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Task Achievement Coherence and Lexical resource Grammatical range
cohesion and accuracy

Report key features, Arrange info - Language of data

compare figures How you link - Language of comparison
features - Language of trend
● Data (table, line, pie, bar, mixed graphs…)
● Map (last session)
● Process (last session)
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03/06- FOCUS: TA and CC

INTRODUCTION (1 sentence)

Paraphrase đề bài.

OVERVIEW (2-3 sentences)

Report key features based on purposes

Lưu ý: Không mention số liệu cụ thể trong Overview.

BODY 1 (2-4 sentences)

BODY 2 (2-4 sentences)

1. Xác định purposes của đề bài.
Cách phân loại và chọn features: Dựa trên purposes của bài.
● Trend (>= 2 points of time)
● Compare (AvsB or XYZW)

2. Outline bài dựa trên purposes

Graph with trend (1T1C)
Compare (XYZW): the percentage of music sales by three different methods
Trend: (2011 → 2018) → SIMPLE PAST

Overview (2-3 sentences):

● Trend: (2011 → 2018) → tìm xu hướng tăng/ giảm tổng quan của các đối tượng (, with
đối tượng witnessing the most dramatic rise/ drop).
● Compare (XYZW) → tìm số liệu cao nhất (năm đầu và năm cuối)

Body 1 (2-4 sentences): Compare ALL categories in FIRST YEAR → luôn xếp theo thứ tự từ
cao nhất xuống thấp nhất.
● In + năm đầu/ At the beginning of the period, 1st figure.
● Compare: (A-B) higher than…
E.g. A 70% B 50% → A was 70%, 20% higher than B.
● Compare: A x2 x3 x4… B
E.g. A 80% B 20% → A 80%, x4 B
● Compare: A significantly/ slightly > B
E.g. A 80% B 70% → A 80%, slightly > B

*Nhớ làm rõ 1st, lowest.

*Số liệu giống nhau có thể group lại.

Body 2 (2-4 sentences): Describe trends years later.

Thereafter, SV
● Chỉ cần 1 trend nếu như trend đó không có gì nổi bật
● Nhiều là lắm 2 trend (khi có điểm đảo chiều)
● Đối tượng có trend giống nhau có thể group lại
Từ nối:
- Tương đồng: Khi ý đầu và ý sau cũng có cùng trend (ví dụ: cùng tăng, hoặc cùng
- Likewise, SV
- Similar changes, but to a lesser/ greater extent, can be seen in the figure(s)
for B/C, which increase/ decrease…
E.g. A tăng nhẹ lên 8. Similar changes, but to a greater extent, can be seen in
the figure for B, tăng mạnh lên 20

- Tương phản: Khi ý đầu và ý sau khác trend (ví dụ: ý đầu tăng, ý sau giảm…)
- In contrast, SV
- Conversely, SV
- Opposite changes can be seen in the figure for A, which increase/ decrease…

Graph without trend (2C, 3C…)
OVERVIEW (2 sentences):
● Compare 2 đối tượng A vs B: Vì chỉ có 2 đối tượng nên ta đơn thuần đi so sánh hơn A
> B hoặc A < B tùy theo hình.
● Compare nhiều đối tượng XYZW: Nhiều đối tượng thì mình sẽ tập trung vào so sánh
nhất - tìm bạn cao nhất.

BODY 1 (2-4 sentences): Compare các đối tượng

BODY 2 (2-4 sentences): Compare các đối tượng

● Compare: (A-B) higher than…

E.g. A 70% B 50% → A was 70%, 20% higher than B.
● Compare: A x2 x3 x4… B
E.g. A 80% B 20% → A 80%, x4 B
● Compare: A significantly/ slightly > B
E.g. A 80% B 70% → A 80%, slightly > B

*Số liệu tương tự → group lại

*Nhớ làm nổi bật highest, lowest trong suốt quá trình so sánh.

Từ nối:

● Tương đồng:
○ Likewise, SV
○ A also > B, but the difference was more/ less pronounced, with figures
being… and …
○ A also > B, but the gap was larger/ smaller, with figures being… and …
○ The same pattern can be seen for ABC…
● Tương phản:
○ In contrast, SV
○ Conversely, SV
○ The opposite pattern can be seen for ABC…

Từ để giới thiệu category:

● Regarding N, SV
● As far as N is concerned, SV
● When it comes to N, SV
● Concerning N, SV
Exercise 1 (Done)
Compare (XYZW): the percentage of music sales by three different methods
Trend: (2011 → 2018) → SIMPLE PAST
● Trend: Streams increase while downloads & CD giảm
● Compare: 2011 CDs highest, but it was surpassed by streams at the end of the period
Body 1: 2011
- In 2011/ At the beginning of the period, 1st CDs 55%.
- Downloads 35%, x7 Streams (lowest).
Body 2:
● Thereafter, CDs giảm mạnh to 22% in 2018, lowest.
● Opposite changes can be seen in the figure for Streams, which tăng dramatically to
over 40%, becoming the 1st figure.
● Meanwhile, Downloads tăng nhẹ lên 42% and then giảm đều xuống 30%.
Exercise 2 (Done)
● Trend (1990-2010) --> past tense
● Compare (XYZW): coffee production of 4 countries
● Trend (1990-2010):
apart from/ except Colombia, almost all countries increase, with Brazil witnessing
the most dramatic rise
Or: Brazil, Indo and Vietnam increase while Colom decrease.
Or: Colombia decrease while the other countries increase.
● Compare (XYZW): Brazil consistently 1st over the period surveyed.
Body 1: 1990
● Brazil (1st) 0.7 million
● This was followed by Colom (0,6), x3 Indo
● Vietnam lowest 0,1
Body 2: Trend thereafter
● Thereafter, Brazil tăng mạnh to 1,9 million, becoming the 1st figure in 2010
● Meanwhile, Similar changes but to a lesser extent, can be seen in the figures for
Indonesia and Vietnam , at 0,4 and 0,3 respectively
● In contrast, Colombia giảm xuống 0,3, bằng với VN vào năm 2010

Sample answer
The graph gives information about coffee production in four different countries from 1990
to 2010.
S data = the amount of coffee which was produced in four different countries
→ Reduced RC: the amount of coffee produced in four different countries
Exercise 3 (Done)
The bar chart shows the information about the favourite subjects of 60 students from 2
schools, school A and school B in 2012.
● Compare XYZW: the number of students choosing 5 different subjects
● Compare AB: the number of students studying each subject in school A and school B
● Compare XYZW: → 1st → the number of students choosing sports 1st in school A
while craft/ drawing was the most popular in school B
● Compare AB → so sánh hơn: the number of students in school A choosing science
and sports is higher than that in school B, but the opposite was true for the
remaining subjects.
Body 1: social science // science // language
● Regarding social science, students choosing this subject in School B (10), x2 school A
● Similarly, Language school B (17), 12 higher than school A
● The opposite pattern can be seen in the figure for Science science as School B
considerably lower than school A (2 vs 9)
Body 2: craft/drawing // sports
● With respect to craft/ drawing, most favorite subject in school B (25), x5 school A.
● Conversely, Sports school B only 5 students while over 35 students in school A
choose sports, the most preferred subject in this school.
The bar chart shows the information about the favourite subjects of 60 students from 2
schools, school A and school B in 2012.
→ The number of students in two schools choosing different subjects
Exercise 4 (Done)
The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities.
The number of kilometers of route → The length of route
The number of passengers per year// annually// yearly

● Compare XYZW: opening time of 6 systems

● Compare XYZW: the length of route of 6 systems
● Compare XYZW: the number of passengers of 6 systems
● Compare XYZW: the earliest → London
● Compare XYZW: the longest route → London
● Compare XYZW: the highest number of passengers → Tokyo
→ London → earliest and also has the longest route.
→ Tokyo has the highest number of passengers annually.
Body 1 (date)- As far as the opening date is concerned,
● Oldest → London (1863), and in the next century, systems in Paris, tokyo, washing,
Kyo started to operate.
● LA newest, opened in 2001
Body 2 (route)- Regarding the length of these systems, …
● London -longest route- (394 km), almost double Paris.
● This was followed by Tokyo and Washington, varying from 120 to 150 km.
● LA is 28 km, is around 3x vs Kyoto, which is the shortest route OR the remaining
routes only lasts under 30km
Body 3 (number of passengers)- With respect to the number of passengers, …
● Tokyo (~2000), highest
● This was followed by Paris and London, around/ approximately/ roughly 1200 and
800, respectively.
● Washington 150, x3 Kyo and LA, at around 50 each.
Exercise 5 (Done)
The charts show the info about the use of the Internet in five countries in Europe in 2000.
The percentage of people using the Internet in five 5 countries = The proportion of Internet
users in five countries

The amount of money that was spent on online shopping → The amount of money spent
on online shopping → The spending/ expenditure/ expense on online shopping

Mixed graphs → treat them separately

Graph 1: Purpose- Compare XYZW: the proportion of citizens using the internet in 5
countries → 1st
Graph 2: Purpose- Compare XYWZ: the amount of money spent on online purchases in 5
countries → 1st

● Graph 1: Purpose- the proportion of citizens using the Internet in Sweden was the
highest of all countries surveyed.
● Graph 2: Purpose- UK citizens spent the largest amount of money on online
Body 1: Graph 1
Regarding the bar chart, SV || Regarding the percentage of Internet users,
● Sweden had the highest proportion of citizens using the internet
● This was followed by UK (20%), 5% higher than Germany and 10% higher than France
● Spain was the lowest (5%)
Luôn so sánh từ cao xuống thấp.

Body 2: Graph 2
When it comes to the pie chart, SV || When it comes to expenditure on online purchases,
● UK 90, highest
● Sweden and France varied slightly from 57 to 76
● Germany (~50), x5 spain.
Luôn so sánh từ cao xuống thấp.
Exercise 6 (Done)
The amount of energy which was consumed in the US = The energy consumption in the US
The amount of energy which was generated/ produced from different sources

Purpose: Trend (1980: Simple past → 2030: Prediction language)

Purpose: Compare (XYZW): the amount of energy consumed from 6 sources of energy

Purpose: Trend (1980: Simple past → 2030: Prediction language)
● Over the first half of the period // From 1980 to 2015, energy consumption fron all
sources fluctuated.
● Over the next 20 years, energy consumed from petrol and coal is predicted to
increase while other resources remained relatively stable.
Purpose: Compare (XYZW): the amount of energy consumed from 6 sources of energy
● Petrol and oil → consistently the highest.

Body 1: Compare ALL CATEGORIES in first year

● In 1980/ At the beginning of the period, Petrol and oil highest (35).
● This was followed by natural gas and coal, 20 and 15, respectively
● The energy consumption from the remaining sources was similar, at around 4, each.
Body 2: Describe trends thereafter
● Petrol oil fluctuated wildly in the range from 30 to over 40 between 1985 and 2015,
and it is predicted to reach a peak of ~50 by 2030, still the highest.
● Similar changes can be seen … // Similarly, coal and natural also experience
fluctuation from 15 to 25 over the first half, but coal is predicted to rise slightly to 30
while natural remained unchanged at 24 at the end of the period.
● Finally, it is forecast that the energy consumption nuclear, solar and hydro will
experience insignificant changes, with figures varying slightly from 4 to 7.

The proportion of people/ students that commuted to their university by different means of
→ The proportion of people/ students commuting to their university by different means of
→ The proportion of people/ students traveling by car/ bicycle
→ The proportion of people/ students walking to school
→ The proportion of people/ students opting car as their main mode of transport
The percentage of citizens drinking coffee and tea in five cities in Australia
The percentage of citizens buying fresh coffee
The percentage of citizens buying instant coffee
The percentage of citizens going to a coffee shop for coffee or tea

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