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zz Soares Seederven | mi Toe | and You BY LAUREN GUNDERSON ‘or Serah Wool, Jonathan Oakley ‘and Thomas Hak CHARACTERS ANTHONY? & boy, 17. He ie nea, ised, ‘mature for his age. Afticen-Amnerican. lesan A student, a eam player, «nice guy: He's not really great round gies, He ‘takes his homework very seriously, When 1a likes something jazz mosi) hei all. ‘in. Throughout the whole play he looks at Caroling like e's trying to gure ber oot. Like he really needs to know who she is, ‘CAROLINE: gis, 7. Whie. She iin comfy clothing, she doesnot expect company, she is sick but mainly just looks a liale weak and frumpy. She doesa' go out. Sheiseynical, overt doesnot eta stray “feeling” near the surface. ‘Note ~The rae of each character cam be sleered. The only essential i thatthe ‘characters not be the same rae, SETTING Now. Tn your city. (limegine Atlanta, GA) 1a Caroline's room. A gins room but not sly Low of tech. ‘This isthe room ofa person witha serious illness, but she tries to limie the look of sickness. There is ne TV or hospital bed. ‘There isa small eray or table with her meds and a medical alarm. NoTES ‘Walk Whitman's 1855 fre edition of “Song of Myself? Leeveof Gras, isin ‘quotes throughout the script to denote direct quoraton. ‘And our very fst ‘ball be a great oom.” Wal: Whitman, Lave of Grasr OnE orate rome git mb, ofl ta at gy ig many plowed bela, ‘pecker: Pep mu Mars trea he rm. ‘non bs ja hn pCaaline bt ‘rma the dry the blisBe bee? CAROLINE (Yelling over the mach ‘WhoaWhoeWhoo, wha he hell ANTHONY (Over tbe mags “I and this yey CAMOLINE (Over tbe mai: WHAT DO YOUWANT? ANTHONY (Orth mash “Hore we snd” CAROLINE (One the mai sane WHO ARE YOU? WHAT IS THIS? waar ANTHONY (Over tbe mais simultane): Wait! Sony! 'm srs! (She slams off theses Careline is efenive, Anthony cling) “ANTHONY: Tm sony. i ‘CAROLINE: What. Is going: On. ‘ANTHONY: Ok So, "Tand thi mystery. Here westnd.” (CAROLINE: Here we std Tn my ros, Why? ANTHONY: Uh—No—See. Ie Whicnan. ‘CAROLINE: Who' Whicman? ANTHONY: The quote from Walt Whitman. From Lees of Gras. CAROLINE: Leaves of what? Why ae eying ‘that in my room? Who are you? ANTHONY. Tm Anthony—sorry—Hello, Pn ‘Anthony. ‘CAROLINE: Who Anthony? (Calling MOM, (CBbim) Who's Ancbony? ANTHONY: Anthony from schoo, Jems, ‘CAROLINE: Why ae you bere? Are yo like 3 ‘bad guy or ike delivery guy o ike—what Ieind of guy are you? ANTHONY. just a guy thathas our project. she opened-—for me—because 'm Anthony fom school, And che gave me cookies, and she std you were in your room, and she sid {should just come wp. ‘CAROLINE: ust come wp Just come right up? (@ Mem) THIS 18 NOT YOUR ROOM, MOM. (Ti Antony) And those are not yout cookies. ANTHONY: Ok, look. I'm sory if thsi wend, bt she pointed uprsice—T came upstairs bbeoause she pointed, and we have work to oso ‘CAROLINE: To thi tick? Te this joke? “ANTHONY: No. What? No. Pim here 40 we can work. CAROLINE: WHAT WORK? I DON'T ‘WORK. ANTHONY: We heve that project we'ce supposed ro do—the American li project— for America it. (CAROLINE: Miss Branson seat you? “ANTHONY: Yes, Miss Branson, she ad she ‘emailed you. ‘CAROLINE: Who check email anymore? ANTHONY: ObMyGod. CAROLINE: There are like forty cooler ways ‘o communicate. ANTHONY: Not for Mis Branson. ‘CAROLINE: Lal pty, Twas expecting you, youwere not expected and I don anders ‘or approve ofthis invasion, so you'r going to eps this to me before stony: Whae “Anton: T dont dink you're going to pune me. AROLINE: Ihave pureed before. ANTHONY: niece your de ‘CAROLINE 2 bern Sal but sip Uber achand IANTVONY: Aha? CAROLINE: They ie Your heel svTHONT: OF Gres Se ace hee for homenork—ich dw} ent od eder ‘tT hae to and 40 do you and here my shiny poner board wich tou prove (nc) that this no joe, nd (or) how mach ‘eed your bl. ‘CAROLINE: Why would The you? In what planet in what universe would T help with 2 schoo! projeccwhen In 0, nt, cool ‘ightnow. Like all. ANTHONY: now dha, but— ‘CAROLINE: "Cause Pim kinds sick. Like ‘reryone Imows I'm sick and everyone is ffeaked oat shout it and no one comes here and brings—what is tha? (ni bog) ANTHONY: Wale es ‘CAROLINE: And brings wale ies and bad asters to my house—ao whyare you bringing Poems and fies and posters vo me, in my room, in my house—why are you doing anything in ry room, a hows right now, ‘GoylDon Koo What Tete hhave mentioned. And Ihave ou asignment for American i, which she was roppozed to ‘mail yousbout And didnt hear back from ‘herarfrom ya, sally ike an dog, just ‘sume ove pron, which peopel do. So lest, pleas, can you calm dows, pitch in, orate sign the posters ike we worked together. {CAROLINE ot signing that pies of erp. ANTHONY: Then Pint leaving. ‘CAROLINE: Thea I'm having some of your fi. =) ANTHONY: Accepted. ‘CAROLINE: Well: cepted. Back. Crue) {EAROLINE: Also why did you sty that weird “mystery” thing when you cane a? ANTHONY: Making an enrince, dost knom, {irs are supposed o like pooms. {EAROLINE: Likely poems, du. PS that posters tragic did you pas preschool? PPS 'm not doing your projec. “ANTHONY: You dou have to do anything exceplikenotkick me outright away. Can ‘we ay hat ‘CAROLINE: mean. We can try. Gimme fy (ef er the oie. Sb ees bis. He makes pin of eyeing ber bck. She offers bi a coke ‘They cot Heats ber) ‘CAROLINE: What ‘anton: Nothing. CAROLINE: You're looking at me. [ANTHONY: There 20 one ese to look at ‘CAROLINE: Wl dntthoverin the comer ike ‘rele, youcaneomein, Comein. Stestors termateberef ok more presente) ‘eames nit aaysaimese—ovhatever. Don'tlookarme. (Gb leks tthe pad rue on br bed.) ANTHONY: Ok: Nice ture. ‘CAROLINE: Don't bring tarde into this, ‘ANTHONY: ComeOn, would you give me = ‘hance here. Why do you assume that you dontlike me? CAROLINE: Why do you asume you're 20 able? “ANTHONY: Wows, you are impssible. ‘CAROLINE: Tue ‘antHony: Why? ‘caRouine: What? [ANTHONY 72yare you impossible? (CAROLINE: tines shit fe aloetore fan. (Pease, Tha was meant 1 sar bi cy. He ae fin. ede’ lak ey. He oks righ at ber) auenyeusri¢ AMERICANTHEATRE arvon Ys Ok, {CAROLINE “OL? Thay ie super shity? ‘ThankSotfach Avtnowr: Thats what Lene est Teeth tsiks im josnying ha not seared oft Youre wpet, yo pas. get ‘Paying ha get CAROLINE ely dou shat you get And Timnot*opeet” Pins ‘anTwoNe ust seyng thc T understand ‘wy yoo pat people CAROLINE: Thank for that, but you dont derstand me, and “pus people” ed you sould go. Avon nso, come on—po—L was tring wo sey that Tove where you're coming {fom end fn, Be impose Be anything ou want [dont ere, [jn dot want get Zn jet becae I eoudaconvine you that ‘Wale Wha i anaing, which Heal of many aren on CAROLINE: Ube ANTHONY: Doa' hate the poem, ie a god poem, «great poem, Areal long od ret poem. ‘CAROLINE: You're making worse. “ANTHONY: Please just go with me on this. ‘You dont have wo be nice to me, butbe nice to Wale Whisnan. ‘CaROLINE: Wait Oh god. Obbihh god. Did tny mother et his up? Did she do this? She ‘would totally do chis—make up some stupid ‘hing ro make re feel dood. Thavea lie, jesnca yma carol (Carne) and Devin MeArthur (Anthony la and You at Marla Theatre Company In Ml Yay, Call ok Tee Alt fANTHOW promis I jest want an Aon this projet ‘CAROLINE: Then your poster! ‘anton: Tat waging wo be your jb! CAROLINE: Oh yeah, wel fis ee ‘keane fel ined, ling Ber mech) ‘Boner vering. fvtuony: WhosWhosWhos, dachshund ‘There isn scheme. There is guy with 1 Sock Iam tha guy and this isha ose ed dere ran ea nd you shoul check it Sd mae find vme sper clea information tod naybo—fut nybothowgh seems yO! ‘eal he the high takes perpectve—ayt0 de-Geakyourelfou. ‘CAROLINE:T don’ caf hee an ea if there isan eat gonna be about a book dont want wo red and the onl good thing ‘ou ible hat on bv wo rend anything Ldon' wan. dation: Well To, and Ihave shoo! in the morning, and Te ory you're sick, 0 Tmaony you'r imposible butyoucan take our amen regan pot in on YouTube Tecan don scaly hare ie fr his— OiNyGxdGitr taf Coxe) AROLNE: Gir re prety afl awe) EAROLINE: Abo you'r in my roms 50 we ‘Boule ends Fecbook. Check it. ‘axon When inthe Sve minotes hat = .......... hhave been ere have you had ime to fiend sme oa facebook? CAROLINE: T haven't friended yo WorgotYourNameAleady. ANTHONY: Anthony “CAROLINE: Anttory. You have to friend me. ‘Fiend me Friend me Friend ne. “ANTHONY: [il fiend youaben I notin he ram ring desperately 0 be rend wit ou. (Caraine maybe smiles t Bim A friend me™ ail. lou, shor bey in therm) ‘CAROLINE: Uph-are you Kidding me? ‘ANTHONY: Whats that? ‘CAROLINE: Fire thing. ANTHONY: Smoke detector? ‘CAROLINE: All day. My dal oat nd may mom does'snow where any ofthe rs things you ‘eed to change the batteries re, ANTHONY: Do you want me to help? Or [ANTHONY Sure Bue might have to ay. fora mina. AROLINE! You can sy. God hat beping of my sine. Soy. Ys ANTHONY: Great, And fx Hk hill the time at my houses 8 aa big dea My ded real smart and everyihing He pofemer smart he achat univer 0 Ie lnows nuthin dat lp change abeaery CAROLINE: Well you're «handy trader, areatcha, ANTHONY: 1 no that compel wo fs. ‘CAROLINE: Ts housewor ikea ued cout whae Wookie. ANTHONY: Do you have anne ot? (CAROLINE: Ub ANTHONY: Ie bey? ‘CAROLINE: How many As does it ned? [ANTHONY No. These are the bory ones. Nine wok. ‘CAROLINE: Yah I don't know these chings. Fijosteex my mom. eter be) {CAROLINE (Bt lr ou re rnin ey ‘ie (1 Anthony Yo se what da wih? My dy hates me, my hous hates me and Bere you come with bmewer. (Germeveth boy fom be amide) ANTHONY: Tandy, eo sd” CAROLINE: Ok-—really? Do we need keep saying tha? Ls werd ice inno ‘ANTHONY Ie noe weed ke ‘CAROLINE: Wi? ANTHONY: Ido. ‘CAROLINE: What does ie even mean? AanTwow js like tT dont know what it ike— means Iban American csi. CAROLINE: Tdon' gti. Avon Fh whatal asc aesbowt. Ics shout death, CAROLE: Yeh, thar what eed more of Antony: Or if. ‘CAROLINE: Ohmnypod. ANTHONY: Or alla mystery. ‘CAROLINE: Tics why hate poetry. Tay ak youwhatyorthinki’ about and then they/te like, “Wrong i thes other foarten things ‘hat are nat vious” ANTHONY: You donot hate poetry. ‘CAROLINE: realy da. ANTHONY: How’ do you hate poetry? ‘CAROLINE: With vere. ANTHONY: Fl his «poy projet. About poy. And hs poem scaly endamenrally ‘awesome if you 9p hating on tf ma rece sugbI cant belewe I signed up for this— ‘CAROLINE: Ht, What does “sgn up" mean? ANTHOWY: What does whet? T never know what you're talking aboot CAROLINE: You si: “I signed up for thi.” Justa seond ago. ‘ANTHONY:No I didn’. ‘CAROLINE: Yes you d—what is “thio”? I “his? me? id you signup forme? ANTHONY: Stop making me sound creepy ‘when Pin not ‘CAROLINE: Then tell me what you signed ‘up for. Is this Key Cub, extra credit, what? ANTHONY: ek not Key Clb. (CAROLINE: Then wat you sgn wp fir?! ANTHONY: jar sted fe cad be are. 1 ‘vohtecrd. asked. Whatever. Pause) ‘CAROLINE: You seked. ANTHONY: Ye. ‘CAROLINE: For me. ‘ANTHOWY: Wal that makes itsoand weird. ‘CAROLINE: kinda werd. ANTHONY: Noe not. ‘CAROLINE: Why did you sek? “ANTHONY: don know ‘CAROLINE: Buick not extra credie? ANTHONY: No. ‘CAROLINE: Chay for sicko? “ANTHONY: No. ‘CAROLINE: THEN WHY. ANTHONY: I DON'T KNOW I JUST WANTED TO...You're this mystery at school, and I chought you'd gec it, and T ns..corows. .abostyou. Pass) ‘CAROLINE: So we're dating? ‘ANTHONY IWHLAT? NO. ‘CAROLINE KiddingGross, ANTHONY: ObMyGod. ‘CAROLINE: Totaly kidding. ANTHONY: Je ‘CAROLINE: That what you getforhomewoek bombing a ick gic. Now. What do you mean “Lwoold get"? Twould gee shi? ANTHONY: Uh. Well Yah, [ju though yo fe pple wo tay get tis salt Yoo ‘ere fon beim secret weapon bt yous really icing aa. AROUNE Fis, you mca ckngwenpons. Second why would I *geti°? Why Me OF ‘All People? ANTHONY: Bec Al he hit you've been through? The poomis abt. how te dy is ‘ez Dee prin and death and ron sf cher al ie and tho yor d—T dock know appreciate t. CAROLINE: Yak you obrionly don know, ‘You thoughe hae sme wisdom? Pmyout tei iy of hope? Screw you. ANTHONY: No-thatsnotothougt youd undead wit he yen when ‘wis “Your very lb grest poe CAROLINE: dot watt akbar eso bodies ray off ok ‘Why the hell woud OFA Pre wan 0 tall aboot dae doat—and Ti nor oor Sick Kid Porter Child and Walt Whitman can bee me. (mer, ling bis pase) {EAMOLINE: Aad yes do realize that Iam {ier your Poster Chil ANTHONY: Tm sry did't mean i that ve js thoogh. ‘Ok ha if you 8 tthe nce oon? Ti you'd zed ic you'd ee that i wld and weed and rly mene. ‘Which im stating o gets your hing jut. lemme read his one hing CAROLINE: No. ‘THON: One thing. ‘CAROLINE: No, Tiss opi. Realdont— (ew be ges fr treads frm the bs, efor fr beac eb Wt Whitman bimsef—taling tober, talking bout ber ANTHONY: “The stil beok soe by ond emp of ny ob ad ry ring Toe «ited, Team unre, 1 and my barr oop wer te mf fe oid? (aase. Sb kd het. Wen edt it.) CAROLINE: Ok, Wal, ‘What iss “barbaric yewp"? ANTHONY: Ie, Uh. Like your biggest, Toudest..yawp. I don't know, but it apparently on aroot Cray right? ‘CAROLINE: Lemme se that. (Ge band: ber a bard cpy of Leaves of Grass. ‘She laksa hat page. ‘Shelter (Geng tober compte.) ‘CAROLINE: Ok I'm noe saying that Tm doing she projec, Tm us saying. ‘What dol google? ANTHONY: Or—you kow—read AmenicanrveaTRe sueavoustis (Ste grow at this “veadig”) ‘ANTHONY T don't know how ichappened! barely read my own handwriting and I'm ANTHONY. Just glance ait, jst skim, ‘wat bany and then ews dus. searing wo think Pan more tha ie color {CAROLINE Reaconhy bring mits Bin): Do CAROLINE: Then yucan doitby yourdamn- blind. Plate. You don' have todo anything yyouvante Cole orsomething? While read? self Iam not—n0—ok—you cam go—just_ ele Just the poster: Please. ithe mie ofthe [ANTHONY Uh Yeah. Tht be great. (CAROLINE: Cool. teremy mom. (Ges out ‘er phe) Project. "ANTHONY: can rundown and gett. weird to bargein. “ANTHONY: ObMyGod realy? ‘CAROLINE: Nono, ike dive ahr. ‘CAROLINE: Is welder now! ‘CAROLINE: This in me helping, his age. ANTHONY: Ok. ‘ANTHONY. Thnow— ANTHONY: Whatever. Uhated art clas. It ‘CAROLINE: Its an efficient eetem, And my CAROLINE: T'n not doing this for you. ‘always made me feel ikea moron. I'm ike smom says god hates shouting. [ANTHONY: Ofcourse noe—and Tm sorry and art-deficint. PSdonttouch my tle. Hebeaily stared, Ivedone most ofitaleadyifyou wannajust CAROLINE: Yeah that's super clear. Is ANTHONY: You ae the strangest peron in nie mine, and you don't have wo wor: And construction paper too advanced? How do the world. Trnsoryseriouly ean ios do the rest you fel aboot ger? ‘CAROLINE: Certainly North America ny own and take the blame. ANTHONY: Philosophical? I'm agnostic ANTHONY: So, Um. The projec? Which I CAROLINE: YES YOU WILL. ‘on gine. Inow you're not doing, but 1 thought you (Pau, Teron. I sb going bck im ont? CAROLINE (Finds hi fr: Shut up. (Be sight wat consider ssyouread.isabout Under) ery) Glierisamacng. Lakin tbe pronouns. ANTHONY: Tn really sory, pete) Ok jos. are ‘CAROLINE: Ub. (Powe be gonna go) ANTHONY: AmesomeGreat ThankYou. ANTHONY (Getting ext « corn melt ANTHONYE Tim sorry. ‘CAROLINE jst can’ aide. responsible reading the assignment: Yeah. "A critical Gears to go—be stp bm with) crating. foals of Whitman’ use ofthe pronouns CAROLINE: WATT: (Ske tars tw verk. Anthony warts br Pew) ‘T and “Vou'in ‘Song of Mysl€™ Teold Mss B Leouldkep up. AndT' gonna ANTHONY! So. You've been out of choot for | ‘CAROLINE: Pronouns. ep up. So why dont you take your damn «whl, bak? ANTHONY: Hk very ig on pronouns. __sllyfood vo the corner, nd— ‘CAROLINE: Uh. Yeah. Bot I'm sill gonna CAROLINE: How can you be “big” on [due tmarrep? Come on. srsdoate and everything. pronouns. Theyre pronoans. ANTHONY: L Am. Sor. ANTHONY: That reat. Good for you, That ‘ANTHONY: Wel— CAROLINE: Yes You. Are. realy great ‘CAROLINE: Isthere lot of confusion about (Ske ks at bin. He ks at er: Thy ae CAROLINE Yeth—doh, Ok Rales amber one ‘wha hese ching accomplish? omncing, ‘hough four hundred don'be nice come. [ANTHONY: Nol chinke—at len this is what Her lakthar ware glare reo. interes. ANTHONY: What? the pojectisabout—ithabourwhatbe mems A shift perp) ‘CAROLINE: You were sarting tbe ic ike when he mye I" or "yu" or Swe? The CAROLINE: Wait ‘sing tha “aye go!” vice andT'm eng ‘meanings shift daring the poem. And think OhWaitDon'’Move. yoo tight now that Tam not delicate and sree opposed to rackit (Careline walks wp 10 im, taking a pcre everyone thinks delicate and emakes me ‘CAROLINE: Track i ‘ith er plone of ome peperclip or mmctbing, wanna break les ANTHONY: Yeah. seer bis erm) ANTHONY: Ok, Don't be nice to you. And {CAROLINE Se? T hate poetry. ANTHONY: What are you doing? ‘ont toach your ture. And dontlok you. ANTHONY: Noon wait— ‘CAROLINE: Capearing—hold on. ‘CAROLINE: Well no wl I'm eting yeah, EAROLINE: I mean nobody else gets to ANTHONY: Captaing what? amy fae loos weet. “change gramar"— ‘CAROLINE: Desritas—Hadn. ANTHONY I'm just xpi. Keep it all ANTHONY: Wie (She tates the pices) sarigh. (CAROLINE: “4 ™ ANTHONY: What was hat oot? ‘CAROLINE: When everybody is 0 nice, nice ANTHONY: Ok Yesitb kinda crazy burdon't’ CAROLINE: The smal af. Minutne. Its ix. fike ‘worry about the grammar, jos focus on the what Tdo. Fare. ike it Gear) ‘rit of the poem. The point i unity, and (She sus inthe piceare on he phone. ‘ANTHONY hear that. do. beau and— 1: might appear o ber deckwp campers» People are weir, right? Like somerimes my CAROLINE: Okokokit® the bse poem inthe audiecs am se. dad jr Inoghs when he says bi wo people. world Just. Gimames week and Plead it. He scully thinks it ree nest.) Het like: “Hello, Bill Hahaha!” Why does ANTHONY: Oh So. Yeah L.can'tdo that. ANTHONY? You did chat jst now? he do tha? I not fanny. I fel fake Like ‘CAROLINE: What does chat mesa. (CAROLINE: Yeah,’ ninja with that mess. you were sying. Nice canbe fake ANTHONY Teant. ve yooa week ANTHONY: Wore Realy. (Pace, She whip ou er camer phone agai.) ‘CAROLINE: Tet ifyou ty real hardyoucan. CAROLINE: The light was cool: [eb exsy. CAROLINE: Boo. ANTHONY: No, Because ith due...Imean.. Whatever ‘ANTHONY: What? ‘Tomorrow. ANTHONY: Yeah Iwouldbaveneverseen hat, (She snaps a picsure of bim making on ‘CAROLINE: I de morro? “Tha ike. god. seflatringwat?-face with ber cll phone) ANTHONY: Sorry. ‘CAROLINE: Wl then Thave gift Andalot_ CAROLINE: Photo Tackle! ‘CAROLINE: What che hell? oftime to waste. ANTHONY: Hey. ANTHONY: Sorry! Ljust—Ldon'timow. ANTHONY: Can you do that wo the postr? CAROLINE: That was beamiful (acer arsbe CAROLINE: Tes die tomorrow-—are you Make ilook like that? I mean creative like proceeds to tara it) inane! that. [tied to make fclook good burn ANTHONY: You're not—whoa-~ Are you sueaveusri« auenicanriexrne 7 —— posing that? antHowy: Ok. Actually Pm onthe cusp o jas go with the ‘CAROLINE: Of coure-aluely Lam, ‘CAROLINE: Are you afd of dying? ‘better horoscope. (To br) What else? ANTHONY: Withouts vee opcion? Comecn! ANTHONY: don't now, ‘CAROLINE: Ub. now litle Spanish. ‘CAROLINE: You were beng nce. Something CAROLINE: That surprises ne, ANTHONY: Excelente. My dd made me tke Ind tbe done, ANTHONY: Why? Latin. Keep going. ANTHONY: You are making me hate che CAROLINE: You seem like the ype. ‘CAROLINE: I. kinds realy like old Elvis lnuernet ‘ANTHONY: What docs chat mean? orice ‘CAROLINE: Fly away lite piesre! ‘CAROLINE: Cocky. ANTHONY: Are you ike 802 "ANTHONY: Noooo. Twas arecing with you, ANTHONY: Hey. ‘CAROLINE: Shut pI Vintage: Have you seen come on. ‘CAROLINE: And a boy. that man in miform? Toe winner (er phone ion sploding the pcre.) ANTHONY: What th hell? “ANTHONY: He died on atailet ‘CAROLINE: Pos, incemet. Haste! ‘CAROLINE: Boys areal tough bot..they get CAROLINE: Jealous. ANTHONY: Sec, even the intemet doesn't scared wo. They don't admit it but they ate ANTHONY: Tim relly not. ‘want thas pitur. ‘0 scared. Like they toally bail when shit CAROLINE: Oko. I vsed to swim. And one ‘CAROLINE: Whatis wrong with this thing? gees weir, time I died my hai purple. And T was nto swear to god if lose wii? Pd rather lose ANTHONY: Idon' bal And Tm notscard. American Ge dol forall oe minutes, And my nose. (nue) penguin are hilrions. And there is for ‘ANTHONY: World you pt down the phone? ANTHONY: Except of fh. ‘fice cream beter thea Chunky Monkey Jast pat it down. Cas you pat ic down? CAROLINE: What? ‘none—period—donotcrosamecnthis, You're obsessed and you're what’ wrong ANTHONY: Their eyes, ANTHONY: And, (Lake at ber pictres on the ‘with Ameria. ‘CAROLINE: Fick? ‘eal fo cat in exten) You have, or eal, ‘CAROLINE: Uim hello, This is my lifeline ANTHONY: We don't have wotlk ahoutit, _sipey cat who hus lot of at, tothe, ‘CAROLINE: And will uy veryhard otto we CAROLINE: She likes to accesorize. ‘ANTHONY Ii? Is italy? ‘hac aguinst you ater. ANTHONY: Whats her name? ‘CAROLINE: Yeahltls, T don’ see anyone And. Don' pty me. ‘CAROLINE: Bier. anymore. Tewhat Pm ashing ANTHONY: Isyour cath name? | ANTHONY: Excepeforrghtnow: Thetimein Paw.) ‘CAROLINE: Does she lok amased? ‘which Tam bere, seeing you. ANTHONY can pity you Tdon'even really ANTHOMY: You ares strange. And then you | (Gina pense. Sb bear bins. Maye putz dren know you. So. Tike Eis. the phat.) Cawe,) ‘CAROLINE: Whoa. Hel sl the king. Ji! CAROLINE Well The aly pope that get CAROLINE: So. This my 00m, thisis my Hour Rk? Come om that pec abou phone are gra. ke phone, Trebeensidpesy much eve since ANTHONY (Teg) Nonoall his wakes {your Antony a of, Gnd I vasbor. Tints Yow. youver cl ANTHONY (Peking 3p Woman bok Tn ne dchny son mors) : fesswying. The thing about pperisthatit CAROLINE: They tried ston of aff and” ANTHOWY: roel aways works Ipromise fyouread now we've a the pint where Ia neoda CAROLINE Junior Cadbady ok? hate i 2 hierarchy. it yout love i. new thing. So wat. But Pm a prety good [CAROLINE Reading te cer: Yeah. Lever candidate becanse I'm young and Tcame by ANTHONY: Ok: 'm jus saying You're not... Grae. Sounds ebilarntig. thisenp honesty (tb genetiompay) Anyway you're not ony your. thing. ANTHONY. I know. But ok. Ar Gist it like “Tnersaresrobastorgan”soikbnotassexchy CAROLINE: Ny what? ‘everything else they assign—lie “oh my god as it canbe, but the whole proces is kinds ANTHONY (Ne ute sr fh the right word ‘why i this so important and old” bat then crazy, so my life is kinda crazy, so 'm kinds for “eae I duno, what do you ell f+ ‘watlke*oh damn that prexycooL”Imean ran. Likel've always been finds sick butt your..thingting, your» ith a dong poem bur—ole—be talks about you-can'-go-t-schoo sick, which sucks ke (Anthony des “yur ler” gerurethat makes ‘humanity and America and Natore, because so mach, Tmean im a smi: Uhave crucial ne seme. He paints so where be thinks the liver hm wing ig th hl Wa dt, stings doa then ofthe Ny le aly a we te like bales fying by your face, 20 there ¢ ike thiserappy clinic and my mom right mgl) | loc about death and ife— Soanaensieoarocrinaees ‘CAROLINE: My terrible dance? ‘CAROLINE: And gris. weird now. Brea the erp people poston my ANTHONY: Your sick thing-—I don't know— | -Avetwonr Yeah ci ikespiriral—ike the facebook is weird—Hke its suddenly fll of youlnew what Iwas ying. j ‘mayhewrtesis it fous offthe poge—Imean tans and winky fces and: "We miss you, CAROLINE: Yes id Iheblegitrany kearumblingcrzyhomeless gil and thats NOT my syle ‘And you shoold learn some atom. eyibucin this gentlind ofwap—andk—if So. Te higher, you're ever afraid of ying or anything? Read ANTHONY: So. (Pers se ses bi sbeebs ie i. {hisandiell makz you fel prey rest about CAROLINE: You wanted to know. Peeps there isthe alle uch fro ber it cause Waltslie:“Hey Death Youwanna ANTHONY: did. Powe. Pee ‘beajek? Fine. Butyoucantstop thisbarbaric CAROLINE: Now you know. "Tiss mat the ight sgue bat egos for x) yap bby” (Paw, ‘ANTHONY: Ok My ded and I were watching Or whatever. ANTHONY: Yeah. T still don't know really the Discovery Chanel. And they suid Bex) ‘anything bot you, ‘that when you take # Kidney and put into ‘CAROLINE: Why woald be afraid of dying? (Coraline aes, Wel de, ex rind) somebody? They ice ifr, right Then when. ANTHONY: [didn't meanthatyou were. CAROLINE: Pima Virgo. theyre ready? They dap it ‘CAROLINE: Because I'm fine witht ANTHONY (Referring i» bimslp: Tiurus. CAROLINE: Uhh, ” Auenicavrpearne suumaucusT SS ET ‘vtnowrs They slap the kidaey 20 chat it ‘rakes up" before they punyu. Which ‘is completely insane to me CAROLIME: Slap? ‘ANTHONY: Yeah. Like— (Hemmer lapping (idey ith a aeund afes) Tmean—wha— came ‘CAROLINE: Crany. You do know tac ines tnd lvesare diferent things? ANTHONY: Yes, bat, ok. Do they slap cererything? Do they lp brains? CAROLINE: They dont transplant brains. ‘ANTHONY. Bur ike hears? Or your hing? ‘CAROLINE: sell ty not to think of 00 ‘uch, "moe [kinda thinkabootitall he ine td it sil weinde me out, 50. “ANTHONY: But i prey cool that they an tren do that Tat kinda sicople- Tike ies ‘body part ike x Lego. ‘CAROLINE: Asesome. ‘ANTHONY: And ik werd sha is s0 normal when chet sais hii CAROLINE (4 le sbat up}: THANKS SO MUCH. (Came) ‘EaROLINE: Whereis that Coke. We ordered jel a month ago. ANTHONY T can just go get. CAROLINE: Thisishow we doitin thishoose, Tes fine. (Pause, Carling pus on a roe. Anche ca' bel bt ach er.) ‘ANTHONY: ab—ke your room. ‘Thadseus Fitpatick Anthony) and Rachael Tice Caroline) in and You atthe One ‘caROLINE: Thanks. ANTHONY, [es nots gil as some... ‘CAROLINE: And if needed a slogan chad beit ANTHONY: No, I mean. ‘The pictures and staf Ivey. ‘CAROLINE: Yeh, don eit [ANTHONY Then ih.expresionse ‘CAROLINE:So live in on ig weir collage. ‘ANTHONY: Note great. My room looks ike 2 Oyea old lefeand never came back forkis eal Pa talking ie cock wallpaper. CAROLINE: Eesh. I mean. Ifyou wait long enough fl be ironic. ‘ANTHONY: Ok go wich me on this. I dont {enow bot..youand Wale are kind ales. ‘CAROLINE: Ub, superdoube that. ‘ANTHONY: No ike with your room and—ok obs wre ne books whol life. One. He jus kept adding tot Youknow. ‘CAROLINE: Whatare we talking about? Why didache use write new books? ‘ANTHONY: They were new. And od. See he ‘would release « new version with al this new poll becanse he'd added and adjnged and tepe building on what he bad. Even on his deathbed he wa. amending. ‘CAROLINE: Ugh. hat that word ANTHONY: Amending? ‘CAROLINE: Deatbbed—belo, fl knew that was my dete Tbe ike can have another bed? Pau. 1 Theatre Cate in Oey, Marland Annoy terest page Lesves of Gras) ‘ANTHONY: “AU gues moerd and enroard, nothing eller ond ns tiferet from wht ey ne ped, nd ackier” {EAROLINE: Lier? ANTHONY: Ye I dunno about that be Iss newiden Caw) CAROLINE: I heard or read somewhere ‘Sonehing.. that in some eves yoo xn fel itconing- ‘ANTHONY What {CAROUNE: Tike. Dying. furor: Ob. Uh CAROLINE: And sometimes you obviosly Cant. Like i «pen ig upee. Lite « tw. lie ice er) Ab! ‘Anyway For me? Ist hee theses 1 blion ways to de-In bere thereon one ‘cero And Thgow exactly how the fir oe ‘works The other oner—I dunno, zambie Tock or something. Novel woredaboot (Pee, Anthony points te smoke detector) ANTHONY? Or fie. That’ be away 0 go. ‘CAROLINE: Ye, ire woold do it. Thanks. [ANTHONY You aiked your mom for bares righ? CAROLINE: Ob shat what eking 90

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