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Matter 12
MODULE 1- Scientific
1 and Attitudes,
2: Information Scientific Processes
and Communications Technology,and
Safety, Security and Netiquette,
Effective Internet Research

Welcome to this module on Empowerment Technology. This module will help you explore the different technologies and online
platforms and how they can be used effectively. It contains activities that will let you create your own ICT contents and evaluate existing
online creation tools, platforms, and applications. The module is self – instructional and allows you to learn in your own space, at your
own pace. So, relax and enjoy learning.
Module Content
 Will give you an introduction into ICT and the different online platforms that may be used for its specific purpose. It will also tackle
on online safety, security, and online etiquette. You will be able to get tips on how to maximize the power of the Internet to assist
you in your research work through discussing research tools and evaluating relevant and reliable websites.
 Will help you on using advanced knowledge in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel applications. This module will also allow you to critic
on good qualities of web design.

Let’s Start
The development of new technology has always rested on answering one question: How can this help humankind? After all,
when the Internet was invented, it was initially used as a way to share information between researches in an office. But now, it has
become an almost living specimen of its own, on that continues to grow and expand as more people continue to go online. Thinking
about other technologies’ origins will probably reveal a similar scenario to go online.
As you go through this lesson, you will be able to:
 compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platform, sites, and content to best achieve specific class objectives or
address situational challenges.
 apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in the use of ICTs as it would relate to their specific
professional tracks.
 use the internet as a tool for credible research and information gathering to best achieve specific class objectives or address

Let’s Recall
Instructions: Reflect on the following questions below. Write your answers on the space provided.
1. Do you use the internet/mobile for an hour after you woke up this morning?
2. How many updates have you posted on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram today?
3. Have you followed a celebrity/ a crush on his/her social media?

Let’s Explore
LESSON 1: What is Information and Communications Technology?
VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innovating Educational ministry committed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) often deals with the use of different technological inventions like mobile
phones, telephones, computer, Internet, and other devices, as well as software and applications to locate, save, send, and manipulate
information. ICT has greatly contributed to how easy our lives has been today. Our gadgets have become part of our necessity that we
check on them after we wake up. It made communication easier. We can use cellular phones that are designed for communicating with
other people even they are miles away from us. It has also assisted us in our work since there are Internet-based jobs. It has
revolutionized our education and in the modernization of our economy.
ICT in the Philippines
Philippines is dubbed as the “ICT Hub of Asia” because of huge growth of ICT-related jobs, one of which is BPO, Business Process
Outsourcing, or call centers. In a data gathered by the Annual Survey of Philippines Business and Industries in 2010, the ICT industry
shares 19.3% of the total employment population.
When the internet was fully commercialized in 1995, it has tremendously impacted culture and commerce, including the rise of
near instant communication by email, instant messaging, telephony (Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP), two-way interactive video
calls, and the World Wide Web with its discussion forums, blogs, social networking, and online shopping sites.
Computer– an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a
variable program.
Internet– is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet protocol suite (TCIP/IP) to link billions of
devices worldwide.
 Means of connecting a computer to any other computer anywhere in the world via dedicated routers and servers.
 Sometimes called simply ‘’the Net’’, is a worldwide system of computer networks- a network of networks in which the users at
any one computer can get information from any other computer.
The World Wide Web
The World Wide Web is an information system on the Internet that allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext
links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another. It was invented by Tim-Berners Lee. The
World Wide Web browser software, such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer/Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Apple's Safari, and Google
Chrome, let users navigate from one web page to another via the hyperlinks embedded in the documents. These documents may also
contain any combination of computer data, including graphics, sounds, text, video, multimedia and interactive content that runs while
the user is interacting with the page. The Web has enabled individuals and organizations to publish ideas and information to a
potentially large audience online at greatly reduced expense and time delay.
Types of Web Pages
 Web 1.0 or The Web. It is the first stage of the World Wide Web evolution. It is a flat or stationary page since it cannot be
manipulated by the user.
 Web 2.0 or The Social Web allows users to interact with the page, the user may be able to comment or create a user account. Most
website that we visit today are Web 2.0.
 Web 3.0 or Semantic Web. The semantic web provides a framework that allows data to be shared and reuse to deliver web content
specifically targeting the user. Search Engine will learn about you and your habits from each search you perform and will gather
details about you from your previous activities like likes and social postings and present the answers as per your preferences.
Comparison of Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0
Criteria Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0
Communication Broadcast Interactive Engaged/Invested
Information Static/ Read-only Dynamic Portable & Personal
Focus Organization Community Individual
Content Ownership Sharing Immersion
Interaction Web Forms Web Applications Smart Applications
Search Directions Tags/Keywords Context/Relevance
Metrics Page Views Cost per click User Engagement
Advertising Banners Interactive Behavioral
Technologies HTML/FTP Flash/Java/XML RDF/RDFS/OWL
Features of Web 2.0
Features Web 2.0
Folksonomy Allows users to collectively classify and find information using freely chosen keywords (Ex.
“tagging” by facebook). Tagging uses the pound sign #, often referred to as hastag.
Rich user Experience Dynamic content that is responsive to user input (Ex. A user can “click” on an image to enlarge it or
find more information).
User Participation The owner of website is not the only one who is able to put content. Others are able to place a
content on their own by means of comments, reviews, and evaluations.
Long Tail Services that are offered on demand rather than on a one-time purchase. This is synonymous to
subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the amount of bandwidth you used.
Software as a Service Users will subscribe to a software only when needed rather than purchasing them,
Because of the wide capacity of Web 2.0, it has helped in creating dynamic online platform sites. Online platform is a specially developed
platform using Internet technology. Online platforms have revolutionized access to any information. Online platforms currently include,
but are not limited to:
Presentation or Visualization
Cloud Computing
File Management
Social Media
Let us go through them one by one!
1. Presentation or Visualization Platform allows you to present and share presentations, infographics and videos with other people.
It is used to communicate information clearly and efficiently.
2. Cloud Computing Platform is also called as “The cloud.” It is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the
VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innovating Educational ministry committed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.
internet. Instead of using your computer’s hard drive, you store and access your data and programs over the Internet.
3. File Management Platform is used for the storing, naming, sorting, and handling of computer files. Allows you to convert and
manage files without download in the software tool.
4. Mapping Platform is a transformation taking the points of one space into the points of the same or another space. Uses GPS to
detect location and used for navigation.
5. Social Media Platform is a computer-mediated tools that allow large group of people to create, share or exchange information,
interest and the information shared can be in the form of ideas, pictures, videos or anything that you want to create and share to
virtual communities. It can be in the following platforms:
Social Networks. These sites allow you to connect with other people with the same interests or background.
Bookmarking Sites. These are sites that allow you to store and manage links to various websites and resources.
Social News. These are sites that allow users to post their own news items or links to other news sources.
Media Sharing. These are sites that allow you to upload and share media content like images, music, and video. Media sharing sites
can be specific for video sharing, photo sharing, slide sharing, social bookmarking, and gaming.
Microblogging. These are sites that focus on short updates from the user. Those subscribed to the user will be able to receive these
updates. Posts are brief that range typically from 140 – 200 characters.
Blogs and Forums. These are websites that allow users to post their content. Other users can comment on the said topic.

LESSON 2: Online Safety, Security and Netiquette

Online safety refers to the practices and precautions that should be observed when using the internet to ensure that the users as well as
their computers and personal information are safe from crimes associated with using the internet. Below are personal information that
must be kept confidential.
There are numerous delinquencies that can be committed on the internet such as stalking, identity theft, privacy violations, and
To avoid these online crimes, follow the following online safety measures:
Never give any personal information out about yourself over the internet.

Do not give any banking or sensitive information unless you are sure that it is a reputable business having a secure service. To
make sure that you are in a secured network, the website address should begin with “https://’ as opposed to “http://”. Never access
your accounts by following an email link, instead type your URL by yourself.
Never open messages or attachments from someone you do not know.
Regularly review your privacy settings in your online accounts to make sure you are not sharing important
personal information.
When using a public computer terminal, be sure to delete your browsing data before leaving.
Keep your software updated to avoid security holes.
Do not download or install software or anything on your computer or cell phone that is unknown to you.
Netiquette is a combination of the words network and etiquette. It is a set of rules for behaving properly online. Below are the 10 rules
of netiquette:
Flame war is a series of flame posts or messages in a thread that are
considered derogatory in nature or are completely off-topic. Often these
flames are posted for the sole purpose of offending or upsetting other
users. The flame becomes a flame war when other users respond to the
thread with their own flame message.

LESSON 3: Effective Internet Research

There are billions of information on the web and it is a challenge for us to truly find which information is reliable and relevant. Here are
VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innovating Educational ministry committed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.
some tips you may use to be able to look for relevant and reliable sources:

Search Engines are websites used for retrieval of data, files, or documents from data bases. Some search engines we use today are:

Anatomy of a URL
A URL is one type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). It is a generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on
the world wide web. Knowing the URL endings will give you clues to who is sponsoring the website and help evaluate the sources.

Popular Domains
Top- level Domains Country code top level domains

.edu – educational institution .ph – Philippines

.org – non-profit organization .eu – European Union
.gov – government site .uk – United Kingdom
.com – commercial site .au - Australia
.net - network

Search Skills and Tools

1. Boolean Logic – narrows, broadens, or eliminates search term.
a. Boolean “or” – this operator will find pages that include either of the
search terms.
Ex. A or B
b. Boolean “and” – this operator will retrieve only pages containing both terms A B
Ex. A and B

c. Boolean “not” – this operator will find pages that do not include search term
immediately following it. A B
Ex. A not B

2. Phase Searching – is used to search for famous quotes, proper names, recommendations, etc. It encloses the phrase in quotation
Ex. “Jane Doe” “To be or not to be”
3. Plus (+) – indicates that the word after the sign is a required word must be found in search. Example: +fire
4. Minus (–) sign – indicates to exclude a word from your search that is not required on the result. Example: Jaguar speed –car
5. Ampersand (@) is used to find social tags. Example: @SteveJobs
6. Hashtag (#) is used to find popular hashtags. Example: #LawOfClassroom
7. Finding Documents – using the filetype refines the search for documents on the web.
o filetype:pdf
o filetype:doc
o filetype:xls
Ex. ICT in the Philippines pdf
8. Searching Site – the sites find webpage from a website. Ex.: National Geographic information in Australia Search: Australia site:

Evaluating Sites
The web provides access to some excellent information and can also give access to those that are irrelevant and outdated. Here is
some checklist that you can use to evaluate your website:
1. 1. Authority. It reveals that the person, institution or agency responsible for a site has the qualifications and knowledge to do so.
Evaluating a web site for authority:
 Authorship: It should be clear who developed the site.
 Contact information should be clearly provided: e-mail address, snail mail address, phone number, and fax number.
 Credentials: the author should state qualifications, credentials, or personal background that gives them authority to present
 Check to see if the site supported by an organization or a commercial body
2.Purpose. The purpose of the information presented in the site should be clear. Some sites are meant to inform, persuade, state an
opinion, entertain, or parody something or someone. Evaluating a web site for purpose:

VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innovating Educational ministry committed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.
 Does the content support the purpose of the site?
 Is the information geared to a specific audience (students, scholars, general reader)?
 Is the site organized and focused?
 Are the outside links appropriate for the site?
 Does the site evaluate the links?
3.Coverage -This refers to how comprehensive the website is in their discussion of certain topics. Evaluating a web site for coverage:
 Does the site claim to be selective or comprehensive?
 Are the topics explored in depth?
 Compare the value of the site’s information compared to other similar sites.
 Do the links go to outside sites rather than its own?
 Does the site provide information with no relevant outside links?
4.Currency. It refers to: (1) how current the information presented is, and (2) how often the site is updated or maintained. It is
important to know when a site was created, when it was last updated, and if all of the links are current. Evaluating a web site for
currency involves finding the date information was:
 first written
 placed on the web
 last revised
5.Objectivity. Objective sites present information with a minimum of bias. Evaluating a web site for objectivity:
 Is the information presented with a particular bias?
 Does the information try to sway the audience?
 Does site advertising conflict with the content?
 Is the site trying to explain, inform, persuade, or sell something?
6.Accuracy. It refers to the credibility of the website. Evaluating a web site for accuracy:
 Reliability: Is the author affiliated with a known, respectable institution?
 References: do statistics and other factual information receive proper references as to their origin?
 Is the information comparable to other sites on the same topic?
 Does the text follow basic rules of grammar, spelling and composition?
 Is a bibliography or reference list included?

Let’s Engage
Activity No. 1
Instructions: Listed below are some of the platforms. Complete the table below by providing name of website and a short description
using the internet. Write your answers on the worksheet provided.


Presentation or
Social News

Cloud Computing

Blogs and Forums

File Management

Activity No. 2
Instructions: Look at the following images and create a hashtag based on the type of online threat represented by each image. Write your
answers on the worksheet provided.

1. # _____________________________________________ 2. # ______________________________________

VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innovating Educational ministry committed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.
3. # _________________________________________ 4. # ____________________________________

5. # __________________________________________

Activity No. Check
Instructions: Answer the questions below in 3-5 sentences only. Write you’re an
swer on the worksheet provided,

1. From all you have learned in Lesson 2, why is there a need to “think before you click?
2. How dependent are we on technology?
3. How do the different online platforms help you as a student in your chosen track?
Activity No. 4
Instructions: Follow the steps below and answer the following questions 3-5 sentences only. Write your answer on the worksheet
1. Using the Internet, try to search for your complete name.
2. Write down how many sites have featured your personal name and what is written about you.
3. Answer the following:
 What other information are written about you?
 Are the search results coming from reliable sources? Why?
 Should these bits of information need to be posted or shown in public?

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) often deals with the use of different technologies such as mobile phones,
telephones, computer, Internet, and other devices, as well as software and applications to locate, save, send, and manipulate information.
Empowering ICT is important for its innovative uses impacts our daily lives. It has affected our ways of communicating, made our lives
more convenient, and assisted countries towards their modernization plans. Thus, there is a need to create a foundation of
understanding in the world of ICT.

VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innovating Educational ministry committed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.
Worksheet in Empowerment Technology 12
Module No. 1-2

Name : __________________________________________________ Grade and Section : _________________________

Teacher(s) :
Activity No. 1


Presentation or Powerful data visualization tool that allows you

Visualization Tableau to create interactive charts, graphs, and maps.

Social News Reddit Popular social media platform where users can
submit and vote on content.

Cloud Computing Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud computing platform that offers a wide
variety of services, including storage, compute,
and databases.
Blogs and Forums WordPress Popular blogging platform that allows you to
create and manage your own blog.

File Management Cloud storage service that allows you to store and
Dropbox share files online.

Activity No. 2

1. #PhishingScams
2. #CyberbullyingAwareness
3. #PasswordSecurity
4. #MalwareAlert
5. #PrivacyProtection

Activity No. 3

1. Thinking before clicking is crucial because the internet is rife with potential threats like scams, malware, and
misinformation. A single careless click can compromise your personal information, infect your device with viruses, or
spread false information. By being cautious and evaluating the credibility of sources and the safety of links, you can
protect yourself and others from these risks.

2. Our dependence on technology has grown significantly, as it permeates almost every aspect of our daily lives. From
communication and entertainment to work and education, technology plays a central role. It has become so integrated
that for many, a day without technology can severely disrupt their routine and productivity.

3. Online platforms provide a wealth of resources and tools that can enhance learning and research. They offer access to
educational content, collaboration with peers and instructors, and the ability to share and receive feedback on one's
work. They also enable the development of digital skills that are essential in today's technology-driven world.

VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innovating Educational ministry committed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.
Activity No. 4


VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innovating Educational ministry committed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.

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