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Characteristics of
Organic Tank
Lining Systems
By Trevor Parry
Scientific & Technical Services Ltd., Blaydon, UK

a fter more than 25

years of investigating coating fail-
cargoes, since retention of cargo
within a coating can have a detri-
ures in cargo tanks of chemical mental effect on the coating per-
tankers, it is clear that in many in- formance and contaminate a sub-
stances the coatings failed even sequent cargo by desorption.
though the ship’s operators strictly This article deals with results of
followed the coating manufactur- the absorption/desorption charac-
er’s guidelines for cargo compati- teristics of a number of the tank
bility. linings examined.
The simple tests involving static
immersion of coated panels in car- Absorption/Desorption Potential
goes and visual examination of the Although the fact that organic
panels have limited value. There- coatings absorb and desorb car-
fore, a test programme was devel- goes is not new, only recently has
oped to compare the results of sim- information on the subject been
ple static immersion tests in single published. Most of the work has
cargoes with those of cyclic tests been done by a few researchers,
involving repeated periods of im- mainly in the employ of paint
mersion and cleaning to simulate manufacturers and often limited to
typical voyages involving sequen- their own coating systems. Conse-
tial cargo carriage. quently, many ship owners and
The test programme evaluated operators are unaware of the po-
the coatings’ absorption/desorp- tential for cargo retention in tank
tion characteristics with a range of linings until they are faced with

24 PCE December 1998 Copyright ©1998, Technology Publishing Company

the problem. This frequently oc-
curs with high purity cargoes and
cargoes designated for the food EDC
chain, particularly those subjected STYRENE
to sophisticated modern techniques VAM
that enable content analysis down
to the level of parts per billion.
Although organic coatings con-
tain a degree of extractable materi-
al from solvents, additives, etc., it
is present in a defined quantity
and poses a limited risk of contam-
ination, since once the material
has been extracted—generally in
the early life of the coating—it is Fig. 1: Isocyanate-cured epoxy
no longer present.
The contamination potential of METHANOL
cargoes absorbed into a coating is EDC

far greater because STYRENE

• large quantities can be retained; VAM

• the amount retained after differ-

ent time periods is not well de-
• very variable absorption/desorp-
tion characteristics are found be-
tween different coating types and
within the same generic types of
coatings from different manufactur-
ers; and
• different rates of absorption/des- Fig. 2: Amine-cured epoxy

orption are found between differ-

ent cargoes. METHANOL

Factors such as coating thick- EDC

ness, temperature, and tank clean- STYRENE

ing also affect the potential for ab- VAM

sorption and desorption.

Test Programme
Seventeen coating systems of
three generic types—isocyanate-
cured epoxy, amine-cured epoxy,
and phenolic epoxy—were evaluat-
ed in the test programme.
The cargoes involved in the ab-
sorption/desorption work were Fig. 3: Phenolic epoxy

methanol, ethylene dichloride

(EDC), acetone, acrylonitrile (VAM), and gasoline. panels to monitor the increase in
(ACN), caproic acid, methylene The test method used was simi- weight over a time period. After
chloride, trichloroethylene, distilled lar to one based on ASTM D570, constant weight was achieved, the
water, ethyl acetate, ethylene glycol Standard Test Method for Water panels were allowed to naturally
monomethyl ether, methyl tertiary Absorption of Plastics. It involved desorb and the weight change was
butyl ether (MTBE), styrene immersing coated test panels into monitored over another time period.
monomer, vinyl acetate monomer the cargoes and then weighing the The following criteria were used.

Copyright ©1998, Technology Publishing Company PCE December 1998 25




25 C and 50% relative humidity.

Contributory factors that could
affect the absorption/desorption
rates, including temperature, hu-
midity, and simulated tank clean-
ing, were evaluated.

Due to the very large amounts of
Fig. 4: Variation of coating types to EDC data produced in the study, the fo-
cus of this article is limited to only
four cargoes: methanol, EDC,
styrene monomer, and vinyl ac-

etate monomer. The results
demonstrate the variation in ab-
sorption/desorption rates for the
different cargoes; the variation that
occurs between coating types; and
the variation that occurs within the
same generic coating types pro-
duced by different manufacturers.
In Figures 1, 2, and 3, it can be
seen that irrespective of coating
type, EDC is absorbed to a far
Fig. 5: Variation of coating types to styrene greater degree than the other car-
goes and, except for styrene
monomer in amine-cured epoxy
and isocyanate-cured epoxy, the
AMINE EPOXY initial absorption rate is rapid.
The initial desorption of all car-
goes is rapid, but in the case of
styrene monomer, it slows down
over a longer period of time with
generally more cargo being re-
tained in the coating at equilibri-
um, particularly in the case of iso-
cyanate-cured epoxy and phenolic
epoxy types.
With respect to EDC, Figure 4
Fig. 6: Variation of coating types to VAM shows that the isocyanate-cured
epoxy absorbed approximately
• All coatings were applied to steel • Coatings were pre-extracted with twice the amount of cargo as the
panels blast cleaned to Sa 3 (white methanol to remove residual mate- other coating types. However, the
metal). rial that could affect the test results release rates were rapid in all cas-
• Coatings were applied to the and then dried to a constant es, with approximately the same
manufacturer’s recommended weight to remove the methanol. amount of cargo being retained in
thickness and cured to the manu- • The results described here are for the coating at equilibrium.
facturer’s requirements. desorption into an atmosphere of Figure 5 demonstrates the large

26 PCE December 1998 Copyright ©1998, Technology Publishing Company




variation among the coatings in

the absorption of styrene
monomer. The isocyanate epoxy
attained an initial equilibrium state
and then showed a further rapid
increase that did not attain equilib-
rium. The test was terminated at
6,000 hours to determine the des-
orption from that point. The initial
desorption initially occurred quick- Fig. 7: Variation within amine epoxies to EDC
ly, but after approximately 3,000
hours, 2.5–8% of styrene monomer COATING 1
remained in the coatings. COATING 2
The absorption characteristics of COATING 3
vinyl acetate monomer are shown
in Figure 6. The isocyanate epoxy
absorbed the greatest amount of
cargo at equilibrium. The initial
absorption and desorption rates
were rapid for all coating types,
but the percentage remaining at
equilibrium varied considerably,
with the isocyanate epoxy, having
absorbed the highest amount, re-
taining the least. Fig. 8: Variation within amine epoxies to styrene
The three amine-cured epoxy
coatings performed similarly with COATING 1
respect to initial absorption and COATING 2

desorption rates of EDC, but they COATING 3

showed a marked difference in the

maximum amounts absorbed and
retained at equilibrium (Fig. 7).
In Figure 8, very large variations
can be seen in the shape of the ab-
sorption/desorption curves for the
three amine-cured epoxies with re-
spect to styrene. The amount ab-
sorbed at equilibrium varied from
approximately 2.5–8.5%, and the
amount retained after desorption Fig. 9: Variation within amine epoxies to VAM

varied from approximately

1–5.5%. In coating 2, the desorp- process was much slower and a significant difference being the
tion stage was initially rapid, with longer time period was required to quantity of cargo absorbed at equi-
approximately half of the cargo be- reach equilibrium. librium (8.5–14%) and remaining
ing desorbed in a short time peri- Figure 9 shows the different after desorption (1.5–6%).
od, after which the desorption curves for three amine-cured Four phenolic epoxy coatings are
slowed dramatically. With coatings epoxy coatings with respect to shown in Figure 10 with respect to
1 and 3, however, the desorption vinyl acetate monomer with the EDC. Initial rapid absorption is

Copyright ©1998, Technology Publishing Company PCE December 1998 27




coatings 11 and 13, which ab-
sorbed the greatest and least
amount of cargo at equilibrium, re-
tained a similar amount when des-
orption was complete.
Figure 11 shows a large variation
in the behaviour of the four pheno-
lic epoxy coatings in styrene
monomer. Coating 13, which ab-
Fig. 10: Variation within phenolic epoxies to EDC sorbed the lowest quantity of car-
go, retained the lowest quantity af-
ter desorption, whereas coating 12,
which absorbed the second highest
amount, retained almost 70% of
the absorbed cargo on completion
of the desorption phase.
Variations in the absorption/des-
orption of the four phenolic epoxy
coatings in vinyl acetate monomer
are shown in Figure 12. Three of
the coatings (10, 11, and 13) re-
tained approximately the same
amount after desorption at approxi-
mately 4% even though the
Fig. 11: Variation within phenolic epoxies to styrene amount absorbed varied consider-
ably, between 6.5 and 13%.
Although the rate of absorption
took different forms, the shape of
the desorption curves was similar.

All the coatings that were exam-
ined absorbed and released the
cargoes to varying degrees and at
varying rates and confirmed in
general terms the previous work
undertaken by other researchers.
Although it is difficult to draw
conclusions from an extract of a
Fig. 12: Variation within phenolic epoxies to VAM comprehensive test programme, it
can be seen that there was a large
demonstrated with coatings 10, 11, rably short time period and subse- variation in the characteristics of
and 12, and they also show a rapid quently reaching equilibrium more the coatings of different types and
desorption of more than half the slowly and gradually. The desorp- also a large variation within coat-
absorbed cargo in a short time peri- tion is similarly rapid with approxi- ings of the same generic type.
od before the process slows. Coat- mately half of the absorbed cargo The amounts of cargoes ab-
ing 13 has different absorption being desorbed in a short time peri- sorbed at equilibrium varied con-
characteristics—rapid for a compa- od. It is interesting to note that siderably, and major differences

28 PCE December 1998 Copyright ©1998, Technology Publishing Company

were observed between the in- less than the time taken to
dividual cargoes and the coat- reach the equilibrium absorp-
ings themselves. tion state. Hence, the amount of
The desorption phase was retained cargo after discharge—
initially rapid with most com- and that available for potential
binations of cargoes and coat- cargo contamination—will be
ings, but it did not proceed to influenced by the carriage time
zero in all but a few instances, of the cargo.
hence leaving residual cargo This article has only dealt
within the coating system. with a small amount of the da-
It must be noted that desorp- ta available from the test pro-
tion into an atmosphere of 20 C gramme. It is expected that fu-
and 50% relative humidity can ture works will include infor-
provide a competing mecha- mation on other cargoes and
nism whereby water vapour the effects of temperature and
from the atmosphere can ab- tank cleaning.
sorb into the coating system. In
none of the illustrated results A cargo tank coating in good condition (top) and a test panel References
was a weight gain found dur- showing coating breakdown in the form of blistering (bottom), 1. O.B. Sorensen, “The Fac-
which increases the tendency of the coating to absorb cargo
ing the desorption phase, and (Photos and figures courtesy of the author)
tors Influencing Ventilation and
analysis of paint flakes con- Drying of Epoxy Coated Cargo
firmed the presence of the cargo as amine-cured epoxies where Figure Tanks,” proceedings of Mari-Chem
the major absorbed constituent. 8 illustrates that coating 1 poses a 89, Gastech Ltd. (ed.), 1989.
The variable response to absorp- greater risk for potential cargo cont- 2. W. Woods, “Retention of
tion and desorption of cargoes amination than coating 3. Chemicals by Tank Linings,”
within coatings of the same generic In the case of EDC, which can re- F.O.S.F.A. International Symposium
type places the purchaser in a diffi- act with water to form acidic com- on “Edible Oils—How Pure are
cult position. ponents, paint manufacturers gen- They?” 1989.
Take, for example, phenolic epoxy erally have a clause in their cargo 3. C.E.M. Van der Kolk, “OCL
materials where the purchaser must resistance lists to say that the cargo Epoxy Tanklining—A New Contri-
choose based on published data, should be completely removed from bution to Operational Flexibility in
and the principal information avail- the coating prior to tank cleaning, Chemical Cargo Transport,” pro-
able is the paint manufacturer’s da- loading an aqueous cargo, or other ceedings of MariChem 89, 1989.
ta sheets and cargo resistance lists. contact with water. Figures 7 and 4. W. Woods, “Lining Up for the
Both the data sheets and cargo re- 10 illustrate that some coating sys- Nineties,” Hazardous Cargo Bul-
sistance lists could, in effect, pro- tems retain more EDC than others letin, 1992.
vide very similar information, and at equilibrium and, hence, there is 5. W. Woods, “Tank Coatings—An
to the purchaser there could appear a greater possibility of reaction with Absorbing Subject,” Ship Repair
to be little or no difference in the water and breakdown of the coat- and Marine Maintenance 94, New
coating from a number of manufac- ing system. Orleans, LA, USA, 1994.
turers. Figure 11, however, indicates The amount of absorbed material 6. O.B. Sorensen, “Marine Paints:
that the choice of coating 12 would at equilibrium must be viewed in Coating Systems for Ballast and
pose a much higher risk of retention each individual cargo and coating Product Tanks,” Second Middle
of styrene monomer with the subse- combination because of the variable East Conference on Technological
quent higher risk of contamination lengths of time to reach equilibrium. Developments in Coatings: Their
of a future cargo than, for example, The amount of cargo absorbed into Application and Uses, Bahrain,
coating 13. the coating will depend on carriage January 1995.
A similar situation exists with time, which is often considerably

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