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इंटरनेट मानक

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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS/IEC 60793-1-52 (2001): Optical fibres, Part 1:

Measurement methods and test procedures , Section 52 Change
temperature [LITD 11: Fibre Optics, Fibers, Cables, and

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
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“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
ISIIEC 60793-1-52 : 2001

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Indian Standard
Section 52 Change of Temperature

ICS 33 180 10

© BI S 2009
NEW DELHI 110002

July 2009 Price Group 2

Fibre Optics, Fibres, Cables and Devices Sectional Committee, L1TD 11


This Indian Standard (Part 1/Sec 52) which is identical with IEC 60793-1-52 : 2001 'Optical fibres -
Part 1-52: Measurement methods and test procedures - Change of temperature' issued by the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation
of the Fibre Optics, Fibres, Cables and Devices Sectional Committee and approval of the Electronics and
Information Technology Division Council.

The text of IEC Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard without
deviations Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards. Attention is
particularly drawn to the following:

a) Wherever the words 'International Standard' appear referring to this standard, they should be read as
'Indian Standard'.

b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker, while in Indian Standards, the current practice is to
use a point (.) as the decimal marker.

In this adopted standard, reference appears to the following International Standard for which Indian Standard
also exists. The corresponding Indian Standard which is to be substituted in its place is listed below along
with Its degree of equivalence for the edition Indicated:

tnternetionet Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivalence

IEC 60068-2-14 : 1984 Environment IS 9001 (Part 3) : 1978 Guidance for Technically Equivalent
testing - Part 2: Tests - Test N: environmental testing: Part 3 Change
Change of temperature of temperature

The technical cornrmttee responsible for preparation of this standard has reviewed the provisions of the
touowmq International Standards and has decided that they are acceptable for use in conjunction with this

tntemetionet Standard Title

IEC 60793-1-32: 2001 Optical fibres - Part 1-32: Measurement methods and test procedures -
Coating strippability

IEC 60793-1-40: 2001 Optical fibres - Part 1-40: Measurement methods and test procedures -

IEC 60793-2' 1998 Optical fibres - Part 2: Product specification

Only the English language text In the International Standard has been retained while adopting it in this Indian
Standard. and as such the page numbers are not the same as In the IEC Standard. .

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated. expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 . 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)' . The number of significant places retained in
the rounded off value should be the same ,as that of the specified value in this standard.
ISIIEC 60793-1-52: 2001

Indian Standard

Section 52 Change of Temperature

1 Scope

This part of IEC 60793 provides a practical method for evaluating fibre performance In a
defined environment

The purpose of this standard is to define a test that determines the suitabihty of optical fibres
(types A 1a to A 1d and 81 to 84) to withstand the environmental condition of changes In
temperature which may occur In actual use. storage and/or transport. The test is primarily
intended to permit the observation of effects of change of temperature over a given period
This procedure is conducted In accordance with IEC 60068-2-14, test Nb

NOTE The applicability of this test to other fibre types is under study

2 Normative references

The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference In this text.
constitute provisions of this part of IEC 60793 For dated references, subsequent amendments
to. or revisions of. any of these publications do not apply However, parties to agreements
based on this part of IEC 60793 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below For undated references, the
latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of IEC and ISO maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards

IE C 60068-2-14: 1984, Environmentet testing - Part 2: Tests - Test N. Change of temperature

IEC 60793-1-32' Optical fibres - Part 1-32. Measurement methods and test procedures -
Goating strippebitity

lEG 60793-1-40: Ooticet fibres - Part 1-40: Measurement methods and test procedures -

IEC 60793-2,1998: Optical fibres - Part 2 Product specifications

3 Apparatus

3.1 Chamber
n The apparatus consists of an environmental chamber In accordance with lEG 60068-2-14,
test Nb. The chamber shall be capable of housing the specimen and of allowing measurement
!: during conditioning It shall also be capable of maintaining the specified temperatures within
;; the specified tolerances. Forced air circulation may be used to maintain homogeneous
o conditions The chamber and accessories shall be constructed and arranged In such a manner
as to avoid condensation dripping on the specimen
Isnec 60793-1-52: 2001

3.2 Other apparatus

Additional apparatus may be necessary to perform the examinations and measurements (or as
specified in the detail specification) .

4 Sampling and specimens

To ensure the required repeatability on optical measurements . the length of the specimen shall
be at least 1 000 m for fibre types A1a to A1d. and at least 2 000 m for fibre types B1 to B4 .
The amount of the specimen outs ide of the test chamber shall be minimised . and if it exceeds
10 % of the overall specimen length . th is should be reported .

The preparation of the specimen shall have no detrimental effect on the fibre whilst under test
cond itions . Unless otherwise spec ified . the fibre sample should be loosely coiled and dusted
with a material such as talcum powder . to allow the coils to move freely against each other.
The specimen may be coiled horizontally or vertically . with a min imum bend diameter of
150 mm to avoid any macro -bending effects . If the spec imen is to be sprinkled with talc . then a
piece of un -powde red fibre from the spec imen shou ld be exposed to the test environment. This
piec e of fib re sha ll be o f s uff ic ie n t length to enable any physical examina tions to be performed
before an d aft er the tes t

A co n tro l len gt h o f th e spe c im e n s ha ll be removed prior to th e test to enable the co mple tion o f
req u .reo m e c hanica l mea su remen ts for co m pa riso n to mea surements made a fte r the tes t Th is
co n tro l len g th sho uld no t be spri nkl e d With talc .

5 Procedure

T he s pec im e n IS pl a ced In a c ham be r and s u bj ec ted to changes in temperature for a sp e c ifie d

d ura tio n . a s spe c i fied 111 the d eta il spe c itrc a tro n Conduct th e pro ced ur e In a cco rda nce With
IEC 60068-2 -1 4. te st N b . With the fo ll owmg c o nditio n s

Descript ion IEC 60068·2 ·14 nomenclature Nominal values

p f ~ ~ c o n d i til,) fll QS1 Pr e -c o n d mo ru n q 2 h at 23 C : 50 % RH

r-.. 11n lfll u rn ten\ ~l t:~' ratlJ r e T. -6 0 C (s e e n o t e 1 )

""axl m u m te rn n e r a tu r e /8 +8 5 C ( s e e n ol e 2 \

M H1If11 l H1 1 1 "' e ll t ime at e ;} c ~) te m p e ra t u re t- 2 h

~' a " ln l u n l spe e d .11 ..... tll ch to \~ h a n g e lh e Ram p rar e 1 C r rru n

t e m p e r atu r e

N um b e r a t co m p le t e c y c l e s r eu u .r ec N umbe r a t cycl e s 2

N OT E 1 In s o rn e rp ~J lon ~ -.10 C m a y b e acce p raot e

N O TE :.> I n 'SO ITh ) r tl <], :) n s · ;0 C m ay be ac ce p ta bl e

IS/lEe 60793-1 -52: 2001

5.1 Measurements

5.1.1 Optical measurements

Attenuation measurement shall be carried out at the wavelength specified in the relevant
specification using IEC 60793-1 -40 . before . during (once the specimen has stabilised at the
specified temperature and relative humidity) and after the test. Attenuation changes shall be
recorded .

NOTE If th e cut -ba ck m ethod (IEC 60 793- 1-4 0 . Metho d A ) IS us ed . take c are to tra ck th e len gt h( s) c ui over the
se ries of measurements . If the inserti on lo ss meth od ( Method B ) I S used . the sta bi li ty of the connections over time
sho u ld be verified . If Method C is used . ca re sho uld be take n to ensure the results agaonst measurement drrft
Spectral modelling (Method OJ, IS not appli cab le

5.1.2 Mechanical measurements - Strippability

The fibre coating strip force shall be measured before and after the test , using the method
described in IEC 60793-1 -32 . The control specimen (see clause 4 ) is used to evaluate the
change in strippabil ity.

5.2 Conditioning

Stabilise the chamber and the speci men to standard atmospheric conditions pnor to the
reference mea sure ments be in g taken .

Adjust the chamber temperature and humidit y to th e spe cified sevent y The ma ximum rate of
change of tempera tur e shall be 1 cC/m in . aver aged over a m a xim um peno o o f 5 min Allow the
specimen to reac h tem pera ture stab il it y and main ta in the tem perature and h um id ity for the
duration specified .

At the completion o f the test. all ow the speci m en to rem ain in the cham ber whil e the
temperature is reduced to standard at m ospheri c con dit io ns . T he m ax im um rate of change of
temperature shall be 1 "C/m in . a veraged o ver a ma ximum perio d o f 5 min The detail spec ifi-
cation may call for measurements dunng conditioning If so required. the detail spe cification
shall specify the measurement s to be take n and wh en to ta ke them Do n ot rem ove the
specimen(s) from the chamber whi ls t these meas urements ar e be ing ma de.

5.3 Recovery

Unless otherwise required by the relev ant specifica tion . th e speci m en shall rem ain under
standard atmospheric condition for recovery for a period greater tha n 1 h but not more than
24 h . The detail specification may call for measureme nts dunng recovery. If so recurred . th e
detail specification shall specify the measurements to be taken and wh en to take them

6 Pass/fail criteria

The strip force and attenuat ion changes shall fulfil the requ irements a s sta ted in the rele vant
specification (e .g . IEC 60793 -2 ).

IS/lEe 60793-1-52: 2001

7 Results

7.1 Information to be provided with each test

Date and title of test

Identification of specimen
length of specimen
Nominal wavelength(s) at which the test was performed
Attenuation change
Coating strip force

7.2 Information to be provided upon request

Description of all key equipment

Temperature cycle details

8 Specification information

The detail specification shall specify the following information

values of TA and T« used:

failure and acceptance criteria:
information to be reported.
any deviations to the procedure that apply


Bureau of Indian Standards
SIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act , 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the act ivit ies of standard ization, marking and qu ality cer ti fication of
goods and attending to connected matters in the country.

SIS has the copyright of all its publ icat ions . No part of th e the se publi cati ons may be rep roduc ed in
any form without the prior permission in writ ing of BIS. This does not pre cl ude the fre e use, in the
course of implementing the standard , of necessary det ails , such as symbols and sizes, typ e or grade
designations . Enqu iries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Pub lications), BIS .

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basi s of co mme nts . Standards are
also reviewed per iodically; a standard alongwith ame ndments is reaffi rmed wh en such review ind icates
that no changes are needed : if the rev iew indicates tha t changes are needed , it is tak en up for revision.
Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in posses sion of the latest amendments or
edition by referring to the latest issue of 'BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards : Monthly Additions '.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: L1TD 11 (2015) .

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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