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How often do you consume jelly-based products?

 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly
 Rarely
 Never

Are you aware of the environmental impact of pineapple peels waste?

 Yes
 No

Would you be willing to try a jelly cocktail made from pineapple peels?
 Definitely
 Probably
 Not Sure
 Probably Not
 Definitely Not

What factors influence your decision to try a new food product? (Select all that apply)
 Taste
 Health benefits
 Price
 Brand reputation
 Ingredient transparency
 Environmental impact
 Others (please specify): ________________

Do you think using pineapple peels in a jelly cocktail is a sustainable and eco-friendly practice?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
How likely are you to purchase a nata de pinya jelly cocktail regularly if it becomes
commercially available?
 Very Likely
 Likely
 Neutral
 Unlikely
 Very Unlikely

Do you have any concerns about the safety of consuming a product made from pineapple peels?
 Yes (please specify): ________________
 No

How important is it for you that the nata de pinya jelly cocktail is low in sugar?
 Very Important
 Important
 Neutral
 Not Important
 Very Not Important

Do you think the use of pineapple peels in food products could positively impact local farmers
and reduce waste?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

Would you prefer the nata de pinya jelly cocktail to be sold in environmentally friendly
 Yes
 No
 Neutral

Do you think the transformation of pineapple peels into a jelly cocktail is a creative and
innovative idea?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

How familiar are you with the concept of "Nata de Pinya"?

 Very familiar
 Somewhat familiar
 Neutral
 Not very familiar
 Not familiar at all

How often do you consume pineapple or pineapple-based products?

 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly
 Rarely
 Never

Are you aware of the environmental impact of pineapple peels and food waste?
 Very aware
 Somewhat aware
 Neutral
 Not very aware
 Not aware at all

Do you think transforming pineapple peels into a jelly cocktail is a creative and sustainable
approach to reducing food waste?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree

Would you be willing to try a jelly cocktail made from pineapple peels?
 Definitely
 Probably
 Neutral
 Probably not
 Definitely not

How open are you to trying alternative food products made from unconventional sources?
 Very open
 Open
 Neutral
 Not very open
 Not open at all

Do you think using pineapple peels as the main ingredient in a jelly cocktail is a feasible idea?
 Very feasible
 Feasible
 Neutral
 Not very feasible
 Not feasible at all

What concerns, if any, do you have about using pineapple peels in food products?
 Taste
 Safety
 Health benefits
 Environmental impact
 Other (please specify): __________

How important is it for you that the production of nata de pinya jelly cocktails involves
sustainable and eco-friendly practices?
 Very important
 Important
 Neutral
 Not very important
 Not important at all
Do you think pineapple peel jelly cocktails could be a popular alternative to traditional fruit-
based beverages?
 Highly likely
 Likely
 Neutral
 Unlikely
 Highly unlikely

How would you prefer the pineapple peel jelly cocktails to be packaged?
 Biodegradable packaging
 Recyclable packaging
 Plastic packaging
 Glass packaging
 Other (please specify): __________

Are there any specific concerns you have regarding the safety and hygiene of products made
from unconventional sources, such as pineapple peels?
 Yes
 No
 Not sure

Would you be interested in learning more about the process of transforming pineapple peels into
jelly cocktails?
 Yes, definitely
 Yes, maybe
 Neutral
 No, probably not
 No, definitely not
Section 1: Background Information
Are you familiar with the traditional production of nata de pinya using pineapple fruit?
 Yes
 No

Have you heard about the research study titled "Nata de Pinya: Transforming pineapple peels
into a jelly cocktail"?
 Yes
 No

Do you believe using pineapple peels as the main ingredient in nata de pinya is feasible?
 Highly Feasible
 Feasible
 Neutral
 Infeasible
 Highly Infeasible

What factors do you think might affect the feasibility of using pineapple peels? (Check all that
 Cost
 Availability of pineapple peels
 Technological challenges
 Consumer acceptance
 Other (please specify): _________________

Section 3: Taste and Aroma Comparison

Have you ever tasted traditional nata de pinya made from pineapple fruit?
 Yes
 No

If yes, how would you rate the taste and aroma of traditional nata de pinya?
 Excellent
 Good
 Average
 Poor
 N/A (haven't tasted)

Do you think nata de pinya made from pineapple peels can be comparable to traditional nata de
pinya in terms of taste and aroma?
 Highly Comparable
 Comparable
 Neutral
 Incomparable
 Highly Incomparable

Section 4: Market Impact

How do you think the introduction of nata de pinya from pineapple peels could affect the market
for such products?
 Positive impact
 Neutral impact
 Negative impact
 Unsure

Section 5: Productivity and Success

Do you believe the production of nata de pinya from pineapple peels can be as productive as
traditional methods?
 Yes
 No
 Unsure

What challenges do you foresee in the successful production and commercialization of nata de
pinya from pineapple peels? (Check all that apply)
 Technical challenges
 Consumer acceptance
 Market competition
 Regulatory issues
 Other (please specify): _________________
Section 6: Health Benefits
Are you aware of any potential health benefits associated with nata de pinya made from
pineapple peels?
 Yes
 No

If yes, please specify the health benefits you are aware of:

Section 7: Additional Comments

Do you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding the research study on nata de
pinya from pineapple peels?
Section 1: Background Knowledge
Are you familiar with the concept of nata de pinya?
 Yes
 No

Have you ever heard of using pineapple peels as a raw material for food products?
 Yes
 No

Section 2: Interest and Consumption

How interested would you be in trying a food product made from pineapple peels?
 Very Interested
 Interested
 Neutral
 Not Interested
 Very Not Interested

Section 3: Perception of Pineapple Peels

Do you think using pineapple peels in food products is a sustainable practice?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

Section 5: Product Appeal

How appealing does the concept of a "Nata de Pinya Jelly Cocktail" sound to you?
 Very Appealing
 Appealing
 Neutral
 Unappealing
 Very Unappealing
Section 6: Quality and Safety
How concerned are you about the safety and quality of a food product made from
unconventional sources like pineapple peels?
 Very Concerned
 Concerned
 Neutral
 Not Concerned
 Not at all Concerned

Section 7: Market Potential

Do you believe there is a market potential for a nata de pinya product made from pineapple
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

Would you be more likely to purchase a product if it were marketed as an eco-friendly and
sustainable option?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe

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