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Masoud H. Mahundi
Structures and Unions
 Appropriate when we need to manage data of different data type
 Students
 name, registration number, date of birth
 Address
 house number, street, zip code, country
 Books
 Author, pages, ISBN, Tittle, year
Structure - Definition
 Structure Definition is basically creating a temporary data type to later be used in

 Definition - you specify the different data types included in structure data type

struct structure_name
data_type member1;
data_type member2;
data_type memberN;
struct books
char title[20]; Data type: struct books
char author[15];
int pages;
float price;

tittle author pages price

struct address {
unsigned int house_number;
char street_name[50];
Data type: struct address
int zip_code;
char country[50];
Structure - Declaration
1. Immediately after definition
struct books struct books
{ {
char title[20]; char title[20];
char author[15]; char author[15];
int pages; int pages;
float price; float price;
} book1; } book1, book2;

2. As other data type declarations

struct books book1;

struct books book1, book2;

Structure - Initialisation
1. As a set
struct books
 struct books book1 = {“Programming in C”, “Mahundi”, 97, 5000}; {
char title[20];
2. Separate members char author[15];

 struct books book1; int pages;

float price;
 book1.title = “Programming in C”;
 book1.pages = 97;

 = “mahundi”;

 book1.price = 5000; Accessing members

of a structure
1. Define a structure named grade with the following members
1. regno of type string with 15 characters

2. marks of type float;

struct structure_name
2. Assign the following values {

1. registration number to be 2016-06-0976 data_type member1;

data_type member2;
2. Marks to be 78.5
data_type memberN;
struct computer
char name[30];
int stock;
float price, discount;
}; //notice the semi-colon after the structure definition
//assining values to the variable p1 of type struct computer definition
struct computer p1 ={"Dell Inspiron, Intel Core", 35,298.56, 2.32};
printf("Name = %s\n",;
printf("Stock = %d\n",p1.stock);
printf("Price = %.2f\n",p1.price);
printf("Discount= %.2f\n",;
Structure - Nesting
Struct structureOne
int age;
float height;
Struct structureTwo
“customer” carries
{ two members; age
and height
double salary;
struct structureOne customer;
Structure - Nesting
struct structureone
int age;
float height;
struct structuretwo
double salary;
Accessing Nested
struct structureone customer; members
struct structureTwo transa;
transa.salary = 12345.6789;
transa.customer.age = 5;
transa.customer.height = 1023.17;

struct student_some_detail
int college_id; Write scanf statements to
char college_name[50];
access all the members of
stu_data variable
struct student_detail
int id;
char name[20];
float percentage;
struct student_some_detail clg_data;
Structure - Arrays
 As a normal array
struct student
 Data type being the structure defined {
char reg_no[12];
int values[5];
float allowance;
float marks[200]; char sex;

struct student thestudent[200]; };

struct student coict[5];
Structure - Arrays
struct student
char reg_no[12];
float allowance;
char sex;
struct student coict[5];

reg_no allowance sex

reg_no allowance sex
reg_no allowance sex
reg_no allowance sex
reg_no allowance sex
Accessing members
struct student
char reg_no[12];
float allowance;
char sex; assignment members
coict[0].reg_no =
struct student coict[5];
coict[0].allowance =
coict[0].sex =
coict[1].reg_no =
coict[1].allowance =
coict[1].sex =
1. Define a structure named grade with the following members
1. regno of type string with 15 characters
2. marks of type float;

2. Declare an array of 5 elements whose type is the structure in 1

3. Assing values to the elements of the array you have declared above
4. Use for-loop to prompt and accept values from the user to enter into the
elements of the structure you have declared above

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