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Concept development and theory


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Concept development and theory

Theory of Interpersonal Relations in Nursing developed by Hildegard Peplau, and

Humanizing Nursing Communication Theory are well-established theoretical frameworks in

nursing. Concept A is the nurse-patient communication. It describes the sharing of knowledge,

feelings, and assistance that takes place between a patient and a nurse throughout their

interactions for medical care. Concept B is about the patient satisfaction. It is a measure of the

patient's satisfaction with the medical care they receive, taking into account their mental health,

overall experience, and perception of the quality of care. Proposition: Effective nurse-patient

communication (Concept A) positively influences (Proposition) patient satisfaction (Concept B).

The theories proposes that the quality of nurse-patient interactions significantly

influences patient outcomes, including patient satisfaction. In concept A, Peplau's theory

underscores the central role of nurse-patient communication. It encompasses not only the

exchange of information but also the emotional and supportive aspects of the nurse-patient

relationship (Arabacı, & Taş, 2019). Effective communication is key to building a therapeutic

relationship. Also, the humanizing communication theory aligns with the importance of

compassionate, patient-centered communication. It emphasizes the need for nurses to recognize

and respond to patients' emotional and psychological needs (Molero et al., 2021).

In concept B, patient satisfaction aligns with the Peplau theory's goal, as it reflects the

patient's contentment with the healthcare services received. Patient satisfaction is often a

consequence of a positive nurse-patient relationship and the quality of care provided (Arabacı, &

Taş, 2019). In the humanizing nursing communication theory, patient satisfaction remains the

desired outcome, reflecting how patients perceive the quality of care they receive. By providing

care in a more compassionate and patient-centered manner, it's expected that patient satisfaction

will be positively affected. The proposition is that applying the theory (Concept A) results in the

development of a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship, which leads to enhanced understanding,

emotional support, and trust, ultimately resulting in increased patient satisfaction (Concept B).


Arabacı, L. B., & Taş, G. (2019). Effect of Using Peplau's Interpersonal Relation Nursing Model

in the care of a juvenile delinquent. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing/Psikiyatri

Hemsireleri Dernegi, 10(3).

Molero Jurado, M. D. M., Herrera-Peco, I., Pérez-Fuentes, M. D. C., Oropesa Ruiz, N. F.,

Martos Martínez, Á., Ayuso-Murillo, D., & Gazquez Linares, J. J. (2021).

Communication and humanization of care: Effects over burnout on nurses. PLoS

One, 16(6), e0251936.

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