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VOICE – refers to the form of verb that tells whether the subject is doing the action or not

Note: Only TRANSITIVE VERBS show and have voice.

ACTIVE VOICE – the subject acts (subject = doer of the action); emphasis on the doer
- less wordy, more forceful, and straight to the point

 The accounting firm juggled the books.

PASSIVE VOICE – the person or thing performing the action becomes the object of the sentence; it
does not act, but is acted upon by the verb (subject = object of preposition “by”)
- the direct object (DO) becomes the subject of the sentence (DO = subject)
- wordier because of the use of a helping verb and the preposition “by”

 The books were juggled by the accounting firm.

 The books were juggled. [by the accounting firm]

It is used to:

- express an action when the doer of the action is unknown

 The residents of the village had been warned of the possible eruption of the volcano near their

- describe an ongoing experience

 The PBA basketball games are being played at the Araneta Coliseum.

- avoid giving direct order or to state a rule

 The Child Labor Law has been approved to protect the rights of the children.

- emphasize the receiver of the action or when the doer is not important

 In a science experiment, the chemical is mixed with water; then, the mixture is heated.

- more objective and usually used in reports, scientific papers, etc.

1. The tense of the verb in passive voice must agree with its tense in active voice, and vice versa.
2. Observe SVA.

 Denise writes essays and poems. (ACTIVE – SIMPLE PRESENT)

Essays and poems are written by Denise. (PASSIVE – PRESENT TENSE)

 Charlene painted the mural. (ACTIVE – SIMPLE PAST)

The mural was painted by Charlene. (PASSIVE – SIMPLE PAST)

 Gege will be doing her projects next week. (ACTIVE – FUTURE PROGRESSIVE)
The projects will be being done by Gege next week. (PASSIVE – FUTURE PROGRESSIVE)


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