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I always take headphones with me on long journeys in case if I want to listen to music when I'm driving
or flying.

2 No one should go on holiday without first aid kik because it will help in emergencies: when you get sick,
poisoned or injured.

3 I think it’s important to stay within easy reach of shops on holiday because in them I can buy products.

4 The first thing I do when I reach my destination after a long journey is to take a shower, to brush my teeth
and go to sleep.

5 Before I set on holiday, I always looking for interesting places near my destination which I can visit later.

It was a very funny video about flying in real life. At first I saw(со) the car and then realized(ріалайзд) that
it was like a plane where people were flying. In the video people showed what problems can be. For
example, your bag may be too big and you won’t(воунт) be able to put it on the shelf, the flight may be
delayed(дилейд) for a long time. Also there is a rule, when everyone should turn on airplane mode on the
phone and not sit on social networks. People, who sit next to you may ask annoying questions, you may
feel uncomfortable when you try to sleep, the person in front of you may lower(лаува) the chair too much,
or the person behind you may knock on your chair, children may cry, and after the plane has landed, there
may be long queues(к’юс) to exit.

I have flown many times so I can say that half of the problems in this video are really true. But they aren ’t
so annoying. So, I advise people to looking for the positive in everything and not to get angry but to dream
about how cool it will be when you arrive.

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