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Which band had hits in 1975 with the songs, 039;One Of These Nights039; amp;
039;Lyin Eyes039;?
a. The Doobie Brothers
b. Fleetwood Mac
c. Fools Gold
d. !The Eagles

2. How many members are there in the idol group quot;micro;039;squot;?

a. !9
b. 3
c. 6
d. 48

3. What is the stage name of English female rapper Mathangi Arulpragasam, who is
known for the song quot;Paper Planesquot;?
a. K.I.A.
b. !M.I.A.
c. A.I.A.
d. C.I.A.

4. Scatman John039;s real name was John Paul Larkin.

a. !True
b. False

5. Pete Townshend collaborated with which famous guitarist for an event at Brixton
Academy in 1985?
a. Mark Knopfler
b. !David Gilmour
c. Jimmy Page
d. Eric Clapton

6. Pamina and Papageno are characters in what Mozart opera?

a. The Impresario
b. The Goose of Cairo
c. The Marriage of Figaro
d. !The Magic Flute

7. Who was walking like an Egyptian in 1981?

a. R.E.M.
b. The Connells
c. The Ocean Blue
d. !The Bangles

8. Which punk rock band released hit songs such as quot;Californicationquot;,

quot;Can039;t Stopquot; and quot;Under the Bridgequot;?
a. !Red Hot Chilli Peppers
b. Foo Fighters
c. Green Day
d. Linkin Park
1. In which year did the First World War begin?
a. 1939
b. 1930
c. !1914
d. 1917

2. How many sonatas did Ludwig van Beethoven write?

a. 50
b. !32
c. 21
d. 31

3. What year did the Boxing Day earthquake amp; tsunami occur in the Indian Ocean?
a. !2004
b. 2008
c. 2002
d. 2006

4. What was the first sport to have been played on the moon?
a. Tennis
b. Soccer
c. Football
d. !Golf

5. Which Nation DID NOT have a Colony in Modernday America?

a. !Portugal
b. Netherlands
c. Sweden
d. Spain

6. When was the quot;Siege of Leningradquot; lifted during World War II?
a. November 1943
b. March 1944
c. !January 1944
d. September 1943

7. When did the Crisis of the Third Century begin?

a. 210 AD
b. !235 AD
c. 242 AD
d. 235 BC

8. Who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

a. Oskar Potiorek
b. Ferdinand CohenBlind
c. !Gavrilo Princip
d. Nedeljko abrinovi

9. The Panama Canal was finished under the administration of which U.S. president?
a. Theodore Roosevelt
b. !Woodrow Wilson
c. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
d. Herbert Hoover

10. The fraudelent doctor John R. Brinkley acummulated great fame and wealth in the
early 1900s offering what service?
a. Turkey breast implants
b. Cow liver transplant
c. !Goat testicles transplant
d. Pig blood transfusion

1. Which one of these was not a beach landing site in the Invasion of Normandy?
a. Juno
b. Gold
c. !Silver
d. Sword

2. When did the French Revolution begin?

a. !1789
b. 1756
c. 1799
d. 1823

3. Assyrian king Sennacherib039;s destruction of Babylon in 689 BCE was viewed as a

triumph by other Assyrian citizens.
a. !False
b. True

4. quot;I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to
say itquot; is a quote from French philosopher Voltaire.
a. !False
b. True

5. Which infamous European traitor was known as quot;the last person to enter
Parliament with honest intentionsquot;?
a. Robert Catesby
b. Everard Digby
c. !Guy Fawkes
d. Francis Tresham

6. When did Norway get its constitution?

a. 1932
b. 1905
c. 1854
d. !1814

7. In what year did the First World War end?

a. 1912
b. 1914
c. 1916
d. !1918

8. When was the People039;s Republic of China founded?

a. May 7, 1945
b. !October 1, 1949
c. April 3, 1947
d. December 6, 1950

9. Which day did World War I begin?

a. April 28
b. June 28
c. January 28
d. !July 28

10. Before the American colonies switched to the Gregorian calendar in 1752, on
what date did their new year start?
a. September 25th
b. June 1st
c. !March 25th
d. December 1st

11. Which King of England was faced with the Peasants039; Revolt in 1381?
a. !Richard II
b. Henry IV
c. Edward III
d. Edward II

12. In what year did Texas secede from Mexico?

a. 1844
b. !1836
c. 1838
d. 1845

13. Who rode on horseback to warn the Minutemen that the British were coming during
the U.S. Revolutionary War?
a. Henry Longfellow
b. Nathan Hale
c. !Paul Revere
d. Thomas Paine

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