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Date: February , 2024

Subject: Mathematics Grade: One (1)

Topic: Inverse Addition Students: 10 Boys; 8 Girls
Time: 1:10 – 2:20

Specific Objectives
Students will:
1. Orally read the equation with the missing number.
2. Use counters to solve equations.
3. Correctly read and use the number line to solve the equation.

Materials: Plain paper, Notebook, Mathematics Workbook, Whiteboard, Dry Erase Marker,
Counters, Number line.

Content: Adding inverse, Terms other than addition used when adding (sum, combine, together,
altogether, plus).

Strategies & Skills: Tapping into prior knowledge, organizing, Listening

Previous Knowledge: Students should have some knowledge of counting on, counting from 1-
50, and using the number line.

Students will count from one to fifty, then count on from various numbers (seven onwards,
eleven onwards). Students will then take turns counting on, where one will say a number aloud,
and then randomly select students to count on from the last number heard.

Step 1
Students will begin by using the number line to practice counting on. Each student will be given
a number and asked to count on from the number they were given to the end of the number line.
This will test how well they understand the counting on concept.

Step 2
Students will be reintroduced to the plus sign. The teacher will place a few equations on the
board, and explain to students how to find the missing numbers using the number line. Students
will understand that you must start from the number given in the equation, and then jump to the
total at the end of the equation on the number line. Students will also understand that in order to
get the missing number, they must count how many times they jumped.

Step 3
Each student will receive their number line to practice, along with a marker and eraser, and will
be guided accordingly.

Step 4
The teacher will give students a few equations to work on their own.
4 + __ = 10
__ + 6 = 12
11 + __ = 15

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