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Writer: Kennylyn C. Reyes

Lay-out Artist: Miechie S. Dulce


21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Module aims to engage students in appreciation and critical study
of 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World, en-
compassing their various dimensions, genres, elements, structures,
contexts, and traditions.

This module allows the students to embark on a journey from

Philippine regions to the different parts of the world through various
literary encounters.

Here, the learners will be accompanied by Lito and Letty, the

ship captains of Balangay ( an old name of a Philippine boat). Lito
is a Filipino Ship Captain who is in-charge of the local destinations.
And Letty is a Lady Ship Captain from other country. She is in-
charge of the tour abroad. Lito and Letty assist each other in every
module visit.



This Self Learning Kit is divided into 27 modules with varied

parts and respective icons:

Gearing Up

Testing the Water

( Pre-test)

Leaving the Shore

( Priming Activity)

Rocking the Boat

( Activity Proper)

Plotting the Course

( Analysis)

Keeping Track
( Abstraction)



Approaching Destination

Seeing the Lighthouse

( Reflection)

Dropping the Anchor

( Post Test)

Going Back to the Ocean

( Remediation)

Discovering the Gems

( Answer Key)

Every module targets a specific Learning Competency and asks

learners to perform multiple tasks.


Hello, dear student, our fellow voyager!


I’m Letty. Are you ready to set sail

and BEGIN your voyage with this

I’m Lito
Well, it’s time to GO
ABOARD to set your quest for
KNOWLEDGE in motion.
Have FUN!


Horizon Overview

EN12Lit-IIe-34: distinguish the literary uses of language from the

nonliterary and understand their use as well as the formal features and
conventions of literature.

The use of the module requires every learner to demonstrate under-

standing of the distinction of literary and non-literary language and the
use of these languages as the formal features and convention of litera-

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

 distinguish the difference between the literary languages and non
-literary languages.
 identify the non-literary language and literary language in a poem.
 show appreciation of the use of literary languages and non-
literary languages and their formal features and conventions of


Connect with the Module:

Some reminders before

Use the module with care especially in turning each


Be reminded to answer the Pre-Test before moving

on to the Self-Learning Kit (SLK) Proper.

Read and understand the directions in every exer-


Observe honesty in answering the tests and exer-

cises and in checking your answers.

Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of this


Try to finish the task at hand before proceeding to

the next.


Gearing Up

In the previous journey, you have learned the different genres

of literature. Specifically, the discussion focused on the difference
between comedy and tragedy.

Comedy is a literary piece that is dra-

matic but amusing or entertaining at the
same time. The mood of the story is light
and it always has a happy ending.

While tragedy is a literary genre that

after tells a sad story on suffering and mis-
fortune. The death of the main or any ma-
jor character is its most common plot.

Today, we will do another journey. Let us begin !


Testing the Waters

DIRECTIONS: Choose and darken the circle corresponding to the letter

of your best answer for each item.

1. This is the language that we use in our everyday lives especially when
we just want to give information and a very detail piece.
A. literary
B. non-literary
C. formal
D. Universal

2. A kind of language that we use in poetry and narratives. It does not use
vernacular words.
A. literary
B. non-literary
C. formal
D. universal

3. Which sentence used the word “eyes” in a literary way?

A. My eyes are itchy.
B. Your eyes are beautiful.
C. I have seen it through birds eyes’ view
D. I bought a pair of false eyelashes for you.

4. Which sentence used the word “heart” in a non- literary way?

A. My heart is broken.
B.The heart of the universe.
C.Heart is the central organ of our body.
D.The heart of my soul longs to see you.

5. What do you mean by this line taken from the poem “Taj Mahal”:
For you, my love, the Taj
may well be the quintessence
of ardour;
A. The Taj Mahal is so great.
B. The Taj Mahal is a place for lovers.
C. The Taj Mahal is the representation of strong feeling of love.
D. The Taj Mahal is the extreme opposite of love for the couple.


Let’s Navigate

It is time for us to explore!

Come and let us enjoy the little
waves that will come our
way.Hang on!

Rocking the Boat

Figure Me Out !
DIRECTIONS: Figure out the phrase that the pictures in set 1 and set 2
want to represent. Once you figured it out, compose a sentence using the
answered phrase. Write your answers on your quiz notebook.



Rocking the Boat

Figure Me Out !
DIRECTIONS: Figure out the phrase that the pictures in set 1 and set 2
want to represent. Once you figured it out, compose a sentence using
the answered phrase. Write your answers on your quiz notebook.


How are the phrases you formed using the pictures in

the first set different from the phrases you formed in the
second set? When you used them in the sentence,
which phrases mean exactly like the words formed and
which phrases take on a different meaning?


When do you think we usually use the sen-

tences first set? How about the sentences in
the second set?

Now, we are moving to the ocean of learnings.

In this phase of our journey, I will be showing
you an image and you have to create your own sen-
tence or sentences using the given image.

Posted Picture Learners’ Possible Answers


In every words there could be two languages

that may be used literally which just can be used in
delivering an information or figuratively which may
create a very dramatic effect that can be used in
literature. These words are what we call
Imagine, you would like to make a fruit salad
and found in the following instructions, which one is
easier to follow? Please take a look.

Instruction 1 Instruction 2
 Prepare different kinds of
fruits size such as: Papaya,  Prepare different kinds of parts of
Watermelon, Melon, Peach, plants which has seed in it such
Mango and Kiwi as: Papaya, Watermelon, Melon,
 Cut them according to your Peach, Mango and Kiwi
desire size  Use a sharp tool such a knife to
 Mix them in a glass bowl and reduce the size according to your
pour condensed milk and all- desire proportion.
purpose cream together  Combine the ingredients in a
 After mixing the fruits and bowl made of a mixture of sili-
the cream, put them inside cates material and pour an evap-
the fridge and leave it there orated milk but added with sugar
for an hour or so in it and a cream suited for many
 Prepare and enjoy the fruit purpose.
salad  After combining the fruits and the
milk added sugar and also the
cream suited for all purpose, put
them inside an appliance for
keeping food or items cool and
leave it there for an hour or so.
 When the combination of parts of
plants with seed in it and the mix-
ture of cream, you may now in-
gest, chew and digest and enjoy
the mixture you made.


Which of the two instructions do you prefer?

Indeed, it is easier to understand the first
instruction on how to make a salad because it
uses words that we normally use everyday. It
makes the instruction easier to understand.

In English language we have two different

kinds of language:
The Non-Literary Language and Literary Lan-

Non-Literary Language
This is the language which primary purpose is
to give information in precise and accurate ways. Just
like what we have between the instructions 1 and 2,
Instructions 1 gives us the specific language so that
we could understand it well.
The purpose of Non-literary language is to deliv-
er and send a direct message for the readers. This is
mostly the language we use in our everyday lives in
ways for us to:

Transact and negotiate relationships

Transact and negotiate goods and services
Report on things, events and issues
Give directions
Give opinions

Literary Language
is the language that commonly found in litera-
ture. This is the language that we use when we want
to deliver a sentence in very creative way or artistic
way. It is best to avoid using this kind of language in
everyday context to avoid confusion and distraction
of a reader or listener from what the sender is trying
to say


Literary Language is the language that commonly

found in literature. This is the language that we use
when we want to deliver a sentence in very creative
way or artistic way. It is best to avoid using this kind
of language in everyday context to avoid confusion
and distraction of a reader or listener from what the
sender is trying to say .
These are the words that use symbolism, meta-
phors, and other figurative sense of meaning. In con-
trary with non-literary, literary language is using an
intelligent and usually formal tone or quality of words.
This language is in aesthetic, imaginative and en-
gaging ways and the main purpose are to entertain,
to move, to express and reinforce cultural identity and
to reflect ones view and personality such as:
Imaginative recount
Fairy tale
Cultural story
Dramatic role-play


Keeping Track

Literary language and non-literary language

are different from each other in many ways. Non-
literary language is the language that we use
mostly in our everyday lives and it is easier to un-
derstand. Literary language, on the other hand, is
the language we use when we are dealing with
literature. Now, we are almost there.
Keep sailing!

DIRECTIONS: Write the non-literary language for the first set of sentences
and write your own literary language for the second set of sentences.

Literary to Non-Literary
1.“Have you partaken thy noontime repast?” _____________________
2. “He is my adversary.” _____________________________________
3. “He has slain the enemy” ___________________________________
Non-Literary to Literary
1. “I love you” ____________________________________________
2. “I am sick” ____________________________________________
3. “I want to go to the park.”_________________________________


Approaching Destination
After the discussion, we are now approaching
our destination but before that let us try this.

DIRECTIONS: Read the poem entitled the “Taj Mahal”

written by Sahir Ludhianvi (translated by Mustansir Dalvi).
Pick five lines with literary language and write your inter-
pretation of the lines on your quiz notebook/paper and give
the non-literal language of each.

by Sahir Ludhianvi (translated by Mustansir Dalvi)

For you, my love, the Taj These edifices, these tombs,

may well be the quintessence these battlements, these forts
of ardour; while full well haughty relies
may you regard of the conceit of emperors,
this exquisite veil. are left behind like resilient creepers
Even so , on the face of the world,
dear one, let us meet seeped in the blood
some place else. of our forefathers.

What worth, this lowly ones, My love, those artful hands

loitering in the halls of the lords, who created this beauty
where on every path lie etched would have lived
remains of pomp and glory? and loved too; but their lovers
what worth then, the passing are long gone, nameless,
of lovelorn souls? without a trace.
To this day, no one has lit
My love, behind the veils a candle in their memory.
of love’s proud proclamations
did you see the signs The lush gardens and palaces,
of imperious grandeur? the Yamuna’s edge;
you, who revel the exquisitely carves portals,
in mausoieums of dead kings, the arches and niches,
did you not heed the dark hovels the handiwork of the one
that fostered us? emperor who, buttress’d
by infinite wealth
Beyond count are those, in this world has mocked our very love,
who have lived and loved. our impoverish’s,destitute love
could anyone deny the truth
of their passions? Even so, my love,
but they, like us, stay destitute, let us meet
without the means some place else.
to erect monuments to their love.

Seeing the Lighthouse

You are sailing great! It is time for us to feel the

breeze of the ocean as we approach the shore. In
this phase, you are about to reflect how the journey
went through.

DIRECTIONS: Reflect on the poem of Sahir Ludhianvi entitled TAJ MAHAL

on how he describes his love for his beloved. On one clean bond paper,
draw your symbolism of love and explain it using both non-literary and liter-
ary language

Your Drawing:

That was great voyage with you. Now, it is time

for us to drop the anchor. In this phase, we will be
unlocking the treasure box of our learnings.


Dropping the Anchor

DIRECTIONS: Choose and darken the circle corresponding to the letter of

your best answer for each item.

1. Joshua wants to talk to her grandmother about the journey what he had
last week. What kind of language will he use if he wants to be understood
A. literary
B. non-literary
C. formal
D. universal

2. . Below are the main purposes of using literary language except for one.
Which is it? entertain
B. to move express
D. To use in every day’s live

3. The purposes of Non-literary language are except for one. Which is it?
A. explain
C.reinforce cultural identity
D. argue

4. Which of the following is using literary language?

A. It is so hot today.
B. Are you coming to the party on Friday night?
C. I am walking in the parade of tears while sending you home.
D. My mother went to the market this morning to buy different kinds
of vegetables for the ingredients of her recipe.

5. What could be the literal meaning of this sentence “This could be the
sunset of my love.”
A. My love comes to an end.
B. This is the most exciting part of my love journey.
C. My love for that person is glowing as furnace.
D. This love of mine is a sad feeling to be felt.


It was a great journey with you.

Discovering the Gems

Now it is time to collect the gems

of what we have learned. Pick
them up now.

Testing the Waters Dropping the An-

1. B chor
2. A 1. B
3. C 2. D
4. B 3. C
5. C 4. C

Rocking the Boat Posted Picture (Answers may vary)

First Set 1. Your eyes are beautiful.
1.Eyes for sale 2. Your eyes are black.
2.Understand 3. You are the apple of my eyes.
3. Hairclip 4. Beauty is in the eyes of the be-
Second Set holder.
1. Couch Potato 5. Eyes are the windows of our
2. Raining cats and soul.
3. Butterflies in the


Going Back to the Ocean

Let us go back. If you were not able to over-

come the waves of the ocean, you have to go
back so that you may endure the strong
winds and big waves. I will be with you on
this “Going Back Journey”. Enjoy and Have

In every words, there could be two

languages that may be used; NON-
guage that we use in our everyday conver-
sation. This is the language that we can
easily understand because they are just
simple and very straight to the point.

While LITERARY LANGUAGE is the language that

we use when we want to deliver a sentence in very
dramatic or artistic ways. This language is really im-
portant in literature. When we want to express our-
selves in very creative way, we can really use Literary
Language. When we want to make a poem or song,
literary language shall be used.


In this activity, all you have to do is to underline

the literal language used in each sentence.
Have a smooth sailing!

1. You are the apple of my eye.

2. You are my friend and he is my adversary.
3. Have you partaken thy noontime repast?
4. It is already late! You should hit the sack.
5. I could hear your voice from the next building.


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