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Clinical and laboratory features of hepatocellular carcinoma


The clinical presentation of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) neal bleeding. It occurs in later stages of the tumor
differs between patients in developing countries (African and and is a frequent cause of death.
Chinese populations) from those in industrialized countries. • Obstruction of splanchnic veins: tumor may invade
In industrialized countries, HCC co-exists with symptomatic the portal vein, hepatic veins and inferior vena cava,
cirrhosis in 80% of cases and clinical manifestations are usu- resulting in portal hypertension (with ascites and va-
ally related to those of the underlying disease. On the other riceal bleeding), Budd-Chiari syndrome and pitting
hand, patients from developing countries have HCC and cir- edema of lower limbs.
rhosis in approximately 40% of cases. Underlying cirrhosis
in many cases is not advanced and does not produce any Paraneoplastic syndromes
symptoms or associated symptoms are masked by those of
the tumor (right upper quadrant pain, mass in the upper Patients with HCC may develop a paraneoplastic syndrome
abdomen, weight loss and weakness). In a subset of pa- such as hypoglycemia, erythrocytosis, hypercalcemia or
tients, there are no clinical manifestations as HCC may occur watery diarrhea.
in the context of hepatitis B infection without cirrhosis.
• Hypoglycemia: there are 2 types of hypoglycemia in pa-
Clinical Manifestations tients with HCC. Type A hypoglycemia is not a
paraneoplastic syndrome, it is related to the inability of
In Western countries, nearly 35% percent of patients with
HCC are asymptomatic. Some of the most common clini- a liver extensively replaced by tumor cells to meet the
cal manifestations include: abdominal pain (53-58% of glucose demands of the tumor and the entire body. Typi-
patients), especially in epigastrium or right upper quad- cally, this type of hypoglicemia is mild and asymptom-
rant, abdominal mass (30%), weight loss, malaise, anor- atic. In contrast, type B hypoglycemia is due to secre-
exia, cachexia, jaundice or fever. tion of insulin-like growth factor-II by the tumor. This
factor acts as an insulin agonist, causing severe symp-
Physical Exam tomatic hypoglycemia.
Physical findings vary with the stage of disease. The patient • Erythrocytosis may be due to the production of eryth-
may exhibit slight or moderate wasting when first seen. In ropoietin by the tumor. Although, 23% of the patients
patients with cirrhosis, typical stigmata of chronic liver dis- with hepatocellular carcinoma have this abnormality,
ease may be present. In advanced stages of HCC the liver elevations in hemoglobin concentration are uncommon.
may be enlarged and there is significant tenderness. An arte-
• Hypercalcemia may be due to osteolytic metastases of
rial bruit may be heard over the liver. Jaundice is unusual at
the tumor or more frequently to the secretion of par-
first presentation and, when present, is mild; it commonly
appears or deepens with progression of the disease. A low athyroid-related protein by the tumor.
to moderate, intermittent or remittent fever may be present. • Watery diarrhea may be related to the secretion of pep-
tides that cause intestinal secretion, including VIP, gas-
Unusual Presentations trin or peptides with prostaglandin-like inmunoreactivity.
• Obstructive jaundice: is the initial presentation in 1-12% • Symptomatic porphyria: It is due to excessive produc-
of cases. It is due to compression of the major intrahe- tion of porphyrin by the tumor with its consequent
patic bile duct by the tumor, invasion of HCC into the accumulation in the skin causing photosensitivity.
lumen of intrahepatic bile ducts, infiltration of the wall
of bile ducts causing obliteration of the lumen, hemobilia,
Other paraneoplastic manifestations are, arterial hyperten-
or free-floating tumor plugs into the biliary tree.
sion (related to the production of angiotensinogen by the
• Acute abdomen: is a life-threatening complication tumor), carcinoid syndrome, hyperthrophic osteoarthropa-
caused by rupture of the tumor causing intraperito- thy and hyperthyroidism.
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MD, MMSc. Institut de Malalties Digestives i Metaboliques, Universidad de Barcelona, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, Catalunya, España

IATREIA OL 20 / No.1 / JUNIO / 2007
Laboratory findings In adults, normal values are less than 20 ng/ml and AFP is
Laboratory examination is usually nonspecific. Most of often elevated in patients with HCC. Serum concentra-
patients with HCC have cirrhosis and may have thromb- tions of AFP do not correlate with clinical features of
ocytopenia, hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and hy- HCC, such as size, stage and prognosis but is generally
poprothrombinemia. Patients are often mildly anemic and accepted that serum levels greater than 500 ng/ml in a
may have electrolyte disturbances like hyponatremia, hy- high risk patient is diagnosis of HCC.
pokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis, associated with de-
fective water handling or with diuretic use. Serum Other serum markers - Because of the limitations of serum
aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase and AFP measurements, other serum markers of HCC used alone
gammaglutamyl transpeptidase are often abnormal in a or in combination with the serum AFP have been evaluated
nonspecific pattern. Some serum markers are useful in for diagnosis or determining prognosis in patients with
diagnosis of HCC. The most commonly used is alpha-feto- HCC. These include lens culinaris agglutinin-reactive AFP
protein (AFP). AFP is a glycoprotein that is normally pro- and des-gamma carboxyprothrombin, glypican-3, human
duced during gestation by the fetal liver and the yolk sac. hepatocyte growth factor, and insulin-like growth factor.



IATREIA OL 20 / No.1 / JUNIO / 2007

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