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Before selecting a career, do you have answers to these career queries?

 What is the career about?

 What will be my day-to-day job role?
 Do I have it in me to get into this career?
 What do I need to study and which courses should I select?
 Are there any entrance exams for taking the course?
 Will I get a good salary package after my course?
 Where can I look for jobs after my studies?
 Does this career have good scope in future?

You should definitely question yourself and find answers to the above questions before making a career
choice. And how do you find answers to these questions? ...

What is Career Guidance?

 Career Guidance sessions serve as a platform for students and parents to gain awareness about
various career options, career planning, goal setting and career exploration.
 These sessions are either conducted in group or individual setting.
 Our seminars and workshops cover important career topics such as:
o Career Planning – What? Why? Who? When? How?
o Importance of Career Planning
o Career Options – Traditional versus Offbeat
o Career Options after 10th / 12th in Science
o Career Options after 10th / 12th in Commerce
o Career Options after 10th / 12th in Art
o Other Interdisciplinary Career Options after 10th / 12th
o New Career Trends
o Offbeat Career Options
o Important Entrance Exams







PLANNING What are your interest? What do you want to be?

What are your interest?

What do you want to be?

What are your skills?

What types of careers fit your skills and interest?

How do you prepare for the career?

INTEREST What are your interests? What do you like to do?

Make a list of 10 activities you have enjoyed doing in the past four years.

What challenges did the activities offer?

What skills do you need to develop further to continue in those activities?

CAREER GOAL What is your Career Goal?

-A career goal will also guide you into doing what you want with your life -- rather than just
drifting into a job.

-Generally, a career goal is based on your skills and interests, career possibilities, and job

SKILLS What are your skills? Make a list of your school activities
Evaluate school, volunteer, work, or leisure experiences.

CAREER + SKILLS How do you prepare for the career?

Find out what characteristics to look for when selecting a school/COLLEGE

Explore 3 colleges

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