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Classical signs and Other diagnostic

Mood Disorder Time Frame

symptoms criteria

Major Depressive The DSM-V states Depressed mood The individual must
Disorder that for a diagnosis most of the day, be experiencing five
of MDD, symptoms nearly every day. or more symptoms
must be present for during the same 2-
at least two weeks week period and at
Markedly diminished least one of the
interest or pleasure symptoms should be
in all, or almost all, either (1) depressed
activities most of the mood or (2) loss of
day, nearly every day. interest or pleasure.

Significant weight The symptoms cause

loss when not dieting clinically significant
or weight gain, or distress or
decrease or increase impairment in social,
in appetite nearly occupational, or
every day. other important
areas of functioning.
Insomnia or
hypersomnia nearly The episode is not
every day. attributable to the
physiological effects
Psychomotor of a substance or to
agitation or another medical
retardation nearly condition.
every day (observable
by others, not merely The occurrence of
subjective feelings of the major depressive
restlessness or being episode is not better
slowed down). explained by
Fatigue or loss of disorder,
energy nearly every schizophrenia,
day. schizophreniform
disorder, delusional
disorder, or other
Feelings of specified and
worthlessness or unspecified
excessive or schizophrenia
inappropriate guilt spectrum and other
(which may be psychotic disorders.
delusional) nearly
every day.
There has never been
a manic episode or a
Diminished ability to
hypomanic episode.
think or concentrate,
or indecisiveness,
nearly every day.

Recurrent thoughts
of death (not just

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fear of dying),
recurrent suicidal
ideation without a
specific plan, or a
suicide attempt or a
specific plan for
committing suicide

Bipolar I Disorder For a diagnosis of Elevated, expansive, At least one manic

Bipolar I Disorder, or irritable mood episode is necessary
individuals must most of the day, for the diagnosis of
have experienced at nearly every day. Bipolar I Disorder.
least one manic
episode that lasts for
at least one week. Increased goal- The occurrence of
directed activity or the manic episode(s)
energy. is not better
explained by
Inflated self-esteem disorder and is not
or grandiosity. superimposed on
Decreased need for disorder, delusional
sleep (e.g., feels disorder, or other
rested after only 3 specified or
hours of sleep). unspecified
spectrum and other
psychotic disorder.
More talkative than
usual or pressure to
keep talking.
The manic episode is
not attributable to
the physiological
Flight of ideas or
effects of a
subjective experience
substance (e.g., a
that thoughts are
drug of abuse, a
medication, or other
treatment) or to
another medical
Distractibility (i.e., condition.
attention too easily
drawn to
unimportant or
irrelevant external

Increase in goal-
directed activity
(either socially, at
work or school, or
sexually) or

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involvement in
activities that have a
high potential for
consequences (e.g.,
engaging in
unrestrained buying
sprees, sexual
indiscretions, or
foolish business

For a diagnosis of Major depressive The presence of one

Bipolar II Disorder, episodes: or more major
individuals must depressive episode
have experienced at and at least one
least one major Depressed mood hypomanic episode.
depressive episode most of the day,
that lasts for at least nearly every day, loss
two weeks, and at of interest or The hypomanic
least one hypomanic pleasure in all, or episode must last for
episode that lasts for almost all, activities, most of the day each
at least four days. significant weight day for at least four
loss or decrease or days.
increase in appetite,
fatigue or loss of
energy. The individual will
not have experienced
a manic episode or
Hypomanic episodes: mixed episode.
Elevated or irritable
mood for at least
Bipolar II Disorder four consecutive The occurrence of
days, unusual the major depressive
talkativeness, episode(s) and
rushed/scattered hypomanic
thinking, racing episode(s) is not
thoughts, decreased
need for sleep, better explained by
increased goal- schizoaffective
directed activity or disorder,
energy, inflated self- schizophrenia,
esteem or schizophreniform
grandiosity, disorder, delusional
distractibility, disorder, or other
excessive specified or
involvement in unspecified
pleasurable activities schizophrenia
with a high potential spectrum and other
of painful psychotic disorder.


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Occupational Therapy Department
Second Semester, School Year 2023-2024



NAME: Karl Dhabie B Guzman

Document Number Effectivity Date Revision Number

Classical signs and Other diagnostic
Anxiety Disorder Time Frame
symptoms criteria

Panic Disorder Panic Disorder is A panic attack is The disturbance is

characterized by defined by the rapid not attributable to
recurrent unexpected onset of intense fear the physiological
panic attacks. A (typically peaking effects of a
panic attack is an within about 10 substance (e.g., a
abrupt surge of minutes) with at drug of abuse, a
intense fear or least four of the medication) or
intense discomfort physical and another medical
that reaches a peak psychological condition (e.g.,
within minutes. At symptoms: hyperthyroidism,
least one of the cardiopulmonary
attacks has been Palpitations, disorders).
followed by 1 month
(or more) of one or The disturbance is
both of the Pounding heart, or not better explained
following: accelerated heart by another mental
rate. disorder (e.g., the
Persistent concern or panic attacks do not
worry about occur only in
additional panic Sweating. response to feared
attacks or their social situations, as
consequences (e.g., in social anxiety
Trembling or
losing control, having disorder; in response
a heart attack, to circumscribed
“going crazy”). phobic objects or
Sensations of situations, as in
shortness of breath specific phobia; in
A significant or smothering. response to
maladaptive change obsessions, as in
in behavior related to obsessive-
the attacks (e.g., Feelings of choking. compulsive disorder;
behaviors designed in response to
to avoid having panic Chest pain or reminders of
attacks, such as discomfort. traumatic events, as
avoidance of exercise in posttraumatic
or unfamiliar stress disorder; or in
situations). Nausea or abdominal response to
distress. separation from
attachment figures,
as in separation
Feeling dizzy,
anxiety disorder).
unsteady, light-
headed, or faint.

Chills or heat

(numbness or
tingling sensations).

(feelings of unreality)
or depersonalization
(being detached

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from oneself).

Fear of losing control

or “going crazy”.

Fear of dying.

Agoraphobia is Agoraphobia is an Marked, persistent (≥ 6

characterized by anxiety disorder months) fear of or
marked and where individuals anxiety about 2 or more
persistent fear or have a of the following
anxiety that lasts for disproportionate fear situations:
at least 6 months12. of public places,
often perceiving such Using public
environments as too transportation, being in
open, crowded, or open spaces (e.g.,
dangerous. parking lot,
Symptoms include: marketplace), being in
an enclosed place (e.g.,
Becoming isolated or shop, theater), standing
detached in line or being in a
crowd, being alone
outside the home.
Feeling afraid of
being alone
Fear must involve
thoughts that
Overdependence on escape from the
others situation might be
difficult or that
Being afraid of losing patients would
control in public receive no help if
they became
Avoiding places that incapacitated by fear
may be difficult to or a panic attack.
escape from

The same situations

Refusing to leave the nearly always trigger
house fear or anxiety.

Physical symptoms Patients actively

like racing avoid the situation
heart/palpitations, and/or require the
excessive sweating, presence of a
feeling sick, chest companion.
pain, gastrointestinal
discomfort or
diarrhea, feeling faint The fear or anxiety is
or dizzy, trembling out of proportion to
the actual threat
(taking into account
sociocultural norms).

The fear, anxiety,

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and/or avoidance
cause significant
distress or
significantly impair
social or

Specific phobia is Specific phobia is an To meet the DSM-5-

characterized by anxiety disorder TR criteria for
marked and where individuals specific phobia,
persistent fear or have a patients must have:
anxiety that lasts for disproportionate fear
at least 6 months. of specific objects or
situations. Marked, persistent (≥ 6
months) fear of or
Symptoms include: anxiety about a specific
situation or object
The situation or
Intense and irrational
object nearly always
fear of a specified
triggers immediate
object or situation
fear or anxiety

Avoidance or
extreme distress Patients actively
when exposed to the avoid the situation or
object or situation object

Specific phobia Fear reaction that is The fear or anxiety is

out of proportion to out of proportion to
the actual danger the actual danger
and appears almost (taking into account
instantaneously sociocultural norms)
when presented with
the object or The fear, anxiety,
situation and/or avoidance
cause significant
distress or
significantly impair
social or

The symptoms are

not better explained
by another mental

Generalized Anxiety Generalized Anxiety GAD is an anxiety To meet the DSM-5-

Disorder Disorder (GAD) is disorder where TR criteria for GAD,
characterized by individuals have a patients must have:
excessive and disproportionate fear
persistent worry and of various events or

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anxiety that lasts for activities. Symptoms Excessive anxiety and
at least six months. include: worry about a variety
of topics, events, or
activities. Worry
Excessive anxiety and occurs more often
worry on most days than not for at least
six months and is
Difficulty controlling clearly excessive.
the worry
The worry is
Physical symptoms experienced as very
like restlessness, challenging to
fatigue, difficulty control.
irritability, muscle
tension, and sleep The anxiety and
disturbances worry are
accompanied by at
least three of the
following physical or
cognitive symptoms:
Edginess or
restlessness, tiring
easily; more fatigued
than usual, impaired
concentration or
feeling as though the
mind goes blank,
irritability, increased
muscle aches or

The fear, anxiety,

and/or avoidance
cause significant
distress or
significantly impair
social or

The symptoms are

not better explained
by another mental

Social Anxiety Social Anxiety SAD is an anxiety To meet the DSM-5-

Disorder (Social Disorder (SAD), also disorder where TR criteria for SAD,
phobia) known as social individuals have a patients must have:
phobia, is disproportionate fear
characterized by of social situations
marked and where they may be A persistent fear of
persistent fear or scrutinized, leading one or more social or
anxiety that lasts for to avoidance of such performance
at least six months. situations or situations in which
enduring them with the person is
intense distress. exposed to

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Symptoms include: unfamiliar people or
to possible scrutiny
by others. The
Intense fear or individual fears that
anxiety about he or she will act in a
specific social way (or show anxiety
situations because symptoms) that will
you believe you may be embarrassing and
be judged negatively, humiliating.
embarrassed or
Exposure to the
feared situation
Avoidance of anxiety- almost invariably
producing social provokes anxiety,
situations or which may take the
enduring them with form of a
intense fear or situationally bound
anxiety or situationally pre-
disposed Panic
Excessive anxiety Attack.
that’s out of
proportion to the
situation The person
recognizes that this
fear is unreasonable
or excessive.

The feared situations

are avoided or else
are endured with
intense anxiety and

The avoidance,
anxious anticipation,
or distress in the
feared social or
significantly with the
person’s normal
routine, occupational
functioning, or social
activities or
relationships, or
there is marked
distress about having
the phobia.

The fear, anxiety, or

avoidance is
persistent, typically
lasting 6 or more

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The fear or avoidance
is not due to direct
physiological effects
of a substance (e.g.,
drugs, medications)
or a general medical
condition not better
accounted for by
another mental

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Neurocognitive Disorders

Dementia (Major
Neurocognitive Disorder)

Delirium is a neurocognitive Major neurocognitive

disorder that is characterized disorder, also known as
by a disturbance in attention dementia, is characterized by
and awareness, which significant cognitive decline
develops over a short period from a previous level of
of time and tends to performance in one or more
fluctuate in severity during cognitive domains.
the course of a day.

According to DSM-V, delirium There are several subtypes of

can be caused by multiple major neurocognitive
etiologies, including disorder, including
Subtypes substance intoxication or Alzheimer’s disease, vascular
withdrawal, due to a general neurocognitive disorder, and
medical condition, or neurocognitive disorder due
multiple etiologies. to traumatic brain injury.

Delirium is common in older The prevalence of major

adults, especially those with neurocognitive disorder
Epidemiology preexisting brain pathology, increases with age
severe illness, or sensory

The diagnosis of delirium is The diagnosis of major

clinical and is based on the neurocognitive disorder is
presence of a disturbance in based on the presence of
attention and awareness, a significant cognitive decline,
Diagnostic Criteria change in cognition, and interference with
evidence that the independence in everyday
disturbance is a direct activities, and the absence of
physiological consequence of delirium.
a general medical condition.

Treatment of delirium is Treatment of major

primarily supportive and neurocognitive disorder is
Treatment involves management of the primarily supportive and
underlying etiology. involves management of the
underlying etiology

The duration of delirium is The course of major

typically brief, with neurocognitive disorder
Course and Prognosis symptoms resolving when varies depending on the
the underlying cause is etiology, but it is typically
treated. progressive and chronic.

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