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Title: Overpopulation Research Paper Thesis: Crafting an Effective Argument

Writing a thesis on overpopulation presents a unique set of challenges. It requires a deep

understanding of complex socio-economic, environmental, and ethical issues. Crafting a compelling
argument demands thorough research, critical analysis, and precise articulation of ideas.

The complexity of the topic often overwhelms students, making it difficult to formulate a clear thesis
statement and organize supporting evidence. Moreover, the vast amount of information available on
overpopulation can be daunting to navigate, leading to confusion and frustration.

One of the biggest hurdles in writing a thesis on overpopulation is synthesizing diverse perspectives
and data from various disciplines such as sociology, economics, environmental science, and public
policy. Integrating these disparate sources into a coherent argument requires both skill and patience.

Furthermore, addressing the ethical dimensions of overpopulation adds another layer of complexity.
Balancing concerns about human rights, social justice, and environmental sustainability requires
careful deliberation and nuanced argumentation.

Given these challenges, seeking assistance from professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can be invaluable. Our experienced writers specialize in crafting high-quality
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The most disturbing feature of the actual population crises is that extremely few understand them,
and majority still believes that the contrary exists. This problem can be solved easily with some
family planning but only the educated know about this and we need to inform the set of the
population that isn’t aware of this problem. Though the overall population remains the same, it just
affects the density of population making that place simply overcrowded. The purpose of this paper is
to explore the effects of population growth on development and to show that overpopulation is
closely linked to gender politics. It was stimulus of Great geographical findings, technical
inventions, and the scientific process. The government of an overpopulated country falls into
constantly increasing debt, and cannot climb back up out of the hole they have dug. The positive
effects of those strategies had been but few. The major issue at this point is the importance of the
short-range forecasts demonstrating the possibility that the human population will double in the very
near future. In the history of our species, the birth and death rate have always been able to balance
each and maintain a population growth rate that is sustainable. However, another theory is that the
overpopulation can provide benefits to their society. Thomas Malthus, a British demographer, and
political economist developed a theory of overpopulation warning humanity of the dangers of
swelling numbers. Human overpopulation that overpopulation, 2015 research papers, unsustainability,
apa and the international debate education association. Researchers are committed to addressing
individuals' basic needs while acknowledging that population growth remains an ongoing problem.
And coupled with the aforementioned lack of access to clean water, to say nothing of other problems
such as air and land pollution, this becomes a greater problem. However, it should be reiterated that
all these groups are making at least one glaring omission. Those people are unable to understand the
harmful effects of overpopulation and lack of ignorance prompts them to avoid family planning
measures. Composing remarkable Research Papers is an even more exhausting exercise. While birth
rates have fallen in many states and parts. Today there are effective medicines which can increases
the chance of conception and lead to rise in birth rate. The purpose of this paper is to examine
specific population issues in China, india, and Japan and to determine what practices are currently
working, and what still remains to be done. Families that have been through poverty, natural disasters
or are simply in need of more hands to work are a major factor for overpopulation. The issue now is
that people don’t think about the future consequences. This excess labor supply will not be absorbed
into the job markets and poverty will increase. Awesome Inc. theme. Theme images by
molotovcoketail. That is to say, in the 21st century, the environment faces a lot of problems. Such
industries often release their waste products carelessly into the environment. And while the Ganges
has long been noted to possess an uncanny, maybe even supernatural ability to spontaneously cleanse
itself, such knowledge may end up perpetuating the problem, chiefly by creating a lack of concern
among Indian citizens regarding its pollution. More people equals more manpower, and manpower
means a lot to a country. Starvation is a huge issue facing the world and the mortality rate for
children is being fuelled by it. The causes of overpopulation in India can be generalized to other
Asian developing countries because they have similar cultures. For many people, having more
children became the symbol of healthier life (Cassis, 1994).
Tax Benefits or Concessions: Government of various countries might have to come with various
policies related to tax exemptions to curb overpopulation. Why should you not have the benefit of
having access to more resources. If you told someone they’d be moving from their dream home into
an apartment, they’d also probably protest- they worked hard for their dream home. This
presentation of a case study seeks to find out the state of the urban centres in line with the
populations in these towns in india. Poverty, in turn, can never be completely advocated as long as a
large chunk of the population lives on the sidewalk, in cardboard boxes, in shantytowns or in dank,
one-bedroom apartments. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Governments should
pay special attention to it and start birth control programs to control it. And while the Ganges has
long been noted to possess an uncanny, maybe even supernatural ability to spontaneously cleanse
itself, such knowledge may end up perpetuating the problem, chiefly by creating a lack of concern
among Indian citizens regarding its pollution. According to the U.S. Census, the world population
was six billion in 1999 and on October 31, 2011, it reached seven billion. Global recognition of
overpopulation as a pressing issue has led to extensive studies assessing the consequences of
population growth. It is also considered to be cheaper and faster compared to cutting and clearing
using excavators or other machines damaging living organisms such as animals and food crops, or the
natural environment. Undoubtedly, people are draining and abusing the environment, an issue which
should be resolved globally. The main reason behind this problem occurring is overpopulation. By
clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy.
Overpopulation in 2050 2 Overpopulation in 2050: Danger’s of the Near Future “Humans interact
with aliens”. Among nonliving factors of overpopulation, the most important are public health
improvements, the advances in human knowledge of ecology and biology, better access to nonliving
resources like oil and gas, improved transportation and communication and, simultaneously, the
growing social gap between different population layers. Like any other issue, overpopulation has
good and bad sides. This paper is going to disapprove the critics of overpopulation by drawing upon
relevant resources and using sound arguments to justify the benefits of overpopulation. Rather, the
choice must be made to go against the status quo and set a higher standard of living. From 1925 to
1948, BIRTH CONTROL MOVEMENT was started in Puerto Rico because it was believed that the
country’s poverty and underdevelopment were linked to overpopulation. Today, with our limited
natural resources and the rapid growth of the human population worldwide, Overpopulation has
indeed become a serious problem. In conclusion, we can see that because of various different reasons,
the Philippines, and specifically Manila, are overpopulated. Considering all of India’s abundance
when it comes to agriculture and crops, it is very disturbing indeed that a sizable chunk of the
population continues to starve, not having enough to eat. There are over 1.3 billion people living in
China and the number is predicted to continue rising. It will take time to change the mindset of
people as a lot of people are against the use of contraceptives because of cultural constraints. Nature
had been patient for some time with the continuous damage being done to the environment, but for
some time now it has started to show signs of impatience. Starvation is a huge issue facing the world
and the mortality rate for children is being fuelled by it. Families with more than five members, in
particular, pose a significant burden on societal resources. Let us write or edit the research paper on
your topic. The author of the work entitled The Population Explosion, Paul Ehrlich, has remarked,
“By assaulting the earth’s ecosystems, humanity is, in essence, sawing off the limb on which it
perches” (Andreason 1999, 770).
However, a drawback of this solution is that it will lead to a reduced per capita consumption and
average health of the population will deteriorate. It is therefore important for parents and teachers to
shed their old inhibitions and make their kids or students aware of solid sex education. It is not
sufficiently adequate to measure overpopulation using population density. And while this would be
awful enough on its own, it becomes downright distressing when one considers that they barely have
any clean, drinkable water either. We should strive to put off environmental misuses without
attempting to reduce population. Last but not least, it is through adequate education that the poor are
equipped with the basic skills, knowledge and competencies needed to get by in the world and
contribute to its betterment in their own little ways, rather than merely remaining dependent on the
charity and the kindness of others. Meat production is shown, but is too small to be seen on the
chart. Government officials can take advantage of the opportunity to go beyond mere theoretical
discourse. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Frequent natural disasters and
climate change have been happening around the world. However, the resource pie is far from big
enough to divide it into equal pieces among everyone (Cassis, 2004). Additionally, approximately
88% of all Indian citizens have been said to have access to improved sources of water as of 2008.
Meanwhile, human society continues conquering the most dangerous infections and diseases,
making human organism more resistant to various kinds of living organisms. Better health is both the
product of better nutrition and better medical practices. While birth rates have fallen in many states
and parts. In conclusion, we can see that because of various different reasons, the Philippines, and
specifically Manila, are overpopulated. Overpopulation is causing economic, social, and
environmental issues. This increasing population, in turn, affects many features which include the
negative contribution to the beauty of land, forests, environment and the entire ecosystem. Countries
like Bangladesh and Pakistan require the most amount of family planning as most of the population
are struggling to make ends meet. Economies like Japan apply to complex policies of economic
growth, based on the belief that economic prosperity and lower fertility rates are closely connected
(Cassis, 2004). A lot of the studies have proven the lower the education the higher the birth rate. We
use cookies to create the best experience for you. According to the Ecological Society of America
(2000), an ecosystem is a community of animals and plants interacting with one another and their
physical environment. Rising population is putting a huge pressure on the earth's environment and
resources, which is fast depleting. Even worse is that some governments may not be that effective at
providing for their far-too-many citizens to begin with, resulting in widespread suffering all over the
country. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Fagley, R.M. The Population Explosion and
Christian Responsibility. The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population, This is causing.
The food available to an average household will fall as population increases. Family planning
basically means trying to create a balance between the resources we have left and the population. So,
the country slowly began to decline in the rate of its population increase after World War II. The
farmers won’t get enough land to grow their crops and this creates more issues with the supply of
And that’s the problem- human attachment.As humans, we grow to like things, dislike things, and
we grow to call places and systems our home. The only way to find balance in this by equalizing the
number of deaths per birth but this hasn’t happened in a long time because of improved healthcare
people are living longer. In today's world, the use of technology for communication and media is
crucial to stay updated on current events. Problems such as overpopulation, pollution, global
warming and increased expenditure on defense have also risen as a consequence to the events taking
place in the 21st century. Intended Consequences: Birth Control, Abortion, and the Federal
Government in Modern America. In the US during the 1800’s, families with 6-9 children were
extremely common. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. It is defined as the
adding any substance in the form of energy to the environment at a faster rate than it can
accommodate by decomposition, dispersion, recycling or storage in the form that is harmless. Learn
More Introduction The growth and development of the human race has over the centuries grown
exponentially. Such authors as P. Researchers state that population growth has a great influence on
food shortage. Effects of Overpopulation Very few people understand how severe the consequences
of overpopulation can be. Zedong encouraged the Chinese people to bear as many children as
possible. Indeed, the country has been known for its potential to rank very high among the nations in
terms of crop production, and has in fact managed to produce the second highest yield of rice and
wheat as of 1999. Gmos to find what you might think, and other links may also sort these other links
may also sort these times of people. Interestingly, this claim has not been founded on economic
reality or valid reason. Burning of fossil fuels to run factories, power plants and motorized vehicles
are contributing to huge amount of environment pollution every day (Danelski, 2006, p. Exactly why
India is home to so many of the poor and the marginalized is mind-boggling, considering how rich it
is in terms of natural resources. The author of the work entitled The Population Explosion, Paul
Ehrlich, has remarked, “By assaulting the earth’s ecosystems, humanity is, in essence, sawing off the
limb on which it perches” (Andreason 1999, 770). Let us write or edit the research paper on your
topic. This is certainly not an exploratory or hypothetical practice. Hollingsworth, W. Ending the
Explosion: Population Policies and Ethics for a Human Future. Surprise the committee with a
creative presentation. As the population grows, there is increased demand for resources such as food,
water, and land. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy
policy. Developing nations face the problem of overpopulation more than developed countries, but it
affects most of the Earth as of now. Additionally, certain cultural and economic incentives, such as
social security systems and pension plans, may encourage people to have larger families. While all
this is good for mankind, it isn’t good for the environment and the future. As already noted, the
deplorable standard of water sanitation in India is definitely a major, major problem, and has been
shown to share the strongest links with poverty and lack of education. As a result, Indonesia was
able to decrease its fertility rates by almost 40 percent (Pakenham, 2004). Check out this still a non-
profit organization based in a non-profit web publication seeking to develop a non-profit research
paper topics and more.
Overpopulation is conventionally seen as a threat as it requires the government to provide for the
increased needs of the people. This excess labor supply will not be absorbed into the job markets and
poverty will increase. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
The uneven distribution of wealth also factors into the equation. They are cutting down forests,
hunting wildlife in a reckless manner, causing pollution and creating a host of problems. Those
engaged in talking about overpopulation have noticed that acts of violence and aggression outside of
a war zone have increased tremendously while competing for resources. Moreover, there is generally
a great deal more crime such as using drugs, killing. And while this would be awful enough on its
own, it becomes downright distressing when one considers that they barely have any clean,
drinkable water either. Additionally, the main problem of overpopulation shall also be connected to
other pervading issues within the country in order to shed more light on the situation. As already
noted, the Ganges river has been said to possess an almost supernatural ability to cleanse itself,
convincing most Indians of its religious significance. The overpopulation essay thesis is the key idea
that writers argue in their papers or its central message. People who have a low standard of living
want to have more earning hands so they produce more children. Really, significant improvements in
medical practices and public health systems made the rapid growth of population possible and even
threatening to the stability of the social order on the planet. Burning of fossil fuels to run factories,
power plants and motorized vehicles are contributing to huge amount of environment pollution every
day (Danelski, 2006, p. We must tell people to make more conscious efforts so that we can reap the
benefits of later without future generations. Such would not be a problem if those who were well-off
were kind and compassionate enough to share their blessings with the poor in their midst. Major
corporations also play a major part in the detriment of the environment. And that’s the problem-
human attachment.As humans, we grow to like things, dislike things, and we grow to call places and
systems our home. In spite of the unquestioned abundance of food in the country, it is rarely made
readily accessible to the ones who need it most, and instead ends up being monopolized by the rich
at the expense of the poor. Nevertheless, advocates of this claim confuse causation with correlation
(Andreason 1999). This becomes an even more urgent concern when one takes into account how
India’s population is exceeded only by the Chinese, and how even this state of affairs may not last
much longer. Rapid technological advancement led to the development of more sophisticated
fertilizers, machinery, and new kinds of seed, which altogether sped up the expansion of agricultural
production all over the world (Miller, 1995). Global recognition of overpopulation as a pressing issue
has led to extensive studies assessing the consequences of population growth. Melting of polar ice
caps, changing climate patterns, rise in sea level are few of the consequences that we might we have
to face due to environment pollution. As we collectively strive to find sustainable solutions to the
impacts of overpopulation, there is a tangible hope that our societies will witness a positive
transformation, resolving the intricate problems currently plaguing us. Effects of Overpopulation
Depletion of Natural Resources: The effects of overpopulation are quite severe. The more the people,
the more pollution they will cause. Overpopulation is the root of environmental deteriorations such
as. Most parents feel shy in discussing such things with their kids which result in their children going
out and look out for such information on internet or discuss it with their peers. This is highly
important as we can avoid many issues such as the depletion of resources and avoid scarcity of
resources. R Ehrlich and Mike Davis pay a special attention to the problem of overpopulation and its
impact on famine.
Women must be able to have an abortion if they decide that they cannot afford to raise a child. They
are cutting down forests, hunting wildlife in a reckless manner, causing pollution and creating a host
of problems. Those engaged in talking about overpopulation have noticed that acts of violence and
aggression outside of a war zone have increased tremendously while competing for resources.
However, no dangers are as threatening to humanity as those created by humans themselves. To
make people aware of the crisis of overpopulation 2. Indeed, instead of merely donating things to
them, it would be much more prudent to teach them the skills they need to know, to educate them as
to which habits they really ought to continue, which ones they need to start practicing, and which
ones they need to put a stop to. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and
word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. However, the resource pie is far
from big enough to divide it into equal pieces among everyone (Cassis, 2004). This is a direct result
of overpopulation in the Philippines, and shows how much overpopulation has affected the
Philippines.Figure 1, shown above, demonstrates the trade deficit of food in the Philippines. This is
highly important as we can avoid many issues such as the depletion of resources and avoid scarcity
of resources. So it is very important that we take action now and make sure we create awareness for
the future. In the event that the population in these settings continues to increase, many people will
be predisposed to water-borne illnesses Negative Population Growth 1. Let us write or edit the
research paper on your topic. All of this will only become worse if solutions are not sought out for
the factors affecting our population. Unless governments and institutions blaze a trail in stopping
these patterns, the world’s populations are not apt to implement more sustainable strategies. Share to
Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. The discovery of agriculture by our ancestors was one
factor that provided them with the ability to sustain their nutrition without hunting. A victim of
terrorism will not be able to realize this while he decomposes underground, so it is important that the
citizens take action now. It is stated that every citizen has the right to equality that shall not be
stripped away, in many cases that is not true. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.
Many people link such happenings to the constant population growth. While India has never been
known for being the cleanest country in Asia, let alone the world, the fact that there are too many
people living there serves as one of the biggest reasons for its deplorable state in this regard. For
instance, many religious people in the rural areas of India are against the idea of using contraceptives
as they consider using them as sinful. This results in a cyclical pattern of poverty perpetuated by
overpopulation. Despite their qualifications, the limited availability of positions in companies and
offices fails to meet the expectations of the labor force. The problem with overpopulation is that the
government and the higher authorities find it difficult to supply the required means to everyone.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. These, however, are
separate attempts to resolve separate issues in separate countries. The causes of overpopulation in
India can be generalized to other Asian developing countries because they have similar cultures.
Difficulties with food production, continuous poverty, climate changes and significant crop losses
add their share of complexity to the issue of overpopulation. Governing an overpopulated country
presents problems. The economy is stretched beyond belief, and civil wars break our left, right, and
When trees are cut, the humidity in the atmosphere reduces and arid conditions are experienced.
Making People Aware of Family Planning: As population of this world is growing at a rapid pace,
raising awareness among people regarding family planning and letting them know about serious after
effects of overpopulation can help curb population growth. But this matter at the same time served
as stimulus for people to aspire to development of new terrestrial spaces. The causes of
overpopulation are considered along with an elaborated discussion on the effects and consequences
of the issue. High Cost of Living: As difference between demand and supply continues to expand
due to overpopulation, it raises the prices of various commodities including food, shelter and
healthcare. Countries like the USA and Canada experienced a rise in population because of the
increase in immigrants from overseas. Overpopulation: Research Paper, Sample of Research papers
2022-10-28. Marriage at an early age increases the reproductive span especially for women.
Overpopulation: Living and Nonliving Factors and Positive and Negative Sides of the Issue
Definitely, the current state of population on the planet is the result of both living and nonliving
influences. People are also the main users of what the nature could give. There are also countries that
instead fail miserably, due to the untimely interplay of certain factors. Santa Ana, CA: Seven Locks
Press, 1996. Jakab, C. Overpopulation. Smart Apple Media, 2008. These, however, are separate
attempts to resolve separate issues in separate countries. Overpopulation can be phrased in many
ways, but all definitions are based on one concept; it is regarded as the number of people in a certain
area exceeds the carrying capacity of the area (Population Reference Bureau). In spite of the
unquestioned abundance of food in the country, it is rarely made readily accessible to the ones who
need it most, and instead ends up being monopolized by the rich at the expense of the poor. This
puts the country in debt at stretches the government’s already meagre resources. Difference between
the number of people who are leaving the country and the number of people who enter narrows
down which leads to more demand for food, clothes, energy and homes. Today, with our limited
natural resources and the rapid growth of the human population worldwide, Overpopulation has
indeed become a serious problem. Having fewer children, in reality, tends to lessen people’s quality
of life (Gilland 2008). People living in slum areas are exposed to all kinds of diseases because of
poor hygienic conditions. The sewage systems are likewise not something to be proud of, and pose
yet another problem that India’s 17 currently operating sanitation facilities are far from capable of
rectifying. I come from the we are infesting the international debate education association. Following
are the causes of overpopulation in developing Asian countries similar to India. However, it will be
challenging and much more fulfilling than struggling to reduce the current and future populations of
the world. Policies of international organizations should concentrate on mitigating poverty and
distributing resources equally. Moreover, Revelle claimed that poor countries, such as those in Africa,
have the capacity to feed large populations (ibid, p. 769). These assumptions were founded on a
technology developed in 1984; there is reasonable hopefulness that agricultural methods will
facilitate significantly greater crop yields at present and in the near future (Andreason 1999). The
next section will review and discuss the arguments for and against the implementation of population
growth control measures by the government. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded
papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. This article contains three sets of essays that is a 150-
word essay, a 300-word essay, and a 500-word essay. By creating awareness only can people get
informed on the various issues at hand.

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