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Se Oa The Nigerian Civil Servants Exchange Program to Korea (NCSEP-K) oe Presented by @ fee ANOUK M eo LEASE @ PAPEETE Program Facilitator EPBWN Consultants International, a reputable organization dedicated to fostering professional development and collaboration, is facilitating this groundbreaking initiative. _ EPBWN Consultants International will play a pivotal role in resourcing Nigerian Civil Servants for participation. Our consultants will also coordinate the thorough process required to execute the program seamlessly. What is the NCSEP-K? The Nigerian Civil Servants Exchange Program to Korea is a transformative initiative designed to facilitate a two-way exchange of knowledge, skills, and experiences between Nigerian Civil Servants and their counterparts in Korea. This program aims to enhance the capacity and expertise of Nigerian Civil Servants by providing them with opportunities to learn from the best practices and experiences of the Korean Civil Service. The objectives of the program are: =. To promote cross-cultural understanding and collaboration between 4: EB Nigerian and Korean Civil Servants. To enhance the professional development and capacity building of Nigerian Civil Servants. the benefit of Nigerian State Governments. To expose Nigerian Civil Servants to best practices and innovative approaches in public administration and governance. = To facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills gained in Korea for Q Se What are the Focus Areas? The Nigerian Civil Servants Exchange Program to Korea encompasses a diverse array of focus areas, meticulously curated to enrich the professional experiences of participants and address critical sectors of governance: tet Education Arts, Media, & Culture Finance eS 3 020 2» vo Waste Management S @ Public Administration Infrastructure Development Elec-tech+newtech Solar System Agro/Food/Meat-Tech Technology How is the Program Designed? Duration: The program will have a duration of 3 to 6 months to ensure participants have sufficient time to immerse themselves in Korean governance practices. Training and Workshops: The program will consist of intensive ‘raining sessions and workshops conducted in Korean institutions and government offices to provide hands-on learning experiences. Cultural Immersion: Cultural immersion activities will be integrated to enhance cross-cultural communication and understanding. Language Training: Basic Korean language courses will be provided to enable effective communication during the program. Networking Opportunities: Networking events and forums will be organized to enable participants to connect with Korean professionals and officials for potential partnerships. Project Implementation: Real projects will be assigned to participants, allowing them to work in collaboration with Korean authorities to gain practical experience in policy implementation. Reporting: Regular progress reports will be submitted by participants to their state governments. Evaluation and Certification: A robust assessment and evaluation system will measure the impact of the program, with participants receiving certificates upon successful completion. Post-Program Integration: A plan for participants to apply their newfound knowledge and skills within their home state governments will be established. What are your Commitments? We understand that transparency is essential when considering participation in the Nigerian Civil Servants Exchange Program to Korea. To provide clarity on program costs, we have outlined both free and fee-based aspects of the program: Program Tuition: Participants. will have access to specialized training sessions and workshops at no cost. Accommodation: Comfortable accommodation will be provided throughout the duration of the program. Meals: Delicious and nutritious meals will be provided to participants during their stay in Korea. Transportation within Korea: Participants will have access to transportation for program-related activities within Korea. + Processing Fee : Participants will be required to pay a processing fee of N950,000 (per person) to NCSEP- Korea as we will be coordinating the program, processing your visas, providing cultural immersion and tourism activities, as well as mentorship and networking events. Other Costs: Participants are responsible for arranging and covering the costs of their return tickets to and from South Korea, health insurance, and ensuring they have adequate funds for their monthly allowance during their stay in Korea. Do you meet the Program Criteria? To ensure that participants are well-suited for this enriching experience, we have established comprehensive criteria for selection. +o Age: Applicants must be between the ages of 24 and 45 REFERENCE] ——@ Character: Character reference Affidavit of good character or police reference Personality assessment Legal: Sign a legal bond agreeing to return after the completion of the program, with financial and legal consequences in the event of failure to return La Education: Bachelor's degree Skills & Professional Development: Proficiency in oral and written English Excellent communication skills Career goals alignment - a short written personal statement (500 words max.) Medical: * General medical exam, including TB test at a designated hospital * Mental health assessment a dA Work Experience: * Minimum of two years post NYSC experience iy Finanei Three months poyslips Employment letter Two Guarantor letters (One must be Level 14 or above in the Civil Service. Must agree to cover any financial & legal expenses related to abscondment) ¥ Other: Demonstrate strong ties to Nigeria and a desire to return (includes having family dependents, owning a business, property, investment, or demonstrating active involvement in the community and social ties) What is the Application Process? Step 01 - FILL OUT THE REGISTRATION FORM Visit and fill out the registration form. You will receive further instructions via email regarding the next steps. Step 02 - ATTEND AN INFORMATION SESSION = Attend information sessions which will take place on ’ February 18th and 19th. One session will be virtual, and the other will be held in Lagos. Step 03 - SUBMIT A COMPLETE APPLICATION 1 PACKAGE During the information session, you will receive guidance on the application process and a list of wé& required documents to include with your application. Step 04 - ATTEND INTERVIEW Candidates whose applications are shortlisted will be invited to participate in interviews once all application packages have been received. Step 05- GET SELECTED After a successful interview, you will be chosen as an official participant of the program and will commence the visa processing stage. Why South Korea? * Performance-oriented culture: Korea boasts a highly competent and results- oriented civil service, consistently ranked among the best in the world by OECD. Their focus on meritocratic recruitment, performance evaluation, and continuous improvement can inspire similar reforms in Nigeria. * Citizen-centrie service delivery: Korean public services prioritize citizen satisfaction and convenience, evident in their user-friendly online platforms, streamlined processes, and strong feedback mechanisms. This can guide Nigeria towards more responsive and accountable governance. * Strategic Willingness to Invest in Africa: South Korea has expressed a clear and strategic willingness to invest in Africa. This commitment is evident through initiatives like the Korea-Africa Economic Cooperation Forum, which seeks to enhance economic collaboration between Korea and African countries. South Korea's willingness to invest in Africa aligns with the objectives of the exchange program, fostering collaboration and mutual growth. * Economic and Trade Opportunities: South Korea's economic success has positioned it as a key player in international trade. Engaging Nigerian Civil Servants in an exchange program in South Korea opens avenues for exploring potential economic and trade opportunities. The program can serve as a bridge for fostering mutually beneficial business relationships and partnerships. Tourism Day Trips in South Korea As part of the immersive experience offered by the Nigerian Civil Servants Exchange Program to Korea, you will have the opportunity to choose three out of the following six exciting tourism day trips during your stay in South Korea: Nami Island: Explore the picturesque landscapes of Nami Island, known for its stunning natural beauty and scenic walking paths. Gwangmyeoung Cave: Embark on an adventure through Gwangmyeoung Cave, a natural limestone cave complex featuring fascinating rock formations and underground rivers. N-Seoul Tower & Bukchon Hanok Village: Experience the modern and traditional sides of Seoul with a visit to N-Seoul Tower, offering panoramic views of the city, followed by a stroll through Bukchon Hanok Village, known for its well-preserved traditional Korean houses. Lotte World: Enjoy a day of fun and entertainment at Lotte World, one of the largest indoor amusement parks in the world, featuring thrilling rides, live shows, and shopping National Museum of Korea: Immerse yourself in Korean history and culture at the National Museum of Korea, home to an extensive collection of artifacts and exhibits spanning thousands of years. Changyeokgung Palace: Step back in time with a visit to Changyeokgung Palace, one of the Five Grand Palaces built during the Joseon Dynasty, showcasing exquisite architecture and landscaped gardens. Cultural Activities in South Korea In addition to exploring the vibrant tourist attractions, you will have the unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich culture and traditions of South Korea through three engaging cultural activities during your stay: Kimchi Cooking Class: Delve into the heart of Korean cuisine with a hands-on Kimchi Cooking Class. Learn the art of preparing this iconic Korean dish, made with fermented vegetables and spices, and gain insight into its cultural significance in Korean society. Korean Alphabet ‘onsonane \LceoeAOKASE MY kp de sl moo 93 ch & & ©! Korean Lessons: Enhance your cultural experience and language skills with Korean Lessons. Led by new ok “ “ee ba experienced instructors, these interactive lessons will } f } 4 2 + ap — | introduce participants to the fundamentals of the oer” ace” natn pit me Korean language, allowing them to communicate } Na do a) a] ya >] — more effectively and engage with locals during their in Outdoor Market Visits: Immerse yourself in the bustling atmosphere of South Korea's vibrant outdoor markets. From traditional street food stalls to artisan crafts and local delicacies, these market visits offer participants the opportunity to experience the vibrant culture and daily life of South Korea up close. How would this Program Benefit you? Participating in the Nigerian Civil Servants Exchange Program to Korea offers you a myriad of benefits. Firstly, it provides an unparalleled opportunity to enhance your expertise and professional skills through exposure to global best practices in various focus areas. Secondly, the program facilitates cross-cultural exchange and networking, fostering personal and professional growth. Additionally, you gain valuable insights into innovative solutions and technologies, empowering you to address local challenges more effectively upon your return. Finally, the program elevates your career prospects and contributes to your overall personal development journey. Are you ready to seize this unparalleled opportunity for personal and professional growth? Apply now and become a part of the Nigerian Civil Servants Exchange Program to Korea! nesepk EDN { www) QU +234 916 335 8312 +234 703 434 8927

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