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Emmanuel Gemu

C-/ National Polytechnic Institute

P.O Box 4366
Morobe Province

03rd February 2024

Hon. Sam Basil Jnr

Member for Bulolo
Bulolo District Office
Morobe Province

Dear Hon. Sam Basil Jr


I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you as a concerned student
from Buala Village in the Lae district, where you used to temporarily reside. I would like to express my
sincere gratitude for your efforts in serving our district and advocating for our rights. Your commitment
to the betterment of our district has been truly inspiring.

I am writing to humbly request your assistance with upfront tuition fees for this academic year. As you
may be aware, education plays a crucial role in the development of individuals and communities.
Unfortunately, many students from our community face financial constraints that hinder their access to
quality education. The burden of upfront tuition fees often becomes a significant barrier for deserving
students to pursue their dreams and achieve their full potential.

Considering your deep connection to our community and your understanding of the challenges we face, I
kindly request your support in alleviating this financial burden. Your assistance with upfront tuition fees
would enable us to continue our education without interruption and provide us with a fair chance to
succeed academically.

I would like to emphasize that investing in education has far-reaching benefits for the entire community.
By empowering students with the necessary resources, we can cultivate a skilled and educated
workforce that will contribute to the growth and prosperity of our region. Your contribution would not
only impact individual lives but also have a positive ripple effect on the future of our community.

I understand that you receive numerous requests for assistance, and your time and resources are
limited. However, I sincerely hope that you will consider our plea and extend your support to the
students of Buala Village. Your generosity will make a significant difference in our lives and inspire us to
strive for excellence.
Please find attached is our transcripts and acceptance letter from various institutions that we will attend
this year.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, Honorable Sam Basil Jnr. Your dedication to public service
gives us hope and motivates us to work harder towards a brighter future. I look forward to your positive
response and the opportunity to meet with you.

Yours sincerely,

Emmanuel GEMU Getty-Ray SOMO

Phone: 82217320 Phone: 82368403

 Upfront payment for each student according their school fee break up schedule
No Name Institution Course Tuition Fee Upfront Fee
1 Getty-Ray SOMO ITI DHCM K11,300.00 K2000.00
2 Bomai GEMU ITI DMGT K9,400.00 K1,500.00
3 Joel KUPO ITI DMGT K9,400.00 K1,500.00
4 Natasha BORRECK ITI DACC K9,100.00 K1,400.00
5 Ben GAMBI NPIPNG (Polytech) MFM K4,200.00 K2,200.00
6 Emmanuel GEMU NPIPNG (Polytech) Mechanical Engineering K8,400.00 K3,500.00
TOTAL K12,200.00

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