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Moon Rituals

New Moon

Full Moon

Last Quarter

© Sunflower Child Designs

Moon Rituals
New Moon 0% Illuminated
Keywords: new beginning, potential, a clean slate, dreams
This is the most exciting part of the lunar cycle. New moon manifesting
ensures you get clear on your goals and dreams every month. This is a time to
think about what you do want and not what you don't want. Put your
wishes/intentions in writing or in a drawing. Reading your intentions out loud is
very powerful. Visualize your intentions as if they already happened. Feel the
outcome in your body. Make a plan, simply wishing will not make it come true.
Meditate for 15 minutes while thinking of your dreams.

Full Moon 15-18 days after the new moon, the moon is fully illuminated
Keywords: celebrate, reflect, results, forgiveness, gratitude
This is the high point of the lunar cycle. If one of your wishes is to come true it
may well manifest at this point. Some wishes take time do not get discouraged
if it hasn't come true. If something hasn't worked out forgiving is detoxifying,
this is the time to let go and release anyone or anything that has hurt you
especially disappointment, guilt, jealousy and fear. Feel blessed and full of
gratitude. You can say "I live my life knowing that I am blessed". Write a
separate forgiving list and burn it safely to symbolize letting go.

Last Quarter around 50% illuminated about 7 days after full moon
Keywords: balance, trust, re-evaluate
The halfway point between the full and new moon. You have to make way for
the new that we can sense just one week away (new moon). Look back and see
how far you have come. Allow yourself a pat on the back even if you haven't
achieved your goals yet. Be proud for the progress and attempt so far. See
what things need to be released or remain before the beginning of the next
cycle. You may not want to let go but you know if you need to. Are you sticking
with your old plans or making new ones?

© Sunflower Child Designs

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