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How to Ace an Interview

Show up on time

This sounds very basic, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t show up on time

or just don’t show up at all. This is the fastest way to get disqualified as a candidate for

the open job; it tells the hiring manager that you aren’t reliable.

Know the job details

You may be applying to a lot of jobs but you need to treat each interview as a unique

opportunity. Review the job description; a lot of your interview will refer back to

requirements and how your past experiences have prepared you to meet them. Have

examples ready! Research the business; check out their website and online reviews so

that you know what they do and the types of customers they serve. That way, you can

speak clearly to how you’ll add to their success.

Bring a copy of your resume

Employers have a copy of your resume and application details, but having that paper in

front of them reminds them of why they called you in. Leaving behind a resume keeps

you in their mind longer.

Practice answering commonly asked questions

Tell me about your previous job. What did you like? What would you change?

What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made at work? What did you learn?

Why did you leave your previous job?

Why do you want to work here?

What would your previous co-workers say about you?

What’s your favorite thing about our business?

How will you contribute to our team’s success?

What do you expect to get out of working here?

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