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Royal University of Phnom Penh LS202

Ins�tute of Foreign Language KNR

Department of English Name: Cheam Norakpanha (A2.6)

Instruc�ons: For the characters listed below, iden�fy their fear and/or desire, along with the ac�ons and

1. Mrs. Mann (the baby farm manager)

- Desire/Fear: Mrs. Mann worries about money all the �me. She is aware that she will become
homeless if she does not have enough money to maintain herself.
- Ac�on(s): This fear drives her to take in orphaned children and charge the parish for their care.
- Results: The children are neglected and abused.
2. The workhouse master (when Oliver asked for more food)
- Desire/Fear: When Oliver asks for more food, the workhouse master is shocked and anger.
- Ac�on(s): Oliver has received harsh treatment.
- Results: The workhouse master sent a clear message to the other children in the workhouse:
do not challenge authority, or you will be punished like Oliver.
3. Noah Claypole
- Desire/Fear: Noah’s fear is of being poor and Noah’s desire is to be accepted by the upper
- Ac�on(s): He bullies Oliver, who is also poor, in order to make himself feel beter. He also
betrays Oliver to Fagin, hoping that Fagin will help him achieve his goals.
- Results: Noah’s ac�ons lead him to suffer from his downfall.
4. Mr. Sowerberry (how he treated Oliver)
- Desire/Fear: Mr. Sowerberry’s fear is of being seen as a failure. He
- Ac�on(s): He bera�ng Oliver, hi�ng him and making him feel worthless.
- Results: Oliver becomes depressed, and eventually runs away from home.
5. Fagin
- Desire/Fear: Fagin is scared of being caught and sent to prison because he is a criminal who
only cares about ge�ng rich so he can take advantage of the young pickpockets in his gang.
He pays them litle and o�en takes their earnings for himself. He is very greedy.
- Ac�on(s): He is always looking for ways to make money, and he is willing to do whatever it
takes to achieve his goal. He was also very careful not to get caught by the police.
- Results: He is caught and sent to prison by hanging.
6. Mr. Brownlow
- Desire/Fear: Mr. Brownlow’s desire is to help Oliver a�er he witnesses Oliver’s mistreatment.
- Ac�on(s): He learns about Oliver’s difficult circumstances
- Results: He decides to take Oliver under his wing and provide him with a beter life.
7. Nancy
- Desire/Fear: Sikes drives Nancy to betray him and help Oliver escape. She knows that Sikes
has a plan to kill Oliver.
- Ac�on(s): She helps Oliver escape and saves his life.
- Results: Nancy saved Oliver’s life, but she didn’t manage to save her own. She is murdered by
Sikes a�er he realizes that Nancy has betrayed him.
8. Monks
- Desire/Fear: Monks wants Oliver's iden�ty to remain unknown so that Monks himself can
claim his father’s full inheritance.
Royal University of Phnom Penh LS202
Ins�tute of Foreign Language KNR
Department of English Name: Cheam Norakpanha (A2.6)

- Ac�on(s): He tries to prevent Oliver from inheri�ng his father's fortune, and he even tries to
have Oliver killed.
- Results: Monks's plans are unsuccessful. He moves to America, wastes his money, gets back
into crime, and ends up in jail. He dies in prison.
9. Rose and Harry
- Desire/Fear: Rose’s fear is that she will be judged for her past because she was raised a�er her
parents died, and she was never told about her true iden�ty. Harry’s desire is to marry Rose.
He is deeply in love with her, but he is also aware of the social disgrace that would be atached
to their marriage. Rose is an orphan, and Harry is a wealthy young man.
- Ac�on(s): Rose is careful to keep her past a secret, and she hesitates to marry Harry for fear
of what people will think, but Harry doesn’t care. Harry knows that their marriage would be
frowned by the society, but he is willing to risk it all for the sake of his love for Rose.
- Results: Rose manages to get over her fear of being judged, marry Harry, and live a happy life.
Harry is able to follow his heart and marry the woman he loves, even though it goes against
the wishes of society.

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