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L/O: In this unit we will learn about Reggae Music, its origins, main features, artists and musical
characteristics. We will learn to play a Reggae song using chords and riffs.
Reggae Music is pop music from Jamaica in the Caribbean from the 1960s.
It is a fusion (mixture) of the following:
Mento - folk songs from Jamaica
Calypso - folk music from Trinidad
Jazz – African American popular music
Rhythm and Blues - popular music from America
Ska and Rocksteady - early forms of reggae.
The main musical features of Reggae Music are:

Off beat chords on the keyboard or electric guitar

Bass Riff on the bass guitar – a riff is a short catchy repeating tune
Rim shot on the drumkit
Lyrics about social or political issues
A Soloist with backing vocals singing in harmony

Famous Reggae artists include Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Jimmy Cliff and Gregory Issacs. Bob Marley (1945-
1981) is probably the most famous of all because he brought Reggae Music to the attention of the masses
when he toured the world performing over 300 concerts. His most famous songs include “One Love”,
“Exodus”, “Don’t Worry” and “No Woman, No Cry”.
We will learn how to play ‘off beat’ chords on beats 2 and 4, instead of ‘on the beat’ on beats 1 and 3. A
CHORD is when we play 2 or more notes at once. A TRIAD CHORD is when we play 3 notes at once, with
the thumb/1st finger, 3rd and 5th finger. For example for the chord of C we play C (the root note) with the
thumb, (we miss a note), play E with the 3rd finger, (we miss a note), and play G with the 5th finger.

Now complete the following using full sentences:

In your books, write CW on the left, date on the right, the title “Reggae Music” in the
middle and learning objectives. Underline them all.
1. What is Reggae Music and where is it from?
2. What styles of music influenced Reggae?
3. List 5 of the main musical characteristics of Reggae.
4. List 4 famous Reggae artists.
5. List 3 Reggae songs.
6. Define the following: Chord, Off beat chords, Bass Riff and a Triad Chord.
7. Draw and label a Jamaican flag in your books (like the one at the top of the page) and
use the following colours: the diagonal cross – yellow, the top and bottom quarters –
green, the left and right quarters – black.
8. Practice counting 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 and playing the triad chord of C on the keyboard above
on beats 2 and 4. Now try it on the real keyboard on your table.

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