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Group 2

1. In your opinion, how does the acceptance or rejection of traditional gender roles
contribute to or hinder social progress?

• Gender roles also contribute societal progress because it highlights the strengths that men
and women has; strengths they can mobilize for their own individual good.
• Societies can build more inclusive workplaces by challenging and breaking down old
gender norms and practices. This can lead to additional chances for everyone, regardless
of gender, resulting in a more diversified and dynamic society.
• Sticking to traditional gender roles would result to increased stigmatization for those
people who opt not to follow these gender roles. Stigmatization leads to strained family
relationships, mental health issues, social backlash,
• In almost all societies, women enjoy less opportunities than mean. As a consequence,
accepting traditional gender roles also perpetuate the status quo of male dominance and
gender disparity and inequality.
• Acceptance of gender roles will limit the potential of both men and women in exploring
other fields which are not prescribed by their gender roles. They cannot be in their “full
selves” if they are caged in identities and the roles and expectations attached to it.
• As sources of power and decision-making are traditionally concentrated to men, chances
are women are excluded from these spaces of power thereby leading to underrepresentation
of women in positions and spaces of leadership, decision-making, and participation at all
• Rejecting traditional roles gives more flexibility to both men and women.
• The rejection of traditional gender roles will reduce the “multiple burdens” that women
experience. Sharing of responsibilities between men and women will lead to a better-
managed household.
• Supporters of the rejection of traditional gender norms claim that it contributes to society
progress by encouraging gender equality. Societies can build more inclusive workplaces
by challenging and breaking down old gender norms and practices. This can lead to
additional chances for everyone, regardless of gender, resulting in a more diversified and
dynamic society.

2. What changes or improvements do you hope to see in societal attitudes toward

gender roles in the future?

• Open-mindedness in the change of gender roles as the change is inevitable.

• More accepting and welcoming families to children that are non-conforming with gender
roles and societal expectations.
• Shared parenting (i.e. child-rearing) and more equitable distribution of tasks at home.
• Better treatment of women in the workplace, school, and at home
• Respect in people’s beliefs of what their perceptions of gender roles are.
• A growing movement of people who challenge and redefine gender norms, asserting their
individuality and embracing non-conventional roles to which their stories inspire and
empower others to embrace their true selves, irrespective of societal expectations.
• Greater participation of women and other gender minorities in historically men-dominated

Group 2 members:

1. Dorothy Indino
2. Arjay Aquino
3. Allin Joy Camile
4. Virgil Mari Astillo
5. Chedelyn Gee S. Tabalba
6. William Plasabas
7. Emmanuel Nartatez II
8. Joielyn Barasbaras

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