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1 Explain about त्रिविध हेतुसङ्ग्रहः|

त्रिविध हेतुसङ्ग्रहः have been described in Charak Samhita as follows-

कालबुद्धीन्द्रियार्थानां योगो मिथ्या न चाति च|

द्वयाश्रयाणां व्याधीनां त्रिविधो हेतुसङ्ग्रहः|

It is a causative factor of physical and mental diseases. Three causes are

responsible for disease manifestation are wrong, less and over utilization of Kala
(time factor), buddhi (intellect) and indriyartha (sense organs).

हीन योग of काल –less heat in summer and less cold in winter than normal.

हीन योग of अर्थ-

शब्द – not hearing any sound

स्पर्श – not touching anything

रूप- seeing objects in dimlight

रस – no tasting sweet rasa.

गंध –no smelling

हीन योग of कर्म –not doing any activity.

मिथ्या योग of काल-cold in summer and heat in winter

मिथ्या योग of अर्थ- seeing unnatural objects

Hearing harsh, unpleasant sounds

Smelling unpleasant, putrefying smells

Tasting undesirable

Contact of hard, dirty and harmful things

मिथ्या योग of कर्म- doing unusual activities like suppression of natural urges,
falling from great height.

अतियोग of काल – excessive heat in summer and cold in winter than normal.

अतियोग of अर्थ-

seeing very bright objects

Hearing very loud sounds

Smelling powerful pungent smell

Eating large quantities of substances

Touching too much cold and hot substances

अतियोग of कर्म- indulging activities more than capacity like exercise, riding,
talking, thinking

All the cause of disease are included in this three category. These hetus are also
known as असात्म्येन्द्रियार्थसंयोगः, प्रज्ञापराध and परिणाम.

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