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TERRY CHEW Py WE Lea ee) TOAN HOC e . Unleash The Eure el UT TCU MUM coy ‘tr dung phwong phdp hoc todn tién tién TOR ge ae a ce N6i dung di dém, cde chit dé thue té, lién hé voi nhitng sw kién pho bién hang ngay. vi Fa ee RIC LOLOL Daa Na ne a CTR a aren Fea ee Le a BB pp tiseans NOG HOG CE LA Sehr ems TAC GIA: TERRY CHEW NGUOI DICH: BUI THU HA (Tai ban lan 4) oh rede] ANH THUC TAI NANG TOAN HOC - 4 MATHS OLYMPIAD - UNLEASH THE NATHS OLYMPIAN IN YOU Junior t ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ema eon copsright © 4 Chau International Edection De sopment and lesment Corporation, 2028 Al rights sere. No part of is pebiction my be prado toed na etre stem or remit form orb as mans, elec. mechanical: pocorn “sanding others, ita the prior permission of he pubes Printed Vet Nam Bin ganda sg Vit tne vé Cong Ci pn law Pt Gio is Qube A Che ma th ping cay shag bn evn wk Nh lt in Singapore Pah he a, 202 Bin gunn ke md dae bao mich hs at ins chap, ph phi adn d, vn in dn ‘is it pn gir ma Rag ape cho hp cin do mi it in up I ih ‘pha bn guy len te it ih a ie vA dom dang nim sir in gyn King ng bf fig in wi wpm i gua, Ch ms a sn bP. ON V] PHAT HANH: ing ty Ci phi Di v8 Phat én Gido dpe Que & ‘858,162 Dyn ah Ping Khoa, Phang Trung Vin, Quo Nam Ti Lim, Thi ph HS NG Dita hoi 02 842 885 Hosier 0816649166 Website: brulacaubooks ap ncpoten.coma Ei inflancnahooks ve Fachoot:Focombacgiciven coms LOITUA BO sich Dénh thite Tai nang Todn hoc nhim gitsp nhimg hoc sinh say mé toan hoc c6 thé trau ddi ky nang gidi nhimg bai toan hoe bia. ‘Cae bai toan trong sach da duge phan loai r6 rang nhim giup céc em c6. thé hiéu va ap dung mét cach d8 dang. Ngoai ra, trong méi chuong lai cé rat nhiéu vi dy hudng dan cdc em cach gidi todn. Nhig phan tich va dién gidi dé hiéu trong cac vi du chide chin sé gidp cdc em hiéu 15 van 4é hon. Sau khi higu bai, cdc em o6 thé dp dung nhiimg kién thite &6 vio vige giai cic bai ton durge dura ra trong timg chuong. ‘Ching t6i hy vong ring cudn sich s cung clip cho cdc em hoc sinh nhing kign thite hitu ich va gitip cdc em cam thay ty tin hon trong vige giai toan, LOI NOI DAU vhiing bain nhac Khé choi thing ras tuyét voi, nhung néu chia ban nhac thémh tig phdn don gian thi dis la nhimg ngudi méi hoc dan cling 06 thé choi ciege. Ton hoc cing nhie véy.” Gio sur Sherman K. Stein B6 sich Dank tite Tai nding Todn hoc da duge phd bién rong rai é nhidu quée gia boi nhimg dc trmg sau: ‘Chi dé da dang, lién hé toan hoc véi cdc su kign hang ngay; ‘Swrdi dm va phite tap cia cdc bai todn giip Khoi day kY ning tu duy va tri nromg trong day séng tao; Khuyén khich sir dung nhiéu phuong phép gidi todn khée nhau, kich thich 16i tu duy d6t pha. Cung cdp kién thite gidi todn dya trén nhimg huéng din va trinh bay bao quit. ‘Cuén sich bao gém nhimg tai ligu da duge t6i sir dung trong ahiéu nam gidng day. Di cdc bai toan déu thuéc dang bai thi Olympic Toan hoc, song t6i nhéin thy tt ed ede hoe sinh du thu durge nbigu Ioi ich khi luyén tp chiing. Trong vie hoe toan dang nay, viée bé sung va lam nhiing bai tp néng cao cing véi tinh thin va niém say mé con quan trong hon ning lye bam sinh. Rat nhiéu hge sinh ma t6i hudng din, thém chi ca cha mg cc em cing déu bj thu hit béi nbting kién thire doe gidi thigu trong b9 stich nay. Hy vong ring ban va con ban cling s8 c6 niém say mé nhu vay! ‘Terry Chew myc Luc ANH THUC TAI NANG TOAN HQC -1 (Chapter I: Tell Me the Time! (Chneomg 1: Cho 16 bide may ger dt net Chapter 2: Problems from Planting Trees - Intervals (Clacome, 2: Céc bai ton vé tins ey = Khodig eich Chapter 3: Addition... Chuong 3: Phép céng. Chapter 4: Solve by Comparison and Replacement Cec 4: Git tain bing phueog php So sinh vr Thay thé. Chapter 5: Age Problems (Chneomg 8: Bai ton v8 tdi Chopter 6: Division Chucomg 6: Phép chia (Chapter 7: Chicken-and-Rabbit P:0blems on Cheong, 7: Bai toxin v8 Ga va Th (Chapter 8: Looking fora Pattern Chueomg 8: Tim guy tée chung Chapter 9: Counting Cheong 9: Bein... Chapter 10: Logie Chueomg, 10: Logie Chapter: Make a List, Make a Table Chueang 11: Lap dank sich, ké bong... Chapter 12: Using Model Ohwamg 12: Sic dung so Chapter 13: In Search of a series (Chieomg 13: Tim chudi Chapter 14: What Comes Next? (Cham 14: Hinh ni tp theo? (Chapter 15:1Q Maths. (Chuang 15: Cie bat toén vé 1 Chapter 16: Geometry Cheong 16: Hink hoe (Chapter 17: Odd and Even Numbers Chong 17: $6 6 vi sb chin (Chapter 18: Queuing Problems Chung 18: Bat ton vé xp hang (Chapter 19: Working Backwards . Chaome, 19: Tin meer. ‘Chapter 20: Pigeonhole Principle ‘Chicomg 20: Nguyén li chuéing bé edu DAP AN., For each clock, write the correct time on the line provided. @ () © Solution: (a) 7.10 (b) 1030 © 130 For each clock, write the correct time on the line provided. © Solution: (@) 12.20 (b) 3.48 © 10.10 CHO TO! BIET MAY GIO ROI NHE! Dign thoi gian cin xée ed timg chibe dng hb vio chd «rng, (a) b) © sing Céch giat (@) 7 git 10 phat (b) 10 git 30 phat (©) 1 git 30 phat Din that gian chinh xéc ea timg chige dng hd vo chd tring. @ ) © Gach gidi: (a) 12 gi@20 phat (b) 3 gitr45 phit (©) 10 git 10 phat 3 A concert started at 830 pm and endedat 10, Spm. How long did the concert last? Solution: From 8.30pm to9.30pm > 1 hour From 9.30 pm to 10.30 pm 1 hour hour + 1 hour = 2 hours 2 hours ~ 15 minutes = I hour and 45 minutes ‘The concert lasted 1 hour and 45 minutes. ‘Trains arrive at a subway station every 5 minutes. How many trains would have arrived at the subway station in 30 minutes? Solution: rains 15200 2530 minutes Ttrains would have arrived at the subway station in 30 minutes. The clocks below are images in the miror. Write the correct time on the Tines provided. Budihia nhac bit di ie 20 vis 30 pt we thi hic 22 gi 15 phi. Hoi bubi ‘hoa nhac kéo dai bao lau? Cich git ‘Tir20 git 30 pit dén 21 gid 30 phit la 1 git Tir 21 gi 30 pit én 22 gi 30 phi Ii 1 gia Iga + gis=2 eid 2-gid- 15 ph 45 phir ‘Vay budi hoa nhac kéo 45 phit. ‘Cir phut gi cé mot chuyén thu dén nha ga. Hoi trong 30 phiited bao nhiéu chuyén tau dén nh ga? Ciich gi [ie a chuyén da tS os 1 15 20 phat ‘rong 30 phi. s¢o8 7 chuyén tau dén ahd ga Ciéich gi (a) 7 git 10 phat (b) 2 git 30 phat Forcach lock, write he comet ime onthe ine provided (a) (b) © ya i ‘Draw the hour and minute hands on the face of each clock to show the correct, time, Write the correct time on the lines provided. (@) 25 minutes later ‘in thai gian chinh xéc cia timg chiée déng hé vao ché trong, © Hay ve kim gid va kim phittthich hop v6i thai gian d& durge cho truge bén dui, Dign thoi gian chinh xéc vio ch tréng. (@) 25 phat sau 3 gid 45 phut chigu 3 A movie started at 2.30 pm and ended at 4.05 pm. How long was the movie? ‘The signboard shown on the right is placed outside a shop. For how many hhours is the shop open daily? cr Business Hours 1am —9.30 pm 3 BO phim bat dau chiéu vao lite 14 gid 30 phiit va két thic lic 16 gid 5 phut. Hoi b6 phim kéo dai bao liu? Tim bing bén phii duéi diy duge treo bén ngoai mgt eta hing. Hat cia hing dé m6i ngay mé cia bao nhigu gid? ~ Gig mé cite: 11h sang — 9h30 t6i Carl attended a birthday party. The time that the birthday party started and ended are shown on the two clocks below starting time ending time How long did the birthday party last? Benson played for 10 minutes after reaching home. He watched television for another 20 minutes before taking his lunch. His lunch, which lasted for 20 minutes, was finished at 2.50 pm, At what time did Benson reach home? 5 Carl duye mdi tham dy méi bita tige sinh nhét. Thoi gian bat du va két thi bita tige duge vé trén hai chiée déng hd dudi day. 6 M@ikhi vé nha, Benson choi trong 10 phit. Cgu xem tivi thém 20 phat nta tnxde hi bit ddu in tra. Baa true cia edu kéo dai trong 20 phiit va ket thic vao lic 14 gid 50 phiit. Hoi Benson vé nha lic mdy gid? 7 Inthe pattern below, draw the hour and minute hands on the face of each clock. Write down the correct time on the lines provided. ‘Buses arrived at a bus stop every 15 minutes, Lincoln needed to board the ‘bus at 8.30 am but he was late for 8 minutes. At what time did Lincoln arrive at the bus stop? How long did he have to wait for the next bus? Dyra vio hinh ve dugi diy. nay ve kim gid va kim phit cho hai chige dng 20 pint sai 8 gid 10 phit sing 8 gig 50 phit sing sing sing ‘Toi mt tram xe buyt, ot 15 phit Iai c6 m@t chige xe dimg Iai Gn tr kha Lincoln cén bat chuyén xe buyt Ite 8 gié 30 phit nhumg c@u lai dén mugn 8 phi. Héi Lincoln da dén tram xe buyt hic may gio? Céu phai dgi bao lau é bit durge chuyén xe busi tigp theo? The clocks below are images in a mirror. ‘time on the line provided. @ = —— pm ‘Trains leave a station every 40 minutes. At what time would the third train leave the station if the first train left at 6 30 am? ‘hing chiée dng hé duéi day la hinh anh duge phan chiéu qua guong. Hay thoi gian thye té cia ting chiée ding hé vio ché tréng. chigu (Cir 40 phiit Iai c6 mot chuyén tau roi nha ga, Néu chuyén tau dau tién roi ga le 6 gid 30 phi thi chuy&n tau tit ba sé roi di lic nio? 11 Trains arrived atthe subway station every 6 minutes. How many trains would have arrived at the subway station in 60) minutes? 12 The Greyhound coaches leave a station every one and a half hours. If the first coach leaves at five o’clock in the morning, at what time does the fourth coach leave the station? 11 Cir6 phat Iai c6 mot chuyén tau dign ngim dén ga. H6i trong 60 phiit s® cd bao nhiéu chuyén tau dign ngim dén ga? 12 Cir 1 gid 30 phiit Iai c6 mi chuyén xe khéch dug dai roi khoi bén xe, Néu cchuyén xe khach dau tién ni bén Iie 5 gid thi chuyén xe khich thir te s® 16% ‘bén lie may gio? 13 A grandfather clock chimed once at | o'clock, twice at 2 o’elock, thrice at 3 o'clock... How many times would it have chimed by 6 o'clock? 14 The two clocks below show the time Jolene started and ended her birthday party. How long was her birthday party? starting time 13. Chiée ding hd qua lée cir | gi danh 1 tiéng chuéng, 2 gid dénh 2 tiéng cchu6ng, 3 gid dénh 3 tiéng chuéng... Hei dén Khi 6 gid, chiée dng ho 42 anh duge téng céng bao nhiéu tiéng chudng? 14 Hai chiée ding hé dudi day chi thoi gian Jolene bit dau va két thie bitatige sinh nat cia minh, Hoi bit tige sinh nt cia Jolene diga ra trong bao Iu? CY) VS thi gian bit €du thoi gian kt thie ‘There are many interesting mathematical problems generated from this topic, Intervals. 5 matchsticks are placed at an equal distance away from each other. How ‘many intervals are there? Solution: a There are 4 intervals, 6 knots are tied on a rope. How many intervals are there from the 1* knot to the 6° knot? Solution: There are § intervals. Each staircase has 12 steps. How many steps do 3 such staircases have? Solution: 3% 12=36 3 such staircases have 36 steps. 5 que diém duge xép eéch déu nhau. Hoi e6 bao nbigu khodng ech que digm 46? Céch git oe) C64 khoding c Trén mot chiée day thimg c6 6 mit bude. Héi cé bao nhiéu khodng céch tir ndt bude dau tién dén nut bude thir siu? Ciich gia: (C6 § khoing cich. Mi clu thang o6 12 bde thang. Hoi 3 chige edu thang sé c6 ting cng bao nhiéu bac thang? Cich gidt: 3*12=36 ‘Nhu vay, 3 cau thang c6 36 bac thang. ‘The road in front of my school is planted with 6 trees. The trees are 4 m away from each other. How far is the sixth tree away from the first one? Cx EM EA LM sen eeys eee oS 2s Solution: $x4m=20m ‘The sixth tree is 20 m away from the first one. ‘The distance between the first and the eighth trees along a stretch of road is 21 m, How far are the trees away from each other along that stretch of road if they are placed at regular intervals? Solution 21m+ The trees are 3 m away from each other along that stretch of road, Con during phia trase trying em c6 6 edi cay. MBi cay céch nhau 4m. Hoi cy tht su céch edy thir nhat bao abiéu mét? Céch gi 3 4m=20m (Cay this sdu each edy thir nhit 20m. Trén mbteon during, khodr eéch gida edy dl tén vi cy tir tim ta 21m Hoi Khosing céch gita cde ciy la bao nhigu néu cde ey duge tring céch dé Gach gids: 2im=7=3m Trén con dudng 46, mii cay céch nhau 3m. 8 trees are planted at the same distance awey from each other along a stretch of road. How many intervals are there? “There are 8 lamp posts along a stretch of rosd. In between every 2 lamp posts, there are2 trees, How many trees are therealong that stretch of road? 1 Trén mgt con duimg, 6 8 cai cay duge tréng céch déu nhau. Hoi cé bao nhiéu khoang céch gita 8 cay? 2 CO 8 eft din duge lip doc dung, gta 2 Ot dén 1A. 2 edy xanh. Héi c6 bao nhiéu cay xanh trén dge dutmg 46? 3. There are 4 trees along the road in front of Edward’s house. The trees are 3 m away from each other. How far is the fourth tree from the first one? 4 There are 5 lamp posts along the street in ‘tont of Melissa’s house. The lamp posts are 5 m apart from each other. How far is the fourth lamp post from the first one? 3. Trén con dung trade cira nha Edward e6 4 cai cay. M&i cdy ech nhau 3m. Hii edy thir tu edch edy this shit bao nhieu m? 4 Trén con dung truée eiza nha Melissa o6 5 c6t dén, Mai et dén céch nhaw ‘Sm, Hoi cbt dén thir tr ech ct dén thir nhdt bao ni 5 Jimmy ties 5 knots on a piece of rope. The knots are 20 em apart from one another. How far is the fifth knot from the first one? 6 7 trees are planted along a stretch of road. The distance between every two trees is 3 m. How far isthe sixth tree from the second one? Jimmy thit § nit buge trén mt dogn déy. M&i nit tht céch nhau 20em. Hoi rit tht thi nim cdch nit thit thir nhit bao nhieu em? 6 C67 cay xanh duge tréng trén doc duéng. Khodng céch gitta 2 céy la 3m. Hi cay thi séu va edy thir hai eéch nhau bao nhieu m? 7 Stella lines 9 coins up on a table. Each coin is 10 em apart from the other. How far is the ninth coin from the first onc? 8 Ittakes Peter 5 minutes to saw a plank of wood into two pieces. How many minutes will Peter take to saw a plank of the same length into four pieces? 7 Stella dit9 dng tin xu kn mt ban. MBi dng xu céch nhaw 10cm. H6i ding xu thi chin eich dng xu th nhat bao nhigu em? 8 Peter mit S ph a8 cua mét hie g8 thnh 2 doan, Hoi Peter mit bao nhigu hit 4é cua khic 38 46 thanh 4 doan? 9 Agrandfather clock takes 6 seconds to chime 4 times at 4 o'clock. How many seconds will the grandfather clock take to chime 6 times at 6 o'clock? 10 Alison stays on the 5* floor of an apartment. The staircase leading to every floor has 10 steps. How many steps does Alison have to climb before she reaches home? 9 Métchide ding hi gua lde mit 6 eidy 4€ dinh 4 tiéng chudng le 4 gid. Hoi chiée ding hé st mat bao nhigu gidy dé danh 6 tiéng chudng lic 6 gid? 10 Alison sing ting $ cba moc cin ho. Ci thang din dén mi ting &6 10 be thang. Hi Alison cn leo bao nhigu bae thang dé lén diye cn hd cia minh? 11 Asubway train takes 2 minutes to reach the next station. It stays ata station for | minute before moving to the next station. How many minutes does the subway train take to travel from the first io the fifth station? 12. Attain has 6 compartments, Each compartments 6 m long. The compartments are joined by connectors of length I m. How long is the train? 11 Mét che tau dién ngim mit 2 phit dé di tr ga nay én ga khdc va dimg lai tai mdi ga phit. Hoi cdn bao nhigu phi dé tau dign ngim di tr ga thirnht, én ga thir nam? 2 Mot con tu ¢6 6 ton 1u. MBi tox dai 6m, Hai toa can nhau Tei duge ndi véi nhau boi mgt bg ndi dai Im. Hoi con tau d6 dai bao nbigu m? 13. Coaches leave a station every 10 minutes. How many coaches will leave the station in 60 minutes? 14 How many times do you need to cut a ribbon that is 80 cm long into 8 equal pieces? How long is each piece of ribbon 13. Cit 10 phit Ipi eb mot chiée xe Khach ri bén. Hoi trong vong 60 phit sé 6 bao nbiéu chiéc xe khéch roi bén? 14 Dé cé thé ct mOt dai ruy bang dai 80cm thanh 8 doan bing nhau, em cin hai cit bao nhigu lin? Méi dogn sB éai beo nhieu? Vanessa uses some coins to form a triangle. Each of the 3 comers of the triangle has a coin. There are 5 coins on exch sie ofthe triangle. How many ‘coins does Vanessa use to form the triangle? ir dung mét it tign xu dé xép hinh tam gidc. Méi goc via tam giée 1a mOt déng xu. Va trén mdi canh cla tam gidc co 5 ng xu. Hoi Vanessa phai dang bao nhiéu dng xu dé dung hinh tam gife? SES (A) Making tens and hundreds 1 Add the numbers below by making a ten. pln Ale. (a) 3+5+7 (b) 44746 =10+5 0+7 15 7 to po @ 5+4+5 @ 2+9+8 =10+4 0+9 4 9 ro 10, (©) 4454645 () 7+8+2+3 107 “10 =10+10 =20 0 ‘Add the numbers by making tens or hundreds. i 100, (a) 35+ 15 +65 (b) 45+ 55+ 20 =100+15 100+ 20 =nS 20 0. 78 (©) 38+22+16 (@) 42+16+ 38 = 60+16 =16 fy (© 15+32+48+5 ~ 20 — =80+20 = 100 (A) Tinhténg 10 va 100 i Tinh ting cic sé dati diy bing céch a0 ting 10. cee elon (@ S59 oo L788 =10+5 =10+7 =17 _ Ais @ S423 @ S958 lo+4 =14 10 f@ Gssees ne =10+10 =20 Tinh tng cdc s6 dudi day bing eéch tgo téng 10 hog 100. 100 AO. 35415485 (b) 45+35+20 10015 100=20 =115 120 760. 0 38+22+16 42+ 16+38 =60+16 =80+16 =76 =96 0, ge, tty 15+32+48+5 © (17+ 13+25+35 20 - =80+20 =100 (B) Breaking up or rounding up numbers 1 Find the value of 17 = 18 + 19, 17+ 18+ 19= 20-3 +20-2+20-1 60-3-2- = 60-6 54 2 Find the value of 37 +38 +35. 37+ 38+35=30+7>30+8+3045 90+7+8+5 —10~ =90+7+84342 3° Find the value of 17 +21 + 14 174214 16=1743+11+21 Nov S327 10 +32 =52 4 Find the value of 9 +99 +999. 9+99-+999= 10-1 +100~1 + 1000- (000 + 100+ 10-3 110-3 107 (©) Express a number as a sum of 2 or 3 numbers 12 8 og By Express each number below as the sum of 2 numbers given above. (@ 10=7+3 (b) 12=7-5 © 18=5+13 @ 30-11-19 or or Is=7-11 30 (B) Tach hodc lam tron s6 1 Tinh ting cua 17+ 18 +19, 17+ 18+ 19 =20-3+20-2+20-1 =60-3-2-1 =60-6 34 Tinh tng cia 37 +38 +35, 37+ 38=35=30-7+30 -8+30+5 0+7+8+5 on =90+7+8-3=2 10 0 +20 =110 Tin tng cia 17 +21 + 15 17421 14= 1723411 +21 ee 0 32 2 Tinh ting cia 9 +99 = 999. 9 +99 +999=10-1+100-1+1000-1 = 1000+ 100 - 10-3 110-3 = 1107 Boe os 2 Bo © a Biéu dign mdi sé duéi day dudi dang téng cia 2 sé duge cho truée 6 trén. (@) 10=7+3 (b) 12 © 18=5+13 hoe 1-7-1 30=13+17 ote 30=23+7 2 8 1 13 Ge Express each number below as the sum o* 3 numbers given above. (@) 10=2+3+5 (b) 24=2+3+19 or 2=248+17 (©) 46=2+13+31 (@) 39=3+7+29 or or 46=2>11+33 39=3417+19 Bs he 78 Bm 4 4 Bigu din mai sb du day didi dang téng cia 356 duge cho trade 6 trén @) 10=2+3+5 () M=2+3+19 hote 24=2+5+17 (©) 46=2+13+31 (@) 39=3+7-29 ode hoa 46=2+11+33 39=3+17+19 1 tye Add the numbers by making tens. (a) 24+8+3+7 ( 942+8+1 (@) 13+28+22+17 (@) 26+ 14+33+37 () 28432415425 (&) 42> 16+15+18 S+4+6+5 14+16+21+29 18437423425 18+19+22+11 32+22+28+10 18+ 1322428 1 Tinh tng cée s6 dudi diy bing céch tao ting 10. (a) 2-8+3+7 13+28+22 +17 26+ 14+33+37 28+32+15+25 42+16+15+18 (b) 5+44+6+5 (@) 14+ 16+21+29 () 15+37+23+25 (b) 18+19+22+11 @ 32+22+28+10 @ 18+13+22+28 2 Find the values of the following. (@) 9+8+10 (© 74849411 10+19+17 (© 18+19+20 (@) 18+28+38 16+17+18+19 Find the values of the following. (@) 18-1913 17+ 18+15 (© 21722423424 19+17+14+21 (©) 33424413414 28+23+9+22 (g) 29+23-28+16 2744429435 Tinh téng cia cae s6 duéi day. (@ 9+8+10 (@ 7+8+9+11 (@ 18+19+20 (g) 18+28+38 Tinh tng cia céc $6 dudi diy. @ 18+19+13 (© 21+22+23+24 (@ 33-24-1314 () 29+23+28~16 10+ 19417 9+ 19439 16=17=18=19 17+ 18 +15 19417414421 28+ 23+9+22 27=4+29+35 2 3 5 7 n B 0 19 23 29 Express each number below as the sum of 2 numbers given above. @ 7=( +) @) 12=( )+( ) © 18=( )+( (@) 36=( )+( IB=( )+( 36=( )+C 36=( )+( © 42=( +¢ 48=( )+( a=( )+( Express each number as the sum of 3 numbers given in question 4, (@ 1=( )+C DFC) @) Bac Jet JC DC Fee DC 1 © 38-0 Det bec Dt yar OFC) @ 37=( +O DC RCO VHC FED Oot oC 4G et ec 49=( VHC DFC DRC VHC FED Fill in each box with the correct answer to make the addition work. @) — 3 Ld 3 2 2 3 s 7 13 17 19 2B 29 Bika din cao sb dit day didi dang ting ota 2 sé cho tbe 6 én. -— rs (b) 12=( +0 IFC @ 36=( + 1 d+ 36=( + 36=( + (@) 42=( + () 48=( + a=( + Biku din cic sb dui day dvi dang ting ova 3 sb éuge cho tarde trong céu hai sb 4 (@) 10=( )+( FC) +C )4¢ 1+€ D+ dec +0 eC )+C @) 37=( DFC DFC C+ Ge( Ht te HC FC 4 d+( eC )#C Din sé thich hop vio 6 tring dé igo thin mét phép tinh cng. @ () — 2 Solution: Solution: Solve by Comparison and) Replacement By comparison, I pear —> 2 kiwi fruit L kiwifruit. +4 strawberries 2 kiwi fruit — 8 strawberries I pear > 8 strawberries By comparison, Teat +2 rabbits Beats — 6 rabbits 3 rabbits — 4 chicks 6 rabbits — 8 chicks Beats — 8 chicks out ditty = ich giti: Bing céch so sinh. ta thay: qua kiwi qua dau tay 2 qua kiwi = 8 qua dau tay Vay 1 qua lé= 8 qua dau téy Biing cach so sdnh. ta thdy: con thd A+O=13 A-0=3 ha? 0) Solution: We may add up the two statements, A+A+0-0=1343 A+A=16 A=16+2=8 D+0=15 0+0+0+0+0=35 Solutions We may rearrange the second siatement. +0+0+0+0=33 0+0+0+0+0=35 Nis? Nis? 30+0=35 o (Cach gidi: Ta cé thé c6ng ca hai ve: A+A+O-O0=1343 A+A=16 A=16+2=8 O+0=15 0+0+0+0+0=35 (Céchs gis Ching ta 6 the sip xép Ini v8 thir ha nh sau 0+0+0+0+0=35 0+0+0+0+0=35 Mist Ais 30+O=35 O=15-s=10 eee eHI5 *e eel See e G15 *FO=11 ea? w=? O+0+0+%=2 O+%=12 O=t #=7 ee aes Co ee eat o-20 RA? O+0+0=14 0+0+0+0+0=%4 O-2 0-7 O+0+0+%=22 O+¥=12 ea? eels weer ees 8 ° ae O+0+0-14 0+0+0+0+0-24 o=2 o Kee =22 Ke L He H58 *=2 G7 *+ O=25 *+REHK+O+O=65 *=2 OF? HAF A+AFA=33 SHS HAFATA K+e=22 KRESS HHS =? + O=25 H+HTHKFOFO=65 * SHAFAFAFA $33 SH SAtAtA O+x O+#*+A=17 A=? Oxx=24 O+*=11 O+*+A=17 A=? Problems: Remember the two points below when working on age problems. 1. The difference in age between two people will remain the same. 2. ‘The multiple of a person’s age to another aze will change with time. EXAMPLES ‘Amanda is 7 years old. Her father is 36 years old. How many years older will her father be than Amanda in 4 years" time? Solution: The difference in age between them will remain the same. 36-7=29 Her father will be 29 years older than Amanda in 4 years" time, Mr Jensen is 45 years old His daughter, Natalie, is 8 yeas old. How many years older wili Mr Jensen be than Natalie in $ years’ time? Solution: The difference in age between them will remain the same. Mr Jensen will be 37 years older than Natalie in 5 Andrew is 8 years old. His mother is 32 years old, How many times Andrew’s age is his mother's age? Solution: 4x 32+8 His mother is 4 times as old as Andrew. sAl TOAN VE TUO! TAC 2 - Hay ghi nh hai diém quan trong dui day khi giai cde bai toan v8 tuéi téc: 1, Khoaing each tuéi gitta hai ngudi s® luén khéng déi. 2. BGi sé tudi cia hai nguiti s® thay déi theo thai gian. Amanda 7 tui Bé cita ban dy 36 tudi. Hoi 4 nam nita, bé cia Amanda sé hon ban dy bao nhiéu tudi? Céich giat: Khoang céch ‘u6i gidta hai ngudi s® 1uon khong di: 36-7=29 ‘Vay 4 nam nts, 66 cua Amanda van hon ban dy 29 tudi Bac Jensen 45 tuéi Con gai cia bic la Natalic 8 tui Hoi 5 nim ntta bic Jensen st hon Natalie bao nhiéu tuéi? Céich gidi: Khoang cach ‘Vay 5 nm ntra béc Jensen sé vin hon Natalie 37 tui. Andrew 8 1udi Me ciia ban dy 32 tuéi Hoi tudi ctia me Andew giip may lin tuéi cua ban dy? Ciich giais Vay tudi eta nig Andrew gip 4 lin tdi ca ban dy Paula is 6 years old. Her father will be 40 years old when Paula reaches the age of 10. How old is Paula’s father? Solution: 10-6 40-4 Paula's father is 36 years old. Edward is 8 years old, His mother is 32 years old. In how many years’ time will his mother be 3 times as old as Edward? Solution: Since the difference in age will remain the same, we can make a table as shown on the right. 36+12 Edward's age 12-8=4 or 36-32=4 His mother will be 3 times as old as Edward in 4 years’ time. Paula 6 tubi, BG cia ban dy sé 40 tudi ki ban dy Tén 10 di. Hoi nam nay bé cia Paula bao nhiéu tudi? Céch gid: 10-6=4 40-4=36 Vay nim nay b3 cia Paula 36 tuéi Edward 8 tudi. Me cit ban dy 32 tu Hoi bao niu ldu na thi di ia me Edward s® gip 3 lin tuéi cia ban fy? Cach gidi: Vi khoang eéch tui gita hai ngudi luén khéng 48i, nén ching ta.66 thé ve mot bing nh : ae 36+ 12=3 Tati cia Edward Tobi cia me Edward 12-8=4 aereerae poke : 33 36-32=4 a 38 Vay 4 nim ate thi rubi ota me Edward s& gp 3 tin tudi cua ban iy SS My mother is 25 years younger than my grandmother. How many years older was my grandmother than my mother 5 years ago? Chloe is 4 years old. Her father is 36 years old. ‘How many years younger will Chloe be than her father in 8 years” time? he Mg t6 it hom ba t6 25 tus, HOi cich day S nam ba t6 nihigu hon me t6 bao nhiéu tuéi? Chloe 4 tuéi Bé cia em dy 36 tudi. Hi 8 nam nia Chloe sé it hon bé bao nhiéu tudi? 3. Shelia’s father is 35 years old. Her grandfather is 62 years ol. How old will each of them be in 12 years’ time? Tom is 6 years old, His brother is 1 years old. How many years older than Tom is his brother? ‘How many years younger will Tom be then his brother in 10 years’ time? BB cia Shelia 35 ub Ong cia ban dy 62 tudi H@i 12 ndm nf, tubi cha Ong va b6 Shelia 1 bao mhitu? Tom 6 tdi, ‘Anb trai cia ben Hoi anh trai cua Tom hon ban dy bao nhiéu tudi? ‘Trong musi nam nita Tom s2 it hon anh trai minh bao nhiéu tuéi? 5 The sum of Valerie's, her sister’s and the'r father’s age is 85. ‘Valerie is 22 years old. She is twice as old as her sister. How old is their father? My granny is 56 years old. My mother is 31 years old. Lam 7 years old. In how many years’ time will the sum of our ages be 100? “Tang sé tudi cia Valerie, em gi va bé cua 60 dy 1a 85. ‘Nam nay Valeria 22 “Tudi 6 dy gap d6i sb tui cin em gi. Hei bd od dy bao nhieu w6i? Ba t6 56 tdi Me 1631 tus. T67 tdi. Hoi bao nhiéu nam nia thi ting sé tudi cia cé ba ngudi la 100? 7 Wilfred is 4 years old. His father’s age is 7 times his age. How old is his father? 8 When Teddy was 5 years old, his father’s age was 7 times his age. ‘When his father is 40 years old, how old will Teddy be? : 7 lan tudi cia em dy. Hi bé cia Wilfred bao nie tu8i? 8 Khi Teddy 5 tudi thi tudi cia bé ban ay nhigu gap 7 lan tudi cua ban dy. ‘Hoi khi bé Teddy 40 tuéi thi ban dy bao nhiéu tudi! Julia’s mother is 36 years old, Her father is 42 years old. Given that Julia is 7 years old, in how many years’ time will the sum of all _ their ages be 100? 10 Phyllis is 5 years old. Her father is 40 years old. In how many years’ time will her father’s age be 6 times Phyllis’ age? 9 Mecia Julia 36 tuéi, a ban dy 42 Bit Julia nam nay 7 tui, Hoi bao nhigu nam nia thi ing sé tudi cia ca ba nngudi la 100? Phyllis $ tad Bé cia em dy 40 wi. Hoi bao niga nm nia thi udi eda bé Phyllis sé nbitu gp 6 lin tdi eta em ay? Anna is 5 years old. Her mother is 33 years old, In how many years’ time will her mother’s age be 5 times her age? 2 Wendy is 6 years old. ‘The sum of her age and her sister’s age will be 40 in 9 years” time. How old is Wendy’s sister? Anna 5 tudi, Me cia em éy 33 ru ; a Hi bao nhigu nam nia thi ubi eda me Anna sé nhiéu gip $ lin tuéi cia emay? 12 Wendy 6 1udi ‘Téng sé tudi cia Wendy va chj gai cia ben dy sau 9 nim nite 14 40 tui Hii nim nay chi gi cia Wendy bao nbiéu tuéi? 13 Mr Gibson is 5 years older than Mrs Gibson, The sum of their ages will be 95 in 5 years’ time. How old is each of them? 4 Mrs Woody is 38 years old. She is 4 years younger than Mr Woody. Jim, their youngest son is 8 years old. How many years from now will the sum ofall their ages be 100? 13. Cha Gibson nhiéu hon ¢6 Gibson 5 tui ‘5 ndim nila, téng s6 tudi cita c6 chi dy sé 1a 95. ‘Hoi nam nay méi ngudi bao nhiéu tudi? (CO Woody nim nay 38 tus Co dy tr8 hon chi Woody + tuéi Con trai it cia c6 chi la Jim nim nay 8 tub Hoi bao nhieu nam ndta tong s6 tubi cia ca ba ngudi sé la 1002 Recall the multiplication tables 4x8=32 ‘We can write a division statement based on the sbove multiplication sentence. The terms used in division are listed below. oe 8 (dividend) (divisor) (quotient) In the case of remeinders, we may write in the following way. 3524=8R3 This means that 4» 8 +3 = 35, Important note: The remainder must be smaller than the divisor. Sie oa Fill n each box with the correct answer to make the division work. a 6 Solution: (a) Recall the multiplication tse 9x5=45 48-45 =3 Hay oho Ii phép nh trong bang eau chong. an 8=32 (Ching ta e6 thé vit mat phép chia dya theo phép ahin ndy. Cées6 hang du d8 dure ligt ké 6 trén. m+ 4 - 6 (sb bjchia) (s6chia) (thuong) ‘Trong truéng hgp van cén s6 du: sau khi chia, ching ta cé thé viét nhu sau: 35+4=8du3 Nhu véy 06 nghia la: 4x 8+3 =35. Ghi ni6 quan trong: Sé dur luén phi nho hon 36 chia 1 Dignsé thich hop ) Fill in each box with the correct answer. 2s=[ |=[ [RI Solution: 6 *4=4 x6 =24 24+ 1=25 25+(4]=[6]R1 or 25+[6 Findallthe possible dividends where the quotcntsandtheremaindersare the same. =5-(R Solution: 1" answer: [24)~$=/4|R(4 3x4=20 Some black and white beads are arranged in the following manner. Co@@eejjeeenje What is the colour of the 24” bead? ‘What is the colour of the 32% bead? Solution: This pattern repeats after every 5 beads, 24+5-4R4 oo ee RI R2 R3_ R4 RO ‘The colour of the 24* bead is black. 32+5=6R2 The colour of the 32 bead is white. ign s6 thich hgp vio 6 tring, 2s+/J=/_Javi Ciich gid: 6% 4 24+1=25 25+[4)=[6)as1 note 25+[6)=[4]ar1 Tim tit c& cde 6 bj chia e6 thé c6 sao cho thuong va 6 du déu bing nu +S= de Céich gids Bap an thi nh Dép din thir hai Bap an thit ba: Dap dn thet tu ‘Cac hat den va tring duge sip xép theo quy tie duéi day. O0@@ejcjeee: 5e0e Hoi hat s6 24 va 32 ¢6 mau Céch gis Quy tie sip xép cua cdc hat tn i it Sat thi go than mot chub De Sm4dud ooe ee dul du2 du3 cv avo Vay hat s6 24 sé ls mau den. 32+5=6du2 Vay hat sé 32 sé la mau tring. Some years ago, 1" of March was a Sunday Which day of the week was 25° of March that year? Method 1: Draw a Table ‘Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu 3 Method 2: Solve by Reasoning ‘There are 7 days in a week. 25+7=3R4 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Ri Re Bo ee Bs ol 25° of March was a Wednesday that year. (Céch day vai nam, ngdy 1 thang Ba la Cha nhit, Gi ngay 25 thang Ba nam 46 [a thir may? Céch I: Gidi toén bing phicong phép ké bang CN | Thi? | The3 | Thad | Thr | Thir6 | Ther? | 2/3 /4[sf[e«]| 9 | 10 17 [ata 9 0 4 | 35 Céch 2: Gidi todn nay bing phucong php suy lug ‘M@t tun c6 7 agiy. 25+7=3dus Cha nhgt The2 The3 The4 This Thee Tho7 Dl Dw2 Dy3 Du4 Dus Dw6 Dud ‘Vay ngiy 25 thing Ba nim d6 la thir Tw. 1 Fill in cach box with the correct answer to make the division work @ = (by fae a 1 ign sé thich hop vio 6 rng dé tgo thin mét phép tinh chia @ © 2 Fill in each box withthe correct answer. (@ 26+(_]=[_r2 © 47+[_|=[_]Rr2 © 78+, ) Fill in each box with the correct answer where the remainder isthe smallest. @ [J+6=sr/_] 2 ign sé thich hgp vao 6 tring. du? (b) 39% Dién sé thich hgp vao 6 tréng sao cho c6 duge sé dir nhé nat. @ []+6=sau/_] @) (]+7=74_) 4 Fill in each box with the correct answer where the remainder is the greatest. ‘The greatest remainder should be smaller than the divisor. @ ()+3=sr[_] @) 7 )+5=7R,] @ [_j+7=8R/_] Fill in each box with the correct answer where the divisor is the smallest. The divisor should be greater than the remainder. @ ()+_)=sR4 [J=7R3 ign sé thich hop vao 6 tring dé c6 durge sé dur kin nha va s8 dur dé phai nho hom s6 chia. @ []+3=5¢e[_] @) []+5=7au/_] © oO _ © [)+7=8dul_| Din si thich hgp vio 6 ardng dé 06 dupe sé chia nho nt vt 8 chia d6 ph in hom sé du, @ [+[_)=sdu4 Tdu3 6 Fillin cach box with the correct answer so that the quotient and the remainder ‘must have the same value. Some grey and white beads are arranged in the following pattern, 0@ecjee0j3ee What is the colour of the 23" bead? What is the colour of the 31" bead? 6 ién sé thich hop vao 6 tréng sao cho thuong va s6 dur phai bing nhau, au CCéc hat mau xém va mau tring duge sip xép theo quy tée dudi day: 0@@0jee jee. Hoi hat s6 23 va sé 31 ¢6 miu gi Look at the pattem below. cooon00oon00nn00 What is the shape of the 26° figure in the sbove pattern? ‘What is the shape of the 33° figure in the above pattern? 34 number cards are given out to Charmaine, Shola and Amy in this manner. Charmaine Shola Amy 1 2 3 4 3 6 Who will get the last card? ‘54 marbles are shared among Jolene, Anns and Jim in this manner. Jolene Anna Jim 1 2 i i 2 i Who will get the last marble? Hay nhin vio cée hinh duce sip xép theo quy tie dui déy sau 46 ti It cau hoi sau: oononocnon00nn0 Hinh sé 26 vin 36 33 0 hinh vuéng hay hinh en? 34 chiée the danh s6 dugc ohét cho Charmaine, Shola va Amy theo quy téc audi day: Charmaine Shola. Amy 1 2 4 3 Hoi ai s& nhin duge tim the cubi eting? 54 vin bi duge chia cho Jolene, Anna va Jim theo ech dusi day: Jolene Anna Jin 1 2 t 1 2 I Hoi ai sé nhan duge vign bi cudi cing? 11 A string of numbers is arranged in the following patter. L32403240324 0 ‘What isthe digit of the 27% number? ‘What isthe digit of the 42% number? Some lantems are hung in the following pattem: 3 red lanterns; 2 orange lanterns: | pink lantem; 3 red lanterns; 2 orange lanterns; 1 pink lantern; What is the colour of the 38* lantern? What is the colour of the 58" lantern? 11 MOt chudi cde s6 duge sip xép theo quy tic duéi day: 132413241324 . Hoi s6 thie 27 va thir 42 s@ la s6 my? 12 Cac dén long duge treo theo quy te sau: 3 dén mau 46, 2 d8n mau cam, 1 den mau héng, 3 dén mau do, 2 dén mau eam, 1 dén mau hén; Hoi chiée dén s6 38 va sé $8 1 mau gi? 13. Some years ago, I* of May was a Wednesday. Which day of the week was 23% of May that year? Method I: Solve by Reasoning Draw a Table Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed 14 Some years ago, 20" of March fell on a Sunday. Which day of the week was 11* of April that year? Method I: Solve by Reasoning Method 2: Draw a Table 13 Céch day vai nam, ngdy I thang Nam la thir Tw. Hoi ngiy 23 thang Nam cia nfm dé 1 thi méy? Ciich 1: Gidi toén bing phicong phép suy lufin Ciich 2: Gidi todn bing phicong phip ké bing Toe3 | This | This | Thi6 | Thi 14. Cch day vai nim, ngay 20 ting Ba la Chi abit Hoi ngay 11 théng Tw nam d6 la thir méy? (Cich 1: Gi toin bing phicomg php suy lug jidi todn bing phwong phap ké bang “EN | Thr? [thes | Taira 15 A 2-digit number has a remainder of 1 when itis divided by 3. It also has a remainder of 1 when itis divided by 5. ‘What is the 2-digit number? jt number has a remainder of 2 when it is divi remainder of 2 when itis divided by 5. Find the 2-digit number. 1S Me sb 052 cht sé 6 s6 i Ia 1 hi chia cho 3. N6 cing o6 36 dr 18 1 Kh chia cho 5, Hi d5 a s5 ni? Mét s6 €6 2 chit s6 6 s6 dui 1a 2 khi chia cho 4. Né ciing c6 s6 du la 2 khi chia cho 5. Hoi 46 la s6 nao’ CGhicken-and-Rabbit- Proplems 4 chickens and rabbits have 10 legs altogether. How many chickens are there? How many rabbits are there? Method 1: Solve by Drawing Step I: We draw 4 ovals to represent the chickens and rabbits. ‘There are 3 chickens and 1 rabbit. Method 2: Make a Table Step 1: We shall begin with 2 chickens and 2 rabbits. No.of chickens | No. of bbits | No. oflegs | Total no of eas : zea=8 | 408-2 Step 2: Decrease the number of rabbits by 1. At the same time, increase the number of chickens by 1 There are 3 chickens and I rabbit Rae Vita git vira the 4 chd via tron 10 chan vira du. Hoi ¢6 bao nhiéu con gi va bao nhigu con thé? Cich 1: Gidi toin bing phucomg phdp vé hink Bude 1: Ta vé 4 hinh oval dei dign cho 4 ga va thd, a, ep) déu la ga. mg phép ké bang A thiét ¢6 2 ga va 2 tho, 2 Séiho | Sbechin thd | Tong s chin 4 2e4=8 8=12 om 1 va ting s6 ga lén 1 gi] Séih6 Nhu vay €6 3 con gt» 1 con the. A spider has 8 legs. A dragonfly has 6 legs. 6 spiders and dragonflies have 40 legs altogether. How many spiders are there? How many dragonflies are there? Method 1: Solve by Drawing Step 1: We draw 6 ovals to represent the insects oe 42 == “SOSSoOo 40-36=4 4 more legs are needed to add on. "SSoooe ‘There are 2 spiders and 4 dragonties. si Method 2: Make a Table Step 1; We shall begin with 3 spiders and 3 dragonflies. ‘oflegs | No.of drionfies | No. oflegs | Total no. of leas | 3x 8=24 3 Be6a18 | 24+ 18=42 Decrease the number of spiders by 1. At the same time, increase the ‘number of dragonflies by 1. [Revafepidos] No-afegs [No often No ofl | Tol wofles] 318-24 | 3x6=18 | 24+ 18-42 2a 8-16 426=24 | 16+24=40 ‘There are 2 spiders and 4 dragonflies. Nhén cé 8 chan, Chudn chudn 6 chan. ‘Téng s6 6 con ca nhén va chudn chudn thi c6 40 chan. Hoi c6 bao nhiéu con chuén chudn va bao nhiéu con nhén? Cich 1: Git ton bing phucomg php v8 kink Bueéc I: Ta v8 6 inh oval és dign cho 6 con chun chun vi a. 3 oo cS o> = Bude 2: Gia thigt ring tét ca déu la chudn chudn. SOOO OD 6x6=36 40-36=4 Ta sé thiéu 4 chan so véi sé chén dém durgc. Bude 3 aS oe Vy 0 2.con nhén vi 4 eon chubn chub, Cich 2: Gidi tain bing phuvmg phdp ké bang Bude 1: Ta bat dau bing cach gia thiét cé 3 nhén va 3 chudn chudn. SBchia | SOehubn | Sbchin Séabea | ane chin | ehubn chub ‘Ting sb chin Bude 2: 42-4 © 36% ),15,( 1450), 14,23,0 @ 23460 0 > 3.2540 Cee @ 45.8130 0), O 248140 0). Look at each pattern carefully and find the missing number. @ G) ae Qo Din sb thich hgp vio chd ving (@) () © @ © o @ ny @ o 4,8, 12, 16, 20, ( 1.24( ),16,( 1,123.35. ( 2.800 ft 36,9, ),15,( 1.45, 14,23, 2,3,4,6,( 4 32540 C 45,814¢ 2G % 248140 Ce Quan sit ky cde 66 dudi div va didn s6 1 Which of the following number patterns shown below is not the same as the others? @ 2, 4 6 10, 16, .. ® 1348 16... Look at each number pattern and find the unknown numbers. ® Psya) Diy 38 nio dui diy khong eiing quy the wi hai diy sé cdn Iai? (a) 2, 4, 6, 10, 16, 124 8 16. (Quan si ede 8 dudi diy \a din s6 thich hop vao chd tréng ®[s[4] [ils 25 6|2 ofA BS 5. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers © Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. 5 Bién sé thich hgp vao ché «rong. Look at each number pattem and find the missing number. Fill in each blank with the correct answer. Dien sé thich hop vio 6 trong. Dién sé thich hop vao cde 6 tréng. Look at each number pattern and find the missing number. (a) el Quan sat cae s6 dudi day va dién sé thich hop vao ché tring. dién sé thich hop vao ché tréng. (8 16 B ‘Look at each number pattem and find the unknown number. @ CeTa] 11 Bién s6 thich hgp vao ché tréng. ® <> 12 Quan sit ede s6 dudi day va din sé thich hop vio ché tréng. @ fel4 It is important to keep track of what we have already counted so we do not (a) miss any count, (b) repeat any count. See y How many squares are there in the figure below? Solution: Method 1 [- 1 2 Method 2 Number of squares formed by | Number of squares formed by 4 Cs Total number of squares = 4~ 1 = ‘There are S squares in the figure

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