ing to all the warn­ings from Kar­lein, Seong Ji­han did not take
long to de­cide.

'Can't even be sure to live an­other ten years, let alone a thou­sand.'

In this world where one com­petes with gods and over­pow­ered be­ings.

Any­thing that can be swiped with power must be used.

And to an­al­yze the Void abil­ity, he also had to find his sis­ter.

"I un­der­stand. I'll give it... but don't rush to com­mit your stat points. You
might re­ally re­gret it later."

"Just give it to me quickly."

"100. 100 is the limit. Never ex­ceed it. Re­ally. Head, We've got to last a
long time!"

Eye­ing Kar­lein and his sin­cere con­cern, Seong Ji­han smiled faintly and ges­‐

"Just give it al­ready."

"Al­right. Here you go."


The swirling whirlpool, which was ro­tat­ing clock­wise, started spin­ning anti-

[The 'Con­stel­la­tion of Dead Star' be­stows upon you, his own power, 'Void'.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 204

[Do you wish to ac­quire 'Void'?]

As the sys­tem mes­sage rose be­fore him, Seong Ji­han didn't hes­it­ate and
pressed yes.

[Grade­less abil­ity, 'Void,' ac­quired.]

[Void stats won't be af­fected by ti­tles or other stat+ ef­fects.]

[The more you in­vest stat points, the higher your chances of be­ing bound by
Void's will.]

Grade­less, huh.

Al­though it was a grade­less abil­ity, it was en­tirely dif­fer­ent from the pow­ers
of con­stel­la­tions, such as the Mar­tial soul.

Seong Ji­han checked his sta­tus win­dow.

Be­neath sev­eral im­pres­sive abil­i­ties,

[Void: 5]

Void stood out with just a mea­ger score of 5.

'At least I have a place to spend ad­di­tional stat points that were pil­ing up.'
With Mar­tial Soul, which could only rise by de­vel­op­ing mar­tial arts and
stored ad­di­tional stat points.

But Void stats seemed free from such con­straints, al­low­ing for any amount
to be in­vested.

Of course, con­sid­er­ing Kar­lein's warn­ing be­fore in­vest­ing any stats.

'Think­ing of liv­ing for a thou­sand years...'

For Seong Ji­han, who had wit­nessed Earth's de­struc­tion in a past life and
be­came an en­emy of the gods, It was more ur­gent to up­grade his cur­rent

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 204


'I've got to get my sis­ter out of there.'

With just min­i­mal anal­y­sis of Void, he in­tended to fully com­mit stat points.

Then re­call­ing some­thing, he asked Kar­lein,

"Hey. But can I take away my niece's Void abil­ity?"

"'Niece'? Oh, that girl? That won't be easy. She seems quite en­tan­gled with
Void... you'll need to in­vest a bit into Void."

"Ah. I see I need to in­vest a bit."

"Hey! What are you talk­ing about? That's a firm 70-death sen­tence!"

"That's enough for me."

"It's not enough for me! And, if you put it that way, isn't 70 years enough
for your niece too?"

"I chose with my will, and Seah didn't know. So I have to let her choose."

At Seong Ji­han's words, Kar­lein looked at him as if he was in­cred­u­lous.

Why does this guy not want to live long?

"Hey. Se­ri­ously. Con­sider care­fully be­fore you in­vest in Void. Once it's 100,
there is no go­ing back."

"Enough, just send me back now."

"Hey, hey. Wait a minute. Let's talk more. Has the power of death been use­‐
ful? If you be­come my head, you could en­joy it a thou­sand or even a mil­‐
lion times more!"

While ar­gu­ing about be­ing sent back home, Kar­lein be­gan stick­ing to him
again, and Seong Ji­han fur­rowed his eye­brows.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 204

Come to think of it, this power trans­fer had been safely man­aged un­der the
over­sight of the Bat­tleNet sys­tem.

"Sys­tem. Send me back home."

[The 'Void' trans­fer for player 'Seong Ji­han' is com­plete.]

[You will re­turn to your orig­i­nal lo­ca­tion.]

"Oh what, you're leav­ing al­ready! Hey...! Don't ever reach 100!"

Kar­lein warned un­til the very end not to ex­ceed 100 points.

Hav­ing re­turned from the Void Swamp,

'Maybe I should lis­ten to Seah's in­ten­tions at least once. I can't just ab­sorb
her abil­ity.'

As Seong Ji­han pon­dered what to do re­gard­ing his niece's abil­ity of Void,

[You've ac­quired Void abil­ity.]

[The achieve­ment shop has opened.]

[Hid­den con­di­tions have been met, the achieve­ment shop is re­vamped.]

[A se­cret store opens.]

'...A se­cret store?' Seong Ji­han watched the sud­denly ap­pear­ing sys­tem mes­‐
sage with wide eyes.


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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 205

Chap­ter 205


'I was al­ready con­sid­er­ing grad­u­ally up­grad­ing the shop, but it turned out to
be a se­cret shop.'

Achieve­ment shop.

Once heav­ily uti­lized, it had re­cently been in a state of ac­cu­mu­lat­ing points

as there were few places to spend them.

Nev­er­the­less, now that he had ful­filled the do­na­tion re­quire­ment, a pre­req­‐

ui­site for up­grad­ing the shop, Seong Ji­han de­cided to up­grade it.

I would have started spend­ing points in earnest by the end of Jan­u­ary, now
that I've also been pro­moted to Di­am
­ ond.

'A se­cret shop... I need to see what it sells.'

Seong Ji­han opened the se­cret shop.

[Se­cret Shop -- Void LV.1]

Se­cret Shop Up­grade -- 5,000,000P

Sta­tus Win­dow En­hance­ment LV.1 -- 1,000,000P

Class En­hance­ment LV.1 -- 1,000,000P

Ti­tle Fu­sion -- 1,000,000P

Al­ter­nate World Space -- Open for 1,000,000P, con­sumes 10,000P per day
when ac­ti­vated [All items in the se­cret shop have an ex­pi­ra­tion date, and

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 205

their va­lid­ity pe­riod is pro­por­tional to the void stats.]

'The amount of points re­quired is as­tro­nom­i­cal.'

Se­cret Shop -- Void.

Even though it was only level 1, the re­quired achieve­ment points were stag­‐
ger­ing. More­over, there was no limit. If Seong Ji­han had to rely on achieve­‐
ment points as be­fore, he might have hes­i­tated to ap­proach it.

'But now, with over ten mil­lion points re­main­ing, I have some room.'

Seong Ji­han, who shone twice in the Space League, had earned an enor­‐
mous amount of achieve­ment points.

Af­ter mak­ing sig­nif­i­cant achieve­ments in the Space League twice in a row,

Seong Ji­han's cur­rent achieve­ment points ex­ceeded ten mil­lion. He de­cided
to ex­per­i­men­tally in­vest some points.

'Still, spend­ing one mil­lion each time is a bit much. Let's raise the Void stat
to 50.'

The Con­stel­la­tion of the Dead Star warned me not to in­vest in Void stats.

But it should be okay if I don't go up to 100, right?

Be­sides, with the Void stat of only 5, there seemed to be no is­sue. Other
than the se­cret shop, Seong Ji­han didn't no­tice any sig­nif­i­cant changes.

'I need to find out what this abil­ity is.'

De­ter­mined to in­vest, Seong Ji­han whole­heart­edly in­vested the stat points

he had ac­cu­mu­lated. Ini­tially, the Void stat in­creased smoothly.

'Grad­u­ally, the ad­di­tional point re­quire­ments are in­creas­ing.'

Later on, it started re­quir­ing two ad­di­tional points, and in the end, three
points were needed to in­crease Void by 1. Seong Ji­han ended up us­ing all
his points at Void 42, feel­ing ex­cited.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 205

'Up to 100 will take a while.'

I don't have to worry about be­ing bound to the will of Void, for now.

Seong Ji­han ex­am­ined the tan­gi­ble ef­fects on his body for the num­ber of
points in­vested.


The power of death, which didn't show much ef­fect in the real world, As
soon as he in­vested points in Void stats, he dis­cov­ered it be­gan to ex­ert a
pres­ence like in the games.

'In ad­di­tion... The shadow abil­ity has be­come even more dis­tinct.'

In a broader sense, it seemed to en­hance pow­ers re­lated to the dark at­‐

tribute, shadow, and death. Was Void re­in­forc­ing all of these? Sung Ji­han
was dis­cern­ing the changes in his in­ter­nal en­ergy when, [You can ab­sorb
'Shadow sword' and 'Death' stats into Void.]

[Would you like to ab­sorb?]

[Upon ab­sorp­tion, Void stats will rise. Un­der the ju­ris­dic­tion of Void, you
can use both pow­ers in an en­hanced form.]

An ad­di­tional mes­sage popped up for Seong Ji­han.

Was the Void abil­ity a higher con­cept that en­com­passed all at­tributes re­lated
to the dark­ness?

'I should ab­sorb Death that has an ex­pi­ra­tion date first.'

Death's power sup­plied to me for a week by the Con­stel­la­tion of the Dead


Since it would dis­ap­pear later, it was bet­ter to use it to en­hance the Void.
Seong Ji­han pro­ceeded to ab­sorb death first.


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 205


A crim­son light flashed across Seong Ji­han's body and dis­ap­peared into his

[The stat 'Death' and the skill 'Death Sen­tence' are fused into the Void.]

[The Void stat in­creases by 5.]

'Just 5?'

The death abil­ity, which had been quite use­ful and pow­er­ful.

But even with an ex­pi­ra­tion date, it only in­creased the stat by 5? Seong Ji­‐
han was ini­tially slightly dis­ap­pointed with the re­sult.

'No, this... now I can use Void just like Death's abil­ity. And the power of the
abil­ity has strength­ened even more than in the game.'

Af­ter test­ing var­i­ous as­pects of his body, Seong Ji­han's eyes lit up.

In the game, if ab­sorb­ing the power of death showed a 20% en­hance­ment

buff ef­fect, the power bound to the Void now seemed to have a 40% ef­fect.

For Seong Ji­han, who had al­ready be­come stronger, a 40% buff was a
tremen­dous boost.

See­ing this dou­bled ef­fect, his at­ten­tion nat­u­rally turned to Shadow sword
as well.

"Ariel, come out."

Ariel who had been sealed in­side for a while to com­pletely break the Con­‐
stel­la­tion Quest with the power of death, She emerged from Seong Ji­han's
arm and re­vealed her form as a shadow elf.

"Oh, is it time to lift the seal? Mas­ter."

"Yeah. You're not com­pletely en­tan­gled with my 'Shadow sword', right?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 205

"Mas­ter's Shadow sword? I only get strength­ened by the shadow en­ergy

from there. I'm not tied to stats. I'm a sep­ar­ ate be­ing."

"Then it should be fine to merge it with Void."

"Huh? Void? Why is that sud­denly com­ing up?"

"Wait and see."

Sealed for a while, Ariel, un­aware of what had hap­pened, saw Seong Ji­han
merg­ing Shadow into Void.

[The stat 'Shadow sword' is fused into the Void.]

[The Void stat in­creases by 8.]


In a flash, Seong Ji­han merged Shadow sword into Void, sur­pris­ing Ariel.

"Uh, what is this?"

Grow­ing rapidly, Ariel's head reached the ceil­ing. Her body was flash­ing vi­‐

"Con­trol that shadow en­ergy for a sec­ond!"

"Ah, wait."

The shadow power, much stronger than the orig­i­nal Shadow sword due to
in­creased Void stats to 55, and the am­pli­fi­ca­tion ef­fect, Ariel re­turned to her
orig­i­nal size once Seong Ji­han rec­ol­lected the en­ergy.

"What... Mas­ter, this power...! It felt sim­i­lar to when the Queen di­rectly in­‐
fused her en­ergy into me."

"Com­pa­ra­ble to the Con­stel­la­tion?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 205

"Of course, the Queen has far more to­tal shadow en­ergy. But the pre­ci­sion
of en­ergy was... re­ally sim­i­lar. Void... Does merg­ing with Void un­leash this
kind of power?"

Ariel was still in dis­be­lief, touch­ing her­self all over.

'Shadow sword and the power of death have fused with the Void, be­com­ing
much stronger than be­fore... but I still don't quite get the Void it­self.'

I un­der­stand that Void swal­lows dark­ness at­tributes and makes them its
own, But not quite what the Void abil­ity it­self is.

'I should dig deeper into Void later, let's make use of the shop first.'

Seong Ji­han de­cided to fo­cus on what he could do right now.

'Let's go for the en­hance­ments first.'

He ex­pended 2 mil­lion achieve­ment points to choose the en­hance­ment of

the sta­tus win­dow and class.


[The sta­tus win­dow is en­hanced.]

[All stats in the sta­tus win­dow are en­hanced by 20%, and both the ex­pe­ri­‐
ence gain and stat growth rate in­crease by 50%.]

[The en­hance­ment ef­fect will last for 55 weeks.]

[The 'Void' and 'Mar­tial Soul' stats are not in­cluded in the en­hance­ment.]

[The class is en­hanced.]

[Class traits are en­hanced, and the All for One ef­fect is am­pli­fied by 100%.]

[The in­spi­ra­tion of Four-Style Player ac­ti­vates more fre­quently. When train­‐

ing in the Al­ter­nate World, this in­spi­ra­tion will ac­ti­vate even more of­ten.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 205

[The en­hance­ment ef­fect will last for 55 weeks.]

Even though the en­hance­ment ef­fects ex­cluded Mar­tial Soul and Void, the
ben­ef­ its were sig­nif­i­cant enough for the 1 mil­lion points spent on each.

'Even though it's al­most use­less with­out the en­hance­ment of Mar­tial Soul
and Void, the growth speed has in­creased.'

Hav­ing be­come one of Earth's strong­est war­riors, Seong Ji­han still had a
long way to go com­pared to a god. Nev­er­the­less, he was quite pleased with
the ef­fect this time.


'Both for 55 weeks... It matches the Void stat num­ber. Seems in­ter­con­‐

The ef­fec­tive pe­riod tied to the Void abil­ity stats.

It seemed like ev­ery unit raised the pe­riod by one week.

'Among the ef­fects of the Four-Style Player, does train­ing in Al­ter­nate

World re­late to 'Al­ter­nate World Space'?

The space of the Al­ter­nate World listed at the bot­tom of the se­cret shop.

I was puz­zled at first about what use it could be.

But con­sid­er­ing the Four-Style Player's ad­di­tional ef­fects, it seemed re­lated

to space for train­ing.

'I should try open­ing it.'

The space of Al­ter­nate World, cost­ing 1 mil­lion to open and 10,000 per day
to main­tain.

Al­though the cost was sig­nif­i­cant, Seong Ji­han, who pri­or­i­tized mar­tial arts
en­hance­ment, in­vested with­out hes­i­ta­tion.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 205


[The space of the Al­ter­nate World, ac­ces­si­ble only by the player, opens.]

[The player can use this as a 'hide­out' or 'train­ing ground'.]

[For what pur­pose will you use the space of the Al­ter­nate World?]

A mes­sage came up ask­ing about the use of the space of the Al­ter­nate

Con­sid­er­ing the Veil Of Void I gave to Seah,

The shel­ter of the Al­ter­nate World seemed like it would have a pow­er­ful ef­‐

'But a train­ing ground is bet­ter than a hide­out.'

For Seong Ji­han, who still has a long jour­ney ahead, the lat­ter was more ap­‐

When he chose the train­ing ground,

[The space of the Al­ter­nate World will be uti­lized as a train­ing lo­ca­tion.]

[You can man­i­fest the in­te­rior of the space as you wish.]

[Within the train­ing ground, the flow of time is 5.5 times slower than re­al­‐

'5.5 times?' Does this also sync with the Void 55?

A train­ing ground that gives 5.5 times more time.

Among the items sold in the shop, this was far more valu­able to Seong Ji­‐
han than the ear­lier en­hance­ment ef­fects.

"I'll use the train­ing ground right now."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 205

[The space of the Al­ter­nate World is be­ing man­i­fested.]

As soon as Seong Ji­han fin­ished the pro­mo­tion match.

He en­tered the newly cre­ated train­ing ground.


'This is... rev­o­lu­tion­ary.'

There, he saw the pos­si­bil­ity of per­fect­ing Crim­son Thun­der.

In a ho­tel suite room in Vladi­vos­tok, Rus­sia.

Vladimir, Rus­sia's top war­rior, knelt on the floor of the room, pray­ing with
a rev­er­ent ex­pres­sion.

"Oh Con­stel­la­tion... The time has come."

Con­trary to his ap­pear­ance in the game, where he was known as a

Berserker, he now main­tained an ex­tremely po­lite at­ti­tude.

And for a good rea­son.

The sub­ject of his cur­rent prayer was the spon­sor­ing con­stel­la­tion that had
promised to fur­ther en­hance him.

One day, the con­stel­la­tion 'The One Who Kills Gods' sud­denly be­stowed
sup­port upon him.

This con­stel­la­tion, with an un­usual name, had given him a spe­cific com­‐

[When you fight Seong Ji­han, pray to me and I will de­scend upon you.]

-Seong Ji­han... are you re­fer­ring to?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 205

[Yes. Once the match is over, I will up­grade your gift to SSS grade.]

-But he is a hero to hu­man­ity. It's wrong to harm him...

Given the ben­ef­ its hu­man­ity had gained from Seong Ji­han's ac­tions,
Vladimir seemed to be hes­i­tat­ing. De­spite his de­feat to Seong Ji­han in the
game with South Ko­rea, con­sid­er­ing the Space League, his ex­is­tence had
been cru­cial for hu­man­ity.

When he ex­pressed his con­cerns, the con­stel­la­tion made a prom­ise.

[It will be just a short ed­u­ca­tion ses­sion within Bat­tleNet. I will not cause
him any harm.]


[Oth­er­wise, since he's hu­man­ity's hero, is it okay for Rus­sia to just lose? If
so, just sur­ren­der and raise the white flag to Ko­rea. What's the need for a
na­tional match then?]

-...Al­right, I un­der­stand.

Over­whelmed by the con­stel­la­tion's co­er­cion, Vladimir even­tu­ally con­‐


And on Feb­ru­ary 1st,

When the newly opened North­east Asia League's first match clashed with
Ko­rea, He ag­o­nized but even­tu­ally of­fered his prayer.

'...Yes. Na­tional matches are sep­ar­ ate. I owe Seong Ji­han, but if there's a
chance for Rus­sia to win, we must win by any means. Be­sides, my gift will
be up­graded to SSS grade...!'

As Vladimir ra­tio­nal­ized his de­ci­sion,


A daz­zling white light en­veloped his en­tire head sud­denly.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 205

"Ah... Ah...!"

Over­whelmed by an im­mense headache, he grasped his head and col­lapsed.

Shortly there­after,



The Con­stel­la­tion 'The One Who Kills Gods,' a ser­vant of the Mar­tial God,
Long­i­nus, de­scended upon Vladimir.

"Seong Ji­han... Let me ed­u­cate you prop­erly."

Tak­ing pos­ses­sion of Vladimir's body, he chuck­led sin­is­terly.

It was a con­fi­dent smile, con­fi­dent that he would emerge vic­to­ri­ous.


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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 206

Chap­ter 206


[Seong Ji­han -- Yoon Se­jin Duo. The Ko­rean na­tional team with the world's
top war­riors.]

[Bet­tors are putting their chips on Ko­rea for the 2021 Cham­pi­ons League
win! They se­cure the fourth-high­est odds.]

[What changes with the end of the tu­to­rial? The Ban Sys­tem is now in­tro­‐
duced even in na­tional rep­re­sen­ta­tive matches.]

In the first half of 2021, the Bat­tleNet Re­gional League be­gan in North­east
Asia on Feb­ru­ary 1st.

Ko­rea, which had strug­gled in the North­east Asia League just six months
ear­lier, had com­pletely turned around its eval­u­at­ions and was now a fa­vorite
for the cham­pi­onship.

-With Seong Ji­han reach­ing Di­am

­ ond and the re­turn of Yoon Se­jin, the
lineup is in­sane.

-Last year, when Yoon Se­jin left, our coun­try had the weak­est lineup, but

-Is Ko­rea go­ing to win the cham­pi­onship for the third time?!

The Bat­tleNet Cham­pi­ons League.

Start­ing in 2010 and con­tin­u­ing for ten years.

There were only two coun­tries that won the cham­pi­onship: the United
States 7 times and China 3 times.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 206

Al­though other coun­tries made ef­forts in the Cham­pi­ons League, they

couldn't over­come the for­mi­da­ble wall of these two su­per­pow­ers.

How­ever, the Ko­rean na­tional team this year had Seong Ji­han, who
emerged like a comet, and Yoon Se­jin, the Sword King who re­gained his
senses in Japan and re­turned.

Could Ko­rea stand a chance against the United States and China this year?

Such sen­ti­ments were spread­ing among the pub­lic.

Of course, there were con­cerns.

-In­tro­duc­ing the ban sys­tem is a bit wor­ri­some...

-If Seong Ji­han and Sword King get banned, our true skills will shine, right?

-True skills? The skills that were at the bot­tom in North­east Asia be­fore
Seong Ji­han came? LOL.

-We need more tal­ent for real.

-In­deed, Yoon Seah should join the na­tional team.

└ Did Seah come?

└ Hey, Se-ah.

└ Level up more and come.

"Damn it, how did they know?"

Yoon Seah frowned as she saw the replies to her com­ment.

Peo­ple are so harsh.

She even won in the TOP 100 pro­mo­tion match.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 206

There were no replies cheer­ing for her in­clu­sion in the na­tional team; only
com­ments ask­ing if Seah came.

"Our archery lineup is the strong­est, how would a Di­am

­ ond new­bie like you
en­ter the na­tional team?"

See­ing his niece's re­ply, Seong Ji­han chuck­led, elic­it­ing an in­dig­nant re­‐
sponse from her.

"Ah, I re­ally got stronger! Late Bloomer raised to rank A, and even Void Ar­‐
row got stronger with my pro­mo­tion to Void An­al­yst."

"Do you still only have the Void Ar­row skill?"

"Uh... I can't add skills un­til I get Void stats."

"You don't have Void stats?"

"Nope. They said I'd get it once I com­plete my anal­y­sis of Void Ar­row..."

"I have them."

Yoon Seah widened her eyes at Seong Ji­han's words.

"Huh? Un­cle?"

"Yeah, I got it when I fin­ished the Con­stel­la­tion Quest."

"Wow... Un­cle, there's noth­ing you don't have."

"Have you heard more about Void from your mom?"

"No, not re­ally since I be­came an an­al­yst."

While talk­ing, Yoon Seah sum­moned Void Ar­row.

Un­like be­fore, three vi­o­let ar­rows were cre­ated and the size was also con­‐
sid­er­ably larger than be­fore.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 206

'It has def­i­nitely got­ten stronger.'

Void Ar­row was an al­ready over­pow­ered skill.

Now that it had been en­hanced, Yoon Se-ah felt con­fi­dent that she could
per­form well even in Di­am
­ ond League.

"Still, only hav­ing one skill is a pity now that I've reached Di­am
­ ond. Mom
is a con­stel­la­tion... why not give me a bet­ter skill?"

Yoon Seah fid­dled with her Void Ar­row, her mouth wa­ter­ing.

Al­though it was a good skill, she had been re­ly­ing on it for too long.

"How can I get Void stats?"

"It's not that great, to be hon­est."


"Be­cause you can only live un­til 70."

"... What do you mean?"

Seong Ji­han ex­plained what he knew about Void stats.

She tilted her head in con­fu­sion.

"So... in­stead of liv­ing long with ar­ti­fi­cially in­flated phys­i­cal abil­i­ties on

Bat­tleNet, you just live an av­er­age hu­man life­span?"

"That's right. Though it's not con­firmed be­cause it's from that guy."

"Uh... if it's true, isn't that a bit dis­ap­point­ing? It's nice to live longer. And if
you live long with the abil­i­ties gained from Bat­tleNet, wouldn't ag­ing be

"There are even cases where ag­ing was re­versed."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 206

If you were Di­am

­ ond, you were al­most equiv­al­ent to vir­tual su­per­heroes.

Among the el­derly play­ers, some were get­ting younger as time passed.

Con­sid­er­ing such health, giv­ing up the path to long life and ac­cept­ing Void,
which fol­lows the orig­i­nal life­span, seemed a bit re­gret­table.

"Ugh... maybe I shouldn't get Void."

"Right, you should aim for longevity. I'll ab­sorb that power for you."

"What about you? Shouldn't you be giv­ing it up?"

"I need more power."

As long as there was an in­evitable bat­tle with the Gods, avoid­ing it was im­‐

In such cir­cum­stances, age and longevity were not im­por­tant.

He had to gather strength as best as he could.


'The se­cret shop and train­ing ground ob­tained through Void are too good.'

A train­ing ground where the flow of time changed pro­por­tion­ally to the

Void stat.

When one Earth day passed, you could spend 5.5 days there.

'And it's not just time that makes the train­ing ground valu­able. I can also ad­‐
just the place.'

The de­fault state of the train­ing ground was a pur­ple waste­land.

But by spend­ing achieve­ment points, he could call up en­vi­ron­ments from

maps he had pre­vi­ously played.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 206

Thus, Seong Ji­han had been fo­cus­ing on cul­ti­vat­ing Mar­tial Soul, and, 'I'm
just a step away now.'

See­ing its com­ple­tion just ahead, he couldn't aban­don Void due to the con­‐
se­quences on life­spans.

"Well... I'll keep it for now. I have to be se­lected for the na­tional team if I
want to get Late Bloomer to S grade. I'll hold on to Void and aim for the na­‐
tional team."

She de­cided to keep her pow­ers for the mo­ment af­ter a brief in­ter­nal de­bate
upon hear­ing Seong Ji­han's ex­pla­na­tion.

Her Gift went up to rank A af­ter ac­cept­ing the con­stel­la­tion.

To el­ev­ ate her gift to S grade, she now had to be se­lected for the na­tional

"Is be­ing on the na­tional team the con­di­tion now? How was the A-rank ef­‐

"The Con­stel­la­tion boasts that the bonus in­creases three­fold. But since I
haven't re­ceived a bonus yet, I can't re­ally tell."

There seemed to be some con­straints.

Other than the ad­vice given last time, the Witch of Void main­tained si­lence.

"It hasn't been long since Jiah be­came a con­stel­la­tion. She'll give you some­‐
thing later."

"No, I don't need a bonus. Just hav­ing her as a con­stel­la­tion is enough."

While the two of them were talk­ing about Seong Jiah, Bzzzzz...

Seong Ji­han's phone rang.

[Mr. Seong Ji­han, We have ar­rived.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 206

"Okay, I'll come down."

It was a call from Man­ager Park Yoon­sik, who came to pick up Seong Ji­han
for the na­tional team match.

Usu­ally, play­ers would gather at the Bat­tleNet cen­ter be­fore­hand for train­‐
ing and co­or­di­na­tion rather than on the match day.

But this time, Seong Ji­han asked the coach for a spe­cial fa­vor to fo­cus on
the Void train­ing ground.

-Per­sonal train­ing to do? Ah, of course. Feel free to do it. Just come to the
cen­ter on the day of the game. I'll send a limou­sine.

Coach Noh Youngjun re­sponded gen­tly to such a re­quest. If it were any

other player, they would never have al­lowed such spe­cial treat­ment. How­‐
ever, for Seong Ji­han, who res­cued the Ko­rean na­tional team from last place
and brought back the Sword King from Japan, Coach Noh was not so un­‐

He wasn't heart­less enough to im­me­di­ately tell Seong Ji­han to come to the

cen­ter im­me­di­ately.

"I'll have to watch the game from home to­day. Good luck, Un­cle~"

"Sure. Take a rest."

Seong Ji­han waved lightly to Yoon Seah and stepped into the el­ev­ a­tor.

=The 2021 North­east Asia League, first-half sea­son fi­nally be­gins to­day!

=The first game kicks off with a match be­tween South Ko­rea and Rus­sia!

=Al­though the Space League has started, the re­gional leagues con­tinue as
usual, right?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 206

=Yes, of course. De­pend­ing on the na­tional rank­ings, dun­geon por­tals are

cre­ated, just like in the main game!

A league one step higher.

As the Space League emerged and hu­man­ity had to join forces, some spec­u­‐
lated whether the im­por­tance of na­tional com­pe­ti­tion might de­crease.

How­ever, as hu­man­ity went from joint first place to fall­ing into the mid­dle
rank­ings, those voices qui­etened down.

The dis­ap­peared dun­geon por­tals be­gan to reap­pear at a rapid pace. The

stan­dard for coun­tries where por­tals were cre­ated, which was in the bot­tom
10% dur­ing the tu­to­rial, rose to the bot­tom 12-13% as soon as they set­tled
in the mid­dle rank­ings.

=Iron­i­cally, with the en­try into the main game, per­for­mance in the re­gional
league has be­come even more im­por­tant than be­fore. If the rank­ing in the
Space League drops, more dun­geons will be cre­ated in var­i­ous coun­tries!

=That's right. Now, the league rank­ing has be­come a di­rectly re­lated is­sue
to vis­i­bil­ity. How­ever, there is re­ally good news for us in the South Ko­rea!
The Sword King has re­turned!

=The hero who ended his brief wan­der­ing and re­turned! And Seong Ji­han,
who ap­peared like a comet...! How de­struc­tive will the com­bi­na­tion of
these two be, mak­ing Ko­rea rise to 4th place in the bet­ting odds for the
Cham­pi­ons League of gam­blers!

=4th place...! Oh, af­ter the United States, China, and In­dia! It's al­most sim­i­‐
lar to In­dia. Per­haps it could rise fur­ther de­pend­ing on the fu­ture re­sults!

With a pow­er­ful player pool built on an enor­mous pop­u­la­tion, In­dia is eval­‐

u­ated as one of the top 3 coun­tries in the world. Com­pet­ing with them was
un­think­able just a year ago for Ko­rea.

=If there was only one, Rus­sia would have used ban cards in­ten­sively on
one player, but for­tu­nately, that didn't hap­pen.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 206

=I heard the Ban Sys­tem ap­plied in re­gional leagues is a bit more lim­ited
than in the Space League?

==Yes, it de­creased by one. Top 1-10 play­ers can be banned by two, and top
1-20 can be four cards.

=And... you can also specif­i­cally des­ig­nate one player!

Whether to ban ran­dom top-ranked play­ers or to pick one and pre­vent them
from par­tic­i­pat­ing in the game. With the en­try of Bat­tleNet into the main
game, team man­agers can now make strate­gic de­ci­sions with bans and se­‐

-If only Seong Ji­han were there, he would have been com­pletely sniped by

-LOL, thank good­ness we have the Sword King too.

-Rus­sia will prob­ab­ ly use a ban card on one player, right?

It's safer to pick one and make sure they can't par­tic­i­pate in the game than
ran­domly ban two play­ers from the top 10.

Peo­ple ex­pected Rus­sia to use a ban card on one key player, so their in­ter­est
shifted to...

-Who will be banned first?

It fo­cused on which of the two, Seong Ji­han or the Sword King, Rus­sia
would choose to ban.

-Prob­ab­ ly the Sword King?

-But Seong Ji­han seems stronger now that he got pro­moted to Di­am
­ ond,

-Still, the Sword King has ex­pe­ri­ence, right? Last time, Seong Ji­han was
slightly strug­gling against him.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 206

-What are you talk­ing about? He in­ten­tion­ally pre­tended to be strug­gling to

bring him to his senses. And be­sides, Seong Ji­han has grown so much since

-Why are you all fight­ing? LOL We have both of them, af­ter all.

└└ This is a re­ally im­por­tant is­sue.

-Can't com­pro­mise for sure.

-Why are fans fight­ing each other -_-The Rus­sian coach will han­dle it any­‐

While Rus­sia is the one do­ing the bans, the Ko­rean fans are the ones fight­‐
ing. And the na­tional team play­ers were also in­ter­ested in it.

"Mr. Ji­han, how do you think the ban will go?"

"I don't know."

Ha Yeon­joo, the archery team leader who ap­proached Seong Ji­han, wore a
play­ful smile.

"Didn't your pre­mo­ni­tion dreams tell you any­thing?"

"Well, who­ever they might ban, we're go­ing to win. There's no need for pre­‐
dic­tions for things like this."

"If I were them, I'd ban my brother-in-law. I might have con­sid­ered oth­er­‐
wise in the past, but brother-in-law right now seems un­beat­able."

Un­like Seong Ji­han, who ar­rived late at the Bat­tleNet cen­ter to co­or­di­nate
with the team, Yoon Se­jin, who had also been prep­ping with the team, ad­‐
mit­ted so non­cha­lantly that he thought he was weaker than Seong Ji­han.

"If you say so. I think Rus­sia will ban my brother-in-law too."

"In­stead of such mod­esty, tell me hon­estly."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 206

"Hon­estly? Hon­estly, I think I'm the strong­est on Earth."

"Wow... Straight­for­ward! Im­pres­sive."

"That's how a brother-in-law should be."

Seong Ji­han non­cha­lantly claimed he was the strong­est on Earth.

As Ha Yeon­joo watched this with a mix of amuse­ment and dis­be­lief, The

TV in the wait­ing room showed the Rus­sian coach pulling out a ban card.

=Rus­sian coach!

=Bans player Yoon Se­jin!

"They banned me?"

Yoon Se­jin slightly tilted his head and smiled.

"They banned me while leav­ing the strong­est on Earth. It seems the name of
the Sword King still holds some weight, brother-in-law."

"That's right. Let's go show them our true strength."

Seong Ji­han shrugged and stood up.

Whether it was Seong Ji­han or the Sword King, it didn't mat­ter who got
banned. The Ko­rean na­tional team could eas­ily win with just one of them.

'But ban­ning my brother-in-law first... How an­noy­ing.'

I'll make sure they ban me next time.

With that de­ter­mi­na­tion, Seong Ji­han par­tic­i­pated in the first game.


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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 206



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 207

Chap­ter 207


=Will Rus­sia ban player Seong Ji­han or Yoon Se­jin? There has been much

=Rus­sia's choice is to ban the Sword King!

=And the map al­lo­cated is... Huh? Lone Bridge!!

While it was a pick be­tween two op­tions to ban the Sword King, Rus­sia's
next choice left ev­ery­one baf­fled.

=Uh... wasn't this map se­lected by us?

=Yes, it's a sim­ple map with a sin­gle bridge where both sides clash, with no
vari­ables, just a di­rect con­fronta­tion of strength against strength!

=It's the most ad­van­ta­geous map for Ko­rea, which has strong war­riors... it's
puz­zling why Rus­sia would choose this!

Lone Bridge,

Known as the arena of all-out con­fronta­tion, this map was used as a de­fense
map to stop in­com­ing en­em
­ ies dur­ing the tu­to­rial.

But in na­tional rep­re­sen­ta­tive matches, it show­cased bat­tle dy­nam­ics where

two teams ad­vanced from op­po­site ends of a gi­ant bridge to com­pete.

Con­sid­er­ing the map's na­ture, where bat­tles end on a sin­gle bridge, war­riors
were cru­cial.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 207

And Rus­sia picked this, hav­ing been tram­pled on by Seong Ji­han when he
was gold-ranked?

-Lone Bridge? Is that what they call the arena of all-out con­fronta­tion?

-Did Rus­sia give up on the match? LOL

-I'm pre­dict­ing a clean 3:0 vic­tory.

-At this point, did the coach mis­take the se­lect card for a ban?

-That's a pos­si­bil­ity, for sure.

Ko­rean fans were al­ready in cel­eb­ ra­tion mode as if they had won the match.

Mean­while, the Rus­sian coach, who made such a de­ci­sion, was sweat­ing fu­‐
ri­ously, frown­ing.

'Damn it, Vladimir!'

Un­be­knownst to him, the sit­u­at­ion had changed com­pletely.

How­ever, Vladimir was the rea­son why he had no choice but to make such
a de­ci­sion.

-Set the map for the first match to Lone Bridge. Or I won't play.

Al­though he was of­ten called a Berserker due to the Gift 'Frenzy,' Vladimir
was gen­er­ally known for his friendly per­son­al­ity. But to­day, he was dif­fer­‐

[Note:- Chang­ing "Ram­page" to "Frenzy".]

His words were dis­re­spect­ful, and he used a com­mand­ing tone with the


'I had no choice...'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 207

Vladimir's over­whelm­ing pres­ence forced the Rus­sian coach to sim­ply nod


If he had cho­sen a dif­fer­ent map for the first game, Vladimir's boy­cott
wouldn't have been the prob­lem. It seemed he wouldn't let him go un­pun­‐

'Well, let's see how con­fi­dent you are... I'll be watch­ing you, Vladimir.'

The Rus­sian coach glared at the game screen as he grit­ted his teeth.

At the start­ing point of Lone Bridge, 100 Rus­sian play­ers were pre­par­ing.

The Rus­sian war­riors typ­i­cally formed a tri­an­gle for­ma­tion.

[Vladimir sir. Aren't you go­ing to join the tri­an­gle?]

[Please come to the front!]

They in­tended to high­light Vladimir at the front tip, the fo­cal point.


[Do you guys re­ally need to be there?]


As Vladimir waved his hand back­ward once.


The bod­ies of the Rus­sian play­ers burst in uni­son.

All 99 play­ers van­ished.

"What, what the hell is this ma­niac do­ing...!"

When the Rus­sian coach was star­tled and jumped up from his seat,
Vladimir slowly opened his mouth, look­ing at the spots where the play­ers

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 207

turned into blood.



The play­ers' re­mains dis­ap­peared in an in­stant, and only blood re­mained, all
sucked into Vladimir.

As the blood of all 99 play­ers con­cen­trated on him, his fig­ure swelled im­‐
mensely, wrapped in the blood.

=No, what, what is this? Player Vladimir!

=Did Rus­sia pre­pare for this in ad­vance?

=Even with such a sui­ci­dal act...

As the game be­gan, Vladimir, who had trans­formed into a gi­ant made of
blood by ex­plod­ing all his fel­low play­ers.

-?? What is he do­ing?

-Wow, but was Vladimir al­ways so strong? One ges­ture and they all blew

-Is this pre-planned by the team?

-It doesn't seem that way...

As con­fu­sion spread among the com­men­ta­tors and view­ers who didn't un­‐
der­stand Eng­lish, [Great Sword of the Cra­nium, an­swer my call.]

The clus­tered blood dis­persed and a gi­ant cross be­gan to take shape be­hind

The Cross of Blood, the Great Sword of the Cra­nium.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 207

Wield­ing a greatsword over 3 me­ters tall, Vladimir, now larger than life,
[Seong Ji­han... Let me prop­erly ed­u­cate you.]

looked over the bridge at Seong Ji­han, flash­ing a sin­is­ter smile.

'...Some­thing is off. Vladimir wasn't that cal­iber of war­rior be­fore.'

Seong Ji­han fur­rowed his brows as he ob­served the un­fold­ing events from
across the bridge.

Vladimir of Rus­sia.

Vladimir of Rus­sia, while con­sis­tently rank­ing high in the war­rior rank­ings

in his past life, was hin­dered by the lim­its of the Gift Frenzy, and couldn't
grow be­yond a cer­tain level. But now, with a sin­gle ges­ture, he had an­ni­hi­‐
lated 99 op­po­nents. Ad­di­tion­ally, the enor­mous blood red blade raised ques­‐

'Some­thing has changed.'

This won't be easy.

As Seong Ji­han drew his sword and spear pre­par­ing him­self, Swoosh!

Vladimir, shrouded in a blood mist, ap­peared in front of him in an in­stant.


An in­cred­i­ble phys­i­cal feat.

That mo­men­tary move had far sur­passed the sup­posed strong­est war­rior in
the world, the Sword King.


With the gi­gan­tic cross of blood aimed di­rectly at him, and droplets of
blood sprout­ing like a mi­rage, Seong Ji­han was com­pletely sur­rounded.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 207

Boom! Boom!

His sword and spear moved quickly to de­fend against the at­tack, but the
droplets spread out in the air, con­tin­u­ing to cir­cle around him.

An at­tack by the en­emy that could not be de­fended by phys­i­cal strength


'If that's the case, I'll coun­ter­at­tack.'

Seong Ji­han aimed the tip of the Phoenix Spear at Vladimir.

Name­less di­vine art, Fu­sion of Di­vine thun­der and phoenix -- Crim­son

Thun­der can­non Zap!

Im­mense Crim­son light­ning burst forth.

The crim­son elec­tric cur­rent fully pen­et­rated the Great Sword of the Cra­‐
nium and Vladimir.

The droplets evap­o­rated, scat­ter­ing away,

and Vladimir's body was in­stantly en­gulfed in flames, but...

"Haha... I gotta give you some credit."


Bub­bles rose in the sur­round­ing at­mos­phere as blood droplets emerged, at­‐

tach­ing them­selves once again to Vladimir's body.

Even af­ter be­ing struck by the Crim­son Thun­der that had been en­hanced in
the Void train­ing ground, Vladimir kept pro­duc­ing droplets in mid-air, re­‐
con­struct­ing his body.

An op­po­nent with leisure.

'He is un­der­es­ti­mat­ing me.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 207

Seong Ji­han's eyes sank with chill­i­ness.

What­ever had made him this strong, it was un­pleas­ant to be looked down
upon by the op­po­nent.

'I'll use my full power.'


A pur­ple en­ergy em­anated around Seong Ji­han, and was then ab­sorbed into
his body.

The power of Void which had ab­sorbed the power of death as one of its

The ef­fect that en­hanced abil­i­ties ac­ti­vated on Seong Ji­han.

"Oh... this power. Could it be?"

Vladimir's eyes widened with in­ter­est at the sight.

His re­sponse was as if he knew some­thing about it.

Seong Ji­han felt an omi­nous vibe.

Very few knew about the void, yet he seemed to rec­og­nize it?

"You've med­dled with some­thing dan­ger­ous. Is this the last des­per­ate strug­‐
gle to defy your mas­ter?"

"You... aren't Vladimir, are you?"

"Haha... Try your best to en­dure. Let me en­joy this some more."

Vladimir, un­daunted even by the en­hanced Seong Ji­han.

"Come forth, Cra­nium."

Sum­mon­ing again the huge sword of blood, he charged at Seong Ji­han.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 207

Boom! Boom!

Ev­ery col­li­sion ex­uded droplets that burst from the sword.

They mor­phed into spikes, as­sail­ing Seong Ji­han from all an­gles.

With the main at­tack from the en­emy and the by-prod­ucts cre­ated by the
burst­ing sword to con­sider, 'It's trou­ble­some.'

Name­less Di­vine Arts, Dark Shadow Tech­nique -- Dark Soul Vor­tex The
form of Eclipse, the Shadow Sword, crum­bled, trans­form­ing into a vor­tex.
It swal­lowed the blood spikes ap­proach­ing from all di­rec­tions.

"Good, good."

Vladimir smiled, ap­par­ently en­joy­ing the sight.


Crim­son light­ning storms span from the spear­head mul­ti­ple times, while the
Shadow Sword per­fectly shielded Seong Ji­han.

Ex­ter­nally, it ap­peared that Seong Ji­han had the up­per hand in both of­fense
and de­fense.


=The op­po­nent... res­ur­rects again!

=The Crim­son light­ning surely burned his body to a crisp! Vladimir keeps
re­gen­er­at­ing in mid-air!

=I never ex­pected to see such tenac­ity vi­tal­ity from our race, sur­pass­ing the

Vladimir did not die, no mat­ter how many times he burned.

Not only his body but also the float­ing blood droplets, de­spite be­ing com­‐
pletely in­cin­er­ated by Seong Ji­han.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 207

Where was it be­ing pro­duced? Blood kept flow­ing in mid-air, con­tin­u­ally

re­con­struct­ing Vladimir.

'Where did such a guy come from?'

Vladimir, who kept re­viv­ing de­spite be­ing slammed by the Crim­son Thun­‐

See­ing this ap­proach wasn't go­ing to work, Seong Ji­han con­tem­plated his
next move.

"...Not a scratch af­ter so many at­tacks."

The res­ur­rect­ing Vladimir wore a dif­fer­ent ex­pres­sion from the start; his
com­po­sure was gone.

In ad­di­tion to his main at­tack with the blood sword.

Count­less as­saults at Seong Ji­han through air­borne droplets had been ex­e­‐
cuted, yet he re­mained com­pletely un­scathed.

'Is he wor­thy of the choice of Mar­tial God af­ter all?'

The one who had seized Vladimir's body, Long­i­nus, silently ad­mired him.

The vi­tal en­ergy gained by ex­plod­ing 99 na­tional rep­re­sen­ta­tives, though

in­suf­fi­cient for his full power, was thought enough to an­ni­hi­late Seong Ji­‐

It seemed he had un­der­es­ti­mated the abil­ity of Mar­tial God, af­ter all.

"I need to draw out more power."


Vladimir, re­gen­er­at­ing for the 17th time, knelt to place his palm on the

"Blood Cross."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 207


The bridge was in­stantly tainted blood red, and a cross of blood be­gan to

A men­ac­ing aura sprouted among the trem­bling droplets, af­fect­ing not just
Seong Ji­han but also the na­tional rep­re­sen­ta­tives be­hind him.

"Ugh... my body is bleed­ing..."

"Get as far from the bridge as you can!"

"Even out­side the range... it's af­fect­ing... Heal me, please!"

The play­ers were sweat­ing blood, not nor­mal sweat, even out­side the range
of Blood Cross.

They were rapidly weak­en­ing.


=What on earth are we wit­ness­ing? Player Vladimir...!

=Tear­ing the game apart all by him­self...!

=Sweat­ing blood, not sweat... Haven't we seen Seong Ji­han do some­thing

sim­i­lar be­fore?!

=Yes, pre­vi­ously, against Rus­sia! Though at that time, the cross was made
of steel...

Vladimir was us­ing a skill eerily sim­i­lar to Seong Ji­han's.

While spec­u­la­tion swirled,

Seong Ji­han, look­ing at the Blood Cross, was cer­tain.

'I'm sure now. He's re­lated to the Mar­i­tal God.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 207

An op­po­nent us­ing a power al­most like the Blood Cross.

Al­though it didn't ab­sorb metal as the orig­i­nal did, Blood-ab­sorb­ing power

was sig­nif­i­cantly stronger.

'And that power... what could it be?'

With an end­less re­gen­er­at­ive ca­pac­ity sur­pass­ing even an elf, and freely

ma­nip­u­lat­ing vi­tal en­ergy.

Among the op­po­nents he en­coun­tered, Long­i­nus was a par­tic­u­larly tough


But now, hav­ing set apart his Blood Cross with de­ter­mi­na­tion, it was the
most for­mi­da­ble power he had seen yet.

'But is also the eas­i­est to con­front.'

Seong Ji­han crossed his sword and spear.

Name­less Di­vine Arts, An­ni­hi­la­tion God's Se­cret -- Blood Cross.

The Blood Cross spread out against the mas­sive pool of blood, But com­‐
pared to the Long­nius's Blood Cross, it seemed al­most fee­ble.

Es­pe­cially the metal across hor­i­zon­tal, which was al­most non-ex­is­tent.

And the vi­tal en­ergy down ver­ti­cal was com­pletely over­whelmed.

The Blood Cross looked like it would van­ish any sec­ond.



What seemed to be en­gulfed by the Blood Cross grad­u­ally be­came clearer

with time.

Es­pe­cially the ver­ti­cal vi­tal en­ergy takes on a deeper hue.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 207

'As ex­pected.'

Seong Ji­han af­firmed as he saw it.

"This is an in­fe­rior ver­sion of the Blood Cross."


Vladimir's face hard­ened at Seong Ji­han's con­clu­sion.

"I only meant to teach you a les­son... but that won't do."

"Les­son? You are the one who needs to learn from me."

"You in­so­lent...!"

Was it those words that hit a nerve?

His face dis­torted with rage, as if it was break­ing.

"I will give it my all. I will rip you apart...!"

Vladimir, now even more de­ter­mined to draw upon his power.

Blood en­ergy con­verged from the Blood Cross on the floor back to him,
swelling his body.




Vladimir, in­flated like a bal­loon, couldn't with­stand it and ex­ploded mid-air.


[Avatar 'Vladimir' fails to ab­sorb the power of the Blood Cross and ex­‐

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 207

[The first match comes to an end.]

In front of Long­i­nus, a sys­tem mes­sage ap­peared, in­di­cat­ing the end of the


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 208

Chap­ter 208


Rus­sian play­ers' wait­ing room.

"Mr. Vladimir. you should have warned us in ad­vance. Isn't this too much?"

"To sud­denly kill us...!"

The play­ers, who were logged out in ad­vance, tried to protest to Vladimir as
he came out of the Bat­tleNet Con­nec­tor, but...

"Shut up."


When he emit­ted a pow­er­ful aura, they couldn't even make a sound. Al­‐
though these play­ers were pow­er­ful Di­am
­ ond play­ers, Vladimir, or more
pre­cisely, the Long­i­nus within him, was gen­uinely fu­ri­ous.

"Seong Ji­han...!"

Veins surged in Long­i­nus's eyes.

'The Power of Blood Cross...'

The power of "God Slaugh­ter" that the Wan­der­ing Mar­tial God had stolen
from Long­i­nus.

It man­i­fested as the Iron Blood Cross and a spear that pierced through it.

Up till now, Long­i­nus thought that out of the two, only the "God Slaugh­ter
Spear" had been snatched away by the Mar­tial God.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 208


'To be pushed back start­ing from the Blood Cross as well... does this mean
my pow­ers are in­fe­rior?!'

The sit­u­at­ion just now.

Clearly, he still had room to ab­sorb more power.

But the rea­son his body burst was be­cause he couldn't ab­sorb the power of
"Blood Cross".

To think his Blood Cross was deemed an in­fe­rior ver­sion from the start by
the Mar­tial God...

'...I can't tol­er­ate be­ing em­bar­rassed by some­one other than the mas­ter.'

Had it been the Mar­tial God him­self, Long­i­nus would have un­der­stood.

He was an ab­so­lute ex­is­tence, af­ter all.

How­ever, no mat­ter how much he had as­sim­i­lated with the di­vine pow­ers.

His pride would not al­low him, Long­i­nus, to be pushed back by a hu­man
who had just be­come a Di­am
­ ond to this de­gree.

"Vladimir. I'm go­ing to mod­ify your body a bit."

[Uh, er, wait a minute... what do you mean by mod­ify...!?]

"It'll be good for you."

[But, hang on! How are you gonna mod­ify me...?!]

The orig­i­nal owner of the body pleaded for Long­i­nus to at least tell him
what he planned to do, but Long­i­nus, with eyes rolled back, did not an­swer
his ques­tion.


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 208

And scratched Vladimir's face with his fin­ger­nails.

[Wha, what are you do­ing...!]

"A mere scratch on the face shouldn't mat­ter, right?"


From the fore­head to the chin.

A long wound gashed ver­ti­cally across Vladimir's face.

See­ing this, the Rus­sian play­ers around them shud­dered.

From their view,

He was mut­ter­ing to him­self be­fore sud­denly scratch­ing his own face -- a


'I don't think that's just a wound...'

'Mr. Vladimir... shouldn't you be go­ing to a psy­chi­atric hos­pi­tal?'

And then.


When red smoke rose from the wound.

Vladimir smiled with a grim ex­pres­sion.

"Now, you will be­come stronger."

= Al­though we won the first game...

= Vladimir showed a dis­tinctly dif­fer­ent side from be­fore. I al­most thought

he would lose!

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 208

The first game, played on a bridge with a sin­gle path, showed a sur­pris­ing
per­for­mance from Vladimir, and dis­cus­sions con­tin­ued even af­ter the game

-Why is Vladimir so strong? His move­ments were no joke.

-I thought it was over when he in­flated his body at the end.

-I saw the Rus­sian com­mu­nity, and they were also puz­zled.

Ex­pect­ing an easy win but open­ing it up to find com­pletely un­ex­pected

vari­ables -- was that why?

De­spite win­ning the first game, the Ko­rean fans were even more un­easy
than be­fore the game started.

And Seong Ji­han also did not let down his guard.

'Al­though we won the first game, I can't guar­an­tee the next.'

In the pre­vi­ous life, Vladimir didn't dis­play such a de­meanor. Per­haps this
time, it's be­cause Seong Ji­han gained Mar­tial Soul. It seemed to be as­so­ci­‐
ated with the Mar­tial god.

Whether any Con­stel­la­tion in­ter­vened or an­other vari­able was at play was

un­cer­tain. How­ever, it was ev­i­dent that his abil­i­ties were be­yond the norm.

'The Iron Blood Cross seemed to be a crit­i­cal weak­ness for him... If we face
off again in the next game, I'll have to make use of it.'

Seong Ji­han set the Iron Blood Cross as a key point while he con­tem­plated

= Game 2. Rus­sia uses a ban card on Sung Ji­han!

= Did the loss in the first game hit hard? Rus­sia chooses to face the Sword

Rus­sia chose to face the Sword King in the sec­ond game.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 208

'I thought they were go­ing to tar­get me again... Un­ex­pected.'

Since the op­po­nent was re­lated to the Mar­tial God.

Seong Ji­han as­sumed they would doggedly fo­cus their at­tacks on him, but
'Well, bans and se­lects are de­ci­sions made by the Rus­sian coach.'

Sung Ji­han de­cided to ob­serve the sit­u­at­ion for now.

"It's my turn this time. I'll be back, brother-in-law."

Yoon Se­jin, who slowly got up from his seat.

Un­able to watch the match di­rectly due to his lost vi­sion, lis­ten­ing only
through the com­men­tary -- he posed a ques­tion to Seong Ji­han.

"They say Vladimir has be­come strong. How much?"

"Very strong. He has a pow­er­ful re­gen­er­at­ive abil­ity sur­pass­ing elves, and

even if his form is de­stroyed, he at­tacks by mov­ing blood droplets."

"Hmm... that does seem tricky to deal with."

"Yes. And he tried des­per­ately to tear into me; get­ting hit once could wear
me down."

"I'll be care­ful."

The two dis­cussed Vladimir as Se­jin's next op­po­nent.

"Do you re­ally need to be care­ful though?"


How­ever, the na­tional team coach Noh Youngjoon poured cold wa­ter on
their heated dis­cus­sion.

"We can just ban him too, you know. Vladimir."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 208


"You're right."

The ban card is not some­thing only the op­po­nent can use.

Dur­ing the first game, since they didn't know Vladimir would turn out that
pow­er­ful, they used ran­dom cards ban­ning sev­eral play­ers.

But now that Rus­sia's key player is ex­posed, they can fo­cus the ban solely
on Vladimir.

"Just hold back even if you want to clash with him again. We need to win
the first se­ries."

"When there's a short­cut, no need to take the long way."

"I'll fol­low the coach's de­ci­sion."

And so in the sec­ond game with Vladimir and Seong Ji­han banned.

=Ahh. The Sword King sum­mons the White Sword. All 100 swords rush to­‐
wards the en­em
­ ies!

=See­ing Yoon Se­jin mas­sacre the op­po­nents with Sword skills just like in
the past na­tional team matches, I feel emo­tional.

=Swords rain down from the sky like a down­pour. The en­em
­ ies can't even
prop­erly block a sin­gle sword!

The Sword King com­pletely crushed them.

-Its not just you who can use ban cards? We can do it too, haha.

-Hav­ing two key cards makes things com­fort­able.

-I heard that a player can only be banned twice in a row. Is that re­ally true?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 208

-You can do it 3 or 4 times too. How­ever, from the 3rd time on­wards, it
goes into prob­ab­ il­ity.

-Yup, From the 3rd time on­wards, there is a 50% chance.

If they banned Seong Ji­han 3 times in the 3 game se­ries.

For the fi­nal match, ban­ning him has a 50% prob­ab­ il­ity of suc­cess or fail­ure
due to the ban card op­tion.

-Then, just keep Vladimir banned till the next game.

-Since he def­i­nitely can't ap­pear twice, end­ing it by the 3rd game should

-That's right. If we drag it out to 4 games, it won't work be­cause it will be­‐
come a bat­tle of odds.

-It was im­por­tant to win the first game haha.

The fact that Vladimir didn't get banned in the first game worked well this
time. If they stop ban­ning af­ter the sec­ond or third game. It seemed like Ko­‐
rea could eas­ily win 3-0.

"It was an easy game."

Sword King Yoon Se­jin re­turned af­ter eas­ily win­ning MVP in the sec­ond

"I wanted to face Vladimir once, but I don't think I'll have the chance."

"Any­way, it's a league match, so we'll meet again."

"Well, that's true. "That's right. I've played against Rus­sia many times be­‐
fore. I guess I'll have to try it next time."

They were al­ready con­sid­er­ing the game as over if Vladimir gets banned in
the next game, in fact, there aren't many vari­ables left in the game.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 208


=South Ko­rea bans Vladimir! Rus­sia, once again, bans Seong Ji­han!

=Haha then it will be a re­play of the sec­ond game, right? The map is im­por­‐
tant, but...

==That's right. From the third game, you can choose a map where only spe­‐
cific classes can par­tic­i­pate. Coach Youngjoon Noh's map pick is Val­halla!
The war­rior map!

=A map that max­i­mizes our strengths!

=And Rus­sia's se­lec­tion is... ugh, 'Golem Duel'!

There were still vari­ables in the game.

"Golem Duel huh..."

"Isn't that a sup­porter map?"

"Yes. It's a com­mon map for sup­porter pro­mo­tions."

A spe­cial map where only spe­cific classes can par­tic­i­pate. While Ko­rea
trusted pow­er­ful war­riors and chose Val­halla, Rus­sia, con­fi­dent in the
strength of their sup­port­ers, chose Golem Duel.

"This... the out­come will be de­ter­mined by the map, right?"

"Rus­sia be­lieves their sup­port­ers are stronger than ours?"

"That seems likely."

War­riors and archer classes are strong for Ko­rea. Mages and sup­port­ers are
gen­er­ally con­sid­ered strong for Rus­sia.

Of course there was the vari­able of the all-rounder Seong Ji­han who could
turn such eval­u­at­ions on their head, but 'My all-round class is use­less on
this map too.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 208

The sup­porter-ex­clu­sive map 'Golem Duel' was a unique case. In­stead of

com­bat abil­i­ties, sup­port­ers with de­vel­oped abil­i­ties to care for team­mates.
When they faced pro­mo­tion matches, they ei­ther played the game as a team
or held sep­ar­ ate matches for sup­port­ers only.

'Golem Duel' was one of those maps.

On this map, ex­cept for sup­port­ers, other classes were com­pletely use­less.

The sup­port­ers buffed their as­signed golems, who fought in their place.

They had to use heal­ing spells timely and ap­ply suit­able buffs de­pend­ing on
the sit­u­at­ion To lead their proxy golem to vic­tory in the 'Golem Duel'.

On this map, play­ers other than sup­port­ers were com­pletely use­less.

And the sup­port­ers could not in­ter­vene in bat­tle apart from buffs and heals.

'This map could com­pletely lock me down.'

Among sup­porter-ex­clu­sive maps, Golem Duel was the most re­stric­tive for
Seong Ji­han. If they were fight­ing on the same bat­tle­field as the golems,
Seong Ji­han could take the lead and de­feat them.

How­ever, this map con­cep­tu­ally sep­ar­ ated the space, with sup­port­ers giv­ing
buffs from out­side. It was a map that was es­sen­tially his arch-neme­sis.

'Af­ter this game other coun­tries will prob­ab­ ly bring out Golem Duel maps
to use against us.'

Seong Ji­han fig­ured this game would set a prece­dent for other na­tions to
take out their Golem Duel cards af­ter see­ing how use­ful it was to counter

He watched closely, won­der­ing what map would come out.

=Oh...! 'Golem Duel' map is se­lected!

=In the third game, it seems luck is fa­vor­ing the Rus­sian coach more!

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 208

=In this case... ev­ery­thing de­pends on the ca­pa­bil­i­ties of the sup­port­ers.

=Gen­er­ally, Rus­sia's sup­port­ers are con­sid­ered slightly su­pe­rior to South

Ko­rea's sup­port­ers, but...

=Still, the dif­fer­ence is not sig­nif­i­cant! South Ko­rean sup­port­ers! You can
nar­row this gap as much as you want!

The com­men­ta­tors ex­pressed dis­ap­point­ment over the se­lec­tion of the

Golem Duel map but em­pha­sized that if the sup­port­ers did their best, they
could win. How­ever, the au­di­ence had dif­fer­ent opin­ions.

-Look at them hyp­ing it up, haha. The dif­fer­ence be­tween Rus­sian and
South Ko­rean sup­port­ers is at least two lev­els, haha.

-Since Golem Duel makes the buff ef­fects cru­cial, no way we are win­ning,

-It's go­ing to be the fourth game, haha.

-Oh, Seong Ji­han, what are you do­ing? Quickly charm Sophia and make her
your con­cu­bine!

-Seong Ji­han al­ready taken tho;;

-Do it for the na­tion! Date one more!

-Na­tion-spon­sored two-tim­ing lmao😂

Au­di­ence al­ready con­cluded, it would go to the fourth game.

And the match pro­gressed ex­actly as an­tic­i­pated.

=Oh... The golem. It's ex­plod­ing...

=Rus­sia's sup­port­ers are strong.

=It looks like it will go to the fourth game!

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 208

=Then Vladimir's ban will be lifted...!


Ko­rea's lead re­mained, but the pre­vi­ously per­fectly blocked vari­able,

Vladimir, was now free in the next game. The na­tional team felt a slight

"This is... It's not end­ing eas­ily."

"That's how it turned out."

"If the same map se­lec­tion comes in again, it might be bet­ter to ban the en­‐
emy sup­porter in­stead of Vladimir, who can't be banned."

"Since the ban comes first, we can't know what map will be cho­sen."

"Nat­u­rally, Rus­sia won't choose a sup­porter map, right?"


In a crit­i­cal mo­ment, Rus­sia se­cured vic­tory by choos­ing the map wisely.

They would prob­ab­ ly try the same for­mula for vic­tory in the fourth game.

"If they pick a mage map or some­thing, Seong Ji­han will crush them all."

"Un­less it's Golem Duel, I can han­dle sup­porter maps too. Just let me step
onto the bat­tle­field and it'll be over."

"Haha. In­deed."

Ev­ery­one as­sumed Rus­sia would des­per­ately pray for the Golem Duel map
to come out again.

Amidst such ex­pec­ta­tions...

The bans re­vealed for the fourth game were Vladimir and Yoon Se­jin.

Next, the se­lect card re­vealed by Rus­sia was un­ex­pected: [Val­halla]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 208


"Are they out of their minds?!"

"Don't tell me they still trust in Vladimir..."

Aban­don­ing the win­ning card shown in the third game, Rus­sia chose the
map that Ko­rea wanted, Val­halla.


=I don't un­der­stand this choice...

=Are they try­ing to give Vladimir one more chance?

Com­men­ta­tors ex­pressed their doubts, and the screen fo­cused on the Rus­‐
sian coach.

The coach's face, sink­ing into a red­dish hue, was vis­i­ble.

Seong Ji­han vaguely sensed that it might not be his own will.


No, the per­son re­lated to the Mar­tial God in­side him prob­ab­ ly led this de­ci­‐

Un­sure what he was think­ing, try­ing his luck even with a 50% chance of
get­ting banned.

'But vic­tory for Rus­sia prob­ab­ ly isn't im­por­tant for that guy re­lated to the
Mar­tial God.'

He likely only wants re­venge against Seong Ji­han from the first game.

Seong Ji­han chuck­led as he stood up from his seat.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 208

"Let's fin­ish up this se­ries."


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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 209

Chap­ter 209


The map was Val­halla, ex­clu­sively for war­riors.

The walls were made of golden shields and the ma­jes­tic pil­lars hold­ing up
this palace of war­riors were gi­ant spears.

It was a map where 50 war­riors were se­lected from each team to bat­tle it
out in Val­halla's enor­mous hall.

=Ah, the view­er­ship has sur­passed the high­est record!

=Higher num­bers than the 2018 Cham­pi­ons League Quar­ter­fi­nals match!

=As the first in­ter­na­tional rep­re­sen­ta­tive match since Bat­tleNet's main game
launch, it seems many over­seas are also watch­ing the game in­tently!

=Player Vladimir's trans­for­ma­tion must have con­trib­uted as well!

=Yes, he demon­strated a re­ally shock­ing spec­ta­cle! He was banned for

matches 2 and 3 but... he's ap­pear­ing in the 4th game!

=Ah. The 50 per­cent­age prob­ab­ il­ity didn't work out! Coach Noh Youngjun's
ban was in­ef­fec­tive!

Flash! Flash!

The Rus­sian war­riors sum­moned from the west.

And at the very front was Vladimir with a face full of scars.

-?? Why is his face like that?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 209

-It wasn't like that in the 1st game!

-He's com­pletely be­come a mon­ster;;

Just a few hours ago his face was still un­marred, but now Vladimir's face
was com­pletely cov­ered in scars.

He glared at Seong Ji­han sum­moned in the east.


He stamped his foot on the floor.



Boom! Boom!

The war­riors be­hind him be­gan ex­plod­ing in uni­son.

Just like in the 1st game, Vladimir det­o­nated his al­lies.

Their flesh and bones van­ished in­stantly.

And only blood droplets re­mained hov­er­ing in the air, surg­ing to­wards him.

Es­pe­cially the blood that gath­ered on his face.

Gulp! Gulp...

It stuck to his scars, dye­ing his en­tire face red.

'His aura is even stronger than be­fore.'

Al­though the num­ber of play­ers he ex­ploded was only half that of the 1st

The aura he emit­ted was more pow­er­ful than last time.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 209

Seong Ji­han glanced back at his war­riors.

Ko­rea's war­riors with­out the Sword King amongst them.

Among the North­east Asian League par­tic­i­pat­ing coun­tries they were the

'If I ig­nore them, they'll prob­ab­ ly end up like that too.'

Al­lies who would be of no help against Vladimir, only be­com­ing an en­ergy

source for the en­emy in­stead.

It was best to quickly get rid of them.

Name­less Di­vine Arts, An­ni­hi­la­tion God's Se­cret -- Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing

Gods Seong Ji­han took out a sword from his in­ven­tory and stabbed it into
the ground.

Then mys­ti­cal pat­terns in­stantly spawned on the floor.

It was the Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods which had now be­come a dis­posal
tool for the use­less al­lies.

"Uh... hang on...."

"We're get­ting sucked in...!"


And just like that, the 49 Ko­rean war­riors dis­ap­peared in an in­stant.


=What's go­ing on here!?

=Right af­ter start, the 100 war­riors have all van­ished ex­cept for 2!

=Player Seong Ji­han prob­ab­ ly made the de­ci­sive ac­tion know­ing his al­lies
would fall vic­tim to Vladimir's "Trans­fu­sion"!

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 209

=Cer­tainly, there is no need to pro­vide more bat­tle power to the en­emy!

Vladimir, who had blood stream­ing into his face, looked at him as if to say
"how pre­pos­ter­ous" and raised his hand.



Blood ex­ploded in mid-air.


=The screen is be­ing ob­scured by blood!

=Wha, what is he do­ing!?

=Block­ing the broad­cast screen, how is this even pos­si­ble...!?

The re­lay screen was dyed red with blood.

Af­ter block­ing ex­ter­nal eyes like so, he slowly opened his mouth.

"To uti­lize the di­vine art of Myr­iad Ghosts Seal in such a way... The Mar­tial
God would sigh if he saw this."

"Myr­iad Ghosts Seal is a di­vine art?"

Seong Ji­han looked at the pat­terns of Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods.

This is a di­vine art?

"Di­vine art huh... what ex­actly do you mean by that?"

"Not even know­ing what it is yet dar­ing to steal it... Did the Mar­tial God
im­part his skills sep­ar­ ately to you?"

How can you ex­hibit it with­out even know­ing what an art is?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 209

Long­i­nus, hav­ing taken over Vladimir's body, in­ter­ro­gated Seong Ji­han in



"Well, I just hap­pened to know it."

Seong Ji­han sim­ply an­swered as such.

He couldn't tell his past life story to the op­po­nent af­ter all.

"Ha, you just came to know it? How ar­ro­gant. An im­pu­dent fel­low soon to
be tram­pled by the Mar­tial God."

"Hey, that Blood Cross is your art right? That's the eas­i­est though, right?"

"You lit­tle...!"

Tak­ing it then giv­ing it back ver­bally to Vladimir.

He couldn't hold back his rage at Seong Ji­han's words be­lit­tling the Blood

"To dis­par­age the art of God Slaugh­ter like that...! Ut­terly un­ac­cept­able!"


The blood aura ob­scur­ing the screen gath­ered in one area And Vladimir's
Blood Cross be­gan to re­veal its form again ex­clud­ing an even more in­tense
aura com­pared to the 1st game.

As the blood aura blazed around him, he let out a sin­is­ter blood fog.

Vladimir now looked more like a mon­ster than a hu­man.

But more than his en­hanced form,

'God Slaugh­ter? The Blood Cross is God Slaugh­ter skill? Huh.......'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 209

From Vladimir's words, Seong Ji­han ob­tained a hint re­gard­ing the Iron
Blood Cross.

Draw­ing the cross of iron and blood,

And a spear pierc­ing through atop that per­son to in­stantly kill them -- the
Iron Blood Cross skill.

Al­though Seong Ji­han had mod­i­fied it for use as a pow­er­ful de­fense tool.

'As ex­pected, the cul­mi­nat­ing spear at­tack was the main point.'

Watch­ing this crazed fel­low re­lated to the Mar­tial God, he could grasp the
essence of the Iron Blood Cross that he had only vaguely pre­dicted un­til

"I won't let you die eas­ily!"


The en­raged Vladimir charged for­ward.

Boom! Boom!

Dozens of ex­changes oc­curred in­stantly.

Un­like the 1st game, the Blood Cross Sword did not burst.


=Player Vladimir. He is too strong!

=Player Seong Ji­han is strug­gling with de­fense!

=The bat­tle sit­u­at­ion is dis­tinctly dif­fer­ent from the 1st game...!

The reap­peared bat­tle scene, To the 3rd party com­men­ta­tors, it looked like
Seong Ji­han was be­ing com­pletely over­whelmed.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 209

The tough-as-nails Blood Cross Sword.

And the pointed blood aura as­sail­ing him from all sides.

Plus Vladimir's phys­i­cal abil­i­ties which had be­come at least twice as fast
com­pared to the 1st game.

-Wow... isn't that way too OP?

-How did he get so much stronger than the 1st game?

-No way, if he was al­ready that strong he should've shown this power dur­‐
ing the Space League. Why only go all out now?

-For real lol. That level could even beat a high elf~

It seemed amaz­ing how Seong Ji­han was hold­ing out.

Vladimir had com­pletely seized the up­per hand.


'This guy...!'

Long­i­nus in­side Vladimir was un­sat­is­fied with the cur­rent sit­u­at­ion.

By now, their phys­i­cal abil­i­ties surely showed a dif­fer­ence.

Even with Seong Ji­han si­mul­ta­ne­ously uti­liz­ing the power of Void, His stats
still couldn't catch up to Long­i­nus who had mod­i­fied the avatar to suit him­‐


'Could it be... the choice to be­come the Mar­tial God wasn't mis­taken?'

De­spite be­ing com­pletely over­whelmed in power, Seong Ji­han didn't al­low

a sin­gle at­tack.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 209

He des­per­ately tried to tear into his skin to ab­sorb all of his blood essence,
but Seong Ji­han's smooth eva­sion and de­fen­sive skills were ad­mirable even
from his en­emy per­spec­tive.

"But now... it's over!"

The two war­riors who had now reached the cor­ner of Val­halla, As the Blood
Cross Sword swelled, hav­ing gath­ered am­ple blood aura.

It com­pletely sealed off Seong Ji­han's es­cape routes, try­ing to skewer him.

But then,

Name­less Di­vine Arts, An­ni­hi­la­tion God's Se­cret -- Iron Blood Cross A pure
white cross with a hole in its cen­ter floated be­fore Seong Ji­han.

And as it was im­bued with the aura of life.

A green pro­tec­tive shield wrapped around his body.

The de­fen­sively mod­i­fied Iron Blood Cross in Seong Ji­han's style.

"Thi, this, this...!"

Long­i­nus, still wield­ing his sword, froze at the sight of the mod­i­fied Iron
Blood Cross.

Al­though he knew about the ex­is­tence of this al­tered Iron Blood Cross, It
was his first time see­ing it di­rectly with his own eyes.

He would have thought anger at a non-Mar­tial God dar­ing to tam­per with it

would surge, but "......."

In­stead it felt like cold wa­ter was poured over his head.

His rage sub­sided and ra­tio­nal­ity re­turned.

How could he even think of chang­ing that per­fect Iron Blood Cross...?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 209

"Why did you mod­ify the man­i­fes­ta­tion of a com­pleted art to suit your­self?"

At Long­i­nus's ques­tion.

"The Iron Blood Cross was com­plete? That thing?"

Seong Ji­han scoffed in dis­be­lief.

"Draw­ing a cross then stab­bing the mid­dle with a spear is com­plete? Just
stab if you wanna stab. Use it to de­fend if you wanna de­fend with the cross.
It's so trou­ble­some."



At those words, Long­i­nus's eyes shook vi­o­lently.

The Mar­tial God's skills are... trou­ble­some?

As some­one who lived as the Mar­tial God's fol­lower, it was a no­tion he

couldn't even imag­ine.

"But you don't have a spear at­tack other than draw­ing the cross?"


"Take note and try chang­ing it later. Here."

Thud! Thud!

Seong Ji­han knocked on his own Iron Blood Cross as he said that.

Long­i­nus let out a hol­low laugh.

"......Sep­ar­ at­ing God Slaugh­ter?"

"Yeah why not?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 209

Mod­i­fy­ing the Mar­tial God's skills to suit him­self...!?

'Is it be­cause he is ig­no­rant?'


Just hav­ing such an idea it­self was far too great a shock for Long­i­nus.



The blood aura gath­ered in Vladimir dis­persed.

And his face which had been ob­scured, un­able to be shown looked blank, as
if his soul had left him.



The Blood Cross Sword in his hand moved, try­ing to change.

First it be­came a blade with only one side.

Then it shifted into a ham­mer, then into a club next.

As the blood freely con­gre­gated and dis­persed, the Blood Cross cre­ated var­‐
i­ous weapon shapes.


Just one.

'Spear' could not be ma­te­ri­al­ized.

"......I, Long­i­nus, can­not do it."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 209

Star­ing at the blood aura which re­fused to trans­form into a spear shape de­‐
spite re­peat­edly try­ing.

Long­i­nus mut­tered in a stunned voice.


Long­i­nus, fa­mous for pierc­ing Je­sus with a spear.

Al­though Seong Ji­han didn't be­lieve in any re­li­gions, he had heard that
name be­fore.

The Holy Lance Long­i­nus was quite a fa­mous weapon in myths.

'But he can't use a spear?'

Does he have some con­nec­tion with the Mar­tial God?

But then why was Long­i­nus known to have stabbed with a spear in later

Just as Seong Ji­han was feel­ing puz­zled af­ter hear­ing that name.

"Ah, no......."

Long­i­nus, who had been stand­ing there ab­sent-mind­edly with a blank ex­‐
pres­sion, sud­denly opened his eyes wide.


He could hear the voice of the Wan­der­ing Mar­tial God by his ear.

[Use the spear.]

"Mas­ter... you per­mit it?"

[I do.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 209

With the Mar­tial God's ap­proval.


The spear form which had re­fused to ac­tu­al­ize no mat­ter how many times
he tried to trans­form it.

Was in­stantly em­bod­ied in Long­i­nus's hand.


Long­i­nus clicked his tongue in frus­tra­tion as he looked at the ma­te­ri­al­ized

blood spear.

To think some­thing so sim­ple couldn't be done with­out per­mis­sion.

"You did it huh."

"The Mas­ter... al­lowed it."

"You need per­mis­sion for ev­ery sin­gle weapon you wanna cre­ate?"

"Yes. That is the des­tiny of a fol­lower."

Af­firm­ing Seong Ji­han's words, Long­i­nus stared blankly at the blood spear
he cre­ated.

'It's rare for Mas­ter to per­mit spears un­til now.'

The pow­er­ful God Slaugh­ter Spear.

It was only tem­po­rar­ily al­lowed against mighty Con­stel­la­tions or when

great bat­tles were im­mi­nent.

The Mar­tial God had been quite spar­ing when it came to grant­ing spears.

But to think he per­mit­ted it against Seong Ji­han, in a Bat­tleNet game match

like this...!

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 209

'Could the Mas­ter also de­sire the skill mod­i­fi­ca­tions Seong Ji­han men­‐

If so, he had to obey as a loyal fol­lower.


Long­i­nus raised the spear.

"Seong Ji­han. You said to take note of the stab­bing?"


"Then let me show you......."

The spear­head pointed at the white cross.

"God Slaugh­ter's Spear."

Long­i­nus's blood aura fo­cused into a sin­gle point.


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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 210

Chap­ter 210


Long­i­nus's God Slaugh­ter.

To the eye, it was an all too sim­ple stab­bing.

The vigor that had gath­ered at the tip of the spear was now be­ing ab­sorbed
into the spear it­self.

The blood spear, glis­ten­ing with a bloody sheen, was slowly ex­tend­ing to­‐
wards the Iron Blood Cross.

Its move­ment, con­sid­er­ing the en­hanced phys­i­cal abil­i­ties of Long­i­nus just

mo­ments ago, was laugh­ably slow, to the point where one might won­der if
it was some kind of a joke.

'Is this re­ally the God Slaugh­ter?' one might doubt, but just when such
thoughts arose.


The phys­i­cal form of Avatar Vladimir, ex­tend­ing the spear, was melt­ing
rapidly from the tips of his feet.

"... Is this your limit...?"

With that be­ing his last word.

Long­i­nus, turn­ing in­stan­ta­neously into blood, was ab­sorbed by the blood


[All play­ers of the op­pos­ing team have fallen in bat­tle.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 210

[The game will end soon...]

Sub­se­quently, a mes­sage popped up in­di­cat­ing the op­pos­ing team had all

per­ished, end­ing the game.

'What? Over al­ready?'

No way, is this a joke?

Seong Ji­han was left dumb­founded.

He had an­tic­i­pated wit­ness­ing Long­i­nus's ver­sion of the God Slaugh­ter,

Only for it to be thwarted right in front of his eyes.

'Nev­er­the­less, the spear is still com­ing.'

Even with the dis­ap­pear­ance of Long­i­nus's main body.

The blood spear was leisurely fly­ing in his di­rec­tion.

At a glance, it seemed far from what you'd call a spear ca­pa­ble of killing a

'I'll have to con­front it, none­the­less.'

Be­fore the game con­cluded, Seong Ji­han de­cided to step for­ward him­self.


'My body...'

When he tried to take a step, his body had hard­ened, com­pletely out of con­‐

And it wasn't just Seong Ji­han who had stopped, '...Even the sys­tem has

'The game will end soon. You will be logged out,' should have ap­peared,
but, The sys­tem mes­sages... no fur­ther progress was made.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 210

In a world that had come to a halt,

Only Long­i­nus's spear leisurely floated in the air.

'Time stop... Does this have to do with his God Slaugh­ter?'

Seong Ji­han pon­dered, try­ing des­per­ately to find a way out of the cur­rent
sit­u­at­ion by con­tem­plat­ing in­wardly.

There were many kinds of pow­ers, in­clud­ing those with mar­tial soul and
void, 'It barely moves at all...'

It was as if he had lost con­trol.

Seong Ji­han's body was not re­spond­ing.

At best, the only thing try­ing to move was the en­ergy of Mar­tial Soul and

Even though he tried his best to reg­u­late just that, The slowly ap­proach­ing
blood spear was al­ready draw­ing near.

And then,


As the tip of the spear dug into the cross,

Ffft, ffft, fsshh...

A bloody mist rose from the point of im­pact.

And above it, faint pur­ple let­ters ap­peared.

Not Ko­rean, not Eng­lish, they were en­tirely new char­ac­ters.

'...Why...can I read it?'

For some rea­son, Seong Ji­han could read them with­out dif­fi­culty.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 210

[Tar­get con­di­tions, par­tially met.]

[Ex­tinc­tion code ac­ti­vated.]

And as those let­ters dis­ap­peared into thin air.


A huge hole was blasted through the cen­ter of the Iron Blood Cross, As the
blood spear bur­rowed into the gap.


And like that, the tip of the spear pierced Seong Ji­han's body.


The power flow­ing from the blood spear in­stantly erased his physique.

As this un­folded, one en­ergy in par­tic­u­lar seemed to re­sist dis­so­lu­tion, the

en­ergy of Mar­tial Soul.

Pierced by the spear, Seong Ji­han in­stinc­tively felt, 'This power... com­‐
pletely op­poses Mar­tial Soul. On the other hand, the void... it's try­ing to use
it for it­self.'

The God Slaugh­ter spear, eras­ing the en­ergy of the mar­tial soul but mov­ing
the void to its own will.

Ini­tially, Seong Ji­han had re­tained con­trol over the void but, 'No, I need to
see how this works out.'

To see how the blood spear in­tended to uti­lize the void, he de­cided to fol­‐
low its move­ment.

As the void merged, the blood spear in­side him showed a pe­cu­liar flow.


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 210

Even as his up­per body was blasted more than half open, Seong Ji­han was
pre­oc­cu­pied with analysing the move­ments of the blood spear.

The blood spear was nib­bling away at Mar­tial Soul in a com­pletely new
way, Yet its move­ment held a con­sis­tent pat­tern.

'Is this re­lated to the ex­tinc­tion code...?'

The term 'Ex­tinc­tion Code', which he could in­ex­pli­ca­bly read.

In­tu­itively, Seong Ji­han re­al­ized that this pe­cu­liar flow sup­press­ing Mar­tial
Soul in com­bi­na­tion with the void was linked to the Ex­tinc­tion Code.


Even as his body was be­ing erased,

Seong Ji­han was en­grossed in an­al­yz­ing the spear of God Slaugh­ter.

[You will be logged out.]

When the time stop of the blood spear ended, He could feel the flow of time

'What a shame.'

If only he had more time to an­al­yse.

Even with his torso gone, leav­ing only his head and limbs, Seong Ji­han
lamented that he did not com­pletely un­der­stand the 'Ex­tinc­tion Code'.

'How­ever... I did un­cover some­thing.'

Even with a gap­ing hole in the mid­dle of his body, Seong Ji­han's eyes were
clearer than ever be­fore.

The spear of God Slaugh­ter.

It was worth ex­pe­ri­enc­ing

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 210

Mean­while, on South Ko­rea's Chan­nel 0.

=Ah, both play­ers. What are they talk­ing about... Un­for­tu­nately, we can't
hear them from the broad­cast.

=Ah, player Vladimir has cre­ated a spear with his hand! The blood is gath­‐
er­ing at one point... looks like he's pre­par­ing for a ma­jor move!

=Player Seong Ji­han! Are you just go­ing to stand by and watch?

As the con­ver­sa­tion be­tween Seong Ji­han and Long­i­nus was muted, Their
clash was be­ing broad­casted.

-To­day's broad­cast has been full of in­ci­dents; -Vladimir is just stand­ing

there, gath­er­ing blood on the spear, it clearly looks like he's about to use a
killer move, why is Seong Ji­han wait­ing??

-It's a tra­di­tion to wait in sit­u­at­ions like this lol -No, he was com­pletely
pushed back just now. Now is the chance to coun­ter­at­tack. What will he do
if he misses out on a win?

Peo­ple who couldn't hear the con­ver­sa­tion couldn't un­der­stand why Seong
Ji­han was stand­ing by.

How­ever, such con­cerns van­ished as soon as Vladimir's body was ab­sorbed

by the blood spear.


-What's go­ing on. Vladimir... Why is he be­ing ab­sorbed by his spear?

-lol!! Failed ul­ti­mate skill?

-Look at that. Do you think Ji­han had a pre­mo­ni­tion? He was wait­ing be­‐
cause he knew it.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 210

-For real lol!! Why are there so many doubters? Seong Ji­han has it all fig­‐
ured out, let's just fol­low him lol!! I think Seong Ji­han was just stand­ing to
ex­pe­ri­ence Vladimir's death.

To those un­aware of the cir­cum­stances, it looked as if his pre­mo­ni­tion had

been ac­ti­vated again.

=The game will now end.

=Ko­rea... wins 3:1 against Rus­sia!

=The fi­nal con­fronta­tion ended some­what an­ti­cli­mac­ti­cally...

=But, what does it mat­ter! Vic­tory is what's im­por­tant!

As the broad­cast con­cluded,

The scene where Seong Ji­han was pierced by the blood spear amidst the
halted world was not cap­tured.

Could that be why?

"Wow, did you wait un­til the end know­ing Mr. Ji­han? Did you ex­pect
Vladimir to get ab­sorbed into his weapon?"

"Your pre­mo­ni­tion is re­ally amaz­ing... Have you dreamed of any­thing good


The play­ers ap­proached Seong Ji­han, speak­ing only of the pre­mo­ni­tion.

No one men­tioned the scene that un­folded af­ter the game ended.

"Pre­mo­ni­tions aren't some­thing you can just have as you wish. You have to
see more for what's to come."

Seong Ji­han re­sponded lightly to the play­ers, "Coach. I'll be head­ing home
right away."

He in­formed Coach Noh Youngjun that he was leav­ing.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 210

"Right now? Even though there's still the MVP in­ter­view..."

"Please han­dle that in my stead. Af­ter deal­ing against Vladimir, it made me

think of some­thing I need to train on."

"About... train­ing?"


Noh Youngjun looked at Seong Ji­han with a face full of dis­may.

'What kind of train­ing de­mon is he?'

It was al­ready the talk of the town that he's al­ways cooped up at home for

But should there not be a mo­ment to at least make a vic­tory speech?

"Is it be­cause you don't like the in­ter­view an­nouncer, maybe?"

"No? I don't even know who it is. I'll be go­ing now. See you later!"

"Why? Let's go to­gether."

"I'm faster on foot."


With that, Seong Ji­han van­ished, us­ing his Flash­ing Sky Thun­der Steps

Noh Youngjun watched him dis­ap­pear, dumb­founded.

"...Se­jin. Can you do the in­ter­view in­stead?"

"I guess if it's for my brother-in-law."

Yoon Se­jin nod­ded.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 210

For any­one else, he might have hes­i­tated, but if it was for his brother-in-
law's sake, He would will­ingly stand in.

"Thank you. But, what train­ing is so ur­gent?"

From the coach's per­spec­tive, it was a re­lief to have a player who strives to
be­come stronger so au­tonomously.

But one also had to take breaks.

Noh Youngjun coach shook his head, pre­par­ing for the in­ter­view with Yoon

On the star of mar­tial gods, Tusung.

"...He en­dured it."

In the broad­cast, Long­i­nus, who had wit­nessed the last scene that was not
cap­tured, let out a dis­ap­pointed smile.

Al­though Seong Ji­han's body had com­pletely van­ished ex­cept for his neck
and limbs, Which would have been al­most cer­tain death if it had been in re­‐
al­ity, [His whole body didn't dis­ap­pear in an in­stant.]

"....That's right. Mas­ter. He re­sisted the power of the God Slaugh­ter."

Typ­i­cally, if one were di­rectly struck by the God Slaugh­ter spear, their en­‐
tire body would van­ish im­me­di­ately.

Yet Seong Ji­han per­se­vered un­til the time stop was lifted and time flowed

Main­tain­ing his phys­i­cal form for an ex­tended pe­riod.

[Not bad at all.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 210

Rarely does sen­ti­ment come across in the voice of the Mar­tial God, but a
sense of sat­is­fac­tion was de­tected.

[How­ever, merely en­dur­ing is in­suf­fi­cient. He will need to show evolved



[Long­i­nus, next time, I will per­mit you to use the spear against him. Bring
out his lim­its.]

"Thank you, Mas­ter."

The Wan­der­ing Mar­tial God who typ­i­cally did not al­low the use of spears,
Was per­mit­ting it freely against Seong Ji­han.

Long­i­nus bowed to the Mar­tial God and then with­drew.

"Are you... al­right?"

Be­side him, walk­ing with a va­cant ex­pres­sion, Dong­bang Sak made his way
over. He ap­proached Long­i­nus, stroking his beard.

"Dong­bang Sak, did you see it?"

"Yes. I too must test him through my avatar. I watched the game for ref­er­‐


Long­i­nus let out a deep sigh.

"My spear be­ing blocked by a mere hu­man... Orig­i­nally, I didn't find the
taste of vic­tory ap­peal­ing, but to­day, it's even worse."

"You de­stroyed his torso, didn't you? If any more time had passed, the rest
would have crum­bled as well."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 210

"Dong­bang Sak... Why are you do­ing this, know­ing full well? He is hu­man.
When the spear touches him, his body should dis­ap­pear in­stantly. Yet he en­‐
dured it..."

"A hu­man..."

At the lamen­ta­tion of Long­i­nus, Dong­bang sak ut­tered in a sig­nif­i­cant tone.

"Do you re­ally think so? Do you con­sider him a hu­man?"

"What do you mean?"


Dong­bang Sak took out a bot­tle from his waist­band.

"Let's go in­side to talk."

He opened the bot­tle's cork and,


Dong­bang Sak and Long­i­nus were both sucked into it.

"Who on Tusung would hear us that we had to come in here..."

Long­i­nus com­plained, but Dong­bang Sak replied qui­etly, "Isn't the Mar­tial
God lis­ten­ing?"

"...So he can't hear us here?"

"Just for a mo­ment."

This bot­tle is im­mune to the gaze and ears of the Mar­tial God?

Long­i­nus looked around cu­ri­ously, and then asked Dong­bang Sak, "Why
should we avoid talk­ing about whether Seong Ji­han is hu­man or not in front
of the Mas­ter?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 210

"Well... It's just my one-sided guess."

Dong­bang Sak glanced around and then whis­pered softly, "From what I see,
that boy, Seong Ji­han... might be a 'kin' to the Mar­tial God."


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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 211

Chap­ter 211

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Long­i­nus could scarcely be­lieve it as he looked at Dong­bang sak.

"A kins­man of the Mar­tial God... are you say­ing Seong Ji­han is not hu­man,
but a mem­ber of the god race?"

"The god race..."

Dong­bang sak stroked his beard.

"The con­cept of the god race is vague, not eas­ily pinned down to a sin­gle
def­i­ni­tion. Among the races of the Bat­tleNet, those who are tran­scen­den­tal
are com­monly re­ferred to as the god race. There are hu­man-shaped god
races, and there are many grotesque and bizarre ones as well."

"That may be, but... there is a com­mon­al­ity among the god race, isn't it?"

"What's a com­mon trait of the god race?"

"Those who are rec­og­nized as 'god race' by the Bat­tleNet."

In the uni­verse, all sorts of races par­tic­i­pate in the Bat­tleNet.

In or­der to be clas­si­fied as of the god race there, one must re­ceive of­fi­cial
recog­ni­tion by Bat­tleNet.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 211

Be­fore that, no mat­ter how pow­er­ful the race, they did not fall un­der the
clas­si­fi­ca­tion of the god race.

"Recog­ni­tion by Bat­tleNet... In­deed. No mat­ter how pow­er­ful, they are only

semi-godly with­out it. And cer­tainly, the Mar­tial God is of­fi­cially rec­og­‐
nized as of the god by Bat­tleNet."

"Then Seong Ji­han is re­ally of the god race too?"

"No, that's not nec­es­sar­ily the case."

"...Didn't you say he is a kins­man of the Mar­tial God?"

Long­i­nus re­torted as if not sure what Dong­bang sak was get­ting at.

Dong­bang sak plucked a strand of his beard.

"If he were of the god race, he wouldn't be able to par­tic­i­pate in the Space
League or the Bronze. The grade is dif­fer­ent; he wouldn't have been able to
par­tic­i­pate un­der hu­man­ity's ban­ner."

"That's true, but..."

Why then did you call him a kins­man of Mar­tial God?

Long­i­nus looked puz­zled at Dong­bang sak, who just then...

Smoke rose from the torn strand of his beard.

Then the smoke trans­formed into char­ac­ters and floated in mid-air.

"I said he was a kins­man be­cause he saw the let­ters of God Slaugh­ter."

"The char­ac­ters... of God Slaugh­ter?"

"Yes. You were ab­sorbed by the spear, God Slaugh­ter and dis­ap­peared; you
must not have seen it... but he cer­tainly was star­ing at some­thing within the
smoke of the spear, just as the Mar­tial God did."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 211

Long­i­nus's ex­pres­sion be­came grave.

He was well ac­quainted with the pur­ple char­ac­ters that emerged from the
spear, God Slaugh­ter.

He had been granted the spear by the Mar­tial God, and each time he used it,
those char­ac­ters ap­peared.

He once tried to com­pletely mem­o­rize the char­ac­ters to in­ter­pret them, but

there were no cor­re­spond­ing ref­er­ences in the lan­guages of the world.

Fur­ther­more, he couldn't in­ter­pret them even with Bat­tleNet's trans­la­tion

sys­tem, so he had given up.

Only the Mar­tial God.

Only he could rec­og­nize those char­ac­ters....

"...That is sur­pris­ing. To think that he could read let­ters only the Mar­tial
God can see. But isn't it pre­ma­ture to say he's kins­man based on this

"When I use my Nine Palaces and Eight Tri­grams, I see sim­i­lar char­ac­ters,
don't I?"

Long­i­nus nod­ded.

Be­fore the Mar­tial God had mod­i­fied the spear into the Many Re­turns Ce­‐
les­tial, in the form of the Nine Palaces and Eight Tri­grams that Dong­bang
sak used.

Even then, un­usual char­ac­ters like those from the spear of God Slaugh­ter

"At that time, the Mar­tial God mur­mured that it was the script of his kin."

"Be­cause of that one as­pect, you de­duced he's kins­man?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 211

"Yes. The grounds are thin. Hence, it's still a con­jec­ture. But given that the
Mar­tial Soul was be­stowed upon him, and other fac­tors... the Mar­tial God
and he are surely closely con­nected."

"Uhm... but still..."

Script of the kin.

Long­i­nus frowned thought­fully, to which Dong­bang sak replied while

stroking his beard.

"We must use Seong Ji­han well. If we find the mean­ing of the script
through him... we might find clues about our 'stolen busi­ness.'"


"Don't go rush­ing to Earth to kill him just be­cause your spear was blocked."

"That's quite an ac­cu­sa­tion. What do you take me for...! I am not some­one

to seek re­venge over such triv­ial mat­ters."

"Is that so? Good then."

Dong­bang sak looked up at the ceil­ing.

The cork of the gi­ant gourd was slightly shak­ing.

"We can no longer hide here. Let's go out."



The two as­cended through the open­ing of the un­corked gourd.

'Seong Ji­han can read the char­ac­ters...'

Long­i­nus was plunged into com­plex con­tem­pla­tions as he fol­lowed Dong­‐

bang sak.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 211

Void train­ing ground.

As soon as Seong Ji­han ar­rived home, he en­tered the train­ing ground.

He could have ac­cessed the train­ing ground through the Bat­tleNet cen­ter,

'It could take days of train­ing, and it's un­com­fort­able stay­ing there.'

Even though the train­ing ground pro­vided 5.5 times more time, since he
didn't know when the train­ing would end, he chose to en­ter the train­ing
ground at home for his peace of mind.

'The sen­sa­tions at the time I was pierced by the God Slaugh­ter. I have to
make it mine be­fore I for­get.'

The spear, God Slaugh­ter that Long­i­nus man­i­fested.

The move­ments it made in­side his body when it struck him were quite fresh
for Seong Ji­han.

The strange move­ments of the Mar­tial Soul and the void that oc­curred
while his body was dis­ap­pear­ing left a strong im­pres­sion on him.

'Did it start... like this be­fore?'

As Seong Ji­han was try­ing to fol­low the flow from a lit­tle while ago...

[Re­cent bat­tle records are saved.]

[Do you wish to use the re­play func­tion?]

The sys­tem mes­sage made Seong Ji­han's eyes sparkle.

'Re­play... such a fea­ture ex­ists?'

Af­ter the pro­mo­tion, the Void train­ing ground was ob­tained.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 211

Ini­tially, the re­play func­tion was not ac­tive.

How­ever, af­ter play­ing the game once, this fea­ture seemed to have been un­‐

"I will use it."

The best method to learn is al­ways to re­vise.

As Seong Ji­han moved to use re­play...

[The cur­rent re­play slot can­not save this data.]

[Would you like to up­grade your re­play slot to pre­mium?]

[Up­grad­ing the slot re­quires 1,000,000 achieve­ment points.]

'1 mil­lion?' One mil­lion achieve­ment points.

That was the amount he paid to un­lock the train­ing ground of the other

And now, an up­grade for the re­play stor­age space costs this much?

Seong Ji­han was flab­ber­gasted, how­ever...

'...But there are still plenty of achieve­ment points left. Let's con­sider it as an

The slot up­grade wouldn't go any­where once in­vested.

Seong Ji­han boldly in­vested 1 mil­lion.


[To­day's bat­tle record is saved to the re­play slot.]

[The player can play­back the bat­tle record from both the player's first-per­‐
son per­spec­tive and the third-per­son per­spec­tive shown by the Bat­tleNet

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 211


The bat­tle records of his first and fourth matches were saved.

'This in­ter­face... it's sim­i­lar to the Bat­tle­Tube edit­ing screen...'

Hav­ing some knowl­edge of Bat­tle­Tube edit­ing from his past life, Seong Ji­‐
han skill­fully trimmed the saved bat­tle records.

'There's noth­ing im­por­tant about the first match...'

The cru­cial mo­ment was when he was stabbed with the God Slaugh­ter.

Seong Ji­han deleted the first match record and de­cided to fo­cus only on the
re­play of the fourth match.

'In the third-per­son per­spec­tive... no char­ac­ters ap­peared.'

In the viewer's third-per­son mode...

There, the char­ac­ters aris­ing from Long­i­nus' spear did not ap­pear.

Even as Seong Ji­han was pierced and his body was blown open, No mat­ter
how much he slowed the play­back speed, it oc­curred in­stantly.

'That mode isn't help­ful.'

Af­ter check­ing the third-per­son mode, Seong Ji­han de­ci­sively en­tered the
first-per­son mode.


When the spear was thrust into the cross and smoke rose...

[Tar­get con­di­tions, par­tially met.]

[Ex­tinc­tion code ac­ti­vated.]

There, char­ac­ters ap­peared that did not show in third-per­son.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 211

Char­ac­ters whose ori­gin was un­known but oddly un­der­stand­able.

'Oh, in re­play mode, it's pos­si­ble to play, pause, and ad­just speed.'

Seong Ji­han ob­served the char­ac­ters for a mo­ment while paused, and then
slowed down the re­play speed to study the ef­fects of the God Slaugh­ter
spear on his body once more.

'This... worth one mil­lion points in­deed.'

With each slow re­play, Seong Ji­han learned more about the God Slaugh­ter.

Al­though he ini­tially doubted whether the re­play mode was worth a mil­lion
achieve­ment points, As he learned about the spear, he be­gan to feel like the
in­vest­ment was a bar­gain.

'Slow play­back is an­noy­ing since the pain sen­sa­tion is pro­longed...'

The pro­longed pain sen­sa­tion due to the slow play­back.

De­spite that, with­out the op­tion to block the senses, Seong Ji­han sought the
an­swers in the midst of con­tin­ual pain.

'The ex­tinc­tion code's man­i­fes­ta­tion... this is unique.'

The ex­tinc­tion code of the God Slaugh­ter spear, which sup­pressed the Mar­‐
tial Soul in union with the void.

How­ever, be­fore Seong Ji­han's body could find the void.

it pierced through the Iron Blood Cross, there was no void for the God
Slaugh­ter to merge with.

So, what caused the nor­mally durable Iron Blood Cross to dis­ap­pear in­‐

'Let's try play­ing it even slower.'

From the point of the stab.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 211

Seong Ji­han re­turned to that mo­ment and played the re­play even more

'I still can't grasp it at this pace.'

A notch slower.

Seong Ji­han re­played the en­tire process of be­ing stabbed by the spear over a
hun­dred times and con­tin­u­ously felt it in his body.

With­out the re­play mode, he might have missed cer­tain sub­tle clues that
grad­u­ally fit to­gether like a puz­zle.

'From the mo­ment the spear was stuck, there was a strange flow in­side the

'When the ex­tinc­tion code man­i­fested, the Iron Blood Cross be­gan re­act­ing
from within.'

'The essence of the Iron Blood Cross is the Mar­tial Soul. The ex­tinc­tion
code... fun­da­men­tally ig­nited the Mar­tial Soul.'

The flame that in­stan­ta­neously burnt and erased the Mar­tial Soul.

Only af­ter play­ing at the slow­est speed, could he briefly sense that flame.

'When "Tar­get con­di­tions, par­tially met" ap­peared, the void mo­men­tar­ily


'That be­came the fuel to burn the Mar­tial Soul of the cross...'

The start­ing point that de­stroyed the Iron Blood Cross and pen­et­rated Seong
Ji­han's body was the flame of the void that arose through the man­i­fes­ta­tion
of the ex­tinc­tion code.

It ig­nited in­stan­ta­neously.

It ex­tin­guished so quickly that it was un­no­ticed be­fore the slow­est speed

play­back: the void's elu­sive fire.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 211

'Can I... make use of this too?'

Seong Ji­han's eyes sparkled.

If he could only har­ness it, this could be­come his most po­tent weapon.

Seong Ji­han fin­ished play­ing, won­der­ing...

'How shall I use this?'

'No. This is to be dis­carded. I have to start with tar­get con­di­tions...'

'I need to look into the ex­tinc­tion code again.'

In re­al­ity, to use the void's stat, he went through count­less tri­als and er­rors.

And then, on Feb­ru­ary 11th...


Hav­ing been in the void train­ing ground for over 50 days, Seong Ji­han...

"...Orig­i­nally, this wasn't my goal."

From the tip of the phoenix spear.

He blinked, star­ing at the more in­tensely blaz­ing crim­son light­ning.

The orig­i­nal goal was to har­ness the stat of the void.

'Has the Crim­son Thun­der Can­non... been com­pleted?'

An un­ex­pected re­sult emerged.

He had only mixed the im­per­fect Crim­son Thun­der Can­non with an aim to
kin­dle the void's stat...

'Per­haps Brahma will think oth­er­wise.'

It seemed fin­ished to Seong Ji­han.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 211

But from Brahma's point of view, there might still be many de­fi­cien­cies.

To con­firm, Seong Ji­han ex­ited the train­ing ground and logged into the
game to en­ter the Brahma's Con­stel­la­tion Map.

"Brahma, I have brought the Crim­son Thun­der Can­non"

Dis­play­ing The Crim­son Thun­der Can­non...

[Ohhh...! To achieve such a level of com­ple­tion... ]

"Is it enough?"

[Enough! It is suf­fi­cient!]

Im­me­di­ately, he re­ceived the go-ahead from Brahma.


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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 212

Chap­ter 212

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


Seong Ji­han, hav­ing as­cended to the Brahma Con­stel­la­tion Map, faced a

bar­rage of thun­der­ous walls.

Within that wall, a blue light­ning lion sud­denly re­vealed its face.

The lion's eyes greed­ily fix­ate on the crim­son light­ning born from the ra­di­‐
ance of Seong Ji­han's phoenix flag.

[This is enough to be­come a com­pletely new 'con­cept'... Nev­er­the­less, half

of the essence is still thun­der, so it can be re­shaped.]

The crim­son thun­der, mixed with the fire el­em ­ ent in the Crim­son Thun­der
Can­non, felt rel­at­ively in­fe­rior in strength of fire when com­pared to those
con­cocted by the Mar­i­tal God so far, ren­der­ing it in­ca­pable of a har­mo­nious
uni­son of equal sta­tus.

Brahma be­stowed upon Seong Ji­han the abil­ity called 'Hell­fire,' await­ing
the com­ple­tion of the crim­son thun­der.

How­ever, he had never ex­pected him to bring the re­sults this soon.

[You... truly are a re­mark­able ge­nius. I never imag­ined you could com­plete
this in such a short time.]

Seong Ji­han felt a mix of em­bar­rass­ment and pride from the god's lav­ish

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 212

A flame of void, po­tent maybe even be­yond the mag­nif­i­cent Crim­son Thun­‐
der Can­non.

Had he not dis­cov­ered this from the 'Ex­tinc­tion Code' of the God Slaugh­ter

The crim­son thun­der would re­main an un­fin­ished chap­ter, never reach­ing its

In fact, this out­come was akin to an ele­phant ac­ci­den­tally step­ping on a


[With such tal­ent, you will soon be­come one of the most for­mi­da­ble con­‐
stel­la­tions in the uni­verse!]

"What's this about con­stel­la­tions? I'm still just a Di­am

­ ond Player."

­ ond! Such prow­ess at the di­am­ ond level... will cer­tainly make you an
even stronger con­stel­la­tion soon enough! Af­ter be­com­ing the Red Lion, let's
main­tain our friend­ship!]

"Red Lion?"

[Ex­actly. I've al­ready thought about the af­ter­math of leav­ing the Brah­mas.]

Seong Ji­han peered be­yond the light­ning wall.

With sus­pi­cious eyes, the 77,700 Brah­mas now dis­tant.

Plan­ning to leave them shortly and live on as the Red Lion.

[The wan­der­ing Mar­i­tal God's in­va­sion is im­mi­nent... These fools be­lieve

their power can over­come any­thing with the power of the Brahma. But they
will soon bit­terly re­al­ize how wrong their as­sess­ment was.]

The blue lion, cer­tain none could stand against the Mar­tial God, was filled
only with thoughts of es­cape.

An act too cow­ardly for the head of the Brah­mas.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 212

'To think Name­less Di­vine Arts con­tain Ce­les­tial thun­der, they've made the
right call.'

The Crim­son Thun­der Can­non, in­cluded in the Name­less Di­vine Arts could
have been learned while the wan­der­ing Mar­tial God over­pow­ered the Brah­‐

"But how do I switch with this?"

[Can you max­i­mize the crim­son thun­der? Let's trans­fer right away.]

"You should ful­fill the con­tract first. EX-grade skill."

[Ah... yes, I was hasty. For pow­ers that will weaken upon switch­ing, bet­ter
use them now.]


A surge of po­tent light­ning em­an­ at­ing from the blue lion struck Seong Ji­han

[The 'Leader of the Thun­der Gods' ful­fills the con­tract.]

[The skill 'Sum­mon the throne' of an EX-grade is im­parted to you.]

"Sum­mon the throne?"

Be­cause the name alone didn't give him an idea of what the skill was, Seong
Ji­han tried to open the skill win­dow to check, but [Once the 'com­plete crim­‐
son thun­der' con­cept is fully trans­ferred, the skill can be uti­lized.]

The prin­ci­ple of re­cip­ro­ca­tion was clear in deal­ings with gods.

[Some of the Con­stel­la­tion's power I brought from the Brahma Con­stel­la­‐

tion Map. It was quite a task to ad­just it for an EX grade...]

"What does this skill do?"

[You'll know once you trans­fer the crim­son thun­der.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 212


Seong Ji­han fanned the flames of crim­son thun­der even larger for the con­‐
tract's ex­ec­ u­tion.

The power now dis­played was on a whole dif­fer­ent level, its color shift­ing
to a deeper red.


The blue lion, which had only its head ex­posed, leaped to­wards the crim­son


His body was slowly cov­ered with red thun­der light­ning, and the blue thun­‐
der light­ning con­sti­tut­ing his body be­gan to shrink as they turned red.

[This... the power of this fire is... tremen­dous. How can a mor­tal con­tain
such a con­cept?]

The Leader of the Thun­der God, who con­tin­ued to ad­mire alone while re­‐
ceiv­ing the crim­son thun­der, be­gan to trans­form. The blue thun­der light­ning
cov­er­ing his body grad­u­ally turned red and started to shrink in size.

And then,

[Player Seong Ji­han has ful­filled the con­tract.]

[The EX-grade skill, 'Sum­mon the throne' has been com­pletely trans­ferred.]

[The con­tract is con­cluded.]

As Brahma was still trans­form­ing, a mes­sage of con­tract com­ple­tion

popped up in front of Seong Ji­han.

'I should check the skill first.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 212

Since it wasn't time to get an ex­pla­na­tion from Brahma who was merg­ing
with the crim­son thun­der.

Seong Ji­han brought up the skill de­scrip­tion from the sys­tem.

[Sum­mon the throne]

Grade: EX

-Sum­mons the throne of the Con­stel­la­tion, in­clud­ing some of its pow­ers.

-When the player sits on the throne, it re­stores the body to an op­ti­mal state
and fa­cil­i­tates growth be­yond the lim­its of the species.

-Can be sum­moned once a month for three hours.

'It's a bit am­bigu­ous.'

Seong Ji­han tilted his head while look­ing at the skill de­scrip­tion.

The part about restor­ing the body and pro­mot­ing growth seemed ap­peal­ing.

But the fact that it could only be sum­moned for three hours once a month
made its us­abil­ity quite lim­ited.

'Still, if they're giv­ing it an EX grade... does it dra­mat­i­cally in­crease growth


Com­pared to the EX-grade item 'Frag­ment of a Dead Star' that had re­duced
the dif­fi­culty level of earth, Sum­mon the throne seemed lack­ing.

Was the growth ef­fect ex­traor­di­nar­ily su­pe­rior, Seong Ji­han won­dered.

[Has the con­tract been ful­filled...? What do you think? Isn't the skill use­‐

The lion, hav­ing ab­sorbed half the crim­son thun­der, boasted to Seong Ji­han.

"Not sure, what makes it an EX grade skill?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 212

[Ah, maybe be­cause you're not a con­stel­la­tion yet, the mean­ing of tran­‐
scend­ing the lim­its of the species doesn't quite res­onate with you.]

"Does it sig­nif­i­cantly in­crease the stats?"

[No, it in­creases the growth limit more than that.]

Rum­ble, rum­ble...

In front of the lion, a 777 made of red cur­rants ap­peared.

[To be­come the owner of the star, you need to achieve level 777. But that's
not the end. Even among Con­stel­la­tions, there is a hi­er­ar­chy. To con­tinue
grow­ing from here, you must tran­scend the lim­its of the species.]

"Species limit."

[Yes. Your race, its abil­i­ties seem ter­ri­bly in­ad­eq­ uate... Even if you be­came
a con­stel­la­tion, it would be hard to go be­yond level 777. That's when the
Con­stel­la­tion's power be­comes nec­es­sary.]

"Don't other meth­ods ex­ist to tran­scend the species limit?"

[Not nec­es­sar­ily. How­ever, sit­ting on the Throne is the sim­plest and most
ef­fec­tive way. Al­though you may find it puz­zling why this is an EX-grade
right now, some­day you will be greatly thank­ful to me.]

The Leader of the Thun­der Gods spoke proudly. How­ever, Seong Ji­han
didn't feel the great­ness as much.

'Con­stel­la­tion... That's a far-off fu­ture.'

Who knows when he'll have to fight with the Mar­tial God. Hav­ing reached
level 777 and evolv­ing one step fur­ther, the item might be use­ful. Al­though
the grade was high, its prac­ti­cal­ity was ques­tion­able at the mo­ment.

At that mo­ment,

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 212

[But... this power of fire. It doesn't seem to ab­sorb per­fectly. Can you tell
me where this power orig­i­nates from?]

Only 70% of the lion's body was dyed red. When the re­main­ing 30% didn't
seem to progress at all, the leader of the thun­der gods asked Seong Ji­han.

"It's prob­ab­ ly be­cause of the void"

[What, what? Void?]

The lion jumped at the men­tion of the void.

Sharp cur­rants sparked in his eyes.

[Void... Why's that power in the crim­son thun­der!]

"Seems there was no greater fire force."


Greatly flus­tered, the Leader of the Thun­der God burst into a rage at Seong

[You, you've de­ceived me!]

"What de­cep­tion?"

"If the Void seeps in, you can't ex­ist as a god!"


[It means...]

That re­minded Seong Ji­han of the ex­change he had with the Con­stel­la­tion
Of Dead Star.

He hadn't been able to con­firm if that be­ing was telling the truth.

'Seems like it might be true.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 212

The life­span re­stric­tion of the Void. It ap­plied even to the gods.

"I didn't know man, I fo­cused solely on com­ple­tion."

[Darn it...! This dis­rupts my plans...!]

The Leader of Thun­der Gods was left reel­ing, and then.

[But still, there's still hope. If I re­turn to the Brahma Con­stel­la­tion Map..
Ha, you, just get out of here for now!]

Seong Ji­han was forcibly re­called from the Brahma Con­stel­la­tion Map.

[The spe­cial dun­geon 'Brahma Con­stel­la­tion Map -- God of Thun­det'

opened to player Seong Ji­han is now closed.]

Thus, Brahma pro­hib­ited ac­cess to the Con­stel­la­tion Map, go­ing even fur­‐

Mov­ing on from there,

[The God of Thun­der harshly ad­mon­ishes that this is un­ac­cept­able.]

[It threat­ens to re­voke its spon­sor­ship.]

Hear­ing the threat to with­draw its sup­port, Seong Ji­han re­torted, "Ah, is that
so? Do as you please."

Now that he had got­ten his EX-grade skill, the re­vo­ca­tion of Brahma's sup­‐
port no longer mat­tered to him.

[The God of Thun­der roars with anger, claim­ing to be­gin the with­drawal

"Oh, do it then. Since I got the EX-grade skill, I don't need any­thing from

[The God of Thun­der is un­able to con­tain its anger.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 212

[The God of Thun­der pro­ceeds with the with­drawal of the Con­stel­la­tion


So there will be an empty con­stel­la­tion slot.

An­tic­i­pat­ing the farewell with Brahma, Seong Ji­han ca­su­ally ob­served the
sys­tem mes­sages.

[The God of Thun­der can­cels the pro­ce­dure to with­draw spon­sor­ship.]

The God of Thun­der, burst­ing with rage, sud­denly with­drew the can­cel­la­‐

"Why? You said you wouldn't spon­sor any­more."

[The God of Thun­der rages, ask­ing if you will leave Crim­son Thun­der as it
is.He con­demns it as a vi­o­la­tion of the con­tract.]

"Vi­o­la­tion of the con­tract? How would I know if the void is re­lated to the
life­span or not? You should have paid at­ten­tion when re­ceiv­ing the item."

[The God of Thun­der ex­presses great anger.]

As Brahma con­tin­ued to rage with­out re­scind­ing its sup­port, Seong Ji­han,

grasp­ing the sit­u­at­ion, re­al­ized who re­ally had the up­per hand.

"Hey, stop get­ting an­gry and can­cel the spon­sor­ship quickly. I need to free
up the con­stel­la­tion slot."

[The God of Thun­der is livid, ac­cus­ing you of tak­ing ev­ery­thing and turn­ing

"Yes. Since I re­ceived ev­ery­thing, that's ex­actly what I'm do­ing."

Seong Ji­han calmly re­sponded.

In the cur­rent sit­u­at­ion, the los­ing party was en­tirely the other side.

Whether the god raged or not, he saw no need to con­fer fur­ther.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 212

[The God of Thun­der is at a loss for words to your re­sponse.]

From that di­vine mes­sage, Seong Ji­han re­ceived no fur­ther tales of the
Brahma's anger.

The god seems to have re­al­ized its tantrum would only be a loss.

'Af­ter all, I have my com­plaints too.'

The EX-grade skill, 'Sum­mon the throne,' was too far-sighted for his im­me­‐
di­ate needs.

In the cur­rent sit­u­at­ion, it was a skill that seemed to waste its grade.

Still, since it can be used once a month.

For test­ing pur­poses, Seong Ji­han sum­moned it in the train­ing room of the

"Sum­mon the throne."

As he did, a bright light flashed be­fore his eyes.

A white sil­hou­ette ap­peared.

In the daz­zling light.

"Un­cle, did you fi­nally fin­ish train­ing? I haven't seen you in two weeks."

Yoon Seah, who was out­side the train­ing room, came in and, see­ing the
sum­moned Throne, squinted her eyes.

"...What is this? Is it a mas­sage chair?"

The sum­moned Throne of a con­stel­la­tion.

De­spite shim­mer­ing with light,

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 212

its ap­pear­ance, as Yoon Seah said, re­sem­bled that of a mas­sage chair.

"This... is a 'Con­stel­la­tion Throne'?"


"It re­ally looks like a mas­sage chair though?"

"The ap­pear­ance is some­what sim­i­lar."

It claims to re­store the body to an op­ti­mal state.

Does it have a re­lax­ation func­tion?

Seong Ji­han ap­proached the throne and sat down.

And Then,

Twin­kle! Twin­kle!

As the chair sparkled, Seong Ji­han's en­tire body in­stantly re­laxed.

His tired body felt even more re­ju­ve­nated.

'...It's nice, no doubt.'

Even though it out­per­formed any mas­sage chair he had used be­fore, con­sid­‐
er­ing it's an EX-grade skill, this couldn't be the end, right?

The body was more com­fort­able than ever, but the sit­u­at­ion in his mind was
be­com­ing in­creas­ingly un­com­fort­able.

At that mo­ment,


A sys­tem mes­sage ap­peared be­fore Seong Ji­han's eyes.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 212

[You have seated on the Con­stel­la­tion throne of­fi­cially rec­og­nized by the

Bat­tleNet Sys­tem.]

[The Level limit has been in­creased by 30]

[The limit for ac­cept­ing Void Stat in­creases. Void Stat start­ing from 105 is
now af­fil­i­ated with the will of the Void.]

While he ex­pected the level limit to in­crease, the in­for­ma­tion about the
Void Stat was un­ex­pected.

'Does this mean I can in­vest fur­ther into the void?'

Seong Ji­han re­called the scene of Brahma hast­ing back to the Con­stel­la­tion

He said he would be al­right if he re­turned to the Brahma Con­stel­la­tion Map.

Was this the mean­ing be­hind it?

'I have to sit here ev­ery month, no mat­ter what.'

The throne was more than just a mas­sage chair.

While Seong Ji­han found use­ful­ness in the Con­stel­la­tion throne and was re­‐
lieved, [Two more play­ers may also ben­ef­ it from the Throne's ef­fects.]

An­other mes­sage sug­gest­ing two more peo­ple than Seong Ji­han could ben­e­‐
fit from the throne's ef­fects popped up.

'That means......'

Read­ing the mes­sage, Seong Ji­han asked Yoon Seah.

"Seah, is your fa­ther at home?"

"Yeah. He just got here."

"Tell him to come here, quick."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 212

"Why, be­cause of the mas­sage chair?"

As Yoon Seah grinned and pointed to the chair,

Seong Ji­han nod­ded.

"Al­right. I'll bring him."

Watch­ing Yoon Seah saunter off lightly, he pon­dered qui­etly.

'The abil­ity to re­store the body to its op­ti­mal state... it might even work for
the eyes.'

The EX-grade item claimed to re­store the body to its prime.

Be­yond the re­lax­ation func­tion, there might also be a chance for heal­ing.

"A mas­sage chair, huh... not bad."

"Don't be silly, Dad! You wouldn't be­lieve how great it works; even un­cle
was all thawed out. Try it your­self!"

Soon, Yoon Seah brought Yoon Se­jin, and he sat upon the Con­stel­la­tion


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 213

Chap­ter 213

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


Flash! Flash!

As flashes ig­nite from the throne,

"This is... ex­cep­tional? The best mas­sage I've had till date."

Yoon Se­jin set­tled into the seat with a look of sheer com­fort.

"This is an EX-grade item," he was told.

"...You're jok­ing, right? A mas­sage chair, that's EX-grade?"

"That's right."

"Be­sides the re­fresh­ing sen­sa­tion, does it have any other ef­fects?"

Yoon Se­jin asked in­cred­u­lously. Sud­denly,


His body be­came en­veloped in pure white light, es­pe­cially bright around his


He blinked against the cool­ness felt around his eyes.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 213

The area which had been slashed and crushed like it went through a min­cer.

Shock­ingly, it seemed com­pletely re­stored in an in­stant.

And then,

"No way..."

The lost sight re­turned, vi­sion clear and sharp once more.

"Ah, Dad... your eyes? Can you see now?!"

"Yes... I can, Seah."


With a heart full of joy, Yoon Seah tried to em­brace her fa­ther, but the
throne blocked her ap­proach with a flash of light.

"Why is this hap­pen­ing?"

"It looks like only one per­son can sit at a time."


Yoon Seah scratched her cheek in her ex­cite­ment to hug her fa­ther. Yoon
Se­jin, watch­ing her, re­marked, "Seah, you've gained a lot of mus­cle."

"...That's what you say first af­ter your sight has been re­stored? So touch­‐

"Still the most beau­ti­ful girl in the world."

"Ugh... Stop, it's cringy. Just go with 'you're mus­cu­lar'."

Re­act­ing to Yoon Se­jin's words as if she got goose­bumps, Yoon Seah held
her arm and looked over at Seong Ji­han.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 213

"Un­cle, how did you do this? Even the sup­port­ers said Dad's eyes couldn't
be treated yet."

"That mas­sage chair, It has the power to re­store the body to its prime. I
thought maybe it could re­store the eyes since it's an EX-grade item."

"Wow. So it wasn't a joke, it's ac­tu­ally EX-grade?"

"Why would I joke about some­thing like that? Brother-in-law, any more
sys­tem mes­sages?"

Fol­low­ing Seong Ji­han's in­quiry, Yoon Se­jin gazed into the void.

"It says sit­ting on the Bat­tleNet-en­dorsed Con­stel­la­tion in­creased the level

limit by 30. It also says it re­stored the body."

"No mes­sages about in­creas­ing the void stats limit?"

"Noth­ing like that."

"Okay then."

So the void in­crease only ap­plies if one has void abil­i­ties?

Seong Ji­han nod­ded to Yoon Se­jin,

"Just tell the me­dia you re­cov­ered your sight us­ing a re­cov­ery item."

"Yeah... we can't dis­close the ex­is­tence of this chair."

"And Seah, it's your turn af­ter brother-in-law is done."

"Eh? Me? I'm per­fectly healthy. Let Dad sit again."

"It doesn't carry over. And I want to test some­thing."

When Yoon Se­jin got up from his seat, Yoon Seah took her turn on the Con­‐
stel­la­tions throne.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 213

Flash! Flash!

Light burst forth from her body.

"Wow... this feels re­ally great?"

The one who de­clared that she doesn't need mas­sages, Yoon Seah's ex­pres­‐
sion soft­ened in an in­stant.

The throne's re­lax fea­ture had even re­stored sight that was lost.

Fa­tigue was thor­oughly erased from her body.

And then,

"Oh... I've got a mes­sage too! The level limit in­creased by 30, and the void
stat thresh­old... it's gone up?"

"Re­ally? You don't have any void stats yet, do you?"

"No... I don't have the stats yet, but the limit went up."

Yoon Seah, though a Void An­al­yst by class, hadn't yet ac­quired any void

How­ever, a mes­sage ap­peared that didn't ap­pear for the Sword King, seem­‐
ingly re­lated to her void in­volve­ment.

"How much did it in­crease by?"

"It went up by 10. It's bound to the will of the void start­ing from 110."

"Mine only went up 5. The throne's ef­fects are stronger on you."

"Re­ally? Is it be­cause I'm a Void An­al­yst? But when will I ac­tu­ally get void

What's the point of an in­creased limit with no ac­tual void abil­ity?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 213

While Yoon Seah lamented com­fort­ably seated on the throne, [The Con­stel­‐
la­tion 'Witch of the Void' is as­tounded by your sit­ting on the throne.]

[She's con­tem­plat­ing an un­be­liev­able thing to hap­pen, even if it's an il­lu­‐


Af­ter se­lect­ing the class Void An­al­yst, the quiet Con­stel­la­tion Witch of the
Void sent a mes­sage.

"Oh... Mom sent a mes­sage!" Yoon Seah ex­claimed.

"What is it, Seah?"


She glanced at Yoon Se­jin and said,

"She... said Dad should leave."

"...Okay, got it."

Hav­ing just re­gained his sight with a sat­is­fied smile, he left the room with a
wry grin upon hear­ing that.

"And me?"

"Un­cle needs to stay."

"Re­ally? You have some­thing to tell me?"

"Um... Mom's ask­ing if you've in­vested a lot in void stat."

"Tell her it's at 55."

"Mom com­plains you don't plan on liv­ing long. She says to stop in­creas­ing

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 213

"It's fine.. I can live up to 70, right?"

The void stat that had proved so ben­ef­ i­cial to Seong Ji­han---the abil­i­ties it
pro­vided were just the be­gin­ning, with many perks gained from em­brac­ing
the void, like the void shop and train­ing grounds now es­sen­tial el­em­ ents.

He couldn't aban­don void ca­pa­bil­i­ties, not know­ing when he'd face the Mar­‐
i­tal God.

"I'll keep work­ing with the void."

As Seong Ji­han firmly re­fused, a cas­cade of mes­sages rolled down Yoon

Seah's sys­tem win­dow.

[The Witch of the Void laments you never lis­ten to your sis­ter.]

[Ask­ing why would you do this? If you don't want to live long, she com­‐

[Even if it's an il­lu­sion, does it need to be this real? She grum­bles.]

Seong Ji­han, bring­ing up that in the sys­tem win­dow made Yoon Seah
scratch her cheek.

'Bet­ter not to pass this on.'

Af­ter be­rat­ing Seong Ji­han for a while, the Witch of the Void got to the

[The Witch of the Void asks if you re­ally want void abil­i­ties.]

The mes­sage's tone sug­gests she might grant them if de­sired.

Yoon Seah asked with shin­ing eyes, "Un­cle. Are void abil­i­ties that great?"


"Mom says she'll give them to me."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 213

"Don't ac­cept them."

"Why not? I want to be stronger!"

"Liv­ing long is bet­ter."

"But you, un­cle?"

"Me? I'm fine. There's a way."

Yoon Seah nar­rowed her eyes.

It felt like a dis­mis­sive an­swer with no ev­i­dent plan.


[The Witch of the Void says she can grant void pow­ers tem­po­rar­ily if you
prom­ise not to in­crease your void stat by more than 10.]

"10? Is there a prob­lem if it's more?"

[The Witch of the Void in­sists that the gap be­tween your cur­rent stat and the
void thresh­old must be over 100.]


Now that her limit in­creased by +10 af­ter sit­ting on the throne, It seems
okay to have 10 void stats points.

"Un­cle. Mom says as long as there's a 100-point gap be­tween the thresh­old
and the cur­rent stat, it's okay."


"Yeah. Should I...?"

Yoon Seah, ap­pear­ing de­ci­sively, seemed be­yond per­sua­sion.

'...I shouldn't let my niece go astray.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 213

Seong Ji­han silently con­sented.

She read­ily spoke to the mes­sage win­dow,

"I prom­ise, Mom."

[The Witch of the Void tem­po­rar­ily be­stows void on 'Yoon Seah'.]


A pur­ple mist rose and ab­sorbed into Yoon Seah's body, and a void abil­ity
man­i­fested in her sta­tus win­dow.

[The Witch of the Void once again warns not to in­crease the void stat more
than 10 un­til the limit is raised.]

End­ing the mes­sage with one more em­pha­sis on not to go be­yond 10, the
Witch of the Void cut off.

"Mom's gone..."

The joy of ob­tain­ing a void stat was fleet­ing as Yoon Seah be­came silent
once more, watch­ing the sys­tem win­dow wist­fully.


[The throne has been un­sum­moned.]

[It can be re­sum­moned in one month.]

The throne, hav­ing served its pur­pose af­ter seat­ing three play­ers, van­ished
into the light.

'The throne... it was pretty good af­ter all.'

It re­stored Yoon Se­jin's eyes in an in­stant and in­creased the thresh­old for
void stat.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 213

Though the rea­son why it was EX-grade re­mained a mys­tery, it proved

quite use­ful.

'But Jiah's words... dif­fer from those of the Con­stel­la­tion of the Dead star.'

The Con­stel­la­tion of the Dead star earnestly told Seong Ji­han not to ex­ceed
the void stat by 100, but the Witch of the Void em­pha­sized there has to be a
100-point gap be­tween the thresh­old and the void stats.

Be­tween the two Con­stel­la­tions, it seemed more log­i­cal to fol­low the words
of the 'Witch of the Void'.


'If I abide by my sis­ter's words, even if the void limit rises each time I sit on
the throne... it means not in­creas­ing void stats for over 10 months.'

The throne, sum­mon­able once a month, and even with fol­low­ing its in­ter­‐
vals to in­crease the limit, If he abided by his sis­ter's words, Seong Ji­han
would have to leave his void stats un­touched for over ten months.

'I can't af­ford to do that.'

Seong Ji­han de­cided not to lis­ten to her, just like when she was alive.

Of course,

"Seah, don't ever in­crease your void stat points by more than 10."

Yoon Seah was the ex­cep­tion.

"Un­der­stood. Un­cle, will you keep a 100-point gap?"

"Not me, I'm fine."

"Re­ally...! Mom was lament­ing you're still dis­obe­di­ent."

"Was she? I'm some­how dif­fer­ent with my sis­ter."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 213

Seong Ji­han chuck­led.

"Ugh. Re­ally..."

Yoon Seah glared at him, then sud­denly clapped her hands en­thu­si­as­ti­cally,
"Ah. Un­cle! I have some­thing to brag about!"

"What's that?"

"I reached level 213."

Yoon Seah, who had been blessed with Late Bloomer's ef­fects, con­tin­ued to
ex­hibit an im­pres­sive growth rate even af­ter as­cend­ing to the Di­am
­ ond

"But... un­cle, what level are you?"


Seong Ji­han checked his sta­tus in re­sponse to Yoon Seah's ques­tion.


"Ah~ so close. Thought I'd over­take you this time! Why's your level so high
with­out play­ing much?"

"Gained lev­els as re­wards from the pro­mo­tion match and na­tional team bat­‐

Though Seong Ji­han ex­plained so, the fact that Yoon Seah was only two
lev­els be­hind---a closer gap than he ex­pected---sur­prised him.

'Late Bloomer's growth rate is un­be­liev­ably high.'

There had been quite the gap be­fore, but while Seong Ji­han took a break
from lev­el­ing up to catch Shizuru and pre­pare for the bat­tle against the
Elves, Yoon Seah im­pres­sively closed in on him.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 213

Of course, their abil­i­ties dif­fered like heaven and earth de­spite the nar­rowed
level gap.

"I should log into Bat­tleNet again."

"Un­cle, you're fi­nally start­ing?"

"Well, can't have you over­take me just like that."

Seong Ji­han de­cided to re­turn to Bat­tleNet, which he had ne­glected due to


'And now, with lev­el­ing up, I can in­crease void as well.'

Thus, Seong Ji­han, who en­tered the game for the first time since reach­ing
­ ond, saw, [You are among the top 0.001% of play­ers.]

[You have been as­signed to the Di­am

­ ond League, Space -- 4 Area.]

'Space 4?' In­stead of Gang­nam 1 Area, he was re­as­signed to Space -- 4


A change brought on by Bat­tleNet's main game.

'For Earth­lings, Space 12 was the high­est be­fore... and I just reached di­a­‐
mond and I'm up to 4 al­ready.'

As Seong Ji­han con­tem­plated his mem­o­ries of a past life, [The player has
been as­signed to the spe­cial dun­geon map, 'Boss Elec­tion'.]

[Will you par­tic­i­pate in the 'Boss Elec­tion'?]

He re­ceived the mes­sage that a spe­cial map had been as­signed to him.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 213

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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 214

Chap­ter 214

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


'Boss Elec­tion... Space 4 is def­i­nitely some­thing dif­fer­ent.'

The Space Area.

This league al­lowed not only Earth­lings but also play­ers from other races in
the Space League to par­tic­i­pate in the game. It was known for its higher dif­‐
fi­culty com­pared to the re­gional ar­eas, as only the most out­stand­ing in­di­vid­‐
u­als from each race were se­lected. How­ever, the re­wards in terms of ex­pe­ri­‐
ence points and GP were sub­stan­tial enough to off­set the dif­fi­culty.

'In my past life, the Space 12 I be­longed to had dou­ble the ba­sic re­wards...
but Space 4 will prob­ab­ ly give even more.'

With this, even at the Di­am

­ ond level, the lev­el­ing speed wouldn't slow

As Seong Ji­han con­tem­plated this, he care­fully read the de­scrip­tion of the

Boss Elec­tion map.

[Boss Elec­tion]

[You have been se­lected as the mid-boss of the Hell De­mon Palace.]

[Achieve the most out­stand­ing per­for­mance among the 11 mid-bosses!]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 214

[The player with the high­est score will be­come the dun­geon boss of the

[If se­lected as the boss, an NPC im­i­tat­ing the player will be­come the hid­den
boss in the Di­am ­ ond Dun­geon map for a month.]

[Each time the hid­den boss de­feats a player, GP and ex­pe­ri­ence point re­‐
wards will au­to­mat­i­cally be re­ceived.]

'Ho-oh.' Seong Ji­han's eyes lit up as he read the map de­scrip­tion.

Nor­mally, when play­ing a dun­geon map, you nat­u­rally stood on the side at­‐
tack­ing the dun­geon. How­ever, this spe­cial game had the mid-bosses of the
dun­geon fac­ing the in­com­ing play­ers.

'GP is now prac­ti­cally use­less, but ex­pe­ri­ence points are dif­fer­ent.'

Af­ter ob­tain­ing the Void, Seong Ji­han found that ad­di­tional stats and lev­el­‐
ing up were more crit­i­cal than be­fore. If he won the Boss Elec­tion and be­‐
came the hid­den boss, an NPC im­i­tat­ing him would au­to­mat­i­cally earn ex­‐
pe­ri­ence points, mak­ing win­ning this game cru­cial.

"I will par­tic­i­pate."

As Seong Ji­han de­cided to par­tic­i­pate,

[Player Seong Ji­han will par­tic­i­pate in the Boss Elec­tion...]

[The mid-boss room of the Hell De­mon Palace is al­ready full. You need to
chal­lenge and take the spot from an ex­ist­ing mid-boss.]

[Would you like to chal­lenge the 11th mid-boss?]

Per­haps due to de­cid­ing to par­tic­i­pate in mid-Feb­ru­ary, the mes­sage al­ready

in­di­cated that the room was full. How­ever, con­sis­tent with Bat­tleNet's style,
he could fight to take over an oc­cu­pied spot.

About to press 'Yes,' Seong Ji­han asked the sys­tem, "Can't I chal­lenge the
1st place?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 214

[You can only chal­lenge the low­est-ranked mid-boss.]

"Al­right. Then let's do it."

[Chal­leng­ing the 11th mid-boss, 'Ag­nar's Mid-Boss Room.]


In an in­stant, the en­vi­ron­ment changed.


The 11th-ranked mid-boss room was sur­rounded by a sea of flames.

Flames surged from all di­rec­tions, and the floor was a stream of lava, leav­‐
ing no room to stand.

And in the mid­dle of this world,

A mas­sive flame gi­ant looked down upon Seong Ji­han.


[Are you the chal­lenger?]



Flames erupted from all around.

[To think such a pa­thetic race would chal­lenge me... Dis­gust­ing!]

The flame gi­ant Ag­nar stretched out a colos­sal palm.

His pres­ence didn't match his rank at the bot­tom of the mid-bosses -- it was
over­pow­er­ingly in­tense.

How­ever, Seong Ji­han,

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 214

"Hey, wait a sec­ond."

With a ca­sual ex­pres­sion, he raised his hand.

[Haha! You chal­lenged me and now, are you beg­ging for mercy be­cause
you're scared?]

"No, Let me turn on Bat­tle­Tube first."


The flame gi­ant paused amid his in­cred­u­lous re­ac­tion when, "Hello, sub­‐

Seong Ji­han turned on Bat­tle­Tube af­ter a long hia­tus.

"It's been a while since my last stream."

He slightly bowed to the view­ers.

-No way! What's go­ing on!

-I thought the no­ti­fi­ca­tion was a mis­take!

-He turned on the broad­cast af­ter a mil­lion years, se­ri­ously ㅠㅠ

Alerts rang out in Seong Ji­han's chan­nel, which had been closed for quite
some time and all the sub­scribers poured in.

"Oh, train­ing took longer than ex­pected. So, I just turned on Bat­tleNet

-He trained for that long... Is it be­cause of Vladimir?

-Vladimir re­vealed in an in­ter­view that he be­came so pow­er­ful be­cause his

Con­stel­la­tion de­scended, right?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 214

-He was so tough in our match but didn't seem all that strong against China
lol. Vladimir be­came in­cred­i­bly pow­er­ful due to his con­stel­la­tion.

Rus­sia may have lost to Ko­rea, but the in­ter­views all fo­cused on him.

[The rea­son I demon­strated a trans­formed abil­ity is... be­cause the Con­stel­la­‐

tion I serve has de­scended upon me.]

Dur­ing the in­ter­view at that time.

He re­vealed about the ad­vent with Long­i­nus' per­mis­sion.

Since then, the in­ter­est in Seong Ji­han has sky­rock­eted.

-Doesn't Seong Ji­han have a Con­stel­la­tion?

-Of course, he does. How can you beat the Con­stel­la­tion with­out the Con­‐

"A Con­stel­la­tion? I do have one. It's be­hav­ing strangely, though."

Seong Ji­han, re­minded of Brahma, an­swered the view­ers' ques­tions.

-But where are you right now?

-It looks like a fiery pit of hell lol

-Are there maps like this in di­am

­ ond?

"Seems like I got put into a spe­cial dun­geon map be­cause I'm as­signed to
Space 4."


-Space 4??

-Sword King just got as­signed to Space 15...

-Isn't there a 1 miss­ing in front?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 214

-That's in­sane lolololol

By mid-Feb­ru­ary.

View­ers who roughly knew about Space Area were shocked to hear that
Seong Ji­han was as­signed to Space 4.

The cur­rent high­est record for hu­man­ity is in Space Area 15, where the
Sword King be­longs.

But how many lev­els had Seong Ji­han jumped on his own?

"I ended up here some­how."

As Seong Ji­han ca­su­ally pro­ceeded with Bat­tle­Tub [In­nom...!]

The flame gi­ant, who had mo­men­tar­ily stopped mov­ing, let out a roar.

[Keep film­ing as it is! I will crush you right where you are!]


Flames soared from ev­ery cor­ner.

The in­ferno seemed to roar even fiercer in re­sponse to the gi­ant's rage.

-What's this, se­ri­ously;

-Straight to the fi­nal boss?

-The scale of this fire gi­ant is in­sane...

-It looks like ten peo­ple can fit in the palm of his hand The view­ers were
shocked at the size of the fire gi­ant that ap­peared as soon as the game

"Oh, wait a mo­ment. I'll deal with this guy and be right back."

Seong Ji­han glanced at the gi­ant and ca­su­ally grasped his phoenix spear.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 214

The crim­son light­ning gath­ered at the tip of the spear.

Within it, a vi­o­let spark flashed briefly.

Name­less di­vine art, Fu­sion of Di­vine thun­der and phoenix -- Crim­son

Thun­der can­non A streak of crim­son light­ning shot for­ward from the spear
tip, pierc­ing right through the gi­ant's hand.

[Ho, to counter me with fire...!]

Ini­tially, the flame gi­ant scoffed at the sen­sa­tion of fire en­ergy within the
crim­son light­ning, but then...


The crim­son light­ning that pen­et­rated his palm quickly spread through­out
his body.


Only then did he re­al­ize the turn of events wasn't in his fa­vor.

And then,


A vi­o­let flame rose from the crim­son thun­der, float­ing above the crim­son

It en­gulfed the body of the flame gi­ant as it was.

In an in­stant, it was in­cin­er­ated.

-Can't be... Is it over?

-Did he die in one hit?

-No... The fire lord's grand en­trance looked amaz­ing; why is he so weak ㅋ

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 214

-Seong Ji­han is freak­ing strong ㅋㅋㅋ

-The crim­son light­ning seems stronger now D: The flame gi­ant van­ished in
one shot.

[You have sub­dued Ag­nar, ranked 11th mid-boss.]

[You have cap­tured the mid-boss room.]

[Player Seong Ji­han moves up to the 11th rank.]

Along with that, all the flames dis­ap­peared.

And the mid-boss room, which was like a hell of fire, turned into an open
space with a solid earth floor.

'The com­pleted crim­son thun­der is truly pow­er­ful.'

Seong Ji­han looked around.

Mid-boss room.

It was a vast space, large enough for hun­dreds or thou­sands of peo­ple to en­‐
ter and still have room.

The rea­son this place was turned into a hell of fire was be­cause of the pow­‐
er­ful abil­ity of the fire gi­ant Ag­nar but the Crim­son Thun­der Can­non had
man­aged to sub­due such an op­po­nent with fire.

'The de­struc­tive power of the void's flame is off the charts.'

Even though Seong Ji­han had not yet fully an­al­yzed the Ex­tinc­tion Code,
the per­for­mance was im­pres­sive.

He smiled sat­is­fac­to­rily.

-Does this mean the broad­cast is over to­day?

-En­emy boss was de­feated as soon as the stream started...

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 214

-No ㅠㅠ It's been so long ㅠㅠ

-This must be the fastest bat­tle ever, right?

Mean­while, the view­ers wor­ried, won­der­ing if the broad­cast was about to

end since Ag­nar was taken down in one shot.

"No. Ac­tu­ally, to­day's broad­cast is likely to take quite a while. I'll be the
mid-boss here for now."

-Eh? Mid-boss?

-Seong Ji­han be­comes a boss? lolol

-Is there such a game?

"It's a spe­cial map, that's why."

Seong Ji­han ex­plained the 'Boss Elec­tion' spe­cial map, dis­pelling view­ers'

And not long af­ter,


[You have be­come the 11th in the hi­er­ar­chy of the Hell De­mon Palace.]

[Do you wish to use GP to sum­mon mon­sters to de­fend the mid-boss


A win­dow to sum­mon sup­port­ing mon­sters for the mid-boss room ap­peared.

'Mon­sters... Do I re­ally need to sum­mon them?'

Al­though the mid-boss room was spa­cious.'

At this level, it was more than enough to cover alone.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 214

While Seong Ji­han was con­tem­plat­ing whether it was nec­es­sary to spend

GP to sum­mon a mon­ster, an Epic Quest ap­peared.

[Epic Quest]

-Solo, guard the cor­ri­dor to the end with Bat­tle­Tube ON, and rise to rank 1.

-Re­ward -- 10,000,000 achieve­ment points

-Trea­sure Chest of the Hell De­mon Palace An epic quest ap­peared af­ter a
long while.

'This makes the de­ci­sion eas­ier.'

Seong Ji­han never se­ri­ously con­sid­ered sum­mon­ing mon­sters.

The epic quest af­firmed his ini­tial thoughts.

What emerges from the Trea­sure Chest of the Hell De­mon Palace might be
un­known, but ten mil­lion in achieve­ment points alone was enough re­ward.

'But Bat­tle­Tube ON... just keep stream­ing like now?'

He tilted his head at the epic quest's pre­req­ui­site.

Bat­tle­Tube ON.

What's that about?

Right on cue, a sys­tem mes­sage pro­vided in­sight.

[Will you open the mid-boss room to the pub­lic?]

[If you do, more chal­lengers will di­rect their in­va­sion to­wards this pas­sage.]

[All power gets dis­closed, mak­ing it eas­ier for op­po­nents to counter.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 214

'That must be it.'

Seong Ji­han looked around.

An empty field was now un­der barely glow­ing lights from above--- a stark
change from Ag­nar's fiery pit.

Whether dis­closed or not, it seemed like it wouldn't make it any eas­ier for
ad­ver­saries to counter.

But still,

'The mon­ster sum­mon­ing win­dow of­fers var­i­ous op­tions. There's trap in­‐
stal­la­tion and map trans­for­ma­tions like chang­ing it to a fiery hell.'

Us­ing the mid-boss man­ager op­tions to trans­form the map could be­come a
sig­nif­i­cant vari­able if in­for­ma­tion was dis­closed.

How­ever, for Seong Ji­han look­ing to com­plete the epic quest, those man­‐
ager op­tions were like a pie in the sky.

"Open it."

He un­hesi­tat­ingly chose to dis­close the mid-boss room.


-- Uh... what's this?

-There's a new view op­tion in Bat­tle­Tube?

-Oh... when you press it, the mid-boss room ap­pears in top-down view lol -
Did Bat­tle­Tube al­ways have this fea­ture?

Bat­tle­Tube view­ers ex­pe­ri­enced the change for the first time.


-Race name... 'Hu­man'?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 214

Among the view­ers, in­stead of a na­tional flag icon, Some started to carry a
star sym­bol next to their ID.

-What's that planet icon? There's an­other sym­bol apart from the flag?

-That's cool. A newly added pre­mium pur­chase? How much is it?

-What pre­mium pur­chase, there's no such thing lolol -How did you do it,

While view­ers mar­veled at the new sym­bols be­long­ing to the in­com­ing vis­i­‐
tors, -The rat­ing of the 'hu­man' race is quite low. How did they com­pete in
Space 4?

-Declar­ing the dun­geon open is so ig­no­rant of this race.

-The dun­geon space is un­ren­o­vated. Com­pared to the pre­vi­ous num­ber 11

dun­geon, this one's eas­ier to con­quer.

-Is this in­di­vid­ual, se­lected as the mid-boss, us­ing Hide­out to con­ceal their

Those with the star sym­bol quickly an­al­yzed Seong Ji­han's mid-boss room.

-He didn't sum­mon even a sin­gle mon­ster. This race is ig­no­rant about this

-The op­ti­mal route to con­quer...

-The co­or­di­nates have been sent.

They be­gan send­ing out strange chats.

And not long af­ter,


[Here it is!]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 214

[The scout­ing panel was right.]

[There's no prepa­ra­tion at all!]

In Seong Ji­han's cor­ri­dor many 'guests' be­gan to ar­rive.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 215

Chap­ter 215

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


Thud! Thud!

The first race that ar­rived was a bipedal mon­ster wear­ing red ar­mor all over
its body, with brown skin.

The mon­ster, twice the size of a hu­man, with long pro­trud­ing fangs, wan­‐
dered around Seong Ji­han's mid-boss room.

[Is any­one here?]

The mon­ster scanned Seong Ji­han's mid-boss room, search­ing for the owner
of the pas­sage in­de­fati­ga­bly.


[Over there, be­low.]

One of them spot­ted Seong Ji­han, point­ing at him with their fin­ger.

[A race as diminu­tive as a child, it seems.]

[He doesn't seem like a mid-boss.]

[But I can't see the face well... It's cov­ered in dark­ness.]

Due to the hide­out ef­fect, Seong Ji­han's ap­pear­ance was not vis­i­ble to this
race. How­ever, since the rough sil­hou­ette was re­vealed, the mon­sters ig­‐

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 215

nored him, judg­ing only by his size.

[Stand­ing there all alone... could it be a trap?]

[Let's get rid of it first.]

[Once we do, the mid-boss should show up.]

[Kill it!]


The long pro­trud­ing fangs turned bright red, and the mon­ster's skin in­stantly
turned red.

And in an in­stant, a horde of mon­sters rushed to­wards Seong Ji­han.

Al­though they talked about it be­ing a trap, there was no hes­i­ta­tion in their

'The color is slightly dif­fer­ent, but the ap­pear­ance is quite sim­i­lar to the troll

Trolls, pos­sess­ing pow­er­ful phys­i­cal abil­i­ties and over­whelm­ing re­gen­er­a­‐

tive pow­ers.

The red mon­sters in front of him looked quite sim­i­lar to those who oc­cu­pied
the mid­dle and lower ranks in the Space League where hu­mans be­longed.

Is the troll race not ex­clu­sive to a sin­gle planet?

'Are the weak­nesses the same?'


Seong Ji­han's Eclipse, the shadow sword, re­vealed its ap­pear­ance in his

The sword lightly drew a hor­i­zon­tal line.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 215

Name­less Di­vine Art, Triad of Mar­tial Mas­tery -- To­tal An­ni­hi­la­tion Then,


The fangs of the red troll were split in half.


[Th-the teeth...!]

The trolls that were quickly ad­vanc­ing all fell, rolling on the ground.

'Their weak­ness is also their teeth.'

The teeth of the trolls.

While it was a cru­cial means to en­hance the trolls, break­ing them greatly
weak­ened their power.

How­ever, the strength of their teeth was in­cred­i­bly hard, so at­tack­ing them
as weak­nesses was gen­er­ally in­ef­fec­tive. Still, once they were bro­ken, it
sig­nif­i­cantly weak­ened their strength.

'As I ex­pected, its too easy.'

To Seong Ji­han, they were just mon­sters that were easy to deal with.


As the sword moved again, the necks of ten trolls fell si­mul­ta­ne­ously.

[You have re­pelled the in­vaders].

[Boss points in­creased by 100].

He earned points from them.

Is it giv­ing 10 points for each?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 215


Seong Ji­han opened the score­board to check his rank.

1st -- Arte­mus Le­gion (Arte­mus) -- 192,340 [Open]

2nd -- ?? -- 97,220

3rd -- ?? -- 72,770

4th -- ?? -- 40,410


11th -- Name­less (Seong Ji­han) -- 100 [Open]

'...Why is there such a big dif­fer­ence be­tween 1st place and me?'

Per­haps be­cause he had in­truded in the mid­dle of a spe­cial dun­geon map.

The gap be­tween him and the first rank was sur­pris­ingly wide.

Seong Ji­han looked be­hind his score­board.

From 2nd to 10th place, there was a [?] mark, in­di­cat­ing that their in­for­ma­‐
tion was not re­vealed.

The fact that all in­for­ma­tion about 1st place was vis­i­ble was prob­ab­ ly be­‐
cause he had re­vealed the mid-boss room.

[Press [Open] to view the pub­licly avail­able boss room of the com­pe­ti­tion.]

[Do you want to in­spect the op­po­nent's boss room?]

Fol­low­ing the sys­tem mes­sage be­low the score­board, Seong Ji­han im­me­di­‐
ately clicked [Open] for first place.

Then, a large screen ap­peared in front of him, [Pub­li­cized boss room, re­‐
play­ing the in­te­rior of 'Arte­mus Le­gion.'.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 215

The ap­pear­ance of Arte­mus Le­gion, the 1st place boss room, was re­vealed.

-What is that....


-The first-placed boss looks so un­der­whelm­ing, right?

View­ers who were watch­ing Ji­han's chan­nel through the screen ex­pressed
their con­fu­sion when they saw the ap­pear­ance of the pub­licly dis­closed
Arte­mus Le­gion.

[Arte­mus Le­gion. Get ready!]

The Arte­mus Le­gion on the screen looked like a weak dwarf race at first

Their size was barely half of a hu­man, and the boss room was filled with
nu­mer­ous dwarves.

Be­hind Le­gion, var­i­ous weapons were piled up like a moun­tain.

-The weapons look quite good.

-What... is it? Dwarves?

-A black­smith race? The ap­pear­ance is some­what sim­i­lar.

While the view­ers com­mented on the first-placed boss room, Thud! Thud!

Many in­vaders en­tered the boss room of Arte­mus.

[The trea­sures of Arte­mus are here!]

[Ig­nore the le­gion! It's prof­itable even if we only take the weapons!]

In­vaders more in­tent on grab­bing the weapons be­hind the dwarves than
fight­ing le­gion it­self, [Charge!]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 215

The dwarfish le­gion moved in uni­son to block them, cling­ing to the colos­sal
in­vaders in a flash.

[An­noy­ing lit­tle...]

Boom! Boom!

Count­less dwarves ex­ploded while try­ing to with­stand the at­tack of the gi­‐
ant in­vaders, but...


Even if they died and dis­ap­peared, sim­i­lar-look­ing dwarves con­tin­ued to

emerge from the ground.

[Deal with them roughly and grab the weapons!]

Un­able to with­stand the con­tin­u­ous as­sault of the dwarf le­gion, the in­vaders
fo­cused on grab­bing weapons while ig­nor­ing the dwarves.

[Argh... there it is...!]

[Uh, se­cured. Put it in the in­ven­tory!]

Thunk! Thunk!

While be­ing over­whelmed by the con­cen­trated at­tack of the dwarves and

grad­u­ally dy­ing one by one, the in­vaders who man­aged to get their hands
on the weapons died hap­pily.

-Dwarves' sup­ply as­sault lol

-But are the weapons re­ally that good? They seem to love dy­ing.

-In­vaders keep com­ing, wow

-Tac­tics of lur­ing mon­sters for trea­sures, it seems.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 215

The seem­ingly weak dwarves guard­ing the trea­sure, cou­pled with the
tempt­ing trea­sure, ex­plained why nu­mer­ous in­vaders were flock­ing to­wards

How­ever, as Seong Ji­han ob­served the dwarf le­gion, his gaze turned cold.

'Ex­ter­nally weak, but... their ac­tual power might be dif­fer­ent. It can't be

weak; oth­er­wise, they couldn't keep 1st place.'

If the dis­played power was ev­ery­thing.

Arte­mus wouldn't have been able to main­tain 1st place un­til ac­quir­ing
190,000 points.


Be­hind the seem­ingly weak ap­pear­ance, there must be hid­den strength.

-Arte­mus. Play­ing pranks again.

-New­bies al­ways fall for it.

And the ex­trater­res­trial view­ers who en­tered Seong Ji­han's chan­nel, Af­ter
see­ing Arte­mus's boss room, they eval­u­ated it as bait.

Per­haps this was a well-known method al­ready.

'But the strat­egy seems quite solid, doesn't it?'

Seong Ji­han's eyes gleamed as he con­tin­ued to watch Arte­mus's boss room,

where in­trud­ers kept com­ing with­out a break.

Even if it was a bait, the weapons seemed so tempt­ing, and the con­tin­u­ous
in­flux of in­trud­ers in­creased Arte­mus's point ac­qui­si­tion speed sig­nif­i­cantly.

'I need to bench­mark this.'

Seong Ji­han turned on the dun­geon man­ager op­tion to re­view the items
once more.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 215

[This is it!]

[He re­ally is un­pre­pared, isn't he?]

[Even the name on the pas­sage is Name­less!]

As var­i­ous races con­tin­ued to in­vade the dun­geon, "Wait a sec­ond, I'm



When Seong Ji­han swung his sword once, all of them were split in half.

-A boss wor­thy of his rank.

-He should be in the up­per ranks with that strength.

Af­ter Seong Ji­han cut down the in­vaders with a sin­gle stroke, the ex­trater­‐
res­trial view­ers raised their eval­u­at­ions.

-But still, the lim­its of the race are clear. De­spite that, it's still worth in­vad­‐
ing com­pared to other routes.

-Let's unite on this route. If we at­tack to­gether, we might be able to block



Putting lim­its on hu­man po­ten­tial, they even planned a joint at­tack.

-Why are those guys openly plot­ting in some­one else's chat room? Ugh.

-Now even aliens are mess­ing around lolol -Shouldn't pub­lic ac­cess be
stopped now? ㅠㅠ

└└ You have to at­tract a lot of en­em

­ ies to raise your rank­ing.

While view­ers were be­wil­dered by these ex­trater­res­trial races, Seong Ji­han

no­ticed some­thing in­ter­est­ing.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 215

'Oh, there's such an op­tion.'

Seong Ji­han's eyes twin­kled as he looked at an item he had passed by in the

dun­geon man­ager op­tions ear­lier.

"Al­right, let's dec­o­rate the room a bit."

Tap, tap.

As Seong Ji­han or­ga­nized his thoughts, he touched var­i­ous items in the

man­ager op­tions.

[1,000,000 GP has been con­sumed.]

[1,000,000 GP has been con­sumed.]

With a mil­lion GP dis­ap­pear­ing each time, bril­liant gold bars be­gan to ma­‐
te­ri­al­ize in all di­rec­tions.

Si­mul­ta­ne­ously, the dim space trans­formed.

The floor was adorned with pris­tine white mar­ble, and the walls were cov­‐
ered in gold.

-Oh... the room sud­denly be­came splen­did.

-What are those gold bars? They're shin­ing so brightly.

-It turned into a trea­sure vault all of a sud­den, lol.

As view­ers ob­served the abrupt changes with fas­ci­na­tion: "So, each of these
gold bars is worth 1 mil­lion GP."

Thud, thud, thud...

Be­hind Seong Ji­han, the gold bars started pil­ing up like moun­tains.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 215

-Are you try­ing to fol­low arte­mus? How much will those GP bars get you...

-Don't need to do that; they would in­vade since it's so easy any­way.

-Well, that's great. Over­power him and gain GP.

At first, the ex­trater­res­trial races view­ers re­sponded in­dif­fer­ently to Seong

Ji­han's ploy, but then, "Okay. These di­am ­ onds... they give stat points, don't

Sur­prise over­came them as he placed gi­ant di­am

­ onds atop the gold bars.


-That's a 5 stat point di­am

­ ond!

-He sum­moned an­other one!

-Did he re­ally just sum­mon that... Is he crazy?!

Gi­ant di­am
­ onds that one could only sum­mon at the risk of their own stats.

Since ex­tra stat points were the most pre­cious com­mod­ity in Bat­tleNet, the
ex­trater­res­trial be­ings watch­ing Seong Ji­han's chan­nel went wild.

-No need to form an al­liance!

-It's ours!

Thud! Thud! Thud!

With gi­ant di­am

­ onds placed, the noise in Seong Ji­han's boss room in­ten­si­‐
fied rapidly.


As the doors of the boss cham­ber opened on their own, [Out of the way!]

[We're first!]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 215

[There re­ally are stat di­am

­ onds...!]

A plethora of mon­sters, their eyes blood­shot, be­gan to pour in.

"Good ef­fect."


Seong Ji­han grinned and raised his sword.


They got cut in half by Seong Ji­han's sword There were all kinds of races,
but Seong Ji­han's sword split them all equally in half.

[He's strong!]

Then, the en­em

­ ies be­hind him hes­i­tated for a mo­ment.

[Still, I can't miss the stat di­am

­ ond... ... !]

[War­riors, pre­pare your­self for de­fense and go!]

[There is no need to fight him. Just take the di­am

­ onds!]

Stat di­am
­ onds made them for­get their fears and Var­i­ous mon­ster races ad­‐
vanced again.

Seong Ji­han looked at them and smiled.

­ onds def­in­ itely work bet­ter than gold bars. huh... ... .'


Seong Ji­han once again wiped out the en­emy with one sword.

Through man­ager op­tions, the dun­geon name was changed from name­less.

11th place -- I have 10 di­am

­ onds (Seong Ji­han) 700

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 215

As a late­comer, at­tract­ing cus­tomers is Seong Ji­han's top pri­or­ity.

He de­cided to put di­am

­ onds, which ev­ery­one was pas­sion­ate about, at the

-Wow, the name of the dun­geon is to try and at­tract bait lol -If the di­am
­ onds
were taken away, won't Seong Ji­han's stats dis­ap­pear??

-No way he's gonna let that hap­pen

-But if a lot of en­em

­ ies come... ... .

Hu­man view­ers were happy at first when they saw the dun­geon name but -
Are you fr?

-10 di­am
­ onds?

-It's real.

-There are 10 di­am

­ onds. It re­ally ex­ists!

Sud­denly, view­ers with star marks started flow­ing in like crazy.

-... ... Isn't this dan­ger­ous?

-There are so many ex­trater­res­trial races here.

The view­ers started to slowly worry.


thud! thud! thud!

The door to Seong Ji­han's boss room opened.

En­emy races gath­ered in count­less num­bers, in­com­pa­ra­ble to be­fore.

[There it is!! The real di­am

­ ond!]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 215


They start rush­ing to­wards the di­am

­ onds fear­ing noth­ing.

"It's ef­fec­tive."

Seong Ji­han took out the sword and the phoenix flag.

[W-what... ... .]

[This mon­ster... ... !]

In one day, he surged up to 7th place in the rank­ings.

And then,

"There are 10 di­am

­ onds...? I guess I should go see this."

Not only the in­vaders from the dun­geon but also un­ex­pected en­ti­ties be­gan
to take no­tice, earn­ing Seong Ji­han even more at­ten­tion.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 216

Chap­ter 216

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


Af­ter re­sid­ing in the mid-boss room for 7 days, Seong Ji­han con­tin­ued to
fight against en­em ­ ies with­out log­ging out.

-Wow... still play­ing the game?

-Re­ally been go­ing for 7 con­tin­u­ous days

-I took a nap and you've risen to 2nd place?

-At this rate, isn't Seong Ji­han go­ing to col­lapse? ㅠㅠ

-Yet he seems too fresh for that...

-Se­ri­ously, he swept them away with one stroke again lol Those who
couldn't watch for the past 7 days slept and came back to the chan­nel, com­‐
fort­ably watch­ing Seong Ji­han's game, but...

-This op­po­nent... is strong.

-No race so far has been able to block even one of his as­saults...!

-We... we're rais­ing the dif­fi­culty of the pas­sage 'We have 20 di­am
­ onds,' and
giv­ing up on the strat­egy.

The ex­trater­res­trial races grad­u­ally gave up on Seong Ji­han's boss room

strat­egy, which was up­graded from 'We have 10 di­am ­ onds' to 20 di­am
­ onds.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 216

Un­der­stand­ably so.

"Have you come?"


Ev­ery time Seong Ji­han swung his spear, the races en­ter­ing the mid-boss
room were split in half and dis­ap­peared.

De­spite pre­par­ing pow­er­ful de­fense for­ma­tions, the ex­trater­res­trial races

couldn't block the sin­gle blow from Seong Ji­han.

[We can't do this. Let's co­op­er­ate.]

[If we en­ter si­mul­ta­ne­ously, we won't be able to do any­thing about that lit­tle


The races that ex­pe­ri­enced Seong Ji­han's strength first re­al­ized his power
and tried to co­or­di­nate with each other, but...

"They seem a bit more pre­pared this time."


With his ea­gle eyes fo­cused on the spear in­stead of a sword, Seong Ji­han
shot out a bar­rage of at­tacks.


Un­able to block that sin­gle blow, ev­ery­one was wiped out.

-... Jeez. This mid-boss seems to be the strong­est.

-Arte­mus might be the only one who can han­dle him.

-We're with­draw­ing too. We can't get re­wards whether it's 20 or 100 di­a­‐

-'Hu­man' hide­out player... I'll re­mem­ber it.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 216

Play­ers who en­tered with their own prepa­ra­tions and plans were wiped out.
Los­ing the ini­tia­tive, the ex­trater­res­trial races gave up on Seong Ji­han's pas­‐
sage and left the chat room.

-Ah, the guests left......

-Where are you go­ing? You have to keep at­tack­ing ㅠㅠ

-This at­tack seemed some­what pre­pared, but it ended in one blow.

-Couldn't this cost us the first place?

View­ers watched as the ex­trater­res­trial races left the chat, feel­ing dis­ap­‐

But the uni­verse was vast.

-A room with 20 di­am

­ onds, I thought it was just a name, but it turned out to
be real...!

-Stats +100... There must be some trap, but we have to con­quer it.

-Alone? What a Bold player!

-Is he try­ing to com­mit sui­cide?

An ex­trater­res­trial race re­con­nais­sance team, at­tracted by the highly ag­gro

pub­lic boss room.

-A po­si­tion with no de­fense at all, yet rank­ing 2nd... they're not to be un­der­‐

-The score's growth rate is as­tro­nom­i­cal. Lots of play­ers must've died here.

-But still, we have to se­cure the 20 di­am

­ onds.

Un­like the ini­tial re­con­nais­sance team, the later ones, upon see­ing Seong Ji­‐
han now at rank 2, did not lower their guard, but still re­solved to in­vade for
those 20 di­am
­ onds.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 216

-Oh, a guest has ar­rived. An­other one-shot? ㅋㅋㅋ

-Let's not chat, They might flee in shock.

-Be care­ful, we can't have space guests quit­ting.

While view­ers self-reg­u­lated their com­ments.


As the boss room opened,

[Real di­am
­ onds!]

Un­aware of Seong Ji­han's power, new in­trud­ers en­tered with­out proper pre­‐

Most of them were larger-than-life mon­ster races com­pared to Seong Ji­han.

"Pleased to meet you."

Seong Ji­han lightly moved his sword, slic­ing them to pieces.

[You have lev­eled up.]

He looked at the sys­tem mes­sage that ap­peared.

"Level... is it 241 now?"

He started at 215 and rapidly gained lev­els over the past 7 days.

Nor­mally, in Bat­tleNet games, the ex­pe­ri­ence points set­tled af­ter the game
ended were more sig­nif­i­cant, but Per­haps it was be­cause this map was a
spe­cial dun­geon.

Or maybe, be­cause he elim­i­nated so many in­vaders, the level-up speed was

quite fast.

'The gap with 1st place has sig­nif­i­cantly nar­rowed.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 216

Seong Ji­han opened the score­board to check.

1st place -- Arte­mus Le­gion (Arte­mus) -- 322,140 [Pub­lic]

2nd place -- We have 20 di­am

­ onds -- 287,220

It started with a dif­fer­ence of 190,000, but now it has nar­rowed down to

about 35,000.

If this pace con­tin­ued, claim­ing the top rank seemed im­mi­nent.

"It seems the ex­trater­res­trial races are weaker than ex­pected."

As Seong Ji­han said so, watch­ing his op­po­nents be­ing un­able to with­stand a
sin­gle sweep­ing move, [...All those races were at least mid-to-up­per tier. It's
just that the mas­ter is un­be­liev­ably strong.]

Ariel, who's be­come Seong Ji­han's sword and dis­patched the en­emy in one
stroke, com­mented in a weary tone.

[What did you do to grow so much stronger? Your growth rate is truly as­‐

"Get­ting the Void was some­what use­ful."

[The void... pow­er­ful in­deed, but dan­ger­ously risky. It's bet­ter to avoid it for
the fu­ture.]

"Well, I'm not plan­ning for the far fu­ture."

De­spite know­ing that void could limit his life­span, he needed it right now to
pre­pare for the im­pend­ing bat­tle with the Mar­i­tal God.

That was a con­cern for an­other time.



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 216

[Sick of it all.]

As the boss room door opened once more, Ariel mum­bled as if tired of the
in­ces­sant vis­i­tors.

With the ef­fec­tive al­lure of 20 di­am

­ onds, guests kept pour­ing in de­spite be­‐
ing shat­tered by Seong Ji­han's at­tacks.

"I'm get­ting used to it. There are only a few days left, so I should wel­come
guests if they come."

The spe­cial dun­geon that started in early Feb­ru­ary, en­ter­ing mid-month

with­out start­ing the game.

The play dead­line for this map was un­til the 24th.

Al­though the gap with the 1st place was quickly catch­ing up due to the lure
of di­am
­ onds, He still couldn't re­lax com­pletely.


Seong Ji­han greeted the en­em

­ ies with a smil­ing face.

Then, from the opened door, var­i­ous races poured out.

From large walk­ing trees to fire-made el­em

­ en­tals and small gob­lin-like

Races that seemed dif­fi­cult to mix were co­op­er­at­ing with each other.

"This time they're or­ga­nized."

Orig­i­nally, they were fo­cused on the di­am

­ onds, try­ing to go first.

The ex­trater­res­trial races couldn't prop­erly unite.

But this time, it was as if they were a team, and the or­der was well-or­ga­‐

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 216

"But it's silent."

Usu­ally, ev­ery­one would get pas­sion­ate at the sight of stat di­am

­ onds, shout­‐
ing out loud.

The cur­rent coali­tion, how­ever, was ap­proach­ing Seong Ji­han with­out ut­ter­‐
ing a word.

They didn't even glance at the shin­ing di­am

­ onds be­hind Seong Ji­han.

They only re­vealed their hos­til­ity to­wards the boss of the mid-boss room.

'Some­thing seems sus­pi­cious.'

Feel­ing some­thing off about their be­hav­ior, Seong Ji­han de­cided to quickly
elim­i­nate them.


A red cur­rent surged at the tip of the Phoenix Spear.

Name­less di­vine art, Fu­sion of Di­vine thun­der and phoenix: Crim­son Thun­‐
der can­non The blast pierced the front ranks in an in­stant.


The op­po­nent dis­ap­peared quickly, not even leav­ing a corpse.

How­ever, even as they died, they didn't make a sin­gle groan.

'They seem like un­dead...'

Notic­ing the same re­ac­tion from var­i­ous races, Seong Ji­han ex­panded his
senses with­out re­lax­ing his ten­sion.



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 216

A sub­tle move­ment flow­ing above the dun­geon's ceil­ing caught his senses.

It ap­proached the lo­ca­tion with di­am

­ onds se­cretly and swiftly.

'I al­most missed it.'

If the en­emy's ac­tions hadn't seemed sus­pi­cious, he might have missed the


Seong Ji­han quickly flew there and thrust his sword.


The covert move­ment stopped, and a scream erupted.


From where the sword was thrust, red smoke emerged.

[You're a keen one...]

It soon formed a fig­ure.

A woman with gi­ant wings and horns.

Her face, to Seong Ji­han,


-That woman. Could it be...?

-Ito Shizuru?

-she is alive??

No, it was a fa­mil­iar face to all the view­ers watch­ing this game.

Ito Shizuru, who caused a great stir in 2020.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 216

The stun­ning beauty who shook the world, and the woman ap­pear­ing on the
screen now, were com­pletely iden­ti­cal.

"You... Are you the Suc­cubus Queen?"

"Hooh, how did you know that? Ah, you..."

As Seong Ji­han rec­og­nized her, the Suc­cubus Queen, who was sur­prised by
his knowl­edge, looked closely at him.

"That bas­tard who sup­pressed my avatar...!"

-Suc­cubus Queen...?

-Why does she look ex­actly like Ito Shizuru?

-Wow, look­ing at her again, she's re­ally beau­ti­ful...

-Her clothes are al­most nonex­is­tent, lol.😜

-That makes it even bet­ter, hehehe.😏

As the Suc­cubus Queen ap­peared, the chat erupted into chaos. Most were
amazed by her re­sem­blance to Ito Shizuru and praised her beauty. The chat
was filled with com­ments about her ap­pear­ance.

Suc­cubus Queen, who at­tempted to re­trieve Ito Shizuru's soul, was sucked
into the 'Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods'.

'That wasn't her real body back then.'

Though 'Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods' is mighty, it seemed too easy for a be­‐
ing called the Apos­tle of the Apoc­al­ypse to be sub­dued.

It must have been an avatar.

"What are you do­ing here?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 216

"Hehe. I was cu­ri­ous when I heard that a Hide­out player was of­fer­ing di­a­‐

"You're try­ing to steal the di­am

­ onds, aren't you?"

"There was some in­tent to do that..."

The Suc­cubus Queen didn't ex­actly deny it and looked at Seong Ji­han with
a deep, en­chant­ing gaze.

"Back then, I thought you were an in­ter­est­ing kid. I didn't ex­pect you to
grow to the point of be­ing as­signed to Space 4. This level of growth means
we might be evenly matched..."


With those words, her eyes turned pink,

and the al­ready en­chant­ing fig­ure en­deav­ored to dis­play even greater pres­‐

'In­stant charm, huh...!'

Seong Ji­han quickly op­er­ated his meth­ods.

Name­less Di­vine Arts, Heart Method -- Mind Cre­ates All In his past life,
the Heart Method played a sig­nif­i­cant role in sup­press­ing the Suc­cubus
Queen. Seong Ji­han in­stantly re­leased the charm and swung his sword at


The Suc­cubus Queen's body was split in half.

"Hee­hee... good, good. I'm de­lighted by your re­sis­tance. It makes me want

you more."

Her body trans­formed into smoke and re­formed, at­tach­ing the sev­ered parts.
Once again, her pink eyes sparkled to­wards Seong Ji­han.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 216

"Plea­sure, arise."


Be­fore her words could fin­ish, a pink smoke emerged from the ground, in­‐
ten­si­fy­ing the charm ef­fect. It was a be­witch­ing dance that am­pli­fied the al­‐

Seong Ji­han, who was us­ing the Heart Method, fur­rowed his brows as he
wit­nessed this.

'It's... much stronger than in my pre­vi­ous life!'

It seemed that the Suc­cubus Queen sum­moned to Earth in his pre­vi­ous life
wasn't com­plete. Al­though Seong Ji­han's abil­i­ties had al­ready sur­passed his
past life, the charm ef­fect con­tin­ued to press on him.

'I can't just let this hap­pen...'

Re­sist­ing the al­lure, Seong Ji­han quickly thrust his sword into the ground.


Name­less Di­vine Arts, An­ni­hi­la­tion God's Se­cret -- Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing


The pat­tern of Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods swiftly spread across the dun­‐
geon floor.

"Could it be... the same as last time...?"

"Hurry up and get in."

"Wait a mo­ment! Why is it get­ting so big!?"


As the Suc­cubus Queen's feet turned into smoke, she be­gan to be drawn to­‐
wards the pat­tern of the Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 216

"Ugh... To think I'd be ab­sorbed by such a trick...!"

Un­like her sum­moned avatar on Earth that faced its demise rather quickly,
the Queen re­sisted the Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods some­what ro­bustly,
"This... It's il­log­i­cal! Isn't it cheat­ing?"


Grad­u­ally, her legs dis­ap­peared, leav­ing only the up­per body strug­gling.
The Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods had an ab­so­lute ef­fect on spir­its, and even
the Suc­cubus Queen couldn't with­stand it for long.

"Ugh... I'm re­ally be­ing drawn in...!"

"Hmm, since it's the orig­i­nal body, I'll prob­ab­ ly level up, right?"

"What? L...Level up?"

As the Suc­cubus Queen gri­maced, Seong Ji­han con­fi­dently an­nounced vic­‐

tory while calmly await­ing lev­el­ing up.

[Wait...! Stop, Ji­han. Please.]

In his ear, a fa­mil­iar voice echoed.

No, it used to be fa­mil­iar.

A voice that he couldn't hear any­more.



[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 216



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 217

Chap­ter 217

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


[...In­deed, it's time to ac­knowl­edge it.]

Thud! Thud!

Be­fore Seong Ji­han's eyes, a woman pet­ri­fied in a pur­ple hue ap­peared.

She had a face very sim­i­lar to Yoon seah.

It was a very fa­mil­iar ap­pear­ance to Seong Ji­han.

[Your ex­is­tence, which changed the fu­ture, is not an il­lu­sion.]

"...Noona, is that re­ally you?"

Seong Ji­han looked at her with a sur­prised ex­pres­sion as she moved freely
in her pet­ri­fied state.

'Re­ally, my noona... is re­ally alive.'

Al­though he an­tic­i­pated it by be­com­ing the Witch of The Void af­ter Yoon

Seah's Con­stel­la­tion Quest, The at­tire was ex­actly the same as the time she
had used her ul­ti­mate self-sac­ri­fice as a priest­ess.

But her whole body was bound by five chains.

In the cen­ter of her chest.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 217

'A lock....'

A black lock was in­ter­twined with the chains, locked.

'It's filled with the aura of the Void.'

As pow­er­ful as Seong Ji­han was, be­ing as­signed to Space 4, he had no con­‐

fi­dence in break­ing such a lock, burst­ing with such a fierce aura.

While he was ab­sorbed in ex­am­in­ing the chains and lock.


From the fore­head of the pet­ri­fied Seong Jiah, a bright white light flashed
and be­gan to con­dense into a round mass.

The light even­tu­ally formed an eye of light.

Dif­fer­ent from her stone eyes, the third eye wrig­gled like a real pupil.

"That is..."

[I've cut off out­side ob­ser­va­tion for now.]

"Are you speak­ing of Bat­tle­Tube?"

[Yes. Or­di­nary peo­ple would turn to stone at the mere sight of me.]

"I'm fine though."

[You're not an or­di­nary per­son, are you?]

With that, Seong Jiah pointed down­wards.

[Can you re­lease her for now?]

"Hmm. Do we re­ally need to keep her alive? Af­ter all, the woman who en­‐
chanted brother-in-law got the pow­ers from her."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 217


Fol­low­ing his words, Seong Jiah kicked the suc­cubus in the head.

"Ah! You... did you re­ally hit me?!"

[Do you want to die?]

"Oh, no... You can hit me more. Witch. Kick me as much as you want."

The suc­cubus queen im­me­di­ately bowed her head, and Seong Jiah kicked
her head once more.

"This..Ac­tu­ally... hurts..."

[It was Shizuru and Yoon Se­jin who erred. We can't fully blame the woman
who gave the pow­ers. Be­sides, she's the head of the Palace of De­sire. If she
dis­ap­pears now, a ma­jor chaos will en­sue.]

"Hmm. Chaos."

[All the suc­cubi and in­cubi will vie for the sud­denly va­cant throne. Earth is
a planet weak to temp­ta­tion. It will surely be the first to suf­fer. It's fated for
de­struc­tion, but we can't let Seah be harmed be­fore that...]


Hear­ing this, Seong Ji­han drew out his sword stuck in the ground.

Upon which, the half-bod­ied suc­cubus queen's body quickly re­gen­er­ated.

"Ugh... you're the witch's brother?"


"Should've known. A mon­ster at a dif­fer­ent cal­iber. If you're like a witch,

yes. If you're from the 'cho­sen' blood­line...."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 217

The suc­cubus queen, who was say­ing some­thing sig­nif­i­cant, winked at

Seong Ji­han.

"You are more tempt­ing than I thought. Would you like to live with me in
the Palace of De­sire? If I con­ceive your child, an in­cred­i­ble be­ing might be


Seong Jiah struck the suc­cubus queen even harder than be­fore this time.


As the pet­ri­fied foot brushed against the queen's waist, her body dis­ap­‐
peared en­tirely.

[Get away from my brother..]

"W-Witch. Why are you do­ing this? I should be an ac­cept­able com­pan­ion

for your brother, right?"

[If you don't dis­ap­pear right now from my sight, I'll kill you, re­gard­less if
the Palace of De­sire turns into chaos or not.]

"Ah, I got it!"

The Suc­cubus Queen turned her back swiftly un­der Seong Jiah's men­ac­ing


"You gained two more chains. What are you schem­ing?"

[None of your busi­ness.]

"Hmph... quite stub­born. You're even gruff when I worry about you."

Af­ter glanc­ing at Jiah's chains, the suc­cubus queen added one more word
be­fore dis­ap­pear­ing.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 217

"Chains... are they bad?"

[I've used some power. It's in­evitable.]

"Should I break them? Seems like I could if I go all out."

[No, never touch them. They're far too dan­ger­ous.]

Why would she be car­ry­ing such things around?

Seong Ji­han had such thoughts, but for now, he de­cided to re­spect her

'Any­way, Noona, she's much stronger than I thought.'

The suc­cubus queen's main body was a quite pow­er­ful ex­is­tence.

Seong Ji­han man­aged to sub­due her eas­ily be­cause he pos­sessed the Myr­iad
Ghost Seal­ing Gods, but with­out it, it would have been a chal­lenge.

Yet Seong Jiah dealt with the suc­cubus queen ef­fort­lessly with a mere kick.
It was be­yond Seong Ji­han's com­pre­hen­sion just how strong she had be­‐

Seong Ji­han briefly watched where the suc­cubus queen had van­ished, then
asked her.

"But what's this about a cho­sen Blood­line?"

[...It's too com­pli­cated to ex­plain now. In short, a be­ing like me, who's
likely to em­brace the void.]

"The Void? Why us?"

Seong Ji­han won­dered, his fam­ily was just an or­di­nary Ko­rean house­hold.

Why did he sud­denly be­come the cho­sen one?

Was there a se­cret about the hid­den blood­line?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 217

[I don't know ei­ther. Our par­ents were reg­u­lar peo­ple.]


[But more im­por­tantly, Ji­han. I can't stay here for long, so let me get to the
point quickly.]

Flash! Flash!

The third eye emit­ted even brighter light, fo­cus­ing on Seong Ji­han.

[Void Stat. Don't raise it any­more.]


[I'm go­ing to save you and Seah from de­struc­tion. But if your void pow­ers
are too strong, you can't en­ter the sanc­tu­ary.]


With that, a blue holo­gram ma­te­ri­al­ized in front of Seong Jiah.

The sanc­tu­ary, con­sist­ing of cir­cu­lar mod­ules, looked small enough to ac­‐

com­mo­date only one or two peo­ple at a glance.

[Through this, I will send both of you to an­other planet. A planet where a
sim­i­lar hu­manoid species lives... Even so, it should be suit­able for set­tling.]

'Looks like I've been ex­cluded from the sal­va­tion list.'

Seong Ji­han sighed and asked her.

"De­struc­tion? Isn't hu­man­ity smoothly sail­ing in Bat­tleNet now?"

[Be­cause you led the open­ing match to vic­tory, that was a mo­men­tary il­lu­‐
sion. The Apos­tle of the End is al­ready con­vinced of hu­man­ity's de­struc­tion
and is pre­par­ing for it.]

With that, Jiah looked to­wards the en­trance of the mid-boss room.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 217

[How were the races that broke in a lit­tle while ago?]

"It was easy."

[...Don't use you as a bench­mark. Com­pare the ex­trater­res­trial races with

hu­mans, not you.]

"If we com­pare them as a whole? Most of the races in­vad­ing are much
stronger than hu­mans."

The races in­fil­trat­ing the Hell Devil Palace.

Even the weak­est among them, from Ariel's per­spec­tive, were at least in­ter­‐
me­di­ate level.

While Ji­han could de­feat them with a sin­gle shot, each of them had their
own strengths.

All of them far ex­ceeded the ba­sic specs of hu­mans.

[That's right. Orig­i­nally, hu­mans should not be in­vited to the Bat­tleNet. The
in­di­vid­ual com­bat power is too low for that.]

"But why were we in­vited then?"

[I don't know... But one thing is cer­tain. Hu­mans can't over­come the Space

Seong Ji­han nod­ded his head.

The ex­tinc­tion of hu­man­ity.

Wasn't that a fu­ture he had ex­pe­ri­enced in his pre­vi­ous life?


"As long as I'm with them, it won't hap­pen. I'm af­fil­i­ated with hu­mans, so
there won't be such a thing."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 217

[...Since when did my lit­tle brother be­come so con­fi­dent?]

"It's been a while."

[Haa... Hey, se­ri­ously. Lis­ten to your Noona!]

Seong Ji­han chuck­led and changed the sub­ject.

"As for me, it's fine. But how can we re­turn you to your orig­i­nal state?"

[Me? As a witch of the Void... I can't re­turn to my orig­i­nal state.]

"Noona, you know you slightly avoided my gaze just now? It's a habit when
you lie."

[...Since it's an im­pos­si­ble task any­way.]

"What's the method then? Break­ing the chains? Or maybe... elim­i­nat­ing the
mas­ter of the Abyss?"

[You! Don't even dream about that. If you touch him, you'll only ac­cel­er­ate
the in­evitable de­struc­tion!]


Seong Jiah re­peat­edly em­pha­sized, her fig­ure fad­ing.

[...Re­mem­ber my ad­vice. Never... raise the Void. Don't touch the Abyss ei­‐
ther un­til I save you both.]

With those words, Seong Jiah dis­ap­peared.

With the dis­ap­pear­ance of the pur­ple bar­rier, the view­ers' chats be­gan to roll

-Oh, the screen is back!

-There's lag on Bat­tle­Tube too, huh?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 217

-It's not lag, the screen is just blocked, I guess?

-What hap­pened?

Peo­ple who had been watch­ing Seong Ji­han's chan­nel for a long time ca­su­‐
ally brushed it off as some­thing that some­times hap­pened.

-...A pow­er­ful en­tity in­ter­vened.

-The in­ves­ti­ga­tion team couldn't ob­serve it. What hap­pened?

-And the Suc­cubus Queen was sub­dued so eas­ily? Who ex­actly was that?

-I have 20 di­am
­ onds. I shouldn't at­tempt to con­quer this place...

-We're with­draw­ing.

The ex­trater­res­trial in­ves­ti­ga­tion team that had en­tered Seong Ji­han's chan­‐
nel couldn't help but be amazed by this phe­nom­en­ on.

-Ah, ex­trater­res­trial guests are leav­ing in droves; -Is it that big of a deal if
the screen gets blocked?

-Seems like it lolol

-Just be­cause they are act­ing like this, I'm cu­ri­ous about what hap­pened.

As peo­ple won­dered, the ex­trater­res­trial in­ves­ti­ga­tion team left the chat

room in a flash.

And, as much as they left, the fre­quency of the mid-boss room's door open­‐
ing also de­creased.

-Now the gap with first place won't close.

-What do we do... ㅠㅠ

-Just wait, new vis­i­tors will come in.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 217

-No, if you wait a bit, more suck­ers will come in.

-It's a short break ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

While view­ers chat­tered about the sud­den de­par­ture of the ex­trater­res­trial

in­ves­ti­ga­tion team, Seong Ji­han re­called the re­cent events.

'Noona is def­i­nitely alive.'

Even though she was in the form of a pow­er­ful pet­ri­fied statue rather than
her priest­ess ap­pear­ance, she was alive some­where.

'Refuge, huh...'

Un­til re­cently, Seong Jiah dis­missed him and Yoon Seah as il­lu­sions, yet se­‐
cretly pre­pared an es­cape for them.

While Seong Ji­han thought his noona was ad­mirable, he had a neg­at­ive
view of her in­ten­tions.

'Even if hu­man­ity is de­stroyed and Seah and I sur­vive, would it have any

[De­mon God:- Main Char­ac­ter mo­ment🤣]

Lis­ten­ing to Seong Jiah, it seemed like the refuge was lim­ited to send­ing the
two of them some­where.

Even if they went to an­other planet, what would they do among these dif­fer­‐
ent races?

'Looks like I won't be lis­ten­ing to my Noona this time, ei­ther.'

Seong Ji­han erased the pos­si­bil­ity of es­cape from his mind and de­cided to
fo­cus on bat­tling on Bat­tleNet as he is now.


'The next tar­get is the Abyss.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 217

Let's do what she told me not to do again.

He smirked mis­chie­vously.

Spe­cial Dun­geon Game, the last day.

"It's quiet with vis­i­tors."

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Seong Ji­han yawned, spin­ning his spear.

Af­ter Seong Jiah vis­ited, the fre­quency of ex­trater­res­trial vis­i­tors de­creased

due to some ru­mor cir­cu­lat­ing.

-You're still first though?

-True, but with a 20,000 point dif­fer­ence, you'll so­lid­ify it, right?

-Oh, and have you heard the news? We just won the Tai­wan match~

"We won the Tai­wan match? I was sorry I couldn't par­tic­i­pate be­cause of
this map, but it worked out well."

Na­tional team matches held two or three times a month.

Seong Ji­han would par­tic­i­pate in al­most all of them, when pos­si­ble how­‐
ever, his ab­sence from the spe­cial dun­geon map, where mon­sters could be
sum­moned, was un­avoid­able.

-It's al­right. With the Sword King around, there's no need to worry about a
match with Tai­wan .

How­ever, the rel­at­ively weak Tai­wanese team,

Coach Noh Youngjun even vis­ited the chat to tell Seong Ji­han to not worry
and fo­cus on his game.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 217

-Still, I was wor­ried when that in­sane old man won the first game sin­gle-
hand­edly, lol -I thought so too... He was re­ally strong

-Still, he only came out for one match and didn't come out again.

-Yep, Tai­wanese me­dia re­ported that the old man fainted af­ter one game lol
-The Sword King wanted to face him, and re­gret­ted that he col­lapsed.

-It's for­tu­nate from the Ko­rean per­spec­tive.

Dur­ing the Tai­wan match with­out Seong Ji­han, some­thing re­mark­able

seemed to have hap­pened.

Ko­rean view­ers were abuzz about the "Tai­wanese Old man."

'Old man? Was there a pow­er­ful player among the el­derly...?'

Gifts were given ran­domly, but the num­ber given dif­fered sig­nif­i­cantly de­‐
pend­ing on age.

Es­pe­cially for those over 60, the amount was al­most non-ex­is­tent.

In Seong Ji­han's mem­ory, there were al­most no out­stand­ing el­derly play­ers.

Es­pe­cially in the Asian re­gion, there was not a sin­gle one...

'I should watch the match later.'

While Seong Ji­han was show­ing in­ter­est in a player who was not in his
mem­ory, the boss room door that had been closed for a while be­gan to


-The guest is fi­nally here!

-Why did you take so long to come?

View­ers wel­comed the in­vader,

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 217

Ev­ery­one looked at the door, won­der­ing which race would be cut down in
one blow this time.

[From now on, this le­gion takes over here!]


-Why are they com­ing out here?

The Arte­mus Le­gion, which slipped to sec­ond place be­cause of Seong Ji­‐
han, re­vealed them­selves at the en­trance.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 218

Chap­ter 218

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


'How did the Arte­mus Le­gion get here?'

Is it pos­si­ble for other mid-boss rooms to in­vade other rooms as well?

Seong Ji­han, with a puz­zled ex­pres­sion, opened the score­board as he ob­‐

served the Dwarf Le­gion.

The Arte­mus Le­gion, now in sec­ond place, just be­hind the Seong Ji­han, still
had dis­closed in­for­ma­tion.

He ex­am­ined the op­pos­ing boss' room in­vaders.

[Arte­mus Le­gion, an­ni­hi­late the en­emy!]

The Dwarf Le­gion, en­gaged in bat­tle with the en­em ­ ies as usual, ap­peared to
have the same num­bers as be­fore. The sit­u­at­ion didn't seem like the boss
room was un­der at­tack.

'Looks like I'll have to cap­ture and in­ter­ro­gate them.'

Seong Ji­han eas­ily drew his sword across hor­i­zon­tally.


In­stantly, the Dwarf Le­gion was split in half. Their ham­mers, spears, and
var­i­ous weapons were all cleaved in a sin­gle strike.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 218

-The Arte­mus Le­gion used to be first place... I was ex­pect­ing some­thing dif­‐

-The guests this time aren't very im­pres­sive ei­ther, are they?'

-Seong Ji­han is so­lid­i­fy­ing his first-place po­si­tion~'

The view­ers are op­ti­mistic about the sit­u­at­ion when...


The bod­ies of the split Dwarf Le­gion in­stantly re­gen­er­ated. Not only the
dwarves but also the weapons were re­stored.

They re­sumed the bat­tle in the same com­bat stance, shout­ing, [Arte­mus Le­‐
gion, an­ni­hi­late the en­emy!]

The Arte­mus Le­gion ad­vanced in uni­son. Their mo­men­tum wasn't ex­cep­‐

tion­ally strong com­pared to the en­em
­ ies who had at­tacked Seong Ji­hans
mid-boss room so far.


Even af­ter Seong Ji­han's sword struck them sev­eral times, they re­gen­er­ated
and rushed at him again.

'These guys didn't earn first place for noth­ing.'

Play­ers be­long­ing to the same Space 4. They were not to be un­der­es­ti­mated.

Seong Ji­han used the To­tal An­ni­hi­la­tion Hor­i­zon­tal Sweep while care­fully
ob­serv­ing the en­emy's re­gen­er­at­ion.

Un­like the mon­strous re­gen­er­at­ion of the elves, these en­em

­ ies seemed to
func­tion dif­fer­ently.


'The weapons are sus­pi­cious.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 218

The restora­tion or­der was dif­fer­ent from the dwarves; the weapons came
first be­fore the dwarves.

Seong Ji­han reached out with his hand.


A small black vor­tex formed, suck­ing up all the weapons of the dwarf van­‐

'About S-rank in qual­ity.'

Per­haps be­cause dwarves used these weapons, the sizes were like toys.
How­ever, the qual­ity it­self was not bad.

It couldn't be com­pared to Eclipse or Phoenix Flag, but they were rea­son­‐

ably S-rank.

He con­cen­trated on ex­am­in­ing the weapons and then lit up his eyes.

'There's a pe­cu­liar aura hid­den in­side.'

In terms of at­tributes, it was close to light. A faint aura was hid­den in­side
the weapon, around the han­dle area.

Al­though he had gath­ered var­i­ous auras un­til now, this kind was new, es­pe­‐
cially for light at­tributes.


A palm-sized black vor­tex formed, ab­sorb­ing all the light aura from the


[Arte­mus Le­gion...]

The dwarves who ro­bustly cheered for the Arte­mus Le­gion stopped mov­ing,
stand­ing still in place as if the ma­chine had halted its func­tion.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 218

Seong Ji­han, fac­ing the van­guard unit in that state, once again swung his
sword hor­i­zon­tally.



The Dwarf Le­gion, split in half and fall­ing to the ground. Un­like be­fore,
these turned into light with­out show­cas­ing re­mark­able re­gen­er­at­ion,
writhing on the ground and dis­ap­pear­ing.

'In­deed, this hid­den light aura and re­gen­er­at­ive ef­fect were re­lated.'

Well then, let's delve deeper into this un­fa­mil­iar aura.

Seong Ji­han wanted to cre­ate an even larger Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods,

The Arte­mus Le­gion that had been charg­ing at him was al­ready re­treat­ing
to­wards the en­trance.

"Where do you think you're go­ing?"

They might en­ter on their own ac­cord, but leav­ing isn't up to them.

Seong Ji­han's hand moved to ob­tain the light en­ergy when.


The weapons and ar­mor of the dwarf le­gion floated in the air, start­ing to
clus­ter to­gether wildly.

Clunk! Clunk!

Hun­dreds, thou­sands of gears clumped in an in­stant. What took shape was...

A mas­sive steel gi­ant glis­ten­ing white with light from var­i­ous an­gles.

-A ro­bot?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 218

-Even com­bined ro­bots are com­ing out

-Is this the true form of Arte­mus?

-I felt there was some­thing, but the weapons were the main body...

-We didn't re­al­ize in the pub­lic video, but now that it's in front of Seong Ji­‐
han, its true na­ture is re­vealed.

View­ing this, the au­di­ence re­called the im­age of a com­bined ro­bot.

Un­like the typ­i­cal steel gi­ant, this one was dec­o­rated rather el­eg­ antly.

[In Space 4, a su­per rookie has ap­peared.]

"Are you Arte­mus?"



A burst of white light erupted from Arte­mus's chest, and all the dwarves
were in­stantly sucked into it.

Then, the body of Arte­mus sparkled even more.

'Quite a force.'

Even as the Seong Ji­han, he felt a for­mi­da­ble power that couldn't be ig­‐
nored. With this level of op­po­nent, it wouldn't be easy to elim­i­nate them in
one blow.


As the Seong Ji­han prop­erly pre­pared for the bat­tle against Arte­mus, rais­ing
his power.

[Wait. I have no in­ten­tion of fight­ing.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 218


The amal­ga­mated steel gi­ant spread its palm, in­di­cat­ing that it had no in­ten­‐
tion to fight.

"I do."

With that, Seong Ji­han in­ten­si­fied his aura even fur­ther.

The light aura pos­sessed by the gi­ant was some­thing he had never seen be­‐
fore, spark­ing his cu­rios­ity.


As red cur­rents em­anated from Seong Ji­han's body, he felt the urge to col­‐
lect this un­fa­mil­iar en­ergy.


As Seong Ji­han pre­pared for bat­tle, rais­ing his power, Arte­mus shook its
hands, sig­nal­ing a lack of in­tent to fight.

[Not bat­tle! Ne­go­ti­ate. I want to ne­go­ti­ate, Hide­out player.]


[Yes. In the 1st place re­ward of this spe­cial dun­geon, if Hell­fire Crys­tals
come out, sell them to me.]

"Sell them? I don't need GP."

[No need for GP... must be nice to have money. Fine then.]


Arte­mus pointed at the Phoenix Flag in Seong Ji­han's hand with his fin­ger
and blinked.

[Then, in­stead of GP, I will up­grade your weapon.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 218

-He seems des­per­ate not to fight, even though he looks like a gi­ant mon­ster
ready to bat­tle.

LOL, maybe he got scared.

-What's this about weapon up­grade? Isn't the Phoenix Flag SSS-grade?

-Ex­actly lolol

While view­ers mocked Arte­mus for des­per­ately avoid­ing com­bat, oth­ers ex­‐
pressed sur­prise.

-Arte­mus is not only re­veal­ing its true form but also of­fer­ing a weapon up­‐

-Up­grade weapon?

-What's the Hell­fire Crys­tal, and why does Arte­mus want it?

The ex­trater­res­trial race re­main­ing in Seong Ji­han's chan­nel re­acted with

great as­ton­ish­ment.

Seong Ji­han glanced at the chat and eased his mo­men­tum.

"If it's SSS-rank, will you make it into EX?"

[No. Even if I were the best black­smith in the uni­verse, that would be im­‐
pos­si­ble. But I can en­hance it.]


[That spear, you at­tached an in­tan­gi­ble weapon to it, right?]

"You've got a keen eye. That's cor­rect."

[In my view, it's not com­pletely har­mo­nized yet. With a lit­tle touch, its per­‐
for­mance will greatly im­prove.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 218

The up­graded Phoenix Flag com­bined with the Di­vine thun­der. Rec­og­niz­‐
ing it at a glance, it didn't seem like the work of an am­at­eur.

[Hell­fire Crys­tal is what I need as the best black­smith. It won't be use­ful for
you. Isn't this a good deal for you?]

"Well, whether it's use­ful for me or not, I'll have to try it out af­ter re­ceiv­ing
the item."

[Hmm... then, I'll give you two more Arte­mus's Black­smith Work­shop
vouch­ers for the up­grade.]

-Black­smith Work­shop vouch­ers too?

-Arte­mus... is that se­ri­ous about the crys­tal!

-Our race doesn't have any crys­tals... too bad!

The ex­trater­res­trial race chat­ted ex­cit­edly about Arte­mus's earnest­ness.

-What are these aliens talk­ing about? LOL.

-Let's learn a bit from them -_-.

-They're just hav­ing fun among them­selves. LOL.

-Is Arte­mus some kind of a skilled black­smith?

View­ers were able to guess Arte­mus's stand­ing as a crafts­man from their re­‐

"Hmm... I'll think about it."

[Don't think too much... the crys­tal will be use­less for you! How about co­‐
op­er­at­ing with a fel­low small race?]

"A small race?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 218

[Yes! I watched your chan­nel, and you seem to be of hu­man ori­gin. You
know, a lower-tier race com­pared to our Dwarves?]

"You were a Dwarf?"

[That's right.]

-They were Dwarves, these guys?

-Fan­tasy races are all com­ing out.

-But why do these guys al­ways call us the low­est of the low?

-On Bat­tleNet, it does seem like we are the low­est of the low, but LOL, now
it's like a mon­ster feast in Space League.

-Even the com­bined ro­bot looks like it will just get beaten if an­other player
tries to fight it, LOL.

'Call­ing us the low­est of the low, they don't seem like mon­sters like elves,

Still, the Dwarves had their pe­cu­liar­i­ties.

It seemed like their bod­ies and weapons would re­gen­er­ate as if time had re­‐

Con­sid­er­ing the weapon was the ac­tual core, and it had even be­come a
com­bined ro­bot.

'Wait, is this Arte­mus's char­ac­ter­is­tic?'

As Seong Ji­han cau­tiously ob­served Arte­mus, he said, [Oh, right. Did you
also stay on Bat­tleNet to im­prove your race? In that case, as a se­nior, I can
give you ad­vice. There's an op­ti­mal route for what op­tions to buy for the
low­est-tier races.]

Whether out of a sense of kin­ship due to be­ing from a weaker race, the talk­‐
a­tive gi­ant ro­bot seemed some­what ami­able.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 218

How­ever, Seong Ji­han caught on to some­thing else in Arte­mus's words.

"...You stayed on Bat­tleNet?"

[Yes. I couldn't give up the ben­ef­ its.]

"How can you leave?"

[...Don't they give you the op­tion af­ter win­ning three times in the Bronze
League? You should know if you've won at least once.]


-Three wins and you're free?

-Oh... ro­bots are use­ful.

-He's re­veal­ing so much valu­able in­for­ma­tion.

-But wouldn't it be re­gret­table if Bat­tleNet dis­ap­peared? We're liv­ing for the

thrill of watch­ing this, LOL.

-Oh my? What if dun­geons ap­pear in front of our homes?

The chat ex­ploded upon hear­ing the con­di­tions for lib­er­at­ion from Bat­‐

Seong Ji­han was also se­cretly sur­prised, but he didn't show it on his face
and ca­su­ally said, "I'd have to win to know."

[You... don't tell me... a rookie? Im­pos­si­ble. There's a player from Space 4
who's a new­bie?]

Arte­mus shook its head in dis­be­lief and then.


Laser beams shot from the gi­ant ro­bot's eyes, and a huge screen ap­peared in
the air.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 218

From there, un­read­able char­ac­ters emerged.

[Oh, it's true. A new race has been added to Bat­tleNet bet­ting... The eval­u­a­‐
tion says that they will be elim­i­nated.]

"Are you look­ing at the bet­ting site re­port?"

[Yes. Hmm... you're not just a Su­per Rookie. You are a di­vine be­ing... des­‐
tined to shine even more brightly among the con­stel­la­tions...]


Arte­mus flicked three fin­gers.]

[Al­right. Then, I'll give you three black­smith work­shop vouch­ers! Al­though
it's re­gret­table for the Hell­fire Crys­tal, I'll sup­port the hope of the lower-tier

With an in­cred­i­bly bit­ter tone, Arte­mus spoke, sup­port­ing the gi­ant ro­bot's

This deal seemed ac­cept­able.

While Seong Ji­han was pon­der­ing for a mo­ment.

[Mas­ter, may I also in­quire if it's pos­si­ble for me?]


Ariel, who had been silent in the form of the Shadow Eclipse, spoke.

[In­deed. If the Eclipse is en­hanced fur­ther, it will pro­duce re­mark­able re­‐


Ask­ing wasn't dif­fi­cult.

Seong Ji­han showed Arte­mus the sword and asked, "Can this sword be en­‐

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 218

[This is the Shadow Sword...]

--- Zzzing.

Laser beams scanned the shadow sword af­ter emerg­ing from Arte­mus's

[Such abun­dant au­thor­ity of the Shadow is in here. Your spon­sor con­stel­la­‐

tion is Shadow Queen, ain't she?]


[Not even from the spon­sor con­stel­la­tion, yet you've been given so much
au­thor­ity? Odd... En­hance­ment won't be easy. Un­less you have part of the
Shadow Queen her­self, per­haps a fin­ger.]

"What do you need a fin­ger or body part for?"

[The Shadow Queen is the essence of shadow. Even a hair would be a good
ma­te­rial... Any­way, I need at least one fin­ger to evolve fur­ther.]

This was a bar­baric method, to put a fin­ger in the weapon's evo­lu­tion.

[Even the Queen should be able to do that. She says it's pos­si­ble.]

"...You're giv­ing a fin­ger?"

[If it re­gen­er­ates, it's fine, isn't it?]

Ariel spoke con­fi­dently, per­haps hint­ing to­wards some­thing more.

'Could she... ac­tu­ally be the queen?'

De­spite Ariel's as­sertive at­ti­tude re­gard­ing the sev­er­ing of a fin­ger...

Seong Ji­han looked at the sword sus­pi­ciously.


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 218

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 219

Chap­ter 219

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


Seong Ji­han had al­ways har­bored some sus­pi­cions.

Ariel, who had trans­formed into a shadow sword, seemed to know too
much about the Shadow Queen and the in­ter­nal af­fairs to just be a Shadow

Seong Ji­han asked her straight­for­wardly.

"Are you the Shadow Queen?"


"But how can you be so sure the queen would give up a fin­ger?"

[A fin­ger to a Shadow Elf is re­ally noth­ing se­ri­ous; it re­gen­er­ates quickly.

As a loyal ser­vant of the Queen, she will def­i­nitely lis­ten to me if I speak.]

"Is a fin­ger of no great value to a Shadow Elf?"

When Seong Ji­han looked to­ward Arte­mus with this ques­tion, he replied.

[Shadow Elves, be­ing a deriva­tion of Elves, do have ex­cel­lent re­gen­er­at­ive

abil­i­ties. But even for the Queen, ob­tain­ing the essence of shadow en­ergy
through a fin­ger wouldn't be with­out cost. We need more than just a shell. It
must con­tain the essence of shadow en­ergy.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 219

"So that's what you're say­ing?"

[...The Queen has taken a great in­ter­est in you and Eclipse. Such an in­vest­‐
ment is cer­tainly within her means. And I re­ally am not the Shadow


Seong Ji­han looked sus­pi­ciously at his left hand but de­cided to let it go for
now, con­sid­er­ing the vig­or­ous de­nials.

"Let's just watch and see, 'Your Majesty'."

[Ha... That's so un­fair. I would ac­tu­ally pre­fer to be the Queen! Why would
the Queen her­self be in­side such a sword?]

"Ex­actly. Why are you in there, Your Majesty?"

[I told you, I'm not!]

Ariel re­acted, jump­ing.

Seong Ji­han chuck­led, then spoke to Arte­mus.

"I'll try to ac­quire the Queen's fin­ger."

[Re­ally? If that's ful­filled, I can in­deed en­hance the sword.]

"Got it."

[Then, the ne­go­ti­at­ion is con­cluded.]

Flash! Flash!

With an erup­tion of light from Arte­mus's body, he shrunk rapidly.

A small, palm-sized white horn ma­te­ri­al­ized in front of Seong Ji­han.

[Once you ob­tain the stone, blow this horn. I will in­vite you to my forge.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 219

"Good. And about your light en­ergy. That's quite pe­cu­liar -- any way to ob­‐
tain it?"

[...Ha! Greedy one, aren't you? My forge over­flows with what you re­fer to
as 'light en­ergy.' Just bring me the crys­tal. I don't mind if you take some.]

"Hmm, for now..."

[Then, we shall meet again.]

Clunk! Clunk!

With those fi­nal words, Arte­mus dis­as­sem­bled and dis­ap­peared from the
mid boss room in an in­stant.

'He left quickly.'

The pe­cu­liar light power he had en­coun­tered for the first time. Al­though it
was worth an­al­yz­ing, the op­po­nent re­treated with­out look­ing back as soon
as the ne­go­ti­at­ion was com­pleted. Per­haps he was anx­ious about hav­ing the
light power stolen if he stayed longer.

'I'll have to get the crys­tal.'

As Seong Ji­han thought this,


[Is this where the di­am

­ onds are!]

[Dif­fi­cult, they say? We're ready for it!]

The door to the mid boss room opened, and ex­trater­res­trial vis­i­tors be­gan to
ar­rive again.

I'll have to fin­ish the game at first place.

"Let's go. 'Your Majesty'."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 219

[...Ha. Call me as you wish.]

In his place, Saint drew Eclipse and stood his ground.


Then, the in­vaders split up si­mul­ta­ne­ously.

-As ex­pected, with one strike...

-Arte­mus held out well.

-And the guests now feel even weaker, don't they?

-For real, only the weak ones are com­ing now.

It seemed that in the mid­dle of the game, pow­er­ful races had in­vaded.

But as Seong Ji­han con­sis­tently de­liv­ered one-hit kills, only the weak ones
dared to in­vade as the game ap­proached its end.

And as these en­em

­ ies, too, were swept away in one strike.

-Wow, no more guests com­ing...

-Arte­mus and the score are start­ing to get closer, 2,000 points nar­rowed
down -Ear­lier, killing Arte­mus's dwarves didn't count to­wards the score.

-Is it be­cause the com­bined ro­bot is the main body? Too bad.

Seong Ji­han's mid-boss room was now com­pletely de­serted.

'It's for­tu­nate that to­day is the last day.'

If he hadn't at­tracted ag­gro with the di­am

­ ond in the early-mid game, he
might have al­lowed a come­back to­wards the end.

[Spe­cial Dun­geon, 'Boss Elec­tion' is now closed.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 219

[Player 'Seong Ji­han' se­cures the 1st place in the Boss Elec­tion.]

With a gap of 15,000 points, Seong Ji­han­was able to con­clude the game on
the last day.

[For the next month, player 'Seong Ji­han' will ran­domly ap­pear as a Hid­den
Boss in the Di­am
­ ond League dun­geon maps.]

[The player is in hide­out state.]

[Hid­den Boss's name is dis­played as ??]

Fol­low­ing this, Seong Ji­han was given the sta­tus win­dow of a Hid­den Boss.

[Hid­den Boss: Seong Ji­han]

[Trait: One-shot Kill]

[Skills Used: To­tal An­ni­hi­la­tion Hor­i­zon­tal Sweep, Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing

Gods, Crim­son thun­der can­non]

[At­tack Power: EX]

[De­fense Power: A]

[Vi­tal­ity: F]

[Dif­fi­culty Level: High­est]

[Boss In­for­ma­tion: A su­per­nova that en­tered Space 4 im­me­di­ately af­ter the

tu­to­rial ended. Pos­sess­ing over­whelm­ing at­tack power that can be­head all
op­po­nents in a sin­gle strike. Al­though his HP is weak due to the lim­i­ta­tions
of a lower-tier race, it is not a sig­nif­i­cant prob­lem as he does not al­low op­‐
po­nents to at­tack him.]

[De­feat Re­ward: 5 Stat Di­am

­ onds]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 219

'Only three skills, huh? Maybe be­cause those are the ones used in dun­‐

Prob­ab­ ly be­cause most en­em

­ ies were fin­ished off with To­tal An­ni­hi­la­tion
Hor­i­zon­tal Sweep.

And if any stronger came along, I used Crim­son thun­der can­non or pulled
them in with Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods to in­spect them.

The Hid­den Boss Seong Ji­han's known skills were lim­ited to these three.

'At­tack power EX is ex­pected... but vi­tal­ity of F, that's a bit harsh.'

Since many alien races could quickly re­gen­er­ate even sev­ered limbs and ap­‐
pendages, Seong Ji­han, as a hu­man, was harshly graded on vi­tal­ity.

Per­haps the A-level de­fense power was due to be­ing able to use Myr­iad
Ghost Seal­ing Gods de­fen­sively as well.

'But with such a good de­feat re­ward, he might at­tract a lot of en­em
­ ies.'

Seong Ji­han, who had lured en­em­ ies with stat di­am
­ onds, would now have
his Hid­den Boss avatar pro­vide amaz­ing re­wards upon be­ing de­feated.

Even with sink­ing will at the sight of At­tack Power EX.

The sight of stat di­am

­ onds was bound to rekin­dle the con­quest spirit again.

'Now this guy will earn me ex­pe­ri­ence points and GP.'

Hid­den be­cause of the Hide­out, his face cov­ered by a black shadow.

For the next month, Seong Ji­han's avatar would de­liver re­wards.


[You've bro­ken the Spe­cial Dun­geon's his­tor­i­cal score records.]

[You can fur­ther strengthen the Hid­den Boss.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 219

Per­haps be­cause of the record-break­ing score Seong Ji­han earned, An op­‐

tion popped up, al­low­ing for ad­di­tional en­hance­ment of the boss.

[En­hance Hid­den Boss stats]

[In­crease Hid­den Boss ap­pear­ance rate]

Two sim­ple op­tions were pre­sented be­fore him.

'Ob­vi­ously, the lat­ter.' Seong Ji­han in­stantly chose to in­crease the ap­pear­‐
ance rate.

A Hid­den Boss with At­tack Power EX.

Be­com­ing stronger might dis­cour­age play­ers from chal­leng­ing.

It's bet­ter to ap­pear fre­quently in dun­geons and de­feat more chal­lengers,

earn­ing ex­pe­ri­ence points and GP for Seong Ji­han.

[The Hid­den Boss 'Seong Ji­han' is en­hanced....]

[A Hid­den Boss 'Seong Ji­han' will now ap­pear more fre­quently in the Bat­‐
tleNet of many races.]

The Hid­den Boss was en­hanced as per Seong Ji­han's will.

Though the re­wards didn't end there.

[A spe­cial re­ward from Hell Devil Palace will be given. You can choose one
of the fol­low­ing items.]

[Rare Stat 'Hell­fire' (Owned)]

[Hell Devil Palace Crys­tal]

[High De­mon's Ar­mor]

'Spe­cial re­wards... noth­ing of too much use.' If Seong Ji­han hadn't re­ceived
the crys­tal-re­lated re­quest from Arte­mus, he would have been forced to

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 219

choose the High De­mon's ar­mor among the three.

Of course, this ar­mor, with an SS grade, didn't look bad, But for Seong Ji­‐
han, who usu­ally didn't wear ar­mor, it wasn't an en­tic­ing op­tion.

As he went to choose the crys­tal from Hell Devil Palace, [The man­ager of
Hell Devil Palace, 'Suc­cubus Queen', shows deep in­ter­est in the player.]

[She adds 'Palace of Plea­sure In­vi­ta­tion' to the Hell Devil Palace re­ward
with her au­thor­ity.]

'Palace of Plea­sure In­vi­ta­tion' was added to the bot­tom of the spe­cial re­‐
wards list.

Un­like the other items, this one was high­lighted in shiny gold.

'I don't need this.'

How­ever, Seong Ji­han ig­nored this and im­me­di­ately se­lected the crys­tal
from Hell Devil Palace.

[You have ac­quired the Hell Devil Palace Crys­tal.]

More than the in­vi­ta­tion to the Palace of Plea­sure, up­grad­ing the weapon
was the pri­or­ity.

[You have cleared an Epic Quest.]

[You have earned 10,000,000 achieve­ment points.]

[You have ob­tained a trea­sure chest from Hell Devil Palace.]

Af­ter se­lect­ing the spe­cial re­ward, an Epic Quest re­ward was also given.

'Truly a wind­fall of re­wards.'

Af­ter grate­fully ac­cept­ing the achieve­ment points, Seong Ji­han opened the
trea­sure chest from Hell Devil Palace.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 219


[You have re­ceived the 'Palace of Plea­sure In­vi­ta­tion'.]


The re­ward he had just ig­nored popped out of the trea­sure chest.

Was this some prank by the Suc­cubus Queen?

"An in­vi­ta­tion to the Palace of Plea­sure, huh... Just my bad luck to get
some­thing like this."

Should I just tear it up?

As Seong Ji­han was se­ri­ously con­sid­er­ing this,

[In­vi­ta­tion to the Palace of Plea­sure? Mas­ter, That's very valu­able.]


[Yes. The Plea­sure Palace... a place where the plea­sures of the en­tire uni­‐
verse are con­cen­trated. It's a place where even the ma­jor forces in the uni­‐
verse can't go eas­ily. If you put it up for auc­tion, it will sell for a high


Ariel quickly pro­vided him with in­for­ma­tion upon hear­ing this.

"You sure know a lot, 'Your Majesty'."

[...Should I just stay quiet from now on?]

"Got it. I won't call you 'Your Majesty' again."

I'll leave this whole 'Your Majesty' treat­ment for later.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 219

With that thought, Seong Ji­han searched the price of the Palace of Plea­sure
In­vi­ta­tions on the Bat­tleNet auc­tion house.

The price that came up was.

"...100 bil­lion GP?"

The fig­ure far ex­ceeded his ex­pec­ta­tions.

"Why is it so ex­pen­sive?"

[Even with 100 bil­lion GP, it's still rel­at­ively cheap. Per­haps some of the
ma­jor fig­ures ad­dicted to the Plea­sure Palace went bank­rupt.]

"And this is con­sid­ered cheap?"

[In­deed. It could have been a big prob­lem if you had torn it, right?]

Seong Ji­han nod­ded in agree­ment.

100 bil­lion GP for such an item.

The uni­verse is in­deed vast.

As Seong Ji­han listed the item at that price,

"Wow, it sold im­me­di­ately."

In an in­stant, a tremen­dous amount of 100 bil­lion GP came in, ex­clud­ing

the fees.

'Now I re­ally don't have to worry about money.'

Al­though he had al­ready reached a cer­tain level of af­flu­ence re­gard­ing his

wealth, with an ad­di­tional 100 bil­lion GP, he no longer needed to con­cern
him­self with fi­nances.

'If there's any­thing to buy at Arte­mus's black­smith, I should use this money.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 219

With that thought, Seong Ji­han asked Ariel.

"When can I get the Queen's fin­ger?"

[First, log out. Only then can I con­tact the Queen.]

Your Majesty will con­tact her­self?

Seong Ji­han wanted to blurt that out, but con­sid­er­ing he had just earned 100
bil­lion GP, he de­cided to hold back and en­dure a few more days.

Af­ter all, the in­vi­ta­tion al­most faced a dis­as­trous fate of be­ing torn apart; he
could de­lay ad­dress­ing the Queen with her ti­tle.

With that con­clu­sion, Seong Ji­han fin­ished his time in the Spe­cial Dun­geon

[For the next month, a hid­den boss will ap­pear in the dun­geon maps.]

From then on, the world would wit­ness the ar­rival of the hid­den boss,
Seong Ji­han.

-Wow... our party got wiped out again...

-Why... is even the NPC so strong?

-I wish Seong Ji­han wouldn't ap­pear! Why does this Hid­den Boss show up
so fre­quently!

Seong Ji­han, with the ti­tle of a hid­den boss, kept pop­ping up like crazy.

Ever since Seong Ji­han en­tered the spe­cial dun­geon map, The Di­am
­ ond
League play­ers on Earth were ex­pe­ri­enc­ing a kind of epi­demic.

The ti­tle 'Hid­den Boss' was an un­der­state­ment as Seong Ji­han just kept pop­‐
ping up un­ex­pect­edly.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 219

Ev­ery time he swung his sword, play­ers at­tempt­ing to con­quer the dun­geon
were all mer­ci­lessly cut down.

"Un­cle... I just got killed by you."

Mean­while, Yoon Seah, who had logged out of Bat­tleNet, glared at Seong
Ji­han fiercely.

"Why are you so strong, se­ri­ously?"

"Well... should have just stayed in the veil of void."

"I can't just stay there for­ever. I stepped out, only to be slashed across by a

"Sorry about that. But think of it this way---I gave Un­cle ex­pe­ri­ence points
and GP. It should be some­what com­fort­ing, right?"

"That's not at all com­fort­ing."

While say­ing this, Yoon Seah checked the Di­am

­ ond Lea­guers' fo­rum.

Ev­ery­one was com­plain­ing that their lev­els dropped be­cause of the hid­den
boss, Seong Ji­han.

"But it seems there are still some who want to de­feat you, they're even cre­‐
at­ing strate­gies."

"The ben­ef­ its of stat di­am

­ onds are just too good. Hmm. But... Can I de­feat

"Ooh. Maybe you can since you're the orig­i­nal. Still, team up with me!"

If she could se­cure a di­am

­ ond re­ward from her un­cle, that would be per­fect.

Seong Ji­han promptly tried to party up with Yoon Seah and play the game,

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 219

[If player 'Seong Ji­han' is in your team, you will not en­counter Hid­den Boss
'Seong Ji­han'.]

Un­for­tu­nately, the Bat­tleNet sys­tem pre­vented that at­tempt.

"Too bad. I wanted to fight my­self once."

Read­ing the mes­sage, Seong Ji­han dis­banded the party.

"Since you're play­ing, why not play to­gether?"

"I'm wait­ing for Ariel to bring the Shadow Queen's fin­ger so we can go to
the forge."

"Ah, Un­cle. If there's a good bow, buy it for me. Hehe."

"Sure. I'll look around and buy one for you."

With the 100 bil­lion GP earned, buy­ing a bow for Yoon Seah was ab­so­lutely

When Seong Ji­han read­ily agreed,

Ding-dong! Ding-dong!

The wall-mounted tablet rang with the bell sound.

[Mas­ter! Please, I need to see your face! There's a pile of guild work that
needs to be sorted out!]

Ding-dong! Ding-dong! Ding-dong!

As the guild mas­ter Lee Hayeon fran­ti­cally pressed the bell, Her face was
racked with fa­tigue.

"Hmm... I left the work to her. What else needs to be sorted out?"

"Un­cle... Hayeon Un­nie is go­ing crazy from the work­load, she's on the
verge of al­most quit­ting."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 219


Lee Hayeon quit­ting would be prob­lem­atic.

Seong Ji­han quickly rose from the couch.

"Al­right. I'll head down to the guild."


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 220

Chap­ter 220

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


In the guild of­fice of the Sword Palace.

"It's re­ally been a long time since I've seen you, Boss."

Lee Hayeon, with dark cir­cles heav­ily un­der her eyes, greeted Seong Ji­han
with a tired face.

"Since you're here, I'll leave early to­day..."

"Sure. Go rest too, Gayeong."


With doc­u­ments in hand, Lim Gayeong, also worn out, opened the door to
the lounge next to the guild mas­ter's of­fice and col­lapsed onto the bed in­‐

'Is it okay for a body­guard to be like this?'

Seong Ji­han looked in­cred­u­lously to­wards the rest­ing room, whose door
had not been shut.

How­ever, Lee Hayeon de­fended her.

"Gayeong stayed up for me for a few nights. Boss, please un­der­stand."

"Oh, I see. But what hap­pened? Why are things so busy?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 220

"What hap­pened... you ask?"


Lee Hayeon sighed deeply.

"Since join­ing the orig­i­nal game where the Bat­tleNet went to hell, the level
cap was ex­panded."


"And from the world's first rankers, all the top-tier play­ers have en­tered
their growth phase again."


"Now ev­ery­one is try­ing to get into the Daegi guild. The promis­ing spots
have al­ready been re­placed by rankers, and they are call­ing from all around
ask­ing if there are any spots left, pes­ter­ing with re­quests and even threats."

Thump! thump! thump!

Lee Hayeon walked to the desk in the guild mas­ter's of­fice and ham­mered
on the key­board.

Then, Lee Hayeon's emails ap­peared on the mon­i­tor screen.

"There, per­son­ally, I am get­ting sweet of­fers from ev­ery­where. The Amer­i­‐

cans are say­ing they will give me 100 Akashic pages if I go there. The Chi­‐
nese of­fered 80."

An email from Robert Gates of the Amer­i­can First.

The email con­tained an eye-wa­ter­ing salary amount and an of­fer to sup­port

with Akashic pages on a na­tional level.

'The value of nur­tur­ing abil­ity is be­ing rec­og­nized quite a bit.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 220

Var­i­ous guilds around the world are ac­tively op­er­at­ing sup­port gifts for nur­‐
tur­ing tal­ent.

How­ever, the num­ber of nur­tur­ing abil­ity users were still scarce, though
Seong Ji­han had low­ered the dif­fi­culty level of the world.

There­fore, each guild had no choice but to look to­wards Lee Hayeon, the
ex­ist­ing top tal­ent.

"And I've even re­ceived of­fers from all di­rec­tions due to the bomb­shell
tasks. They're say­ing I can just re­lax in Hawaii and they'll take care of ev­‐

"Hmm. Hayeon, didn't you want to show­case your abil­i­ties? If you want, I
can help you with that."

"No. Well... I just don't like to be idle. But..."

Lee Hayeon pointed at her back with her fin­ger.

Be­hind her was a moun­tain-like pile of doc­u­ments, half cov­er­ing the win­‐
dow of the guild mas­ter's of­fice.

"I don't want to just work here and die!"

Lee Hayeon seemed like she might ac­tu­ally quit and run away.

Seong Ji­han de­cided to sort out the guild tasks.

"So what's the ex­act prob­lem? I thought I gave you full au­thor­ity."

"Au­thor­ity... right. I do have the au­thor­ity over all guild tasks. But..."

Lee Hayeon stood up briskly from her spot and brought doc­u­ments from
be­hind her.

It was ap­pli­ca­tion forms from play­ers who wished to join the Daegi guild.

Lee Hayeon laid them out one by one on the desk.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 220

"Look at this. All the world rankers have sub­mit­ted ap­pli­ca­tions. Ev­ery sin­‐
gle one with­out ex­cep­tion! Even the rankers from the Chi­nese Peo­ple's As­‐
so­ci­at­ion, who had a big clash with you, have all sub­mit­ted ap­pli­ca­tions. It's
not col­lu­sion or any­thing, it's just...!"

From world rank 1 to 100.

No, in­clud­ing rank­ings be­yond that, ev­ery player has sub­mit­ted ap­pli­ca­tions
to join the Daegi guild with­out ex­cep­tion.

And that's not all.

The guilds where they orig­i­nally be­longed and even the na­tional Bat­tleNet
as­so­ci­at­ions had sent of­fi­cial doc­u­ments urg­ing co­op­er­at­ion.

'This is more than the guild mas­ter can han­dle alone.'

The sit­u­at­ion where the su­per­pow­ers, the United States and China, joined
forces to re­quest the in­clu­sion of their play­ers.

Even if Lee Hayeon del­eg­ ated au­thor­ity from Seong Ji­han, it was still too
much for one per­son to han­dle.

"Tak­ing out the promis­ing player from Amer­i­can First and putting in the 1st
rank, right?"

"Yes. That's how Oliver, the 1st rank from the United States, be­came a
mem­ber of our guild. How­ever, the po­si­tions that couldn't be re­solved are
still caus­ing trou­ble."

It was all well and good to switch a prospect with a core player in their own

How­ever, the big­gest is­sue was the al­lo­ca­tion of places al­lot­ted to other

Ar­gu­ments con­tin­ued to clash be­tween those who ar­gued for re­dis­tribut­ing

the Daegi guild's growth ef­fects to high rankers for the sake of hu­man­ity
and those who in­sisted they couldn't give up their share.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 220

"These peo­ple re­ally... act­ing as if they've re­served spots."

"Right. Even though they are quite for­mi­da­ble, it's too much for me to han­‐
dle. At first, I thought they were mind­ing your gaze, but lately, ever since
you stopped in­ter­fer­ing with the guild... it's got­ten worse."

Lee Hayeon pointed at her­self.

"I have also seen in­creas­ing at­tempts to re­cruit me."

"Are you plan­ning to go?"

"Well, I might pre­fer go­ing to Hawaii than just work­ing to death."

Lee Hayeon, with eyes half-closed and stag­ger­ing, spoke care­lessly.

Seong Ji­han felt the need to sort things out swiftly.

Oth­er­wise, she might ac­tu­ally leave.

"Al­right. I'll han­dle it right away. First of all."


Seong Ji­han snapped his fin­gers.

The ap­pli­ca­tion forms piled up on the desk and by the win­dow turned into
dust and dis­ap­peared.


"Cut all the guild mem­bers brought from other guilds. Let's just keep... Yes,
me and Seah. My brother-in-law, Sophia, Masied, and Bar­ren as well. And
leave those as­signed to your share, like Gayeong."

"Re­gard­ing my share, Gayeong is the only one. But you say you've cut the
rest...... Oh, Bar­ren was left?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 220

"His gift is ex­cel­lent. He has value worth nur­tur­ing for the sake of hu­man­‐

Bar­ren, who used to lead the world rank­ings in the pre­vi­ous life.

Al­though he was a bit ar­ro­gant, his sta­tus win­dows with two gifts were
truly out­stand­ing.

He was a tal­ent worth cul­ti­vat­ing in the long run.

"But if we do cut them like this, com­plaints are go­ing to start com­ing in
from all sides..."

"Lee Hayeon. Re­mem­ber this. We are the su­pe­ri­ors here."

"But still, the op­po­si­tion is the United States and China, you know?"

"If they keep both­er­ing us, just say I'll boy­cott the Space League."

Lee Hayeon blinked.

Oh, right.

That was Seong Ji­han's po­si­tion.

A player who had be­come a core player for hu­man­ity in less than a year
since his awak­en­ing.

If not for his pre­mo­ni­tion dur­ing the last Space League game, many play­ers
would have been ex­ec­ uted.

It wouldn't be a big deal for most play­ers.

But if Seong Ji­han de­clares that he will no longer par­tic­i­pate in the Space
League if his guild is dis­rupted, that would carry a sig­nif­i­cant weight.

"And from now on, ev­ery month, they say they will ran­domly se­lect a
player from the top 200 play­ers in the world rank­ings to bring into the

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 220

"Ran­dom... se­lec­tion?"

"Yes. The cho­sen per­son will be al­lowed to stay as a guild mem­ber for a
month, re­ceiv­ing a rea­son­able amount of money."

"And next month, you chase them out again and pick new ones?"

"Yes. That's the plan."

"The play­ers orig­i­nally af­fil­i­ated might re­sist..."

"We'll just pay a penalty to kick them out. I made some money this time."


Seong Ji­han re­vealed his GP bal­ance in his sta­tus win­dow to Lee Hayeon.

"...1...100 bil­lion GP?"

"There are many wealthy peo­ple in the Space League."

The GP ex­change rate that was $1 dur­ing the tu­to­rial.

Since the open­ing of the Space League, it had fluc­tu­ated but was cur­rently
around $2.5.

What's the value of 100 bil­lion GP?

'And it keeps in­creas­ing...'

Per­haps be­cause Hid­den Boss Seong Ji­han was ac­tive through­out the uni­‐
verse, the GP num­ber con­tin­ued to rise.

Lee Hayeon, now wide awake, looked at Seong Ji­han.

"Boss.. With this much, do you re­ally need to run the guild?"

"I'm run­ning the guild mainly for the growth bonus. You can take all the
money the guild earns."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 220

"Me, all of it?"

"Yes, how much do you want?"

Seong Ji­han seemed ut­terly in­dif­fer­ent about how much the guild made.

"Re­cruit more peo­ple. Spend money freely. I can sell as much as I want

"Still, how am I sup­posed to..."

"It's bet­ter for Lee Hayeon to take a flight to Hawaii due to over­work than
to work un­til you die."

With that as­ser­tion, Seong Ji­han opened the guild man­age­ment win­dow in
the sys­tem.

"Then I'll start cut­ting the guild mem­bers."


Seong Ji­han's fin­gers moved nim­bly.

[The player 'Oliver' has been ex­pelled from the guild.]

In front of Lee Hayeon, a guild sys­tem mes­sage ap­peared.

The world's num­ber one, Oliver from the United States, was first to be ex­‐
pelled from the guild.

Fol­low­ing him, all play­ers were suc­ces­sively ex­pelled from the Daegi guild.


Buzz buzz buzz...

Mul­ti­ple phones be­long­ing to Lee Hayeon started vi­brat­ing ev­ery­where.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 220

"Hello? Have you been ex­pelled from the guild? Please wait a mo­ment. Let
me con­firm."

Even in the of­fice out­side the guild mas­ter's room, the sound of phones
ring­ing in­ces­santly spread.

Im­me­di­ate re­ac­tions came in re­sponse to Seong Ji­han's ex­pul­sion of all his

guild mem­bers.

"......The re­sponse from these peo­ple is re­ally fast."

"Tell those con­tact­ing you to watch the guild Bat­tle­Tube."


"Yes. Let's turn on the guild Bat­tle­Tube, which we haven't for a long time.
I'll make a clear an­nounce­ment about this in­ci­dent."

Af­ter ex­pelling all the guild mem­bers and not long af­ter the of­fi­cial Bat­tle­‐
Tube was played, it con­tained an­nounce­ments re­gard­ing the guild.

-All play­ers in the Daegi guild got ex­pelled?

-What the heck hap­pened?

The view­ers, al­ready hear­ing about the re­cent de­vel­op­ments, started flock­‐
ing to the chan­nel.

"......There­fore, from now on, the Daegi guild will change its method of se­‐
lect­ing guild mem­bers to all ran­dom."

-Pure ran­dom, wow, this is a big change.

-How many slots does the Daegi guild have?

-With the ex­pan­sion of the num­ber of peo­ple al­lo­cated to the top 10 guilds...
sub­tract­ing the re­main­ing peo­ple, it would be around 50-60 slots, right?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 220

-Roughly a 1/4 prob­ab­ il­ity.

-If that's the case, wouldn't it be bet­ter to just cut based on world rank­ings?

In the Daegi guild of­fice, Seong Ji­han de­clared a sud­den change in the
method of se­lect­ing guild mem­bers.

The view­ers' re­ac­tions were di­vided in var­i­ous ways in re­sponse to his

state­ment. Many ques­tioned why they wouldn't just cut based on rank­ings.

"Be­cause then cer­tain coun­tries would get too many ben­ef­ its. We'll go with
a ran­dom se­lec­tion."

Since most play­ers in the top 50 are from the United States and China,
Seong Ji­han opted for a pure ran­dom se­lec­tion to avoid con­cen­trat­ing wait­‐
ing guild slots in just those two coun­tries.

He added, "Oh, and stop send­ing re­cruit­ment of­fers to our guild mas­ter. If
you send one more email, our guild won't ac­cept it. Es­pe­cially, be care­ful,
Amer­i­can First."

-He called out Amer­i­can First lol

-As ex­pected of Seong Ji­han... not even car­ing about the world's top-ranked

-The one who should be ner­vous is them, why would he be? lol Seong Ji­han
sent a clear warn­ing to stop send­ing re­cruit­ment of­fers to Lee Hayeon.

[R.E.GATES has spon­sored 100,000 GP.]

[Un­der­stood, Mr. Seong Ji­han. We won't make any more of­fers.]

Im­me­di­ately, a spon­sor­ship mes­sage ap­peared on the guild's Bat­tle­Tube


Robert Gates, one of the ma­jor stake­hold­ers in Amer­i­can First, promptly ex­‐
pressed his apolo­gies.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 220

-He's bow­ing down im­me­di­ately, wow.

-Is the Daegi guild that much su­pe­rior...?

-In terms of growth, there's nowhere bet­ter. There's no com­par­i­son.

-Af­ter en­ter­ing the Space League, even China is try­ing hard to amend their
re­la­tion­ship with the Daegi guild lol -They thought they could bully peo­ple,
now they won­der if the tide was go­ing to turn like this lol -Ah. So if the
player from the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion is ran­domly se­lected, will you take
them, Mr. Seong Ji­han?

Play­ers from the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion, es­sen­tially boy­cotted from the Daegi

If they ran­domly se­lected one from the top 200, a player from the Peo­ple's
As­so­ci­at­ion would in­evitably be cho­sen.

'Hmm... they did be­have in a way that an­noyed me. How­ever, China has
many key play­ers.'

With the Space League al­ready open,

It was nec­es­sary to pro­mote the growth of Chi­nese play­ers with SSS-gifts to

en­hance hu­man­ity's over­all strength.

But it wouldn't be right to sim­ply ac­cept them with­out ad­dress­ing the past

'Right. I'll get some­thing out of it.'

Seong Ji­han slowly stirred the wa­ters.

"The Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion... Since there's bad blood be­tween us, I don't in­‐
tend to pick them."

-Se­ri­ously, don't pick them. Who knows if they'll stab you in the back?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 220

-But then, play­ers like Je Gal­heon or Wang Lin should be nur­tured for the
Space League, shouldn't they?

-Player Seong Ji­han, I urge you to make a de­ci­sive de­ci­sion. The Space
League matches are about to take place; do you in­tend to ex­clude 1/5 of hu­‐

-Yes, please con­sider the greater good!

-Seong Ji­han, think about jus­tice!

-Oops, some­one just marked his spot lol

-Oh, there are a lot of Chi­nese flags in the ID now.

With IDs dis­play­ing Chi­nese flags pour­ing in, the chat win­dow be­gan to

See­ing that, Seong Ji­han chuck­led and opened his mouth.

"Hav­ing said that, con­sid­er­ing we moved into the Space League... It doesn't
quite feel right to ex­clude an en­tire na­tion... if only one con­di­tion is met, I'll
ac­cept Chi­nese play­ers."

-The con­di­tion?

-What is it?

-You're re­ally go­ing to ac­cept peo­ple from the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion to the
Daegi guild?

The chat room, filled with Chi­nese flags, promptly in­quired.

"The con­di­tion is... se­lected as the 'Guild of the Year' by the World Bat­‐
tleNet As­so­ci­at­ion. If the wait­ing guild is cho­sen for this, I'll ac­cept the Peo­‐
ple's As­so­ci­at­ion too."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 220

When Seong Ji­han fi­nally men­tioned the con­di­tion, those who were flood­‐
ing the chat with de­mands for a de­ci­sive de­ci­sion fell silent for a mo­ment.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 221

Chap­ter 221

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


-Wow, aim­ing for the Guild of the Year... That's a big move.

-Is the Guild of the Year that im­por­tant?

-If se­lected, you get a +7 boost to all guild op­tions lol. It's to­tally over­pow­‐

The 'Guild of the Year' award, se­lected once a year by the World Bat­tleNet
As­so­ci­at­ion, en­dowed an im­mense ben­ef­ it of grant­ing a +7 level in­crease to
all guild op­tions in­clud­ing [Guild Mem­ber Ex­pan­sion], [Stat In­crease], and
[Growth Rate In­crease].

Due to this pow­er­ful ef­fect, strong dis­putes arose in many coun­tries over
the Guild of the Year.

The World Bat­tleNet As­so­ci­at­ion didn't al­low a spe­cific Guild to be se­lected

con­sec­u­tively for the Guild of the Year.

If Amer­i­can First was se­lected this year, they couldn't be se­lected next year,
and an­other Guild would take their place.

-Wasn't Amer­i­can First the Guild of the Year last time?

-Yeah, it's prob­ab­ ly the turn for the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion this time.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 221

And so, with this sys­tem in place, the honor of the Guild of the Year was al­‐
ter­nately shared be­tween the over­whelm­ing Amer­i­can First and the Peo­ple's
As­so­ci­at­ion, con­sid­er­ing their Guild sizes.

Apart from them, there were no Guilds wor­thy of be­ing se­lected as the
Guild of the Year.

Last year, Amer­i­can First was the Guild of the Year, so it was sup­posed to
be the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion's turn this year.

"The Guild of the Year. If we go by size, in­deed the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion

should be cho­sen. But let's think 'gen­er­ously' as you all like. The Daegi
guild as the paragon of nur­tur­ing guilds. Here, if we get +7 op­tions and ac­‐
cept 35 more play­ers, Earth's play­ers' strength will grow much faster."

While say­ing that, Seong Ji­han smacked his hands to­gether as if he had just
re­al­ized some­thing.

"Oh! And the growth rate will in­crease too. If the growth rate in the nur­tur­‐
ing guild gets +7 added... How ef­fec­tive would that be for nur­tur­ing play­‐
ers? For the greater good, how about se­lect­ing us as the Guild of the Year?"

-Gen­er­ous, For greater good in­deed. He's throw­ing back the same words the
Chi­nese were say­ing lol -But for real, if the Daegi guild is nur­tur­ing all the
world's rankers, isn't it right to sup­port them?

-Ex­actly. Play­ers need to grow quickly to fight the space mon­sters.

-Won't those in the TOP 200 also have an in­creased chance of be­ing picked?

-But when will they an­nounce it?

-It's on March 1st, lol.

-Not much time left, lol.

As of late Feb­ru­ary, the cur­rent date, there wasn't much time left un­til the
Guild of the Year se­lec­tion.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 221

Cal­cu­lat­ing the dates, Seong Ji­han said, "On March 2nd, I will do a ran­dom
draw broad­cast. Whether all 200 rankers will par­tic­i­pate in the draw or
not... we can know that the day be­fore."

Seong Ji­han defini­tively set the date for the guild mem­ber draw­ing to be
right af­ter the se­lec­tion for the Guild of the Year.

"Then. I'll look for­ward to a wise choice."

With those last words, Seong Ji­han tossed the ball back to the Chi­nese side
and turned off the Bat­tle­Tube broad­cast.

With that, Seong Ji­han passed the ball to the Chi­nese side and turned off the
Bat­tle­Tube broad­cast.

And, of course, as soon as the broad­cast ended that day, the news spread
like wild­fire through­out the en­tire Bat­tleNet in­dus­try.

Es­pe­cially, the place where the sit­u­at­ion went crazy was on the side of the
Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion.

Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion con­fer­ence room.

The Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion ex­ec­u­tives looked at Seong Ji­han's broad­cast with

dis­torted faces.

"That brazen guy... he dares to ask for the Guild of the Year?"

"This has crossed the line!"

"Right. If we miss Guild of the Year this time, it could be a bad sign for
chal­leng­ing the Cham­pi­ons League."

The Guild of the Year ef­fect, which boosts all Guild op­tions to +7, had
brought tremen­dous power-ups to China's na­tional rep­re­sen­ta­tive play­ers.
This was be­cause +7 to all stats was a con­sid­er­able en­hance­ment.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 221

"We have al­ready de­cided the list of 35 play­ers to be pro­moted to the main
team. To chal­lenge for vic­tory in the Cham­pi­ons League, they must re­ceive
the Guild of the Year ef­fects for the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion's main team."

"With­out the en­hance­ment of the stats for these 35 play­ers, we will lose
against the United States in the de­ci­sive bat­tle."

China's all-out ef­fort was con­cen­trated on the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion's main

team. Hav­ing 35 more play­ers en­ter­ing and re­ceiv­ing stat en­hance­ment ef­‐
fects was a tremen­dous ad­van­tage.

How­ever, ac­cord­ing to Seong Ji­han's re­quest, ac­cept­ing 35 ad­di­tional mem­‐

bers seemed im­pos­si­ble. From China's per­spec­tive, aim­ing for the Cham­pi­‐
ons League vic­tory this year, it was an of­fer that was hard to ac­cept.

"But think­ing about the fu­ture, it's re­gret­table to give up the growth ef­fect
of the Daegi Guild..."

"Sigh! Out of 1.3 bil­lion peo­ple, isn't there a gifted per­son with nur­tur­ing
gift? Why does Ko­rea have an SS-level nur­turer?"

"The most out­stand­ing one was only B-grade. I re­in­forced him up to A-

grade through the Akashic Page, but break­ing through the wall to S was

"The dif­fer­ence is quite sig­nif­i­cant, isn't it?"

"Yes. Even top play­ers of­ten ex­pe­ri­ence nat­u­ral growth in stats. The world's
num­ber one, Oliver, ex­pressed sur­prise when his stats in­creased by 3."

"Well. If play­ers from other coun­tries all grow rapidly in the Daegi Guild,
and we are left be­hind..."

"By next year, the gap in growth among the top-rank­ing play­ers could be­‐
come sig­nif­i­cant."

How­ever, re­ject­ing the Daegi guild's of­fer seemed too valu­able con­sid­er­ing
their nur­tur­ing abil­ity.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 221

Not only for the prospects but also the ex­ist­ing top-tier play­ers were reap­ing
the growth rate in­crease ben­ef­ its of the Daegi guild.

The value of the Daegi guild was sky­rock­et­ing.

"How about we bring over the Daegi guild mas­ter Lee Hayeon? Her abil­ity
must be the most cru­cial."

"She is the lover of Seong Ji­han. She is the prac­ti­cal owner of the guild."

"We tried al­ready, but even when we of­fered 80 more Akashic pages, she
flatly re­fused."

"And didn't Seong Ji­han just tell us not to ap­proach her in the broad­cast?
Know­ing his char­ac­ter, if we ap­proach and fail, our re­la­tion­ship with the
Daegi guild will be com­pletely sev­ered."

"Ha. It's hu­mil­ia­ t­ing to have to an­swer to that punk."

Suf­fer­ing the in­dig­nity of grov­el­ing be­fore a sin­gle player.

While re­sent­ing Zhang Shuzhong for caus­ing trou­ble last time, the Peo­ple's
As­so­ci­at­ion ex­ec­u­tives con­tin­ued to strate­gize.

"What do the play­ers ranked in the TOP 200 think?"

"They are strongly crit­i­ciz­ing Seong Ji­han and the Daegi guild. But mostly,
they seem up­set about miss­ing out on the growth power."

"The lat­ter would be their real feel­ings."

"Well, it might be... es­pe­cially in the case of Je Gal­heon, who fell three
places in the rank­ings, his re­ac­tion was quite sharp."

"Did he fall that much?"

The faces of the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion of­fi­cials be­came se­ri­ous.

To be pushed back like this af­ter a few months?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 221

At this rate, af­ter a year or two, the growth gap might be­come in­sur­mount­‐

"...On the Bat­tleNet, top play­ers are the most im­por­tant. We can't let them
fall be­hind."

"If that's the case..."

"Let's give up on the Guild of the Year, but in re­turn, ask the Daegi guild to
en­sure our 35 spots."

Pride and prac­ti­cal­ity.

Be­tween the two, the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion chose the lat­ter while grit­ting
their teeth.

And then,

"Boss... Just when I thought I could fi­nally take a break, I re­ceived an ur­‐
gent call from the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion."

Lee Hayeon, who just went to the re­stroom think­ing she could fi­nally re­lax
af­ter the Bat­tle­Tube broad­cast, con­tacted Seong Ji­han again af­ter a while.

"What do they say?"

"They said they'll give up on the Guild of the Year, but in re­turn want 35
spots for them­selves."

"35 spots... that's quite greedy."

"In re­turn, they prom­ise to sup­port us next year to be se­lected as Guild of

the Year again."

"Next year?"

If this year be­longed to the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion, then next year would be
for Amer­i­can First.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 221

'They've played their hand well.'

They're prob­ab­ ly ar­gu­ing that since we're giv­ing up this year, Amer­ica
should too.

I could in­deed sense this drown­ing-man mind­set.

"Isn't it im­pos­si­ble for a guild to be se­lected as Guild of the Year for two
years in a row?"

"They're will­ing to make an ex­cep­tion for the Daegi Guild and fully sup­port

"Hmm... Well, that's not a prob­lem with the Bat­tleNet sys­tem but rather a
rule set by the Bat­tleNet As­so­ci­at­ion."

"It seems that way."

Chang­ing reg­u­la­tions to be the Guild of the Year two years in a row.

'That doesn't sound bad.'

The Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion must've made such an ar­gu­ment, think­ing it's bet­‐
ter to give it to the Daegi guild again rather than giv­ing it to Amer­i­can First.

How­ever, their propo­si­tion was fa­vor­able for Seong Ji­han.

"Al­right. Let's al­lo­cate around 20 spots to the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion, in­clud­‐

ing those con­di­tions."

"20... is that the max­i­mum we'll ne­go­ti­ate for?"

"Yes. Once the num­ber is set­tled through ne­go­ti­at­ion, I'll pub­licly an­nounce
that we'll trans­fer some guild mem­ber spots to the side giv­ing up Guild of
the Year."

"I see... Al­right. I'll ne­go­ti­ate with the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion based on that."

Seong Ji­han nod­ded.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 221

Their re­la­tion­ship with the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion had been quite ad­ver­sar­ial,
but Amer­i­can First had been rel­at­ively friendly to­wards him.

'Yes­ter­day's en­em
­ ies can be­come to­day's al­lies.'

Lim­ited to this 'Guild of the Year' is­sue, it seemed best to ex­ploit the Peo­‐
ple's As­so­ci­at­ion ap­pro­pri­ately.

Seong Ji­han's ul­ti­mate goal was to lib­er­ate Earth from the Bat­tleNet game.

For that pur­pose, the Daegi guild---where he be­longed---needed to keep

hold­ing the reins of de­vel­op­ment, and the 'Guild of the Year' was a key
point to strengthen that lead­er­ship.

"Lee Hayeon, please take care of the ne­go­ti­at­ion this one last time. Then
you can take as long a va­ca­tion as you want af­ter­ward."


Lee Hayeon mut­tered those words as if in a daze, gaz­ing at Seong Ji­han.

"Boss, aren't you go­ing on va­ca­tion?"

"I have to level up."

"But Hid­den Boss is al­ready earn­ing you ex­pe­ri­ence points."

"That is true, but I still need to do per­sonal train­ing."

"No, peo­ple need some rest too..."

"I con­sider train­ing as my rest."

Lee Hayeon looked at Seong Ji­han with a sick­ened face.

A per­son train­ing all day long and par­tic­i­pat­ing in Bat­tleNet...

What kind of ma­chine is he?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 221

"Well, okay. While we're at it, I should take a break."

"...Are you go­ing to train?"

"Yes. I've been ne­glect­ing it for a while be­cause I was clear­ing spe­cial dun­‐
geon map. I'll go up for now."

Af­ter bid­ding farewell to Lee Hayeon, Seong Ji­han left the Guild Mas­ter's
room to train. Lee Hayeon blinked her eyes, star­ing fixedly at his re­treat­ing

At that mo­ment, Lim Gayeong, who had been in the re­stroom, came out.

"Miss, why did you ask about a va­ca­tion?"

"Well, I just..."

"Did you per­haps want to ask if you could go on va­ca­tion with Seong Ji­‐

"What? What are you say­ing? Are you crazy?"

"It might be bet­ter to be straight­for­ward next time. Like Sophia."

"I didn't mean that!"

"You could just tell him that you ought to go on a trip as a cou­ple with him,

"Ah... re­ally, it's not like that!"

"Are you sure?."


Lim Gayeong grinned with a mean­ing­ful smile as Lee Hayeon shouted with
a flush red face.

"Ugh... Hey, just do your job!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 221

"Sure, sure."

Lim Gayeong raised the doc­u­ments again, think­ing to her­self.

'Leav­ing it like this, it seems it'll stay the same for a hun­dred years...'

Af­ter over­com­ing an ad­dic­tion to gam­bling with strong de­ter­mi­na­tion,

Seong Ji­han couldn't even take a sin­gle step for­ward.

'Maybe I should help her.'

Lee Gayeong looked at Lee Hayeon with de­ter­mi­na­tion, mak­ing up her



As Seong Ji­han was about to head home, in­tend­ing to visit his Void Train­‐
ing Room, Swoooosh...

He felt the shadow en­ergy in­ten­sify on his left arm.

[Mas­ter. I have re­turned.]

Af­ter speak­ing with Arte­mus,

Ariel, who had claimed she'd need some time to seek the Queen's fin­ger,
went off the grid.

She had said it might take a while,

But in no time at all, she man­i­fested her pres­ence again.

"You came back quickly. Did the Queen not give her fin­ger?"

[No, she did]


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 221


A slen­der, black in­dex fin­ger popped out from Seong Ji­han's left arm. The
shadow em­an­ at­ing from it clearly in­di­cated that it was an au­then­tic fin­ger.

'...How could the per­mis­sion have been so swiftly granted?'

Deal­ing with the Shadow Queen usu­ally took a few days, at least.

"Are you re­ally not the queen?"

[I am not!]

"Why was the fin­ger just ready to de­tach like that? Be hon­est, it's all clear

[No! It's just that the queen has high ex­pec­ta­tions for you.]

"Sure, Your Majesty."

Ini­tially sur­prised, Ariel gave up. Seong Ji­han al­ready half­way be­lieved that
she was the Shadow Queen.


From his in­ven­tory, Seong Ji­han took out the horn Arte­mus had given him.

'The uni­verse's finest black­smith...'

Arte­mus in­tro­duced him­self as a com­bi­na­tion ro­bot of the dwarf race.

'I should check out his skills.'

He blew the horn.

['Hell Devil Palace Crys­tal' is in pos­ses­sion of the player.]

[Invit­ing player to the forge of Arte­mus.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 221


Seong Ji­han's sil­hou­ette dis­ap­peared, en­veloped in light.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 222

Chap­ter 222

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


Arte­mus's forge.

The scene there dif­fered sig­nif­i­cantly from the typ­i­cal im­age of a forge that
one might imag­ine.

'It's filled with ma­chin­ery.'

Rather than a me­dieval space, Arte­mus's forge re­sem­bled a state-of-the-art

lab­o­ra­tory. The pris­tine in­te­rior was packed with in­tri­cate ma­chines, and at
the back, large test tubes were lined up.

'But what's in­side those test tubes... Is that a brain?'

In­side the test tubes filled with white liq­uid, nu­mer­ous ob­jects re­sem­bling
brains, slightly smaller than hu­man ones, floated. And in front of those
tubes, a ma­chine was au­to­mat­i­cally cre­at­ing metal masses.

'That metal... It looks sim­i­lar to the ma­te­ri­als for Arte­mus's le­gion's equip­‐

As Seong Ji­han ob­served this, he heard Arte­mus's voice.

[&$(Per­cent... Oh, can you hear the trans­la­tion?]


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 222

[Okay. The trans­la­tion sync is cor­rect. Come this way.]


A white light shim­mered from a cor­ner of the forge's wall, re­veal­ing a hid­‐
den space. As Seong Ji­han en­tered, a bald dwarf shook his hand, say­ing:
"Wel­come. Com­rade of Space 4."

This dwarf re­sem­bled the one Seong Ji­han had seen when Arte­mus sum­‐
moned his le­gion, but there was a dif­fer­ence in the body. His right leg and
right arm were ab­nor­mally en­larged. The left leg and left arm were sim­i­lar
in size to reg­u­lar dwarves, com­pen­sated by me­chan­i­cal equip­ment to match
the size of the right side.

"Are you Arte­mus?"


Nod­ding, Arte­mus looked at his arms and legs.

"How does my arms and legs look?"

"They don't seem to match your torso."

"Mod­i­fy­ing the torso costs too much. I'll do it later."

"Hmm... Is this the race im­prove­ment you men­tioned last time?"

As Seong Ji­han ob­served Arte­mus's en­larged limbs, he re­called Arte­mus's

words from their pre­vi­ous con­ver­sa­tion.

-Oh, right. Did you also stay on Bat­tleNet to im­prove your race? In that
case, as a se­nior, I can give you ad­vice. There's an op­ti­mal route for what
op­tions to buy for the low­est-tier races.

Arte­mus, show­ing fa­mil­iar­ity to Seong Ji­han as a fel­low from a weak race,

men­tioned this. Was this what he re­ferred to as race im­prove­ment?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 222

While Seong Ji­han was con­tem­plat­ing Arte­mus's ap­pear­ance, Arte­mus gave

a nod and ex­erted strength in his right arm.

The bulging mus­cles swelled, and the right arm, grow­ing larger, ripped
through the cloth­ing.

"See this! Just by giv­ing strength to my fist, the clothes don't tear like this.
The prop­erly trans­planted arm of a White Ogre. It's per­fectly in­te­grated!"

"But why didn't you do the left one?"

"The cost is too high. Im­plant­ing it only on me is cheap, but ap­ply­ing it to

all of our dwarf race is an­other mat­ter."

"Hmm... Was such a thing pos­si­ble on Bat­tleNet?"

"Your race is still new, so the op­tions haven't opened yet. They'll be avail­‐
able soon. Can you imag­ine the shock for ev­ery­one if they all had it?"

Seong Ji­han cocked his head.

He had ex­pe­ri­enced Bat­tleNet for a while in his past life, but never heard of
such op­tions.

'Was it not avail­able be­cause of our low rank?'

For now, Seong Ji­han put this in­for­ma­tion from Arte­mus in the back of his
mind as he opened his in­ven­tory.

"Is this what you wanted?"

The Hell Devil Palace Crys­tal.

The item re­trieved from the in­ven­tory was no larger than a fist, not much
dif­fer­ent from an or­di­nary rock. The only dif­fer­ence was its color -- a shin­‐
ing black.

Seong Ji­han pre­sented the item to Arte­mus.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 222

The hellish rock gleamed with a deep crim­son hue but showed no other par­‐
tic­u­lar char­ac­ter­is­tics.


"Oh, oh... yes, that's right! The Hell Devil Palace Crys­tal. You've brought it

Arte­mus was vis­i­bly ex­cited upon see­ing the Hell Devil Palace Crys­tal.

"Now I can op­er­ate the forge again! Quickly, give it to me!"

"I'm ex­pect­ing ser­vice be­fore pay­ment, though."

"Now, you... I need the crys­tal to start the forge again, see? Just hand it

"What if you just take it and run?"

"...Take it and run... is that cor­rectly trans­lated?"


Arte­mus's face red­dened.

"What non­sense. The great­est black­smith in the uni­verse, Arte­mus, sub­‐

jected to such dis­grace­ful...!"

"You never know what goes on in the world."

"If you have doubts, just browse the Bat­tleNet com­mu­nity! I'm swamped
with re­quests from races de­sir­ing my ser­vice, and you dare come at me like
this... Don't you plan to do busi­ness with me again in the fu­ture?"

"Oh, there's a com­mu­nity? Never seen one."

"...Ah, right. Your Race. You guys are the new­com­ers."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 222

See­ing Seong Ji­han, who didn't even know about the ex­is­tence of the Bat­‐
tleNet com­mu­nity, Arte­mus sighed.

"Fine. Let's use the Bat­tleNet au­then­ti­cated con­tract. But you'll bear the
com­mis­sion fee."

Then a sys­tem win­dow ap­peared be­fore Seong Ji­han.

[If player 'Seong Ji­han' hands over the Hell Devil Palace Crys­tal, player
'Arte­mus' will en­hance the spear 'Phoenix Flag' and the sword 'Eclipse,' pro­‐
vid­ing three forge vouch­ers.]

[Do you want to pro­ceed with the trade with player 'Arte­mus'?]

[A trusted player guar­an­teed by Bat­tleNet with a trade re­li­ab­ il­ity of 99 per­‐


He isn't a scam­mer then.

When Seong Ji­han pressed 'Yes',

[The com­mis­sion fee is 5 mil­lion GP.]

The Bat­tleNet in­ter­me­di­ary fee ap­peared.

5 mil­lion GP.

Com­pared to Arte­mus's in­tim­i­dat­ing de­mand that Seong Ji­han bear the cost,
it was a mod­est amount.

The fee isn't much."

"Hehe... When you en­ter the evo­lu­tion­ary stage of your race, you'll re­gret
those words. Ev­ery penny will be so pre­cious."

"I don't plan on evolv­ing. I just want to be lib­er­ated from Bat­tleNet as soon
as pos­si­ble."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 222

"Well, whether you're lib­er­ated or not, you'll re­ceive an­other in­vi­ta­tion,

won't you?"


"Have you ever won­dered why races re­ceive in­vi­ta­tions on Bat­tleNet?"

"Why do they?"

"It's be­cause of you."

What kind of non­sense is this?

As Seong Ji­han looked at Arte­mus in dis­be­lief, he ex­tended four fin­gers as

if to say, "For this rea­son."

"Even as a rookie and the low­est-ranked race, a player who en­tered Space 4
Area on Bat­tleNet. Such mon­strous cases are rare in the en­tire uni­verse, es­‐
pe­cially among the low­est-ranked races."

And with that, Arte­mus spoke with a voice full of con­vic­tion.

"You must have been a mon­ster even be­fore be­ing in­vited to Bat­tleNet, sur­‐
pass­ing your race' stan­dards im­mensely. Yes... Like the great leader of the
dwarves, the ab­so­lute monarch who uni­fied a planet, I, Arte­mus, you would
have been com­pa­ra­ble to me."

Watch­ing the bald dwarf brag about him­self, Seong Ji­han shook his head.

"Is that so? I was com­pletely or­di­nary. My phys­i­cal abil­i­ties were, well, just
slightly above av­er­age."

"...How could that be? An av­er­age guy? How would some­one or­di­nary
make it into Space 4?"

"By com­ing first ev­ery time."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 222

"Ha... ev­ery time? Is that even pos­si­ble? I find it hard to be­lieve."

Arte­mus looked at Seong Ji­han as if he was a mar­vel and con­tin­ued speak­‐


"Then among your species, was there no one un­usual? Some­one who over­‐
whelm­ingly sur­passed the lim­its of their kind."

Seong Ji­han thought first of Dong­bang Sak and Long­i­nus.

The two who over­came the lim­its of their race to en­joy eter­nal life.

Es­pe­cially Long­i­nus, who even be­came a con­stel­la­tion and pos­sessed


'But their sta­tus is that of a mar­tial god. Would those two be the rea­son in­vi­‐
ta­tions to Bat­tleNet went out?'

Rather than them,

It seemed more sus­pi­cious to con­sider the wan­der­ing mar­tial god above


"Could it be the wan­der­ing mar­tial god?"

"The wan­der­ing mar­tial god? You mean the hunter of con­stel­la­tions? Of

course, I know. Isn't he a fig­ure who reigns as a ter­ror in the uni­verse?"

"He might be the rea­son, then."

"Haha! No way."

But Arte­mus scoffed at Seong Ji­han's con­jec­ture.

"He's been a mar­tial god in ex­is­tence for thou­sands of years. If he's been
around that long, he'd be treated as a de­ity rather than your hu­man kind. If
he was the prob­lem, the in­vi­ta­tions from Bat­tleNet would have come long

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 222


"No mat­ter how I look at it, I think you are the main rea­son why Bat­tleNet
was sum­moned on your planet. It doesn't make sense for a new­comer to be
as­signed to Space in the first place."

"I told you, there was noth­ing spe­cial be­fore Bat­tleNet started."

"Heh, I un­der­stand that feel­ing. If you're in a low-grade race, you don't

want to stand out as an alien ex­is­tence. You want to hide your power to
blend in... but why bother hid­ing from me? Like you, I too hail from a lin­‐
eage of rulers."

Al­ready con­vinced in his mind that Seong Ji­han was the cause, Arte­mus
didn't wait for per­sua­sion and changed the sub­ject.

"But why is an in­di­vid­ual sur­pass­ing the lim­its of their race an is­sue?"

"Bat­tleNet has a sys­tem to re­move bugs. A slight sur­pass­ing of lim­its is

fine, but an en­tity that over­whelm­ingly does so trig­gers the er­ror de­tec­tion.
So, they gather all the bugs and have them fight to the death against each

"So all races par­tic­i­pat­ing in Bat­tleNet have such ir­reg­u­lar be­ings?"

"I don't know that. There are cases like elves and drag­ons who en­ter vol­un­‐
tar­ily. But if a race re­ceives in­vi­ta­tions with­out know­ing why, it must be be­‐
cause there's an ir­reg­u­lar en­tity within them."

Seong Ji­han thought of his past life.

In the Space League, each op­pos­ing race had in­di­vid­u­als who were over­‐
whelm­ingly pow­er­ful.

Even among the orcs, who wal­lowed in the rel­eg­ a­tion zone with him, there
was one who was tran­scen­dent.

'Still, that one lost to me.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 222

Bat­tleNet's bug de­tec­tion sys­tem.

Even bugs that weren't so strong were some­how in­vited into Bat­tleNet.

While Seong Ji­han rem­i­nisced about the past,

"Have your ques­tions been an­swered some­what? Bug player."

"I'm all the more puz­zled, to be hon­est."

"As a fel­low se­nior bug player, let me share an­other tip. The rea­son I'm
mod­i­fy­ing my race is also due to avoid­ing this bug de­tec­tion."


Arte­mus tapped his me­chan­i­cal arm, his ogre limb, with a ham­mer.

"If our dwarf race as a whole evolves, then the strength of this Arte­mus
would be within the lim­its of our race. That would spare us from Bat­tleNet's
watch­ful eye."

"So you're look­ing to lib­er­ate your­self from Bat­tleNet then?"

"No? Why would we leave if our race has be­come stronger? We should
keep par­tic­i­pat­ing in Bat­tleNet. Isn't it a world where the strong thrive?"

It seemed Arte­mus in­tended to stay in Bat­tleNet even af­ter his race evolved.

While play­ing with his arms, he turned the con­ver­sa­tion back.

"Since it's the first time we've met in Space 4 as rep­re­sen­ta­tives from mi­nor
races, I've been talk­ing quite a lot. Now, how about we ful­fill our con­tract?"


As per the con­tract, Seong Ji­han handed over the Hell Devil Palace Crys­tal.

Arte­mus swal­lowed the crim­son crys­tal and,

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 222


Metal blocks be­gan to ma­te­ri­al­ize out of thin air and quickly at­tached to
Arte­mus, Click, click...

mor­ph­ing his body in an in­stant into the form of the com­bin­ing ro­bot seen

[In­te­grat­ing the Hell Devil Palace Crys­tal...]

As the ruddy light emit­ted by the hellish rock also coursed through his
metal­lic body, Flash! Flash!

Lights flick­ered over the ro­bot's en­tire body.

From its back, nearly twenty long arms were gen­er­ated.

[Good... now I can ac­cept com­mis­sions. First, let's un­veil your spear, shall

"Here it is."

[Stab it into the ground.]

When Seong Ji­han drew the Phoenix Flag and stabbed it into the ground;
one of the newly cre­ated hands of the ro­bot grabbed it.



Smoke rose from the spear,

[It's done.]

Arte­mus handed back the spear.

'Done al­ready?'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 222

Just a grip and it's fin­ished?

Isn't this a rip-off?

Seong Ji­han sus­pi­ciously eyed the Phoenix Flag but, [Cloud-Soar­ing

Phoenix Flag]

-- Grade: SSS+

-The war ban­ner once wielded by the found­ing Khan of the King­dom of
Wind, a de­scen­dant of the phoenix.

-It holds the fer­vor emit­ted by the phoenix po­ets.

-The power of the thun­der­cloud spear has been per­fectly fused, al­low­ing the
thun­der at­tributes to blend in as com­pletely as the heat.

-- As a spe­cial ef­fect, when planted on the bat­tle­field, it in­creases all stats

by 35 per­cent for nearby party mem­bers and al­lies.

-- An ad­di­tional ef­fect: if the user is a guild owner or guild mas­ter, it in­‐

creases all op­tion lev­els of the af­fil­i­ated guild by +7.


The name changed, and the Phoenix Flag was en­hanced over­all. Seong Ji­‐
han felt it in­stinc­tively when he held the spear.

"Crowned as the uni­verse's great­est black­smith, I see it wasn't just an empty


[What, are you sur­prised by this? There's more to come.]

Unim­pressed by Seong Ji­han's praise, Arte­mus said, "The real deal?"

[Yes. Bring out the shadow sword and the Queen's Fin­ger.]


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 222

Sum­mon­ing about twenty ham­mers on his back, Arte­mus said with a se­ri­‐
ous ex­pres­sion.

[To the pre­pos­ter­ous chal­lenge of shadow en­gulf­ing the sun... I'll lend a


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 223

Chap­ter 223

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


"Swal­low­ing the sun? What does that mean?"

Seong Ji­han handed over Eclipse and the Queen's fin­ger to Artmu as he
asked for clar­i­fi­ca­tion.

Is the en­hance­ment of Eclipse some grand tale?

[It seems you do not yet know why Eclipse was cre­ated.]

Eclipse and the Queen's fin­ger floated in the air, and Bang! Bang!

Twenty arms si­mul­ta­ne­ously wielded ham­mers and pounded them.

Rather than el­ev­ at­ing both Eclipse and the fin­ger to a new level of syn­the­‐
sis, the method seemed to ruth­lessly just smash them to­gether.

Yet, de­spite count­less ham­mer strikes, nei­ther Eclipse nor the Queen's fin­‐
ger showed any sign of de­for­ma­tion.

Seong Ji­han con­tin­ued to watch in­tently and pur­sued his in­quiry fur­ther.

"Why was Eclipse cre­ated?"

[I had once re­ceived a sim­i­lar com­mis­sion from the Shadow Queen. She
named her sword Eclipse and de­clared, 'With this sword, I will swal­low the

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 223

Seong Ji­han re­mem­bered the mean­ing be­hind Eclipse.

It re­ferred to a so­lar eclipse, a ce­les­tial oc­cur­rence when the moon cov­ers

the sun.

Was the sword's name not just given on a whim but with such a pur­pose in

"But why at­tempt to swal­low the sun?"

[Are the Shadow Elves not en­em ­ ies of the World Tree? From the per­spec­‐
tive of the World Tree Al­liance, they are a mi­nor re­bel­lion.]

[We are no triv­i­al­ity at all. How many plan­ets have been lib­er­ated so far?]

[Oh? This sword has the lux­ury to talk back? Hit harder!]

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Artmu laughed amus­edly at Ariel's of­fended re­sponse to be­ing called a mi­‐

nor re­bel­lion.

[This bar­baric...!]

[Heh. Stay quiet, will you? Any more from you, and it'll only take longer to


As Ariel fell silent, Seong Ji­han con­tin­ued with his ques­tions.

"What does the World Tree have to do with the sun?"

[There's a ru­mor in the Bat­tleNet com­mu­nity about the World Tree Al­liance.
Have you heard of Yg­gdrasil?]

"I'm aware. They tried to spon­sor me in ex­change for lift­ing my Hide­out

sta­tus, of­fer­ing 100 tril­lion GP."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 223

[What, what? 100 tril­lion?? Why didn't you take it right away?]

Artmu paused ham­mer­ing.

The eyes of the com­bined ro­bot sparkled fiercely as they homed in on

Seong Ji­han.

"I can't risk ex­pos­ing in­for­ma­tion to such a dan­ger­ous en­tity."

[....That may be so but, oh. It's a pity I met you face-to-face, and you're still
in Hide­out sta­tus. Can't you lift that shadow cur­tain over your face a bit?]

"Why, you plan­ning on sell­ing my info to Yg­gdrasil?"


"You'd do that?"

[Well... no, I wouldn't.]

Bang! Bang!

As Artmu re­sumed ham­mer­ing, he peered in­tently at Seong Ji­han.

[Back to ear­lier con­ver­sa­tion. Yg­gdrasil has ap­par­ently al­ready es­tab­lished

its own plan­et­ary sys­tem.]

"A plan­et­ary sys­tem?"

[Es­sen­tially, Yg­gdrasil has be­come an ar­ti­fi­cial sun.]

"...What? The sun? A tree?"

Yg­gdrasil, lit­er­ally mean­ing a cos­mic tree.

The name was cer­tainly tree-like, but was it ac­tu­ally an ar­ti­fi­cial sun?

Seong Ji­han felt dumb­founded as the scale ex­ceeded his imag­i­na­tion.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 223

[Yes. A tree be­com­ing the sun is truly a phe­nom­en­ on be­yond imag­i­na­tion,

even for Bat­tleNet. But... I've heard the ar­ti­fi­cial sun isn't en­tirely com­plete.
To com­pen­sate for that, I've heard they're plan­ning to in­cor­po­rate World
Tree Al­liance plan­ets into the Bronze League.]

Bang! Bang!

How much cir­cu­lat­ing in­for­ma­tion was there in the Bat­tleNet com­mu­nity?

Artmu seemed to be well-in­formed about the af­fairs of the World Tree Al­‐

He then added.

[It's just as well the num­ber of plan­ets in the World Tree Al­liance isn't high.
Chances of them be­ing in­cluded in the Bronze League like us are as­tro­nom­‐
i­cally low.]

"We al­ready have the World Tree Al­liance elves."

[...Re­ally? That's some ter­ri­ble luck. If there's no way out, aban­don your
race and run quickly. I can use one of the forge vouch­ers to craft you a de­‐
cent space­ship.]

Artmu, sug­gest­ing to ditch his race due to be­ing part of the same league as
the elves, high­lighted just how in­fa­mous the World Tree Al­liance was
across the cos­mos.

Seong Ji­han, how­ever, had no thoughts of flee­ing.

"Why would I, when I plan to deal with all of them?"

[Im­petu­ous and bold... Though the fu­ture is un­pre­dictable, I guess I'll pur­‐
chase space­ship ma­te­ri­als in ad­vance.]

"So Eclipse is aimed at usurp­ing ar­ti­fi­cial sun Yg­gdrasil?"

[Cor­rect. The Shadow Queen de­clared her in­tent to use the sword to swal­‐
low the sun. Pre­pos­ter­ous, but...]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 223

Bang! Bang!

Af­ter re­lent­less ham­mer­ing, the fin­ger even­tu­ally started to merge with


[I was cu­ri­ous, as a black­smith, to see how far her sword could go. That's
why I helped her in the past. We failed though. De­spite ev­ery­thing, the
shadow sword never achieved an EX grade. But this sword...]

Artmu, who had been glar­ing at Seong Ji­han still in Hide­out sta­tus, fi­nally
turned his gaze to the sword.

[...This has po­ten­tial un­like be­fore.]


Af­ter pro­longed ham­mer­ing, black smoke rose from Eclipse, and the fin­ger
and sword fused com­pletely.

[Okay, you wield it now, and find the last touch to per­fect it.]

The shadow sword floated to­wards Seong Ji­han.

Seong Ji­han took hold of Eclipse.

'The shadow power has in­creased tremen­dously.'

Eclipse, now fused with the Queen's fin­ger, had clearly grown stronger.

But Seong Ji­han could not shake off a feel­ing of some­thing miss­ing.

'Seems like it could be fur­ther im­proved...'


While tend­ing to Eclipse, Seong Ji­han no­ticed an anom­aly.

In­side the sword, a sec­tion har­bored a dif­fer­ent den­sity of shadow en­ergy

com­pared to the rest.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 223

[Why is this area hol­low... Mas­ter? If you fill it, I think the sword will cer­‐
tainly be­come stronger.]

Ariel re­quested Seong Ji­han to fill this void, but he hes­i­tated.


Seong Ji­han pon­dered the blade.

Would just bol­ster­ing the shadow en­ergy be right?

'If the Shadow Queen's ob­jec­tive to en­gulf the sun is Eclipse's aim, then am­‐
pli­fy­ing shadow en­ergy is the cor­rect di­rec­tion...'

How­ever, that was the Queen's busi­ness.

The Eclipse Seong Ji­han in­tended to use had to be tai­lored to his ca­pa­bil­i­‐

'Like when I in­fused the fire at­tribute into the Crim­son Thun­der Can­non.
Com­bin­ing it with the Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods yielded an un­ex­pected
syn­ergy ef­fect.'

The life en­ergy owned by the elves.

Con­trary to the ex­pec­ta­tion of dis­cor­dance with shadow en­ergy, it proved

use­ful when com­bined.

'I should ex­per­im ­ ent with the Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods, per­haps tak­ing it
in a sim­i­lar di­rec­tion.'

De­ter­mined, Seong Ji­han in­fused life en­ergy into the cen­tral part of Eclipse.

[Mas­ter... what, what are you do­ing? You're jok­ing, right?]

"Just as you felt last time, mix­ing it with life en­ergy pro­duced good ef­fects."

[No, not good. It feels weird. It feels like I was not a Shadow Elf any­more!]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 223

"Adapt to it."


De­spite Ariel's shriek,


Seong Ji­han re­lent­lessly poured life en­ergy into the cen­tral part of the

And then,

With a flash of green amidst the black blade,

the sword be­gan to res­onate with the life en­ergy from within.


As if wait­ing for this mo­ment, Eclipse re­sponded.

The green light emerg­ing con­cen­trated at the cen­ter of the black blade, set­‐
tling like a gem­stone at the heart of Eclipse.

[You've in­serted some­thing for­eign into the cen­ter. A life force sim­i­lar to
elves'... your choice?]


[Mag­ni­fy­ing the shadow power would've been im­me­di­ately more ben­ef­ i­‐
cial... pe­cu­liar choice. Per­haps why the Shadow Queen will­ingly handed
over her fin­ger is now ap­par­ent. She had left the cen­ter empty on pur­pose?]

Had the Shadow Queen wished to see the fu­sion of two en­er­gies in ac­tion?

As Seong Ji­han pon­dered,

[The name 'Shadow of the Sun' has been changed to 'Shadow of Life'.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 223

[Grade as­sess­ment is im­pos­si­ble.]

Eclipse's orig­i­nal name, 'Shadow of the Sun,' had been re­placed, and its
grade changed to '?'.

[Shadow of Life]

-- Grade: ??

-- Once a sword used by the 'Shadow Queen' con­stel­la­tion.

-- Can be trans­formed into the form of the shadow sword, 'Eclipse'.

-- Eclipse com­bines the power of life, which re­stricts shadow power ma­nip­‐

-- How­ever, de­pend­ing on how the power is wielded, there is a pos­si­bil­ity

the sword grade could reach EX-Grade.

Start­ing off as an SS grade 'Shadow of the Sun', it had now trans­formed into
the 'Shadow of Life', re­flect­ing both a down­grade and up­grade in po­ten­tial.

'Pos­si­bil­ity to reach EX grad­ing... this alone is suf­fi­cient.' Seong Ji­han fo­‐

cused on the de­scrip­tion's end.

Had he added more shadow en­ergy ear­lier, Eclipse might have peaked at
SSS+ grade.

But by in­fus­ing life en­ergy, al­beit seem­ingly re­duc­ing ef­fi­ciency for now, it
al­lowed a look into a much fur­ther fu­ture.

As Seong Ji­han was con­tent with how the sword had changed, zzzzztt...

One of the twenty arms that Artmu had con­jured be­gan to crackle with elec­‐
tric­ity and then, Pop!

The whole arm ex­ploded.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 223

[It seems the shadow sword is not so sim­ple af­ter all. One whole arm has
been ex­pended.]

Artmu seemed fa­mil­iar with parts of him­self fly­ing off.

He asked Seong Ji­han,

[And what about next time... Will you be us­ing the three forge vouch­ers

At that ques­tion, Seong Ji­han thought of Yoon Seah.

Now that the op­por­tu­nity arose, maybe she should have her bow crafted, he

"Got any good bows?"

[Are you think­ing of us­ing a voucher or pur­chas­ing with GP?]

"Oh, you have some for sale?"

[Yes. I had a pre­vi­ous com­mis­sion from a con­stel­la­tion of some mi­nor race.

To make a bow for his daugh­ter, cen­ter­ing on growth... I de­voted much ef­‐
fort to it.]

Artmu mur­mured while open­ing his in­ven­tory, rum­mag­ing through it.

"But why was it not sold?"

[The wan­der­ing mar­tial god in­vaded that planet. No news since then.]

"So ac­tive, he is, that mar­tial god."

[He has killed al­most hun­dreds of my clients. Re­cently, though, he's been
qui­eter... Ah, here it is.]

Artmu fetched a bow from his in­ven­tory.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 223

[Cur­rently SS grade, but it's a weapon that grows with its owner. It'll
quickly reach SSS grade. It could even sur­pass that. What do you think?
Will you buy it?]

"It looks good. How much is it?"

[Hmm... only 20 bil­lion GP.]

20 bil­lion GP?

What an ex­pen­sive bow.

'The item seems fine...'

As Seong Ji­han con­tem­plated,

[Hmm... it can be paid in in­stall­ments. Five years. Might seem pricey, but
it's worth ev­ery GP. It's re­ally tough to cre­ate. Cost more in ma­te­ri­als

Artmu had never been so talk­at­ive.

"Hmm, shall we ne­go­ti­ate?"

[­go­ti­ate?? This is one of my mas­ter­pieces! The idea of price ne­go­ti­a­‐

tion with the uni­verse's great­est Black­smith... That's an af­front to my pride!]

"No, not money. I no­ticed some­thing unique about your light en­ergy. Can I
take some of that with me?"

[Light en­ergy... Al­right, I'll give you a Sun­stone full of light en­ergy. But in
ex­change, keep the price as it is, al­right?]

"Al­right. No need for in­stall­ments. I'll pay in full."

[Oh, Cus­tomer...!]

Upon Seong Ji­han's an­nounce­ment of a one-time pay­ment, Artmu in­stinc­‐

tively bowed.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 223

[Let me as­sist you with the pay­ment!]

This was by far the most po­lite de­meanor he had seen.

March 1st, at the World Bat­tleNet As­so­ci­at­ion Con­fer­ence Room in New


This day was one of the most im­por­tant days for the World Bat­tleNet As­so­‐

For good rea­son.

"We'll be­gin the meet­ing."

"To­day's agenda is re­lated to the se­lec­tion of the 'Guild of the Year'."

It was the day to choose the Guild of the Year by the Bat­tleNet As­so­ci­at­ion,
which oc­curs once a year.

'This year it's just the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion's turn...'

'Why did the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion call this meet­ing?'

Rep­re­sen­ta­tives from pow­er­ful guilds across all na­tions looked mean­ing­‐

fully at the Peo­ples' As­so­ci­at­ion rep­re­sen­ta­tive who had ini­ti­ated to­day's

Seong Ji­han de­clared that if the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion wanted in, they had to
cede this year's Guild of the Year ti­tle.

Most in­sid­ers pre­dicted the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion would refuse, given the
sig­nif­i­cant ben­ef­ its the ti­tle would con­fer.

But the Peo­ple's As­sem­bly call­ing this ses­sion was cu­ri­ous.

'Could it be...?'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 223

The Daegi guild...

De­spite Seong Ji­han's out­ra­geous de­mands, peo­ple thought it was un­likely

they would com­ply.

With that in mind, the rep­re­sen­ta­tives awaited the words of the Peo­ple's As­‐
so­ci­at­ion rep­re­sen­ta­tive.

And then.

"... We, the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion, nom­i­nate the Daegi guild as the can­di­date
for this year's Guild of the Year."

As the Peo­ples' As­so­ci­at­ion rep­re­sen­ta­tive clenched his teeth and be­gan to

speak, the con­fer­ence room im­me­di­ately stirred.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 224

Chap­ter 224

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


"The Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion is giv­ing up on this year's Guild..."

"This is un­be­liev­able."

"How did they ne­go­ti­ate with the Daegi Guild, of all guilds?"

Rep­re­sen­ta­tives of prom­i­nent guilds from var­i­ous coun­tries ex­changed sur­‐

prised glances.

The Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion.

Fa­mous for be­ing the sec­ond-ranked guild in the world, di­rectly op­er­ated by
the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment, and known for its strong pride.

No one con­sid­ered that they would read­ily ac­cept the con­di­tions pro­posed
by Seong Ji­han, de­spite his cur­rent peer­less sta­tus and the al­lur­ing growth
po­ten­tial of the Daegi guild.

"The Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion, they have been openly declar­ing that they are
go­ing to win the Cham­pi­ons League to co­in­cide with the open­ing of the
Space League this year."

"Hand­ing over the Guild of the Year to the Daegi guild will set off a red sig­‐
nal even for their chal­lenge in the Cham­pi­ons League..."

"Wow, this re­ally is an un­ex­pected turn of events."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 224

There ex­isted a def­i­nite but not huge gap in the strength of the play­ers be­‐
tween the USA and China.

Dur­ing even-num­bered years when Amer­i­can First claimed the Guild of the
Year ti­tle, China strug­gled in the Cham­pi­ons League, un­able to de­feat the
USA re­gard­less of ef­fort.

How­ever, in odd-num­bered years when the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion took the ti­‐
tle, China man­aged to edge out the com­pe­ti­tion against the USA and
claimed the Cham­pi­ons League ti­tle sev­eral times.

Thus in 2021, co­in­cid­ing with the in­au­gu­ra­tion of the Space League, China
de­clared boldly that they would take ma­jor vic­to­ries in the first year.

But hand­ing over the Guild of the Year to the Daegi guild meant re­sign­ing
their strong­hold on the Cham­pi­ons League as well.

"Ha... We nat­u­rally as­sumed Chi­nese play­ers would be ex­cluded."

"The player draft­ing hap­pen­ing to­mor­row is go­ing to see some new twists."

Guild rep­re­sen­ta­tives hold­ing the top 200 play­ers all wore se­ri­ous ex­pres­‐
sions. Ex­clud­ing the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion and their play­ers from the se­lec­‐
tion, ev­ery­one ex­pected the player se­lec­tion to pro­ceed as usual.

How­ever, if ne­go­ti­at­ions had taken place be­tween the Daegi Guild and the
Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion, it might mean a re­duc­tion in the chances for Amer­i­can

"If we op­pose the Daegi guild's se­lec­tion as the Guild of the Year..."

"Then like the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion was ex­cluded, our guilds may be ex­‐
cluded too."

"Be­sides, if the Daegi guild is in­cluded as the Guild of the Year, it will in­‐
crease the num­ber of ran­dom play­ers get­ting drafted."

"There's no rea­son to op­pose."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 224

Up to this point, the re­ac­tions of the other pow­er­ful guild rep­re­sen­ta­tives

were of the sort: 'It's un­ex­pected, but not bad.'

But then.

"Fur­ther­more... I pro­pose to abol­ish the reg­u­la­tion that the Guild of the Year
can­not be vested con­sec­u­tively and to ex­empt the Daegi guild from this reg­‐

The Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion rep­re­sen­ta­tive dropped an­other bomb­shell.

"What do you mean by abol­ish­ing the non-con­sec­u­tive clause! Of­fer­ing

such a priv­i­lege to just one guild! Does it mean that the Daegi guild could
be nom­i­nated again next year?"

The rep­re­sen­ta­tive from Amer­i­can First stood up in shock, to which the rep­‐
re­sen­ta­tive from the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion looked back at him fiercely.

"Yes, that's right."

We won't be the only ones suf­fer­ing.

You too should stay away from the Guild of the Year, stated the un­der­ly­ing
tit-for-tat mind­set in the pro­posal of the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion.

De­spite this, the rep­re­sen­ta­tive el­eg­ antly couched his ar­gu­ment.

"Look at the rank­ings of hu­man­ity in­cluded in the Space League. De­spite

lead­ing the first match to vic­tory, We are cur­rently in 10th place. The last
among the races that won a game."

Af­ter win­ning the first match against the Elves, hu­man­ity be­came co-first.
How­ever, due to the fewer points earned by play­ing games on Bat­tleNet
com­pared to other races, their rank steadily dropped. As of March, they
were in 10th place.

"This is not the time to fight among our­selves. We need to nur­ture play­ers
and in­crease points earned from out­side sources. For this, we need to
change the As­so­ci­at­ion's reg­u­la­tions."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 224

He ar­gued that the Daegi guild should be sup­ported for a while to make
play­ers stronger.

Hav­ing made a vi­car­i­ous ar­gu­ment for the other side and re­tak­ing his seat,
the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion rep­re­sen­ta­tive left the other guild lead­ers agape.

"Ha... I never imag­ined the rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion would

say that."

"It does ap­pear to be a coun­ter­ac­tion against Amer­i­can First..."

"That high and mighty rep­re­sen­ta­tive is now act­ing as a spokesper­son for

other guilds. You re­ally do see ev­ery­thing if you live long enough."

The rep­re­sen­ta­tives be­gan to se­ri­ously con­sider the pro­posal of the Peo­ple's


"... His in­ten­tions may seem du­bi­ous, but his ar­gu­ment isn't wrong. In­deed,
when com­pared to other races, there's a no­tice­able dif­fer­ence in hu­man­ity's
daily point earn­ings."

"That's true. How much stronger are these other species..."

"In fact, if the elves had uti­lized their full strength, it wouldn't have been
sur­pris­ing to lose 3:0. The strange ac­tions they took to try and ex­ec­ ute us
ended up pro­vid­ing us with a chance to turn the tide."

"Plus, play­ers be­long­ing to the Daegi guild def­i­nitely suf­fer less from de­feat
penal­ties. It's ev­i­dent there's a sig­nif­i­cant dif­fer­ence in growth rates be­tween
play­ers af­fil­i­ated with the Daegi guild and those who are not."

"The ex­pe­ri­ence gain buff they have is sub­stan­tial."

Even though the max­i­mum level in Bat­tleNet ex­panded to 250 over two
months of en­ter­ing the main game, not many play­ers achieved con­sid­er­able

The rea­son be­ing the penalty for not rank­ing in the up­per 50 per­cent had be­‐
come harsher than be­fore.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 224

One wrong move in the level-up race could lead to de­mo­tion rather than
pro­gres­sion in this pun­ish­ing high-level game en­vi­ron­ment.

The life­line for this is­sue was the var­i­ous growth buffs of­fered by the Daegi

Thus, the de­vel­op­men­tal gap be­tween play­ers in the Daegi guild and those
not was more se­vere than peo­ple thought.

"While it's a bit much for the Daegi guild to mo­nop­o­lize the Guild of the
Year, but..."

"Un­til an­other guild with com­pa­ra­ble growth po­ten­tial emerges, wouldn't it

be ap­pro­pri­ate to tem­po­rar­ily, say, a few years, con­fer the Guild of the

"Right. Even if the Daegi guild is the Guild of the Year for a few more
years, it's not like Ko­rea will win the Cham­pi­ons League, right?"

"You never know what Seong Ji­han might do."

"Haha, is that so?"

Any­way, if the num­ber of slots in­creases in Daegi Guild, there will be more
space for their play­ers. While other prom­i­nent guild rep­re­sen­ta­tives pos­i­‐
tively re­acted to the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion's pro­posal, the rep­re­sen­ta­tive of
Amer­i­can First ve­he­mently op­posed it.

"We can­not ac­cept this pro­posal!"

Then, taunt­ingly, the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion rep­re­sen­ta­tive re­buked.

Is that so? I will con­vey it to the Daegi Guild as well. If Amer­i­can First
strongly op­poses it, this pro­posal will not be passed."

"...Ha. Are you threat­en­ing us right now?"

"No? Threat­en­ing you? Who on Earth could threaten Amer­i­can First? We

are sim­ply con­vey­ing the facts about what hap­pened to­day to the other side

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 224

with­out any de­duc­tions."

"When did the rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion be­come a

spokesper­son for an­other guild?"

"A spokesper­son...! You're us­ing harsh words!"

And thus, the rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the two ma­jor guilds, the US and China,
be­gan a ver­bal dis­pute. In the end, the sec­ond agenda of the day did not
pass, but the first agenda, to award the Guild of the Year to the Daegi Guild,
was unan­i­mously ap­proved.

This fact was im­me­di­ately high­lighted in the me­dia.

[The Daegi guild, the first Guild of the Year from South Ko­rea!]

[The un­ex­pected choice by the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion! The mo­ti­va­tion in­‐

cluded sig­nif­i­cant move­ments by the TOP 200 play­ers.]

[The sit­u­at­ion sur­round­ing the Daegi Guild, the roles of the United States
and China re­versed.]

Head­lines in South Ko­rea about the Daegi guild made waves.

The in­ci­dent was even more shock­ing to peo­ple as the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion,
who op­posed Seong Ji­han be­fore, now seemed to play an ac­tive spokesper­‐
son's role.

-Wow... China de­fend­ing the Daegi guild?

-There re­ally is a first time for ev­ery­thing, haha.

-When Seong Ji­han broad­casted de­mand­ing the Guild of the Year, didn't
they say they wouldn't ac­cept it?

-Yeah, never thought they'd re­ally hand it over haha.

Even for Ko­re­ans, Seong Ji­han's broad­cast seemed like an ex­ces­sive de­‐
mand, so peo­ple nat­u­rally as­sumed it would be diplo­mat­i­cally de­clined. But

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 224

the sit­u­at­ion turned out dif­fer­ently.

-What changed their stance so dras­ti­cally?

-Ru­mor has it that some Chi­nese play­ers were plan­ning to leave the Peo­‐
ple's As­so­ci­at­ion to cre­ate their own guild. Ne­go­ti­at­ing with the Daegi

-Huh... Does that work in China?

-It's just a ru­mor, but con­sid­er­ing how rapidly the Chi­nese play­ers fell in the
rank­ings in the past two months, it seems pos­si­ble.

-You guys should def­i­nitely watch the meet­ing later. The rep­re­sen­ta­tives of
the US and China will prob­ab­ ly ex­change blows and rap up a storm.

"Wow. Re­ally... It was shock­ing to­day."

Yoon Seah looked at her phone on the sofa, still ex­press­ing dis­be­lief.

"The Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion sid­ing with our guild, who would've thought."

"If they are ex­cluded from nur­tur­ing at this time, they'll be at a loss."

"Well, but... I couldn't even imag­ine that it would turn out like that from
their side."

"The in­ter­nal data must have been un­usual."

As com­pared to for­eign play­ers be­long­ing to the Daegi guild, Chi­nese play­‐

ers were no­tice­ably lag­ging in growth.

For them, too proud to even con­sider be­ing a corpse with­out dig­nity, the ag­‐
i­ta­tion among the TOP 200 play­ers was not some­thing they could over­look.

Since Bat­tleNet's en­try into the main game, the im­por­tance of play­ers had
al­ways been cru­cial, but as time went on, their sig­nif­i­cance only soared.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 224

Even if it meant twist­ing their pride, in­ter­nal un­fold­ing was likely con­sid­‐
ered para­mount.

'But to charge at Amer­i­can First like that right off the bat. 20 spots should

The Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion that had lob­bied for the Daegi guild be­yond ex­‐
pec­ta­tions at the World Bat­tleNet As­so­ci­at­ion de­served some recog­ni­tion.

So Seong Ji­han de­cided to al­lo­cate a fair share of the slots to them.

He looked kindly at Yoon Seah.

"What's your level now?"

"Me? 220. Lately lev­el­ing up has been tough."

Yoon Seah fur­rowed her brows.

"In­deed, the skill lev­els of peo­ple have changed since Di­am­ ond mid-tier.
They got stronger. And when matched with space races, most of the time,
they lose... Why are the ex­trater­res­trial races so strong?"

"Still, such strug­gle has ac­tu­ally made you grow quite a bit."

"Prob­ab­ ly be­cause of our guild ef­fect and ro­bust growth trait... Even if I
lose, just one win gets me back on my feet."

Play­ers around Yoon Seah's level of­ten ended up los­ing out or barely main­‐
tain­ing their level even with a 1:1 win-loss ra­tio.

But with both guild ef­fects and the ro­bust growth trait, she was dis­play­ing a
re­mark­able growth ef­fect even with low win rates.

How­ever, now that she had slowed down a bit af­ter ini­tially sky­rock­et­ing,
she felt frus­trated.


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 224

Seong Ji­han opened his in­ven­tory and handed over the bow he had bought
from Arte­mus.

A long­bow swirling with a pure white light, clearly ex­tra­or­di­nary at first


Yoon Seah's eyes sparkled at the sight.

"Hey, this bow... What is this?"

"Got it from Arte­mus's forge. It's SS grade for now, but it evolves with the
owner. Try us­ing it."

"Oh, un­cle...!! A bow that grows with the owner!!"

Trem­bling, Yoon Seah re­ceived the ra­di­ant long­bow Seong Ji­han handed to

"Wow... The op­tion to grow to­gether is so good!! Ex­cept for the name
[Arte­mus's Bow], ev­ery­thing is to my lik­ing!"

"Yeah. Use it well and level up quickly."

"Yeah! But... Is this re­ally ex­pen­sive? How much is it, by the way? I'll pay
you back if I suc­ceed!"

"It's 20 bil­lion GP."


Yoon Seah blinked.

20 bil­lion... GP?

"U-un­cle. Wait a minute. Why is a bow 20 bil­lion GP...!"

"Why? It can reach SSS-grade or even higher."

"Well, even if that's the case... R-re­fund it right away! It's an ab­surd price!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 224

"Un­cle, you have a lot of money. Just use it."

"Well, still...!"

As Yoon Seah pan­icked and tried to hand the bow back to Seong Ji­han,
[Boss! The World Bat­tleNet As­so­ci­at­ion con­tacted us!]

Ding-dong! Ding-dong!

The door­bell rang from the wall pad, and the face of Lee Hayeon ap­‐

[The Daegi guild has been se­lected as the Guild of the Year, and they are
ask­ing you to grace the event in New York...]

"To New York? When am I sup­posed to go that far? They can come here."

[Ah, but... they say they've al­ready dis­patched a pri­vate jet for you...]

See­ing Lee Hayeon's trou­bled ex­pres­sion, Seong Ji­han let out a slight sigh.

Re­ject­ing their re­quest so bluntly was per­haps too dis­cour­te­ous for the As­‐

"Al­right. I'll go and come back quickly."

Seong Ji­han ac­cepted the trip to New York with the thought of quickly re­‐
turn­ing af­ter re­ceiv­ing the Guild of the Year award.



A woman's eyes sparkled as she read the news that Seong Ji­han would be
at­tend­ing the Guild of the Year cer­em
­ ony.

"Seong Ji­han... Is he fi­nally com­ing out from there?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 224

Un­like Long­i­nus and Dong­bang sak, who wanted to ed­u­cate Seong Ji­han,
her main goal was prophecy.

And for her, prophecy could be per­formed with­out nec­es­sar­ily clash­ing on


'This op­por­tu­nity shouldn't be missed. I must go and see.'

Ed­u­cat­ing him on Bat­tleNet could come later; for now, she needed to fo­cus
on her prophecy.

With these thoughts, Pythia smiled gen­tly.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 225

Chap­ter 225

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


In­side the Bat­tleNet As­so­ci­at­ion's pri­vate jet.

Sit­ting in the seat be­hind Seong Ji­han, Lee Hayeon, with a puz­zled ex­pres­‐
sion, struck up a con­ver­sa­tion with him.

"Come to think of it, isn't Seah com­ing with us? I thought you said she
would join us."

"I gave her a pretty ex­pen­sive bow as a gift. She's de­ter­mined to pay back
her debt through lev­el­ing up since I told her no re­turns are al­lowed."

"How ex­pen­sive could a bow be that she's think­ing about re­funds?"

"20 bil­lion GP."

"...20 bil­lion? In GP?"

To Seong Ji­han's re­sponse, Lim Gayeong, seated next to Lee Hayeon, in­‐
stinc­tively re­torted.

It's not won but GP?

Con­sid­er­ing the cur­rent ex­change rate of 1 GP be­ing ap­prox­i­mately 2.5 dol­‐

lars, that bow was ef­fec­tively cost­ing 50 bil­lion dol­lars.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 225

"Even so, isn't that ex­ces­sive for a weapon... Even The Sword King's SSS-
grade twin swords, Gan­jang and Makya, wouldn't cost that much, would

"When you try to get them, they can name any price. You should buy SSS-
grade weapons if you have money."

"Well, that's true, but..."

Such huge fig­ures felt sur­real, leav­ing Lee Hayeon and Lim Gayeong to just
look at each other be­wil­dered.

Then, as if some­thing dawned on Seong Ji­han, he added, "Oh, also with the
up­grade of Phoenix Flag, we've got a +3 in­crease to our guild level, so let's
add 15 more slots to the ran­dom draw­ing."

"It went up again from SSS...?"

"Yes, Arte­mus did a good job. It's now SSS+."

Wait, there's also a grade called SSS+?

Thank good­ness this per­son is on the same side.

"Ah, I have a present for you too, Hayeon."

"For me?"


Seong Ji­han handed over all the Akashic pages he had con­fis­cated from
Shizuru be­fore.

He had given one page to Christo­pher, leav­ing him with nine re­main­ing
Akashic Pages.

In case they might be use­ful later, he kept them for now.

'If I need them later, I can just buy them.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 225

Fol­low­ing the auc­tion sale of the Palace of Plea­sure in­vi­ta­tion, Seong Ji­han
be­came quite the spend­thrift.

No need to hold onto some­thing you could sim­ply buy with money.

"Oh, the Akashic pages...!"

"I can't give you 100 of them like Amer­i­can First did. Still, I've ac­cu­mu­‐
lated these over time. Let's aim for SSS-grade."

"Al­right, thank you!"

Lee Hayeon stood up promptly, ner­vously tak­ing the golden pages.

Af­ter en­ter­ing the main game, the value of the sup­port­ing gift 'Nur­tur­ing'
had once again soared, hit­ting the daily limit, with Akashic Pages sell­ing for
high prices in the auc­tion house.

Hav­ing nine of them was like hav­ing a trea­sure.

"Miss, would you mind tear­ing half of that for me?"

"No chance. We're aim­ing for SSS-grade."

Hayeon tightly clenched the Akashic Page.

Then, a bril­liant golden light burst forth from the Akashic Page.

Look­ing at the sys­tem mes­sage that fol­lowed the same phe­nom­en­ on as

when the Nur­tur­ing gift was up­graded be­fore, Hayeon's eyes sparkled.

[To in­crease the gift grade, you need to grow more play­ers.]

[Grow one of your guild mem­bers to rank 1 within the race.]

Swal­low­ing her dis­ap­point­ment as she read the fol­low­ing sys­tem mes­sage,

Hayeon ac­cepted it.

"Ah... It won't go straight to SSS. Con­di­tions are given."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 225

"What con­di­tions?"

"It says I need to nur­ture more play­ers, and make one guild mem­ber reach
rank 1 in our race."

"Hmm, the lat­ter con­di­tions will be quickly sat­is­fied. I'm here, af­ter all."

"That's true."

Seong Ji­han spoke as if he had nat­u­rally left the rank 1 po­si­tion for him­self.

If it were any other player, it might have seemed out of place for him to
speak as if he knew ev­ery­thing, but when Seong Ji­han said it, there was no
awk­ward­ness at all.

"I'll also prac­tice for a while then."

Seong Ji­han opened his in­ven­tory and took out a Sun­stone---a bright,
sparkling white stone. In­side it, there was a pe­cu­liar light that ex­uded the
unique aura that be­longed to Art­mus.

'I'm not feel­ing this one.'

Un­til now, when­ever he was un­cer­tain, ab­sorb­ing it into his body and an­a­‐
lyz­ing it usu­ally helped find some clues. How­ever, the light en­ergy within
the Sun­stone, once ab­sorbed into the body, lost its unique­ness and trans­‐
formed into or­di­nary mana light, mak­ing it im­pos­si­ble for Seong Ji­han to
find any clues.

'There's a lot to do, so I'll have to look into this when I have some time.'

Seong Ji­han put the Sun­stone back into his in­ven­tory and took out Eclipse,
now named the Shadow of Life.

A black sword with a cen­tral green emer­ald-like gem em­bed­ded in it. When
he drew the sword, a voice echoed from within.

[...Mas­ter. Can you please re­move this? Since it trans­formed into the
Shadow of Life, I've felt an iden­tity cri­sis.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 225

"An iden­tity cri­sis? It's an up­grade. It's an up­grade. Be­sides, the Shadow
Queen seemed to be sug­gest­ing some­thing like this, right?"

[Uh... That may be so, but it's trou­bling me. Oh. The Queen asked if it's
okay to spon­sor you as her con­stel­la­tion once Hide­out ends.]

A spon­sor­ship from the Shadow Queen's con­stel­la­tion.

This was of sub­stan­tial use to Seong Ji­han.

'If she be­comes my back­ing con­stel­la­tion, my gift grade would rise too.'

Seong Ji­han's cur­rent gift was an SS-grade 'Moon's Shadow.'

While this gift am­pli­fy­ing shadow power didn't hold much sig­nif­i­cance in
the cur­rent cir­cum­stances for Seong Ji­han, who han­dled Void and Mar­tial
Soul, an up­grade to SSS would prob­ab­ ly find some use.

"Why is she ask­ing to spon­sor af­ter Hide­out ends though?"

[The Queen is wor­ried that your in­for­ma­tion might leak to the World Tree
Al­liance. She is con­cerned.]

Seong Ji­han asked with a puz­zled ex­pres­sion, "Aren't Shadow Elves and the
World Tree Al­liance en­em
­ ies? How could in­for­ma­tion leak?"

[...In­ter­nal sur­veil­lance isn't per­fect.]

It seemed there were some com­pli­cated cir­cum­stances on that side too.

Seong Ji­han nod­ded.

"Got it. Then, I'll ac­cept the spon­sor­ship af­ter the hide­out is over.]

[Ugh. To think that the Con­stel­la­tion has to ask a player for spon­sor­ship...
it's re­ally...]

While Ariel lamented the re­versed roles be­tween con­stel­la­tion and player,
"Boss, it's now March 2nd in Ko­rean time. Shall we pro­ceed with the ran­‐
dom draw for guild mem­bers?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 225

"Al­ready? Let's do it."

Hav­ing sighed and then stood up from a nap at the back, Hayeon in­formed
them of the date change.

The root cause of the re­cent up­roar, the ran­dom draw for guild mem­bers,
was about to take place.

"Should we start the Bat­tle­Tube?"

"Yes. Let's do it here."

The first ran­dom draw for the Daegi guild took place in­side the air­plane.

[The Daegi guild's Bat­tle­Tube broad­cast on­board the pri­vate jet breaks all-
time view­er­ship records for guild-re­lated con­tent!]

[Rank 1 Oliver is elim­i­nated, and Je Gal­heon joins! Will the rank­ing of

Mage change in the fu­ture?]

[Where is the limit of the Daegi guild's ac­cep­tance of guild mem­bers? Half
of the top 200 are mem­bers of the Daegi guild.]

[In light of the Guild of the Year award, the Daegi guild rec­og­nizes TO. 20
play­ers from the Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion re­ceive buffs from the Daegi guild.]

[Heav­enly De­mon, Wang Lin fi­nally joins the Daegi guild, post­ing a mes­‐
sage of ex­cite­ment be­fore hastily delet­ing it.]

Seong Ji­han con­tin­ued to make head­lines from the sky, and the world's at­‐
ten­tion was fixed on him.

"We fi­nally ar­rived."

Even af­ter Seong Ji­han landed, far from di­min­ish­ing, the at­ten­tion on him
only in­ten­si­fied.

In­side the Bat­tleNet Build­ing in New York, there was a hall of glory where
the Guild of the Year cer­em­ ony took place each year. In the past, the hall

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 225

had been rel­at­ively empty dur­ing these cer­em ­ onies, as the Amer­i­can First
and Peo­ple's As­so­ci­at­ion took turns se­lect­ing the Guild of the Year.

How­ever, this year was dif­fer­ent.

=It's the first time I've seen so many peo­ple gath­ered for the Guild of the
Year cer­em­ ony.

=Wasn't the crowd like this even dur­ing the se­lec­tion of the world's Bat­‐
tleNet MVP?

=It seems even more crowded this time. Look at the seats and the stairs---
they're filled with peo­ple!

When it came to se­lect­ing the most fa­mous Bat­tleNet player among the
gam­ing com­mu­nity, Seong Ji­han un­doubt­edly held that ti­tle.

With his vic­tory in the fi­nal set of the Space League's first match, wit­nessed
by over bil­lions of view­ers, the scene had turned the tides of the game com­‐

De­spite his fame, Seong Ji­han had kept a low pro­file in terms of pub­lic ap­‐
pear­ances, mak­ing peo­ple cu­ri­ous to catch a glimpse of the ex­tra­or­di­nary

This year, with Seong Ji­han's par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Guild of the Year cer­e­‐
mony, the once-sparsely filled Hall of Glory in­stantly be­came packed.

"Wait­ing here af­ter the news broke was a good de­ci­sion..."

"Nick, I apol­o­gize for dis­miss­ing your crazy talk ear­lier. Look over there.
Even celebri­ties are sit­ting on the stairs!"

"Uh, our pro­fes­sor is also there..."

"Hey, don't look over there. He might ask for your seat."

Var­i­ous fig­ures from dif­fer­ent fields had come to wit­ness the world's top
Bat­tleNet player. Nick and his friends couldn't find seats and ended up sit­‐

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 225

ting on the stairs, ob­serv­ing the celebri­ties who had joined them.

They no­ticed their pro­fes­sor amidst the chaos and quickly averted their
gaze, won­der­ing how he man­aged to get into the bustling Hall of Glory, al­‐
ways com­plain­ing about his bad back and knees.

Then, a com­mo­tion arose in­side the hall, and a per­son be­gan walk­ing to­‐
wards the stage from within.

[My good­ness! What on earth is hap­pen­ing! Is to­day the MVP se­lec­tion


The host in­side the Hall of Glory, ges­tur­ing dra­mat­i­cally, scanned the au­di­‐
ence and ap­peared ex­ag­ger­at­edly sur­prised. On closer in­spec­tion, the host
turned out to be a fa­mil­iar face fre­quently fea­tured in the news.

"Hey... isn't that the As­so­ci­at­ion Pres­i­dent?"

"Huh? Is it re­ally him? Pres­i­dent Jeff?"

"Why is the As­so­ci­at­ion Pres­i­dent host­ing a so­cial event like this?"

"No, more im­por­tantly, how did the As­so­ci­at­ion Pres­i­dent man­age to at­tend
in this chaos?"

[Oh, there are even more peo­ple than on MVP se­lec­tion day! The crowd
wasn't this packed when Oliver won MVP! Oh, my friend Beasley, the pres­‐
i­dent, is squeez­ing in on the stairs! Sorry, buddy. As much as I'm the pres­i­‐
dent here, pre-re­served seats can't be of­fered! We op­er­ate on a first-come-
first-serve ba­sis here!]

The Bat­tleNet As­so­ci­at­ion Pres­i­dent, Jeff, joked about the sit­u­at­ion, point­‐
ing to a man sit­ting on the stairs.

Though it would typ­i­cally be laughed off, the at­mos­phere among the peo­ple
to­day was charged.

"A lot of use­less chat­ter."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 225

"Quickly bring in Seong. I didn't come here to see this geezer!"

Booo...! Boohoo...!

As Nick's group started a cho­rus of boos, the echo quickly spread through
the en­tire au­di­ence.

[Ah, I un­der­stand. If I say one more word here, I might get im­peached!
Now, let me in­tro­duce to­day's pro­tag­o­nist right away!]

Pres­i­dent Jeff, mim­ing sweat wip­ing, ges­tured to­wards the in­ner area.

[The owner of the Daegi guild, player Seong Ji­han!]

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

A thun­der­ous round of ap­plause erupted.

Peo­ple who had been sit­ting on the stairs stood up to cheer.

And as Seong Ji­han emerged from within,


"There he is, the real Seong Ji­han!"

"Take his pic­tures!"

Ev­ery­one lifted their phones to snap pic­tures as flashes ex­ploded from all

Though pho­tog­ra­phy was pro­hib­ited be­fore­hand, it seemed for­got­ten by the

en­thu­si­as­tic crowd.

"You can't go in!"

"Stop them!"

Rum­ble, rum­ble...!

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 225

The front of the au­di­ence hall al­ready de­scended into chaos as crowd mem­‐
bers tried to rush in, with body­guards scram­bling to main­tain or­der.

Taken aback at the pan­de­mo­nium that en­sued just as Seong Ji­han ap­peared,
the usu­ally non­cha­lant Pres­i­dent Jeff made an anx­ious face.

[This is... It seems like we're at a rock con­cert rather than the Guild of the
Year cer­em­ ony! Please stay calm, ev­ery­one! If you can keep your seats un­til
the cer­em
­ ony, I prom­ise we'll also have an au­to­graph ses­sion with Player
Seong Ji­han!]

"An au­to­graph ses­sion?"

"Uh, sir, there might be a safety is­sue if we con­tinue like this... How about
hav­ing a short au­to­graph ses­sion? Please?"

Tak­ing the mi­cro­phone away, Jeff, with a small voice, earnestly pleaded for
a brief au­to­graph ses­sion. They should have con­trolled the sit­u­at­ion from
the be­gin­ning, but due to the Pres­i­dent's ea­ger­ness for at­ten­tion, the Hall of
Glory had ex­ceeded its ca­pac­ity, lead­ing to chaos.


Seong Ji­han glanced around.



The au­di­ence, who had mo­men­tar­ily stopped caus­ing trou­ble, now united in
shout­ing for au­to­graphs. The en­thu­si­as­tic cries, not dis­crim­i­nat­ing against
age or gen­der, made even the on­look­ers feel the fer­vor.

It had been a long time since Seong Ji­han ex­pe­ri­enced such a pub­lic re­‐
sponse since his Amer­i­can First days in his pre­vi­ous life. Back then, he had
to painfully sign each au­to­graph one by one.

"Why wait to do it later? Let's do it now."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 225

[Right now...?]

There was no need for that any­more.



Shad­ows arose from Seong Ji­han's left arm.

"Hold on in your seats for a mo­ment, please."

No sooner had he spo­ken than the shadow spread in an in­stant, en­gulf­ing

the en­tire Hall of Glory.


"What the... I can't see!"

The au­di­ence stirred, think­ing it was a black­out.

But then...

Crackle, crackle...

They felt an un­usual sen­sa­tion on their clothes, on their shoul­ders, be­fore...


The light re­turned.

"I have fin­ished sign­ing for ev­ery­one. All done."

Seong Ji­han said, tap­ping his left arm lightly.

Sud­denly, the au­di­ence's gaze turned to­wards their own clothes.


"I-It's re­ally a sig­na­ture!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 225

"Wow. It's ex­actly the same as yours?"

"Wow. How did he do this...!"

Seong Ji­han's sig­na­ture was en­graved on ev­ery­one's clothes.

Peo­ple stared at him with as­ton­ished faces, as if wit­ness­ing some­thing su­‐

per­nat­u­ral. While they had ad­mired Seong Ji­han's re­mark­able per­for­mance
in the Bat­tleNet, ac­tu­ally ex­pe­ri­enc­ing his power first­hand left them in awe.


Only one per­son re­mained un­fazed. Sit­ting at the front of the Hall of Glory,
an Asian woman's left arm was de­void of Seong Ji­han's sig­na­ture.

'This girl. Is she worth con­sid­er­ing?'

She ten­derly stroked her left arm as her eyes ig­nited with an un­usual glow.

'How about I try pre­dict­ing your fu­ture...'

A mys­te­ri­ous light be­gan to flicker.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 226

Chap­ter 226

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


"That was truly amaz­ing just now!"

Af­ter the Guild of the Year cer­em

­ ony con­cluded, As­so­ci­at­ion Pres­i­dent Jeff
was at a din­ner with Seong Ji­han, ex­u­ber­antly prais­ing him and spit­ting out
in ex­cite­ment.

"To sign like that for the au­di­ence in the Hall of Glory...! I've met nu­mer­ous
play­ers, but no one could con­trol their power so pre­cisely like you!"

Jeff, who al­ways at­tended the Guild of the Year awards to hand out prizes,
had met more top-tier play­ers around the world than any­one else. How­ever,
no one had shown him power like Seong Ji­han.

'Any­one could cause harm to all of the au­di­ence in the hall, but...'

In the case of the world's top-ranked mage, for ex­am­ple, us­ing a grand spell
could set the en­tire hall ablaze if pos­si­ble.

But leav­ing a pre­cise sig­na­ture on each per­son's left arm was a dif­fer­ent tale

It meant that con­trol of power had reached a realm of ma­tu­rity far be­yond
what top-tier play­ers were ca­pa­ble of.

"It's noth­ing spe­cial."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 226

"Haha, you even hum­ble your­self. Coach Davis, what did you think of the
per­for­mance just now?"

Davis, the Earth's team coach who was present at the ban­quet, en­thu­si­as­ti­‐
cally gave a thumbs up.

"It was amaz­ing. Seong Ji­han is truly ex­cep­tional!"

Be­cause Seong Ji­han had, thanks to his ac­tions, turned the tide in the open­‐
ing game against the Elves, the coach was nat­u­rally fa­vor­able to­wards him.
And then, "Mr. Seong Ji­han, did you know about the next Space League
match sched­uled for a week from now?"

"A week from now, al­ready."

To­day, he had to make an un­com­fort­able re­quest to Seong Ji­han.

"There's a fa­vor re­lated to that match I'd like to ask..."

"A fa­vor?"

"Yes... Mr. Seong Ji­han. You're aware you're cur­rently ranked 11th in the

World player rank­ings.

Lev­els were the fore­most met­ric for these rank­ings, along with other com­‐
bined met­rics, the fi­nal score de­ter­mined one's place.

Seong Ji­han's prow­ess was now un­con­testably rec­og­nized as hu­man­ity's

strong­est by peo­ple world­wide. How­ever, up un­til now, due to his lower
level, he hadn't been placed in a be­fit­ting rank.

'But al­ready the 11th?'

Though the ex­pe­ri­ence earned by Hid­den Boss Seong Ji­han was con­sid­er­‐
able, it was still a shock­ingly high place­ment con­sid­er­ing all TOP 200 play­‐
ers had sur­passed level 250.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 226

"11th place... I haven't checked the world rank­ings specif­i­cally, so I didn't

know, but it's higher than I ex­pected, es­pe­cially since I'm not yet level 250."

"Level is the most im­por­tant eval­u­at­ion cri­te­rion, but ev­ery­one be­lieves it's
un­der­es­ti­mat­ing you con­sid­er­ing the achieve­ments you have ac­cu­mu­lated.
11th is con­sid­ered very low by ev­ery­one."

Davis slightly hes­i­tated to con­tinue.

"How­ever... from a coach's stand­point, this 11th place... it's ab­so­lutely cru­‐

"Is it be­cause of the ban card?"

"Yes. It's ex­pected that the op­po­nent's race will use the ban cards that ap­ply
to the top 1-10 most ex­ten­sively."

Dur­ing the last match, the Elves re­frained from us­ing them for ma­li­cious in­‐
tent. Nor­mally, 1-10 ban cards were the most use­ful.

When the op­pos­ing race was to draw a card, whether Seong Ji­han was af­‐
fected was cru­cial for the po­si­tion of the Earth's team coach.

"...So could you re­main in the 11th spot only un­til next week? I kindly ask
that you re­frain from play­ing games for just this week!"

Davis, who never bowed to play­ers while in Amer­i­can First, un­der­stood the
im­por­tance of the Space League be­ing much greater than any na­tional com­‐

He earnestly pleaded, bow­ing to Seong Ji­han.

'This match is... against the Orcs, right?'

The Orcs, whom Seong Ji­han had en­coun­tered dur­ing his pro­mo­tion to di­a­‐
mond, dis­ap­peared from the rank­ings af­ter re­veal­ing their true strength.

Though the race was cur­rently at the bot­tom at 20th place, they weren't en­‐
tirely weak.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 226


'Be­fore the ex­ec­ u­tion by the Elves, the core Orc play­ers were quite strong.'

The Orc war­riors dom­i­nated the then-strong­est hu­man war­riors, lead­ing to


Af­ter hu­man­ity faced two con­sec­u­tive de­feats and con­firmed their bot­tom
stand­ing amidst in­creas­ing dun­geons, the Orcs ex­pected to reach the mid-
tiers with a win and a loss.

How­ever, af­ter con­sec­u­tive losses fac­ing the World Tree Elves, and the Orc
war­riors be­ing ex­ec­ uted, they stayed in lower ranks just like hu­man­ity.

'Re­gard­less of com­pet­ing in rel­eg­ a­tion, the cur­rent Orcs are not to be taken

Seong Ji­han as­sessed and lightly nod­ded to the coach's re­quest.

"Okay. I'll try to slow down the lev­el­ing as much as I can."

"Thank you so much...!"

"But I can't stop Hid­den Boss Seong Ji­han from earn­ing ex­pe­ri­ence."

"I'll send out a global no­tice to all di­am

­ ond play­ers to re­frain from raid­ing
Seong Ji­han for a week. Also, could you take play­ers ranked 7th, 8th, 9th,
and 10th into the Daegi guild just for a while?"

"That'll work."

Seong Ji­han agreed, bright­en­ing Davis's mood.

"It must've been a tough choice, but thank you for lis­ten­ing to my re­‐

"It's ex­tra­or­di­nary to see a player com­pet­ing for the top vol­un­tar­ily halt
their own lev­el­ing up, all for hu­man­ity... truly, Seong Ji­han is a role model

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 226

for all Bat­tleNet play­ers. On be­half of the as­so­ci­at­ion, we will award a spe­‐
cial prize af­ter the game."

Jeff, like he was wait­ing for the op­por­tu­nity, be­gan to talk about a re­ward
from the side.

"Ah. Well, why not take a good rest dur­ing this week in­stead? The U.S. is
full of places to see. En­joy some sight­see­ing and then con­tinue on to the
Space League, later to re­ceive a spe­cial award in the Hall of Glory."

Seong Ji­han chuck­led.

Fa­mous tourist spots in the U.S.

He had al­ready vis­ited all the places worth vis­it­ing in his past life.

There's no need to waste time.

"No, I must pre­pare for the match. Please bring any re­wards to me in Ko­rea
from now on."

"Ah. But, com­ing to Ko­rea... that is..."

"Yes. Time spent idly in the sky is too much. If it's chal­leng­ing for you to
come, you don't have to."

A player who sug­gests the pres­i­dent of the Bat­tleNet As­so­ci­at­ion come de­‐
liver the award him­self. Jeff, who once had an im­pul­sive char­ac­ter, didn't
change his pleas­ant smile.

"Not at all. Of course, I must come. The op­por­tu­nity to present an award to

Seong Ji­han is an honor!"

Af­ter see­ing Seong Ji­han's om­nipo­tent sig­na­ture move in the Hall of Glory,
Jeff had no thoughts of pulling rank over him.

"Then, shall I ar­range the pri­vate jet again for to­mor­row?"

"Let's just go af­ter the meal, then."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 226

At Seong Ji­han's words, Jeff nod­ded and reached for his phone. But, "Um...
Mr. Seong Ji­han. Could we not re­turn home to­day? It's not so long ago we
crossed the Pa­cific... could we rest for just a day?"

Lee Hayeon, who had joined for the meal, pleaded in sur­prise.

"We will leave to­mor­row."

He post­poned the re­turn by a day.

Given Lee Hayeon was an or­di­nary per­son, the sched­ule had been tough.

"Okay. Then I will make ar­range­ments for the pri­vate jet for to­mor­row."

Thus, Jeff took per­sonal charge, re­ar­rang­ing the sched­ule.

Af­ter the ban­quet ended, Seong Ji­han's party spent the next day at the top
ho­tel pro­vided by the As­so­ci­at­ion.

'It's been a while since I've been here.'

New York, which was al­most his sec­ond home for Seong Ji­han.

The room pro­vided by the As­so­ci­at­ion was where he used to stay dur­ing his
days as Amer­i­can First's war­rior.

Look­ing around the lav­ish room, he rem­i­nisced for a mo­ment, when sud­‐
denly, Knock! Knock!

There was an un­ex­pected knock at the door.

"I'll come in. Mr. Seong Ji­han."

A woman's voice an­nounced her en­trance with­out ask­ing per­mis­sion. The

door turned trans­par­ent as she strode in.

Seong Ji­han turned his head to­wards her, rais­ing his eye­brows.

"You are... the one who avoided the sig­na­ture ear­lier."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 226

He had dom­i­nated the en­tire Hall of Glory with his shadow realm.

Though he had signed for ev­ery­one, the one per­son sit­ting in the front row
van­ished just as he at­tempted to sign on her shoul­der.

'An un­usual ex­is­tence. It seems she came right away.'

Hear­ing Seong Ji­han's words, the woman smiled as if de­lighted.

"Hehe. That's right. You have a good sense. A us­able one... You seem fit to
be­come the neme­sis of the Mar­tial god..."

"...Neme­sis of Mar­tial god?"

Hear­ing the term "Mar­tial god," Seong Ji­han gazed at the woman with deep

"Are you also one of the peo­ple of Mar­tial god?"

"Yes. The fourth dis­ci­ple of the Mar­tial god... the prophet, Nos­tradamus."


"Yes. I've op­er­ated un­der var­i­ous names through­out hu­man his­tory, but my
last alias was Nos­tradamus. If my name is too long, you can call me

The woman smiled play­fully, ex­plor­ing around the room as if it were her

"Nice room~ Can I lie down on the bed?"

Be­fore wait­ing for per­mis­sion, Pythia jumped onto the bed.

"Wow, it's so soft!"

Chuck­ling at her an­tics, Seong Ji­han felt a bit more at ease.

What's her deal?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 226

"Dis­ci­ple of the Mar­tial god, Just say what you need to say and get up."

"Can't I just talk ly­ing down? It's your fault that I woke up from a good

"...Could you ex­plain in a way that I can un­der­stand?"

"Ah. Was that too out of con­text? Af­ter you freed the Witch of the Void, I
saw a prophecy that I had to be­come the new Witch of the Void to over­see
the apoc­al­ypse. So, I woke up."

"...Witch of the Void? My sis­ter and you are re­lated?"

As Seong Ji­han stared at her in sur­prise at the men­tion of the Witch of the
Void, "Hm..."

Pythia sat up in bed, point­ing her fin­ger at him.

"Now... let the prophecy be­gin!"

Her eyes kept blink­ing as if they were cam­era flashes.

For a mo­ment, she gazed at Seong Ji­han, then she ham­mered the bed with
her fist.

"Ah... why doesn't it work? Is it be­cause of the Mar­i­tal God's re­stric­tions?"

"Mar­i­tal God's re­stric­tions? So you're in the same case as Long­i­nus?"

"Yes. I couldn't come in my orig­i­nal form. Oh, Was there a case like this
only with our mas­ter... Could your Void be the rea­son? Or per­haps, are you
some­thing like a kin of the mar­tial god?"

The prophet­ess in­quired if the pre­dic­tion fail­ing was due to him.

Seong Ji­han fur­rowed his brow at this fourth-di­men­sional be­hav­ior.

"Why do you ask me if the prophecy did not pass? Be­sides, tell me more
about the Witch of the Void."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 226

"About that? It's no big deal. If the Witch of the Void is your sis­ter, it's a bad
end­ing, but... do you want me to tell you?"

"...A bad end­ing?"

"Yeah. You strug­gled with a mon­ster to save her, uti­lized the power of the
void too much, and nearly got sucked in. The Witch of the Void fi­nally frees
her­self only to sac­ri­fice her­self for you."

Calmly shar­ing the de­tails of her prophecy, Pythia frowned at the part
where the Witch of the Void dis­ap­peared.

"So! They dragged me to over­see the apoc­al­ypse! Why would I even do

some­thing like that?"

"Me sucked into the void..."

"It's hard to be­lieve a word of a mar­tial god's kin, right? You don't have to
be­lieve it. Prophe­cies aren't al­ways right, af­ter all."

She flashed a sig­nif­i­cant smile.

"But non-be­liev­ers al­ways end up ful­fill­ing the prophecy."


The fourth dis­ci­ple of the Mar­tial god sud­denly burst in, drop­ping
metaphor­i­cal bombs.

"Ah, maybe this way the prophecy will come true?"

Flash! Flash!

Draw­ing a square with her fin­gers, Pythia at­tempted her lights again.

"Ah. Doesn't work! Then let's do this!"

Now paint­ing a tri­an­gle in the air, Seong Ji­han thought.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 226

'She may seem out of her mind... but what she said just now is too dis­turb­‐
ing to dis­miss as mad­ness.'

The mar­tial god, the Witch of the Void, the kin of mar­tial god...

These were things that only some­one from the wan­der­ing mar­tial god's side
would know, and she spoke of them too eas­ily.

To tell her to stop spout­ing non­sense and leave would mean fore­go­ing that

'But if I keep let­ting her lead, she'll have the up­per hand.'

Seong Ji­han won­dered how not to be swayed by this whim­si­cal woman, re­‐
mem­ber­ing that she in­tro­duced her­self as the 'Fourth Dis­ci­ple'.

'The first and sec­ond mar­tial arts tech­niques as­so­ci­ated with the An­ni­hi­la­‐
tion God's Se­crets were con­nected to Long­i­nus and Dong­bang Sak.'

Could the fourth mar­tial art also be re­lated to her?

'Even though I wasn't pow­er­ful enough to use it be­fore... this may be my


Seong Ji­han hadn't been able to use the fourth of the An­ni­hi­la­tion God's Se­‐
cret dur­ing his time as a mar­tial god in his pre­vi­ous life, but could in­fer its
at­tribute name.

The at­tribute of the fourth tech­nique was wa­ter.

Seong Ji­han asked her.

"Be­ing a prophet is your abil­ity, but why is your power as­so­ci­ated with wa­‐

"Click, click! ...What? Wa­ter?"

Pythia, who had been mak­ing click­ing noises sud­denly stunned, "...No? I'm
all about fire. I should be bring­ing great dis­as­ters..."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 226

Her pupils twitched at Seong Ji­han's com­ment.


Un­like be­fore, a blue light seeped from her eyes.

"Uh... but it seems right... doesn't it?"


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 227

Chap­ter 227

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


Pythia's eyes turned blue.

From her body, a cold chill be­gan to em­anate.

"...It's re­ally true."

The re­sponse that ap­peared right af­ter hear­ing Seong Ji­han's sin­gle ques­tion
about why her pow­ers were re­lated to wa­ter.

Pythia, look­ing at her own body, con­torted her face in con­fu­sion.

"You... How did you know that? I didn't even know about it my­self."

"I won­der."

"...I thought it was strange when you used the pow­ers of Long­i­nus and
Dong­bang Sak, but this is com­pletely un­ex­pected. Their pow­ers matched
their karma ex­actly, but the power you re­vealed to me is dif­fer­ent from my

"Karma... what ex­actly is your karma?"

"Prophecy. [In the Year 1999, the sev­enth month, from the sky will come a
great King of Ter­ror]... that kind of thing."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 227

Hear­ing one of Nos­tradamus's most fa­mous prophe­cies, Seong Ji­han

sneered slightly.

"Ah, you said you were Nos­tradamus, right? Why didn't the world end in

"End? That prophecy wasn't about the end. The right to see the fi­nal
prophecy was taken by the Mar­tial God."


"That's a Bat­tleNet story. There is a 10-year mar­gin of er­ror... I mean, that

can hap­pen, right?"

Pythia winked slyly, leav­ing Seong Ji­han frown­ing.

Bat­tleNet as the great King of Ter­ror?

'Well, the end would make sense.'

In his pre­vi­ous life, hu­man­ity had in­deed per­ished be­cause of Bat­tleNet.

Al­though Pythia claimed she didn't pre­dict the end her­self, it was true that
Bat­tleNet per­formed the role of the King of Ter­ror.

"Tell me. How did you know about my power that even I am un­aware of?
And what ex­actly is that power?"

"Why would I tell some­one like the Dis­ci­ple of the Mar­tial God?"

"Of course, I don't ex­pect you to tell me for free. I'll pro­vide you some in­‐
for­ma­tion, too."


"Yes. Shall I tell you the names of the two dis­ci­ples who are cur­rently
sleep­ing? They are peo­ple you'll be quite shocked to hear about."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 227

Long­i­nus, Dong­bang Sak, and now Nos­tradamus, who was stand­ing be­fore
him---the Mar­tial God dis­ci­ples al­ways had rather no­to­ri­ous names.

How­ever, Seong Ji­han wasn't par­tic­u­larly in­ter­ested in the other two.

To him, it was not about the dis­ci­ples but about the mas­ter.

His great­est fo­cus was on the 'Wan­der­ing Mar­tial God' with whom he
would even­tu­ally have to bat­tle over the Mar­tial Soul.

"No, that's okay. In­stead, if you tell me about the iden­tity of the Mar­tial
God, I'd con­sider it."

"The iden­tity of the Mar­tial God...? I'm cu­ri­ous my­self too. You, like the
Mar­tial God, seem im­mune to my prophe­cies."

"Prophe­cies don't work on me and the Mar­tial God?"

"Yes. It's com­pletely dark. Per­haps be­cause of the Void? I could only glean
a lit­tle from your sis­ter's fu­ture... but with the Mar­tial God, I can't see any
re­lated de­tails to con­sider at all."

"Then you... aren't much use, are you?"

As Seong Ji­han spoke, Pythia puffed out her cheeks.

"That's too harsh! Re­ally! Can't you ful­fill a del­i­cate girl's lit­tle wish?"

"Granny, stop pre­tend­ing to be a girl."

"What, what? Granny?"

"When were you ever a con­tem­po­rary per­son? You are hi­er­ar­chi­cally higher
than a great-granny, right?"

"Wow... I'm speech­less. Can't be­lieve I'm be­ing called granny.'"

Though her face turned red and she fanned her­self, Pythia could of­fer no re­‐
tort to Seong Ji­han's fac­tual as­sault.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 227

"Al­right. This an­cient granny will do you a fa­vor. Will you tell me then?"

"An­cient granny?"

"The Wan­der­ing Mar­tial God took me dur­ing my time as a priest­ess in the

Tem­ple of Del­phi, so yeah, it's been a while. As you said, I am a granny
among grannies, well over 2000 years old."

"You have lived quite a long time."

"So, will you be gen­er­ous enough to ful­fill an old woman's re­quest?"

"I'm not the kind to give in just be­cause some­one is older. It's strictly give
and take with me."

"...Ahh, re­ally. Prophecy doesn't work on you, so I have noth­ing to give..

Just ask and I can an­swer."

Frus­trated, Pythia thumped her chest.

"Then leave if you have noth­ing to of­fer."

"Ah, please! Just tell me. I'm dy­ing to know about my hid­den pow­ers! My
abil­i­ties re­lated to the wa­ter el­em
­ ent! I al­ways thought they were about

As Seong Ji­han dis­missed her, Pythia threw a fit on the bed.

It was un­con­sciously ir­ri­tat­ing to watch a woman of her age be­have like


'She's re­ally cu­ri­ous about her abil­i­ties.'

Seong Ji­han de­cided to use her cu­rios­ity to ex­tract in­for­ma­tion from her.

"What's the Mar­tial God do­ing now?"

"He's on his star. Haven't you been there once?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 227

"Yeah, when I awak­ened the Mar­tial Soul."

"From there, I acted as his guide, and he's fly­ing to the Thun­der God Con­‐
stel­la­tion now."

Fly­ing to the Thun­der God. This must have been when Brahma was be­ing

Seong Ji­han nod­ded, con­tin­u­ing his ques­tion­ing.

"Why did you be­come one of the Mar­tial God's dis­ci­ples?"

"When Apollo tried to take my prophetic abil­ity and blinded me, the Mar­tial
God ap­peared and saved me. In re­turn, he took the abil­ity to see hu­man­ity's

"Apollo? The sun god, Apollo?"


"What does the Mar­tial God look like?"

"I don't know. I can't see his face. But... his body is much big­ger than

"What about the Mar­tial God's mar­tial arts?"

"A sin­gle swing of his hand can split the world."

"Any weak­nesses?"

"A weak­ness? He's a god who can shat­ter plan­ets sin­gle-hand­edly."

Seong Ji­han asked var­i­ous other ques­tions, but no par­tic­u­larly use­ful in­for­‐
ma­tion came out.

'It seems the Mar­tial God is just in­cred­i­bly pow­er­ful.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 227

The Mar­tial God show­cas­ing his pow­ers across his con­stel­la­tions, hunt­ing
con­stel­la­tions---at this point, he's even ad­vanc­ing to sub­due the mighty

"Al­right. Are you done with your ques­tions? Can you tell me now?"

"No. It's not in­for­ma­tive enough."

"Ahh! You said it was give and take, right? How are we sup­posed to go for­‐
ward if you only take?!"

"You need to give some­thing of de­cent value."


Hav­ing boldly of­fered in­for­ma­tion, per­haps she knew too lit­tle.

Seong Ji­han pon­dered what he could ask her that would be worth­while.

'Ah, per­haps.'

An idea struck him.

"Do you... by any chance, know the name of the Mar­tial God's mar­tial

Name­less Di­vine Arts.

With the skill grade reach­ing SS, a pe­cu­liar con­di­tion had been added.

Ei­ther re­model the three tech­niques to fit one­self, or re­veal the true name of
Name­less Di­vine Arts to awaken the skill com­pletely.

'I've been wrong about the crim­son thun­der.'

He am­bi­tiously pur­sued crim­son thun­der, think­ing it might be con­nected to

him and failed.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 227

Now, he had only one chance left.

So far, with­out any hints, he dared not at­tempt this last chance.

But this time was dif­fer­ent.

"The Mar­tial God's... arts name?"

"Yes. If you tell me that, I'll tell you about your power."

"A name? Not sure if there's a dis­tinct one... When­ever he swings his hand,
the world splits apart. Oh, but, con­sid­er­ing the Mar­tial Gods' dis­ci­ple's use
of pow­ers, there does ap­pear to be a sys­tem..."

Pythia fell deep into thought.

"XX Di­vine Arts. What do you think fits in XX?"

"Di­vine art...Name­less Di­vine Art lacks one let­ter, and...Bangmu Name­less

Di­vine Art?"

"What's Bangmu?"

"A short form for the 'Wan­der­ing Mar­tial God.'"

"That doesn't seem like the right an­swer."

"I think so too."

She quickly agreed and blinked her eyes, like when she tried to proph­es­ ize
about Seong Ji­han ear­lier.



A holo­gram formed be­fore her, and a man's face ap­peared.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 227

With brown curly hair and a long beard, the man car­ried a weary com­plex­‐
ion on his weath­ered skin.

"Who is this?"

"The Mar­tial God's fifth dis­ci­ple. He'll be fight­ing the Mar­tial God in the
fu­ture, so I tried to get a clue."

Flash! Flash!

As she proph­es­ ized the man, Pythia ad­dressed Seong Ji­han, "Are you not
cu­ri­ous about this man's iden­tity? How about we trade for this man's name
in­stead of an un­cer­tain mar­tial arts name?"

"That's okay. I'm more cu­ri­ous about the name of the mar­tial arts than some
Mid­dle East­ern guys."

"Wow. How did you know he was from the Mid­dle East?"

Look­ing at his com­plex­ion and de­meanor and hav­ing said so, it turned out it
was true.

Who could it be?

As Seong Ji­han pon­dered,

"Hm. Hm... Of course, he's the one who will op­pose the Mar­tial God in the

Pythia nod­ded to her­self upon see­ing some­thing, then cap­tur­ing her bright

"This might be a hint. [Mar­tial God... in­deed, you are in­vin­ci­ble. The com­‐
plete set of hu­man­ity's in­for­ma­tion, the Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts... Even if I
am ul­ti­mately hu­man, I can­not sur­pass it.]."


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 227

In the fu­ture Pythia saw, there was a bat­tle be­tween the fifth dis­ci­ple and the
Mar­tial God.

And it seemed he had left those words as a legacy.

Seong Ji­han fo­cused on the term 'Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts.'

'Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts...'

The two char­ac­ters that fit into XX.

It seemed like he had found the an­swer.

"So, what could the two char­ac­ters be? Fun­da­men­tal ori­gin mar­tial arts?
Hu­man mar­tial arts? First mar­tial arts?"

"Be quiet. Let me guess the cor­rect an­swer."

"Was there even a cor­rect an­swer?"

"Yes. If it's cor­rect, I'll tell you."

Seong Ji­han hushed the bab­bling Pythia then opened the skill win­dow and
clicked on Name­less Di­vine Arts.

[Would you like to guess the true name of Name­less Di­vine Arts?]

[The true name is com­posed of two char­ac­ters.]

[You are given your last chance.]

"Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts."

And then,

[You have re­vealed the true name of Name­less Di­vine Arts.]

Name­less Di­vine Arts will now be el­ev­ ated to an SSS+ grade as 'Fun­da­‐
men­tal Di­vine Arts'.]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 227

"Oh... re­ally?"

The sys­tem de­clared it as the cor­rect an­swer.

Seong Ji­han im­me­di­ately turned to read the new skill de­scrip­tion.

[Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts]

Skill Grade: SSS+

-- The an­cient mar­tial power of the Mar­tial God since cre­ation.

-- Its true name has been dis­cov­ered, un­leash­ing its orig­i­nal ca­pa­bil­i­ties.

-- With the con­straints of Name­less Di­vine Arts en­tirely lifted, all of hu­‐
man­ity's mar­tial arts ul­ti­mately con­verge on Fun­da­men­tal Mar­tial Arts,
lead­ing to in­nate ac­qui­si­tion of all hu­man mar­tial prac­tices.

-- How­ever, its ori­gin lies with the Wan­der­ing Mar­tial God, and thus, the
skill is graded be­low EX to re­flect this.

-- If one ac­quires all of the An­ni­hi­la­tion God's Se­cret Tech­niques and awak­‐
ens their ul­ti­mate form, they can dis­cover a new name for the mar­tial arts,
el­ev­ at­ing it to EX grade.

All mar­tial arts of hu­man­ity con­verg­ing into one...

Seong Ji­han was as­tounded by the un­prece­dented ca­pa­bil­i­ties of Fun­da­men­‐

tal Di­vine Arts.

Just by de­duc­ing the right two char­ac­ters, can it be this good?

'Of course, the Mar­tial God stands at EX grade, while I am one step lower...'
but the fact that it cul­mi­nates all of hu­man­ity's mar­tial arts and im­parts wis­‐
dom was an im­mense power.

'I might be able to use the third Tech­nique of the An­ni­hi­la­tion Se­ries with
just a lit­tle more growth.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 227

Un­til now, he had not dared to at­tempt the third Tech­nique of the An­ni­hi­la­‐
tion Se­ries, but it was now within reach.

And on top of that...

'The fourth Tech­nique of the An­ni­hi­la­tion Se­ries, re­lated to the wa­ter el­e­‐
ment, now seems pos­si­ble.'

Per­haps be­cause he had met its true owner, Pythia, for the fourth Tech­nique.

It ap­peared more ac­ces­si­ble than the third.


[The owner of Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts, the 'Wan­der­ing Mar­tial God,' is

watch­ing you.]

A new sys­tem mes­sage popped up.

"Uh... Sir, about this..."

[No fur­ther chat­ter is per­mit­ted. Re­turn.]

A stern voice echoed from the star---an in­dis­tinct lan­guage, yet per­fectly
un­der­stood by Seong Ji­han.

"Ah, gen­er­ous! Thank you so much!"

It seemed like Pythia was also con­ser­va­tive, salut­ing be­fore hur­riedly leav­‐
ing the room.

[You have awak­ened faster than ex­pected. But if you be­come com­pla­cent
now... you will ul­ti­mately be­come part of me.]

Part of him.

Like in Seong Ji­han's dream, where he was ab­sorbed by the Mar­tial God---
was there a con­nec­tion?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 227

He twisted his lip into a sneer, re­ply­ing to the Mar­tial God.

"As if I'd be sat­is­fied with just this. You still have to over­come me."

[Good at­ti­tude. Then for now, I per­mit you.]

With the Wan­der­ing Mar­tial God's ap­proval,

[With the con­sent of the Wan­der­ing Mar­tial God, the skill 'Fun­da­men­tal Di­‐
vine Arts' fully set­tles with the player.]

Seong Ji­han was granted full ac­cess to Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts.

An epit­ome skill for hu­man­ity, now made his own.

How­ever, his ex­pres­sion was any­thing but happy.

'Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts' SSS+ grade is out­stand­ing but... this skill is ul­ti­‐
mately just an in­fe­rior ver­sion of the Mar­tial God's power. And its ex­is­tence
hinges on his will.'

It was like be­ing the Mar­tial God's live­stock, fat­tened up and wait­ing to be

'That can't be my fu­ture.'

As Seong Ji­han sharp­ened his eyes, gaz­ing at the de­tails of Fun­da­men­tal

Di­vine Arts, "Um... about that prom­ise ear­lier."

Pythia, who seemed to have left, was peer­ing out from be­hind the door.

The fourth Tech­nique of the An­ni­hi­la­tion Se­ries.

Af­ter all, he hadn't shown it to her.

Prom­ises are prom­ises, so Seong Ji­han de­cided to up­hold it.

"The fourth tech­nique of the An­ni­hi­la­tion Se­ries. Ice Sword Rain of the
Frozen Heav­ens."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 227

"Icy sky and... rain of swords... Hmm, I've only used swords just for main­‐
te­nance... What kind of method is it?"

Just hear­ing its name, Pythia was puz­zled, not quite pic­tur­ing the fourth
Tech­nique Ice Sword Rain.

'...I'm not sure why the Mar­tial God mis­led her about her pow­ers. There
must be a rea­son.'

She al­ways thought her pow­ers were re­lated to fire, used to bring great dis­‐

Surely, the Mar­tial God must've im­planted that no­tion.

It's still un­clear why she was led to mis­take wa­ter for fire.

Seong Ji­han was de­ter­mined to in­ter­rupt the Mar­tial God's in­ten­tions.

"I'll show you Ice Sword Rain in the next Space League match."

"Re­ally? Thank you!"

Ex­cited by Seong Ji­han's words, Pythia hap­pily van­ished from the room.

And then,

[Ladies and gen­tle­men, thank you for wait­ing!]

[The day has fi­nally, fi­nally ar­rived...!]

[The Space League, the sec­ond match be­gins!]

That day soon ar­rived.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 227

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 228

Chap­ter 228

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


March brought the sec­ond Space League match of the year.

This match, like the open­ing game, cap­tured the at­ten­tion of the whole

And for good rea­son:

=Is there ever an unim­por­tant game in the Space League?

=But to­day's match is par­tic­u­larly cru­cial.

=Since the hu­man race has be­come the last place among the vic­to­ri­ous

=And now there isn't much of a score dif­fer­ence be­tween us and the 71st
ranked World Tree Elf ei­ther.

Hu­man­ity's rank­ing sit­u­at­ion was not ex­actly fa­vor­able.

-Dun­geons are start­ing to pop up fre­quently.

-From the North Ko­rean ter­ri­tory where the Sword King had once purged
com­pletely, dun­geon por­tals are resur­fac­ing, right?

-Yeah, and the GP prices are climb­ing too.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 228

It seemed like the world was in bet­ter shape than dur­ing the tu­to­rial times
when we were co-lead­ing the rank­ings.

But as the points dis­crep­ancy be­tween races widened and hu­man­ity dropped
to 10th place, the sit­u­at­ion be­gan to de­cline more than dur­ing the tu­to­rial

For now, hu­man­ity could still man­age the in­creas­ing dun­geon por­tals with
known strate­gies.

But if rank­ings dropped fur­ther, the out­come was un­cer­tain.

=Thank­fully, the op­pos­ing race is the bot­tom-ranked, the Orcs.

=This is the race that player Seong Ji­han en­coun­tered dur­ing the pro­mo­tion

=They may re­sem­ble pigs, but all of them have bod­ies like ro­bust war­riors.

=Dur­ing Seong Ji­han's pro­mo­tion match, they were eas­ily sub­dued, so it's
hard to gauge their full strength.

=Isn't ev­ery race that goes up against player Seong Ji­han like that any­way?

For­tu­nately, the op­po­nents be­ing the 20th-ranked Orcs meant the prog­no­sis
for the game was pos­i­tive.

-The Orcs truly seem like noth­ing spe­cial lol.

-No won­der they're al­ways near the bot­tom.

-They just got swept away dur­ing the pro­mo­tion match.

The op­pos­ing race, the Orcs.

In the Bat­tleNet, ruled by pow­er­ful alien races, they were seen as the most
vul­ner­ab­ le op­po­nents.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 228

Ev­ery­one an­tic­i­pated vic­tory in this sec­ond match.

'This is rather bur­den­some like the open­ing game.'

Per­haps be­cause of that, Coach Davis felt the pres­sure for this game.

Not know­ing what hid­den cards the op­pos­ing race might have, ev­ery­one as­‐
sumed we would win.

With a se­ri­ous look, he in­spected the play­ers in the Bat­tleNet wait­ing room
be­fore his eyes soft­ened as they landed on Seong Ji­han.

"Player Seong Ji­han, you re­ally kept your prom­ise to be 11th rank. Thank

Davis ap­proached Seong Ji­han and of­fered a hand­shake.

As re­quested, Seong Ji­han stopped at the 11th world player rank.

Not vul­ner­ab­ le to any ban cards, able to play all po­si­tions, and demon­strat­‐
ing over­whelm­ing power.

For a coach, hav­ing such a player at his dis­posal was a bless­ing.

"A prom­ise is a prom­ise."

"Haha. At this rate, you might be play­ing ev­ery match. I count on you."

"Then let's end this in three sets and head back home."

"Trust­wor­thy as al­ways."

Upon hear­ing Seong Ji­han's words, a pleased Coach Davis re­sponded,

[Both teams' coaches, please re­port.]

"I'll head out."

He was sum­moned to a sep­ar­ ate space by the Bat­tleNet.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 228

=Davis, the coach who was con­vers­ing with Seong Ji­han, was sum­moned.

=The scene is chang­ing.

=Like the last time, the rep­re­sen­ta­tives were sum­moned to the of­fice.

=The Orc coach... trans­lates to the 'Great Chief­tain.'

Sud­denly ris­ing from the dark­ness was a pris­tine white ta­ble.

Stand­ing at the mas­sive ta­ble's two ends were the hu­man coach, Davis,

An Orc, eas­ily 1.5 times larger than Davis -- an enor­mous fig­ure.


The Orc, with his lower fangs pro­trud­ing sharply, growled upon see­ing

"Hu­man­ity... the race with the hid­den boss."

=Ah, the hid­den boss...

=Is he re­fer­ring to player Seong Ji­han?

=He's fa­mous even out of the Earth! The one-shot, one-kill hid­den boss,
Seong Ji­han!

=Speak­ing of which, ap­par­ently a memo went out to all guilds to main­tain

Seong Ji­han's rank at 11. To ig­nore him and not chal­lenge the hid­den boss.

=Haha. A strate­gic move to pre­pare for the ban cards. Since only those up to
10th place will be af­fected!

=Yeah. But when we in­ter­viewed play­ers, it seems they were run­ning

scared even be­fore the memo came out. No mat­ter how ap­peal­ing the re­‐
wards, they didn't dare to chal­lenge him any­more!

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 228

=Just one swing from him and you'll split in half, what do you ex­pect!

Hid­den boss Seong Ji­han, no­to­ri­ous even be­yond Earth, caus­ing fear in
dun­geons across many worlds.

Was he also mak­ing a name on the Orc planet?

Upon en­coun­ter­ing hu­man­ity, the Great Chief­tain im­me­di­ately men­tioned

Seong Ji­han.

And then he looked at Coach Davis with sharp eyes,

"You... you're weak. Why would you rep­re­sent your race?"

"Be­cause I'm the coach of our na­tional team."

"Coach? Grrr... I don't see how a coach with­out fight­ing abil­ity is of any

Laugh­ing mock­ingly right in Davis's face, the Great Chief­tain said.

[Please place your ban and se­lect cards on the ta­ble for the first match.]

"It's here."

Upon the sys­tem's prompt, He took out the cards he had pre­pared in ad­‐

=Our se­lect card is...

=The Tower of Ma­gi­cians!

=Isn't this map a solo matchmap for the mage class?

=It turns into a team match map for Space League. 100 play­ers will par­tic­i­‐

The Tower of Ma­gi­cians.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 228

This map fea­tured two gi­gan­tic magic tow­ers at a cer­tain dis­tance.

Mages would dwell there and un­leash their fire­power upon each other's

=We have some in­ter­est­ing data on this map.

=Yes, player Seong Ji­han par­tic­i­pated as a ma­gi­cian dur­ing that match!

=Ev­ery­one thought China's top ma­gi­cian Je Gal­heon would end the game,
but they were counter-sup­pressed by Seong Ji­han. It was the game that re­‐
vealed the ut­most util­ity of all Seong Ji­han's classes.

=Is Davis pick­ing this map to­day tar­get­ing Seong Ji­han's par­tic­i­pa­tion?

Just as the com­men­ta­tors men­tioned,

'Orcs... it could be prej­u­dice, but judg­ing by the ap­pear­ance of their race,

their war­riors seem might­ier than their magic forces.'

Coach Davis had his strat­egy for choos­ing The Tower of Ma­gi­cians map.

Hu­man­ity's strong­est point was the van­guard of war­riors with Seong Ji­han
and the Sword King at the fore­front.

Based on rank­ing alone, there were more ma­gi­cians in the TOP 10.

Fac­tor­ing out the ir­reg­u­lar­ity of Seong Ji­han, hu­man­ity's ma­gi­cians ac­tu­ally

held more power.

Con­versely, the data for the Orcs was only from Seong Ji­han's pro­mo­tion

'From that game, un­dead ad­ver­saries were bested by war­riors and archers;
there was barely a glimpse of ma­gi­cians or sup­port­ers.'


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 228

There was no need to di­rectly face what seemed to be the more for­mi­da­ble
Or­cian war­riors.

Driv­ing the game into a ma­gi­cian's map, es­pe­cially with the hid­den card
Seong Ji­han in play, was the op­ti­mal strat­egy.

On the other hand,

=The Great Chief­tain of the Orcs is tak­ing out their se­lect card. Thank­fully,
they are not do­ing any strange stuff like the Elves did.

=The map's name is War­rior's Val­ley... This map is said to be a large bat­tle­‐
field where only war­riors, 2000 of them in to­tal, can par­tic­i­pate!

=2000? Can our rep­re­sen­ta­tives even meet those num­bers?

=It's not just the team rep­re­sen­ta­tives, the races from 1st to 2000th rank­ing
war­riors are con­scripted for the play.

"Se­lect­ing a ma­gi­cians' map even with a hid­den boss present... Does your
race lack the pride of a war­rior?"

The Great Chief­tain, tak­ing out his card, mocked Davis.

Con­fi­dent in the su­pe­ri­or­ity of Seong Ji­han, the war­rior above war­riors.

'This is way more com­fort­able than with the Elves.'

Faced openly with a war­rior card from the Orcs, Coach Davis an­swered
with a smile.

"Why? Are your ma­gi­cians weak?"

"In­sects! Orc pride lies in strength, not in magic's trick­ery!"

"Re­ally? Just take out the Tower of Ma­gi­cians card, then."

"Im­pos­si­ble! We will face the hid­den boss. I will prove that I am the
supreme war­rior, not him!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 228

With a thud, thud, the Great Chief­tain pounded his chest.

As the ta­ble shook, Coach Davis in­wardly broke into a cold sweat.

Why, whether it's the Elves or now...

Why are all the rep­re­sen­ta­tives such for­mi­da­ble play­ers?

'Of course, I don't think Seong Ji­han will lose against that Great Chief­tain,
but to win for hu­man­ity, we need to thor­oughly ex­ploit their weak­nesses.'

De­cid­ing not to se­lect the war­riors' map, Davis took out the ban card.

['Orcs' 1 to 10 ranked play­ers will re­ceive a ban on 3 of them.]

[Play­ers ranked 1, 7, 9 are banned and won't par­tic­i­pate in the first match.]

['Hu­man­ity's' 1 to 10 ranked play­ers also re­ceive a ban on 3 of them.]

[Play­ers ranked 2, 3, 10 are banned and won't par­tic­i­pate in the first match.]

Both species were sub­jected to re­cip­ro­cal bans of three play­ers each.

Sword King Yoon Se­jin, pon­der­ing the ban re­sults, re­marked, "I got banned.
Maybe I should've pushed harder to go for 1st place."

"The gap to Oliver closed quite a bit, you'll prob­ab­ ly over­take him next
month, right Brother-in-law?"

"Yeah. I'll get a taste of the fresh­est air up there be­fore brother-in-law takes
the first place."

"It seems like you need to hurry there."

"...Seong Ji­han, your 1st place rank­ing now seems in­evitable."

Lis­ten­ing to their con­ver­sa­tion, Lee Hayeon couldn't help but look at Seong
Ji­han with a sense of dis­be­lief.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 228


For Seong Ji­han, 1st place was an ex­pected pro­gres­sion.

'In the cur­rent sit­u­at­ion with­out na­tional bonuses, there is no chance of my

rank­ing drop­ping.'

Pre­vi­ously, be­ing a late­comer and na­tional bonuses play­ing a sig­nif­i­cant

role, the rank­ings dipped.

But now, in the ab­sence of such, level be­came the prime fac­tor for rank­ing.

De­spite not pro­vid­ing as much ex­pe­ri­ence as when first in­tro­duced as the

hid­den boss, even so, his level was clos­ing in on 249.

"But about the Orcs. Are they truly only strong in the war­rior class? What if
they are hid­ing their strength like the Elves did..."

"What about it, Brother-in-law? Have you had any pre­mo­ni­tions?"

"A pre­mo­ni­tion? No, I didn't have any."

Seong Ji­han ob­served the Orc Great Chief­tain in­tensely on the screen.

This chief was the most pow­er­ful Orc war­rior be­fore be­ing ex­ec­ uted by the
Elves, the player who de­feated the Sword King in the pre­vi­ous life's sec­ond

'And if the Orc planet was cho­sen by Bat­tleNet, there must be some­thing...'

De­spite play­ing rel­eg­ a­tion with them later on,

he couldn't be com­pla­cent.

Seong Ji­han, point­ing at the chief­tain said,

"That chief­tain looks quite strong."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 228

"Hmm... I thought so too. We'll need to be cau­tious if it's the war­riors'


"Could they be con­ceal­ing their mag­i­cal strength?"

"It's un­likely."

In his pre­vi­ous life too, the Orcs' weak­ness was their ma­gi­cians and sup­‐

They were a race that laid ev­ery­thing in plain sight.

Hav­ing made his cer­tainty clear,


"I feel re­lieved now that Boss has said so."

Not only Lee Hayeon but also other play­ers around sighed in re­lief upon
hear­ing him.

Af­ter many doubts with the Elves, they felt se­cure with Seong Ji­han's
prophecy-re­veal­ing abil­ity.

And then,

[The map for the first match has been de­cided.]

[The first match will pro­ceed in 'The Tower of Ma­gi­cians'.]


"The Tower of Ma­gi­cians it is."

"It's a fa­vor­able out­come!"

"The coach has good luck."

As per Coach Davis's in­ten­tions, the first match map was set­tled.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 228

See­ing the re­sult, the Great Chief­tain of the Orcs gri­maced.

"Hu­man­ity, even with a hid­den boss, you lack spirit."

"Let's see how su­pe­rior your ma­gi­cian forces re­ally are."


With Davis's re­tort, the Great Chief­tain snorted, but once the game started,

He turned his eyes away from the screen and closed them.



=The Orcs' magic is weaker than ex­pected.

=Their spells are hardly reach­ing our tower, see.

=Oliver and Je Gal­heon are bomb­ing the en­emy's magic tower in com­pe­ti­‐

The game was em­bar­rass­ingly one-sided.

'Their level of ma­gi­cians is even more tragic this time.'

In the Space League's Tower of Ma­gi­cians map, with tow­ers pierc­ing the
sky, and de­spite the con­sid­er­able dis­tance, Hu­man­ity's ma­gi­cians could
bomb from afar with­out hin­drance, un­like Orc ma­gi­cians who suf­fered.

A bat­tle like can­non against bow.

=Player Seong Ji­han... is fly­ing to­wards the en­emy's magic tower but...

=The game will end be­fore he gets there.

=The Orcs stand no chance against our fire­power!

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 228

Seong Ji­han pre­pared to use the Ice Sword Rain as promised, but ''s fin­‐
ished al­ready?'

Be­fore he could even use his mar­tial tech­nique, the game was over.

=We won the first match eas­ily!

=Player Seong Ji­han had to stop ad­vanc­ing mid­way.

=The game ended be­fore he could start!

The game con­cluded with Amer­i­can Oliver as the MVP, and Davis smiled
more re­laxedly at the Great Chief­tain.

"Great mag­i­cal forces, huh."

"...Magic, a mere cow­ardly trick. Orcs re­vere only strength!"

"Is that so? It will al­ways be ma­gi­cians' maps only."

The Orcs were much more trans­par­ent than the Elves.

Coach Davis picked a ma­gi­cians' map for the sec­ond match as well.

But this time, luck was not on his side.

[The map for the sec­ond match has been de­cided.]

[The sec­ond match will pro­ceed in 'War­rior's Val­ley'.]


The Great Chief­tain, upon see­ing the re­sult, flashed his vi­cious teeth.

"Bring out the hid­den boss im­me­di­ately. I will per­son­ally send you all to
your deaths."


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 228

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 229

Chap­ter 229

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


Match two, War­rior's Val­ley.

This game, where 1,000 war­riors of the war­rior class clash, was one of the
Orcs' pre­ferred maps.

=It's set­tled on the op­po­nent's de­sired map.

=It's re­gret­table. The first game was such a breeze.

=Still, the hu­man forces have suf­fi­cient war­rior power. We do have Seong
Ji­han and the Sword King, right?

While the com­men­ta­tors ex­pressed re­gret that the se­lec­tion fa­vored the en­‐
emy's choice, they also voiced con­fi­dence be­cause of the key hu­man play­‐
ers, Seong Ji­han and the Sword King.

Sim­i­lar sen­ti­ments re­sounded among the pub­lic.

-Our side is strong when it comes to war­riors any­way.

-But re­al­is­ti­cally speak­ing, it's just two Ko­re­ans who are strong... if they get
banned, doesn't that mean we will be in trou­ble?

-One should be fine though. Isn't Seong Ji­han ranked 11th?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 229

-Didn't Coach Davis re­quest to tem­po­rar­ily hold the ranks in an­tic­i­pa­tion of

this game?

-When ex­ec­ ut­ing the elves, it was a mess, but that move was pretty smart

The pub­lic seemed to trust the Ko­rean war­rior duo.

Yet, the mood shifted with the re­lease of the ban card in­for­ma­tions: ['Orcs' 1
to 10 ranked play­ers will re­ceive a ban on 3 of them.]

[Play­ers ranked 6, 8, 10 are banned and won't par­tic­i­pate in the sec­ond


['Hu­man­ity's' 1 to 10 ranked play­ers also re­ceive a ban on 3 of them.]

[Play­ers ranked 2, 7, 10 are banned and won't par­tic­i­pate in the sec­ond


The ini­tial op­ti­mistic out­look be­gan to wa­ver upon the ban card's re­veal.

=Oh... the 2nd rank...

=The Sword King is banned. It's a con­sec­u­tive ban now!

=The ban from the first match was of no con­se­quence, but this one is quite

=Still, it's lucky that Seong Ji­han sur­vived. If he'd been just one rank higher,
we'd be fight­ing with­out both Seong Ji­han and the Sword King!

"Oh no, not an­other ban..."

Yoon Se­jin fur­rowed his brows.

The first game's map of ma­gi­cians didn't mat­ter, but par­tic­i­pa­tion in this
sec­ond game was cru­cial.

Un­for­tu­nately, the op­po­nents' ban card di­rectly hit him this time.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 229

"Brother-in-law, I apol­o­gize."

"It's the luck of the draw. There's no need to be sorry. I'll stand in for you."

Seong Ji­han replied to Yoon Se­jin, think­ing.

'In my pre­vi­ous life, Brother-in-law was in the match, and now this side-ef­‐
fect has oc­curred as his rank rose to 2nd place.'

Back when Yoon Se­jin was in Japan, he was con­tent with the 3rd rank.

But now, af­ter re­turn­ing to Ko­rea and join­ing the Daegi guild, he surged to
the 2nd rank in the world, en­joy­ing a pow­er­ful pro­gres­sion.

It's good to have grown, but he faced con­sec­u­tive bans now, some­thing that
didn't hap­pen be­fore.

Seong Ji­han re­solved to carry out Yoon Se­jin's role in this bat­tle too, as he
con­sid­ered his next move.

'The Chief­tain who struck down Brother-in-law... I don't have much in­for­‐
ma­tion on him.'

The Orc Chief­tain.

As they had only clashed once, not much about the Chief­tain re­mained in
Seong Ji­han's mem­ory.

But there was one vivid scene that had made a strong im­pres­sion on Seong

'Yet I re­mem­ber how he smashed Brother-in-law's head with a punch.'

The white blade of the Sword King had been crushed by the chief­tain's fist.

The con­tin­u­ously pres­sured Yoon Se­jin even­tu­ally couldn't with­stand his

op­po­nent's power and ended up with a burst head.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 229

Hu­man­ity de­spaired at this re­sult, but Seong Ji­han, who watched it un­fold,
felt se­cretly pleased.

Back then, the Sword King was no less than a sworn en­emy to him.

'I'm stronger than Brother was back then...'

Al­though he up­graded his weapon and grew stronger with the Fun­da­men­tal
Di­vine Arts, this op­po­nent was no easy feat.

'I'll have to use the An­ni­hi­la­tion Tech­nique right away.'

With that thought, Seong Ji­han pre­pared for the con­test.

War­rior's Val­ley.

High cliffs rose on ei­ther side with a flat plain be­low, of­fer­ing an equal
play­ing ground to both teams.

The map man­dated a straight­for­ward face-off, war­riors against war­riors,

with­out dis­trac­tions.

"Wow. I can't be­lieve I'm par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Space League...!"

"I never ex­pected this!"

When a thou­sand war­riors were cho­sen, even those not in the main team
were sum­moned.

Over­whelmed with ex­cite­ment, they looked around in ela­tion.

"Those who've been sum­moned, stop look­ing around and come this way.
We need to build our for­ma­tion first!"

"Hurry to re­ceive the for­ma­tion bonus!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 229

The main team war­riors urged on the new­com­ers, clus­ter­ing in groups to

build their for­ma­tion.

"We'll pri­mar­ily go with the tur­tle shell for­ma­tion."

"We'll switch to at­tack for­ma­tion once we as­sess the en­emy's strength."

The war­riors hus­tled, is­su­ing com­mands and mov­ing briskly. How­ever,

Seong Ji­han...

"I will act alone."

"Ah, yes! Un­der­stood!"

Not join­ing in the group's move­ment, he stood at the fore­front, ob­serv­ing

the Orc side.

'They've formed cir­cles of a hun­dred. That's the usual pat­tern for Orcs.'

Re­gard­less of be­ing a chief­tain or not, Orc war­riors al­ways gath­ered in cir­‐

cles to form their ranks.

Was this cir­cle for­ma­tion grant­ing sig­nif­i­cant bonuses to the Orc race?

As Seong Ji­han watched their move­ment, there came a rum­ble.

"You are..."

The Orc chief­tain, who just used the se­lect and ban cards ear­lier, stepped
for­ward and looked at Seong Ji­han with a baf­fling ex­pres­sion.

"Weren't you in the first game? Your face was cov­ered..."

The game had ended be­fore Seong Ji­han re­ally got into ac­tion. The fo­cus
had been largely on the Orc camp be­ing bom­barded so the footage of Seong
Ji­han fly­ing was brief.

It seemed the chief­tain had caught that fleet­ing mo­ment, too.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 229


"How come a mage is in this game...?"

"I'm the one you have been seek­ing."

"What...! You're the hid­den boss?"

As Seong Ji­han nod­ded, the Orc chief­tain clenched his fist.


His skin be­gan re­flect­ing a gray­ish hue, and tat­toos that hadn't been vis­i­ble
be­fore started emerg­ing on his body.

"Good! I'll avenge my hu­mil­i­at­ion in the dun­geon here!"

"Hu­mil­i­at­ion? Did you lose to my dun­geon boss?"

"I wasn't de­feated. It was just a sur­prise at­tack!"

Isn't that the same thing?

If he was dec­i­mated by a clone, it must not be as chal­leng­ing as ex­pected.

As Seong Ji­han thought, the chief­tain raised his hand to the sky.

"Great an­ces­tors. Grant me strength!"


In­tense light burst from the sky, crash­ing down on him. His green skin
quickly grayed.

In­flat­ing like a bal­loon then turn­ing into mus­cle, the chief­tain's body dou­‐
bled in size from be­fore.

"Hid­den boss... I'll crush you!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 229


The chief­tain stomped the ground, clos­ing the dis­tance to Seong Ji­han in an

'In­cred­i­ble speed. He def­i­nitely wasn't this strong just mo­ments ago.'

As soon as he called for his an­ces­tor's, he trans­formed with su­per­hu­man


Above, a gray light con­tin­ued pour­ing down, en­er­giz­ing him.

Is that the source of his power?

"Don't you dare take your eyes off me!"


The gi­ant fist aimed at Seong Ji­han's head slowed to a crawl.

In­hib­ited by the spa­tial con­trol of the Void.

The chief­tain's eyes bulged.


"It's still too early for that."


A shadow sword bloomed from Seong Ji­han's left hand.

With a swift strike, he launched his at­tack.

Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts, Triad of Mar­tial Mas­tery: Way of Im­mor­tals A

sim­ple thrust aim­ing for one point, Way of Im­mor­tals.

But, aug­mented with the true power of Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts, its force
was unimag­in­able.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 229


A vast hole ap­peared in the chief­tain's chest.


"What, what!"

Be­hind the chief­tain, the force of the blow reached all the way to the Orcs
form­ing the cir­cle far away.

=The sword en­ergy...

=It stretches to the edge of the map!

=The Orcs' cir­cu­lar for­ma­tion com­pletely col­lapsed!

=Over thirty fell with just one strike!

The cen­tral point shat­tered, dozens of Orcs col­lapsed, and The Way of Im­‐
mor­tals ex­tended to the map's edge.

But the chief­tain, hit at close range by this at­tack, was al­ready...



He had healed the mas­sive hole in his chest.

"No such at­tack ex­isted when I fought the hid­den boss."

"That's be­cause he con­tained only a part of me."

"In­stead of the hid­den boss be­ing en­hanced, you mean you were a di­luted
ver­sion... You're a ter­ri­ble mon­stros­ity. But..."


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 229

The Orc's fist moved faster than be­fore.

"Good! That makes it worth crush­ing you!"

The air split as the chief­tain's punch hur­tled to­wards Seong Ji­han's head.

The re­strain­ing power of the Void space was less ef­fec­tive now.

'His strength in­ten­si­fied af­ter the chest was pierced.'

Yet it was still within a man­age­able range.

Seong Ji­han brought down Eclipse, slic­ing the chief­tain's fist cleanly in


The sound of metal tear­ing apart, the chief­tain's form dis­solv­ing.

But wisps of gray smoke rose from the split arm, main­tain­ing the punch's

'If one strike won't do it.'


Eclipse whirred sev­eral times, craft­ing arcs and rips through the chief­tain.

Wisps dis­in­te­grated, blood­lines burst through­out his body.

'If not once, then mul­ti­ple times.'

As each deadly strike landed non­stop, smoke bil­lowed from the solid body
of the chief­tain, and it shrank.

"I've never faced... such strikes, so eas­ily...!"

He grit­ted his teeth, watch­ing his body.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 229

The en­ergy de­scend­ing from the heav­ens rapidly re­gen­er­ated him, but...

The foe's sword was faster.

De­spite the prox­im­ity, not once had his fist reached Seong Ji­han, who
slashed him a dozen times.

"So when are you go­ing to crush me?"

Grin­ning in ridicule, Seong Ji­han slashed.


The Orc chief­tain's head flew off, soar­ing through the air.

The close com­bat show­down tran­spired in an in­stant.

The vic­tor was clear in the blink of an eye.

"The big... big chief­tain...!"

"How could the Great Chief­tain...!"

As the chief­tain's head rolled on the ground.

Orc war­riors were hor­ri­fied.

But then,

"Get up."

Seong Ji­han mo­tioned with his sword.


The sky's gray hue in­ten­si­fied, en­velop­ing the chief­tain's body and start­ing
the re­gen­er­at­ion process once more.

"...How did you know that I would re­vive?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 229

His body re­stored, the chief­tain asked with a stern ex­pres­sion.

Seong Ji­han pointed his sword sky­ward.

"It's ob­vi­ous. Whin­ing for an­ces­tral sup­port, with arms spread to the heav­‐
ens -- that's the source of your power, isn't it?"

The flow of en­ergy vis­i­ble through the Void sig­ni­fied the chief­tain stand­ing
on the ground was merely sec­ondary.

The true en­tity was the gray en­ergy pour­ing from above.

"...You fig­ured that out in such a short time? No won­der you're the hid­den

"It's all quite trans­par­ent."

"Well... I ac­knowl­edge your in­sight. But what will you do about it?"

Once again, the chief­tain raised both arms to the sky.

"As long as I keep re­ceiv­ing this sup­port from my an­ces­tors, I'll con­tinue to
grow stronger and close the gap be­tween us. As long as the sky re­mains, I
will ul­ti­mately pre­vail..."


As in­tense gray light de­scended upon the chief­tain again, he flashed a tri­‐
umphant grin.

"Now, try tear­ing me apart again, Hid­den boss. Make me stronger! Let me
re­ceive the an­ces­tral power again!"

With the en­ergy from the skies en­abling re­vival and strength in­crease af­ter
each death, the chief­tain openly in­vited Seong Ji­han to slay him.

But Seong Ji­han, watch­ing the de­fi­ant chief­tain, soon lifted his gaze.

"No. It's too bor­ing play­ing with you. I'll just get rid of that sky."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 229


"Pythia. I will honor our agree­ment."

As he fin­ished speak­ing, an in­tense cold burst from Seong Ji­han's body.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 230

Chap­ter 230

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts: An­ni­hi­la­tion God's Se­cret, Ice Heaven Sword


Seong Ji­han's Eclipse froze in his grip.


The sword left his hand and soared au­tonomously into the sky.

"What are you try­ing to do!"

The chief­tain charged at Seong Ji­han, who was now with­out his weapon.


Be­fore he could reach him, from the Phoenix Flag in Seong Ji­han's hand, a
Crim­son light­ning burst forth, com­pletely in­cin­er­at­ing the chief­tain's body.

Demon­strat­ing su­pe­rior power than the ba­sic moves of Triad of Mar­tial

Mas­tery, the light­ning at­tack an­ni­hi­lated the chief­tain's form.

How­ever, a fiercer gray light burst from the sky and the oblit­er­ated chief­tain
soon reap­peared.

"...You truly ex­tin­guished me com­pletely."

He looked in­cred­u­lously at Seong Ji­han and then to­ward the heav­ens.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 230

"But as long as the an­ces­tors' bless­ing is with me, I will not die... Huh?"

Just then,

the sup­port­ive gray light from the sky quickly faded.

At the same time,

Crackle... Crackle!

Around the Eclipse in the sky, the heav­ens rapidly be­gan to freeze over.

"You fool... You think you can freeze the sky? Do you think that's even pos­‐

The chief­tain scoffed out­wardly, but un­like be­fore, he re­frained from charg­‐
ing reck­lessly at Seong Ji­han.

In­stead, he ob­served the wan­ing gray aura for a mo­ment and be­gan to re­‐
treat hastily.

He made a cold judg­ment: with­out the an­ces­tors' bless­ing, he was no match.

"How can it con­tinue...!"

The sky was freez­ing faster than the chief­tain could flee, Thunk! Thunk...!

From the frigid heav­ens, mas­sive en­ti­ties be­gan to de­scend one by one.

"What is this...?"

"Are those... swords?"

Col­umn-like shapes of ice and wa­ter, re­sem­bling swords, the Ice Heaven
Sword Rain landed di­rectly onto the gath­ered Orc war­riors be­hind the chief­‐

"How do we block this!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 230

"Throw your bod­ies! Pro­tect the cir­cle's cen­ter!"

Try­ing to main­tain for­ma­tion de­spite the over­whelm­ing force dis­par­ity, the

Orc bat­tal­ion bravely hurled them­selves against the gi­ant ice swords.

But be­fore even touch­ing the ground, their bod­ies were frozen solid.


As the pil­lars of swords an­chored into the earth, the Orc bat­tal­ion was
crushed, and the frozen heav­ens de­scended, shat­ter­ing the fir­ma­ment.

"Gr, Grr..."

"The for­ma­tion main­te­nance is im­pos­si­ble. Evade...!"

"...The heav­ens are fall­ing, where should we es­cape?"

"And the ground's frozen over. Can't even lift my feet!"

As the ground was skew­ered by Ice Heaven Sword Rain, in­stantly froze
over, and the fir­ma­ment above de­scended squarely upon the Orc bat­tal­ion, it
was a dis­as­ter they sim­ply couldn't stand against.


The skies and the earth merged into ice.

The Orcs, caught be­tween, were oblit­er­ated with­out a trace.

"I... How could a mere player do this..."


As the chief­tain stood alone, hav­ing barely es­caped the range, he shiv­ered,
look­ing back at the dev­as­ta­tion .

"How could a sin­gle player... ac­com­plish this?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 230

Yet, de­spite the chief­tain's hor­ror,

Seong Ji­han, upon us­ing Ice Heaven Sword Rain for the first time, seemed
dis­sat­is­fied with the re­sult.

'Is it be­cause it's my first time us­ing it? It seems Ice Heaven Sword Rain
tar­geted the wrong en­tity...'

It was fine un­til freez­ing the sky and di­min­ish­ing the Orcs' an­ces­tral power.

But why Ice Heaven Sword Rain tar­geted Orcs be­hind the chief­tain in­stead
of him re­mained a mys­tery.

Was it a lack of con­trol over the fourth An­ni­hi­la­tion Tech­nique, a skill yet
new to him?

As Seong Ji­han con­tem­plated Ice Heaven Sword Rain, a re­al­iza­tion



Notic­ing a dis­tinct change in the aura around the re­tracted chief­tain, "The
power from your an­ces­tors... has markedly di­min­ished."

"What non­sense are you spout­ing?"

"With Ice Heaven gone, the gray en­ergy should be re­sup­ply­ing you from the
sky. But it's not re­gen­er­at­ing you, it's wan­ing, isn't it?"


"Look­ing back, the Orc war­riors' for­ma­tions were strange."

The Orc war­riors had gath­ered in cir­cles of a hun­dred each, spaced far

It mir­rored the past life, rais­ing ques­tions about po­ten­tial bonuses for the

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 230

"So the power came not from an­ces­tors but from them, did it?"


The chief­tain's power was un­de­ni­ably for­mi­da­ble, even over­pow­er­ing in its

ca­pac­ity to re­gen­er­ate and grow stronger af­ter in­jury.

If this had not been 'Seong Ji­han,' the hid­den boss him­self might have stood
a chance given pro­longed com­bat...

'Dun­geons maps couldn't de­ploy a thou­sand war­riors at once. So that level

of re­gen­er­at­ion was im­pos­si­ble. That's why the hid­den boss failed.'

Ice Heaven Sword Rain then must have pre­cisely struck the true source of

Could the fea­ture of Ice Heaven Sword Rain be to at­tack the source of

Seong Ji­han re­flected on the de­ploy­ment of Ice Heaven Sword Rain that
fused heaven and earth.

'Draw­ing upon the source to strike... is that Ice Heaven Sword Rain's char­‐

Still not fully un­der­stand­ing the fourth An­ni­hi­la­tion Tech­nique de­spite hav­‐
ing wielded it, Seong Ji­han con­cluded fur­ther study was needed, then
slowly ap­proached the chief­tain, stand­ing still.

"...You, what's your name?"

De­feated in spirit, the chief­tain en­quired with res­ig­na­tion.

"You needn't know."


With a ca­sual slash, Seong Ji­han be­headed him.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 230


With a roll, the head and body sep­ar­ ated, spilling blood across the soil, but
con­sid­er­ing he re­gen­er­ated from to­tal dele­tion be­fore, this in­jury should not
have been fa­tal.

Yet now,

no gray light de­scended upon the chief­tain's head, "...I have lost."

Clos­ing his eyes at that dec­la­ra­tion.

[The sec­ond match con­cludes.]

[Hu­man­ity has won the match.]

[Player Seong Ji­han is named the match MVP.]

The game was over.


=The game is fin­ished! Hu­man­ity is vic­to­ri­ous!

=Player Seong Ji­han ac­com­plishes a solo 1000 kills!! Stronger than ever!

Match two...

For hu­man­ity, the game be­gan in­aus­pi­ciously.

Not only was it on the Orcs' fa­vored map, but the Sword King Yoon Se­jin
also faced a ban.


The out­come was en­tirely un­ex­pected.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 230

-Is Seong Ji­han a god?? Is Seong Ji­han a god?? Is Seong Ji­han a god??

-Not even jok­ing, but like se­ri­ously, he's god at this point; -That's why he
just keeps get­ting stronger ev­ery game lol lol lol -Wow, the sec­ond match
ended even faster than the first o_o -Or­dered chicken, but the Space League
is about to end be­fore it has even ar­rived....

While Seong Ji­han's power was al­ways a spec­ta­cle, no one could have pre­‐
dicted he'd solo de­feat 1000 play­ers in the op­po­nent's strong­est arena.

-Why is he ranked 11th then? lol The rank­ing sys­tem is a mess -- -Good
thing he's 11th, he won't face a ban lol -The en­em
­ ies will prob­ab­ ly just ban
the 1st rank from now on, if it's Seong Ji­han they're up against, so ter­ri­fy­‐

With the dom­i­nat­ing vic­tory, the cha­t­room over­flowed with a fes­tive air.

Un­like na­tional con­fronta­tions, the Space League united hu­man­ity in this

col­lec­tive fate.

Peo­ple of ev­ery na­tion­al­ity sa­vored the over­whelm­ing tri­umph as if in an­‐

other world.

-What will the coun­tries of the North­east Asia League do now?

-Just fall one rank down, lol

-Seong-nim (Seong Ji­han) will en­sure the Space League rank, so no wor­ries
about re­gional league de­mo­tion lol -The Sword King wouldn't have stood a
chance any­way lol. Al­ready those from the same league as Ko­rea as­sumed a
step down as given.

Coach Davis grinned ear-to-ear with the sec­ond easy vic­tory, 'With him do­‐
ing all the work, it's cer­tainly easy for a coach... I'm so grate­ful he's on our

Whether against the elves or now,

Seong Ji­han sin­gu­larly car­ried the matches with crazy prow­ess.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 230

Coach Davis in­dulged freely in the an­tics as hu­man­ity's team rep­re­sen­ta­tive.


"...That player from ear­lier, what's his name?"

From across the ta­ble, the chief­tain who had lost his head in the sec­ond
match asked Davis with an aged ex­pres­sion.

The chief­tain's fix­at­ion on the name had been per­sis­tent.

Davis, with a sneer, replied,

"Think I'd tell you? Just throw out your card, chief­tain."

"Sigh... What's the use any­way? There's a crazed mon­ster among you."

For the se­lec­tion and ban of the third match, the chief­tain care­lessly threw
out a ran­dom card.

Such be­hav­ior as a rep­re­sen­ta­tive was un­think­able, but the blow of his re­‐
cent de­feat led him to an al­most game-throw­ing sur­ren­der.

Yet then,

['Orcs' 1 to 10 ranked play­ers will re­ceive a ban on 3 of them.]

[Play­ers ranked 3, 4, 5 are banned and won't par­tic­i­pate in the third match.]

['Hu­man­ity's' 1 to 20 ranked play­ers will re­ceive a ban on 5 of them.]

[Play­ers ranked 1, 6, 10, 11, 19 are banned and won't par­tic­i­pate in the third


Per­haps toss­ing it ab­sent­mind­edly, he threw a card that, in­stead of the usual

1-10, banned 5 play­ers from 1-20.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 230

"...A pit fight? Ahh, against that mon­ster again... Huh? Rank 1 has been

And then,

bright­en­ing upon view­ing the sys­tem mes­sage, "Forewent, yet rank 1...!"

The third match beamed to life.

"This time it's my turn."

"If the chief­tain comes out, wipe out the Orcs be­hind him first. They are the

"Okay, brother-in-law."

Hu­man­ity's play­ers, with Yoon Se­jin re­plac­ing the banned rank 11 Seong Ji­‐
han, "...Ohh!"

The chief­tain, par­tic­i­pat­ing in the third fight, looked around at his foes with
a ra­di­ant smile.

That mon­ster, Now that the 1st rank was banned, he's gone!

"Now, things are dif­fer­ent...!"

Charg­ing fiercely to­ward hu­man­ity,

"Let's start with the Orcs in the back!"

Hu­man­ity, though lack­ing Seong Ji­han, fol­lowed his hint, tar­get­ing the Orcs
rather than the chief­tain.

In the all-po­si­tion Arena map, the hu­man mages poured fire­power to­wards
the cir­cu­lar Orc war­riors, "What? They looked so weak be­fore...!"

"Sur­pris­ingly sturdy, aren't they?"

Orc war­riors, a stark con­trast from their last match's dis­play, "Gr­rrrrr!!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 230

The chief­tain, tram­pling the war­riors block­ing his way, ram­paged through
hu­man­ity's back­lines, "I'll shred you all!"

He un­leashed a bru­tal slaugh­ter, venge­ful for the sec­ond match's dis­grace.

=Ahh, no one can stop the chief­tain!

=Was he al­ways this strong??

=The Sword King try­ing to mark him but... the chief­tain ut­terly ig­nor­ing the
at­tacks, fo­cus­ing solely on dec­i­mat­ing the magic forces!

=Ah, the Sword King, con­ced­ing it's fu­tile, changed di­rec­tion. Now he's
aim­ing to break the Orcs' for­ma­tion!

=But... be­fore that, our side will be an­ni­hi­lated first! The chief­tain, he's in­‐

The chief­tain was for­mi­da­ble only when Seong Ji­han was ab­sent.

Now ban­ished, he seemed to fly.


"You are fairly strong. But..."

Yoon Se­jin held his own, fight­ing fiercely against the chief­tain, "I AM UN­‐


Even­tu­ally, he couldn't counter the chief­tain's fist.

=Match three... We lost.

=How could the chief­tain be so pow­er­ful?!!

With that, the third Arena match went to the Orcs, seem­ingly rein­vig­o­rated,
the chief­tain sat tri­umphantly back in the rep­re­sen­ta­tives' room.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 230

"Haha. You hu­mans... with­out that hid­den boss, you're not much, now are

The chief­tain, with arms crossed, looked down on Coach Davis with ar­ro­‐

"One strong player... then the so­lu­tion is sim­ple."


He pulled out a ban card, plac­ing it on the ta­ble.

['Hu­man­ity's' player ranked 1st is banned. Will not par­tic­i­pate in the fourth

"Now, I shall turn the tide."

The chief­tain laughed con­fi­dently.

And Coach Davis,

"Ck... damn it..."

Strug­gled to hold back his twitch­ing lips, try­ing des­per­ately to keep a se­ri­‐
ous face.

-Rank 1 banned lololololol

-Check out the coach's act­ing skills lolololol -Why do I feel bad for the
chief­tain hav­ing fun lololol "War­rior's Val­ley! My luck is good to­day!"

So be­gan the fourth game on the same map, War­rior's Val­ley.



"Let's end this one even quicker."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 230

Seong Ji­han waved at the chief­tain be­fore send­ing his sword into the sky.

"What, what's go­ing on? You... Why are you here? You were banned!"

"Yeah. Good job."

The fourth match fol­lowed the same pat­tern as the sec­ond.


The chief­tain's head fell even as he won­dered, "Didn't I ban the 1st rank...?"

And fol­low­ing the end of the match,

[...I en­joyed watch­ing your game.]

The Dis­ci­ple of the Mar­tial God, Pythia, con­tacted him.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 231

Chap­ter 231

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


The sec­ond Space League Game con­cluded with a re­sound­ing 3:1 vic­tory
for hu­man­ity, cre­at­ing a fes­tive at­mos­phere among the hu­man ranks.

[The de­ci­sive bat­tle against the Orcs ends in vic­tory!]

[Hu­man­ity leaps to 7th place in the league rank­ings.]

[Seong Ji­han, hav­ing sub­dued the Great Chief­tain twice, be­comes the se­ries

[Coach Davis's strat­egy hits the mark.]

High­lighted across global me­dia, A se­ries MVP in­ter­view was con­ducted.

"Player Seong Ji­han!"

"Con­grat­u­la­tions on be­com­ing the se­ries MVP!"

In­side the rep­re­sen­ta­tive team's wait­ing room pre­pared within the Bat­tleNet
game, the com­men­ta­tors, with ex­cited faces, handed over the mi­cro­phone to
Seong Ji­han.

"You showed a con­sid­er­ably more pow­er­ful form this time, es­pe­cially in the
bat­tle against the Orc chief­tain, it was like a nat­u­ral dis­as­ter hap­pened!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 231

"The sky froze over and fell! Not even the great­est mages, not even Oliver,
could man­i­fest such a phe­nom­en­ on. It was truly over­whelm­ing!"

"How do you man­age to grow so rapidly?"

"You need to join the Daegi guild for rapid progress."

"Ha! With the TOP 200 in a frenzy to get in, the com­pe­ti­tion will be more
in­tense than ever!"

Laugh­ing, the com­men­ta­tors en­gaged in light-hearted ban­ter with Seong Ji­‐

han. They also touched on one of the key fac­tors that led to the 3:1 game re­‐
sult: "The Great Chief­tain of the Orcs mis­took Player Seong Ji­han for the
top player and used his ban card un­der that im­pres­sion."

"It was a rea­son­able as­sump­tion! In the third game when num­ber 1 was
banned, Player Seong Ji­han didn't ap­pear."

"The strat­egy was highly ef­fec­tive to­day, but we won­der what will hap­pen
in the next Space League game..."

"What do you think will hap­pen to your rank next time?"

To the com­men­ta­tor's ques­tion, Seong Ji­han re­sponded im­me­di­ately.

"It's im­pos­si­ble to stay at rank 11."

"Of course... that makes sense."

"Yes. My hid­den boss pro­vides me with a lot of ex­pe­ri­ence. If I stop grow­‐

ing, I won't be able to han­dle even stronger en­em
­ ies that may emerge later.

With that, Seong Ji­han un­furled his in­dex fin­ger.

"I'll get to rank 1 at my own pace."

"Go­ing for rank 1...!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 231

"Yes. As you saw with the Great Chief­tain, it's log­i­cal for the en­em
­ ies to
think I'm hu­man­ity's top player, right?"

If any other player had made that state­ment, it would have been deemed ar­‐

"That's right!"

"The Great Chief­tain's choice, though laughed at by us, was tech­ni­cally the
right one."

"Af­ter be­ing so de­ci­sively beaten by Seong Ji­han, of course, they would

think that way!"

Com­ing from Seong Ji­han, the com­ment held more weight.

-For real lol, the Great Chief­tain just made the ob­vi­ous choice.

-Who knew rank 11 could be that strong lol

-To­day an­swered 'Seong Ji­han vs Sword King: who would win?'

-These days, ex­cept die-hard Sword King fans, ev­ery­one thinks Seong Ji­han
will win lol -But man, once Seong Ji­han hits rank 1, that's go­ing to be trou­‐

Ev­ery­one nat­u­rally ac­cepted that Seong Ji­han was hu­man­ity's strong­est and
his rank 1 sta­tus was in­evitable. They wor­ried about the fu­ture from this
com­mon-sense base­line.

-What if the en­em

­ ies only ban the 1st rank?

-From what we saw, We lose when Seong Ji­han isn't present...

-Yep, even the Sword King lost to the Great Chief­tain; if it wasn't for Seong
Ji­han, the score might have been 3:1 in re­verse.

-The Orcs aren't even a strong race; they were the low­est-ranked...

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 231

-We can't get com­pla­cent be­cause we won this match; other play­ers need to
be­come stronger, too. Once Seong Ji­han is first, he's al­most guar­an­teed to
be banned.

Hu­man­ity's ex­ces­sive re­liance on Seong Ji­han was ev­i­dent in both games.

The coach­ing staff, led by Coach Davis, knew this bet­ter than any­one so af­‐
ter the MVP in­ter­view, in the sub­se­quent win­ning coach's in­ter­view.

"We won this game eas­ily thanks to Player Seong Ji­han, but this strat­egy
won't work for­ever. As ev­i­dent from the third game, the hu­man rep­re­sen­ta­‐
tive team has much to im­prove on. Un­til Seong Ji­han reaches rank 1, we
will do our ut­most to strengthen our forces."

-The other play­ers should step up, not just rely on Seong Ji­han.

-Coach Davis looks re­li­able.

-He will likely con­tinue as the na­tional team coach.

-Right. Even the ex­ec­ u­tion against the elves, when seen in light of re­duc­ing
en­emy power, was the right choice, wasn't it?

End­ing in vic­tory, the sec­ond Space League game brought joy to hu­man­ity
but also high­lighted the need to re­solve the ex­ces­sive de­pen­dence on Seong



Hav­ing logged out and re­turned to the Sword Palace, Yoon Se­jin went to the
liquor cab­i­net and started bring­ing out sev­eral bot­tles of whiskey into the
liv­ing room.

"Dad! Why are you tak­ing out liquor...?"

"Ha! The bar­rier of the uni­verse is in­deed high."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 231

"... Is it be­cause of the Great Chief­tain?"

"That and even dur­ing the match against the elves, I was pow­er­less."


Yoon Se­jin let out a deep sigh and tipped back the bot­tle.

It would usu­ally be a cause for cel­eb­ ra­tion to have his po­si­tion as hu­man­‐
ity's strong­est war­rior usurped by his brother-in-law, but, "I can't be­lieve I
couldn't man­age to help at all..."

He found him­self ap­palling for los­ing cru­cial games.

"Brother-in-law... What are you do­ing?"

"Feel­ing pa­thetic for fac­ing con­sec­u­tive de­feats."

"The Great Chief­tain... he was an op­po­nent out of the or­di­nary spec­i­fi­ca­‐

tions, har­ness­ing power from other Orcs."

Gulp! Gulp!

Seong Ji­han of­fered words of com­fort to Yoon Se­jin, who was gulp­ing
down whiskey like wa­ter, "In the third game, when all other play­ers fell,
you fought alone res­o­lutely. There's no rea­son for self-blame."

"... Still, the young­ster man­aged to win."


Yoon Se­jin sighed deeply again, gaz­ing at his palms.

"Nowa­days, I feel doubt­ful. Twin Sword Mas­tery. Am I truly evolv­ing this

power well? Or am I just a lucky fool who re­ceived an SSS-rank Gift..."

Seong Ji­han watched Yoon Se­jin lament­ing and lift­ing an­other bot­tle, Twin
Sword Mas­tery

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 231

That Gift was an area even Seong Ji­han knew lit­tle about.

The power's evo­lu­tion ul­ti­mately rested in the player's own hands, so ad­vice
wasn't his to give.

'If I re­call from my pre­vi­ous life...'

The Sword King, who was be­guiled by Shizuru and used as her pawn, con­‐
tin­ued to de­velop as a war­rior af­ter mov­ing to Japan.

It was, af­ter all, his use­ful­ness that prompted Shizuru to charm him in the
first place.

'To­ward the end, the num­ber of swords de­creased.'

The Sword King, who used to sum­mon white swords, Over time, he ac­tu­‐
ally re­duced the num­ber of swords he used.

In the end, wasn't it about 20 swords?

Seong Ji­han sug­gested to the ine­bri­ated Yoon Se­jin.

"In­stead of dif­fus­ing power among a hun­dred blades, what if you re­duce the
num­ber of swords?"

"Re­duce the swords...?"

"Yes. While a hun­dred swords are an ef­fec­tive area of at­tack against av­er­‐
age foes, it doesn't work in the Space League. It seems bet­ter to re­fine each
in­di­vid­ual sword and cul­ti­vate its po­ten­tial, mak­ing it more pow­er­ful."

"Hmm... Thus, re­duce, not mul­ti­ply the blades..."

Hav­ing emp­tied a bot­tle al­ready, Yoon Se­jin fell deep in thought.

Seong Ji­han's so­lu­tion was sim­ple but rep­re­sented a com­plete shift for Yoon
Se­jin, who had been in­creas­ing the num­ber of blades in pur­suit of evolv­ing
the Twin Sword Mas­tery.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 231

Tap! Tap!

He tapped on the empty bot­tle, then de­ci­sively stood up.

"Al­right. I'll give it a try. Thank you for the ad­vice, Ji­han."

He got up and walked to­ward the train­ing room.

"Daddy! Swing­ing swords af­ter drink­ing; what are you do­ing!"

"It's fine. This is noth­ing!"

Saun­ter­ing off with a wave while reek­ing of al­co­hol, Yoon Se­jin dis­ap­‐

Yoon Seah watched him un­be­liev­ably then gave Seong Ji­han a thumbs up.

"Un­cle, you were amaz­ing to­day. You led the team to vic­tory all alone."

"I was just play­ing in the first match."

"Ah... you were ad­vanc­ing for­ward when the game ended. That was just a
warmup be­cause their mages were so weak!"

She then raised her hand tri­umphantly,

"But hey! Did you know? Coach called me to­day."

"Coach? Who? Davis?"

"No... Coach Davis was pick­ing cards ear­lier. I'm talk­ing about Coach Noh

"Ah. Yeah. What did he say?"

"He asked if I could par­tic­i­pate in the next Ko­rea-Japan match! Fi­nally! I've
been se­lected for the na­tional team!"

Bounc­ing with ex­cite­ment, Yoon Seah clinched her fist.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 231

Sur­prised in­wardly, Seong Ji­han asked her,

"The na­tional team's archer line is tough to crack... They let you in?"

"It's all thanks to the Arte­mus Bow! It's amaaaaaz­ing!"

"Did it earn back its price?"

"... Not yet."

"Well, you'll make it worth in time."

"Uh. Even so, 200 bil­lion GP is..."

Men­tion­ing the 200 bil­lion GP value, Yoon seah's hands be­came care­ful
with the Arte­mus Bow.

Seong Ji­han chuck­led at her re­ac­tion.

"I won't ask you for money; use it as you wish."

"Eek! How could I? It might be the most ex­pen­sive bow in the world..."

"Any­way. Then three of us will par­tic­i­pate in the Ko­rea-Japan game."

"Yep! Hehe. I'll make my de­but suc­cess­ful, and next I'll aim for the Space
League match!"

"Hmm. For that, do you have more skills in ad­di­tion to Void Ar­row?"

"Ah. Well, I'm prac­tic­ing some­thing but..."

As her voice be­came softer at the sug­ges­tion she lacked skills, she sud­denly
got hyped up.

"Ugh. Enough! I have to de­velop a new skill, too! I can't stay idle if dad is

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 231

Sud­denly she ex­cit­edly de­clared her in­ten­tion to gain new skills and
sprinted off to the train­ing room.

"Good. Try to get your­self banned too."

"Got it! It won't be just you get­ting banned, un­cle!"

Wav­ing back to Seong Ji­han, Yoon Seah en­tered the train­ing room.

Seong Ji­han smiled faintly at her de­par­ture, then heard Pythia's voice.

[Now... have you fin­ished with your tasks?]

Voice low­ered, Seong Ji­han en­gaged with Pythia.

"Yep, Pythia. How was my power from your per­spec­tive?"

[Ice Heaven Sword Rain... was the skill you used ear­lier, right?]


[I re­al­ized some­thing from watch­ing it... I truly was de­ceived by the Mar­tial

The voice of Pythia, con­vinced that she had been mis­led by the Mar­tial
God, was un­ex­pect­edly calm.

"You sound like you ex­pected it."

[I have al­ways car­ried a de­gree of skep­ti­cism about him. I can't dis­cuss it in

de­tail here... Are you par­tic­i­pat­ing in the game against Japan next week?]

"I will."

[Then speak with me in Bat­tleNet then. My avatar, the one you saw... is Ja­‐

The woman from the ho­tel in­tru­sion... She was Ja­pa­nese.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 231

"Un­der­stood. I'll see you then."

[Good. Un­til then... There is one thing I re­al­ized about that Ice Heaven
Sword Rain you used ear­lier...]

She whis­pered her new­found un­der­stand­ing.

[Its true in­ten­tion lies in re­con­nais­sance.]

With that, she halted fur­ther com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

Seong Ji­han pon­dered her words.


Ice Heaven Sword Rain, the over­whelm­ing fourth An­ni­hi­la­tion tech­nique

that froze and dropped the sky...was in­tended for re­con­nais­sance use?

While the idea didn't come eas­ily, it must be rel­ev­ ant to her pow­ers and was
no idle no­tion.

"...I should head to the train­ing room, too."

When un­der­stand­ing eludes you, the only op­tion is to keep prac­tic­ing.

On the vic­to­ri­ous day in the Space League, in­stead of pop­ping cham­pagne,

Seong Ji­han headed for the Void train­ing room.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 232

Chap­ter 232

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


A week af­ter the Space League games, the Ko­rea-Japan match is un­der­way.

The out­look for this game had dras­ti­cally changed com­pared to six months

-1.01... Is that the real odds??

-Bet­ting on Ko­rea's win gives you a 1% profit, huh? lol -It was orig­i­nally at
1.05, but af­ter Seong Ji­han be­came the Space League MVP, it dropped even
more lol -Makes sense, the Ja­pa­nese play­ers are bet­ting on Ko­rea's vic­tory
too? There seems to be a lack of tal­ent in Japan nowa­days.

-It's the to­tal op­po­site of last year's In­de­pen­dence Day lol Whether it was
the In­de­pen­dence Day when the Sword King moved to Japan, Or the sub­se­‐
quent Ko­rea-Japan match where Seong Ji­han rose rapidly, fight­ing the
Sword King.

The 2021 Ko­rea-Japan match was ex­pected to end pre­dictably, un­like pre­vi­‐
ous years.

Seong Ji­han, who dom­i­nated the Space League games, And now eval­u­ated
as war­rior rank 2, but still the for­mi­da­ble Sword King, Yoon Se­jin, would
par­tic­i­pate as well, Whereas Japan, af­ter the Sword King re­turned to Ko­rea,
hasn't seen the emer­gence of any SSS-ranked play­ers, Con­tin­u­ally strug­‐
gling at the bot­tom of the North­east Asia League rank­ings.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 232

Ko­rea's easy vic­tory seemed pre­des­tined.

Ko­re­ans showed more in­ter­est in other de­vel­op­ments rather than the pre­‐
dictable game out­come.

-Turns out Yoon Seah also joined the na­tional team this time.

-Eh? Yoon Seah? Isn't that a bit... Did she use fam­ily con­nec­tions?

-└└└ Last month, Yoon Seah's win rate was top among the di­am ­ ond
archers, she was al­ways good, but af­ter chang­ing her bow, she's in­sane.

-Wow...that fam­ily is full of mon­sters o_o

-The speed of her growth is un­be­liev­able lol!! Two games a day is such a
cheat With the as­sertive growth tra­jec­tory, Yoon Seah shows off the true po­‐
ten­tial of the late bloomer's gift. Her Void Ar­rows, since chang­ing bows,
fire in quick seven-ar­row vol­leys, dev­as­tat­ing bat­tle­fields.

-But if the gift is only quick growth and even­tu­ally plateaus, wouldn't it be
noth­ing spe­cial?

-Ex­actly. It may not be di­rectly com­bat af­fect­ing or some­thing ben­ef­ i­cial -

It's good she's in the na­tional team, but whether she'll shine is an­other ques­‐

How­ever, com­pared to the mon­strous per­for­mances of Seong Ji­han or the

Sword King, Yoon Seah re­ceived a colder re­cep­tion from the pub­lic, Yet the
Ko­rean na­tional team staff thought dif­fer­ently.

"Tur­tle For­ma­tion is breached."

"All war­riors are down."

The na­tional team held prac­tice games in­cor­po­rat­ing the newly joined Yoon
Seah with the ex­ist­ing war­riors.

Her per­for­mance was as­ton­ish­ing.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 232

"We knew Void Ar­row was strong, but..."

Yoon Seah's unique Void Ar­row.

Ar­rows van­ished and emerged back to strike, leav­ing even di­am

­ ond-class
war­riors un­able to prop­erly block them.

Peo­ple thought lower-ranked play­ers might stand a chance, but with her
new bow, Yoon Seah was eas­ily hunt­ing down even na­tional-level play­ers.

"We never ex­pected her to eas­ily pen­et­rate the Tur­tle For­ma­tion like this."

"I know, right?"

The de­fen­sive for­ma­tion, the Tur­tle For­ma­tion, formed by na­tional team

play­ers, It used to be ef­fort­lessly de­stroyed by out­liers like Seong Ji­han.

Typ­i­cally, break­ing through re­quired in­tense com­bat.

But to pierce it with ar­rows...

"If Yoon Seah keeps grow­ing at this pace, we might even aim for the Cham­‐
pi­ons League vic­tory this year..."

"Don't count the chick­ens be­fore they hatch. We can't even guar­an­tee mak­‐
ing it to the main com­pe­ti­tion yet."

Coach Noh Youngjun rep­ri­manded the over-ex­cited staff, but his eyes
gleamed with an­tic­i­pa­tion.


"Do you want to lead this time, Seah?"

Archer Di­vi­sion Leader Ha Yoori wel­comed Yoon Seah com­ing out of the
Bat­tleNet con­nec­tor.

"Eh. Come on, with Un­nie here, why would I lead!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 232

"You're stronger than me. I can't even break the Tur­tle For­ma­tion by my­‐

"Break it by my­self? But I got help from Akari Un­nie!"


Be­side Yoon Seah, Akari shook her head upon hear­ing this.

"To­gether...? I merely stood there. You han­dled it all."

"You had no rear guard con­cerns, so you were free to pull your bow to its

"In­deed. I saw you smoothly de­flect the war­riors' at­tack."

"...Um, is it re­ally okay for me to join the na­tional team? As an as­sas­sin, in

the archery ranks... I'm not sure if I'm needed..."

Akari, who joined the na­tional team ros­ter with Yoon seah, had grown to
level 245, eas­ily qual­i­fy­ing her, but as an Archer vari­ant class, the As­sas­sin
wasn't a per­fect fit for Ko­rea's archer di­vi­sion.

"Don't worry. Our archer di­vi­sion has more than enough fire­power with the
ad­di­tion of Seah."

"Yeah. Games aren't al­ways about con­fronting en­em

­ ies head-on. In places
like dun­geons, as­sas­sins shine."

"Ah... Un­cle! Weren't you prac­tic­ing?"

Yoon Seah was sur­prised to see Seong Ji­han com­ing to­ward the Bat­tleNet

Hadn't he dis­ap­peared to prac­tice again? When did he re­turn?

"I'm stuck on some­thing tricky, so I've wrapped up my prac­tice for now."

"You, Seong Ji­han, find things dif­fi­cult?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 232

At Ha Yoori's play­ful com­ment, Seong Ji­han shrugged.

"I'm not a god to find ev­ery­thing easy."

The fourth of the An­ni­hi­la­tion tech­nique, Ice Heaven Sword Rain.

Af­ter Pythia men­tioned this skills true in­ten­tion lies in re­con­nais­sance,

Seong Ji­han spent time in the Void Train­ing Room, re­peat­edly prac­tic­ing it.


'Re­con­nais­sance doesn't seem to click. Sword Rain seems re­lated, though...'

Dur­ing the pre­vi­ous game, Sword Rain in­ter­cepted the source of the Great
Chief­tain's power, De­spite Seong Ji­han not di­rectly com­mand­ing it, the
swords tar­geted the Orc war­riors au­to­mat­i­cally.

If re­con­nais­sance is truly the in­tent of Ice Heaven Sword Rain, then it con­‐
nects with that in­ci­dent.

Yet in the Void Train­ing Room, he could freeze the sky, but the swords
didn't form as vividly as be­fore.

Rain­ing down, it was more a gen­uine down­pour than an ice storm.

While Seong Ji­han pon­dered the Ice Heaven Sword Rain, Ha Yoori teased
with a grin.

"A god... af­ter watch­ing the pre­vi­ous game, I thought you were one. There's
even a 'Church of Seong Ji­han,' you know?"

"Seong Ji­han Church? What's that about?"

"What else but a re­li­gion that be­lieves in you? That you'll be the mes­siah to
save hu­man­ity?"

"...Un­nie, You're jok­ing, right?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 232

"No joke. Yuri's con­vinced such cults should be sup­pressed be­fore they
grow, she's been re­port­ing them."

Frown­ing, Seong Ji­han be­came con­cerned.

A cult be­liev­ing in a player as a de­ity.

Such move­ments were usu­ally at the end times, and now hu­man­ity was
thriv­ing, climb­ing to 5th place. Why would a cult ap­pear all of sud­den?

"I think I showed too much strength. Should I lose on pur­pose?"

"No, Mes­siah! If you have started sav­ing us, you must con­tinue to the end!"

"Yeah. Un­cle, since it's come to this, climb to that di­vine throne!"

At that mo­ment.

"...A di­vine throne? What are you talk­ing about?"


Yoon Se­jin, who had also been train­ing in­di­vid­u­ally, ar­rived at the Bat­‐
tleNet cen­ter, car­ry­ing two large bou­quets.

"Con­grat­u­la­tions on join­ing the team, Seah."

"Hehe. Thanks."

"Con­grat­u­la­tions to you too, Akari."

"Thank... you."

Hand­ing out bou­quets, Yoon Se­jin looked at Seong Ji­han, "Ji­han, It seems
I'm get­ting a lead on what you told me last time."

"Are you talk­ing about fo­cus­ing on each sword in­di­vid­u­ally?"

"Yes. I'm glad I lis­tened to you."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 232

The Sword King of the pre­vi­ous life, went in the di­rec­tion of fo­cus­ing on
the num­bers of swords.

Alone, it took a long time to find the way, but with Seong Ji­han's guid­ance,
progress was swift.

"It seems all our key play­ers are here."

Then, Coach Noh Youngjun ap­proached with a smile.

"We're about to start an­al­yz­ing Japan's last game's footage. Nor­mally, you
would not have to see it, but... How about it? Want to join us for the anal­y‐­

"Oh. I'd love to lis­ten! I've been in­ter­ested!"

Ja­pa­nese power anal­y­sis.

Tech­ni­cally it was un­nec­es­sary given Japan's lack of threat, but...


With prac­tice hit­ting a wall, Seong Ji­han en­tered the anal­y­sis room to get a
change of per­spec­tive.


'Why did they get so weak?'

Watch­ing Japan's power in the footage, Seong Ji­han won­dered.

=Ev­ery­one! The first Ko­rea-Japan match of 2021 is upon us!

=The Ko­rean na­tional team is sail­ing smoothly with 2 wins in the North­east
Asia League! De­spite Seong Ji­han's ab­sence, the sec­ond game against Tai­‐
wan was an easy win!

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 232

=The dou­ble threat of Seong Ji­han and the Sword King is so ef­fec­tive!

=On the other hand, the Ja­pa­nese team is not far­ing well with 0 wins and 2
losses. They suf­fered 3:0 losses to China and Rus­sia too.

The North­east Asia League of 2021.

While Ko­rea cruises with 2 wins and no losses, Japan lan­guishes at the bot­‐

=Their weak­ness lies in not hav­ing key play­ers with high Gift ranks.

=But wasn't there a lack of high Gift rank play­ers back in 2019 too? It
seems Japan's weak­nesses have been mag­ni­fied this year.

=True. Even with the Sword King around, our win rate against Japan was
only around 60%. The char­ac­ter­is­tic of Japan was hav­ing evenly strong
abil­i­ties across all po­si­tions, even with­out a key player...

=Now, their over­all po­si­tion strength is con­sid­ered medi­ocre. To see such a

change in two years... they des­per­ately need an SSS-rank Gift holder now.

In the Bat­tleNet wait­ing room,

Seong Ji­han lis­tened to the Ko­rean com­men­ta­tors and thought.

'It's not just the ab­sence of a key player that's the prob­lem. All their play­ers
seem to have weak­ened.'

Be­tween the last life and now, the only changes in Japan's power were the
Sword King's re­turn to Ko­rea and Shizuru's death.

The Sword King's pres­ence or ab­sence wouldn't sway the oth­ers' lev­els,
'Was Shizuru mod­i­fy­ing other Ja­pa­nese play­ers too?'

The edit­ing gift was in­deed over­pow­ered.

It would have been great had she used it benev­o­lently for mankind.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 232

'She wasn't that kind of per­son.'

With her abil­ity, there's no know­ing what friv­o­lous acts she would per­form.
Be­liev­ing it was right to re­move her, Seong Ji­han watched the ban process.

=Japan is pre­par­ing to use their ban card.

=Who would they ban?

=Surely, af­ter Seong Ji­han's in­cred­i­ble per­for­mance in the pre­vi­ous

matches, he's the top can­di­date...

=Ex­actly! He dom­i­nated the Space League, didn't he?!

While the com­men­ta­tors firmly ex­pected Seong Ji­han would be banned,

=Uh, what? But... it's Sword King Yoon Se­jin's name writ­ten on the ban

The ac­tual re­sult was be­yond pre­dic­tion.


Ex­pect­ing his par­tic­i­pa­tion, Yoon Se­jin was star­tled by the com­men­ta­tors'

rev­el­a­tion as he held his twin swords.

Even af­ter view­ing last week's game,

Why they wouldn't ban Seong Ji­han but in­stead him was puz­zling.

"What scheme are they plan­ning...?"

"Who knows."

Out­wardly play­ing ig­no­rant, Seong Ji­han in­wardly spec­u­lated, 'It must be

Pythia's do­ing.'

Pythia, who had pro­posed a meetup dur­ing the Ko­rea-Japan match, Re­‐
quired Seong Ji­han's par­tic­i­pa­tion in the game as a pre­req­ui­site.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 232

"...Some­thing fishy's go­ing on. Be care­ful, Ji­han."


Ad­dress­ing Yoon Se­jin's con­cerns, who was un­aware of the sub­plot, "My
first game with you, right un­cle?"

"Let's go."

Seong Ji­han joined the first set of Ko­rea-Japan match with Yoon Seah.

=The map for game one is South­gate. It's cho­sen by Japan!

=Ah... fac­ing Seong Ji­han at South­gate? What in the world is the Ja­pa­nese
coach think­ing?

South­gate map, where Seong Ji­han has con­tin­u­ally shown ex­cep­tional per­‐

It seemed a self-de­struc­tive move for Japan to choose such an op­ti­mal map

for a tran­scen­dent war­rior like him.


"Here! Right here!"

At the start of the game atop the ram­parts,

A Ja­pa­nese player sud­denly ap­peared, wav­ing at Seong Ji­han, "Ah. It's awk­‐
ward to talk here, huh? Let me in­vite you to a bet­ter place."


With a down­ward sweep of his hand,

"Fall down, Apollo."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 232


A mas­sive char­iot of flames erupted from the sky, Crash­ing down upon the

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With a tremen­dous ex­plo­sion, the ground shook.

Fires surged, en­gulf­ing the Ko­rean na­tional team.


The flames wrapped around Seong Ji­han at the fore­front.


"What... The fire isn't ex­tin­guish­ing?"

"Heal, heal!"

While the rest of the team strug­gled at the back against the fire, The lead
flames did no harm to Seong Ji­han.


[You are in­vited to 'Fallen Apollo's Sanc­tu­ary'.]

[Will you ac­cept the in­vi­ta­tion?]

A mes­sage of in­vi­ta­tion ap­peared.

'The team will strug­gle a bit.'

Fallen Apollo's Sanc­tu­ary.

It ap­peared like a Greco-style cir­cu­lar tem­ple made en­tirely of fire.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 232

While cre­ated by Pythia solely to in­vite Seong Ji­han, "Ah... can't fend off
this fire...!"

"Re­treat back!"

Even the in­di­rect in­flu­ence of the fire from the tem­ple over­whelmed the na­‐
tional team play­ers.

Whether a prophet or not, the dis­ci­ple of the Mar­tial God cer­tainly had

'But they should man­age. It's their duty to over­come hur­dles like this on
their own.'

As much as they couldn't al­ways be spoon-fed so­lu­tions, "I ac­cept the in­vi­‐

Seong Ji­han ac­cepted the in­vi­ta­tion to the sanc­tu­ary.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 233

Chap­ter 233

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


-What... What kind of at­tack was that?

-Did Japan have such a player?

-They didn't seem to know about it ei­ther, look­ing at the re­ac­tions of the Ja­‐
pa­nese play­ers.

-- It's said that the player Mizuhara Aoi is a sup­porter...

-A sup­porter per­formed that kind of at­tack?

For view­ers ac­cus­tomed to fore­see­ing Ko­rea's vic­tory, the sud­den ap­pear­‐

ance and skill em­ployed by a Ja­pa­nese player proved shock­ing.

When the fiery char­iot struck the ground, the earth in­stantly turned into a
blaz­ing in­ferno, en­gulf­ing the play­ers. The Ko­rean war­riors tried to re­sist,
but one by one they suc­cumbed to the flames and turned to ash.

-With­out Seong Ji­han and the Sword King, Ko­rea is ba­si­cally at the bot­tom
of war­rior rank­ings lol -But, we have Seong Ji­han, don't we?

Even as war­riors per­ished, view­ers found so­lace in Seong Ji­han's firm

stance at the front. How­ever, the sit­u­at­ion changed as his fig­ure sud­denly
van­ished with a flash.

-Ohhh... Seong Ji­han dis­ap­peared...!

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 233

-He was sucked into that fiery sanc­tu­ary and van­ished!

-And... Aoi, the Ja­pa­nese player who was on the ram­parts, dis­ap­peared too!

-Mizuhara Aoi was reg­is­tered as a sup­porter in the lineup... how could she
use such a skill?

As the stal­wart Seong Ji­han dis­ap­peared along with Aoi, and the fiery sanc­‐
tu­ary cast one last burst of flames be­fore dis­ap­pear­ing it­self, the bat­tle­‐
ground was left with the Ko­rean team, hav­ing lost more than half its
strength in­clud­ing the front­line war­riors, and faced by the Ja­pa­nese team
with only Aoi miss­ing.

"What in the world just hap­pened? What tran­spired on the ram­parts?"

" Mizuhara did it! She's be­hind this."

"Mizuhara? Wasn't she a sup­porter?"

Even though the Ja­pa­nese team play­ers were stunned, sea­soned as they
were, they quickly un­der­stood the tempo of the bat­tle.

"We must ad­vance now while Seong Ji­han is gone!"

"Their forces are halved!"

"if Seong Ji­han re­turns, it will be over. We have to fin­ish the game be­fore

With the front­line gone due to the Flame Sanc­tu­ary, the Ja­pa­nese play­ers
de­cided to press an of­fen­sive de­spite be­ing the de­fend­ers.

"Change for­ma­tion!"

The Ja­pa­nese war­riors switched from Tur­tle to Wedge for­ma­tion and ad­‐
vanced first. The archers and mages from Japan's side be­gan to de­scend
from the ram­parts one by one. Mean­while, "Ugh, the front­line is com­pletely
wiped out..."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 233

"For now... we should re­treat un­til Seong Ji­han comes back!"

With more than half its power lost, the Ko­rean team be­gan to fall back. The
tides of of­fense and de­fense had com­pletely turned. But...

= Oh no... Seong Ji­han isn't back yet.

= The Ko­rean team has reached the edge of the South­gate map!

=There's nowhere else to run!

=Can the game re­ally end like this in game one...?

South­gate, be­ing a small map dom­i­nated by com­bat at the gates, had a fi­nite
bound­ary the de­fen­sive side could re­treat to.

Sur­rounded by black walls, the map's end left no fur­ther room for ma­neu­‐


"We're doomed..."

"I thought Seong Ji­han would be back by now..."

The Ko­rean team reached the end of the line, de­spair writ­ten all over their
faces. An eas­ily an­tic­i­pated game had gone awry, leav­ing them cor­nered.

"That's it. They are cor­nered!"

"Wipe them out be­fore Seong Ji­han comes back!"

The Ja­pa­nese team sur­rounded the Ko­rean for­ma­tion con­fi­dently, now en­‐
joy­ing a two-fold ad­van­tage --- and Ko­rea crit­i­cally lack­ing war­riors.

-Wait what?! Hold on! Damn, I bet ev­ery­thing on a 3:0 vic­tory!

-Why would you do some­thing crazy like that for 1% gain..

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 233

-I thought it was a safe bet... aaahhh!

Des­per­ate cries echoed across the chat as foot­steps ap­proached. Yoon Seah,
clad in light ar­mor, stepped for­ward.

"Void Ar­row."

A vi­o­let sheen em­anated from the seem­ingly empty bow­string, and with a
twang, "Cough...!"

"What the... Out of nowhere...!"

Sev­eral Ja­pa­nese war­riors fell in an in­stant.

"Un­cle... looks like you're tak­ing a lit­tle break from our de­but match to­‐

Yoon Seah, whose Void Ar­rows proved ef­fec­tive even against na­tional-level
play­ers, smiled as she looked to the side.

"Give me cover, Akari Un­nie"

"Yes, Seah nim"

And like that, the mo­men­tary hope for the Ja­pa­nese team, in­duced by Seong
Ji­han's dis­ap­pear­ance, gave way to new de­spair.


[The owner of the sanc­tu­ary has turned off Bat­tle­Tube.]

[Would you like to turn the Bat­tle­Tube back on? Do­ing so will pre­vent you
from en­ter­ing the sanc­tu­ary.]


As Seong Ji­han re­sponded, the dark­ened world trans­formed.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 233

'This place... it's like a pit of hell.'

Fallen Apollo's Sanc­tu­ary was en­gulfed in flames in ev­ery di­rec­tion.

Boom! Boom!

Me­te­ors burned in the sky, hit­ting the ground and caus­ing tremors, while
lava spewed again and again, paint­ing an apoc­al­yp­tic vis­age.

'Yet, none of this af­fects me.'

The in­tense flames didn't bother Seong Ji­han at all as if he were sep­ar­ ated
from this world. As he looked around, a woman with red hair emerged from
the flames.

"You've ar­rived."

"Are you the real Pythia?"

"Yes. You can see Div­ina­tion, can't you?"

The blue-eyed woman closed her eyes, and a shin­ing light ap­peared on her
fore­head where beau­ti­ful fa­cial fea­tures rose.

The light gath­ered into a cir­cu­lar shape that moved like an eye, mak­ing
Seong Ji­han fur­row his eye­brows.

"That's some­thing I've seen from my sis­ter. That thing."

"The witch of the void, you mean? Of course, with the Eye of Div­ina­tion,
she'd have been cho­sen as a witch."

"What is that role for?"

"This? It has many func­tions. I can see the fu­ture, watch over the world
broadly, and even pre­side over dooms­day."

As she said this, Pythia glanced around them.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 233

"How does this world ap­pear to you?"

"Like a pit of hell."

"Yes. In­vok­ing hell, the vi­sion of dooms­day. I have al­ways thought this was
my di­vine power. But... it wasn't."

With a flash from the Eye of Div­ina­tion, the sur­round­ing flames ex­tin­‐
guished, re­placed by ice.


And in the place where Seong Ji­han and Pythia stood, an ice ta­ble and
chairs formed. She pointed to a chair for Seong Ji­han.

"This might take some time, let's sit and talk."



As Seong Ji­han sat, Pythia got to the point.

"Did the hint I gave you last time help you un­der­stand more about your

"No. I couldn't find out more about the Sword Rain from Ice Heaven Sword
Rain. The swords just wouldn't come out."

"Sword Rain... Would you like to try us­ing it now? Right up into that sky."

Seong Ji­han nod­ded, draw­ing out Eclipse.

Thud­ding quickly, the shad­owy sword froze, and he threw it fa­mil­iarly into
the sky.

Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts: An­ni­hi­la­tion God's Se­cret -- Ice Heaven Sword

Rain Me­te­ors in the sky seemed to freeze in­stan­ta­neously. Be­fore Ice
Heaven even ex­panded, a gi­ant sword de­scended from the sky to­ward

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 233

Pythia. A Sword Rain that had never emerged in the Void Train­ing Room
erupted at once here.


As Pythia's Eye of Div­ina­tion flick­ered, the Sword Rain halted mid-air. She
nod­ded, see­ing the sword tip point­ing at her.

"As ex­pected, the sword takes on a search­ing role."

"Why did it tar­get you, though?"

"Be­cause I went against the laws of na­ture."

"Laws of na­ture?"

"Yes. I re­ceived im­mor­tal­ity from the Wan­der­ing Mar­tial God."

Pythia then looked away from the sword and at Seong Ji­han again.

"Do you know why dif­fer­ent races were in­vited to Bat­tleNet?"

"I heard from Arte­mus. It hap­pens when a cer­tain be­ing over­whelm­ingly

sur­passes the lim­its of its race?"

Ac­cord­ing to Arte­mus, an in­vi­ta­tion to Bat­tleNet acts as an er­ror de­tec­tion

mech­an­ ism. When a be­ing be­comes over­whelm­ingly pow­er­ful be­yond the
lim­its of its race, Bat­tleNet sends an in­vi­ta­tion for a death­match.

"That's cor­rect. But what's most im­por­tant for the in­vi­ta­tion's cri­te­ria is life­‐


"Yes. How much it ex­ceeds the race' life­span limit is the first cri­te­rion for
whether an in­vi­ta­tion is is­sued. And... the swords from Ice Heaven Sword
Rain serve that pur­pose, too."

"So that's why it has a search­ing role?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 233

As Seong Ji­han peered at the Sword Rain still tar­get­ing Pythia, he ex­‐
pressed his doubts.

"But why did it tar­get the Orc horde? They're not all im­mor­tal."

"He per­formed a rit­ual to take away the force of his war­riors. From them,
he took not only strength but also life force. The swords tar­geted the source
of life."

The Great Chief­tain of the Orcs was ex­cep­tional be­cause he robbed strength
from his kin, not just power but also life­span. If that's the case, it would be
con­sid­ered an er­ror.

"And like this..."


A wa­ter-made sword ejected from Pythia's body, like a minia­tur­ized ver­sion

of the Sword Rain. Twist­ing like taffy, it pointed at Pythia, its cre­ator.

"Swords with search­ing abil­i­ties not only aimed at me but also at the Mar­‐
tial God."

"At the Mar­tial God? I heard he be­longed to the god race..."

Seong Ji­han re­called his con­ver­sa­tion with Arte­mus, dis­cussing why the in­‐
vi­ta­tion came to Earth. When sug­gest­ing it might be due to the Mar­tial God,
Arte­mus scoffed and ar­gued oth­er­wise.

[He has been the wan­der­ing Mar­tial God for thou­sands of years. By that
point, he's not con­sid­ered part of your hu­man race, but a di­vine one. If there
had ever been a prob­lem with him, you'd have re­ceived an in­vi­ta­tion to Bat­‐
tleNet long ago.]

Cer­tainly, Arte­mus had a point; if the Mar­tial God was the is­sue, the in­vi­ta­‐
tion would have come long ago. Why would it come in the 21st cen­tury? So
Seong Ji­han had thought maybe he was the cause for the Bat­tleNet in­vi­ta­‐

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 233

"I also be­lieved that he was of di­vine race. He granted us the power to live
eter­nally, reign­ing over the uni­verse as the Mar­tial God for ages. But... for
the Sword Rain to aim at him."

"Does that mean the Mar­tial God is hu­man?"

"He's def­i­nitely not a de­ity. And since the in­vi­ta­tion came to hu­man­ity... it's
likely he's hu­man."

The wan­der­ing Mar­tial God, a fear­some ex­is­tence in the uni­verse for over a
thou­sand years. Him, a hu­man?

But such ac­cep­tance was not easy with­out ad­dress­ing Arte­mus' coun­ter­ar­gu­‐

"Then... Why wasn't there a Bat­tleNet on Earth be­fore now?"

"I don't know the cause ei­ther... but it's cer­tain the swords tar­geted him."


Swords like Bat­tleNet in­vi­ta­tions that de­tect er­rors, also tar­geted the Mar­tial
God. If he were ac­knowl­edged by Bat­tleNet as a di­vine be­ing, the sword
wouldn't have pointed at him. So the hy­poth­es­ is of him be­ing hu­man might
seem right. But...

The ques­tion of why the in­vi­ta­tion came in the 21st cen­tury re­mained un­‐

'It's still spec­u­la­tive.'

De­cid­ing not to rush judg­ments.

Sud­denly, Pythia's Eye of Div­ina­tion glowed, cre­at­ing a blue bar­rier around

them, block­ing the out­side view.

"By chance... can you awaken the third and fifth tech­nique too?"

"I guess. If I train more in mar­tial arts, per­haps some­day."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 233

"Then could you com­plete the fifth be­fore the third?"

"You mean the fifth An­ni­hi­la­tion God's Se­cret?"

Seong Ji­han frowned. The fifth tech­nique, as­so­ci­ated with the wood el­e­‐
ment, was some­thing even an im­mensely strength­ened him daunted to at­‐
tempt. Among the other four, it was dis­tinctly on a dif­fer­ent level.

"I can't as­sure quick mas­tery. It's the fi­nal di­vine power."

"How did you man­age to com­plete the fourth, Ice Heaven Sword Rain, so

"That, I got the hang of it af­ter see­ing you project cold en­ergy last time. Be­‐
fore then, I didn't even dare to think about it."

"Then... to help you catch the feel­ing, I'll let you know the name of the fifth

Pythia low­ered her voice and shared,

"He is... the King of Uruk, Gil­gamesh."


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 234

Chap­ter 234

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


Seong Ji­han re­called the man that Pythia had shown him last time upon
hear­ing the name.

A man with brown curly hair, long beard, and tanned skin.

When he asked if the man was Mid­dle East­ern, she im­me­di­ately con­firmed

"So, that Mid­dle East­erner was Gil­gamesh?"

"Yes. Do you know about Gil­gamesh?"

"I've heard of the Epic of Gil­gamesh. A char­ac­ter who strug­gled to es­cape

death but even­tu­ally died none­the­less."

"That's right. De­spite his stren­u­ous ef­forts, he eats the Herb of Im­mor­tal­ity,
but a snake steals it away. The story con­veys that hu­mans can­not re­ject
death, but..."

"The very same per­son achieved im­mor­tal­ity like Dong­bang Sak, be­com­ing
a dis­ci­ple of the Mar­tial God in pur­suit of longevity."

Pythia shook her head at Seong Ji­han's guess.

"No. It's not be­cause of the life­span that he be­came the dis­ci­ple of the Mar­‐
tial God."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 234


"Yes. He did eat the Herb of Im­mor­tal­ity. I heard it from him di­rectly."

"The herb from the story? Then why did he be­come the dis­ci­ple of the Mar­‐
tial God?"

"I don't know. He didn't talk about that."

Cer­tainly, if he him­self is silent, and the Mar­tial God does not speak, there
would be no other way to learn the truth.

Seong Ji­han put aside his cu­rios­ity and asked Pythia, "But why does he
want his au­thor­ity to be com­pleted first?"

"...He al­ways sleeps when the Mar­tial god is awake. Con­versely, when the
Mar­tial god is ab­sent, he is ac­tive."


"Yes. I've... never seen the Mar­tial God and Gil­gamesh to­gether."

And with that, Pythia care­fully added more to her state­ment.

"What I have mis­taken for my power... the sum­mon­ing of hell, the em­bod­i­‐
ment of the apoc­al­ypse. These were taught by the Mar­tial God and fleshed
out with the ad­vice of Gil­gamesh."


"I am... sus­pect­ing a con­nec­tion be­tween Gil­gamesh and the Mar­tial God.
Per­haps, won­der­ing if they could be the same per­son..."

They don't act to­gether.

And like the Mar­tial God, gave ad­vice dif­fer­ent from his orig­i­nal pow­ers.

Based on just these two facts, one form­ing a the­ory that the Mar­tial God
and Gil­gamesh are the same per­son seems far-fetched.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 234

"Only in­sid­ers would know the de­tails, but isn't the ev­i­dence too scant to
make such a claim?"

"......You're right about that. Nev­er­the­less, a prophet's in­tu­ition has been

whis­per­ing odd­i­ties to me ever since you used the Ice Heaven Sword Rain."

"Hmm. On top of that, when I was nam­ing the mar­tial art 'Fun­da­men­tal Di­‐
vine Arts', you pre­dicted that Gil­gamesh and the Mar­tial God were fight­‐

When re­veal­ing the name of the Name­less Di­vine Art.

[Mar­tial God... I knew I couldn't de­feat you. The Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts,
based on the in­for­ma­tion of mankind... Even I, be­ing hu­man, can­not sur­pass

Pythia had said this through prophecy.

So, the pre­dic­tion that she had ut­terly turned over didn't seem com­pletely
off the mark.

An­noyed by her own prophecy, Pythia smiled bit­terly.

"That's right. That's how I pre­dicted it. But... some­thing feels sus­pi­cious."

"The ev­i­dence is scant, yet you have a hunch?"

"......Yes. Even if they are not the same per­son, there's cer­tainly some spe­‐
cial con­nec­tion."

"Hmm... But what ben­ef­ it do I have if I fin­ish the fifth tech­nique first?"

"Ben­ef­ it...... you say?"

Caught by Seong Ji­han's words, Pythia blinked.

"Yes. For me, it seems right to com­plete the third tech­nique next, in chrono­‐
log­i­cal or­der. The fifth feels far and I barely have a grasp on it."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 234


"Re­gard­less of whether the Mar­tial God and Gil­gamesh are in­deed the same
per­son, Fig­ur­ing this out needs to be to my ben­ef­ it. If there's no guar­an­tee,
then it's bet­ter to com­plete the mar­tial arts in or­der."

Pythia had been se­ri­ous about whether the Mar­tial God and Gil­gamesh were
the same per­son.

But from Seong Ji­han's point of view, the sen­ti­ment was more like 'So

"No... but that is im­por­tant...!"

"Yes, for you, it might be. How­ever, com­plet­ing my mar­tial arts is more im­‐
por­tant than their re­la­tion­ship."

"......Un­der­stood. I will share all the in­for­ma­tion I've gath­ered."

"In­for­ma­tion, will know­ing it make it pos­si­ble to stand against the Mar­tial


"That's un­cer­tain......."

"If that's the case, I need more in re­turn."

Seong Ji­han calmly ex­tended his hand.

Cu­ri­ous? Of­fer more pay­ment.

An in­cred­u­lous Pythia looked at him, then sighed deeply.

"Ha... af­ter all the valu­able in­for­ma­tion about Gil­gamesh I gave you... that's
too much."

"Then con­sider telling me the third tech­nique as well."

"That's enough. I won't share that with you. And as for the price... All right.
Your sis­ter, the Witch of The Void. Let me share her bur­den."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 234

"Her bur­den? What do you mean?"

"The Witch of the void, as time passes, gets buried in noth­ing­ness. Es­pe­‐
cially af­ter man­ag­ing the apoc­al­ypse, main­tain­ing even self con­scious­ness
be­comes dif­fi­cult."

"......Is that so?"

"Yes. At this rate, your sis­ter won't live long. Al­though her body might re­‐
main, her soul and con­scious­ness will dis­ap­pear."

Seong Ji­han frowned.

This sug­gested a time limit for his sis­ter's life.

He re­mem­bered the locks bind­ing Seong Jiah.

An ag­gres­sive void power held in five locks.

With such things wrapped around her, it wouldn't be strange if she got swal­‐
lowed up any­time.

"This is... a pro­posal I can't refuse."

"Good. Then, when you awaken the fifth tech­nique, I'll take on the Witch's

"How about all of my sis­ter's bur­den?"

"Woah, too much. Ask­ing to take it all, you're too much! We'll split the bur­‐
den. If I take more than half, I won't last ei­ther."

"Hmm... Aren't you sup­posed to have lived since the Greek era? That's
about 2000 years, right?"

"What, what?! Say­ing I lived long enough, so it's okay if I die now? Is that
a way of say­ing old peo­ple should de­part?"

Pythia seemed pricked by Seong Ji­han's words and her voice rose sharply.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 234

"No, It's just that you've lived long. I never men­tioned any­thing about old

"Ugh. That's the nu­ance you're giv­ing off...!"

Pythia glared at Seong Ji­han sternly and then sud­denly, with a se­ri­ous ex­‐
pres­sion, looked around as if sens­ing some­thing.


"This is... I've been here for too long. I have to dis­perse for to­day."

"Got it. Are you go­ing to par­tic­i­pate in the com­pe­ti­tion? As a rep­re­sen­ta­tive

of Japan?"

"Japan? Ah, my avatar, you mean? No, there's no need for me to fight you.
Orig­i­nally, I wanted to teach you a les­son too, but..."

With a wicked smile, Pythia con­tin­ued.

"You'll re­ceive your les­son from Dong­bang Sak. "

"Dong­bang Sak. He's here too?"

"Yes. In Tai­wan. He was sorry you weren't there last time... don't avoid the
next match."

Seong Ji­han re­called the Tai­wanese el­derly player who had swept the first
set against the Ko­rean team in the pre­vi­ous match.

Did he not ap­pear from the sec­ond game be­cause of ex­haus­tion?

At the time, it was sus­pi­cious that play­ers out of nowhere showed up,
turned out it was Dong­bang Sak.

"Avoid him? It's just that I couldn't play due to my train­ing. I will have to
pre­vail against him too."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 234

"Ha ha ha! Win? Against Dong­bang Sak?"

As if Pythia heard some­thing ab­surd, dis­miss­ing the idea with a wave of her

"He is con­sid­ered the sec­ond clos­est per­son to the Mar­tial God, ex­clud­ing
the wan­der­ing Mar­tial God. It's dif­fi­cult to stand even one minute be­fore his

"Hmm. Is that so?"

"Want to bet? If you can with­stand him for one minute, I'll give you one
prophecy for free. But if you lose, you tell me all your mar­tial art names."

One minute?

Re­gard­less of Dong­bang Sak's strength, that seemed rather un­der­val­ued.

Seong Ji­han nod­ded.

"Sure. I ac­cept the bet."

"Good! Now, I'll leave first."


As soon as Pythia van­ished, the ice chairs and ta­ble dis­ap­peared too.

And the flames be­gan to fill the place quickly.

With Pythia's cold gone, the fiery hell re­turned as be­fore.


How­ever, the flames sud­denly started to scorch Seong Ji­han's skin un­like

Won­der­ing why it was sud­denly caus­ing dam­age, Seong Ji­han's thought

process was in­ter­rupted.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 234

[Oh, by the way, I felt re­ally un­com­fort­able be­ing treated like a grand­‐
mother. So, come out with all your might in the sanc­tu­ary! By the way, I
spread the sanc­tu­ary ear­lier, and half of your na­tional team was wiped

Pythia's voice faded into his ears.

"Such pet­ti­ness at this age."

[What. What!? Uh, M-Mas­ter... I-I'll go now...]

In­ter­rupted by an out­burst and then called by the Mar­tial God, Pythia's

voice fades away.

Seong Ji­han, sur­rounded by the fiery hell, waved his sword ca­su­ally.


A sin­gle cur­rent of sword wind caused the fire to die down mo­men­tar­ily,
only for it to rage on fiercely again.

Us­ing var­i­ous mar­tial arts, Seong Ji­han tried to ex­tin­guish the flames, but
they seemed to die down only to burst forth anew.

'This isn't just some­thing brute force will fix...'

Then what about a dif­fer­ent ap­proach?

Seong Ji­han gazed into the flames and tossed his Eclipse sword high into
the sky.

Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts: An­ni­hi­la­tion God's Se­cret, Ice Heaven Sword

Rain Ddddddrip!

The sky in­stantly froze over.

But in­stead of the life source be­ing traced by the swords as be­fore, 'Within
Ice Heaven, the wa­ter is writhing.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 234

Hav­ing learned the essence of Ice Heaven Sword Rain while con­vers­ing
with Pythia ear­lier, Seong Ji­han could now ap­ply it more flex­i­bly than be­‐

'I'll lower the track­ing stan­dards of the Sword Rain.'

Rather than chas­ing only the life source, it's bet­ter to search for the non-ex­‐
tin­guish­ing core of this sanc­tu­ary.

So, he ad­justed his track­ing to a lower level.


In­stead of a mas­sive sword of wa­ter, it be­gan to rain down in sword-shaped


'Did I lower the cri­te­ria too much?'

The Sword Rain, in­dis­crim­i­nate and fall­ing ev­ery­where, wasn't fix­ing on to

any one thing, 'But, there seems to be a con­verg­ing point here...'

Right be­fore Seong Ji­han's eyes, where the ice ta­ble had stood mo­ments be­‐
fore, the rain in­creas­ingly fo­cused.


The down­pour, shaped like swords, quench­ing the fire, cool­ing the earth.

As the strikes per­sisted,


A gi­ant face burst forth from the ground.

Com­posed of fire, it car­ried an­drog­y­nous beauty, mak­ing it hard to tell if it

was male or fe­male.

Where eyes should have been, there was noth­ing, haunt­ingly empty.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 234

'This is the ori­gin of fire power.'

This sanc­tu­ary was called by the name of Apollo, could this face pos­si­bly
be Apollo him­self?

As Seong Ji­han har­bored that thought,

[Ah... Ahh...]

The face, be­ing re­lent­lessly as­saulted by the Sword Rain, slowly ex­tin­‐

And with it,

The sanc­tu­ary van­ished from the site, re­veal­ing the orig­i­nal South­gate map
from game one.

50 : 100.

The dis­ad­van­tage to the Ko­rean team was sig­nif­i­cant.

'Need to get to them quickly.'

Once back on the map fully, Seong Ji­han drew out both weapons.

Pythia didn't specif­i­cally hin­der him, so sweep­ing away the en­em

­ ies should
be sim­ple.


"Un­cle! You're here?"

As soon as Seong Ji­han re­turned to the game, Yoon Seah greeted him with a
bright smile from be­hind.

It was a 50:100 game, so Seong Ji­han was wor­ried if she might have died in
her de­but, but it seemed to have worked out some­how.

"You're alive? Not too late, right?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 234

De­spite see­ing her en­er­getic ap­pear­ance, Seong Ji­han couldn't help but

"No. You're late."


"Yes. Look be­hind you."

Seong Ji­han turned to look.

There were Ja­pa­nese play­ers col­lapsed all around. Play­ers who couldn't
even ap­proach and were shot through.

Even the re­main­ing sur­vivors were all look­ing at Yoon Seah with eyes full
of ad­mi­ra­tion.

"This is..."

"The 1st round MVP... I'll take it, Un­cle."


Yoon Seah flicked her bow­string once more and smiled brightly.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 235

Chap­ter 235

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


Mo­ments ago.

Yoon Seah, at the fore­front with Akari, fought valiantly, tak­ing down
dozens of play­ers, but...

"I've got you now!"

In the end, she con­ceded dis­tance.

"Kill her!"

Ja­pa­nese play­ers, with in­fu­ri­ated ex­pres­sions, drew their weapons.

Akari put up a good fight but couldn't block ev­ery player ap­proach­ing.


A gleam­ing blade lunged to­wards Yoon Seah.




Yoon Seah stuck out her tongue play­fully as she stepped into the veil of

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 235

The blade sliced noth­ing but the empty air.


Then, out of thin air, only her bow ap­peared.


The bow­string snapped, and a Ja­pa­nese war­rior was pierced through.

Seong Ji­han had dis­ap­peared, and ev­ery­body thought the first set was a

But un­ex­pect­edly, Yoon Seah, join­ing the na­tional team for the first time to­‐
day, demon­strated a sur­pris­ing per­for­mance.

View­ers from both na­tions had po­lar­ized re­ac­tions.

-Seong Ji­han dis­ap­peared, why...?

-What are the Ja­pa­nese war­riors do­ing? Can't they han­dle one girl who's de­‐
but­ing to­day?

-Come on, win the first match!

-Are they se­ri­ously go­ing to waste the chance Mizuhara cre­ated...?

With the game evening out af­ter Seong Ji­han's dis­ap­pear­ance, where Ja­pa­‐
nese view­ers had briefly har­bored hope, now they de­spaired.

-I didn't know Yoon Seah was such a good player!

-Wow, re­ally... these are some messed-up plays lol!!

-What was that? She can even dodge at­tacks from na­tional-level play­ers?

-Is she hack­ing?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 235

Ko­rean view­ers, ready to con­cede the first game, were en­thused, feel­ing
like a new hero had joined their team.

And so, un­able to sup­press Yoon Seah, the Ja­pa­nese team in­creas­ingly
found their nu­mer­i­cal ad­van­tage shrink­ing.


As Seong Ji­han ap­peared out of nowhere, their ex­pres­sions turned to de­‐


"Se-Seong Ji­han... He's back!"

"Mizuhara is..."

"She's not here... was she taken down?"

"Da-dammit...! We should have fin­ished it be­fore he came back!"

"Let's... Let's head for the fortress for now!"

As Seong Ji­han ap­peared, the Ja­pa­nese team be­gan to back away.

De­spite all their prepa­ra­tions, as they had orig­i­nally in­tended to de­fend, ev­‐
ery­one pre­pared to re­treat.

"Seah. If I wipe them all out, will I take the MVP from you?"

"Ah. Un­cle. That's a bit... it's my de­but match, let me have the MVP once."


Seong Ji­han stroked his chin, then thrust his sword at the en­em
­ ies.

Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts, An­ni­hi­la­tion God's Se­cret -- Myr­iad Ghost Seal­‐

ing Gods.

The shadow sword quickly trans­formed into a gi­ant vor­tex.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 235

"Oh. Uh...!"

"That's a black vor­tex!"

"If you get sucked in, you're dead...!"

"Re­sist it some­how!"

The re­treat­ing Ja­pa­nese play­ers be­gan to be drawn into it.

They strug­gled to avoid be­ing sucked into the Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods ,
but the strong suc­tion made them float help­lessly in mid-air.

How­ever, the Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods was slower than usual in ab­sorb­‐
ing them be­cause Seong Ji­han was in con­trol of its power.

"Be­fore you get sucked in, take more of them out."

"Oh, you're giv­ing me the chance? Got it!"

De­ter­mined to grab the MVP ti­tle in her de­but game, Yoon Seah ea­gerly
pulled her bow­string.

Pluck! Pluck!

One by one, the Ja­pa­nese play­ers were pierced.

Dif­fi­cult to block ar­rows while be­ing caught in the vor­tex.

War­riors could last a few rounds, but sup­port­ers and mages were straight­‐
for­ward tar­gets.

"This should se­cure the MVP for me."

Af­ter count­ing the num­ber of en­emy play­ers Seong Ji­han had dis­patched,

He in­creased the suc­tion strength of the Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 235

With that, the slowly drawn-in Ja­pa­nese play­ers were all swept into the vor­‐

In a flash, they were torn apart.

= Player Seong Ji­han wraps up the game im­me­di­ately upon his re­turn!

= Was he con­trol­ling his power ear­lier, just to let Yoon Seah have the MVP

= Truth­fully, thanks to Yoon Seah buy­ing time, the vic­tory was as­sured even
with­out the con­trolled ef­fort...

= Still, he made sure to buy the time!

In the Space League, Seong Ji­han demon­strated over­whelm­ing strength.

Hav­ing been tem­po­rar­ily sealed by the sud­den emer­gence of a Ja­pa­nese

player, un­able to use his pow­ers.

As soon as he be­gan to take full ac­tion, the first set ended rather un­event­‐

=The MVP of the first game is.......

=Ah. In­deed, it goes to Yoon Seah!

=She held her ground well on the front­lines in the first game to­gether with
player Akari!

=An­other prodigy ap­pears on the Ko­rean na­tional team!

The first match MVP went to Yoon Seah.

Al­though Seong Ji­han later piled up the kills, even with­out that, she had
clearly earned her MVP ti­tle.

-Wow... Yoon Seah is dis­gust­ingly pow­er­ful; an archer shield­ing war­rior as­‐

saults at the front­line lol -Why is ev­ery­one from that fam­ily like that??

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 235

What are they tak­ing?

-The na­tional team's lineup is in­sane com­pared to a year ago lol -Yeah, they
ran at the bot­tom of the rank­ings un­til Seong Ji­han showed up lol -I al­most
con­sid­ered im­mi­grat­ing dur­ing those times.

En­ter­ing 2021.

With the Sword King join­ing and the emer­gence of a new tal­ent Yoon Seah,
the Ko­rean na­tional team sig­nif­i­cantly strength­ened.

On the other hand, the at­mos­phere on the Ja­pa­nese side, with­out tan­gi­ble
re­in­force­ments, was grim.

-The chance Mizuhara cre­ated...

-Ha, but we can win! Ban Seong Ji­han, and Mizuhara can seal the Sword

-What about Yoon Seah then? She was the cause of the loss in the first set.

-Ah... as ex­pected, we can't beat Ko­rea.

-Un­less a sup­porter map is cho­sen, it's im­pos­si­ble...

Rus­sia's con­sis­tent vic­tory card against Ko­rea, the 'Golem Duel' sup­porter
map, be­came Japan's only hope.

In Golem Duel, the sup­porter's abil­i­ties alone de­ter­mine the win­ner.

Even with the mon­ster-like Seong Ji­han, he couldn't dom­i­nate the game

=The Ja­pa­nese coach bans Seong Ji­han and se­lects the Golem Duel map!

=As ex­pected...The first game was un­usual! Japan's sup­porter strength is

def­i­nitely an ad­van­tage, mak­ing this their only win­ning for­mula.

=Coach Noh Youngjun pulls out South­gate....

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 235

=Oh... as ex­pected. Japan se­lected the Golem Duel map!

And then...

As the Ja­pa­nese coach got their de­sired Golem Duel map, Noh Youngjun's
brows fur­rowed.

'This is... be­com­ing a real prob­lem ev­ery sin­gle time.'

Golem Duel, a sup­porter map.

It was a map where vic­tory was de­ter­mined by golem ver­sus golem, and
where the player could only pro­vide buffs and heal­ing to their golem.

Un­able to par­take in the com­bat them­selves, it's al­most the only map where
the all-en­com­pass­ing Seong Ji­han couldn't wield his might, af­ter Rus­sia had
fun with this map in a pre­vi­ous match.

Ever since then, ev­ery coun­try fac­ing Ko­rea pri­or­i­tized this map.

And then,


=Again, the Golem Duel map proves tough......!

=Japan's golem is putting se­ri­ous pres­sure on ours......!

The Ko­rean na­tional team couldn't bridge the per­ceived gap in sup­porter

And they ended up fac­ing de­feat.

-Ah, re­ally hate that map lol

-Can't Seong Ji­han par­tic­i­pate in the Golem Duel?

-He doesn't have sup­porter abil­i­ties, he'd be use­less even if he did -That's
the only counter map for Seong Ji­han lol

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 235

-Ah... at this rate, Seong Ji­han. You have to charm Sophia! Nat­u­ral­ize her!

-He has a part­ner, right? lol

-I au­tho­rize polygamy!

Af­ter los­ing be­cause of the Golem Duel in the sec­ond game.

The Ko­rean au­di­ence was like, oh well, too bad, bring over Sophia, but

"Uh. Uh......."

"The third game also lands on the Golem Duel map!"

As the third game also fell onto the Golem Duel map, the mood be­came

-No... wait. Isn't this sta­tis­ti­cally im­prob­ab­ le......?

-With a 70 per­cent prob­ab­ il­ity on the se­lect card to land a map. So each
coun­try's prob­ab­ il­ity is 35 per­cent, very pos­si­ble.......

-But two times in a row is a 12 per­cent chance...

-So, what's the prob­ab­ il­ity of the Golem Duel pop­ping up again?

-Mul­ti­ply 35 per­cent three times and that's 4 per­cent lol -Ah f*ck... surely,
we won't hit that 4 per­cent, right?

Thanks to the Ja­pa­nese coach's di­vine card draw­ing skills.

Even as Coach Noh Youngjun banned Japan's best sup­porter Sakura in re­‐

= Ah...... We lost the third game.

=With player Sakura banned, we might've thought we had a chance...

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 235

= Still, our sup­porter strength is no match for Japan!

The third game, just like the sec­ond, ended with the same re­sult.

"Ah. Un­cle... Sophia says she wants to come to Ko­rea, should we ac­tively
pur­sue her nat­u­ral­iza­tion?"

"No need. Why bother with that?"

"But re­ally, if Golem Duel strikes three times in a row, isn't that the end?"

"What's the chance of that hap­pen­ing?"

"If only Jiah were here......."

Priest­ess Seong Jiah, who had shown re­mark­able abil­i­ties as a sup­porter.

Had she been on the na­tional team, they wouldn't have been ex­ploited so

Un­able to com­pete in two games, Seong Ji­han and the group could only
watch the screen.

=The Ja­pa­nese team has ca­su­ally scored 2 wins with an air of ease!

=On the flip side, Coach Noh Youngjun's hands are trem­bling while pick­ing
the cards.

=Ah, the Ja­pa­nese coach picks Golem Duel again! How per­sis­tent!

=No, but surely, it won't be play­ing Golem Duel three times in a row...

=There can't be a fourth con­sec­u­tive Golem Duel at 4 per­cent prob­ab­ il­ity!

=Just don't land on it in the fourth game! No bans or se­lect cards are given
in the fifth game!

And then the map for the fourth game was cho­sen.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 235


The fates of the two coaches in­ter­twined.

The next day, at the Sword Palace Pent­house.

[The Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea strug­gles to win 3:2 against Japan!]

[Ko­rea got toyed in the Golem Duel map! Weak­nesses ex­posed.]

[The only game Seong Ji­han can't par­take in, Golem Duel map. What's the
counter strat­egy?]

"I re­ally thought we were go­ing to lose my de­but game in a ridicu­lous way."

Yoon Seah sighed deeply while read­ing the news ar­ti­cles.

Com­pared to when fac­ing Ja­pa­nese war­riors, the mo­ment the Ja­pa­nese

coach drew a card felt a hun­dred times more nerve-wrack­ing.

-Oh, I al­most lost and went bank­rupt...

-In­deed, gam­bling is not a good idea for sure.

-I turned off the TV when draw­ing the cards be­cause I was shak­ing so
much. Lol.

-How can we not solve this Golem Duel map? Re­ally want to ban the map
it­self ㅡㅡ

Af­ter the in­tense card draw­ing by the Ja­pa­nese coach yes­ter­day, many peo­‐
ple seemed to have their hearts pound­ing.

Ev­ery­one was only talk­ing about the Golem Duel map.

"The Ja­pa­nese are crit­i­ciz­ing the coach for not se­lect­ing the Golem Duel
map from the first game."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 235

"Twice in a row was enough. They ask too much."

"That's it, un­cle. Ah~ but my de­but ar­ti­cles are buried be­cause of that
Golem Duel!"

"They aren't gone, are they?"

To the dis­ap­pointed Yoon Seah, Seong Ji­han pointed to the head­lines on the
por­tal site home page.

[1st Game MVP Yoon Seah has a suc­cess­ful de­but!]

[1st Game MVP Yoon Seah. 4th Game MVP Yoon Se­jin. 5th Game MVP
Seong Ji­han. The fam­ily takes turns claim­ing the MVP.]

[The se­ries MVP goes to Seong Ji­han...]

The news ar­ti­cles touched on Yoon Seah's im­pres­sive de­but at the Ko­rea-
Japan Se­ries.

"Uh... still, it feels like the lime­light was stolen by the Golem Duel map."

She wasn't sat­is­fied with the amount of news cov­er­age.

"That can't be helped. The game was al­most lost, af­ter all. Blame the Ja­pa­‐
nese coach's card-pick­ing skills."

"It won't do, un­cle. Let's bring Sophia over. With her, the Ko­rea na­tional
team is sure to win."

"No need. No need to bring her over."

"Eh, but with Sophia, we could def­i­nitely win the cham­pi­onship!"

Yoon Seah ar­gued with dis­ap­point­ment, but...

"We'll win even with­out her."

Seong Ji­han waved it off, dis­miss­ing the idea.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 235

"Eh, but when you have a sure­fire card to win..."

As Yoon Seah was about to ex­press her dis­sat­is­fac­tion at Seong Ji­han's firm
re­jec­tion, her phone vi­brated.

"Oh? Un­cle. Sophia's in Ko­rea."


"Huh? Un­cle, Sophia says she's in a hurry to see you. It's re­ally ur­gent re­‐
gard­ing the Priest­ess."

An ur­gent mat­ter......

Some­thing ur­gent... re­lated to the Priest­ess.

"Al­right. Tell her to come over."

"Yep! I'll let her know."

Thus, Yoon Seah, right there and then, called Sophia.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 236

Chap­ter 236

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]



Upon ar­riv­ing at the Sword Palace, Sophia waved cheer­fully at Seong Ji­han
the mo­ment she saw him.

"I watched the last match against Japan. How about it? You need me, don't

"Well, not re­ally."

"Why not!? There aren't many sup­port­ers like me. Plus, in the Golem Duel,
my gift will be as ef­fec­tive as if it's SSS-rank, right?"

Sophia's SS-rank gift, Trin­ity, en­hanced all buff ef­fects three­fold.

In a map like the Golem Duel, where only buffs and heals are ap­plied, her
gift proved even more ef­fec­tive than its orig­i­nal grade.

"Just tell me to come, and I'll nat­u­ral­ize im­me­di­ately! I've got­ten bet­ter at
speak­ing Ko­rean too."

"It's fine, re­ally."

Sophia, hav­ing been with the Daegi guild for a while, had quickly climbed
to the Di­am
­ ond League, sur­pass­ing her pre­vi­ous ca­pa­bil­i­ties.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 236

In the United States, they were pre­par­ing for her pos­si­ble re­cruit­ment as a
sup­porter once her level rose slightly more.

Ac­tu­ally, if it weren't for the USA na­tional team's cri­te­ria of only choos­ing
those above level 245, Sophia would have been se­lected long ago.

Thump! Thump!

Watch­ing this from the side, Yoon Seah nudged Seong Ji­han in the ribs.

"Un­cle... Sophia wants to come over so much, bring her now! If the USA
team re­cruits her first, it'll be harder to get her!"

"I won't bring her."

"I don't get it... With her, isn't it a con­firmed win for Ko­rea in the Cham­pi­‐
ons League?"

"That's what I'm say­ing! We can win for the first time as a third world coun­‐

Win­ning the Cham­pi­ons League.

Al­though its value had de­clined since the in­au­gu­ra­tion of the Space League
in 2020, it re­mained a goal ev­ery player dreamt of and sought to achieve.

Yoon Seah couldn't un­der­stand why her un­cle was stub­born when a short­cut
to vic­tory was right be­fore them.

As Yoon Seah pat­ted her chest in frus­tra­tion, Seong Ji­han spoke up.

"I don't want to poach tal­ent from an­other coun­try."


"Think about your dad."

"Ah... Dad was en­chanted, but this is her choice!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 236

"That's right! I just want to come to Ko­rea be­cause I like you, Seong Ji­han!"

"That's why it's trou­ble­some."

Sophia's one-sided fa­vor.

For Seong Ji­han, who might have to face death at any mo­ment as the Mar­‐
tial God, there was no room to ac­cept it.

'Be­sides, she's even more ag­gres­sive than in my past life.'

For now, it's over­looked as there's dis­tance be­tween Ko­rea and the USA.

If she nat­u­ral­izes to South Ko­rea and they got closer, it'll be harder to push
her away.

"Plus, I can't tell Sophia to leave her fam­ily and come to Ko­rea just for the
Cham­pi­ons League."

"It's about time I be­come in­de­pen­dent any­way! My par­ents will surely un­‐

"It doesn't mat­ter. I won't ac­cept it even if you come."

"Wow... that's so mean! Didn't you say you'd ac­cept me if I be­come the top

"Com­pete for the top spot first, then."

"Huh... why let this op­por­tu­nity slip..."

As Seong Ji­han re­buffed the ea­ger SS-rank sup­porter, Yoon Seah felt a tinge
of re­gret.

With Sophia in the na­tional team, vic­tory seemed within grasp.

"Sigh... Usu­ally, you'd be the one ask­ing me. That's a pity. What if I get re­‐
cruited by the USA team?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 236

"Well, noth­ing can be done then. So... was the ur­gent mat­ter about nat­u­ral­‐

Sophia cast a side­long glance at Seong Ji­han, try­ing to change the sub­ject,
then wore a se­ri­ous ex­pres­sion.

"No. My per­sonal de­sire for nat­u­ral­iza­tion is sep­ar­ ate... "

"Then what is it?"

"I've re­ceived a rev­el­a­tion."

"A rev­el­a­tion, you say?"


A rev­el­a­tion.

Even for a Priest­ess class, could such a thing be pos­si­ble?

Look­ing puz­zled, Seong Ji­han lis­tened as Sophia low­ered her voice.

"Priest­ess Jeanne D'arc ap­peared in my dream."

"Jeanne D'arc?"

Jeanne D'arc was the priest­ess who had led France to vic­tory but ended up
con­demned to the flames.

'I never heard Sophia men­tion Jeanne D'arc in my pre­vi­ous life.'

Why would she sud­denly ap­pear in her dream now?

Ini­tially, Seong Ji­han thought it was an­other dif­fer­ence from his pre­vi­ous

"...So, Jeanne D'arc says she'll help lighten the bur­den of the priest­ess en­‐
gulfed in the void."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 236

As Sophia be­gan to de­scribe the rev­el­a­tion of Jeanne D'arc, he felt a strange

sense of déjà vu.

If it's the priest­ess en­gulfed in the void, it must re­fer to his sis­ter, Seong

And to lessen her bur­den...

'It sounds sim­i­lar to what Pythia said.'

Pythia claimed that upon awak­en­ing Gil­gamesh's au­thor­ity, the fifth An­ni­hi­‐
la­tion Tech­nique, she would help lift the bur­den of the Witch of The Void,
Seong Jiah.

Now, Jeanne D'arc in Sophia's dream was say­ing some­thing in a sim­i­lar


Till then, Seong Ji­han was skep­ti­cal.

"...And, Jeanne D'arc stated that if you hear about this, you will know what
it means."


"She de­clared con­fi­dence in you keep­ing your prom­ise and said she'd pre­‐
pare a space in ad­vance for it."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. She in­tends to pass the Holy Flame to me for that pur­pose."

By now, he was con­vinced of Jeanne D'arc's iden­tity.

'Was Jeanne D'arc, Pythia?'

Nos­tradamus, Jeanne D'arc.

He won­dered since when had the Prophet un­der­taken the role of a priest­ess.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 236

'Since her ac­tual power was wa­ter rather than fire, she's pre­par­ing to trans­‐
fer the en­ergy she ac­cu­mu­lated to Sophia, isn't she...?'

Seong Ji­han re­called Pythia's power.

The in­ten­sity of the flames in the fallen sanc­tu­ary of Apollo.

Such a po­tent force, be­ing passed on to Sophia just like that?

"The Holy Flame... Won't it be dan­ger­ous?"

"Ah! Are you wor­ried about it?"

"Of course."

"Hehe. Don't worry! Jeanne D'arc said she couldn't pass too much at once.
She said it will build up slowly, so I'll have time to adapt eas­ily."

Sophia's face bright­ened as Seong Ji­han showed con­cern.

Yoon Seah watched her from the side, shak­ing her head.

"Sophia... Hon­estly. Get­ting pleased by just one word from him, what will
you do in the fu­ture? You'll end up be­ing led around by him!"

"It's okay. I want to keep be­ing led around by him!"

"Ugh. Se­ri­ously... What's so great about the un­cle?"

"Why? He's the world's great­est war­rior. The coolest in the world."

"...Sigh. For­get it."

Yoon Seah gave up on ad­vis­ing Sophia.

What's the point of play­ing hard to get when she's so straight­for­ward?

"Well, even if you say that, I don't plan on drag­ging her around."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 236

"It's okay. You'll see my face of­ten from now on! You'll nat­u­rally be drawn
to me."

"...Aren't you go­ing to the United States?"

Sophia re­sponded to Seong Ji­han's ques­tion by smil­ing bright and open

while spread­ing her palm.


Then, a small white flame sprouted lively from her hand.

"Jeanne D'arc said that to fully trans­fer her Holy Flame, I need to be near
the Abyss."

"The Abyss in North Ko­rean land, you mean?"

"Yes. She men­tioned that prepa­ra­tions must be made here for a def­i­nite
shar­ing of the bur­den..."

Ex­pect­ing Seong Ji­han to awaken the abil­i­ties of Gil­gamesh early, that's

why Pythia was dili­gently mak­ing prepa­ra­tions.

Seong Ji­han mused,

'She's re­ally keen on it. We haven't even found a clue on our side yet.'

The fifth An­ni­hi­la­tion Tech­nique, as­so­ci­ated with the Wood at­tribute.

He knew about its el­em

­ en­tal align­ment, but be­yond that, there wasn't a lead
to fol­low.

Yet, on their end,

Ex­pec­ta­tions were that Seong Ji­han, who com­pleted the Ice Heaven Sword
Rain quickly, could also swiftly achieve it.

"So, it seems I need to stay in Ko­rea a lit­tle longer to ac­cept the Holy

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 236

"Oh, Sophia. Is the Ko­rean na­tional team com­ing too?"

"Yes... ini­tially, I planned to stop ev­ery­thing once Seong Ji­han asked."


Sophia twisted her body as the Holy Flame, un­able to sus­tain it­self long, ex­‐
tin­guished in her palm.

"Are you okay, Sophia?"

"Ah... in­deed it's chal­leng­ing. I need to get used to man­ag­ing this fire; I'll
con­sider the next steps af­ter­ward."

Pythia's flame.

Even Seong Ji­han had to counter it through Ice Heaven Sword Rain be­fore
it be­came quench­able.

For Sophia to in­herit and wield such power wouldn't be an easy task.

Sophia winked at Yoon Seah.

"It's most im­por­tant to re­ceive Jeanne D'arc's flame right now, right? For
your mother... and for the el­der brother too."

"Hmm, el­der brother?"

"Yeah. It's not just for hus­bands and older sis­ters; you can call them el­der
brother too, right?"

Say­ing that, she tilted her head with a smile.

"But isn't 'el­der brother' some­thing men call each other? Why is a woman
us­ing 'el­der brother'?"

"Well, um... Any­way! Since my el­der brother ac­knowl­edged me as his sis­‐

ter-in-law. I need to do my best too!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 236

Brim­ming with de­ter­mi­na­tion, Sophia clenched her fists.

Yoon Seah, grate­ful for her ef­forts to save her mother, thought, 'Seah. You
can call her aun­tie in ad­vance.'

'Nah,I'm fine!'

She felt goose­bumps at the thought of call­ing her friend "aun­tie".

"Seong Ji­han. I'll bor­row one of the rooms in Sword Palace then~"

"Fine with me. The build­ing owner is Seah any­way."

"Ah. That's right~ Sophia. Want to go see the rooms? I'll give you the best

"Sure, let's go!"

Still, it was nice of her to of­fer help in sav­ing Seong Jiah.

Thus, Yoon Seah de­cided to per­son­ally show Sophia the best room in the
Sword Palace and they left.

Left alone, Seong Ji­han spent a mo­ment qui­etly ob­serv­ing the house and
thought, 'Since Pythia is so keen, I need to has­ten my train­ing on Gil­‐
gamesh's au­thor­ity.'

The fifth An­ni­hi­la­tion Tech­nique as­so­ci­ated with the Wood at­tribute.

Won­der­ing how to at­tempt it, an idea struck him.

'I'll try uti­liz­ing the en­ergy of life.'

The World Tree could be con­sid­ered the epit­ome of the Wood at­tribute.

Could there be an in­ter­sec­tion with the Wood at­tribute and the life en­ergy it

'In the ab­sence of clues, it's worth a shot to try any­thing.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 236

With that, Seong Ji­han be­gan his at­tempt at the fifth An­ni­hi­la­tion Tech­‐
nique, skip­ping the usual or­der.


In the Abode of the Mar­tial God,

Dong­bang Sak, an old man with a white mane, stroked his beard while
hold­ing his smart­phone.

'Pythia... has she lost the will to fight?'

The Ko­rea vs. Japan match ended at 3:2.

The scores alone showed a close game.

But it was the Ja­pa­nese coach's luck in card se­lec­tion that nar­rowly edged
the game.

In terms of power, Japan was no match for Ko­rea.

Al­though the sup­porter Mizuhara Aoi showed a strong fire power in the
first game.

She had been quiet since the sec­ond.

'Through the Eye of Div­ina­tion, she must have seen some­thing in him...'



As Pythia ap­peared from the vast void, Dong­bang Sak took his eyes off the
smart­phone and looked at her.

"Pythia... why did you spare him?"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 236

"I saw some­thing amaz­ing in him."

"You were sup­posed to teach him a les­son."

"I'll leave that to you."

With that, Pythia spread out one fin­ger.

"Dong­bang Sak,... can you de­feat Seong Ji­han in one minute?"

"One minute?"

"Yes. On a full power ba­sis."

Dong­bang Sak twisted his beard, lost in thought.

"Full power... has the fight­ing spirit of the Eye of Div­ina­tion dis­ap­peared?"


"You know well, if I use full power, it will end in a sin­gle strike."

Dong­bang Sak said non­cha­lantly.

As cer­tain and rou­tine as the sun­rise from the east.

"That wouldn't be a les­son, would it? I wouldn't have fun ei­ther."

"Still! I made a bet with him. If he lasts a minute, I'll have to give a free

"You crafted quite the trick... what did you get in re­turn?"

"If I win, he'll tell me all his mar­tial art names."


The name of the mar­tial art.

Be­hind Dong­bang Sak, the Taiji sym­bol ap­peared.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 236

Ini­tially ro­tat­ing clock­wise, the black and white pat­tern of the Taiji, "If you
tell me too, I'll use my full power."

[TL/N: Taiji means Yin and Yang pow­ers, but its too long so i put taiji]


then be­gan to ro­tate counter-clock­wise.

"I guess I'll have to bring out the Taiji De­mon Sword af­ter a long time."


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 237

Chap­ter 237

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


A week later.

Ding-dong. Ding-dong.

Sit­ting on the liv­ing room sofa sip­ping cof­fee, Yoon Se­jin heard the ring­ing
from the wall pad and looked at Yoon Seah.

"Is it Sophia?"

"Yeah, Dad. I'll go check."

Yoon Seah, now ac­cus­tomed to these vis­its, walked to the en­trance and
opened the door.

There stood Sophia, dolled up with her makeup on point.

"Hi, Seah~"

"Yeah, I've been see­ing you a lot lately, huh."

A week af­ter mov­ing into Sword Palace, Sophia had been vis­it­ing the pent­‐
house ev­ery day around 3 PM.

"Is Ji­han per­haps here?"

"Un­cle's not here."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 237

"Not here? Again?"

"Yeah. He's train­ing."

"Re­ally? Should I come be­fore 3 PM? But Jeanne D'arc's trans­fer of the
Holy Flame doesn't end un­til then..."

Sophia had been vis­it­ing the pent­house ev­ery day for a week, mainly to see
Seong Ji­han, but she had been miss­ing him ev­ery time.

And that was be­cause...

"No. It wouldn't mat­ter what time you come... Un­cle just doesn't come out
of the train­ing room."

"Not... for a whole week? What about food?"

"Food? He's not eat­ing."

"Eeeek?! What if he faints?"

"For un­cle, we don't need to worry. Plus..."

Yoon Seah shook her head, look­ing to­wards the di­rec­tion of the train­ing

"It seems like he's not there ei­ther. No sign of him at all."

"Where did he go?"

"I heard he got ac­cess to a train­ing space where time flows dif­fer­ently.
When I asked to go with him, he said only he can en­ter."

"Wow... such a place ex­ists?"

"Yeah. So I'll let you know when he comes back."

"Tch. I was ex­pect­ing to see Ji­han a lot... Okay!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 237

Sophia left af­ter an­other day of fu­til­ity.

When Yoon Seah re­turned to the liv­ing room, Yoon Se­jin, who had been
drink­ing cof­fee, re­marked.

"That girl re­ally never gives up, huh."

"You're not the one to talk, Dad."

"It re­minds me of when I fol­lowed your mother around."

"But wasn't Mom un­der­age then?"

"Cough... maybe I need to go level up a bit."

Star­tled by the men­tion of un­der­age, Yoon Se­jin rose from the sofa.

Yoon Seah smiled mis­chie­vously, then looked back at the train­ing room.

'But re­ally, when is un­cle com­ing out?'

Since Seong Ji­han ac­quired the train­ing hall of the void, he had be­come a
recluse in his train­ing room.

Lately, Seong Ji­han's view­ers were even flock­ing to Yoon Seah's Bat­tle­Tube
chan­nel ask­ing when he'll stream again.

'Though it helped in­crease my sub­scribers... now they fight amongst them­‐


Since Seong Ji­han had over­whelm­ingly more fans, each time Yoon Seah
streamed games, the chat would be flooded with ques­tions about "When
will Mr. Seong Ji­han come?"

Those against search­ing for Seong Ji­han on her chan­nel were clash­ing
fiercely with those just look­ing for up­dates.

Yoon Seah even­tu­ally gave up mod­er­at­ing the chaotic cha­t­room.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 237

"To­day's game stream... I'll prob­ab­ ly have to deal with un­cle's fans again...
Maybe I should turn off the chat."

Yoon Seah mused this with a wry smile when,

"Some­one is look­ing for me? Who?"

Be­hind her, with­out any prior in­di­ca­tion, Seong Ji­han ap­peared.

"Ah, un­cle! You're fi­nally out?"

"Yes. How long has it been?"

"A week. Did your train­ing go well?"

Seong Ji­han shook his head at Yoon Seah's ques­tion.

"Not re­ally."

The fifth An­ni­hi­la­tion tech­nique, De­scend of the Heav­enly Tree.

Armed only with the clue that it's a mar­tial art of the Wood at­tribute re­lated
to Gil­gamesh, Seong Ji­han gave it a shot in the void train­ing hall. De­spite
spend­ing a sig­nif­i­cant amount of time, he made no progress.

'There seems to be some con­nec­tion be­tween Heav­enly Tree and the Mar­tial
Arts of the Wood At­tribute...'

Heav­enly Tree, Ini­tially, Seong Ji­han thought it func­tioned as some kind of


Usu­ally, de­scent im­plies gods be­stow­ing their strength upon the user for a
cer­tain pe­riod, en­hanc­ing them.

'But the last mar­tial art of An­ni­hi­la­tion tech­nique to be a buff type? That
doesn't seem right...'

While not backed by hard ev­i­dence, Seong Ji­han's in­stincts told him that the
De­scend of Heav­enly Tree was not merely that type of power.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 237

Hav­ing ex­plored other di­rec­tions but al­ways fail­ing, he stepped out of the
void train­ing hall for a breather.

"What's this chat about from ear­lier?"

"Oh. Noth­ing much. Just that your fans have been com­ing to my chan­nel
look­ing for you."

"Re­ally? Well, I've been do­ing fewer streams lately."

Ever since be­com­ing the hid­den boss, Seong Ji­han had stopped reg­u­lar

Be­cause not only was the hid­den boss gar­ner­ing a lot of ex­pe­ri­ence, but if
he joined the race to level up, He would quickly be­come world num­ber one.

He would then be the fo­cus of con­cen­trated bans dur­ing the Space League,
so he was reg­u­lat­ing his pace.

"Do they not some­what know the sit­u­at­ion?"

"But they are cu­ri­ous about what you're do­ing."

"I've said I've been train­ing."

"And I've said it over a hun­dred times too."

"Sorry if it caused any trou­ble."

"No, it's fine. Thanks to that, many of the view­ers who came ended up sub­‐
scrib­ing to my chan­nel..."

Thriv­ing from her re­cent vic­to­ries in Bat­tle­Tube, Yoon Seah was gain­ing
sub­scribers amongst Seong Ji­han's fans, en­joy­ing the spillover ben­ef­ its.

Yet, she seemed some­what has­sled by the chat.

Notic­ing her dim ex­pres­sion, Seong Ji­han pat­ted her on the head.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 237

"You won't be both­ered by the chat to­day."

"Huh? Why?"

"Be­cause I'm go­ing to play to­day."

"Oh... but I thought you couldn't level up? If you be­come num­ber one in the
Space League, that wouldn't be good, right?"

"I was go­ing to do that, but this spe­cial map's re­wards are quite unique."

"Oh, what's it?"

"I'll show you in the game."

Seong Ji­han said with a grin and en­tered Bat­tleNet.


"Hello, ev­ery­one."

Upon ac­cess­ing Bat­tleNet, Seong Ji­han im­me­di­ately turned on Bat­tle­Tube.

-What? Se­ri­ously, it's Seong Ji­han?

-Oh... the no­ti­fi­ca­tion popped out of nowhere, and it's ac­tu­ally him?!

-Ah, fi­nally you logged in to Bat­tle­Tube... Did you fin­ish your train­ing?

Im­me­di­ately as Seong Ji­han launched the game, the cha­t­room brimmed

with wel­com­ing mes­sages.

Amid the flurry of fleet­ing com­ments, Seong Ji­han be­gan to speak.

"Train­ing is an on­go­ing process, but Space 4 has as­signed me to an­other

spe­cial map."

-An­other spe­cial map?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 237

-It's spe­cial ev­ery time

-Doesn't sur­prise me any­more that it's Seong Ji­han lol -So does that mean
an­other hid­den boss ap­pear­ance?

View­ers were no longer im­pressed by the as­sign­ment to a spe­cial map.

In­stead, it was al­most ex­pected, to the point where it'd seem strange to see
him in an or­di­nary game.


[A.DaVVies has do­nated 100000 GP.]

[Uh, Mr. Seong Ji­han, we are re­ally sorry, but you know the Space League
isn't far away.. could you some­how... per­haps stay at the 2nd place this

-The hu­man coach do­nated lol

-Do­nat­ing while ask­ing to keep a check on lev­el­ing up lol -He did en­joy the
re­cent 1st-place fake stunt.

-Re­ally, if only Seong Ji­han could stay for­ever be­low 2nd for the Space

-Isn't Seong Ji­han now ranked 7th be­cause of the hid­den boss?

-Even with­out play­ing the main game, he's at that level? He must have
earned a lot of ex­pe­ri­ence points.

Davis, who had greatly de­ceived Orcs, think­ing Seong Ji­han would nat­u‐­
rally be first, ap­pealed to him to some­how use sim­i­lar tac­tics in the next
game, even spon­sor­ing him.

"I have no plans to be­come world num­ber one right now. I'm try­ing to hold
back on lev­el­ing up as much as I can. It's just that this spe­cial map has quite
a unique re­ward. I have to par­tic­i­pate."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 237

Peo­ple showed in­ter­est in Seong Ji­han's re­sponse.

-If Seong Ji­han says the re­ward is good...

-Was it as good as when the hid­den boss popped up last time?

-What ex­actly are the re­wards?

"Just that..."

As Seong Ji­han was about to re­ply,

[Oh. Wel­come back, our es­teemed cus­tomer. Long time no see.]


A gi­ant ro­bot ap­peared be­side him and started speak­ing.


There stood Arte­mus, the great­est black­smith in the uni­verse, in its com­‐
bined form.


His body glowed, then split into hun­dreds of dwarves who lined up neatly
on the ground.

[Are you also par­tic­i­pat­ing be­cause of your mem­ber­ship, cus­tomer?]


[So am I. Can't miss out on a 6-month ex­ten­sion.]

The ba­sic re­ward of the spe­cial map was a Space League Pre­mier Mem­ber­‐
ship ex­ten­sion voucher.

An item in­her­ently equipped with a func­tion of 100 per­cent boost in ex­pe­ri­‐

ence and GP gain.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 237

In fact, it was of­ten cho­sen not only for that but for a 30 per­cent chance of
evad­ing the op­po­nent's ban list and for par­tic­u­lar func­tions like 'Spot­light'
or 'Hide­out.'

[Are you plan­ning to ex­tend the hide­out this time too?]

"That's the plan."

[If some­one as tal­ented as you used the Spot­light, you would have re­ceived
uni­ver­sal at­ten­tion. With GP spon­sor­ship flood­ing in, and many con­stel­la­‐
tions call­ing for your love, you'd be over­whelmed.]

"Are you plan­ning to use the Spot­light?"

[Of course. I need to gather GP to mod­ify my race.]

-Spot­light? Hide­out?

-What are they talk­ing about?

Seong Ji­han ex­plained briefly to the view­ers who were not fa­mil­iar with the
Space League mem­ber­ship card.

-Oh, so that's why they couldn't see Seong Ji­han's face.

-I thought the aliens were talk­ing non­sense lol -And it seems he wasn't
banned due to that too.

-It seems worth join­ing .

Al­though view­ers took the ex­pla­na­tion about the mem­ber­ship card quite ca­‐

[A.DaVVies has do­nated 100000 GP.]

[Sir, Mr. Seong Ji­han, does the mem­ber­ship card re­duce the chance of be­ing
banned?! But it seems like it hasn't been ap­plied even once dur­ing the na­‐
tional games...]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 237

Coach Davis from hu­man­ity's rep­re­sen­ta­tive team ex­cit­edly made an­other

do­na­tion with his query.

Seong Ji­han, shar­ing the same doubts about the 30 per­cent ban eva­sion,
asked Arte­mus who was stand­ing be­side him.

"But Arte­mus, this 30 per­cent ban eva­sion thing... is it ef­fec­tive? I don't re­‐
call it ever work­ing for me."

[Re­ally? I've made quite a profit off it. When was it you faced trou­ble?]

"In na­tional com­pe­ti­tions. I'm al­ways un­der con­cen­trated bans."

[...Na­tional com­pe­ti­tions? Does your planet, which your race rules, have
sev­eral coun­tries?]


[Huh. Of course, that doesn't work then. Is that a real game, com­pet­ing
against your own race? That's just part of train­ing. But... What did you even
do? You should de­clare im­me­di­ate world uni­fi­ca­tion and be­come a dic­ta­‐

Hun­dreds of dwarves, sound­ing in­cred­u­lous, si­mul­ta­ne­ously shrugged and

stared at Seong Ji­han.

"A dic­ta­tor, what non­sense are you on about?"

[You're the one talk­ing non­sense. To join Space 4 as a low­est-tier race,

you've got to have ce­les­tial genes. You must not stop there; it's your duty to
evolve your race. Unify the world and spread your su­pe­rior genes to all pro­‐
lific women!]

-The guy's lost it...

-What's this world uni­fi­ca­tion joke? lol

-But se­ri­ously, if Seong Ji­han tried to unify the world, would any­one be
able to stop him? lol -Can't they just bomb him?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 237

-Seong Ji­han could prob­ab­ ly dodge a nuke...

-His spa­tial con­trol abil­ity is bro­kenly over­pow­ered, isn't it?

As the chat be­gan to se­ri­ously de­bate whether world uni­fi­ca­tion by Seong

Ji­han was fea­si­ble, Seong Ji­han im­me­di­ately waved his hands.

"Don't worry. I have no thoughts of world uni­fi­ca­tion."

[Tsk. One should ded­i­cate them­selves to one's race... What a waste of abil­‐

Why bother with such te­dious af­fairs?

As Seong Ji­han flatly de­nied it, Arte­mus kept nag­ging aside, [Player has
been as­signed to spe­cial in­vade map, 'Race An­ni­hi­la­tion Bat­tle.']

The sys­tem mes­sage ap­peared and the chit chat stopped as fo­cus shifted to

[The des­ig­nated race is the 'Blue Blood Demons' de­moted from the Sil­ver

[Di­vided be­tween 'Void' and 'So­lar' fac­tions, the process of clear­ing the de­‐
mo­tion planet be­gins.]

[Will you par­tic­i­pate in the 'Race An­ni­hi­la­tion Bat­tle'?]

Race An­ni­hi­la­tion Bat­tle.

Seong Ji­han, hav­ing only thought of it as a spe­cial in­vade map be­fore par­‐
tic­i­pat­ing in the game, fur­rowed his brow at the re­vealed name of the map.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 237

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 238

Chap­ter 238

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


'The pro­ce­dure to clear a de­moted planet... A race an­ni­hi­la­tion bat­tle, no


A race an­ni­hi­la­tion was some­thing Seong Ji­han en­coun­tered be­fore his re­‐

At that time, his phys­i­cal body was swal­lowed by the ris­ing dark­ness, and
all of hu­man­ity dis­ap­peared. Seong Ji­han alone sur­vived, able to re­turn by
the vote of cer­tain be­ings.

With a vote of 3 to 1, he nar­rowly re­ceived a chance for a retry.

'But now it's say­ing play­ers have to en­force it?'

Hu­man­ity was un­doubt­edly con­sumed by dark­ness. The 'Blue Blood

Demons,' the tar­get of this an­ni­hi­la­tion event, were fac­ing in­va­sion by the
Void and So­lar fac­tions for some rea­son.

[Hmm. A race an­ni­hi­la­tion bat­tle, huh. It's rare for the fate of a de­moted
race to be put in the hands of a player. It's un­usual.]

Arte­mus too seemed to have no­ticed the sys­tem mes­sage. Hun­dreds of

dwarves, with their arms crossed, con­cur­rently tilted their heads in uni­son.

-A race an­ni­hi­la­tion bat­tle?

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 238

-So if you're de­moted, you get an­ni­hi­lated...?

-Wow; Isn't the penalty crazy?

-But... the an­ni­hi­la­tion... is done by the play­ers?

View­ers of Seong Ji­han's chan­nel were shocked upon hear­ing his and Arte­‐
mus's con­ver­sa­tion. There had been var­i­ous ru­mors about what hap­pens
upon de­mo­tion in Bat­tleNet's league, but this mis­sion pro­vided a de­fin­i­tive
an­swer to­day.

"But the Blue Blood Demons look like they're in the Sil­ver League, right?...
Shouldn't they go to Bronze if they're de­moted? Why are they get­ting an­ni­‐
hi­lated in­stead?"

"Bronze is a league only for be­gin­ners. Once you've reached Sil­ver, you
can­not fall back to the be­gin­ners' league."

"Hmm... those elves didn't look like be­gin­ners at all."

"Well, that's be­cause they have pow­er­ful back­ers."

As Seong Ji­han con­versed with the dwarves, they col­lec­tively pointed up­‐
wards with a fin­ger.

"I'll have to choose the So­lar fac­tion then. What about you?"

"You plan to par­tic­i­pate in the an­ni­hi­la­tion bat­tle?"

"Of course. It's a spe­cial mis­sion."

With that, the dwarves all re­vealed their in­ten­tions, laugh­ing.

"Plus, if there are any good spoils, I must gather them. It's the end of a race
that reached Sil­ver League. Surely there will be some­thing of value."

Arte­mus seemed to have no qualms about ex­ter­mi­nat­ing other races.

-Those dwarves are ruth­less;

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 238

-Even if they're from a dif­fer­ent race, isn't par­tic­i­pat­ing in an an­ni­hi­la­tion

bat­tle a bit much?

-This is like se­ri­ously not just a game any­more;

-Hey, why are those guys talk­ing like moral text­books? It's not a game any­‐
more, so like Arte­mus, you should gain loot and get stronger.

-That's right. Where's the space to worry about an­other planet's well-be­ing
when Earth could end up in the same state?

While there was ap­pre­hen­sion among view­ers to­wards Arte­mus's en­joy­ment

of the an­ni­hi­la­tion, the over­rid­ing sen­ti­ment was a harsh re­al­ism.

And Seong Ji­han also set­tled his heart, look­ing at Arte­mus's at­ti­tude.

'Af­ter all, that's what Bat­tleNet has al­ways been about.'

A game where com­pet­ing with other races for rank­ing and the lower ranks
face de­struc­tion.

Why worry about the demise of races from other plan­ets when even your
own kind fight against each other? Arte­mus's ap­proach, look­ing to ben­ef­ it
his own kind, is prob­ab­ ly the most sen­si­ble at­ti­tude.


As Seong Ji­han pon­dered which side to choose,

[If you choose the Void fac­tion, an epic quest will ap­pear.]

An­other sys­tem mes­sage popped up.

An epic quest that isn't of­fered to the So­lar fac­tion.

With that, the choice was ob­vi­ous.

"I'll go with the Void."

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 238

"Got it. You'll prob­ab­ ly earn a lot of GP in the Void."

Upon Seong Ji­han's de­ci­sion, the dwarves waved as light shone from the
sky and whisked them up­wards.

Glanc­ing at the as­cended Arte­mus, Seong Ji­han chose the Void fac­tion, and

The land started to drench in pur­ple shade, and dark­ness sur­rounded him

In this shrouded world, a sys­tem mes­sage rose.

[By se­lect­ing the Void fac­tion, an epic quest ap­pears.]

[Epic Quest]

-Find the ori­gin of the Blue Blood Demons and bring an end to them.

Re­ward -- In­crease the ca­pac­ity limit of Void stats by +30

-- Ac­quire the ti­tle 'Void Ex­ecu­tor'

Seong Ji­han's eyes gleamed as he saw the re­ward for the epic quest.

'This is ex­actly the re­ward I need.'

Com­pared even with the abil­ity of the Wan­der­ing Mar­tial God, Mar­tial
Soul, the per­for­mance of the Void stats was not far be­hind.

How­ever, this abil­ity had a fa­tal penalty: the closer the stats get to 100, the
shorter the life­span be­comes.

Re­lief from this penalty comes with an in­creased ca­pac­ity limit of the Void

'With the 'Sum­mon the throne', I've only man­aged to get a +5 limit each
month... +30 is ba­si­cally buy­ing half a year's time.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 238

The EX-grade skill ob­tained from the Brahma, Sum­mon the throne.

This skill could give the power to sur­pass the lim­its of one's race and also
raise the ca­pac­ity limit of Void stats.

The re­ward from the epic quest was akin to front-load­ing six months' worth
of ef­fects, so it was im­per­at­ive to Seong Ji­han.

'And I can't ig­nore Pythia's prophecy ei­ther.'

He re­mem­bered Pythia's pre­dic­tion con­cern­ing the Witch of Void.

[You'll fight a ter­ri­fy­ing be­ing, at­tempt to save her, but due to the re­coil of
overus­ing the power of void, you'll al­most get pulled in. The Witch of Void,
fi­nally free, sac­ri­fices her­self for you.]

While prophecy did not af­fect Seong Ji­han him­self, it did work on peo­ple
around him as told, sug­gest­ing the last mo­ments of Seong Jiah.

The prophecy said Seong Ji­han nearly got dragged into the void.

In­creas­ing the ca­pac­ity limit of the Void stats was im­per­at­ive not just to pre­‐
vent such an event but as a nec­es­sary move.

'The prob­lem now is find­ing the source of the Blue Blood Demons...'

There had never been an easy epic quest be­fore, but none as daunt­ing as this

How could he lo­cate the source of the Blue Blood Demons?

Per­haps by lever­ag­ing the fourth An­ni­hi­la­tion Tech­nique, Ice Heaven

Sword Rain he had re­cently gained...

'But to reck­lessly use the An­ni­hi­la­tion Tech­nique, the range is far too vast.'

While Seong Ji­han pon­dered pos­si­ble ap­proaches,

"Whoa! Look who it is if not the leader him­self!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 238


Amidst the pur­ple-hued world, a black skull re­vealed it­self, its face pro­trud­‐
ing from the dark­ness.

"Al­ready par­tic­i­pat­ing in a race an­ni­hi­la­tion bat­tle... You re­ally are ex­tra­or­‐

di­nary, Leader."

Clack! Clack!

The black skull clicked its teeth, mak­ing a fuss.

Seong Ji­han frowned at the skull cir­cling around him.

The Con­stel­la­tion of the Dead Star, Kar­lein.

He didn't ex­pect the be­ing, who was also his sup­port­ing con­stel­la­tion, to
par­tic­i­pate here.

"You're also par­tic­i­pat­ing... Is this your avatar?"

"No avatar I'd say! This time, as a con­stel­la­tion, I've been dis­patched as one
of the in­va­sion com­man­ders for the Void fac­tion."

"Re­ally? Then you would have some in­for­ma­tion on the Blue Blood

At Seong Ji­han's words, the black skull nod­ded.

"Of course, I do!"


Kar­lein's eyes emit­ted a pur­ple glow, pro­ject­ing a vast screen.

It showed crea­tures with blue skin, four arms, and two heads.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 238

"The Blue Blood Demons... They're not very pow­er­ful. At best a mid-to-
low tier? No won­der they were de­moted from Sil­ver."

"Is that enough to get de­moted?"

"There are some who hang in there, but most are de­moted. You need to be
at least mid-tier to hold onto Sil­ver League. Un­less there's an ir­reg­u­lar
player like you."

-Hu­man­ity is the low­est grade; how will we sur­vive? lol -But why is that
skull be­ing so chummy with Seong Ji­han?

-Why did it call him 'Leader'?

-There were times when his Bat­tle­Tube stream sud­denly went off... Did
they meet dur­ing that?

View­ers un­fa­mil­iar with Kar­lein won­dered why the skull was act­ing buddy-
buddy with Seong Ji­han.

But they were more fo­cused on the words it spoke.

Af­ter be­ing as­signed to the spe­cial in­va­sion map, race an­ni­hi­la­tion bat­tle,
so­phis­ti­cated in­for­ma­tion about the fate of Bat­tleNet's worlds flowed forth.

"So, when de­moted, other play­ers launch an in­va­sion to an­ni­hi­late the


"Nah~ Orig­i­nally, they just sum­mon the Apos­tles of the End and even­tu­ally
in­cin­er­ate them in the Void. Oh, by the way, leader... Is Bat­tle­Tube on?"


Clank! Clank!

Then, the black skull clicked its teeth and gave a chill­ing smile.

"Ladies and gen­tle­men of hu­man­ity~ If you can't main­tain your rank­ing, I'll
ex­ec­ ute you on the spot~ Ah! But if our dear leader joins my rank, maybe

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 238

I'll make an ex­cep­tion?"

"Stop the non­sense."

"Woof woof!"


See­ing Kar­lein trans­form from a hu­man skull to a dog's head and start bark­‐
ing, Seong Ji­han was mo­men­tar­ily speech­less.


-It's re­ally in­sane, isn't it? Haha!

-Why is it mad­ness ev­ery­where to­day?

-Fr, one de­mands global uni­fi­ca­tion and sug­gests spread­ing seeds, and the
other's ask­ing to be­come a leader of some­thing haha -And we're sup­posed
to be an­ni­hi­lated by such be­ings if we didn't main­tain our rank­ing...

The view­ers, who re­sponded en­er­get­i­cally to the dog-headed be­ing, saw it



It shifted back to its orig­i­nal skull form and spoke as if noth­ing odd had oc­‐

"Any­way, back to the main topic! There's a spe­cific rea­son why play­ers par­‐
tic­i­pate in this an­ni­hi­la­tion bat­tle."

"What is it?"

"The Blue Blood Demons have a spe­cial abil­ity to pos­sess oth­ers."

Flash! Flash!

A shim­mer of red light flashed in the eye sock­ets of the skull.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 238

"Like so, the Blue Blood Demons flash their blue eyes at times. If you see
that, there's a chance of pos­ses­sion. But it's com­pletely ran­dom. It might not
work even on the low­est-tier species, while even Drag­onkin can fall vic­tim
to it."


"The higher-ups in Bat­tleNet want more data on this pos­ses­sion abil­ity.

That's why play­ers were al­lowed to par­tic­i­pate in this an­ni­hi­la­tion."

"So play­ers are meant to get pos­sessed?"

"Right! There's no need for play­ers to be in­volved in wip­ing out a mid-to-

low-tier race."

Seong Ji­han nod­ded.

Things seemed a lit­tle dif­fer­ent from the an­ni­hi­la­tion he'd known in his pre­‐
vi­ous life, so there was some hid­den rea­son­ing be­hind it.

"I'm a bit anx­ious about the pos­si­bil­ity of be­ing pos­sessed too... But you.
Will you still par­tic­i­pate?"

"Of course."

"Al­right. Then, as the com­man­der, I'll as­sign you an easy route! There's a
civil­ian res­i­den­tial area among the at­tack routes. Those folks aren't play­ers
and haven't awak­ened their pos­ses­sion abil­i­ties, so you can eas­ily sweep
through there!"

Kar­lein, ex­er­cis­ing his com­man­der priv­i­leges, of­fered Seong Ji­han an easy

route, but Seong Ji­han im­me­di­ately de­clined.

"No. Give me the place with the strong­est re­sis­tance."

"Why? Be­cause they're civil­ians?"


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 238

Kar­lein's laugh­ter turned bit­ter at Seong Ji­han's re­fusal.

"Head, if that's the case, it's dis­ap­point­ing... To sur­vive in Bat­tleNet, one

must be­come ut­terly ruth­less. If you har­bor such ten­der-hearted sen­ti­ments,
you'll be used by some­one even­tu­ally."

"Are you not the one who wants to ex­ploit me the most?"

"Hehe. Yeah. I'm just telling you be­cause I don't want some­one else to take
you away."

At Kar­lein's words, Seong Ji­han let out a chuckle.

"If I was go­ing to be swayed by that, I wouldn't have par­tic­i­pated in the race
an­ni­hi­la­tion bat­tle to be­gin with."

"Then why?"

"To find the ori­gin of the Blue Blood Demons."

"The ori­gin..."

Clink! Clink!

As the word 'ori­gin' hung in the air, Kar­lein's eyes blazed with in­ten­sity.

"The ori­gin of the Blue Blood Demons... What an in­ter­est­ing thing to say.
The ori­gin... and the Blue Blood Demons' unique pos­ses­sion might be re­‐

"So, will you send me to the place with the strong­est re­sis­tance?"

"... Well, Okay."


Pur­ple light erupted from the skull's eyes.

Even­tu­ally, a mas­sive por­tal was formed.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 238

"If you think you're go­ing to get pos­sessed, call me any­time. I'll drop ev­ery­‐
thing and rush over!"

"That won't hap­pen."

Im­me­di­ately dis­miss­ing Kar­lein's of­fer, Seong Ji­han stepped into the por­tal.

And then,


"Cap­ture him!"

As soon as he en­tered the world be­yond the por­tal, hun­dreds of blue eyes
stared at him, flash­ing with light.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

Join our Dis­cord for re­lease up­dates!



⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 239

Chap­ter 239

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


Through the por­tal opened by Kar­lein, Seong Ji­han found him­self fac­ing
hun­dreds of Blue Blood Demons stand­ing on a black hill with res­o­lute de­‐

'So these are the Blue Blood Demons.'

The crea­tures with two heads and four arms each, cov­ered in blue skin,
seemed like two peo­ple fused into one body.

They were only slightly larger than hu­mans, and while their race's com­bat
rat­ing was eval­u­ated as mid to low-tier, their ap­pear­ance didn't seem par­tic­‐
u­larly strong.



[Cap­ture him!]


As in­tense blue light erupted from the eyes of hun­dreds of Blue Blood
Demons, Seong Ji­han be­gan to feel his body con­strained by a strange force.

'Is this the Blue Blood Demons' pos­ses­sion?'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 239

As it turns out, the com­pat­i­bil­ity be­tween Seong Ji­han's body and the pos­‐
ses­sion was fa­vor­able, and he felt his con­trol wan­ing.


-Why is Seong Ji­han just stand­ing there?

-What's hap­pen­ing? Is he pos­sessed?

-Should've gone to the civil­ian area af­ter what that skull said lol Seong Ji­‐
han just stood there in front of the en­emy, caus­ing view­ers to worry.

Yet, 'Pos­ses­sion can be con­trolled with Mar­tial Soul.'

To Seong Ji­han's re­lief, the Mar­tial Soul, which al­lowed him full con­trol
over his body, func­tioned with­out is­sue even dur­ing pos­ses­sion.

'I could sweep them away im­me­di­ately but...'

His goal in this game was not to an­ni­hi­late the en­emy blindly but rather to
find the source of the Blue Blood Demons. De­cid­ing to play along and ap­‐
pear pos­sessed, he ob­served the sit­u­at­ion.

[Do we have him?]


[We're not sure!]

[It seems... like it worked.]


The Blue Blood Demons sweat­ing pro­fusely weren't sure if they had suc­‐
cess­fully pos­sessed Seong Ji­han.

While his move­ments had stopped and the pow­ers of pos­ses­sion seemed to
have worked, his re­sponses were oddly stiff com­pared to when they pos­‐
sessed other races.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 239

[Try con­trol­ling that one!]

Fol­low­ing the lead Blue Blood De­mon's com­mand, their eyes flashed.


Sev­eral of their eyes erupted in pain, but...

'This won't work.'

When Seong Ji­han tem­po­rar­ily re­laxed his con­trol us­ing Mar­tial Soul, his
move­ments be­came er­ratic.

[It worked! Pre­pare to con­front the in­vader!]

[Al­right... Let's make him clash with the other in­vaders!]

Pos­sess­ing the en­emy and mak­ing them fight each other was the ba­sic tac­tic
of the Blue Blood Demons.

'Guess I'll have to draw my sword again.'

Hear­ing the trans­lated speech of the Blue Blood Demons via Bat­tleNet,
Seong Ji­han planned to end this cha­rade and wipe them out.

[Wait! Hold! Don't pro­ceed.]

Be­fore he could act, the lead de­mon waved its hand, sig­nal­ing to stop.

[The gods com­mand us to bring him to the sanc­tum.]


[Will he not be dan­ger­ous...?]

[He's al­ready suc­cumbed to pos­ses­sion once; he's a 'prime can­di­date.' In the

sanc­tum, pos­ses­sion will be much stronger, so it's ir­rel­ev­ ant.]


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 239


As strong light emit­ted from the Blue Blood Demons' eyes once more...

Boom! Boom!

Sev­eral eyes ex­ploded once again.

De­spite Seong Ji­han mak­ing no ef­fort to re­sist, they found it ar­du­ous to em­‐
ploy their pow­ers. Con­tin­u­ous sac­ri­fices were made amidst their strug­gles.

[Tremen­dous re­sis­tance...!]

[This player is a dan­ger­ous be­ing.]

[Shouldn't we just kill him now?]

[No. That's why we must take him to the sanc­tu­ary. Con­trol him quickly!]

Heed­ing the chief's ur­gency, the Blue Blood Demons re­sumed us­ing their

Thump! Thump!

Sur­ren­der­ing him­self to their power, Seong Ji­han be­gan to move slowly.

Af­ter about ten steps...

Boom! Boom!

The sound of ex­plod­ing eye­balls from be­hind caused the de­mon chief to
fur­row its brow.

How pow­er­ful must this guy be if sim­ply mak­ing him walk is so dif­fi­cult?

[This won't do. Open a por­tal right be­fore him. Send him to the sanc­tum at


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 239

At the chief's com­mand...


A blue por­tal ma­te­ri­al­ized be­fore Seong Ji­han.

'The sanc­tum...'

Seong Ji­han thought about the Epic Quest about find­ing the ori­gin of the
Blue Blood Demons.

He was clue­less about where to start, but now it seemed they were in­ad­ver­‐
tently paving the way for him.

'I'll have to in­ves­ti­gate.'

Step­ping into the por­tal be­yond, the Blue Blood Demons' sanc­tum un­veiled

Wrig­gle! Wrig­gle!

Within the sanc­tum of the Blue Blood Demons,

From the per­spec­tive of hu­mans, it was grotesque to call it a sa­cred place.


-What is this?

-Eye­balls ev­ery­where?

-Go­ing to get om­meta­pho­bia from this ㅡㅡ;

Eye­balls plas­tered the ceil­ings, walls, and floors.


⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 239

As Seong Ji­han stepped, the eye­balls on the floor burst un­der his weight,


New eye­balls swiftly re­placed the burst ones and con­tin­ued watch­ing him.

[A por­tal opened... is it an of­fer­ing?]

A voice echoed from ev­ery di­rec­tion, car­ry­ing a strange force that made lis­‐
ten­ers feel hazy.

'Not just pos­ses­sion, but they have other tricks too.'

Nat­u­rally, to Seong Ji­han who pos­sessed Mar­tial Soul, all this had lit­tle ef­‐

He qui­etly watched what tricks they were up to.


And from be­tween the eye­balls, blue ten­ta­cles be­gan to rise.

They wrapped around Seong Ji­han's body, and then...


Be­gan to com­press him from all sides.

Caught in pos­ses­sion and wrapped in ten­ta­cles, it looked as though Seong

Ji­han was thor­oughly re­strained.

-No,can this end quickly?

-An end­ing straight out of a ten­ta­cle drama...

-Se­ri­ously, it's noth­ing but ten­ta­cles now ㅡㅡ;

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 239

-He asked to send him to the strong­est re­sis­tance area ear­lier, but this re­sult
is dis­ap­point­ing...

-Un­til now, he seemed to be act­ing, but was it real?

Ini­tially, view­ers de­bated whether Seong Ji­han was just pre­tend­ing to be

pos­sessed or not.

But as the blue ten­ta­cles be­gan to wrap him help­lessly, the sen­ti­ment shifted
to­wards it not be­ing an act.

-Shouldn't he call that black skull for help by now?

-But how would he call for help? He's pos­sessed.

-Ah... right.

-Are we fi­nally go­ing to see Seong Ji­han not rank first in a game?

-First place? He's at the bot­tom now. lol

Un­able to sum­mon help due to pos­ses­sion, view­ers gloomily pre­dicted

Seong Ji­han's end.


Wrig­gle! Wrig­gle!

[No, Was it the player ex­ec­ ut­ing the an­ni­hi­la­tion? With a race rated low­est...
Yet, to par­take in the apoc­al­ypse, the gift must be ex­tra­or­di­nary.]

Voices read­ing Seong Ji­han's data emerged from the eye­balls.

[Yes. The lower the grade, the bet­ter. Let's se­lect you as one of the of­fer­‐


Eye­balls swarmed from all di­rec­tions, bury­ing Seong Ji­han.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 239

Or so they tried.

"It's time to end this cha­rade."

Be­fore Seong Ji­han even voiced his thoughts...



The ten­ta­cles coil­ing Seong Ji­han ig­nited in uni­son, a phoenix spear

wrapped in crim­son light­ning was now held in his hand.


-We al­ways trusted you!

-Ob­vi­ously, Seong Ji­han couldn't pos­si­bly be pos­sessed!

-Lol, we were just talk­ing about call­ing the skull for help and then the quick
turn of opin­ions.

-You did the same thing ear­lier, didn't you? Haha!

View­ers shifted from un­cer­tainty to cheer­ing for Seong Ji­han, who is, af­ter
all, the in­vin­ci­ble.

He gen­tly spun the phoenix spear,

"I con­sid­ered wait­ing to see what they'd do..."


His tar­get: the eye­balls sprin­kled all around.

"I didn't know you guys would try to stuff the eyes all over my body."

Seong Ji­han oblit­er­ated ev­ery eye­ball.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 239

Though he pre­tended to be pos­sessed, he never in­tended to en­dure hav­ing

eye­balls en­ter his body.


'The Sword Rain stirred.'

The fourth An­ni­hi­la­tion tech­nique, Ice Heaven Sword Rain with its search

Es­pe­cially the Sword Rain, which de­tected er­rors in Bat­tleNet here.

Ever since re­ceiv­ing the Epic Quest to find the ori­gin of the Blue Blood
Demons, and upon feel­ing move­ment in the Ice Heaven Sword Rain he car­‐
ried in­side, he ceased the act.

"Was he not pos­sessed?"


Wrig­gle! Wrig­gle!

From the sanc­tum Seong Ji­han just dec­i­mated, more eye­balls be­gan to reap­‐

[In­deed, the apos­tle of apoc­al­ypse, not as sim­ple as it seems.]

Pop! Pop! Pop!

The gath­ered eye­balls col­lided vi­o­lently and merged into one vast eye­ball.

[But even if the power of pos­ses­sion doesn't work... I will seize con­trol of
you and es­cape this world.]


A com­mand far more in­tense than any be­fore shone from the Blue Blood
De­mon tal­ents.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 239

Seong Ji­han felt his body flinch slightly.

Had he not owned the Mar­tial Soul, he would have been com­pletely over­‐

None­the­less, even the gi­ant eye­ball's power was no match for the re­strain­‐
ing power of Mar­tial Soul.

"You thought it would work?"

Seong Ji­han thrust his spear to­ward the eye­ball.

Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts, Fu­sion of Di­vine thun­der and phoenix: Crim­son

Thun­der can­non Crack­ling!

A mas­sive crim­son thun­der­bolt pierced through the eye­ball.

The crim­son light­ning didn't stop there, in­stead swept across the en­tire

The eye­balls which con­tin­u­ously re­gen­er­ated un­til then could not with­stand
the force of the Crim­son Thun­der Can­non and ceased to re­vive.

[How...With a low-grade race body, how can you show such power?]

"You say I'm mid-to-low-grade but Why are you guys so weak? Can't do
any­thing but pos­sess, huh?"

[...Close this sanc­tum.]

Im­me­di­ately hit by Seong Ji­han, the en­emy de­cided to close the sanc­tum.


Af­fected by the Crim­son Thun­der Can­non and with lit­tle re­main­ing eye­‐
balls, the en­ergy of the santrum be­gan to weaken.

'Quick judg­ment.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 239

Seong Ji­han mused with a hint of re­gret.

If only the en­emy clashed a bit more, it would have made it eas­ier to dis­‐
cover the ori­gin of the Blue Blood Demons.

As soon as the eyes re­al­ized they couldn't over­power him, they gave up and

'Clear­ing this Epic Quest won't be easy.'

If it were just about com­bat­ing the en­emy, it'd be sim­ple. But search­ing for
clues about the ori­gin with­out any hints was chal­leng­ing.

And the re­ward was too good to pass up on the quest.

'I should track the en­ergy of this sanc­tum...'

Seong Ji­han scanned his sur­round­ings.

Once the om­nipresent eye­balls were burnt away, an im­mense un­der­ground

space made of blue soil was re­vealed.

With paths stretched in all di­rec­tions, it was un­clear which way to go.

'The en­ergy sim­i­lar to that of this sanc­tu­ary is strong­est in the north...'

As the sanc­tum closed, the en­ergy of the Blue Blood Demons dwin­dled

Only some­one of Seong Ji­han's cal­iber could track such faint dis­per­sal.

He could fol­low it based on his senses, but...

'The Sword Rain is point­ing the op­po­site way.'

Con­trary to Seong Ji­han's senses,

Ice Heaven Sword Rain de­tected the weak­est en­ergy to the south.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 239

'Let's fol­low the di­rec­tion in­di­cated by Sword Rain this time.'


Seong Ji­han drew Eclipse.

Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts: An­ni­hi­la­tion God's Se­cret, Ice Heaven Sword

Rain The cold aura em­anated from the frozen Eclipse, caus­ing the en­tire
sanc­tum to freeze. Then, a wa­ter sword emerged and flew south­ward.

"Let's go."

Mount­ing the Sword Rain,


The wa­ter sword surged through the un­der­ground to­wards the south.

A vast flood of swords filled the un­der­ground like an enor­mous del­uge.

[What is that?]

[Stop it!]

[Don't let it reach the sanc­tum!]

The Blue Blood Demons tried to ob­struct the wa­ter sword, but...


They were un­able to re­sist its over­flow and got swept away.

Though Ice Heaven Sword Rain was in­deed for search pur­poses, as part of
the An­ni­hi­la­tion tech­nique, its mar­tial arts power was for­mi­da­ble.


'I can't see how they reached the Sil­ver League. Was it only by the help of
pos­sess­ing abil­i­ties?'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 239

Watch­ing the Blue Blood Demons help­lessly de­feated by Ice Heaven Sword
Rain, Seong Ji­han mused.


The force­fully reach­ing wa­ter swords be­gan to slow down.

Even­tu­ally, af­ter sweep­ing away Blue Blood Demons...

"What is that...? A tree?"

Even­tu­ally, at his fi­nal des­ti­na­tion, Seong Ji­han dis­cov­ered some­thing un­ex­‐

pected: a mas­sive tree adorned with count­less eyes, hang­ing up­side down.


[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]

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⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 240

Chap­ter 240

[Trans­la­tor -- Asura]

[Proof­reader -- De­mon God]


A tree glit­ter­ing with mul­ti­col­ored lights. From its branches that hung up­‐
side down point­ing to the ground, fruit re­sem­bling eye­balls dan­gled in

These fruits had a sim­i­lar shape to the blue eyes of the Blue Blood Demons.
Seong Ji­han fur­rowed his brow upon see­ing the tree.

'...A tree? Why is there a tree here?'

For Seong Ji­han, who now thought of the World Tree Al­liance first when­‐
ever trees came to mind, this up­side-down tree lacked any aura of life-giv­‐
ing en­ergy.

'I need to break it first.'

If the Sword Rain pointed out this tree, there must be a rea­son. Seong Ji­han
de­cided to start by elim­i­nat­ing this omi­nous tree.


As he drew the Phoenix Spear and aimed at the tree, "Get­ting this far...!"


All the fruits on the tree burst into light, at­tempt­ing to bind Seong Ji­han
with the Blue Blood Demons' en­ergy again, but...

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 240

"You know it won't work, right?"

Seong Ji­han didn't hes­i­tate a mo­ment and sent a cur­rent of crim­son elec­tric­‐
ity up the spear.


Maybe be­cause it was a tree, the light­ning that streaked forth was more in­‐
tense than usual.

The eye­ball fruits were re­duced to ash, and the branches and trunk, which
once daz­zled with color, now grad­u­ally lost their hue and be­gan to char un­‐
til even­tu­ally, the enor­mous tree van­ished.

'That was too easy?'

The ob­ject that seemed omi­nous at first van­ished sur­pris­ingly ef­fort­lessly.

But then...


The wa­ter sword Seong Ji­han rode on did not dis­si­pate. In­stead, it pointed
up­wards, to­wards the ceil­ing.

"Let's go."


As soon as Seong Ji­han gave the or­der, the wa­ter sword pierced the ceil­ing,
al­low­ing him to emerge from the un­der­ground sanc­tum back to the sur­face.

And there...

'What's this...?'

He no­ticed the same blue ten­ta­cles that had pre­vi­ously en­cased him, now
sprawl­ing in all di­rec­tions across the land. There were so many ten­ta­cles
that it gave off the im­pres­sion that the world was en­veloped in blue.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 240

-Aren't those the same ten­ta­cles?

-It was the tree's root sys­tem per­haps?

-This game is get­ting grotesque with all the eye­balls and ten­ta­cles ㅡㅡ

-Ugh, more eye­balls in be­tween the ten­ta­cles; I'm go­ing to have night­mares
about this.

The long-awaited view­ing of Seong Ji­han's Bat­tle­Tube was a bit of a shock

due to the grotesque con­tent, prompt­ing view­ers to ex­press their dis­com­fort.

Seong Ji­han, how­ever, ob­served the move­ments of the ten­ta­cles with­out any

'Most of these ten­ta­cles are en­tan­gled with the Blue Blood Demons, right?'

At the ends of the ten­ta­cles...

Groups of Blue Blood Demons walked from all di­rec­tions.

[Re­turn­ing... to the gods...!]

Even as they were en­veloped and ab­sorbed by the ten­ta­cles, the Blue Blood
Demons kept chant­ing for their gods res­o­lutely.

And the more Blue Blood Demons were ab­sorbed...


Sin­gle eyes be­gan ap­pear­ing along­side the lengthy ten­ta­cles.

-Ugh... Are the demons can­ni­bal­iz­ing each other?

-It wasn't a fel­low de­mon as the tree.

-Oh, that's right. Even so, to be sac­ri­ficed to what they wor­ship...

-No mat­ter what they say, they must be act­ing out of des­per­at­ion.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 240

-We can't let this hap­pen on Earth... ㅡㅡ;

View­ers wit­ness­ing the sac­ri­fi­cial of­fer­ings in a world fac­ing an­ni­hi­la­tion

were re­minded of the hor­rific con­se­quences of league de­mo­tion.

Mean­while, Seong Ji­han was fo­cused on the phe­nom­en­ on of the ten­ta­cles


'The tree's gone, but the ten­ta­cles are still ac­tively mov­ing.'

Where is the source main­tain­ing their vi­tal­ity?

He looked at the Sword Rain that had brought him to the sur­face, but...


The wa­ter sword that emerged on the ground was point­ing up­wards to the

"Let's see where this leads."

As Seong Ji­han com­manded, the Sword Rain at­tempted to ex­tend again,



The sword broke off mid-way, un­able to reach its in­tended tar­get.

'This must be the limit of its range.'

The Ice Heaven Sword Rain, uti­lized un­der­ground, had stretched a con­sid­‐
er­able dis­tance be­fore mak­ing it to the sur­face, sig­nal­ing its range limit.

'I'll need to with­draw the sword first.'


As Seong Ji­han ex­tended his shadow en­ergy into the ground, Ice Heaven
Sword Rain was re­leased un­der­ground, and Eclipse be­gan to fly back to­‐

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 240

wards him.

The sword, be­ing far away, wasn't re­trieved in­stantly.

'Maybe I should check the di­rec­tion the Sword Rain hinted at.'

He took his spear and as­cended to­wards the sky.


The ten­ta­cles parted quickly, try­ing to avoid Seong Ji­han, es­pe­cially from
the Crim­son Light­ning swirling around the tip of his spear, as if des­per­ately
try­ing to stay un­touched.

-Look how fast those ten­ta­cles are lol.

-They're freak­ing out at the thought of be­ing striked by the Crim­son thun­der
lol -Well, they get de­stroyed as soon as touched by the light­ning, so it's un­‐
der­stand­able lol -But why is he leav­ing them alone?

-Right... It looks like he's search­ing for some­thing, doesn't it?

Seong Ji­han as­cended through the path cleared by the re­treat­ing ten­ta­cles
and took in his sur­round­ings.

'It seems I emerged on top of a hill.'

The dwellings of the Blue Blood Demons con­cen­trated around a gi­ant hill,
and Seong Ji­han had emerged near the hill's peak.

And be­low, in the de­mon's res­i­dences...

The dev­as­ta­tion was in full swing.

Flash! Flash!

Sun­light poured from above, and play­ers rep­re­sent­ing the So­lar fac­tion
were ma­te­ri­al­iz­ing, an­ni­hi­lat­ing the Blue Blood De­mon res­i­dences.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 240

"Con­quer­ing a de­moted star through an­ni­hi­la­tion, this spe­cial map is a free­‐


"This ter­ri­tory is mine. Don't get in the way!"

"Who cares about ter­ri­to­ries here? The first to kill gets to keep!"

Gi­ants and drag­onkind, among a va­ri­ety of pow­er­ful species ev­id­ ent at a

glance, were slaugh­ter­ing the Blue Blood Demons in mere mo­ments, and
when any player hes­i­tated even for a sec­ond...

"That one... must be pos­sessed!"

"Great! Let's kill that one first!"

"Right, we need to take down the traitors first!"

These play­ers pounced on any hes­i­tat­ing play­ers, ruth­lessly sub­du­ing them.

-Is this called... an­ni­hi­la­tion?

-Wow... They are cel­eb­ rat­ing when they think some­one's pos­sessed; -The
Blue Blood Demons can't re­sist at all...

-These play­ers are bru­tally strong;

Over­whelmed by the sheer strength of play­ers con­trasted with just Seong Ji­‐
han and the elves, the hu­man view­ers shud­dered as they saw the slaugh­ter
un­fold in the Blue Blood De­mon strongholds.

Maybe it was be­cause the spe­cial map only sum­moned elites, but de­spite
the Blue Blood Demons putting up a fight, they were thor­oughly get­ting

And there was...

'That dark­ness... is it the same as the void be­fore?'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 240

On the out­skirts, an enor­mous dark­ness wa­vered and was eras­ing the Blue
Blood De­mon res­i­dences com­pletely.

Play­ers be­long­ing to the Void fac­tion, un­like those from So­lar, ob­scured
them­selves fully within this dark­ness as they con­quered their foes.

Per­haps that's why Blue Blood Demons on the outer edge, over­whelmed by
the on­com­ing dark­ness, were un­able to at­tempt pos­ses­sion and quickly got
cleared out.

-The city looks huge...

-The de­struc­tion was in­stant.

-The play­ers are ruth­less...

-Would we have any chance to re­sist if this hap­pened on Earth?

-Would nuk­ing drag­ons work?

-Then we'd be nuked, too;

-We def­i­nitely can't drop to low­est league

Imag­in­ing such dev­as­ta­tion on Earth, view­ers could deeply feel the im­por­‐
tance of main­tain­ing their rank.

As for Seong Ji­han...

'At this rate... it might end too soon.'

Watch­ing the an­ni­hi­la­tion of the Blue Blood Demons, he could sense that
time was run­ning short.

De­spite their pow­ers of pos­ses­sion, a one-sided mas­sacre was un­fold­ing.

The end of the game was ap­proach­ing much faster than he an­tic­i­pated.

'I can't just watch any­more.'

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 240

He con­sid­ered us­ing Ice Heaven Sword Rain with­out Eclipse when...


[It's too far. Too far.]

Eclipse ar­rived from the un­der­ground just in time for Seong Ji­han.

"You're just in time. Let's freeze it all again."

[Mas­ter... you're us­ing it too much lately, aren't you?]

"I have some­thing to find. Let's go."

Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts: An­ni­hi­la­tion God's Se­cret, Ice Heaven Sword

Rain Ssssshhh!

Hardly un­frozen for a mo­ment, Eclipse was en­veloped in ice once again.

Per­haps be­cause it was used to­wards the sky.

The air be­gan to freeze at an even faster rate than when used un­der­ground.

In­stantly, the sky was cov­ered in a cold mist.

And then...



From the frozen sky, swords of ice be­gan to rain down.

Not to­wards the ten­ta­cles that had given way to Seong Ji­han, but to­wards
the space where the play­ers of the So­lar fac­tion had ma­te­ri­al­ized.

'This is get­ting com­pli­cated...'

Seong Ji­han fur­rowed his brow.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 240

Ice Heaven Sword Rain.

The power, gifted with search ca­pa­bil­i­ties,

Pri­mar­ily served to un­earth 'er­rors' within Bat­tleNet.

And then...

"What's this now?"

The play­ers sum­moned to en­force an­ni­hi­la­tion were all for­mi­da­ble be­ings

from their re­spec­tive worlds, Pos­sess­ing enough skill and cal­iber to be de­‐
tected as 'er­rors' by the Sword Rain.


The di­vided Sword Rain weak­ened as it sep­ar­ ated into hun­dreds of shoots.

The wa­tery swords could not pierce through the play­ers sum­moned and ex­‐
ploded mid-air.


The play­ers who had been tar­geted by the Sword Rain uni­formly looked up
to the sky.

"A trick from the rem­nants of the Blue Blood Demons?"

"We thought they could only per­form pos­ses­sions... seems like there's a
pow­er­ful player among them."

"Well, it wouldn't be as fun to fight with­out a bit of re­bel­lion."

"Let me han­dle this one first!"

Play­ers who had be­come bored with the one-sided slaugh­ter were amused
by the dis­play of Seong Ji­han's power and seemed ex­cited by the new chal­‐

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 240


Whish! Whish!

A gi­ant dragon was the first to spread its wings and ad­vance. From its
mouth glowed a fierce flame.

'All of them are rid­dled with er­rors... I should've con­trolled Sword Rain
more care­fully.'

Be­fore he knew it, Seong Ji­han, hav­ing tried to use Ice Heaven Sword Rain
at full power to pro­long the Epic Quest, was mis­taken for the last for­mi­da­‐
ble Blue Blood De­mon.

"Sur­ren­der your GP and items!"

The ad­vanc­ing black dragon that flew to­wards Seong Ji­han be­gan to spew
flames from its mouth, ap­pear­ing rather elated.


A vast breath of flame en­gulfed the sky in a mo­ment.

-Even drag­ons shout for loot drops when play­ing games lol -Why did this
sit­u­at­ion es­ca­late like this...?

-The breath looks in­sane; it's all fire.

-Is to­day the day when Seong Ji­han doesn't make it to num­ber one?

Fun­da­men­tal Di­vine Arts, An­ni­hi­la­tion God's Se­cret -- Myr­iad Ghost Seal­‐

ing Gods.

But that flame, too, was swiftly sucked away by the vor­tex of the thawed

"Good, he's not weak! He's go­ing to drop good items!"

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 240

Sur­prised that Seong Ji­han was able to de­flect their at­tacks with ease, the
black dragon ac­tu­ally seemed to en­joy the fight even more.

"Get out of the way! I'll take him down first!"

"Oh, but... that one. Isn't he the hid­den boss when you look closely?"

"Ah, I didn't rec­og­nize him be­cause he looked too small... Is that re­ally

"It must be! The weapon is the same!"

Play­ers who had come to the sky ready to catch Seong Ji­han, once they
iden­ti­fied who he was, beamed with ex­cite­ment.

"Isn't his race dif­fer­ent from the Blue Blood Demons? Has he been pos­‐

"What does it mat­ter? He might drop di­am

­ ond-grade items!"

"I'll avenge my de­feat in the dun­geon!"

Ap­par­ently hold­ing a grudge against hid­den boss Seong Ji­han, play­ers

ganged up on him.

'I don't have time for a scuf­fle with them.'

Sword Rain was used at max­i­mum power fear­ing the Epic Quest would
end, and now he found him­self in a mess.

How­ever, this wasn't nec­es­sar­ily the worst out­come.

'This gives me a bit more time be­fore the Blue Blood Demons are fin­ished

As Seong Ji­han's iden­tity as the hid­den boss was re­vealed, the play­ers who
had been ex­ec­ ut­ing the mas­sacre on the ground shifted fo­cus, plung­ing
head­first into a raid against Seong Ji­han.

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 240

Iron­i­cally, this bought more time to com­plete the Epic Quest.

Of course...

[Mas­ter. I can't keep this up much longer...]

As­sum­ing he could with­stand their com­bined as­sault...

'These crea­tures are strong.'

As al­ways, they were no easy match, and the Myr­iad Ghost Seal­ing Gods
was near­ing its limit.

'First, I'll have to deal with them.'

If things con­tinue as they were, he'd be sur­rounded and over­whelmed.

Opt­ing for of­fence over de­fense, Seong Ji­han be­gan to reel in the vor­tex.

As its suc­tion weak­ened...

The flames crept to­wards Seong Ji­han to cap­ture him when...

"No! The hid­den boss is mine!"


A gi­ant who had been un­leash­ing his fiery breath jumped from the ground
and kicked the air­borne black dragon away.


[ --------- An­nounce­ment --------- ]

We now have a Ko-fi page!

Un­like other groups, we had made the de­ci­sion to never lock chap­ters be­‐
hind a pay­wall from the start. Ev­ery­thing on our site will al­ways be 100%

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 240

free to read. How­ever, to ex­pand and grow Hel Scans even fur­ther, we need
your sup­port!

So we de­cided to make a Ko-fi page. It will be en­tirely do­na­tion-based. Do­‐

nate what­ever amount you feel is ap­pro­pri­ate, and even if you are un­able to
do­nate, just read­ing on our site is more than enough!

As al­ways, thank you for your con­tin­ued sup­port!

Do­nate here:

⦗ The Martial God Who Regressed Back To Level 2 Chapter 201-240 — Chapter 240


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