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Materials ancl Toole 2mm crochet hook 4ply cotton/acrylic mixed yarn in several colours: desired skin choice, red, dark green, mustard, beige, white, black. Stuffing (poly fiberfill or other) Scissors, stitch marker Pins, tapestry and needle. Textile glue Aluminum wire, plyers and adhesive tape 2 small pieces of cardboard for the soles 8mm and 9mm black safety eyes 2 small buttons Abbreviations ancl Glitches © MR: Magic ring ch: chain sc: single crochet inc: increase triple inc: 3 sc in the same stitch dec: decrease slst: slip stiteh dc: double crochet hde: half double crochet BLO: Back Loop Only FLO: Front Loop Only PinpSt: Pineapple Cluster Stitch Crass stitch embroidery Invisible join PIC: picture R: round or row st: stitch FO: fasten off/finish off Finiched| rige Approximately 23 cm tall 1. Arms x 2 "> Skin colour Ri) MR 6sc (6) R2) (2sc, inc) x 2 (8) R3 - R4) Bsc (8). 2 rounds. R5) 2dec, Asc (6) R6) 6sc (36) R17) isc, inc, 4sc (7) R8 - R21) 7sc (7). 14 rounds. FO. Do not fill up. 2, Legend @ rea ‘e Ri) Use octopus main colour of choice. Ch 6, starting on the 2nd loop from hook, 4 sc, triple inc, 3sc, iner (12) R2) inc, 3se, 3inc, 3sc, 2 inc (18) R3 - R4) 18sc (18). 2 rounds. Make a cutout cardboard sole and glue it inside the foot. R5) 6sc, 3dec, 6sc (15) R6) 4sc, 3dec, 5sc (12) RI) Asc, 2dec, 4s¢ (10) R8) 4sc, dec, 4sc (9) Fill up the feet at this point. little as needed. R9 ~ R11) 9sc (9). 3 rounds. R12) Bsc, inc (10) R13) 9sc, ine (11) R14) 10sc, inc (12) RI5-R17) 12sc (12). 3 rounds. R18) 10sc, dec (11) R19) 6sc, Zinc, 3sc (13) (knee bumy R20) 13sc (13) Ret) sc, 2dec, 3sc (11) R22) inc, 9sc, inc (13) R23) 13sc (13). As your tension may differ from mine, you should consider whether or not adjustments are necessary. The increases ‘on the rest of the leg must stuck up exactly at the back of it. Adapt if needed. R24) Isc, inc, 1se (14) R25) 14sc (14) R26) 2sc, inc, 11sc (15) R27) 15 sc (15) R28) 3sc, inc, Tisc (16) R29- 31) 16sc (16). 3 rounds, FO first leg. On the second leg, you will make 1 extra round, up till R32, but we don’t count this, officially on the pattern. flaomi im Qotopur costume - Pinky Monster Kongdom 1 3 acy ard Hea @ © Red. Skin. We will be joining the legs. First leg we made would be the doll’s right leg; the second leg (the one still on the hook), would be the left leg. Make sure you are located in the center of the inner thigh, or slightly at the front (so feet bend inwards for cuteness). R32) Ch 3, join with the right leg (same placing as the left leg), 16sc on the right leg, 3sc in the 3 chains. The next stitch, situated at the back, will become the fist stitch of the rounds (22). (PIC 1) R33) 16sc on the left leg, 3sc in the chains, 16sc on the right leg, 3sc in the chains. (38). R34 - R36) 38sc (38). 3 rounds. R37) (I7sc, Idec) x 2 (36) R38) 36sc (36) R39) (16sc, dec) x 2 (34) R40) 34sc (34) R41) (15sc, dec) x 2 (32) R42) 32sc (32). (PIC 2) 43) 32sc. Change to skin colour at the very last stitch. (32) R44) (Gsc, dec) x 4 (28) R45) 28sc (28) R46) (Ssc, dec) x 4 (24) RAT - R49) 24sc (24). 3 rounds. We will join the arms on the next round. My first stitch is located right in the center of the doll’s back. | suggest you to add or deduct stitches as necessary in order to start from the same spot. Make sure the hand bends inwards towards the body or slightly backwards too, use the 2decr as a reference. R50) 5sc, 2sc (joining armpits and torso together) (PIC 3), 10sc at the chest, 2sc (joining armpits and torso together), 5s¢ (24), (PIC 4) R51) We will crochet over the rest of the unworked stitches in the arms (and skip ‘the 2 stitches that we did work on R50). 5sc on the back, 5sc on the remaining stitches of the left arm, 10sc on the chest, 5sc on the remaining stitches of the right arm, 5sc on the back, (30). You can choose the add a wire on the arms, arms and head, or not wire at all. If so, do it just now. (PIC 5). R52) (4sc, dec) x 5 (25). (PIC 6). R53) (3sc, dec) x 5 (20). (PIC 7). R54) 10dec (10). Make sure this area (upper chest and shoulders) is properly filled up before you carry on. R55) (35, dec) x 2 (8) R56 = R57) Bsc (8). (neck). 2 rounds. R58) FLO Binc (16) R59) (Isc, inc) x 8 (24) R60) (isc, inc) x 12 (36) R61) (Sse, inc) x 6 (42) R62) 3sc, inc, (6sc, inc) x 5, 3sc (48) R63) (7sc, inc) x 6 (54) R64 ~ R71) 54sc (54). (PIC 8).8 rounds. 4 Name in Octopur costume - Ponf Monster Kingdom 3 Naoms im Octopus ceitume - Ponbr Monster Lingdemd Make a pause for face designing. We will place the eyes between rounds 66 and 67, 8 stitches apart. (PIC 9). Embroider the nose between rounds 65 and 66, a couple of stitches wide. Later, you will be able to embroider the eyebrows, they will sit between rounds 69.and 71, 4 stitches wide, 2 rounds high. For the eye details, | like to add a touch of white and some black eyelashes. Hf you want to do so too, you must begin before adding the security eye. (PIC 10). R72- R78) S4sc (54). 7 rounds. (PIC 11). R79) (7sc, dec) x 6 (48) R80) (Gsc, dec) x 6 (42) R81) (Ssc, dec) x 6 (36) RB2) (Isc, dec) x 12 (24) R83) (Isc, dec) x 8 (16). Make sure the top part of the head is properly filled up. RBA) Bdec (8). FO. a, pur costume - Ponds Monster Kingdom 5 4. Ulig @ Dark green We will start working in rows, later on we will finish the piece crocheting in spirals. R1) Ch 27, turn, on the 2nd loop from hook, 3sist (make these 3 sist very loose), 3sc, 20hde (26). R2) BLO ch 1, turn, 20hde, asc, 3sist (it will get easier from the next rows on) (26). Alternate RI and R2 until you get to make R24, Measure the wig over the head. If your doll's head is quite filled up and bigger than mine, you may need to add another 2 rows to cover the hair area, Make sure yau end up on the “sist side” of the piece (that’s why you should add 2 rows in case the wig falls short on the head). We proceed to making the fringes. R25) BLO ch 1, turn, 3stst, 3sc, 6hde (12). R26) BLO ch 1, turn, 6hdc, 3sc, 3sist (12). Alternate R25 and R26 until you reach R36. ‘Again, you must end this section at the top, where the sists are. Naome in Oetep wr costume - In order to continue working in spirals now, we must flip the work inside out. Insert the hook into the first ridge on the top edge. (PIC 12, 13) ~ 13 Ponte Monster Kongdem 6 Ri) 18sc (18) R2) (Isc, Idec) x 6 (12) R3) 6dec (6). Cut the yarn leaving a tail. Use it to weave in through the front loops of the last R3. You may use it as well for sewing up the open side of the fringes. Flip the wig inside out again and its ready to glue or sew to the doll’s head. (PIC 14). Naomi is ready now! 4 flsenein'Gelspor certune- 5, allow. tice of Terlacler w 8 © Mustard, Beige Beige will only be used on the pineapple cluster stitches (always change colour on the second half of the previous stitch) and it will be carried along from behind your work. Beige stitches are underlined for easier follow up. To make the Pineapple Cluster Stitch: yarn over and insert the hook on the next available st. Yarn over and pull a loop. Repeat this 4 times in total, so you have 9 loops on your hook at this point. Yarn over and pull through the first 8 loops on your hook, Yarn over and pull trough the 2 remaining loops on your hook. In mustard, chain 46. Pinfe Monster Pingdom 7 Rt) (4c (PIC 15), change to 1PinpSt (PIC 16)) x 3, (2hde, 1PinpSt) x3. (Adc, IPinpSt) x2, Sd. You can cut the beige yarn at this point. There should be 6 pineapple stitches. Push them to the opposite side because they pop towards the back side sometimes. «PIC 17) R2) Ch 1, turn, make sc all around the inner tentacle, You make 45sc until you reach the tip of the tentacle, ch 1, 1sc in the tip again, then go dawn the other side making 45sc just like before (| suggest you to leave a stitch marker on the first sc of these 45sc +that are going down; it will help you out later on when we match upper and down sides} (PIC 18). Leave a short tail of mustard strand once you are done, approx 2dem. It will be needed to close the gap on final assembly. Make 8 bottom tentacles. 5 7 18 Neomi im Qetepur cofume - Pinks Wsarter Fungalom 8 6. Yeat ancl Upper ride of Ter Ores We work in rows first. R1) Ch 20. On the 2nd loop fram hook, (ése, ine) x 4 (24), R2) Ch Tand tur. (Bsc, inc) x 4 (28). 3) Ch Land turn, (3c, ine) x 7 (35). R4) Ch 7 (instead of 1) for the first buttonhole and turn. 35s¢ (35) RS) Ch 1 and turn. 38sc (35). R6) Ch 1 and turn, Ssc, ch 3, skip 8, Isc, ch, skip B, Sse (25). RT) Ch 1 and turn. (asc, inc) x 5 (30). Bare in mind, the 3 chains are just 3 stitches to work aver. 8) Ch 1 and turn. (Sse, inc) x 5 (35). R9~ R11) Chand tum, 35sc (35). 3 rows. R12) Ch 7 (instead of 1) For the buttonhole and turn. (6se, ine) x 5 (40). R13) Ch 1 and turn. 405¢ (40). Ria) Ch 1 and turn. 40se (40). We will start to work in rounds. Join to the first sc of the round with a sist R15) Ch1, 40sc (40). (first sc should go in the same place where chain comes from). Sist to first sc, and get ready to start the upper side of tentacles. Neomi in Octopus vasTune - Pinb Monster Fungdom 7 acer Add 2 buttons on the vest so the dress close nicely. We will continue cracheting the upper side of the 6 tentacles, directly from the dress. recommend you to use several stitch markers to split previous R15, so you get a visual idea and avoid mistakes (you do not want to start tentacles all over again), In order ta separate the 8 tentacles, olace them 5 stitches apart (PIC 19). This wil give you 4 stitches wide for each tentacle plus a 1 stitch gap in between them. R16) Start making the first upper side of tentacle number 1. row A) Ch 46, on the 2nd loop from the hook, make 15sc, 1Shde, 1Sde, (45). Sist in next available spot from R15. (PIC 20). row B) tum and make 45 sist on BLO of row A (PIC 21, 22, 23). Right after this row, we will work on that remaining front loop from cow, It's easy to get lost over there, so place 2 or 3 random stiteh markers along the path to help you guide you way. You may find this Useful as it is quite easy to jump on the wrong ridge. osmium Oetepur evitume ~ Pink Manster bingden 10 ‘row C) ch 1 and turn, Now work along the FLO that was left available from ronA (not on the sist from rowB) and follow the marked trail, Place a stitch marker on the following first sc (PIC 24); this will match ‘the bottom side of the tentacle later on, Make 1Ssc, Ihde (PIC 25, 26), 1de (46). Sist on the second stitch of the base (skip one). Once you have reached the base of the dress again, make a sisi to complete the remaining tentacle split, just before the following stitch market indicates the beginning of a next tentacle. 25 Make another 7 tentacles more, by repeating rowA to rowC. (PIC 27). Remember you should always start a tentacle by a sist where the next stitch marker is placed. Do not cut the yarn after the 8th is done, * x 27 Nesmi tm Octopus eartume ~ Pink Marster Lingden 1 I Final assembly, of the Tentacles @ rea For the next step, | found it very handy to use smail clips to hold upper and bottom pieces of the tentacles together (PIC 28). Place one bottom with the first upper tentacle, hold it in place with a couple of clips. We will work around all RI6, through both pieces, crocheting an edge of single crochet stitches that will also join the final pieces together (PIC 28). When doing se, make sure the stitch markers located at the ends of the tentacles, match, osmium Octopus eertume ~ Pink Manster Lingden 12 Through both layers of tentacles, crochet Absc until you reach the tip. Ch 1, make asc increase at that end, Stitch markers over there must be a match (PIC 30), Crochet 48sc over the other side, through both pieces and finally make Islst in the ‘central stitch available in the base (skip the corners). Repeat this all over the 8 tentacles again. FO. With the help of a plier and a thin wire, shape the skeleton for the tentacles to your taste (PIC 31) 31 Introduce them one by one through the pockets of the open gap (PIC 32). A couple of strakes to sew this opening with ‘the remaining mustard yarn will be ‘enough (PIC 33) e- 33 Nesmc im Octopus costume ~ Pinb Merstor Yengdon 15 8. Hal /octopur head RI} MR Gc (6). R2) Gine (12). R3) (Isc, inc) x 6 (18). RA) (2sc, inc) x 6 (24), RS) (35c, inc) x 6 (30). R6) 2sc, inc, (4sc, inc) x 8, 2sc (36). RT) (Ssc, inc) x 6 (42). R8) sc, inc, (Bsc, inc) x 5, Bsc (48). R9) (7sc, inc) x 6 (54), R10) 4c, inc, (Bsc, inc) x5, 45¢ (60). RI - R17) 60sc (60). 7 rounds. R18) (4c, dee) x 5, 30sec (55) R19) 55sc (55), R20) (3sc, dec) x 5, 30sc (50). R21 ~ R23) SOsc (50). 3 rounds. Rea) (Isc, inc) x 10, (S5c, inc) x 5 £65). 2B) 65se (65) R26) (12sc, inc) x 5 (70), R27) T0sc (70). 2B) (Bsc, inc) x 10 (80). R29 - R30) 80s (80}. 2 rounds. R31) BLO B0sIst. FO. (Pic 34), a @ — @ red. white. Mustard Ihave used 3mm security eyes. These rounds aren't worked in spiral, but joined rounds instead, so remember to make a slst at the end and chain up to the next round, Start with red yarn; you vill also need some strands of white and mustard for details Ri) MR Bsc (8). Sist to the first and ch 1. Do not pull tos tight te close the MG as you need ta introduce a big eye. R2) inc (16). Sist to the first and ch 1. R3) BLO lésc (16). Sist to the first and cht. Nesnt on Qetepur costume - Porb Marston tungdan th R4) 16 sist arcund, Leave a long tail to sew them to the hat if you need so (I didn’t as the security eye and washer hold them properly in place). Close the circle with an invisible stitch, (PIC 35). Cut 2 small pieces of white yarn and embroider up and down horizontal white parts of the octopus eyes. (PIC 38). “ Using mustard yarn I made random Crass Stitches on several spots on the head for the details (PIC 39, 40). You shouldn't need any straps to keep the hat from falling from the head, as it is wide enough to stand and stay stil by itself If not, sew i to the wig with a couple of strokes only. Fr 36 Insert the eyes on the octopus head (PIC 36), between rounds 24 and 25,9 stitches in between, The decreases on the hat must stay at the back, so the eyes will be located on the opposite side of it. Place the washer and consider if sewing is needed (PIC 37), 38 Nesme um Qetepur cvitume - Park Marston bungdan 15 se 39 og 40 {dour Peminearng the Qleparcxome ready) If you share your work on social media it would be great if you credit me by adding "Pattern by @pink_monster_kingdom'". That way you support and respect my creative process and keep my spirits high if you also tag me on your picture, | would be more than happy to share your work with the community. Special thanks and endless gratitude to Beyza @ilmekdenizi and @hobiliyumak for trusting me | (©) Pink Monster Kingdom prohibited to sstribute, resell or share the pattern “Citra fr personne ONY. Yor ne Ws pede Nese im Octopus costume ~ Pinb Meriter Hengdon ff

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