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V13 Observations

4.2.1 Description

Master Inspection characteristic IG900518(obsertvations), if yes (result) then fetch lines

from LongText description corresponding to this insp. Char.

- Create a method in Z_CL_QM_CERTIFICADOS_CALIBRA exporting tdline

structure into ZTQM054 TABLE .

- Master Inspection characteristic IG900518, if yes (result) then fetch the text data
from LongText description in this insp. Char.

- Get lines - Populate on the certificate V13

4.2.2 Technical specicifications

1) QPMT : table master inspection characteristics

2) Inner join
Select characteristics from QAMV where masterInpection = IG900518
( observations)
Select code codeGroup from QASR where characteritcs and LTEXTKZ = X( long
text exits)

3) Select Node , PSmpl from QASR where InspectionLot and Char-- concatenate
4) Read_text (Function ())- Get TDLINES-V31 Z structure (li_ztpp049-
tdline)ZTQM054 table (fusion)

Text Name 140000013043000000010120000001

Language EN
Text object QEEPROBE

GENER_DATA_FUSION /* update ztqm054

CALL METHOD add_valores_vtextos
pw_ztqm054 = lw_ztqm054
pi_ztppXXX = li_ztpp049
pc_ztqm054 = li_ztqm054
pc_registro = l_registro.

4.2.3 Template

ertificate Nº : #F23#
Location & Description:

STA Number #F24# Laminar flow #F27#

Clean Room Number #F10# Machine Number #F28#

Filter manufacturer #F7# clean room classification #F29#

Filter serial Number #F8# Frequency #F30#

Filter Size #F25#

Filter Number #F26#

Result Recorded:

Characteristic Specification Result Valuation

#V3# #V4# #V5# #V6#
Instrumentation Utilised:

Name Equipment No. Manufacturer Next calibration date

#V9# #V10# #V11# #V12#




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