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A Module for Economic Justice

Introduction with Integration of Values

I and my wife had the chance to visit the Middle East. Before reaching Egypt, I noticed that all I saw
from East to West and from North to South was a vast desert! But what I remember most is the words that
our tourist guide said about the Promise Land, Israel – that more than one billion migrating birds from
Africa stop and rest in the land of Israel before reaching Europe. The dung of these migrating birds
fertilizes the land of Israel. Their Philippine bananas, according to Khaled (our tourist guide) reached
Israel by stealing! Whether it is a joke or true is beside the point. This module is a biblical perspective on
economic prosperity which is clearly a gift of God as part of His shalom or peace.

Learning Outcomes
1. Find out the problems of converting a desert into a farmland.
2. Imitate the determination and resourcefulness of the Jews when they turn the Negev Desert into
an agricultural miracle.
3. Trust the promise of abundance in the pronouncement of blessing in Deuteronomy 28

Learning Resources

1. WATCH on YouTube, “Miracle in the Negev Desert.”

2. Some Israelis are now in the Philippines to help us in the improvement of Agricultural practices.
Read about Ambassador Ilan Fluss and other Israelis who extend help to the Filipinos in
improving their quality of life.
3. Online Research: Why is Israel called a Promised Land?

Text for Group Discussion: Deuteronomy 28:1-14

Keywords to Understand: Conditional Proposition, Blessing, Holiness, Covenant.

QUESTIONS from NIV Serendipity Bible

1. What is the Hebrew word for “blessing?”
2. When do you feel “blessed” within your life today? How would you like to be blessed?
1. What is a conditional proposition in Logic? Give an example. What is the point behind the oft-
repeated “if clause” (verses 1-2, 9, 13-14)? Are these verses a conditional proposition?
2. What is the foundation for the blessings: God’s work or our obedience? What six ways will Israel
be blessed (verses 3-6)?
3. What will GOD do to bring about these (verses 7-8, 11-12)?
4. How will GOD be glorified (verses 9-10)?
5. What status does GOD promise Israel (verses 9, 13)? What does it mean to be holy? How is
holiness inseparable from the promise?
1. Which of these tangible blessings have you seen in your life?
2. How would you put verses 3-6 in our times? How would it apply to the Philippines?
3. How is God glorified when he blesses you? What is your responsibility for the blessings and their
conditions? How do you know if you are fulfilling the terms of the covenant (By whether you are
being blessed)?
4. How is obedience itself a blessing?

Peace and prosperity are the clear promises of God to faithful believers who are obedient to the
covenant and who live in integrity. Israel experienced rejection, deprivation, hardships, and the holocaust
(fire sacrifice). But today, the nation is one of the most powerful states in the world and possesses state-
of-the-art technology. Let us learn from Israel as exemplified by their resourcefulness and determination
in converting a desert land into an agricultural miracle.

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