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Caleb’s program

Chest and triceps and abs monday

◦ Flys 15x4
◦ Bench incline 15x 4
◦ Dumbellpress 15x 4
◦ Push up 10 between every set
◦ Cable cross overs 15x 4
◦ Tricep push down 15x4
◦ Dips 15x 4
◦ V sit - 1min x3
◦ Plank -1min x3
◦ Side planks -1min x3
◦ Rope swings 1min x3

Tuesday back and biceps

◦ Lat pull down 15x4
◦ Rows 15x4
◦ Long pull 15x4
◦ Chain saws 15x4
◦ Deadlifts 15x3
◦ Hammer curls 15x4 per arm
◦ Zottman curls 15x4
◦ 21s x3
◦ Preacher curls 15x4
◦ Cardio rowing machine 10mins

Wednesday Legs and abs

◦ Squats 15x4
◦ Leg press 15x4
◦ Raised lunges 15x4
◦ Leg extentions 15x4
◦ Leg curls 15x4
◦ RDLs 15x4
◦ Standing calf raises 20x4
◦ Seated calf raises 20x4
◦ Crunches 15x4
◦ Flatter kicks 15x4
◦ Leg raises 15x4
◦ Reverse cruches 15x4
◦ Cycle 15mins

Thursday shoulders and traps

◦ Shoulders press 15x4
◦ Laterals 15x4
◦ Frontils 15x4
◦ Upright rows 15x4
◦ Shrugs 15x4
◦ Face pulls 15x4
◦ Treadmill 15mins
◦ Boxing bag 10 mins

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