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Prezentacja angielski

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So today I’m gonna talk about psychological manipulation techinques.

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So what exactly does manipulation mean? First of all, manipulation is a form of
emotional abuse that aims to exploit, control, or otherwise influence others to
one's advantage. It is used by psychopaths or narcissists, but can equally occur
in all kinds of relationships, such as friendships, romantic partnerships, or
relationships with family or even co-workers. Manipulators use manipulation to
get what they want from us at all costs. Manipulative people may use different
tactics to manipulate others for a variety of reasons. I want to raise this topic
because it is often very difficult for us to recognize when we are dealing with

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Now I want talk about what are some examples of maniupulation techniques.
Let’s bring up the gaslighting at first. Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic that
can be described in different variations of three words: 'That didn't happen,'
'You imagined it,' and 'Are you crazy?'". "Gaslighting works to distort and erode
your sense of reality-it’s all about making you question yourself, including your
memory, your trust in yourself, your sanity, what you’re feeling, and even your
own identity. This often shows up as the abuser calling you “crazy” or
manipulating situations to instill doubt in yourself. A manipulator does this so
you eventually automatically trust and do what they say without question,
giving them ultimate control.
Next is projection. You know when toxic people claim all the nastiness that
surrounds them is not their fault, but yours? That's called projection. We all do
it a little, but narcissists and psychopaths do it a lot. "Projection is a defense
mechanism used to displace responsibility of one's negative behavior and traits
by attributing them to someone else. The manipulator takes what they feel and
want and projects it onto the other person to avoid how that makes them feel or
The third technique is triangulation. It can take many forms, but often happens
when a third person is brought into your communication, instead of keeping the
issue between the two people it impacts. This encourages the victim to question
the manipulator less frequently, and to eventually stop questioning the
manipulator altogether. It can also be used to increase the victim’s feelings of
isolation, which increases their dependence on the manipulator.
The last one is love bombing. It’s a situation when someone bombards a person
with affection, intense emotions, and an excess of their time and energy. This
can include gift giving, making elaborate declarations of admiration, and
spending all of one’s time and energy on pleasing the victim. A manipulator
uses love bombing to quickly build intimacy and trust. It might feel great at
first, but it usually leaves you isolated and makes you lose sight of who you are.
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Now I will shortly describe what the 4 stages of manipulation looks like.
Starting from flattery, it’s the first stage when the person who manipulates
pretends to be kind, caring, and helpful. “They may act like they want to help
you with anything you need, but in reality, they’re just trying to get what they
want from you,”. The second stage is Isolation, when the person who
manipulates may start to isolate you from your friends and family. They might
try to convince you that your loved ones don’t understand you or want to
control you. The goal is usually to separate you from people who might spot the
manipulation. The third phase is devaluing and gaslighting. During that stage,
someone who manipulates may try to make you feel guilty or confused. “They
might start telling you that you’re ungrateful, or that you’re making them
unhappy,”. The purpose of this stage is to make you doubt yourself and your
decisions. The fourth and final stage is fear of violence. The person who
manipulates may begin to threaten you to leave you, hurt you, or hurt
themselves as a way of keeping you under their control with fear. “It can be
very difficult to break free from someone who is using threats as a form of
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Now that I’ve introduced you to what manipulation may look like, it's worth
mentioning how you can try to avoid it from others.
1.Know the signs. People who manipulate often exhibit similar types of
behaviors. Watch out for people who are overly friendly, make empty promises,
or try to make you feel guilty.
1. Be aware of your emotions. Evoking strong emotions is at the core of
most manipulation methods. “People who use manipulation often play on
your emotions, but remember that you can’t let them control how you
Listen&Stay calm. It can be important to stay in control of yourself and
not lose your cool when dealing with people who manipulate. Also
try listening with empathy so that you can identify what their needs or
wants are.
Respect your boundaries. After listening to the other person and feeling
that you are being manipulated, it’s important to hold healthy limits
and boundaries in check. “If you respond respectfully, yet assertively, and
[don’t] give in to the manipulation, over time, they will generally see you
as someone their tactics don’t work on and will move on,”

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Let’s move on to why people manipulate others. There are a few more reasons
except being a psychopath or narcissist why people maniuplate others. For
example to people who manipulate might be driven by a need for control or
controlling tendencies, which may feel thrilling for them.
Also manipulation can be a way for a person to avoid feeling bad about
themselves. People manipulate largely due to lack of self-confidence or self-
esteem.” “They may not feel that they have the ability to get what they want on
their own merits.
Another reason can be their big ego which is common among narcissistic
people because someone who manipulates “may believe that they are the
brightest and most capable person around, and might use manipulation to feed
their ego that they can outsmart others and gain from their efforts.
People use others to obtain something they want, such as money, power or
attention. Manipulation also might offer a way to avoid taking responsibility
for their own actions.
The end
If you have been the target of manipulation, it can feel confusing and hurtful.
Try to understand that a manipulative person’s behavior is not a reflection of
you, and you don’t have to accept negative treatment and manipulation.
Manipulation can sometimes be subtle enough to go unrecognized. But more
often than not, manipulative people use similar behaviors that can be spotted.
Knowing what to look for and responding can help you avoid such situations in
the future.

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