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Cell signalling

• It is the molecular mechanisms by which cells detect and respond to
external stimuli, including communication between cells
• signalling is getting a message from one to another
• It explains how cells help organisms control and coordinate
• There are some basic principles of cell signalling
• Ideally it is a way of getting a message from one place to another.
• Both parties need to understand the signal otherwise there is no
• The cells need to know how to respond to the signal
Signalling pathways
• The signalling can be electrical/ chemical or combo
• Therefore much of the details will be discussed under coordination
and control- hormonal and nervous systems
Signalling pathways
• Stimulus🡪 RECEPTOR🡪 transduction 🡪transmission of signal🡪
TARGET🡪 response
• The conversion of a stimulus/ signal to the message is called
• There is need for some signalling molecules- small and easy to
• The distances for the signal can be short- diffuse or long- may need a
means to transport- blood/ neuron
• 1. a stimulus is detected
• 2. This causes cells to secrete a ligand- a small chemical/ molecule
that binds on to a receptor on membranes eg Insulin
• 3. the ligand is transported by blood to target cells.
• 4. upon reaching target cells, the ligand binds to the cell receptors( on
the plasma membrane)
• Receptors are specific to their ligands
• 5. The binding of the ligand causes the receptor to change shape- this
sends a signal inside the cell- this is called TRANSDUCTION
• 6. the change in shape of the receptor causes the G protein (Guanine
triphosphate) to switch on the release the second messenger
molecules by Adenylyl cyclase
• cyclic AMP is a second messenger needed in the signalling
• It’s produced in large quantities to AMPLIFY the signal.
• the second messengers activate other enzymes eg Kinases until the
intended ones are activated depending on the signal= a cascade
• the three main stages of cell signalling
• hormone-receptor interaction at the cell surface
• formation of cyclic AMP which binds to kinase proteins
• an enzyme cascade involving activation of enzymes by
phosphorylation to amplify the signal
Other signals
• Can open ion channel
• Can act on membrane bound enzyme
The ligand enters cell eg oestrogen and it
target the genes directly.

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