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Manoj Kumar

Machine Learning
Pipelines in Python
Building machine learning models involves
multiple steps like data preprocessing,
feature engineering, model training,
evaluation, and deployment.

Managing these complex end-to-end ML

workflows can become challenging without
proper structure.

Python provides several libraries to help

streamline and automate machine learning
Scikit-learn Pipelines
The Scikit-learn library provides a Pipeline class to
chain multiple preprocessing and modeling steps:

Pipelines ensure intermediate preprocessed

data is passed correctly between steps.
MLflow for Experiment
MLflow provides model registry, artifact storage,
and tools to track experiments:

This logs models, parameters, and metrics during

experiments for visibility.
Model Serialization with Pickle

Pickle allows saving trained ML models to files

which can be reloaded later for prediction:

Pickle enables moving models between

Containers for Portability
Docker containers package models, dependencies,
and code together for easy portability:

Containerized models can be readily deployed to

By leveraging these tools, you can go from
ideation to production deployment with
structured, automated ML workflows in Python.

Let me know if you have any other tips for

streamlining machine learning pipelines!
Manoj Kumar

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