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Writing a thesis, especially on a topic as critical and nuanced as teenage driving, presents a multitude

of challenges. The process demands a significant investment of time, rigorous research, and the
ability to synthesize and analyze information to draw compelling conclusions. One must navigate
through an extensive body of literature, including statistical data, psychological studies, and
legislative frameworks, to construct an argument or hypothesis.

Moreover, the intricacies of academic writing add another layer of difficulty. Crafting a thesis
requires adherence to strict formatting guidelines, the development of a clear and persuasive
narrative, and the incorporation of critical thinking and scholarly evidence. For students juggling
numerous responsibilities, these demands can be overwhelming, leading to stress and anxiety.

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teenage driving not only meets but exceeds academic standards. These platforms offer access to
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Opting for professional help can alleviate the stress associated with thesis writing. It allows students
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theses on the complex issue of teenage driving.
No text messages are so important that they can’t wait. When parents and children work together,
they can eliminate the risk of accident a great deal. This kind of fear emanates from the doubts the
insurance companies tend to have over the teenager bearing their judgmental abilities. This criteria
used by insurance companies of charging low premiums on teenagers who have good grades is
dismissive and misleading. You persuade your roommate to clean up, your parents to let you borrow
the car, your friend to vote for your favorite It is often a point you want to argue or support in an
essay. Despite stress and peer pressure being one of the major causes of impulsive behavior, they are
not the only causes. It entails a lot of adjustments for your vehicles and efforts from drivers. Take a
ride and save a life — maybe your own child’s.”. This case consists of a DUI charge in Sevier
County that was dismissed because car driver, David Bell, passed six field sobriety tests. Someone
who is sending or receiving electronic messages is 23 times more likely to get into an accident, and
often that means that someone is getting hurt. You might find you have some extra time on your
hands. They develop your art of driving and make every possible effort to make you an efficient,
safe, reliable and expert driver. It will help you to attain the knowledge you need to start in-car
lessons. Better reflexes allow young people to respond quickly to braking. What do you think would
be the best solution to this problem. Smith tells parents that car related deaths are usually not
“accidents,” but rather operator errors that are preventable. Almost two in five respondents texted
while driving at least once in the month prior to completing the survey. As much as many are against
teenage driving, some support teenage drivers. Driving using glasses is also recommended, but young
people without eye problems are better placed in terms of good eyesight. The most common,
responsible for 15% of crashes, involved interacting with one or more passengers. The researchers
also found the more risky driving behaviors a teenager engaged in, the more like they were to text
while driving. Distracted or inattentive driving is when a driver engages in any activity that might
distract them from the primary task of driving and increases their risk of crashing. Make sure they
always tell you where they are going and a time frame for their return. Having the ability of the
youths taken from them merely because of their birth date is not the right thing. More than three-
fourths of teen drivers who text while driving report that their parents do the same. The main cause
of distracted diving is texting or phone usage. As CreedLaw states, “A driver may also be liable for
an accident due to his or her intentional or reckless conduct.” The NHTSA defines aggressive driving
as a progression of unlawful driving actions such as exceeding the speed limit, improper or excessive
lane changing, failing to signal, or passing on the shoulder. The more trained a driver is, the less
likely he will be to make a careless mistake or panic when presented with a dangerous situation. The
need to fit in with others will influence teenagers to act differently and recklessly. A statistic that is
derived from Driver Knowledge stated, more than nine people are killed due to distracted driving.
Nonetheless, many people support teenage driving as it helps when one’s car is broken down late in
the night. There can be many causes of distractions, but some common ones are being tired, being
worried or anxious about something, or being bored. Throughout my claim, they communicated with
me and kept me updated. This is why raising driving age or stopping the teenagers from driving is
likely to cause numerous challenges to the lives of most youths. Begun in 2002 with sponsorship by
the Texas Department of Transportation, TDS has since garnered support from other DOTs around
the nation, public-sector entities like the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and private-
sector sponsors like State Farm, Union Pacific and General Motors. Source: At any
given moment across America, approximately 660,000 drivers are using a cell phone or electronic
device while driving. It is a way of disrupting the lives of many teenagers without an appropriate
reason. Anything containing chili such as a chili dog is dangerous. People must accept that not all
youthful drivers are behind the numerous accidents on most roads. To solve this problem we can take
advantage of a number of ways to deter usage while driving. Despite stress and peer pressure being
one of the major causes of impulsive behavior, they are not the only causes. This includes reading, or
writing, or using the Internet. I was like wow texting and driving are more deadly than drinking or
committing suicide in my opinion or the same. Each season has its own unique quality that can either
make or break cars, so you must be prepared. There are many great locations that make particular
excellent driving tracks. Conversely, they fail to indicate that a very high percentage of adults also
cause accidents. So enlist in driving lesson London is the vital and good selection ever. visit us-.
Sifferlin (2012) explains dopamine is usually responsible for strong desire for pleasure and
enjoyment as manifests among youths and teenagers in particular. Video Say more by seamlessly
including video within your publication. It can speak you the quality of education that you are
probably to enjoy when in the driving school. Introduction. 80% of crashes and 65% of near crashes
involved some sort of driver distraction. Put a plan in place in case your child ever finds themself in
the situation where they need a safe ride home. There are different classifications when it comes to
causes of motor vehicle accidents. Many teenagers with technological knowhow are likely to use a
data-driven and research based driver education program to become excellent drivers. With support
from the General Motors Foundation, Safe Kids examined the various situations the ultimately lead
to teen car collisions. Alcohol influence in the cerebrum causes people to make riskier decisions.
Teams Enable groups of users to work together to streamline your digital publishing. It is essential to
recognize that while negative peer influences can impact teenagers, positive peer influences can also
assume a crucial role in advocating for safe driving practices. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”,
you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Teenagers have to learn how to be safe or they
must face the corollary. (Rouse 2017) This proves that driving at young ages can increase
independence and responsibility.
Driving under the influence has been one of the major issues that not only public health about the
law has been trying to prevent for years. It found that distraction was involved in 58% of teen
crashes overall, including 89% of road-departure accidents and 76% of the rear-end crashes. It's like
a masterclass to be explored at your own pace. Most people want to continue ebay store business
plan for as long as they The licensing thesis should be much more restricted. According to CDC, the
demonstrated effectiveness of primary seat belt laws created an opportunity for near-term success in
lowering motor vehicle-related deaths. She and her staff were very thorough and stayed in constant
communication. With all these statistics gathered, there are many reasons why motor vehicle injuries
have been one of the top public issues that Americans face every year. Introduction. 80% of crashes
and 65% of near crashes involved some sort of driver distraction. Make sure your teen knows what
can happen on the road while using their cellphone: accidents, injuries, death, traffic tickets, and
higher insurance premiums. Show them statistics of motor vehicle accidents and cell phone usage.
The Thesis Statement and Topic Sentences The thesis statement concisely expresses your main idea
to your thesis and is supported by the body of the essay. Give us your email address and we’ll send
this sample there. Bring your new driver along next time you have your car serviced. The essay will
contain evidence and opinions that support the Notice that the last two, 4 and 5, are not necessarily
incorrect or illegitimate thesis statements, but, rather, inappropriate for the descriptive essay chinese
new year of this course. However, a recent study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute
showed that drivers who are texting are twice as likely to crash, or almost crash, as those who are
focused on the road. Texting while driving has become an area of focus for law enforcement officers
and policymakers due to its prevalence among both teenagers and adults who engage in this activity
even while driving. In 2011, nearly a quarter of auto collisions somehow involved cell phones.
Grooming Reading, including maps Using a GPS Adjusting a radio, MP3 player, or CD player.
Anytime plans change or they are going to be more than five minutes late they should call or text you
with an update. This is why many people refer to drinking alcohol as a way to lower inhibitions.
According to the NHTSA, in the year 2018 alone, almost 3,000 lives were lost directly as a result of
distracted driving. This conduct is influenced by immaturity as they commonly participate in
recklessness such as speeding and tailgating. This is why raising driving age or stopping the
teenagers from driving is likely to cause numerous challenges to the lives of most youths. The
presentation will start in a few minutes at 1:00 PM Central. Last year alone, over one million people
were injured in alcohol-related traffic crashes. The most common, responsible for 15% of crashes,
involved interacting with one or more passengers. Fullscreen Sharing Deliver a distraction-free
reading experience with a simple link. There is support for some restrictions on elderly drivers based
on evidence that older drivers are more involved in traffic accidents than any age group except for
teenagers. Despite comprising less than 7% of drivers in America, teenagers account for 14% of
driving-related deaths (pg.1). This poses a significant risk to young individuals, especially those who
have recently obtained their driver’s license. Amr Abdalla, Ph.D. Research and Evaluation Director
Noel Goldberg, M.S. Program Manager. Prepared By. Proper education on the significance of going
to driving school is the only way to address the problem of having many accidents on the roads.
This paper presents both sides of the arguments regarding teenage driving. Weak muscles are likely
to become tired within short time when committed to serious work like driving. Give us your email
address and we’ll send this sample there. GIFs Highlight your latest work via email or social media
with custom GIFs. The article further asserts that even in states with programs intended to gradually
introduce young drivers to the road, many teenagers receive their licenses without sufficient
preparation (pg.4). They are allowed to start driving before obtaining adequate instruction and
practice. They also have poor cognitive ability that impairs them from rightfully recognizing
dangerous situations. Patty Robinson Smith suggests that parents start talking to kids about these
guidelines by at least age 13. Many parents make the mistake of believing that just because a child
receives a license, he is prepared to face any challenges that might appear on the road. Conversely,
they fail to indicate that a very high percentage of adults also cause accidents. In today's society, cell
phones are indispensable for communication due to their convenient features. There is a huge case
going on about drunk driving and field sobriety tests. It is not categorized as one of the classic
disease that goes around the country, but it is one of the biggest problems that Americans face each
year. These favorable influences play a role in promoting safe driving habits among teenagers.
Ultimately, it falls upon teenagers themselves to actively take measures in safeguarding their own
well-being as well as that of other motorists. Moreover, distraction for teenage drivers may result
from phone calls or messages sent on the phone. This is why cars are required for mobility in all
nations and discriminating against the age that should be allowed to drive is a thereat the youths.
Macbeth is a story with very universal themes, even to this day it presents themes that we can see
and recognize in our everyday lives. Every year, distracted driving claims thousands of lives across
the country. Nowadays, you might be looking for something constructive to fill the time. Don’t
answer your cell phone or look things up on the Internet when driving. Some contend that women
drive slowly and they are unlikely to cause accidents; however, many women when faced with
abrupt incidents that require urgent decision making succumb to pressure. How sho Read more
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online
yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. The pupil was on their way to school
trying to cross on a pedestrian way, all other cars stop at the time and this lady was on her phone
busy texting her boyfriend, sending him pictures and she forgets that she was driving, she didn’t
look, she ends up ran over the 3 pupils, hit a tree, damage another car and end up had a serious
broken leg. Having the knowledge of what happens and the domino results of doing a simple break
of traffic law can result in a big consequence that may change the driver’s life or the victim forever.
The last thing new teen drivers need is distractions from the road. This conduct is influenced by
immaturity as they commonly participate in recklessness such as speeding and tailgating. Parents
should also avoid calling or texting their child when you know they are en route somewhere. In
facts, statistics confirm that accident caused by teen drivers consist the greatest percentage of
accidents reported in America. TheDetroitBureau doesn’t stop with the press releases or confuse a
few lines of opinion with insightful, in-depth reporting. This allows them to avoid some cases of
getting involved in accidents.
Fullscreen Sharing Deliver a distraction-free reading experience with a simple link. However texting
is the distraction that has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. Teenagers who didn't wear
seatbelts, for instance, were over a fifth more likely to text while driving. They guided me through
the whole process after getting into a car accident. Though it’s virtually impossible to eradicate
distracted driving completely, we can take steps towards making it less of a problem. Now, the
distraction of cellphones, texting, and internet surfing has made the roads even more dangerous. I
don’t think I could have made it through the whole process without Jennifer and her team. There are
many great locations that make particular excellent driving tracks. The Checkpoints Program
encourages parents to create a safe driving agreement for each of their teen drivers. There is also the
Parents are the Key campaign where the parents, pediatricians and communities are offered
information and tools to promote safety driving for teens. As a matter of fact, did you know you are
three times more likely to crash while texting. CDC (2012) confirms that research conducted in 2011
to determine frequency and circumstance when teenagers fasten seat belts, 54% of the participants
reported to have fastened seat belts only when riding in a car with an adult. I have to do a Persuasive
speech on texting while driving and i really need some help. Consider using this time to teach your
teen to drive. Texting While Driving Outline. 539.140.721.1. What would be a good thesis statement
for this. Besides the deaths, about 282000 of teenagers suffered serious injuries from car crashes that
necessitated their admission in emergency departments. This means that teenagers need to respond to
almost everything happening in their environments. Migliano again states that,“Early adolescents
were more likely to engage in risky driving when friends were present. There is a huge case going on
about drunk driving and field sobriety tests. This can be disabled beforehand in case somebody is a
passenger or on some form of public transportation. Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect content
like flyers, magazines and more with Adobe InDesign. This is the most effective way of ensuring that
most teenage drivers become competent. Ms. Donaldson was professional, compassionate and very
thorough from beginning to end. Late adolescents were somewhat riskier in their driving when they
were with friends. This toolkit of activities empowers teens to engage with their parents and talk
about what resources or assistance they need to stay safe as new drivers. A thesis statement is a claim
that could be argued. By using primary enforcement seat belt laws that cover everyone in the car
have been one of the reasons of preventing this issue. Between the years of 1919 and 1937, 15 states
passed laws allowing 16-year-olds to obtain a license. Driving using glasses is also recommended,
but young people without eye problems are better placed in terms of good eyesight. This includes
reading, or writing, or using the Internet.
Distracted Driving. Virtually everyone owns a cell phone Some studies indicate that drivers using
their cell phones are 4 times more likely to be involved in an accident. Conversely, for teenagers to
process complex and numerous messages, they requires a lot of time. Fewer cars mean less
congestion, and that can mean a safer, less anxiety-ridden experience for your teen driver. Texting
While Driving Essays CREATE A ARGUMENTATIVE THESIS STATEMENT. The survey reveals
that a significant number of teens openly admit to texting or talking while operating a vehicle (pg.1).
Currently, many adolescents easily become distracted, especially when utilizing their mobile phones.
More Features Connections Canva Create professional content with Canva, including presentations,
catalogs, and more. They won’t take the time to process the dangers of a situations, and are more
likely to act on instinct unlike adults who normally will act on thoroughly thought-out actions. This
means that teenagers will continue processing the information even when driving, a practice that can
compromise their concentration on the road and expose them to accidents. Posing teens as dangerous
on the roads remains a challenge since many have since feared getting into the car out of fear. Why is
that? Teenagers do not make knowledgeable decisions because parts of their brain that are involved
in the process are not fully developed. They are impulsive, and lastly most teens aren’t able to
control their emotions as well as mature adults can. Macbeth is a story with very universal themes,
even to this day it presents themes that we can see and recognize in our everyday lives. Parents
should also avoid calling or texting their child when you know they are en route somewhere. FREE
CONSULTATION We are open and offer meetings via phone or Zoom. The experience of being a
new driver is usually good and many youths enjoy. Teenagers who didn't wear seatbelts, for instance,
were over a fifth more likely to text while driving. Motor vehicle injuries have been part of public
issues for decades and many things has been done to fix it. As much as many are against teenage
driving, some support teenage drivers. Amr Abdalla, Ph.D. Research and Evaluation Director Noel
Goldberg, M.S. Program Manager. Prepared By. Teenagers are still at a young age where it is harder
to control their emotions. There are many behaviors that can cause distracted driving, but some of the
most common are talking on the phone, eating or drinking, and fiddling with the radio. I’ll bet a very
high percentage of adult driver auto accidents are also from inattentive driving. Three main types of
distracted driving: - Visual: taking your eyes off of the road. - Manual: Taking your hands off of the
steering wheel. Prevent your child from being civilly or criminally liable for reckless or negligent
driving by talking to them about the seriousness of safe driving. Introduction. Motor vehicle crashes
are the leading cause of death for 16-20 year olds. Video Say more by seamlessly including video
within your publication. Road carnage statistics gathered in 2010 indicates that 2700 teens between
16 and 19 years died in road accidents where drivers were teenagers. While all this can be true,
driving at the age of 16 can be dangerous because teenagers aren’t able to properly make responsible
decisions, which can lead to them ending up in dangerous situations. There are three main types of
distraction: visual (where the diver takes their eyes off the road), manual (where the driver takes their
hands off the wheel), and cognitive (where the driver takes their mind off of driving. Between the
years of 1919 and 1937, 15 states passed laws allowing 16-year-olds to obtain a license.

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