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When I was born, I have no idea about the outside world.

I was so new to the environment like

everyone else. From the birth to age of 4, as far as I remember I had spent most of the time
with my grandparents and great grandparents. As we everyone know we had a large influence
of our environment for gathering information and making and shaping the perception of
thinking about the environment in which we live. I was with my grandparents in maternal
house almost all my holidays and I was really close with them. Like every other day, I woke up
15 minutes later than my great grandparents woke up. My great grandparents never allow me
to woke up together with them as they always used to mention,” come after you can smell the
smoke of fire from the kitchen, don’t come before otherwise you will catch cold. I will go inside
the kitchen to lit the fire and when the fire is ready you can come”. While the great grandfather
used to go to the shed to look after the domestic animals which he treats with so much care. I
will tell you why later in the story but for now lets go to the kitchen. As soon as I smell the
smoke from the kitchen, I get up and try to enter the kitchen where great grandmother is
making things ready to extract the butter from the curd. There is no permission to enter in the
kitchen without cleansing the face. As there is shivering cold outside, I always use to try to
sneak in the kitchen without washing face but no for a single time I had succeeded. Never at
once. There are 2 reasons behind it. the first thing now I can understand that is anyone can tell
whether a child had washed his face or not when he wake up and another reason is that they
taught me that If I lie about anything the demons will take to the hell and sometimes they used
to said,” if I ever lie and God see me lying, the God will be angry and rip off my ears from my
head.. “. They taught me only bad people lie and I never want to be a bad people so when my
grand maaa used to ask me had I washed my face even though she can tell I had washed my
face or not by just looking at me. as I know lying is a bad thing, so I tell her I had not washed my
face with a smiling face then she used to give me a jar of lukewarm water to wash my face after
that I enter the kitchen. Then we start our next duty of extracting the butter. Grand maa fill the
madani 2/3rd with mixture of curd and Lukewarm water and start to mix the whole system. I
then go close to grand maa that I want to do the work like her because it looks so interesting
from me, pulling the rope turn by turn with both hands to move the axel which initiates the
separation of butter from the mixture. Most of the time she uses to refuse it as with my little
hand I will slow down the whole process which makes it difficult for her to separate the butter
more but she used to let me do it when I keep requesting her. she grabs my hand with which I
was holding the rope and helps me to do it. while we are preparing the butter my grand paa
went to the shed to milk the buffalo. He cooks the food and hot water with salt for buffalo and
his baby. This helps to keep the buffalo healthy

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