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Peers assume central importance

(ii) Children begin to think logically, although largely concretely.

(iii) Egocentrism dimities.
(iv) Memory and language skills increase
(v) Cognitive gains improve the ability to benefit from formal schooling.
(vi) Self-concept develops, affecting self-esteem
(vii) Physical growth slows.
(viii) Strength and athletic skills improve
5. Adolescence. The period extends from the age of 12 to puberty to around 20 years. The
following major developments take place during this period.
(i) Physical changes are rapid and profound
(ii) Reproductive maturity is attained
(iii) Search for identity becomes central
(iv) Ability to think abstractly and use scientific reasoning develops.
(v) Adolescent egocentrism persists in some behaviors.
(vi) Peer groups help to develop and test self-concept
(vii) Relationships with parents are generally good.
6. Young adulthood. This is period that ranges from 20 to 40 years. The following major
developments take place during this period.
(i) Decisions are made about intimate relationships
(ii) Most people marry; most become parents
(iii) Physical heath peaks, then declines slightly
(iv) Career choices are made
(v) Sense of identity continues to develops
(vi) Time orientation changes to "time left to live".

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