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Parental Support: Its Behavioral Impact Amongst Grade 10 Students of Bernardo D.

Carpio National High


Chapter 1

Parents have a significant impact on their children's lives. Parental support plays a vital role in
shaping the development and well-being of adolescents, particularly during the critical transition period
of adolescence. Much research has consistently shown that parental support, including emotional
support, communication, and involvement in school activities, significantly impacts student behavior.
During this phase, the role of parents becomes increasingly influential in shaping their child's
development. Parental support, encompassing various forms of involvement, guidance, and
encouragement, has been recognized as crucial in determining behavioral outcomes.
This study aims to investigate the impact of parental support on the behavior of Grade 10
students, exploring the relationship between parental support and key behavioral indicators such as
academic performance, emotional well-being, communication, self-discipline, and peer relationships.
A study by Dumka, Gonzales, and Bonds McClain (2009) found that parental involvement,
including academic support, positively correlated with higher academic achievements. Academic
performance is a fundamental aspect of a student's life, and parental support is vital in facilitating
educational success. According to Bryan (2005), children are likely to excel in academics when their
parents' actively participate in their education. Moreover, the emotional well-being of adolescents is
intricately linked to their overall behavioral patterns. Parental support has been shown to significantly
influence the emotional development of adolescents, fostering a sense of security, self-esteem, and
resilience. Parents can reduce adverse behavioral outcomes by creating a nurturing and supportive
environment, including aggression, delinquency, and substance abuse. Parental monitoring, consistent
discipline, and clear communication have been linked to reduced engagement in substance abuse,
delinquency, and other risk-taking behaviors (Barnes et al., 2006; Barnes et al., 2007). Effective
communication and positive parent-child relationships are vital components of healthy adolescent
development. Parental support encompassing active listening, guidance, and open dialogue helps foster
strong bonds between parents and their Grade 10 students. Such relationships can lead to enhanced
communication skills, mutual respect, and trust, positively influencing behavior. By investigating the
impact of parental support on communication patterns and relationship building, this study aims to
uncover how parents can promote positive behavioral outcomes in Grade 10 students.
Furthermore, parental support plays a significant role in cultivating self-discipline and a sense of
responsibility among adolescents. Clear expectations, consistent routines, and guidance in decision-
making enable students to develop self-control, time management skills, and accountability for their
actions. This study examines how parental involvement influences self-discipline and responsibility in
grade 10 students, thereby contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the behavioral impact of
parental support.
Lastly, the influence of parental support extends beyond the parent-child relationship and can
indirectly impact adolescents' relationships with their peers. Positive parental support has been linked
to higher self-esteem, better social skills, and a sense of belonging, which is crucial for healthy peer
interactions. By exploring the relationship between parental support and peer relationships, this
research aims to elucidate how parents' involvement can contribute to developing positive peer
associations and mitigate the negative influence of peer pressure on behavior.
In conclusion, this study seeks to contribute to the existing knowledge on parental support and
its behavioral impact among Grade 10 students. By investigating the relationship between parental
support and academic performance, emotional well-being, communication, self-discipline, and peer
relationships, this research aims to provide valuable insights that can inform educational institutions,
parents, and policymakers in promoting positive behavioral development. This research will present
findings from a quantitative study conducted with Grade 10 students.

Statement of the Problem

This study investigates the behavioral impact of parental support among Grade 10 students.
Specifically, it aims to answer the following research questions:

1. What is the level of support of parents to the grade 10 students of Bernardo D. Carpio National High
2. What is the social and behavioral status of grade 10 students of Bernardo D. Carpio National High
3. Does parental support significantly impact the behavior of grade 10 students of Bernardo D. Carpio
National High School?

Items ACADEMIC GUIDANCE Always Most of the Sometimes Rarely Never

No. time
1. Do your parents help you create a study schedule
or plan to manage your time effectively?
2. Do your parents provide resources, such as books,
educational materials, or online resources, to
support your academic learning and self-
3. Do your parents/ guardians actively encourage
your participation in extracurricular activities
(e.g., sports, club, music)?
4. Do your parents/guardians provide assistance or
guidance with your homework or school projects?
5. Do your parents actively engage in discussions
about your academic interests and aspirations,
helping you explore potential educational

Items EMOTIONAL Always Most of the Sometimes Rarely Never

No. time
1. How often do your parents offer words of
encouragement and motivation to help you
maintain self-discipline in your studies?
2. How frequently do your parents express
understanding and empathy when you face
academic difficulties or stress?
3. Do your parents actively listen to your academic
concerns and provide a safe space for you to
share your feelings and frustrations?
4. Do your parents/guardians engage in discussions
about the importance of self-care and balance
between academics and personal well-being?
5. Do you feel comfortable discussing your emotions
and feelings with your parents/guardians?

6. In times of stress or difficult situations, do your

parents/guardians provide you with emotional
reassurance and comfort?

Items COMMUNICATION Always Most of the Sometimes Rarely Never

No. time
1. How often do your parents/guardians initiate
conversations about your academic progress,
goals, and challenges?
2. How frequently do your parents ask about your
day at school and actively listen to your
3. Are your parents/guardians responsive and
attentive when you approach them with
questions or concerns related to your education?
4. Do your parents/guardians provide constructive
feedback and guidance on how to improve your
academic performance?

5. Do you feel pressure by your parents to achieve

specific academic goals or performance

Items B. Student’s Behavior Always Most of the Sometimes Rarely Never

No. time
1. How often do you complete your assignments on
2. How frequently do you engage in proactive
studying and review, rather than cramming at the
last minute?
3. How often do you actively participate in class
discussions and ask questions to enhance your
understanding of the material?
4. How frequently do you utilize effective time
management strategies to balance your academic
tasks with other activities and commitments?
5. How often do you demonstrate respect and
cooperation towards your teachers and
classmates in the classroom setting?
6. Have you ever received disciplinary action or
consequences due to your behavior in school?
7. How often do you seek feedback from your
teachers or peers to improve your academic
8. To what extent do you spend time reading or
pursuing educational hobbies or interests?

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